hoe-for-daddywise · 4 days
I’ve been trying to remember this video for months now and here it is on my fyp
If anything proves to me that he’s absolute munch…it’s this 🙄🥵
I just need one night
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hoe-for-daddywise · 26 days
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simply Noah
Btw I lovelovelove him with braids 💚
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hoe-for-daddywise · 1 month
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Monday's Child - Chapter 10
Pairing: Noah x Reader
Word Count: 1,222
Warnings: Idiots! In! LOVE!
Taglist: @somebodyels3 @cncohshit @samanthasgone @bloody-delusion-expert @clubfairy @darkmxgician @dsireland86 @badomensls @loeytuan98 @lma1986 @malerieee @justeli6 @xxkittenkissesxx @flowery-mess @thescarlettvvitch @herbhuntress @thefinalarchive @thisbicc @dominuslunae @izdmcsk @veronicaphoenix @toot5569-blog
You knocked on Noah's apartment door, once and then twice when he didn't answer. You chewed on your bottom lip briefly, you had only been 20 minutes getting ready and he hadn't said anything about going out. You waited a few seconds before knocking again, eventually trying the handle. The door was unlocked, you let yourself in, you figured he wouldn't mind.
You couldn’t see him in the main room as you entered, cautiously stepping further into his apartment as you closed the door behind you.
“Noah?” You popped your head into the kitchen, he wasn’t there either.
“One second!” The shout came from his bedroom and moments later he appeared in the doorway, sweatpants sitting low on his hips, no t-shirt on. You tried your best not to stare, clearing your throat as you felt the blush start to form on your face.
“Sorry, I-I thought you said to come whenever.” You looked down at your shoes, not trusting yourself to look up at him. You tried to fight the ideas already formulating in your brain, but to no avail. You peered up at him through your lashes, he looked smug.
“Oh, I did. Don’t worry, I just spilt a drink on myself. Bad timing, but there’s a beer in the kitchen for you, if you want it. I’ll be back out in a second.” He lingered in the doorway for just a couple seconds before stepping back into his room. You pushed a hand back through your hair, trying to shake free the thoughts.
Instead of waiting for him to reappear, you followed his advice, heading into the kitchen to grab yourself a beer. As you stepped back into the living room, he was re-entering from his bedroom, your eyes immediately zoning in on the skin of his stomach as he pulled a t-shirt over his head.
You mentally reprimanded yourself, there was no way you were going to be able to rid yourself of those thoughts if the night carried on like that. You managed to avert your eyes just before his face appeared through the top of the t-shirt.
“I was thinking, food, a couple drinks? Maybe try and watch a movie? Hopefully we don’t fall asleep.” He smiled as he spoke, walking further into the room to grab his own beer from where he'd left it. You simply nodded your head as you listened to him, taking a sip of your beer to give yourself a second to compose yourself, your brain still attempting to formulate a million scenarios.
“Sure. Sounds good to me. Want to order pizza?” He flashed you a grin, hopping down onto the couch, patting his hand on the seat next to him for you to join.
“Come here, let's see what looks good.”
With the pizza acquired, the two of you fell into a comfortable silence, pressing start on the movie you'd agreed on. You were sitting a little further apart than you had been while ordering food and the distance was helping you keep somewhat focused on the movie. Though, it didn't take long for your eyes to start flicking between the screen and the person next to you every few minutes. Noah was doing almost exactly the same, the two of you ever so slightly out of sync, his eyes landing on you as you tried to feign interest in the film and vice versa. This back and forth carried on for almost half the film until you looked across at him just as he turned to glance at you.
Your cheeks flushed red at having been caught, quickly turning away from him, trying to act as if you hadn't been looking at all. You took a bite of your pizza, chewing the piece as you tried to force yourself to watch the movie. You didn't have a clue what was happening, you'd completely lost the flow of the storyline. You huffed out a breath and gave in, letting your eyes rest back on him. He was watching the film.
You let out another small huff, a little louder this time, placing your half eaten slice of pizza back in the box, grabbing ahold of your beer.
“You okay?” You turned towards the voice, taking a large swig of beer. He was looking at you again, his voice soft. He looked concerned.
“Yeah, I'm good.” You placed the beer back down, leaning back into the cushions of the sofa. You offered him a smile, trying to reassure him that you really were fine. Certainly, you didn't want to reveal to him, that seeing him topless had fried your brain so badly it was only thing you could see every time you closed your eyes. No, you definitely didn't want to tell him that.
“You seem distracted.”
“No, no, I’m fine. Really. I guess I'm just not really following the plot very well.” You waved a hand towards the TV as you spoke, a soft smirk gracing Noah's mouth before he leant himself forwards. He rested his elbow on top of his knee, propping his chin up on his fist as he eyed you.
“Well, that might be because you aren't paying a lot of attention.” You almost gasped at the suggestion, cheeks warming as you realised you'd been caught out. He knew you'd been staring.
“W-What? I am!”
“Oh yeah? Then what's the movie about, pretty girl?” Your eyes flicked back to the screen, looking for some sort of clue as to the plot. Something you could say to answer his question. Your mouth fell open, cheeks red as you started to stutter over your words in a flurry.
His fingers came to rest under your chin, guiding your gaze back to him. He had that smug look on his face again.
“Don't worry. I'm not following the plot very well either.”
“Yeah?” The word left your lips in almost a whisper as your eyes met his, your faces much closer than they had been all night. Those thoughts were trying to infiltrate your mind again.
“Yeah. I keep getting distracted.” You let out a shaky breath at his admission, wondering briefly if he'd only known you were looking because he too had been doing the same.
“What- What by?”
“Yeah.” His fingers lightly grazed the side of your face, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. You were almost jelly beneath his hands by this point, waiting patiently for him to make his next move.
“Can I?” His fingers were caressing your jaw. His eyes, flicking between yours and your mouth.
“Can you…?” You could guess what he was asking for and you didn’t want to give yourself a chance to second guess yourself. You tilted your own head back slightly, lifting your chin up to bring your lips closer to his. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something and then stopped, opting to close the distance between you both, your lips meeting his.
Your lips moved against his in a steady rhythm, fingers reaching out to curl into his locks as his hand caressed your jaw. You pulled away with a giggle, leaning in to rest your forehead against his. His face mirrored yours, big smiles on both your faces.
“I've been wanting to do that since we first met.”
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hoe-for-daddywise · 1 month
What It Cost-Noah Sebastian[AU]
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings: smut, violence(talks of death/beating/forced sex), language, fluff, angst.
Summary: The darkness was all Reader ever knew and now that it was following her, closing in to devour her, she needed to chance to breathe. With one destination in mind, she set out only to stop when she noticed an attractive stranger on the side of the road; his own darkness making her give him a ride to where he needed to go. Both of them were desperate for something else but neither of them could change and it nearly cost them everything.
Authors Note: Thank you everyone for being so patient with me while I worked on this the last five days. It originally wasn't supposed to be this long but fuck it, we ball.
Tags: @thescarlettvvitch @klutzy-kay24 @cookiesupplier @bngurngheart @thatchickwiththecamera @artificialbreezy @madomens @lookwhatitcost @mitchhbitch @concreteemo @marvelousmal @heyyoplayer @vinyardmauro @shilohrosechicken @eclipseeetop @lma1986 @spicywhenspeaking @missduffsblog @concreteangel92
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I stifled yet another yawn behind my fist and shook out the cobwebs, doing my best to stay awake. The nighttime air as it busted through the crack in my car window did little to keep the slumber from pulling me under, but I did whatever I could do. The music was blasting, the bass shaking all parts of my car and I had just thrown another empty can of Dr. Pepper into the plastic bag in the front seat I’d been using as garbage. I’d been driving for the last three hours, exhaustion desperately trying to weigh me down but I refused to let it win. I had somewhere I needed to be at a certain time otherwise all of this, everything I sacrificed would have been for nothing. 
