Mmmmmmm *licks lips*
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Mmmmm.... lovely development of character across the OT
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@swsource​ Star Wars Week: Day 1 – The Chosen One – Favorite character: Luke Skywalker
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“The hero…for a moment rises to a glimpse of the source. He beholds the face of the father, understands—and the two are atoned…. For the son who has grown really to know the father, the agonies of the ordeal are readily borne; the world is no longer a vale of tears but a bliss-yielding, perpetual manifestation of the Presence.”
—Joseph Campbell, The Hero With a Thousand Faces
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I'm open and requesting asks, you lovely Lukey people... 😍 hit me up!!!!
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Loved loved loved it ❤️ 😍 💕 so delicious and beautifully written x
Silence at the Cliffs of Dawn
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Celebrating one year of the blog 🥳
CW: age gap (dilf!Luke Skywalker), finger (cybernetic) sucking, oral sex (f! and m! receiving; blowjob/face sitting/69ing)
"...All I ever do is make myself unlikable. You know that," Luke says, "Why do you even bother staying?"
The two of you are laying down in his bed, pressed together tightly to avoid accidentally pushing the other off the already small space--how you managed to convince Luke to let you sleep with him, you have no idea... Of course, you did sleep with him. Your current state of undress is evidence of that; in a move showcasing a rare display of his kindness, he allowed you to hog the majority of the blanket while he chose to rely on the warmth of his nightclothes.
Propping your head up on the pillow, you look at Luke and frown.
"I don't think you do it on purpose... for the most part, anyway," you tease. He raises an unamused eyebrow at you, before shaking his head and letting out a quiet almost-laugh.
"I can't even tell anymore. I guess I've really grown into it."
You fall silent for a moment. "What were you like? Before... When you were a Jedi?"
More silence. The rain outside is just starting to clear up, you notice, but it's still dark out. Luke's features are too dim to fully discern, but even then, you can notice the pain in his eyes... the conflict.
Strangely enough, he laughs. An actual laugh.
"...I looked a lot nicer. Dignified, you know? Not like some hobo hermit living in the middle of nowhere." He sighs. "In all seriousness, though... things were different. I can barely even recognize who I am now, nor can I the man I was before."
"Let me guess..." you smile, trying to picture a younger version of the greying man before you. You've seen the old propaganda posters--shockingly handsome ones, portraying him as the gorgeous golden boy of the Rebellion. "Plenty of admirers? Paramours, even?"
Luke shakes his head with something akin to embarrassment. "People certainly tried, but... that life wasn't for me."
Intrigued, you decide to press even further. "Well, what was? The daring pilot with a life full of adventure, or the wise, contemplative Jedi who liberated entire planets with the wave of his hand?"
"I did my fair share of both, but the truth is far more complicated than that. For a while, I did chase the feeling of being a hero..." His gaze grows distant. Regretful. "But it was all in vain. The people you save get killed. The things you build get destroyed. This galaxy, everything in it, it's all... temporary."
You sit up, blanket sliding off your nude form slightly and catching Luke's attention; as much as he tries to hide it, he can't help the way you affect him. For a moment, you smirk, but with the better view of his face you can see just how tormented he is.
"I mean, the galaxy isn't all that bad... it brought us together, right?"
"But it took so much in the process," Luke mutters in response.
"Don't tell me it was worth it. It wasn't."
He moves over onto his back and covers his face with his left hand--hiding tears, no doubt. Tears he isn't yet ready to let you see.
"...The rain is over. You can leave if you wish."
"I'm not leaving," you say, maneuvering yourself over him. Luke peeks up at you through his fingers before you gently grab his hand and move it away from his face. "Not when you need me."
He exhales slowly, sadly, but he makes no move to shove you off him. With your other hand, you brush away the tears pricking the corners of his eyes.
"Let me take care of you, alright?"
Just as Luke instinctively opens his mouth to protest, he immediately concedes, settling back into the pillow. He's old, and he's tired, what use is it trying to fight you off? Besides, he wants this--needs it, he discovered at the onset of the rain--so the last thing he's going to do is stop you.
The room is silent, save for the sound of baited breath, as you finally lean over to kiss him. Using your free hand to stroke the fringe out of his eyes, other hand still holding his, you kiss the lines of his forehead, the bridge of his crooked nose, and finally his lips.
Luke doesn't think he's anything special; you think he's extraordinary. Not for being the hero of your dreams, but for being the man he truly is--as broken and as vulnerable as he may be, he's yours. And that's enough.
Despite the few times you've kissed him, you both take to it like a pikobi to water. You take the lead; his are quite shy, but by the time your lips meet, Luke noticeably relaxes beneath your touch.
His mechanical hand moves to your bare back, tracing the shape of your spine as you arch over him, the texture of the leather glove making you shiver. It moves from your back to your waist, slowly climbing toward your chest, where he graces your nipple with a firm pinch--not hard enough to hurt you, but enough to show his desire. Yes, Luke Skywalker desires you.
Although still sleeping, you can feel the stirrings beneath you as his arousal grows. You're fully awake, restless, hungry. Luke, on the other hand, needs a bit more time, time you're more than willing to give--you know the prize will be worth it.
"Master..." you purr, wiggling your hips slightly as he twitches at the sound of the nickname. "You've seen me. I haven't seen you yet."
"I-I'm nothing worth looking at..."
"You are to me."
Luke moves his cybernetic from the valley of your chest to cradle your face. You silently kiss the palm of his hand, mechanical fingers flexing within the leather, before taking the material between your teeth to pull it off.
The leather doesn't catch on the metal; instead, it slips off like a raindrop sliding down the stone roof. Luke makes no move to halt its movement. The mechanical fingers are revealed to you, one by one, grey metal glinting in the slivers of moonlight streaming through the window.
"Beautiful..." you whisper, barely loud enough to be audible. But Luke hears you; if he were to respond, he's certain he'd just about cry.
