hanginwithhkatie · 7 days
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Human HRT: The End.
So let me start this post off by saying, this is the canon ending to my HRT series, but its not canon to any of the others.
Truth be told my series has always been an outlier, especially since I'm a very new artist, tbh im lucky to have had the lil cameons i did have in the main story! (still shocked i got featured in Kaylas, Goldies and Nyxis') But when eveyone else is doing Therian HRT and your doing Human HRT, its kinda hard to make it that intersting, especially since we all know what its like to be human.
The transformation itself was never really the goal with this story, i just wanted to have some fun with my friends and i certainly did that!
In my timeline a bunch of us live togther somewhere safe into our old age. Where we reminisce about the past and continue making memories togther and hell i highly doubt anyone else would take thier stories that way, but to me that's the ending i wanted. Its much better than the orginal ending where it was just a lonely old Fae looking back at photos of her long gone friends.
So what was any of this about? Tbh i just wanted to show how much my friends mean to me and ended it in a way where we all have a future togther. (Special shout out to @bubbleverseart by the way who helped with the lighting ^^ as well as the usual suspects) Lifting eachother up and looking after eachother in this world. Its been fun and who knows, maybe as my actual HRT journey continues I'll do something more with this in retrospect. But for now this is the definitive end of Human HRT
Thanks for sticking with it 💜
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hanginwithhkatie · 9 days
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For the past year and a half I’ve felt like I’ve been scaling a cliff. No matter how high I climb or how close I get to the top I never seem to be able to fully scale the cliff.
I get a new job and I get a little bit higher.
I accept myself for who I am a bit more I get a little bit higher.
I get closer to the point where I can start paying off my debt really easily I get a little bit higher.
I secure a safe space that I’ll be able to unapologetically be me I get a little higher.
But so many things seem to be able to knock me down the cliff. It’s never all the way anymore but the small descents seem to hurt so much more, and finding a way to get a firm grip on the ledge again is getting much harder to do.
I try to focus on the thing that I believe will get me over the top and I’ll end up achieving that goal most of the time. Suddenly I’m pulling myself over the top of the cliff, but just as quickly I get dragged halfway down.
I don’t really know what to do right now other than focus on my main goal or I’ll drive myself crazy. And even that is becoming difficult.
I want to scale the cliff. I want to get to the top and feel at peace with myself. I’m just not entirely sure how yet I guess.
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hanginwithhkatie · 9 days
I absolutely love this so much!!!!
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Did a lil collage of all the peeps that wanted to participate in #transprom
All of these peeps helped with the donation drive last month and I'm forever grateful for all of you so thank you 💕
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hanginwithhkatie · 12 days
Hey everyone! I have another small update to share.
I signed a lease for a house on Sunday! That has been a huge component of my stress and a huge portion of my time so I’m happy to be nearing the end of that craziness! I move the first week of June and will be taking a very long vacation to get that done and to reset. I should have some more stuff out around then as I’ll have much more time to work on things!
Thank you to everyone who has supported me over the past few months your words of encouragement really helped me make it to this point. I love all of you so much! >3
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hanginwithhkatie · 18 days
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Cat HRT - First Dosis
The suspicious cat hrt is finally here... Does it taste good? Well, I think you can tell hehe
What will happen next? Stay tunned because you will find soon Cat HRT Start | Previous Cat HRT | Next Cat HRT
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hanginwithhkatie · 19 days
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hanginwithhkatie · 19 days
Still in a pretty chaotic headspace right now but I want to share this picture of my new friend marshmallow I took today! She helps a lot when I’m feeling real down!
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hanginwithhkatie · 19 days
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Fish HRT EPISODE 5 MONTH 3 Part 1/3! @ayviedoesthings Enters the ring! Watch them for the next part of this collab!
START PREV BONUS EPISODE 1 made by the amazing @prettiestplatypus
BONUS EPISODE 2 Collab with @kaylasartwork and @nyxisart
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hanginwithhkatie · 19 days
This genuinely made me cry. I don’t know if I’ll ever get to have this kind of experience with my own mother but I’m glad you’re able to.
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Clothes Shopping
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hanginwithhkatie · 21 days
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Another movie Collab with this Blade Runner tribute, this time with the amazing, the lovely, the one and only @deadeyedfae !
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hanginwithhkatie · 25 days
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Minnow! A commission for @billie-cardboard ! She requested a sea fairing goblin. Unlike the goblins of the swamp the sea fairing goblin tribes will cut the ears of their young to a more fish like shape, and they tend to have more webbing around their fingers than their counterparts in the swamps.
These goblins earn their names with the first fish or ocean creature they catch in a ceremony held for children.
Its considered a coming of age ceremony to forage and craft your own fishing net. they wear the skin of the larger fish, thinking it makes them go faster.
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hanginwithhkatie · 25 days
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Human HRT part 4: a new beginning 💜
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hanginwithhkatie · 26 days
This is so sweet, I teared up quite alot.
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Axolotl HRT - Chapter 2 "Tiny Dancer" This was supposed to be a much more filler and fun one, but I had this in mind and just couldn't ignore it, seeing how emotional I was getting writing it Enjoy ! ^^
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hanginwithhkatie · 26 days
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Admittedly, I don't do well at parties, but this is one I couldn't miss.
I'm not writing a book below the post this time ;)
Transprom is for everyone. Thanks for making this possible!!!
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hanginwithhkatie · 26 days
I’m so happy and relieved you are able to get to a better place <3
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Thank you isn't enough...
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hanginwithhkatie · 26 days
I absolutely love the outfit!
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Gonna play some oldies for the transprom
They may not be ready for that yet, but kids gonna love it.
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hanginwithhkatie · 27 days
I love this so much!!!
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Prom dress? PROM DRESS!!!
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