Blinking my eyes, I did my best to see through the thick fog that seemed to have crept along the long stretch of the back roads of California, making it nearly impossible to see more than a few feet in front of me. Through the music that played in my speaker came a text tone followed by another and another. 
“The fuck,” I grumbled while reaching for my phone. 
Texting and driving. Nice, dumbass. Try not to kill yourself. 
Ignoring the chastising voice in my head, I flicked my gaze down to the screen on my phone and quickly read the messages. 
Matt: Package is shipped. 
Matt: We will meet at the rendezvous point in four days. 
Matt: Be safe kid. Love you. 
Through the hell of the last 34 hours, I let a smile creep on my lips at the words from my brother. He was always there for me, no matter what I had done growing up and that didn’t stop now when both of us were adults. 
“I’m your big brother. It’s my job to protect you, Y/N.”
His words from when I called him the other night in tears were what kept me going; and kept my mind from thinking back to that night. I needed to keep moving forward, not dwindle in fear of the repercussions. 
“Oh shit!” 
My phone clattered to the floor of my car, and the sound of my brakes screeching in the night air when I saw the faint form of something through the thick fog. I stopped mere inches in front of it, then once my erratic heart began to slow, I leaned closer to my windshield, barely making out the man that stood in front of my car. 
His dark hair covered his eyes, cascading down past his shoulders and the white tank top he wore stood out in the vast darkness when he spread his arms across the warm metal of my car, hands pressing against it. His broad chest rose and fell with each deep breath and I couldn’t help but notice that he spent a lot of time in the gym. The muscles in his arms rippled as he continued to keep his arms outstretched on my car. The headlights cast him in a bright glow thanks to the fog around him and I nearly choked on my breath when he made a down motion with his finger. 
Roll down the window. 
I shook my head, fear settling low in my stomach. Why was he out here in the middle of the night? Strolling around on the dark road alone? This was a receipt for disaster if I obliged his request. The smart thing to do would be to drive away from him, leaving him in the dust, so why the fuck was I rolling down the window?
“You almost hit me,” he adjusted the bag on his shoulder. 
My stomach flipped at his deep voice. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t see you.” 
The man didn’t move, only continued to stare into my soul from outside the windshield. 
“Can you please move? I need to keep driving,” I asked after a beat of silence. 
“Where are you headed?” He asked. 
I scoffed. “Why the fuck would I tell you? You could be some serial killer.” 
Even in the dark, I saw the faintest smile pull at his lips. 
“I need a ride,” he shrugged, finally pushing himself away from my car to run a hand through his long hair. 
“Call a taxi,” I said. 
Suddenly, the man began walking around my car, closer to my side and when he reached the open window, I slunk farther down in my seat. I could see him more clearly now; his arms, chest, and neck were all covered in tattoos. Fuck, even his fingers had tattoos as they gripped the door. 
“Why would I do that when I have a perfectly good ride right here?” The man leaned over, his face now inches from mine as he peered into the open window. 
I swallowed thickly when I breathed in his scent; woodsy with a hint of bergamot. 
“You’re insane if you think I’m going to give you a ride anywhere,” I chuckled, mostly to myself. “I don’t even know your name.” 
I blinked. “What?” 
The man bent at the knees outside my door so he was at eye level with me. 
“My name is Noah. What’s yours?” He asked with a smile in his eyes. 
“If you think I’m going to tell you my name, you’re fucking insane,” I shook my head.
“You’re not wrong,” Noah licked his lips. “Although, I like to think of myself as more charming than anything.”
My eyes now bulged out of my head. “You’re really not helping your case in getting a ride from me.”
“What if I say please?” He jutted out his bottom lip. 
With his pout and large almond eyes, I felt my heart soften the teeniest of bits. Surely if he was a murderer, he would have killed me already. 
Capturing my bottom lip between my teeth, I let out a long breath. “Where do you need to go?” 
“Canada?!” I screeched. 
“Is that going to be an issue?” Noah wondered, eyes flickering over his shoulder at every unknown sound. 
“Yeah considering we’re in California and Canada isn’t exactly where I was headed,” I informed. 
He raised a brow. “You still never told me where that is exactly.” 
Even though he was a very attractive stranger who didn’t seem to be a serial killer, I still wasn’t going to tell him that I was headed to Wisconsin to meet my brother then both of us would continue the drive to Vermont. Calgary wasn’t exactly on the way. 
“Look, if it’ll help sway you. I’ll pay for gas and food,” Noah’s voice brought me from my thoughts just in time to see him pull out a thick stack of cash from his black sweats. 
If he had this much money, clearly he could find another way to Calgary; something I made known out loud. 
“I could but I run the risk of being recognized. With you, I’d have a front-row seat to your beauty. Better company.” Noah admitted, still kneeling in front of my car door. 
There was an underlying tone in his voice that should have scared me and put me on high alert, however, it was his words that held my attention. 
“My beauty?” I repeated with a slight blush on my cheeks. 
Focus, you idiot! You’re letting this stranger sweet-talk you into giving him a ride into a different country!
“I’m not trying to sweet talk you into giving me a ride, even though I really do need one. I want to make sure you’re comfortable with driving me. I know Canada isn’t exactly close-.” 
“Or anywhere near where I'm going!” I interrupted Noah, voice still high an octave. 
He nodded while holding up the thick stack of cash. “Exactly why I’m offering to pay you. There’s about fifteen hundred here and you can have all of it if you get me to the Canadian border in one piece.” 
My eyes darted from Noah to the money in his hand. It was a very tempting offer only because I was starting over and money was desperately needed. I was already ahead of schedule for meeting Matt, four days we were set to meet and it wouldn’t take that long to drive to Wisconsin. So a detour wouldn’t be the worst thing, especially if the end game was money. 
He could kill you!
“Okay fine,” I gave in with a drop of my shoulders. “Get in.” 
Tapping the hood of my car, Noah rose to his feet and adjusted something in the back of his sweatpants. The only glimpse I got of it was something metal with a blank handle as he ran behind the car, slipping into the front seat. Now his scent engulfed the entire small space along with his long limbs; his legs had no room so Noah adjusted the seat for him to spread them out. He placed the bag in his lap and I tilted my head when I noticed the design on it; a reaper skeleton with a scythe.
It looked eerily familiar but I couldn’t decipher where I’d seen it before. 
My car was still idling in the middle of the road as I ran my palms up and down the steering wheel, unsure what to do next. My heart was pounding so loudly, that I thought Noah could hear it. I couldn’t explain it but having him this close to me affected me in a way that threw all common sense out of the window. 
Fuck, this was such a bad idea. I should be hours away by now, far away from what I left behind. But instead, I’m still in California with a stranger in my car that I just agreed to drive to fucking Canada. 
At least he’s attractive. You can claw at the tattoo on his neck when he’s murdering you. 
I cleared my throat while sitting taller in my seat. “Do you have an address?” 
“Just get me to the border,” Noah answered while tying his long locks into a low bun, showcasing the sharpness of his cheekbones. 
“Oh. Kay,” I muttered while searching up the border for Canada; a twenty-one-hour drive. 
Finally putting the car in drive, I let it glide along the dark roads with the silent tension debilitating. Every so often, I peered out of the corner of my eye to see that Noah had yet to relax in his seat. He sat straight up while tapping his tattooed fingers against his thighs. It seemed like he was on edge with something and whenever we did pass a car, his eyes watched it with sharpness. 
However, when a cop car sped past with its lights and sirens in the opposite lane, Noah slinked down in his seat, which was odd. The cop drove past so fast, I didn’t have time even to pull over so it wasn't like the officer could even see in my car. Before he could sit up again, another two cop cars sped past even faster than the first one and I nearly missed the way he cursed under his breath because of the music playing on the radio. 