Being linked to his nervous system, he has enough "feeling" in his cybernetic to control its movements and sense external stimuli, but without the synthskin, he can't truly feel. Hence why he barely uses it to touch you, let alone in a sexual context. All you have to do is show him he can.
In a swift motion you barely even stop to ponder, your tongue comes out to explore the metalwork; a metallic flavor--no surprise to you--accompanies the cold, and Luke refrains from flexing his fingers in your mouth.
Stars, he can't even register what you're doing, let alone why you're doing it. He watches you, blue eyes full blown to near-blackness as you suck on his fingers like they were a cock. Speaking of which, his throbs uncomfortably in the confines of his pants. Your movements in his lap feel incredible. Peeking down to look at your bare pussy grinding on him is enough to make him come... well, almost.
You, however, are not a fan of the cloth boundary between you; sure, it adds extra friction, but it's nowhere near as electric of a sensation as skin against skin. You've seen Luke's face, and his flesh hand, and his cock, but that's as far as you've gotten. Is he insecure about being old? It's not a problem to you, and he knows this, but you doubt he's fully internalized it. Being a (former) Jedi Master, you're sure he's covered in scars from the countless battles he's fought in... scars on his arms, his chest, his thighs-
"Y-yes," Luke pants out, seemingly reading your thoughts. "You can..." He can't even finish his sentence, flesh hand moving to grab your free hand and bring it to his clothes.
"Are you sure, Master?"
"Just do it already."
Delicately pulling his fingers out of your mouth, a thin line of spit connecting them to your lips, you pin Luke's right arm over his head, just like he did to yours earlier that night. He looks up at you with a mixture of surprise and arousal, a small smile of disbelief forming on his lips. You have plans--and you can't wait to show him.
The material of his sleep shirt is a rough wool of some kind, the cut of it a simple wrap-tunic similar to his Jedi robes. It gives you easy access to his chest; considering just how much Luke likes yours, you believe it's your turn to enjoy his. Ghosting your fingertips beneath the fabric, he shivers at your touch, and you raise an eyebrow at the texture you discover. Coarse, fuzzy, thick--you hadn't expected him to be just as hairy on his chest as he is on his face, but stars, you aren't complaining.
Luke is just about as red as a gundark by the time you pull his sleep shirt open. Of course, his embarrassment is no match for his stubbornness, which quickly bubbles up again to hide his discomfort. Typical Luke.
"Sure took you long enough."
"It did."
"Now what?"
"You'll see..."
Placing both of your palms flat on his chest, you lean over to kiss him once more; your mouth meets his, and then his neck, and then his neck, where you brand it with a startlingly red hickey. At the same time, you're scratching down his torso and tugging at the greying hairs.
Beneath the layer of fur is a web of tendril-like scars, stretching across his body like lightning. You can't help but wonder what dramatic battle between Jedi and Sith must have caused them... but stars, they're beautiful. You're determined to show him this.
Luke groans against your lips--if he had it his way, stars, he'd flip you over and pound you senseless. But no, he has already done that... and he's tired. Tired physically, tired mentally, tired of being in charge. For once, he'd like to experience what it means for someone to take care of him. Just once.
Taking care of yourself isn't even on your mind. Yes, you're horny beyond belief, skin on fire as you grind your dripping cunt against his still-clothed cock. Force, it isn't enough, it'll never be enough until you get the real thing. But... you want to try something different. You have a feeling he might want to as well.
"Where are you-" Luke begins to ask as you reluctantly pull yourself off him, only to be cut off by you running your fingers down his happy trail before shoving your hand down his pants. "Shavit, sweetheart!"
"Who are you calling sweetheart?" you smile, enjoying the thrill of feeling him before seeing him. His cock is hot and heavy in your palm, and much to your delight he neglected to wear any undergarments. As much as you enjoy the groans that escape his lips at the way you run your thumb over the already leaking tip, the devious part of you desires to tease him even more; removing your hand from his member, you move to squeeze his tightening balls.
"Fuck... fuck..." Luke moans. He's gripping the sheets with his cybernetic, flesh hand resting over the upper half of his face.
"Such language, Master... and such a light touch, too," you say, "I'm starting to worry you won't last for me."
When Luke finally manages to look out from under his hand, there's something strange in his eyes--lust, desire, conviction. To do what, you don't know.
"Sit on me."
"Are you sure? I don't think you're ready-"
"Not my cock. My face."
Now it's your turn to be surprised. All this teasing, all this bossing him around, yet he can't help but turn the tables and remind you who's in charge. That damn Skywalker is impossible to figure out, but you wouldn't have it any other way--in all honesty, that's why you're here. Why you stayed, even when he tried to push you away.
"Very well, Master... but I want a taste of you as well."
Before maneuvering to climb over him, you pull his trousers off his legs in one swift motion, his cock standing at full attention as it springs from its confines. Fuck, just the sight of it is enough to make you want to bounce on it until you're both sweaty and screaming. But not yet.
Your eyes are just keen enough to notice the way Luke blushes at you eyeing him up in the dim light. Stars, he is hairy--not that you're complaining, of course. You just didn't expect the wise old Jedi master to practically be a Wookiee beneath his clothes. He squirms a little under the intensity of your gaze, cock twitching in anticipation. A bead of precum glistens in the faint moonlight and dribbles down the veiny shaft... Licking your lips, you decide to do something about it.
Luke steadies you with his arms as you maneuver to climb over him. Soft apologies and awkward giggles are traded between the two of you as you try to figure out your bearings, metal hand accidentally pinching soft flesh and weight being distributed uncomfortably, but not painfully.
"I-I've never done this before," you breathe out, breaking your previously seductive demeanor.
"I wouldn't know where to begin," Luke's low voice chuckles, "but I think as long as you don't break my neck, we're doing it right."
