RTD is an evil genius cos he spent 45 minutes insulting gen z, then said "racism bad". At which point gen z had to say they liked it
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My cat's always saying "meow". It's his cat-phrase
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Dot and Bubble gave me motion sickness. I had to close my eyes whenever the bubble was on screen because of the constant spinning. It's weird cos Guitar Hero never made me feel like that. Maybe it's horizontal vs vertical motion
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People who use 'girlie' as a noun: Calling adult women 'girls' is all well and good, but if only there were a way to make it even more infantilising...
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My ★★★ review of Doctor Who: Robot on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/6AiiGR
So this is the fourth Doctor I've heard so much about! Not like the boring one I've seen in later stories - he's mad, funny, smart, and he loves putting his feet up for some reason. I like all the ways he thinks of evading the robot before the second cliffhanger.
The girlboss villian was interesting. She's wickedly reserved except for that one bit at the mensa party when she acts like the robot's hype man. I half expected her to do a mic drop. The idea of condescending clever-cloggses trying to take over the world is pretty funny, and I like how they contrast with the Doctor's more whimsical application of intelligence.
The robot looks shit but in a charming way. Nothing was going to stop the production team from making that King Kong-style finale, not even the fact it looked awful. That's very punk and I respect it.
All in all, silly but entertaining, and the best Tom Baker performance I've seen so far. I only wish he spent more time with Sarah Jane - I never got the sense that they developed any chemistry in this serial
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Met a guy at the pub the other night who was complaining about benefit claimants. Managed to convince him that that's peanuts compared to the corporations who rip off the state by tax avoidance.
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My ★★★★½ review of Doctor Who: The Curse of Peladon on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/6yMk7L
Why've I never heard of this one? It's a banger!
Obviously Centauri is the highlight. They walked so that Beep The Meep could run. Toeing the line between cute and annoying, prompting dumb conversations about pronouns. And they sound so much like Martin Prince. The Ice Warriors are great too, intimidating but ultimately good guys.
This is exactly what Doctor Who should be: political messaging and Shakespearean melodrama, delivered in the stupidest way possible, with a fleshed out supporting cast of weird and wonderful aliens, fight scenes, a monster who looks like Alph, guards in miniskirts and a shrivelled wet head in a fishbowl.
I like how most of the 'monsters' and enemies end up on the Doctor's side by the end. I like Pelodon's arc from a cowardly boy to a merciful king. I like how much agency Jo has, really getting stuck into the subterfuge and convincingly impersonating a princess. It's a far cry from her first series when she sometimes felt more like a mascot. She and Three seem to have really settled into dynamic duo.
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[during The Curse Of Peladon] Jo: Don't execute the Doctor, release him! King Peladon: I know, but what can I do as an individual?! Jo: You're the king, just give the order! Peladon: I wish I could make a difference but I'm just one man! Jo: [growls in frustration] Peladon: I agree, but how! [from The Simpsons]
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My ★★★★ review of Where the Wild Things Are on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/6wDJXr
I thought there might finally be a film with Paul Dano where he didn't get beaten up but I forgot about the dirt clod fight.
I remember liking this when it came out but finding it a bit frustrating. A dumb 17 year old, I think I expected it to have some kind of Fight Club-style manifesto on life. Now I realise it’s more open-ended, a snapshot of how it felt to be a kid. You play, you roughhouse, and someone always gets hurt eventually, but as you mature you learn to move beyond petty recriminations.
The seamless blending of CGI with practical effects is wonderful. It'd make a great double bill 'Marcel The Shell With Shoes On' as they both present fantastical imagery in a naturalistic way. And Karen O nailed the score. I love how the songs' yelping vocals often blend with the diegetic shouts and howls of the characters.
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Forget Barbenheimer, my primo double bill for this weekend is 'Matilditary'.
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I actually went to primary school with Sophie Ablett, who played Marti in 73 Yards. My mum doesn't like her cos she says she cheated at the egg and spoon race on sports day. I don't remember whether or not this is true
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Doctor Who is so weird and inconsistent like it'll have 7 back to back episodes of total shit and then randomly throw in a masterpiece
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Ruby: Have you seen the Doctor? He's about so tall, wears a jacket, no visible tattoos... Ruby: *internal monologue* Just say he's black! Ruby: *out loud* YOU say he's black! [from The Simpsons]
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At first I thought "not one of the bendy ones, they're too hard" so why did I go for the one that's all bend?
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Mundy: You need to shoot me... or [picks up a fork] fork me?! Ruby: I'm not going to fork you Mundy, it's too weird Mundy: You've got to fork something... fork my leg! Mundy: Fork it to smithereens! [from Peep Show]
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Larry Nightingale's a fuckin dumbarse who doesn't know how apostrophes work
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We played the Doctor Who - Blink drinking game today. It was humbling to learn I didn't know how to spell 'squeaky'
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