“They must be heading to the prison,” I said, eyes watching the lights disappear in the rearview mirror. 
The state prison was about ten miles back.
Noah didn’t say anything, only shivering while running a hand over his bare arms due to his tank top.
“Are you cold?” I asked. 
“A bit.” 
I adjusted the heat but then nodded to the back seat. “There’s a sweater in the back seat.”
He was quick to reach behind us and grab the sweater, slipping it over his large form. It was Matt’s sweater from one of his favorite movies. 
“Hereditary?” Noah asked while pulling at the sweater. 
I nodded while keeping my eyes on the road. “It’s a movie. Have you seen it?” 
“I haven't had much time for movies this past year,” he answered with a low voice. 
The GPS indicated I needed to take a left turn at the upcoming red light so when I eased to a stop, I glanced over to him. In the low light emanating from the street lights in the car, he looked almost eternal, hiding in the shadows. His hair was still pulled back but the hood was covering his face. The darkness was emanating off of him with such a force that it was practically pulling me in, needing to taste it; melding it with my own. 
“It’s pretty good. A bit of a mind fuck,” I said as the light turned green. 
Noah hummed. “I’ll add it to the list.” 
Silence fell between us again but didn’t last as long as before. Noah turned his body toward me, eyes burning on the side of my face. 
“You’re staring,” I said. 
“I like what I see, can you blame me?” 
The sureness in his voice made my heart flutter and my skin blaze with heat. Instead of saying anything in response, I gripped the steering wheel tighter and adjusted my position in my seat. I’d been driving a total of five hours now which was typically my limit and noticing it was almost two in the morning, I debated on bringing up to Noah if he was fine with stopping at a motel for the night. 
Oh, so now you want to share a room with this guy? What if there was only one bed? 
I shook my head at my inner thoughts. I wouldn’t share a room with him. We’d get our own rooms. 
“You know,” Noah’s deep voice pulled me from my thoughts yet again. “We have another twenty hours. That’s a long time to go without knowing your name.” 
He was leaning his back against the door, arms crossed over his chest. 
I snorted. “Just because you told me yours doesn't mean I’m going to tell you mine.” 
“How am I supposed to thank you once this is all over?” He teased me. 
“By leaving the money in the front seat,” I retorted back. 
Noah clicked his tongue on his teeth and chuckled; the sound making something twitch inside of me. 
“You’ve got some sass, angel. I like it.” 
My eyes snapped to him for the briefest of moments. “Angel?” 
“You won’t tell me your name. I have to call you something,” Noah said as if it wasn’t that big of a deal he gave me a nickname. 
“What if I don’t like it?” I said, still driving. 
He leaned closer towards me and I felt his warm breath fan over my ear, dancing down the side of my exposed neck. 
“Too bad. It stays, angel,” he murmured.
The smile on his face told me he caught on the way my breath caught in my throat and how fast I licked my lips with his proximity.  
When I pulled up to a stop sign, I let the car idle while I turned to face him, nearly choking on my spit when I realized how close we were. His plump lips peeked out from the darkness of his hood and I could faintly see facial hair line his upper lip and pepper his jawline. A few long strands of hair fell onto his face when he tilted his head down at me, those almond eyes searching every inch of my face. 
Kiss him. 
I blinked at the sudden thought, nearly taken aback at how forward it was. I’d never wanted to kiss someone so bad, especially a stranger. But there was something different about Noah although I couldn’t tell quite yet if it was a good or bad thing. 
“Do you have a boyfriend?” 
“Wh-what? Why?” I stuttered, flashes of what happened a few days ago creeping back into my mind. 
A tattooed finger reached up to twirl a strand of my hair around it. 
“I don’t want to kiss someone that’s unavailable,” he said. 
Suddenly a loud horn from behind caused me to jump in my seat, doing what I could to scramble away from Noah in the confined space and start driving again. He continued to wear that smug smile as he leaned back into the leather seat. While I kept my eyes straight ahead on the road, Noah kept his on me, and my heart hadn’t stopped pounding in my chest. 
How could I let this stranger almost kiss me? 
The last thing I needed right now was another relationship, especially because of what happened with my last one. Hadn’t I learned anything from what happened? I was on the run because of what happened. 
All over the living room spread into the hallway into the bathroom where it splattered over the wall; all where it started.
“What’s on your mind, angel?” 
With a sharp breath, I snapped my eyes over to Noah for a curt moment to see that he let out his long hair from the bun and it fell around his face, still clouding him in mystery. But the darkness seemed to work for him, making those eyes shine brighter as they were filled with mischief. 
“Nothing,” I muttered before paying attention to the road again. 
“It didn’t seem like nothing.  You went somewhere just now,” Noah said. 
I scoffed, gripping the wheel tighter. “I didn’t realize I was easy enough to read.” 
“I’m a very perceptive person. I picked up on some of your cues the second I sat in your car,” he shrugged one shoulder, very nonchalantly. 
“Oh really?” I raised a brow. “Please, do tell.” 
Noah sat quietly for a moment as he studied me one final time and I felt my entire essence flare up the longer he silently stared at me. I shifted in my seat to try and curb the itch that seemed to ache between my legs; our almost kiss replaying in my mind like a loop. His lips were plump and I couldn’t help but wonder what they tasted like. Even in the darkness of my car, I could see the freckles that peppered his nose and the faint scar just underneath his right eye. 
Maybe from a piercing? A fight? 
“When you’re in your head, you do this thing where you bite your lip; the left corner. Like you’re doing right now,” Noah smiled. 
Quickly, I let go of my bottom lip but said nothing as I continued to drive. 
“You also rub your hands on your things,” he continued in my silence. 
“I do not!” I fought but then realized he was right when I noticed my free hand rubbing up and down my thigh. “Congratulations, you can read me like a book. Do you want a fucking medal or something?” 
Noah chuckled low, the noise rumbling in his chest, and stretched an arm behind me to rest against my headrest. My heart stuttered in my chest, offbeat and unbalanced when I felt fingers play with the ends of my hair behind my neck.  
“You’ve got such a sassy tongue, angel. Do I need to keep it busy with something else?” 
My foot nearly slipped off the gas pedal at his question but I did my best to compose myself. 
“You’re not my type,” I responded flatly. 
Noah was exactly my type, down to the long hair and tattoos. 
“See, I think you’re lying to yourself,” Noah said, still running his fingers across the exposed skin of my neck. “If you weren’t even the slightest attracted to me, you wouldn’t have let me get in your car.” 
My voice faltered. “Y-your money. I need it.” 
“Why’s that?” His warm breath fanned over the crook of my neck while his other hand grazed over my thigh. 
I audibly gulped. “None of your business.” 
Now the grip behind my neck tightened and the hand on my thigh brushed dangerously close to my pussy. I could feel his warm touch through the thin material of my sweatpants, igniting a fire within me. 
“Do you want to know what I think you need?” Noah questioned. 
When I didn’t say anything, he took it as a silent cue for him to continue. “I think you could use a good fuck. Something to loosen up this tension. I bet your panties are soaked because of me and I haven’t even done anything to you yet.” 
“They are not!” I seethed through clenched teeth.
“When was the last time someone touched you, angel? Made you scream for them?” Noah wondered. 
“That’s none of your buis-Shit,” I cursed when his finger brushed along my folds, over my leggings. 
“The way you moan makes my cock throb. Fuck, it’s been too long,” he grazed his teeth along the shell of my ear. 
Suddenly, a loud ringing broke through the lust-filled car and shattered whatever fell between Noah and me. I realized though that it wasn’t my phone ringing but his when he pulled away from me to rummage through his bag. 
“Yeah?” He answered curtly. 