Your current predicament involves you straddling his neck and facing his chest; you're bent over him, just barely hovering over his face, and his hands are gripping the soft flesh of your ass. The cybernetic in particular digs into your skin in a deliciously painful way, and you know it'll leave marks after--marks you'll wear with pride. Not that anyone other than him will be seeing them.
Luke quite enjoys the view he's getting--it takes practically all his willpower not to pull you down onto his face and go to town, damn the consequences (although a sprained neck at his age in the middle of nowhere is most certainly a bad idea). After having gotten a taste of your pussy before, he's insatiable; he'll do anything to get his fix.
Balancing your weight on your knees and your forearms, you lean forward to assess your target. The slight upward curve of his cock gives you easy access to it; licking down his happy trail, you nuzzle through wiry hairs before greeting his aching, impatient member. The Jedi Master may be able to hide his impatience beneath his actions and his demeanor, but, given his anatomy, his body can't.
Leaning forward, you greedily stick out your tongue to lap up the bead of precum already leaking out. It's... salty, and slightly bitter. You're still not sure about the taste, but it's him, so you want it.
Luke groans beneath you at the feeling of your tongue on him. The vibrations from his voice dance cruelly on your clit, the phantom of pleasure yet to come--before he finally grants you mercy and pulls you down onto his waiting lips.
The gasp that escapes your lips is muffled by you taking him in your mouth to gag yourself on his cock. He felt so massive when he was inside you, but like this... you almost can't handle it. Figuratively, and literally--you stop right before he hits the back of your throat, taking in just enough to really drive him wild without hurting yourself.
Luke drowns his moans in your soaking cunt, his noises and the movement of his hands beckoning you to start moving on his face.
Come on, sweetheart, his voice says in the back of your mind--another Jedi ability, you're sure. You won't hurt me.
Hips and mouth begin a slow, rhythmic pace on him. You can't help the way you tremble ever so slightly, unsure about the pressure of your movements or the depth of your strokes, but that anxiety becomes an afterthought as your senses dissolve into pure pleasure.
Luke fights the temptation to start bucking into your mouth--no, you've been far too good to him, you don't deserve to be treated in such a way. You're his angel, his saving grace, the being he isn't even worthy of touching (yet somehow is). Whatever he did to earn your affection, he wants to repay tenfold--you're his to use as you please.
He uses his tongue on you with as much fervor and hunger as he did earlier that night, if not even more. The taste of you on his lips lights a fire in the pit of his stomach and fully has him drunk on your essence. Reverently Luke alternates between fucking you with his tongue and swirling it around your clit, just as you alternate between sucking and stroking his shaft.
It's so wrong, a master and student behaving like this... Your cheeks flush at the utter indulgence of the act. Whatever afterlife the Jedi of old reside in, you can only hope they aren't witnessing your liaison.
Luke, however, doesn't give a fuck. He hasn't given one in quite some time--why should he live by the rules of the dead? That dogma nearly destroyed him. It ruined everything he ever cared about, everything he never allowed himself to truly love. No, "attachment" was forbidden. Anything that could become a pathway to the dark side was to be shunned.
Luke never understood how for so much of his Jedi training, so much of his life, his emotions were regarded as an inseparable part of him, passion and love he had harnessed to help countless others during the war. That all changed when he saved his father. He had defied Obi-Wan and Yoda's instruction to kill Anakin; therefore, his feelings were misguided, wrong. And it became his duty to suppress them.
But not anymore. He is no longer a Jedi, not in the way he was "meant" to be. He's just Luke, just a hermit, just an old man learning to love again--or, perhaps, learning to love for the very first time.
Luke's cock twitches and kicks in your mouth, threatening to spill at any moment. Teasingly, you pull him out of your mouth--earning a harsh groan into your cunt--to kiss the swollen, purple head.
"Oh, master..." you whisper, tracing his veins with your fingertips, "let go for me. I'm here, I'm ready."
A final squeeze of his balls urges him to finish on your tongue--and, capturing him in your mouth once more, he does. Spurts of hot liquid spill inside you, albeit in a different spot than before, and you choke slightly on the sheer load of it all. You're milking Luke for all he's worth, and he rewards you by practically breeding your mouth. Hips stutter and still as he calms down and starts to soften, so you slip him out of your mouth, gracing the overstimulated head with a final lick.
Your clit throbs at the taste of him cumming in your mouth, the knot forming within your belly signaling your own impending release. Beneath you, Luke is patiently at work drawing it out, exploring the depths of your sacred spot with his tongue. Now you're fully free to ride his face with reckless abandon--a task he encourages you to do with the guidance of his hands squeezing your thighs and groping your ass.
"Luke... Luke..." you moan, letting the sound freely escape your now unoccupied lips. No 'Master,' no titles or nicknames, just his name; his true name, the one he hasn't heard anyone call him in the past six years. If your senses are correct, coupled with the scratchy sensation of his beard, you can feel him smiling into you as he eats you out. He's positively making out with your cunt, kissing you just as he had kissed your other set of lips when you first came to him.
The orgasm that approaches is entirely unlike the one you experienced before; it approaches slowly, like a wave off the coast of the Temple Island, growing and growing in intensity before finally crashing against the shore. You buck your hips on his face, feeling the friction of his beard against your clit as you chase the delicious sensation bubbling beneath the surface.
Soon enough, Luke grants it; your Force bond burns white-hot as you tremble and come undone on his face, slicking his beard with juices he laps up as happily as a massiff. You're sure the cries that escape your lips are audible all the way in the Caretaker village. Luke chuckles beneath you, large hands--the ones that surely left bruises on your skin--coming up to help you slide off his face and into his lap.
Silence. No more rain. Just beyond the cliffs, the twin suns of Ahch-To begin to rise; much like the dawns of his youth, you imagine. You turn your gaze to your new lover's face as the first slivers of light stream through the opening of the window.
"That was..." you start, laughing breathlessly as you run your fingers through your hair.
Luke props himself up on his elbows, wiping his face with his flesh hand. A rare smile appears on his face.
"...Good. Very good."
