gymncpdie · 1 month
I’m currently enrolled in German Language classes. Any tips?
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gymncpdie · 2 months
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Studying is hard work, but it's all worth it when you finally get the grades you deserve.
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gymncpdie · 2 months
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The calm feeling of wandering through an old and empty bookshop ♡
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gymncpdie · 2 months
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Found the cutest little tea house today. I worked on a term paper and studied some French while sipping just the nicest tea.
Exiting the house after 3 days of the Easter long weekend has proved to be an excellent idea. 10/10 will do again.
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gymncpdie · 2 months
13.04.24 // saturday
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hey guys its been a while since ive posted on here so i thought id share some life updates
♡ i got into college! im studying architecture and im almost done w 2/10 semesters (since it's a 5y course here)
♡ i stay in a hostel 6h away from home and ive adjusted quite decently except for the food sometimes
♡ two (ish) weeks ago i git teally homesick and went home for 2 days just to eat biriyani and i have zero regrets
♡ i don't really have a fixed study space anymore because my work is mostly drawing/drafting and there's not really enough space in my room to work because all my sheets are a2 sized. so i do all my work in the common study hall at my hostel
♡ so now i decorate the space above my bed with posters/ movie scenes printed out
idk what else to say, life goes on. the climate here is much hotter than back home so I've been bathing myself in sunscreen before college every morning. ive been obsessed with too sweet by andrew and the entire found heaven album and obviously im going insane about ttpd next week (??!!?)
the past year ive gotten really into cooking pasta (if even a single person tells me to post it, I will spam <3), i got a djungelskog for my birthday in march and i have literally never loved a stuffed toy more than this and i miss my salt lamp so so much
i can't think of anything else but send me asks if you wanna chat!!
love, ree
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gymncpdie · 2 months
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march '24 favs:
• those who leave and those who stay & the story of the lost child ; elena ferrante — the final two books in the neapolitan novels, a tetrology recording the lives of two girls in naples from childhood to old age. gutting, beautiful, layered, and complex. this series is a masterpiece, elena ferrante is everything to me <3 (please read it!!)
• sirens and muses by antonia angress — following an array of characters at an art university as they navigate life, work, academia, relationships, and being an artist in a capitalist world where everything is commodified. the depth of characters paired with the nuanced discussions of art, class, and politics left me so pleasantly surprised. (it's also extremely gay and perfect for all you tumblr users with mummy/daddy issues)
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gymncpdie · 2 months
inspired by boop day, reblog this post if its ok for people to send you random asks and interact on your posts with no judgement. i want to talk to people.
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gymncpdie · 2 months
Can someone please send me the text post talking about how we read slower when we’re older because we’re actually processing and digesting the books better than we used to as teens?? I’ve been looking for it for the past 2 days and I’m about ready to give up
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gymncpdie · 2 months
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I wasn’t kidding abt the ”unlawful amount of gummy bears”. Also throwback to when those tulips were still alive bc rip
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gymncpdie · 2 months
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I love my new room <3
Would anyone here be interested in building a website/blog on Sustainable Finance/Women in Finance? Pls send me a message!!
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gymncpdie · 2 months
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hello! i’m not new to studyblr + langblr, i’ve had a blog previously but i deleted it a few months ago to start fresh. this is my dark academia studyblr & langblr!
about me — 
you can call me c! she/her. i'm 19, & i’m studying undergrad as a stem student (computer science), and an aspiring classics major in uni (second undergrad & masters). i’m an intj 5w4 & i love making new friends, so feel free to reach out <3
i’m tracking #tarttwannabe so please tag me in posts!
why i started this blog —
to hold myself accountable and be more productive
to interact with a likeminded community as i work towards my goals
to keep myself motivated & to share my love of academia with the world
to meet new, wonderful people
because i miss the golden age of studyblr + need a way to force myself to make my life more beautiful
what content to expect —
study notes, journal spreads etc
masterposts and resources, study tips
aesthetics. a lot of aesthetics.
since i study both computer science (officially) and classics (unofficially), expect to see both!
my study aesthetic — chaotic/dark academia
currently studying — computer science at the undergrad level. learning french, and russian. i play the violin and the piano as well. i am also self-studying A levels for my second undergrad, in the subjects ancient history, classical civilisation, and latin.* 
i'm also a writer. my classics/writeblr blog is @iliadesque (although i suspect i won't be using it all that much)
things i like — the classics, the goldfinch, autumn, dark academia, gone girl,  thunderstorms, tarot, tennis, waif aesthetics, museums, earl grey, pilates, ballet, black coffee, reading, learning, and apples. i am a romantic at heart. i am also an olfactory enthusiast & have a modest but growing perfume collection.
my inspirations — @frenchiepal @studywithavalon @learnelle @lottiestudying @berlinsct @romanticize-until-you-drop @starrystvdy @caffeinatedstudies @alexistudies @woodlandhalls @studywithvictory @oneardentstudybuddy @shlrleystudies (hope none of you mind i tagged you <3)
*i'm studying (untested, mostly for personal satisfaction) gcses as well, in the subjects eng lit, ancient history, classical civilisation, and latin.
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gymncpdie · 2 months
I just realized that my approach with booklr is different from bookstagram because I feel like I always have to say something of substance or something groundbreaking on the latter. But with booklr it’s just vibes
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gymncpdie · 2 months
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Whatever is learned with satisfaction and enjoyment stays with you forever.
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gymncpdie · 2 months
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Like a magpie, delights in collecting shiny talismans
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gymncpdie · 2 months
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03.30.24. Hope everyone's having a lovely Easter/long weekend! I've been watching a lot of baking videos recently and it's made me miss doing things with my hands. So much of what I do on a daily basis involves a device of some kind, even my hobbies - please tell me I'm not the only one who considers blogging a hobby?
On the subject of blogging, I've been having such an itch for improving my Substack, which I'm sure a few dedicated hours in a weekend can cure. I have a vision of what I want my entries to look like, but fighting my perfectionism and inability to ignore the tiniest of flaws can be such a painful (and lengthy) process.
♫ Too Sweet by Hozier 🎙Briefing In Podcast
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gymncpdie · 3 months
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Holed up in a coffee shop with yeon-studies for a few hours (despite the weather) to whittle down seven annotated articles, two work write ups, a lecture video, spss stats output, stats chapter and group notes, my email inbox, & a melty mocha. Perhaps ‘twas the promise of bao that kept me focused.
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gymncpdie · 3 months
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03.17.24. Finding balance is proving to be more difficult than ever. Some days I wonder if what I need is to establish more work-life balance, or if I'm actually burned out and just need to somehow recover from it. Thinking about how many more times I can hear "wasted potential" before I start believing it. It's funny because I know it's only a 2-minute passing thought to people, but I sit with it for weeks and months on end.
By the way, I'm hosting a podcast! It's a project that my team and I have been working really hard on, so I'm pretty proud and wanted to share it here too, in case anyone's interested. A new episode's coming out this week, would be really cool to hear your thoughts if you decide to give it a listen :) also super grateful to those who helped me find royalty free music!!
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