I let my pulse rate calm while trying to squeeze away the arousal between my legs. Noah’s touch awoke something in me that I had buried away years ago; the dark side of me. For the last five years, I had to pretend to be perfect in all aspects of my life; looks, personality, and relationships. The perfect trophy wife. 
After years of mental and physical abuse, a few nights ago I finally snapped. He never saw it coming. 
“Eighteen hours,” Noah said into his phone. “I found a ride.” 
I gulped again when I felt his eyes on me. “I find myself asking that question as well.” 
The street lights that glowed along the roads began to fade away the farther we drove away from the city and the amount of stop lights became less and less. We passed the state sign for Nevada a few hours ago and with the GPS taking me through the back roads unseen, we didn’t get to see the city strip of Las Vegas.
How tragic. 
“Reassure Joakim and Nicholas I’ll be there,” Noah sighed while running a hand over his jaw. 
Doing my best to tune out the rest of his phone conversation, I reached for another soda and popped it open to take a long drink from it. My body was practically screaming for rest, even if it was for a few minutes so my eyes could close. Once Noah finished his phone call, he tossed the phone back into his bag before letting out a long sigh and easing into the seat. I didn’t bother asking who he was on the phone with because frankly, I couldn't care less. The sooner I dropped Noah off at the border, the faster I could get back to my own life and figure out my future. I didn’t need to let him crawl completely under my skin because I knew what the ramifications would be if I let that happen. 
A long silence filled the car and after a while, I heard Noah’s soft breathing echoing in the car meaning he had fallen asleep. 
Lucky asshole. 
For the next two hours, I drove with the eerily calm breathing of Noah, every so often peaking over at him. From the second I nearly hit him with my car, he seemed to be on edge and constantly looking over his shoulder with any soft breeze. Now it was like he finally let himself relax because he thought he was safe enough not to be on edge. 
My body jerked awake, the car nearly swerving into the opposite lane and I breathed a breath of relief when I realized we were still the only car on the entire stretch of road. It had been like this for the last few hours and I was beginning to wonder if the apocalypse happened without us knowing and we were the only two survivors.
"You're not falling asleep on me, are you?" 
Noah’s gruff voice made my shoulder go rigid when I realized he woke up and I gripped the steering wheel harder, knuckles going white from my agitation. If he'd known I'd already been driving for three hours before I picked him up, he might have understood why I was so tired. 
"You could drive," I grumbled under my breath. 
He tsked while leaning over in his seat towards me, his long tattooed fingers reaching for my thigh again. I sucked in a breath when I felt the heat radiating off of him engulf me. 
"Or I could sit here and find a way to keep you awake," Noah muttered, leaning into me. 
My heart beat wildly in my chest and I nearly let my eyes flutter shut when his hand reached for the waistband of my leggings. Suddenly, I wasn't tired anymore. Instead, I was very aroused. 
"Do you want that?" He asked, voice gone with lust. 
I swallowed thickly, doing my best so my voice wouldn't come out shaky. I was ready to throw away that final broken piece of me, the one I had to create so I could ultimately be free. Be who I used to be. Some might think I was crazy to allow myself to let this stranger finger me while I drove but I didn’t care. It’d been so long since I had a release that wasn’t brought on by my own hand and I craved it. 
"Please,” I breathed.
Noah’s bright grin shone in the darkness of the car when his hand slipped into my leggings and underwear, finger gliding over my slick folds. His groans sent a shock straight to my pussy. 
"You can lie all you want, angel. But you're fucking soaked for me. A stranger. Someone you picked up on the side of the road a few hours ago," Noah’s teeth grazed over my ear lobe. 
I jerked the wheel, the car swerving yet again, and it made him pull his finger away from my clit to which I whined in protest. 
"Keep your eyes on the road. If you don't crash, I'll let you cum. Deal?" 
When I nodded, he pressed a tender kiss to the crook of my neck before slipping a finger inside of me. "Good girl."
“Fuck,’ I moaned as his thick finger began to pump in and out of me, slowly at first as if he was testing the waters; figuring out what I liked. 
I shifted in the seat, still trying to keep my attention on the road ahead of me. Now that there weren't any street lights, it was a lot harder to see more than a few feet in front of me so I had to turn on my brights. 
“Shit,” I whimpered when Noah’s thumb pressed against my clit. 
“Oh, you like that, angel?” He asked, nipping at my earlobe. 
With his thumb on my clit and finger now working fast inside of me, I was a blubbering mess, words spilling over my tongue. That familiar ache that soon turned to pleasure began building low in my gut and I gripped the steering wheel harder now, doing my best to keep the car straight. 
“You’re swerving,” Noah breathed against the shell of my ear before pressing a kiss there. 
I shivered. “I can’t help it. You’re-.” 
“I’m what?” He teased, now working on leaving a mark on my neck. 
Smug bastard.
“It’s so good,” I moaned while exposing more of my neck to him. 
Now his teeth began nipping at the sensitive skin while his thumb worked fast circles on my clit and I clenched over his finger when he added a second. I felt so full and nearing my climax, the white haze creeping into the edge of my vision. Sheer ecstasy was filling my veins as I began convulsing in my seat, Noah edging me on with vulgar words. 
“Such a whore for my fingers. If you act like this, I can’t imagine how you’d look coming apart on my cock.” 
The noise that erupted from my throat was downright disgusting but it seemed to urge Noah on because now his pace on my clit was messy. 
“Do you want my cock, angel? Have it split you open?” 
He sunk his teeth into the flesh of my throat and I arched off the seat, all while still keeping the car straight. 
“Noah,” I begged. “I’m gonna-.” 
“Fuck, my cock is so hard angel. Be a good girl and cum for me, let me see you fall apart.” 
With an earth-bending scream, I spasmed all over Noah’s fingers as he worked me through my orgasm. He praised his pleasure in my ear and it made me keen with satisfaction. My eyes darkened as I watched him pull out from me and then lick his two fingers eagerly; like a man starved. 
“You taste so good, angel,” he hummed in approval. 
“I think it’s safe to say, I’m wide awake now,” I said while my chest rose and fell with each deep breath as I did my best to come down. 
I drove for less than a mile before Noah shifted in his seat, adjusting his sweats. 
“Pull over,” he ordered with a grunt. 
My eyes snapped over to him. “What?” 
“Pull over,” he repeated, this time more gently than before. 
Doing as he asked, I pulled the car over to the side of the road before putting it in park. I brushed away the stray hairs from my face and then turned towards Noah, who was staring down at his lap; at the wet spot. 
“Oh,” was all I said with red cheeks when I realized what I was looking at. 
Noah chuckled while running his hands over his thighs. “I told you, it’s been a while for me.” 
I glanced in my backseat, although I knew it was futile. The only extra clothes I had were for me, none to fit his tall stature. 
“According to the GPS, there’s a truck stop a few miles ahead, with showers,” I couldn’t help but giggle. 
He ran a hand over his chin to hide his smile. “Hilarious.” 
For the next ten minutes, we drove in silence beside the soft tune of the radio, and I allowed my mind to wander to what happened moments before. My body was still buzzing from the high of my release and I desperately needed to feel like that again. 
Noah’s muttering about his hair made me give him a sideway glance as I took a right turn. “Everything alright?” 
He was staring at his phone with a stone face making it impossible to read him. 
His answer was curt and I tried not to let it bother me while pulling into the almost empty parking lot of the truck stop. Besides my car, there were three others and about six large semis parked on the other end of the lot. 
“Did you want anything?” Noah asked while gathering his things and slipping over his hood. 
I raised a brow at how he almost went into hiding but said nothing of it. 
“I’m fine. I’m going to fill up and then use the bathroom. Take your time cleaning up,” I teased before slipping out of the car. 
Noah waved over his shoulder as he made his way inside the shop. 