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Hell YES!!!!!
Black Magic Woman (2/2)–The Shower Scene
Mark Hamill & Apollonia Kotero
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I know I'm not active in the fandom anymore but GOD I missed seeing the Luke and imperial hunk posts on my dash many hugs and all the best for you <3
This note absolutely made my day @another-void-gremlin! I am happy to be back and sending all the hugs and best wishes your way as well! Have some Luke & imperial hunk in gratitude for your kind message:
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18 notes · View notes
Oh hell yes.... 😍🥰
"fuckkk I missed you" while sliding in >>>
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Epic battle in every sense
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Happy Star Wars Day
May the fourth be with you
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hmm..... what do you think a wedding night/honeymoon with luke would be like? ;)
~ se-agapo-skywalker
OK... I love ❤️ this ask so much, I needed to *really, really* think about it in delicious detail... thoughts below the cut (18+ for smut etc.) Thanks @se-agapo-skywalker for the prompt x (let me know if you want a few follow ups too)...
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It was a beautiful wedding ceremony with a small gathering of your closest friends
Everyone said you both radiated joy and glowed with love for one another
If only they *really* knew that tonight was *finally* going to be the first time you had one another, completely, with total abandon
It's not that you hadn't had some kind of sexy fun before... you had... but now, you and Luke had planned a perfect escape to an idyllic secret place to be left undisturbed ...
Luke knew the locations and had some fantasies he wanted to share with you... starting tonight.
This was a break away from your lives - No holophones, no wars or battles, no siths or interruptions - just you and he in sexual paradise for a few precious weeks
He planned it carefully with you, only holding back a few key sexual details - a few surprises as part of your secret escape of pure pleasure - and only Leia would ever know how to find you.
She swore that *nothing* in any galaxy would get in the way of your time with Luke.
Sealed with a promise of forever, rings, and a sensual kiss, you were officially joined as one.
After the celebrations concluded, Luke took you by the hand. 'This is for you' he said, placing a key into your palm and kissing the back of your hand delicately.
You knew he held back particular details for your planned journey... "so, we begin our quest?" You smile (you have plans of your own for him)
"Oh yes ... " he replies, giddy at the thought of what is to come. "I'll join you there,I promise".
You head alone to the hotel inscribed on the key ... an upmarket suite is booked under the name Revan.
You smile at the joke...
The room seems lush and spacious... plush furnishings, floor-to-ceiling mirrors and windows, and a huge bed.
You close the door and drop your key on the table, eager to see the neon city lights twinkle in the distance outside.
"So you're the Jedi's bride?" A deep voice in the shadows asks.
Suddenly, a set of hands close in on your shoulders and grip you tightly yet sensually
You feel an immediate sense of familiarity in this touch.... and his hot breath on your neck
"Yes" you whisper... "I am your bride now" you smile.
His strong fingers slip the delicate strap of your dress off one shoulder, upon which he places his soft lips.
"Revan... I never thought you'd come back" you giggle, turning to face Luke.
Luke playfully used this name -Revan- to signal and occasionally role play a sexual side of himself when he craved some sexual release... a code between you both when either of you couldn't hold back your fiery desire.
You both wanted to wait for so.e pleasurable surprises on this night... but still, you both needed to know you were sexually simpatico
And you definitely are in all the ways you've explored thus far
Before, you'd ask for Revan and Luke would tear off your panties with his teeth, pushing his driven fingers into your wet core until you came, and lap at your juices.
Or he'd jokingly refer to himself as Revan, and you'd seek out a quiet place to kiss and lick his ample bulging erection until he erupted his hot seed into your mouth between sweat-slicked gasps.
Revan - the secret sex game name he'd created for himself that only you could ever know....
He reasoned it kept him pure as Luke until you were married, until you spent your first night together in sweaty, sticky, heaving sexual bliss.
Revan was for sexual relief - Luke was here now - for fucking, making love, devouring, worshipping, losing oneself with completely.
You had pleasured Revan, but not fully.... you were here tonight to fully claim Luke.
"Oh Revan", you sigh... "I married Luke Skywalker". And as you can guess... "I only want to fuck Luke".
Confidently now, you turn to face him.
"Repeat after me" you say firmly, with a sultry tone as you stride towards him, with each step making him playfully entreat towards the bed. "Fuck me... fuck me now"
Luke had not seen this side of you before... his eyes sparkling with excitement.
It was like you knew his deepest desire to be conquered sexually by an equal in all things...
He felt his cock twitch and grow harder with each use of the word fuck
"Revan is no more," you continue... "Not in my bed. My bed is for my Jedi, he who fucks me and wants to get fucked by me"
Luke's eyes are fiery with lust, each *fuck* making his cock tingle and bead with anticipation and precum.
He nods in slow agreement with his cheeky boyish smile
He had not expected you to be so forward in this moment... and he loves the raw power and energy you possess now as his bride
With a flick of your hand, he is pushed up against the wall, refusing to fight the use of the force on his body. He smiles playfully now... he suspects you'll want to dominate him.
"And tonight, and for the next few weeks, Luke, I'll make those sexual fantasies of yours all come true.... " you continue....
Gently, the fastening below his Mao collar opens, revealing his toned chest beneath.
Quick as a flash, his belt unfastens... you waste no time getting to strip your Jedi.
He's visibly tenting in those loosened black pants... his eight girthy inches straining against its fabric prison
He drinks you in with his eyes and in his mind.
He's never fucked anyone... and only dreamed it could be like this. And with his bride... that was the clincher.
He's so much kinkier than he ever let on before... now, he felt he could begin to slowly reveal this side to you.
"I already know your hottest fantasies my love", you purr.... "your body and mind told me."
And Luke now knows in his soul that this is true... you've read his mind without shields several times...
"So, what do you want me to do?" You ask.. leading him to finally say it.
"I need you to tell me" you insist.
"Fuck me," he says in reply. "Make me yours, and only yours".
