hazoret 5 days
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Give soup!!
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hazoret 5 days
You guys remember those machines they had in like, Target where you could press a button and listen to like 20 seconds of all the elevator music on the album because this just unlocked something deep within my psyche
Over time 90s music will get boiled down to just cheap nostalgia for boy bands. This is disgusting. How dare you erase the year where everyone was inexplicably super into Gregorian Chants
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hazoret 8 days
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@hazoret THE BEANS ARRIVED!!! 鈾♀櫋鈾♀櫋
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hazoret 9 days
Awww yeah!!!!! Look what came in!!!!!
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Big shout out to @hazoret for these super awesome pins and stickers! And don't forget to check out her shop if you want to see what else they have to offer!
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hazoret 10 days
if i were in charge of star wars i would end the last movie witth yoda reading the story out of a big book and he gives a little chuckle and says "happened, none of that did." and then he gets out of his truck and waddles into walmart
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hazoret 10 days
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hazoret 10 days
me in Endwalker when I got called an accomplished white mage
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hazoret 22 days
I adore y鈥檚htola now because every single plan she comes up with is nigh-guaranteed to be the most unhinged idea ever thought up by cat or man. Being pursued by cops? COLLAPSE THE TUNNEL AND TELEPORT DIRECTLY INTO HEAVEN. Need to distract the Children of Everlasting Dark? THROW BEEHIVES INTO THEIR HOUSES. Need to perform a diving save into a bottomless pit? TELEPORT DIRECTLY INTO HEAVEN. AGAIN. Need to get on Mt. Gulg but air travel isn鈥檛 feasible? GIANT ROBOT. Need a portal to hell? MAKE A DEMON. That doesn鈥檛 work? SHOOT A LASER. AT THE MOON. Banger after banger.
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hazoret 25 days
Dungeon meshi is about taking care of yourself physically so you can be fucking insane at full capacity
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hazoret 26 days
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FF14 - Urianger
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hazoret 27 days
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hazoret 27 days
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strong contender for my new favorite tee k.o. shirt
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hazoret 28 days
What's everyone's favourite flowers that aren't like. The normal ones. Like everyone's a fan of roses and sunflowers what's a more niche one. One you don't get in gift sets. Mine's sweet peas
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hazoret 28 days
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My favorite scion, G'raha Tia. Made with watercolors and a little bit of gouache on cold press paper.
Materials : Arches cold press paper 300gsm Sennelier and Daniel Smith watercolors
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hazoret 28 days
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hazoret 1 month
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She's right behind me, isn't she
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hazoret 1 month
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why did they make Living Liquid like that
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