Almost twenty minutes later, I had filled up the car with gas and gone to the bathroom to freshen up. The cool night air felt great against my skin as I took my time walking back to the car to stretch my legs. I changed into a pair of comfier shorts and an oversized hoodie, wanting to be a bit more comfortable for this next leg of the drive. 
When I reached the car, my feet skidded to a halt seeing Noah sitting against the hood of it, bags full of snacks at his feet. However, my attention was on something else. He was now wearing a pair of black mesh shorts and a shirt with some sort of anime character on it. I expected to see the long locks of his dark hair pulled back or falling over his shoulders. Instead, his hair stopped before it reached his ears. 
He cut his hair. 
I blinked, unable to speak. 
Fuck, he looked so good. 
“You’re staring,” Noah smirked. 
“Uh,” I motioned to his head. “You cut your hair.” 
He fixed the hair across his forehead so it could fall to the side giving himself bangs. 
“Yeah, I was tired of the length. I needed to see the back of my neck again,” he said while rubbing his neck. 
I still haven't moved, standing in the middle of the parking lot, and it wasn’t until Noah picked up the bags full of snacks. 
“I know you said you didn’t want anything but I still got you some snacks.” 
My heart fluttered as a smile pulled at my lips. “You didn’t have to do that. Thank you.” 
“Come on,” he motioned to the passenger seat. “We should get back on the road. 
While he slipped behind the wheel, I hesitantly got into the passenger seat. “You’re driving?” 
He nodded while starting the car, pulling out of the lot once the GPS was loaded. 
“I’m in the driver's seat now,” he winked. “You should get some rest.” 
I wanted to fight it because falling asleep and being vulnerable around Noah still worried me. If he wanted to kill me he would have the second I rolled down my window for him. He could have killed me and stolen my car but he didn’t. 
The thought of sleep, however, sounded heavenly. So with a nod, I grabbed my blanket from the back seat and snuggled deeper into the seat. 
“Try not to crash my car, yeah?” I somewhat joked. 
Noah winked. “No promises, angel.” 
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“I’ll be there in time, don’t worry Nicholas.” 
A soft breath fell from my lips as I adjusted my position on the seat and brought the blanket closer to my chin, sleep still having its claws in me. 
“What’s the news saying?” 
It was then I noticed Noah was talking to someone, his hushed conversation being picked up easily in the quiet car. 
“I cut my hair and I’ll cover my tattoos until I’m across the border if I need to.” 
This made my eyes open just a slit, enough to see Noah was on the phone, it clutched tightly to his ear while the other hand gripped the steering wheel. I could tell the car was still moving along the road smoothly and when I glanced at the time remaining on the GPS, I nearly choked on my saliva. 
I’d been asleep for five hours; we had less than eight hours left until we reached Canada. 
“No, she doesn’t. I plan to keep it that way.”
Now my attention was on Noah again as I continued to pretend I was asleep. 
“It’s not like that, Nicholas. She’s getting me to Canada and that’s it. She’ll go wherever she was headed before she picked me up.”
He audibly snorted at whatever this Nicholas said. “No, she has no idea. Prison was hell enough and I barely got out of there alive.”
All the blood drained from my body and I felt every part of me go stiff at hearing his words. 
Noah had been in prison and I picked him up on the side of the road like some kind of idiot. 
Told you he was going to murder you. 
Suddenly, all the pieces began to click into place like a disturbed puzzle. 
Noah standing in the middle of the road with a bag, dressed in almost prison clothes. 
Him randomly deciding to cut his hair.
Sharp eyes watched as each car passed us and nearly hid underneath the seat when the cop cars sped past us. 
Cops trying to find an escaped prisoner. 
“Stop the car,” I demanded while sitting up. 
Noah cursed before hanging up the phone, letting it fall into the cup holder. “How’d you sleep?” 
My eyes sliced into him. “Stop the fucking car, Noah!” 
He didn’t. Instead, he kept driving as if his words meant absolutely nothing. 
I stared at him still with such venom behind my eyes, hatred burning low in my gut. 
“You lied to me,” I seethed. 
“You never asked,” he glanced my way for a quick second before looking back at the road ahead of him. 
It was mid-afternoon now, the sun shining brightly in the car and showcasing all of him. The tattoos on his thick arms bulged as Noah gripped the wheel tighter with one hand while the other rested on his thigh; also covered in tattoos. 
I licked my lips, trying to tell myself not to fall for his looks or remember how he made me crumble with those fingers. 
“Were you released from prison or did you escape?” I asked with crossed arms. 
Even though his lips didn't smile, the way his eyes glinted told me exactly what I needed to know. 
“STOP THE FUCKING CAR!” I bellowed while pulling on the door handle. 
The noise of the locks engaging echoed loudly in the small car. 
My blood ran cold when I realized he wasn't going to let me leave. 
“A-r-re you going to k-kill me?” I asked with such a thick waver to my voice, that the sob was practically crawling its way out of my throat. 
Noah sighed while scratching at his cheek. “If I wanted to kill you, don’t you think I would have by now?” 
I shrugged. “That doesn't mean you won't.” 
“I’m not a killer, angel,” he said with a stern voice. 
“Then stop the fucking car,” my jaw ticked. 
I could see the way he fought with this decision internally until finally, Noah pulled the car over to the side of the road. The route we had been going made it so that not many cars were following us; Noah and I being the only ones out here. 
“Can you let me explain?” He asked while turning his body towards me. 
“Fuck you,” I spat before storming out of the car and leaving the door open. 
The fury blinded me as I began walking on the edge of the road to a destination unknown. Yes, I was leaving my car and belongings behind with him but at that moment, I didn’t give a shit. There was only one thing that mattered. 
Get far away from Noah. 
“Angel!” He called out after me. “Get your ass back here!” 
I tossed him the middle finger over my shoulder, sandals slapping against the gravel. Unfortunately, I hadn’t made it far enough because I heard Noah curse something under his breath before his thunderous footsteps echoed behind me. 
“Put me down!” I screamed when I felt myself being tossed over his shoulder. 
I writhed against his stronghold as he carried me back to the car. From my view, I was upside down in front of his ass, and for a brief moment, I marveled at how perfect it was. 
Focus, idiot!
“I swear to God, Noah. Let me go!” 
When I kneed him in the gut, he let me fall to my ass with a grunt and I scrambled to get away from him again, this time hoping I could reach my car and drive off. However, right before I reached the handle of the driver's side door, Noah wrapped his fingers around my wrist to whirl me into the open door of the back seat. 
“You’re fucking insane!” I screamed while reaching for the door opposite of me, still trying to escape. 
I thought I would feel a sense of fear with him chasing after me and keeping me hostage, instead, I felt an arousal pool between my legs, and my breath hitched when his large frame lay on top of my back, keeping me locked between him and the seat. 
“Stop fucking fighting,” he growled low in my ear. 
“Just kill me,” I shot back with tears brimming in my eyes. “Get this over with.” 
Noah hummed while breathing in my scent. “I already told you, angel. I’m not a killer.” 
My bottom lip trembled. “Then what do you want?” 
“You,” he answered with zero hesitation. 
His large hand snaked up underneath my sweater to scratch at the warm skin of my back and I shivered underneath his electric touch. I should be scared of him yet I yearned to feel him devour me. My soul was vibrating with the need to feel his lips on me, his cock inside of me, and finally let go of that sliver of a person I used to be. Noah wasn’t the only one running from something. Who was I to judge what he’d done to land in prison when I wasn’t any better than him? 
“Then what are you waiting for?” I murmured while looking over my shoulder at him.
With a growl, Noah pulled me up to pull off my sweater and bra, leaving me topless for him. His eyes darkened as he licked his lips at the sight of my perky nipples before pushing me back down on the cool leather seats. He then yanked on the seat belt beside me to wrap it around my wrists, keeping them locked behind my back. Then he did the same thing with the other seat belt with my ankles and once he was satisfied with the tightness of my binds, his face loomed over me again. 