"Louder..." you command him.
Your shoulder strap drops down to reveal more of your ample breasts beneath your delicate dress, now teasingly barely hiding your plump pink erect nipple from his gaze.
"Fuck me" he throatily responds, his mind aflame with desire, panting....
You set him free from your force hold and he wastes no time.
You wanted him pent up to fully reveal himself - his true sexual self all buried beneath sweetness and duty - to unfurl with you now.
He's longing to be free now to show you, his wife, who he really is between the sheets... craving to be everything you desire and need.
Striding over to you, he kisses you deeply, lustily, and lifts the silk dress up off your body, your breasts falling out in a seductive bounce that beckons his mouth
He sucks each nipple with care, licks and caresses your mounds as you run your fingers through his hair
He flicks his hand and your hands are held behind your back, pushing your breasts outwards even more into his mouth and lapping tongue.
You giggle at his game, until he looks up at you and, with his tongue, licks a descending trail to your opening.
"Open your legs for me" he whispers with authority... "I've been craving your taste for weeks" and slides his tongue onto and then between your slick folds.
His left hand, complete now with his new beskar wedding band that glints in the city lights from the window, continues to knead your hardened tits in turn while his right hand runs along your wet sex and back to your asshole.
"Fuck me" he murmurs to himself. "You are my wife!" he affirms in joy.
He gets fully onto his knees and licks you deeply, your moans spurring him on as his forcehold remains strong and sensual.
Phantom fingers dance along your arms that firmly hold you in place as you sweat in erotic need
He then lifts you up with the force and places you gently on the bed
"My beautiful wife.... i have waited forever to have you..." he confesses, a moment of gentle vulnerability between you both.
He moans these beautiful sentiments in your ear as he kisses your neck and throat.
You can only affirm how much you've dreamed of this moment with him too.
Now free to move, you turn over and straddle his hips, feeling his cock aching at you on top of him.
The leaking tip of his rosy cock is now staining his small black boxers.
You pull them off and, without hesitation, begin to lower your pounding pussy onto his waiting hot shaft...
The shared physical feeling of pressure and embrace is so exquisite that you both gasp as Luke fills and stretches you.
"Oh maker" he sighs and trembles... as you breathe out to take him as fully as you can with each deep stroke.
You pull up and push down, slowly letting him stretch your walls.
Soon, you begin to sweat at the overwhelming hunger you have with each thrust.
And now, he's yours to claim fully.
"You're mine forever, Luke," you affirm, your bodies moving in slow, steady rhythm.
You gyrate and lean in to kiss him, to feel him as a vital part of your body and soul.
He is coming undone at the depth of sensation inside you - each groove of his shaft and soft fold of your pussy feeds this primal ache
"Lie down beside me, on your side," he insists, urging you instinctively.
Behind you, he pushes into your wet velvet again and kneads lovingly at your breast, his other hand now sensually rubbing your clit.
Kissing your neck, you feel overwhelmed with the love and sexual power of the moment
Until, to your surprise in all this devotion, he whispers something in your ear
"Look" he urges and you look at him to see what he is now staring at...
"Watch us"... he gestures with his eyes, staring at your entwined bodies thrusting, erotically entangled and in full view in the full-length mirror.
"Oh maker" you groan out fully, seeing him push into you, as he watches your ecstasy at his deep touch.
You are watching each other's visible pleasure at this mutual act of claiming
"I want you to watch us" he insists...
"I want to watch my wife cum for me fully" he whimpers loudly
At the brink of explosion, "I need to come on you", you cry out...
"Oh fuck yes," he begins to unravel, still watching, still enraptured at your shared spectacle
"Make me feel it" he pleads ... "as my first"
You feel his cock expand further into your core, your juicy pink folds now unable to take any more of him inside, still clamping and squeezing his throbbing cock.
He shouts out, in a voice he barely recognisesas his own, in release, "fuck me!", as he explodes ropes of white cum inside you; his hot seed shooting into your warm velvet hole slick with sweat and pussy juice with a final deep thrust.
The erotic look of his taut muscular body clenching as this orgasm demands is burned into your mind... a fleeting reflected gimpse of shared bliss as he soon collapses out of breath.
His arms loosely hold you after he pulls out, a smile of pure happiness and exhaustion evident on his face.
"Now you know the magic request" you smile back, equally spent.
With a devious smile, you close your eyes for a moment as he giggles at your command..."and as your wife, I insist that tomorrow morning you're going to fuck me again".
Please let me know if you'd would like a short series of these honeymoon nights 😋😉
[hat tip to Just_S on Ao3 for an inspirational touch for Revan in 'An Education'. It's a marvellous read should you need some Luke/Mara bdsm to enjoy 😉]
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Have you ever thought of Luke just being. Goofy silly in the moment? Like oh he’s making you feel so good but he just HAS to crack a joke with that stupid grin on his dumb cute face to make you giggle between moans because sometimes he can’t take the act all too seriously.
Love it - so cute!
Thoughts below the cut! (18+)
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- so when you are running your hands through his hair, kissing his neck and whispering sweet filthy nothings in his ear, Luke begins to blush hard
- he's in a new territory with you now, and works make him nervous and feel slightly overwhelmed
- he moans loudly as you run your hands down his body, kissing him delicately... yet he has this look on his face like he can't believe it's really happening
- he's happy and vulnerable and excited, and getting turned on when suddenly, he reaches out to touch your breast over your light clothes
- you notice he has no experience of space underwear, let alone women's bralettes ... so he fiddles and fights with the hooks as he attempts to open it at your back.
- at one point, he wonders to himself how women even wear these things!
- he soon laughs and admits defeat, goofily joking it's easier to teach meditation to a droid... he's failed to be that sexy guy who knows what to do with ladies' garments
- his bad joke aside, he's covering for being so openly overcome with sexual desire... he can only be goofy to mask insecurity
- you take hold of and encourage his hands to try again, as he's now giggling and embarrassed at his lack of skill with your clothes...