“The second you want out, say mercy.” 
I rapidly nodded. “Please don’t stop. I need this.” 
As I was still glancing over my shoulder, I watched Noah as he pulled out a pocket knife from his shorts and felt my heart stop in my chest when it clicked open, the blade slicing through the material of my shorts and underwear. 
He had the knife this entire time? 
“Such a pretty ass,” Noah mused before laying his palm against it with a strike, followed by another then another. After the six strikes, he soothed the reddened skin with a gentle caress. 
I hissed in my bindings, trying to pull away from him but knew it was pointless. He managed to tie the seatbelts so tight, that there was no way I’d be able to escape. 
Not that I wanted to anyway. 
Noah’s lips kissed down my spine, tongue, and teeth tasting every inch of skin and his name fell off my lips in a hungry whisper. One lone finger gathered up my arousal between my legs which made him hum in delight.
“I’ve barely touched you, angel. You’re already so wet for me,” he licked at his fingers like a kitten lapping up milk. 
“Noah,” I panted, trying my hardest to raise my ass towards him. 
The space in my car was tight due to his tall frame so he currently was half sitting on me, one leg bent at the knee on my right side while his other leg kept him up against the back of the driver's seat. 
“Tell me what you want,” he dragged the flat side of the blade over the swell of my ass, down between my legs, and over my pussy; my slick arousal coating it. 
I gulped, the words now foreign on my lips when the cool metal pressed against my clit. My brain was a jumbled mess as I tried to pick out the correct words I needed to say. 
“Your cock,” the words finally spilled out when the handle of the knife pressed inside my slick folds. 
“Ask nicely,” he demanded while licking up my arousal from the blade, the sharp point cutting his tongue slightly. 
“Please,” I groaned at the sight. 
The noise that rumbled from the back of Noah’s throat made my pussy clench as I watched him quickly strip out of his clothes, his bare form on full display for me. He was covered in tattoos, almost every inch of him and when he leaned over towards the front seat, I sucked in a breath at the large tattoo on his back. 
“Shit,” he grumbled and tossed his bag back onto the seat. 
“What is it?” I wondered. 
He ran a hand over his jaw. “Unless you have a condom hiding somewhere in your car then we need to rethink this.” 
My face fell and I sucked in my bottom lip which caused Noah to tilt his head at me. 
“You’re going back to that place, angel. If you want me to stop, please-.” 
“No!” I said a little too suddenly. “I want this, Noah. Trust me. We don’t need a condom. I’m safe.” 
“Are you on birth control?” His brows furrowed. 
I winced because I didn’t want to get into the procedure I had undergone six years ago; against my free will. So I lied instead. 
That was all Noah needed to hear before he spit on the palm of his hand and wrapped it around his thick cock; beads of precum spilling over the head. It was long and red with a blue vein on the underneath of it. 
It was the prettiest cock I’d ever seen. 
Noah adjusted himself behind me the best he could due to the limited space and he raised my hips off the seat with one hand while the other angled the head of his cock at my pussy. I trilled in delight when he filled me, the sudden fullness making my stomach twitch with slight pain. He must have noticed because he stopped moving his hips and placed a tender kiss on my shoulder. 
“Safe word?”
“I’m okay, just give me a minute.” 
I didn’t want to tell him that the last time I had sex it was rough, not in the nice kind of way, so my body was still reacting to it. 
“Okay,” I breathed after a moment. “Don’t hold back, Noah. Please.” 
And he didn’t. 
His hips smacked against my ass so hard, the sound drowned out the mewls of pleasure that spit from my tongue. The head of his cock hit that spot every time he pulled almost all the way out and then slammed back into me. 
“Fuck, angel. I missed this feeling so much. I’m not going to last long with you gripping my cock like this,” Noah’s teeth bit down on the skin between my shoulder blades. 
“Oh God,” I grunted. 
He pulled on the part of the seatbelt that wasn’t tied around my wrists and wrapped it around my neck twice; just tight enough to cut off my oxygen a bit but still able to breathe. 
“There’s no God in this car with us. Just you and me.” 
Noah’s nails dug into the sensitive skin of my hips as he pounded into me with no regard, the squelching of our shared arousals sounding vulgar. Due to the tightness of the belt around my throat, it felt like I was floating higher and higher to my orgasm. The edges of my vision went blurry with the impending doom of unconsciousness. It was there, along with my orgasm, ready to pull me under the waves and never let me up. 
Just as I was about to succumb, the blade cut through the belt around my neck and slightly nicked my skin, blood dripping to the seat below. 
“Shit,” Noah hissed when he realized what he’d done, hips stalling. “Angel, I’m-.” 
“Don’t fucking stop!” I commanded. “I’m so fucking close, Noah.” 
He slipped a hand between my pussy and the seat, fingers strumming against my clit like he was playing the guitar. It was exactly what I needed to finally slip underneath the waves and I screamed out my arousal, it coating his cock. Noah didn’t give me a second to enjoy the after-shocks because he cut the binds at my wrists and ankles and then flipped me over on my back so I could look up at him. With my legs wrapped around his back, he thrust a few more times before spilling himself inside of me with a guttural moan that sent shivers down my spine. 
Noah’s freshly cut hair was a mess across his forehead so I did my best to brush it away from his eyes, the darkness of them drinking in the sight of my wetness on his cock and then snapped up to the blood drying between my breasts. The tip of his tongue darted up to clean the bloody mess he made before kissing his way down my stomach and leaving a soft kiss on my clit. 
“Ah! Shit!” I panted when he began lapping up our shared arousal between my legs, licking me clean. 
I ran my fingers through the softness of his hair, pulling him away from me because the overstimulation was too much to take. 
“Too much,” I sighed. 
Noah slinked his hand behind my neck to jerk my mouth up to his and wrenched my jaw open to spit the blood and cum mixture in my mouth. It was filthy and so fucking wrong. 
I loved every second of it. 
I tasted both of us on his tongue and it made me hum in satisfaction before he let me fall back to the seat with a soft thud. 
“You taste fucking divine, angel,” Noah mused while wiping his lips clean. 
Sighing in content, I let myself lay there for a few extra moments while I watched Noah rest against one of the seats doing his best to calm his breathing. We let the silence encompass us for a long while until I rested my hands on my stomach and looked over at him when his voice broke through the quiet. 
“Are you alright?” 
The features of his face were soft but filled with concern so I quickly nodded, reassuring him I was more than alright. It felt like my body was still floating in ecstasy. 
“You barely cut me, Noah. I’ve had worse,” I said while slowly sitting up. 
He frowned at my words and I realized what I said so I did my best to change the subject. 
“How’d you escape?” I asked while pulling my knees to my chest. 
Noah extended his arm across the back seat and sighed. “Me and another inmate were on the way to be transferred to another prison across the state when the van crashed and I snuck away. According to the papers, prisoner 213123 died in the fire while prisoner 44536 escaped.” 
“Let me guess, you swapped your numbers so it seemed like you died instead of the other guy,” I snorted. 
He merely shrugged with a smirk. “Are you going to turn me in?” 
I pursed my lips already knowing the answer. “Why are you telling me all of this? If you’re on the run, don’t you think you should have come up with a different identity?” 
“I trust you, angel,” he answered, not missing a beat. 
How can this man trust me when I hadn’t spoken an ounce of my own transgressions? 
“You don’t even know me,” my voice was hushed. 
Noah brushed away the hair from my face so he could look directly into my eyes. “I was betrayed by someone I’d known for years. It’s a feeling, telling me to trust you.”
“You said you didn’t kill anyone, right?” I questioned while resting my head against the headrest. 
We both were still naked and the cool air from the vents brought chills to our skin. 