- he's so excited and quietens down, now that you've helped him... the giggles turning to lust as he's seeing you topless at last. Your hand lands squarely on his pert ass
- you squeeze it, and whisper how you'd like to nibble on his butt cheeks... "you've got sweet mounds of your own, flyboy... which I'd like to liberate" you wink...
- he stops, looks you in the eye, and laughs out loud... it is a funny bellyache kind of laugh... as if he can't believe it.
- you smile, sultry like, between giggles, and then he composes himself again. Knowing you're serious, he gulps down, reconsidering how hot that could be...
- "Oh yes please" he replies in sweet excitement, reaching to unbuckle his belt...
Hope you enjoy! 😀
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I'm currently trying to work on a longer fic... but in the meantime, please send me some asks! I'd love to get those writing juices flowing... and to add to your smutty Luke thoughts!
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reader breaking anh!luke’s innocence and filling every sexual desire he’s had cuz he’s the chosen one and deserves it:(( <3
Ooh yeah.... love it. ❤️ some sexy thoughts about this prompt below the cut (18+ only!) - also, yay! My first ask!!! (Thanks @weirdogirl888)
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- Luke is still feeling awkward about being thought of as a 'chosen' one
- actually he really wants to be considered just a normal guy in your eyes; he can't take the pressure to lean into the expectations of being the one with a girl, especially for a first time....
- he eyes you and knows you have been fluttering your eyes in your direction. He's enjoying the attention...
- and loves your attributes, eyes, lips and curves...
- it was seeing him in that flight suit that started those sexy sweet thoughts for you
- of course, after blowing up that Death Star, (first time) celebrations are in order... giving him the courage to actually kiss you too (and dreaming of more)
- he's had those naughty private thoughts before... dreaming about having a sneaky feel up in his x-wing, or perhaps you kissing down his treasure trail...
- but as soon as he's back, he knows he wants to actually touch you...
- the moment you see him, you pull him aside, feeling bold thar this chosen one *evidently* desires you back...
- your hands cannot help but touch his strong arms, his firm chest, and brush his cheek in kindness to settle him as he's trembling with anticipation
- "tell me what you want", you whisper, and he shudders in anticipation
- "I don't know how to ask" he blushes, until you begin kissing his neck
- your hands wander and pull down the zip of that flight suit
- and he doesn't fight it.... [he's loving it]
- in fact, he evidently adoring all of your attention, tenting slightly in excitement...
- he cannot believe you want him as much as he has privately touched himself thinking of you... wanting you
- he's sensing your arousal through the force
- and still working up the courage to touch your body as he craves....
- your body is so warm to his touch, and you take his hands to place them on your chest, showing him how hot his touch is making you...
- your nipples stand to attention
- your hand continues to trail down towards his growing member
- and it springs to proud attention at the hint of your fingers wandering beneath his flight briefs
- he's beading already (and it's so hot to you, you lick your lips in excitement)
- "show me" you ask firmly and seductively... "exactly as you dreamed when you touched yourself before the mission"
- he sighs heavily, drunk on desire as your body is firmly pressed against his...
- in your mind's eye, his warmth is projected out to you... the warmth hardness of his cock now firmly the centre of his lust.
- you instinctively know he wants you to suck it, lapping at his hardness
- its size and girth is most impressive [better than you hoped]
- he sighs with your palmed touch, causing him to leak and moan. You tease your fingers up his virginal shaft...
- "tell me..." you whisper... as you lower yourself on your knees
- "put me in your mouth" he whimpers as you lick his rosy head beading with salty want
- you take him deeper and deeper ... taking him all in... bobbing up and down to his breathy moans of anguished delight
- he's wanted this moment for so long
- until you feel a twitch that is unmistakable... he's getting close...
- but you don't stop now...
- you see him watching a holoporn in his mind's eye, a memory of discovery of women's bodies, and it's so hot
- he likes tits, a lot, and can't help wondering what women taste like...
- he cums to the thought of pussy in his memory of watching the holoporn... he's so inexperienced and eager...
- now he's here with a woman and he can cum with her this time...
- running your hand between the wet folds of your velvet, you ask him to open his mouth to receive your glistening middle finger....
"Taste me" you command... and he licks your finger deeply....
- the taste sends him wild, breaking his lingering shyness.
- He MUST have you. He MUST taste you...
- he may be the one but your pussy has him on his knees now, stripping off your dress and panties with fervour
- he drives his tongue in... determined to greedily taste all of you, much to your loud moans.
- soon his face is coated in your juices, as he whimpers with delight at your whimpers and his occasional pumping of his cock with his hand
- the other hand reaches up to squeeze your magnificent tits, running his open palm across your pert pink nipples over and over.
- he squeezes each tit in turn
- it's quite a sight to see the chosen one worshipping your folds with such need, whimpering with joy...
- you imagine you are being watched in this joyful explosion of lust
- at the thought of being seen, you cum quickly and powerfully on his tongue with shouts of praise - "you're doing so well" you affirm. "My good jedi"
- still he's pumping his huge throbbing cock, his erection agonisingly wanting you
- "do it" you shout... sensing his hunger... "fuck me as you dreamed" you whimper, not waiting to recover from your own explosion, your knees trembling in ecstacy
- now he's in control, now he's gonna have you...
- he spins you around, your bust pressed into the base wall, your ass rubbing up against his swollen rod... he doesn't care if anyone sees....
- he pushes in, slowly at first, and seconds later all the way, hilt deep, and exclaims at the tight, wet sensation
- he's finally fucking you... exactly as he wanted.
- he pushes in slowly and steadily, building up a good rhythm
- he feels so big
- his hands rubbing your arms and back, and soon gripping your hip and running across your breasts
- you feel so wet, he begins to chase release in this feeling of bliss
- you shudder and shake, the sensation so overwhelming in his force projections, and his body so alive with pleasure in your slick folds, your pussy gripping him tightly
- he feels so enraptured, he almost can't take it... it's better than he dared dream
- you can't take much more of it either... his cock is too deliciously big to bear. You sweat at the touch of this man within you have unleashed
- "come for me" you shout, not caring who hears [and someone did hear]
- "come with me" he begs you...