“Bank robbery. My crew and I were set up. I took the fall for all of it. I got twenty years while they went into hiding,” Noah’s fingers brushed along my shoulder. 
“How long did you actually serve?” 
He gave me that infamous smirk, the one I found myself swooning over. “Three years, just enough for my crew to set up shop somewhere else.” 
“Canada?” I teased with a lift of my brow.
“You can come with me, ya know?” Noah suggested while stretching out his long limbs in the backseat. “Get away from whatever you’re running from.”
I suddenly froze in front of him. “What makes you think I’m running from something?” 
He lifted my chin with a tattooed knuckle, his breath fanning over my lips. “The look in your eyes matches my own. And maybe that’s why you haven’t run from me yet.” 
The truth in his words scared the hell out of me, how he could read me so well like a book. 
“We should get back on the road if you want to get to your friends on time,” I said while pulling away from him. 
Without saying another word, I pulled out a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, quickly changing. I hopped over to the front seat and clicked the belt over me while Noah threw his previous clothes on and got out of the car to walk around to the front seat. 
“You fucked up my seat belts,” I grumbled while pulling back onto the main road. 
“Send me the invoice when you get them replaced,” he chuckled. 
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Four hours and the glowing moon later, we were closer to Canada than before and Noah had been reading a book while I silently sang along to the words on my playlist. Every so often his hand would graze over to my thigh, squeezing it when he noticed I would start to doze off. 
“I’m fine,” I assured him with a nod when I’d been caught again. 
He placed the book back in his bag before pointing to an upcoming exit sign. “I think I saw some restaurants up ahead. Let’s get something to eat and I’ll take over driving.” 
Bright red and blue lights filled the car and I cursed when I peeked in the rearview mirror seeing a cop attempting to pull me over. Sweat gathered at my palms as I looked over to Noah, wondering what I should do. 
His jaw was clenched tight and I thought he was about to yell at me, blaming my reckless driving for getting pulled over. Instead, he patted my knee and motioned to the car. 
“Pull over. It’s alright, angel. Just act natural and he won't suspect anything.” 
Swallowing thickly, I did my best to remain calm because the thought of acting naturally knowing I had a wanted fugitive in my car not to mention what I was running from made it impossible. 
Once the car was at a stop, I started running my hands up and down my thighs, doing whatever I could to stop my racing heart. 
“Just tell them you were falling asleep so we were planning on switching drivers, okay?” Noah said while placing a hat low over his eyes. 
You’re so fucked! How can you hide someone who escaped from prison? 
Well, according to Noah, people think he died in the crash so maybe the cop won’t even notice him.
Oh really? And what's your excuse? How do you plan to explain all that blood in your apartment and his-?
A firm tapping on my window made me roll it down with an innocent smile as I handed him my license. “I know I was swerving.” 
“Have you had anything to drink?” The officer asked, shining his flashlight in my face after taking a peek at my license.
I squinted my eyes while shaking my head. “No. I’m sober. It’s been a long drive and we were planning on switching at the next exit.” 
This made the officer glance over to Noah, who kept his head down as if he were asleep. 
“Hm. Well, I ran your plates. Do you know Sean Writhe?” 
My soul had been sucked dry, leaving me a bag of skin and bones as I slumped into my seat. 
No. No. No. This cannot be happening. 
“Yes,” I said quietly. 
“He’s the registered owner of the car, is that right?” 
Noah shifted in his seat next to me when I answered. “Yeah.” 
“According to your license, he’s your husband,” the officer said. 
The noise that came from Noah made my stomach drop and I knew that there would be no way I could explain myself to him without him getting upset. 
“Soon to be ex, we’re separated,” I said while rubbing my hands over my thighs. 
The officer raised a dark eyebrow at me, his salt and pepper combed back away from his face. 
“Sean Writhe is dead. Officers back in Los Angeles found his body in your shared apartment.”
I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to keep my snarky remark to myself but ultimately failing. 
“I didn’t think Montana cops were particular about knowing Los Angeles crimes.” 
The officer's eyes sliced into me, one hand on his hip. “We are when we spot a wanted car driving in our parts of town. You’re wanted for questioning in your husband's murder.” 
Noah’s curse from next to me caused the officer to shine the light on him again, this time longer than before. I watched in horror as his shoulders went rigid, the realization setting in on who exactly was sitting in my front seat. I wasn’t sure how he recognized Noah with the short hair and hat but it had to be one of his many tattoos that gave him away. 
“Sir,” the officer's voice was shaky as he began reaching for his gun. “Can you step out of the car for me?” 
Shit. Shit. Shit. 
“Angel,” Noah’s voice was a warning when I glanced over to him, my body shaking with fear. 
The softness of his almond eyes underneath his hat eased me a bit but then everything next happened so fast, I couldn’t register it all until it was too late. 
Noah pulled out the gun from his bag and then reached over my seat to pull on the handle, making me fall back and out of view when he aimed the barrel of the gun at the officer; three loud pops reverberated in the confines of my car, along with my screams. I covered my hands too late, seeing the officer's body fall to the ground in a heap of blood. 
Teeth sunk in deep around my heart, dragging it to the depths of hell along with me, and I choked on the air around me. I desperately needed the oxygen to fill my lungs again as I clawed at my throat, still lying down in the driver's seat. 
“Shit,” Noah clambered over his seat towards me, eyes staring down with worry. “Angel, are you alright? Say something.” 
I shook my head, my brain not functioning enough to say anything, so he raised my seat again and cupped my cheeks. 
“I need to know you’re not going to pass out on me, okay? I have to deal with the body before someone drives by and sees it.” 
The body. 
Even with the vice grip surrounding me, I gave a curt nod which was enough for Noah, who slipped out of the car towards the body that lay on the other side of my door. Daring a glance through the open window, the headlights from the officer's car shined bright on his deathly form. Two bullet holes in his chest, one directly in the middle of his forehead. 
“You said you’re not a killer,” I finally found my voice through the haze. 
It was as if everything was slowly coming back to me. The officer pulled us over, finding out that what I had been running from finally caught up to me, and Noah took care of the problem. 
Just like I had done. 
“Circumstances changed, angel,” he grunted while dragging the body towards the back of my car. “Pop the trunk.” 
I blinked rapidly before pressing the button, the trunk springing open. The shift of the added weight made the car buckle before Noah slammed the door shut and then was back in his spot next to me. 
“What are you doing?” I wondered, watching him type something on his phone. 
“We need a new plan,” he said. “There’s a lake three miles ahead, away from prying eyes. I need you to drive your car there, I’ll follow behind in the officer's car where we’ll dump the cars and him.” 
My eyes widened. “Excuse me? We’re doing what now?” 
Noah ran a tired hand over his face with an audible sigh. “We need to get rid of the evidence, angel. Then get far away from here as soon as we can. Soon, others will come looking for him and us.” 
As much as I wanted to scream at him, remind him there was no us, I knew he was right. The faster we deal with the body in the trunk, the faster we can get away from it all. 
“Okay,” I nodded while starting the car. “I’ll follow you.” 
Noah’s grip was tight on my chin as he forced me to look at him, anger filling his eyes. “Once we’re done with this little hiccup, we’re going to talk about what happened with your husband.” 
The venom in the word husband made my skin crawl. 
“Ex,” I spat through gritted teeth. “I was divorcing him.” 
“Right,” Noah clicked his tongue. “Was that before or after you killed him?” 
My silence gave him the answer he needed. I couldn’t judge or grill him about being a killer when I was one. And now, so was Noah. 
“Follow close behind, okay? I don’t need you to lose me. It’s only a three-mile drive,” Noah left me with a tender kiss on my forehead that eased away some of the fear and worry. 
Five minutes later, I stood off to the side holding my arms to my chest as I watched Noah empty all of our belongings from my car and then wipe everything down. 