- and you hear it as an order... an order from the chosen one
- your pussy squeezes him, clamps his fullness hard as you cry out "yes, yes! More please... Luke!!!"
- he thrusts hungrily, pushing deeper than ever, and you feel his pink head swell within
- he moans loudly, and shudders "Oh maker, yes baby" as he erupts white ropes inside your wet velvet
- your core pounds and spasms at the feel of his cum hitting your walls, soaking your sex
- he grips you tightly in his arms, clutching you close, his mouth buried in your neck... he moans again and again, coming so hard....
- you both finish, and he lets you go, loosely cuddling your body in your sweaty shared afterglow
- his kisses are lusty and awkward, but playful as he smiles with deep satisfaction
- "we are doing that again!" You smile as you reassemble your simple dress... your breasts still perky and arousal wholly evident
- he gushes in joy, and hugs you in delight. "How about tonight?" He asks as he looks into your eyes... "we need to celebrate"
- "yes, we do" you breathe out and smile... "many times".
Hope you like!! ❤️😘🥵😈
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I've not been in the right headspace to write an erotic fic for a while (life, ugh) but today I'm starting to get my groove back... is today the day to finally unpeel Luke Skywalker from that ROTJ outfit in a hotel room? ....
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mkay soooo what if when the rebellion was living on hoth u and (like late anh!luke or esb!luke both would be cute lwk) went to a more tropical planet w lots of beaches tghr whilst looking for more possible bases and of course you guys just happen to get stranded n day a few vacation days on the beach!
but since luke is from tatooine n there’s barely even water in the AIR he’s never seen in a girl—specifically you, in a bikini. and since you guys have been on hoth for a time he’s never even seen you in a t shirt. like you just “what’s wrong” n he’s as red as a tomato.
anyway what i’m trying to say is you two making out in the beach n then leads to beach sex please please please oh my god. and don’t hold back on the gross details
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18+ !!!
cw: a little bit of pining, a little bit of fluff, eventual smut, like seriously, mdni!
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• initially you think nothing of it when the unbearable heat forces you to remove your jacket
• too great is the relief of feeling the gentle breeze cool your sweaty skin that you fail to notice the way your exposed arms seem to impact Luke
• Luke who is trying his hardest to be respectful, who is giving his best not to stare
• Luke who fails spectacularly
• Luke who, upon you sensing his distress and turning around, turns beet red and wide eyed, looking away immediately
• "it's just a pair of arms", he tries to tell himself staring down at his feet in the sand
• this certainly is nothing he hasn't seen before
• Force, he intimatedly knows what a person looks like naked and you are nowhere even near that state, he needs to get it together!
• though no matter how plausible he makes it sound in his head, the reality is, in fact, a lot harder to deal with
• because it's not "just" a pair of arms
• it's yours and he can barely tear his gaze away
• he can't quite recall the moment in which he first let his thoughts wander and they settled on you, doesn't remember when it was that he first started wondering how you'd look under all that thick winter clothing necessary to survive on Hoth
• only, that he never got the chance to hold your hand in his without those damned gloves on
• that it was never a possibility to even touch your face
• that your body was nothing more than an illusion he made up for himself during his countless daydreams
• only, that he half-feared you'd simply disappear into a cloud of cold air without all those warm layers keeping you tightly wrapped together
• but now, sitting before him, is a picture he'd nearly didn't dare to hope ever laying his eyes upon
• there you are, in nothing but a T-shirt and pants, and so close, so real, he desperately wants to reach out his hands
• he longs to finally find out how you feel
• he wants to trace his fingers up and down your arms for no particular reason, wants to touch every single freckle and mole he can find
• is your skin as soft as it looks?
• is the fine hair he sees shimmering in the sunlight when you move a certain way?
• when you raise your arms to fix your windswept hair, so does the hem of your shirt, revealing a sliver of your mid-riff and Luke nearly explodes
• he's at a loss for words, completely helpless in light of your beauty
• there's nothing more except the need to latch on to you and never let go again
• of course, at this point, you would eventually come to realize your appearance's effect; Luke is not being what one would call subtle and the love-drunk look in his eyes is hard to miss
• "have you been to the water yet?" you ask gently, feeling a little shy at being gazed at so intently, hoping to focus his attention on something else
• it works
• Luke, absolutely clueless and very happy to follow you everywhere you want to go is concerned immediately
• "wait, wait...do you know how to swim?"
• of course you do and he's so relieved until he remembers he can't
• imagine his face when he eventually admits to it
• the slight crease between his eyebrows, his unhappy, nearly upset frown
• how is he supposed to keep up with you now?
• how is he supposed to keep you safe?
• imagine his smile returning like the sun rising in the morning when you assure him you don't mind
• you only want to dip in your feet, would he not like to join you?
• imagine his eager nod, the delight in his eyes at the foreign sensation when he's finally standing beside you
• imagine the giggle that escapes him at how the water draws back and returns swiftly with every gentle wave
• at how it washes around his feet, how it feels when he wriggles his toes in the wet sand
• imagine Luke's surprise, the light shock, when you splash him, the droplets suddenly raining down all over him
• then his delight, the childish excitement
• he wasn't aware this was something you, and he too, could do!
• before you know it he's chasing you down the beach trying to get back at you
• with his long legs and ability to move over sand much faster than you are, you don't stand much of a chance
• though of course this doesn't stop you from fighting back as soon as he gets to you and it's not long after that both of you are sopping wet
• imagine him laughing freely, something you don't think you've seen him do before
• your heart beats faster
• it's when you're both out of breath, staring each other down to gauge your next movements, that the mood, so playful before, switches
• you can't put your finger on when it happened, can't explain how, but the dynamic between you has changed
• like your little game helped Luke make up his mind, emboldened him even, his blushy look and adoringly shy eyes are no more
• instead you're faced with a determination that raises goosebumps all over your skin, as he slowly makes his way towards you, his strong thighs parting the water with every step
• you don't know where to look
• not when he's suddenly this close to you, so close you can smell the salt on his skin and the wind in his hair
• carefully, as if afraid to scare you away, he reaches out, starts to run the fingers of his right hand up and down your left forearm
• you let him
• his gentle touch makes you shudder and unbelievably so he moves even closer, drinking in your subtle reactions
• "Luke I-"
• your voice is breathy, a little unstable
• but when you turn your head aside in embarrassment, he's quick to reach for your chin
• for a moment it's quiet, words simply eluding you in the face of your confusion and desire
• it's Luke who finally speaks again, who voices aloud what you had been thinking about, secretly hoping for, all along
• "please, may I kiss you?"
• and then, nearly inaudible, with such longing that it makes your heart ache, "just this once?"
• and all you can give in return is a nod
• imagine the light in his eyes, brighter even than the most radiant of stars, as he cups your face in his large hands and touches his lips to yours
• imagine how he slowly, so very slowly, pulls back, clearly not wanting the moment to end already
• imagine the look in his eyes, a look that seems to silently plead for more
• and the relief when he finds the immediate answer in yours
• imagine the gasp that escapes you when he finally, unabashedly, dares to take initiative and pulls you flush against him with a jolt
• imagine the pure joy that arises at being kissed like this, with such fervor and enthusiasm it weakens your knees, for once silencing your mind
• imagine the deep sense of peace that comes with being held so closely in strong arms as if they never plan on letting you go again
• you feel safe
• the persistence and thoroughness with which Luke continues to explore your mouth surprises you
• he kisses like he's starving, like he can't get enough
• like he may never get the chance to taste you again
• like he's afraid you're going to stop him any moment now
• meanwhile nothing could be further from your mind and it is without hesitation that you follow his lead, that you let him place you down upon the warm sand as if on the softest, most luxurious bed made just for you
• quickly his lips are on yours again and it's not long before they start to wander, to explore your features and limbs as leisurely as his hands do
• mesmerized, like in a trance, Luke traces the lines of your body, peppers kisses to every inch of you he can reach, his excitement at the ability to draw soft sighs and moans from you palpable
• soon unintelligible pleas start to spill from your lips as your arousal heightens with every passing minute
• you're growing desperate, are aching for more, for his deft fingers between your thighs
• but despite Luke's hardened length pressing insistently against his wet pants and repeatedly brushing along your upper legs, he makes no move to fulfill your wish nor to sate his own desires
• not even when you experimentally roll your hips upwards in hopes of gaining at least a little bit of friction
• he's not done exploring yet
• his attention focuses on your chest instead and you have no other choice but to continue clenching around nothing as he tentatively licks and, at length, begins to suck your nipples into his mouth until you're ready to cry out in frustration
• covered in sweat, the sand has begun to cling to your skin, rubbing against you with even the smallest of your movements and you're not sure what to make of it
• you're overwhelmed, helplessly overstimulated, almost wishing for it to stop
• though when Luke presses his knee in between your legs, giving you the chance to grind against him, it's suddenly not enough
• it's not nearly enough and your impatience finally exceeding your shame, the urge to beg becomes too strong to withhold
• for his touch, his fingers
• his cock
• "please Luke. Please just- just fuck me already"
• this catches Luke off guard though he remains silent, takes time to observe your shaking legs, your flush, quivering skin, the quick rise and fall of your chest, your wet eyes
• it shakes him out of his revery, like your words only now led him back into the present moment, made him realize for how long he's been toying with you
• how painfully desperate he is to seek his own release
• truly, he has no intention of leaving you like this, on the brink of an orgasm and close to tears
• but he's stalling, he knows, holding back, unsure of how to proceed and afraid to hurt you
• what if you're not ready to take him yet?
• lost in thought his fingers move gently along the waistband of your underpants until they dip lower in wonder, his knuckles slowly grazing over the wet spot where your dripping arousal has soaked into the fabric
• he is the reason for this, the reason for your pleasure, he realizes
• and he wants you, has wanted you for a very long time
• having made up his mind he carefully pushes a finger deep inside of you, pleasantly surprised at how easy you allow him entrance
• "no", he breathes when you try to strip off your panties to better grant him access
• "I want you like this"
• Luke makes you cum several times before even considering to free his cock from its confines
• too deeply does he enjoy your cries and twitches growing in intensity to accept for pleasure of his own to distract from it
• too hypnotizing it is to watch his fingers disappear into you again and again until they're deeply coated and practically dripping with your arousal
• too satisfying are the obscene squelching sounds that arise, louder and louder the faster he drives into you
• if it were up to him he would continue like this forever, unbothered by his own urges, content to simply watch
• though as you grow tired he eventually takes mercy
• he fucks you until you're close to passing out with pleasure, your face held tightly between his hands
• until your back is sore with being rubbed over the sandy ground over and over and over again
• until there's sand everywhere, in places you don't even dare to think about right now, and your legs are quivering from how long you had to keep them this far apart
• until he is panting, ruthlessly chasing his orgasm with hard, fast thrusts that shake your entire body and cause your eyes to roll into the back of your head
• until tears are streaming down your face and not even the sounds of the crashing waves are able to drown out the wet slapping noises when his hips meet yours in a near frenzy as he buries himself balls-deep in your throbbing heat
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A/N: I'm so excited I finally, FINALLY had the time to work on this request!! Really, I couldn't get it out of my head since you first sent it in and not being able to write it all down immediately was pure torture😩
Thank you for your patience! I hope you don't mind the way this turned out to be a little fluffier than anticipated, I just couldn't help it. I love my Luke being desperately head over heels for the reader <33
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