Washing away the evidence. 
“What’s the point if we’re sinking the car?” I asked. 
The moonlight struck through the clouds, casting Noah in an eternal glow and if it had been any other moment in time, I’d wrap myself around him to taste his lips. But now, the only thing I thought of was the sound his gun made when it killed the officer. 
“Just in case they find the car and pull it out of the river,” Noah said with not an ounce of worry in his voice. 
Must be nice. 
He’d already put cinder blocks in the officer's car, letting it drive off the ledge of the cliff to the waters below with a loud splash. For the next few minutes, we watched as the same thing happened with my car and I held onto the two bags that held my entire life's possessions. 
“How’d you do it?” 
Noah’s question jarred me out of the trance I had found myself in. 
“Uh,” my tongue darted out to wet my lips. “I stabbed him. Except I missed and ended up slicing his arm instead. He chased me through our apartment until I locked myself in the bathroom. He eventually broke down the door but this time I was ready for him and sliced the femoral artery.” 
“Fuck,” he whistled low, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “Quick death.” 
“Not quick enough,” I muttered under my breath.
Noah stepped in front of me, blocking the path to my sinking car. He was taller than me by a full foot so I had to tilt my head up towards him. The calloused pads of his fingers grazed over my cheek and I allowed myself to relax with his touch. 
“You made that comment earlier about how you had worse things happen to you than a simple cut of a knife,” he noted.
I nodded. “Sean wanted the perfect trophy wife and when I didn’t deliver, he took it out on me any way he could. Beating me, starving me, or locking me away in our crawl space. Sometimes if he was really pissed at me when I said no to sex, he would-.” 
The words died on my tongue, unable to finish the sentence. But I didn’t need to, Noah understood. He pulled me into his embrace and left a kiss on my hairline as I wrapped my arms around his broad back, resting my cheek against his chest. 
“He deserved death,” Noah grumbled. 
“I gathered the strength to leave him with the help of my brother but Sean was the son of the mayor so when I tried to serve him with divorce papers, they somehow disappeared.” 
His grip on me tightened as I continued. “I was staying with my brother at the time so I met Sean back at his place to try and talk him into getting a divorce. It went sour pretty fast and that’s when it happened.” 
I rested my chin on his sternum now so I could gaze up at him through my lashes. “There’s one more thing you should know.” 
When he nodded, I took a deep breath and spoke. “Before, when you asked me if I was on birth control, I lied.” 
His body went tense in my grasp so I squeezed his hips. “I can’t get pregnant. Sean forced me to have a hysterectomy.” 
“What?!” Noah’s eyes were blazing with hatred. 
“Sean didn’t want kids but also didn’t want to wear a condom. He thought I’d get fat if I went on the pill so he thought the next best thing was to remove my uterus. He had some surgeon friends that did the surgery, no questions asked.” 
“Death was an easy way out for him,” he seethed. 
I let out a deep breath, hoping it would not only calm myself but Noah as well.
“It’s a part of my life I’m trying to leave behind. I have plans to meet my brother in Wisconsin in three days then we’re off to live our lives in Vermont. That’s where I was headed when you found me.” 
“When you almost hit me with your car,” he corrected with a smug smile. 
I playfully smacked his chest before slipping out of his embrace to grab my bags. “Matt, my brother, stayed behind to clean up my mess so the least I can do is keep my promise to him and meet him at our rendezvous point.” 
The corner of Noah’s lips twitched as he wanted to say something but ultimately nodded and tossed his bag over his shoulder. “Well, if you and your brother change your mind. There’s always extra space in our encampment in Calgary.” 
“Encampment?” I questioned, scruffing the heels of my shoes on the gravel. 
We were still standing on the edge of the cliff beyond the trees, far away from the road so no one would see us. 
“My crew bought ten acres of land in the middle of the woods in Calgary. Spent the last three years building homes, making it livable, so when I finally broke out, I’d have somewhere to go,” Noah explained. 
“And you want me to join? Like a cult?” 
He mocked the hurt by holding a hand over his heart. “I would never! It’s not a cult, angel. Just a place for me and my friends all to live within a few miles of each other. Plenty of homes with privacy.” 
My bottom lip caught between my teeth as I weighed his offer. While it sounded very tempting to be able to live within miles of him and see him every day, I made a promise to Matt; one I couldn’t break. 
Clearing my throat, I tossed my hair on top of my head in a messy bun before placing my hands on my hips. 
“Well, now that our ride is at the bottom of the river, how do you expect me to fulfill my end of the deal?” 
Just then, thunderous sounds of motorcycles crept up from behind, spinning around us in quick succession, it made me dizzy to watch. However, Noah had a smirk on his face when the spinning bikes halted their movements. 
“About time you showed up,” he said to one of the men who stepped off his bike. 
When the man took off his helmet, long chocolate waves fell around his face and I sucked in a breath at how gorgeous he was. The light from the street lamp above captured his strong cheekbones and the nose piercing in his nose. 
“Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes,” the man chuckled with an unknown accent. 
Noah and the man hugged. “Nice to see you, Joakim.” 
Joakim ruffled Noah’s hair. “Nice haircut.” 
He smacked his hand away just in time for another man to step up to the group of us, this one shorter than the other but his smile brought immediate comfort. 
“Folio!” Noah gathered the man in a bear hug. “Catch any good fish at Omens?” 
“Every morning!” Folio beamed. 
“Omens?” I quietly asked. 
Noah turned towards me with a smile. “It’s the name of our encampment.” 
“Oh,” I mouthed while adjusting the bag on my back. 
Folio motioned to me with a nod. “This her?” 
“Angel, meet the guys. Folio and Joakim,” Noah introduced while throwing an arm over my shoulder as a way to claim what was his. 
And I didn’t stop him.
I gave a small tentative wave. “Hello.” 
“Sorry you had to deal with this one the last 24 hours,” Joakim said. 
“Oh, he wasn’t that bad,” I linked his hand with mine as it was still resting on my shoulder. 
“You tell her?” Folio asked Noah. 
“Not so much tell but overheard and put the pieces together herself.” 
Joakim chuckled. “Smart cookie. And you still stayed with him?” 
“What can I say?” I glanced up at him. “He’s charming.” 
Our eyes locked and I noticed how pouty and full his lips were. It was then I realized we never kissed. Not even when we fucked in the backseat of my car and I suddenly wanted to change that. 
“We should get going before someone comes looking for the missing officer,” Joakim said. 
Noah nodded before leading me over to one of the bikes the guys rode in on and I practically dug my heels into the ground. 
“There’s no way I’m getting on that,” I shook my head. 
“Angel, it’s our only ride. We’ll get to Canada a lot faster this way,” he explained while placing the helmet on my head, after taking out my hair from the bun. 
“I already told you, Noah. I’m meeting-.” 
“Your brother. I know, I know,” he nodded with a sigh. “I’ll let you take one of my cars. It’ll be waiting for you once we reach the border and you can leave right away.” 
The thought of leaving him made my heart ache but I knew it was something I had to do. 
Before I could ask how all four of us were planning on going back with only two bikes, Joakim pointed a finger at Folio. 
“Watch your hands, fish boy. I’m not Michelle where you can feel up on the back of your bike,” he threatened with a smile. 
Folio waved him off before the two guys climbed onto Joakim's bike and I very carefully climbed on behind Noah. I let my arms hang loosely around his side which made him grab both of my hands, wrapping them around his stomach. 
“You need to hold on tight,” his voice came through the com in the helmet, making it easier to hear him through the sounds of the wind. 
I squealed when the bike jerked with a start, gliding along the darkened roads as the rising sun began to break over the horizon. 
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Just as he promised, once we reached the border of Canada, there was a car waiting for me; a shiny black escalade. 
“Wow,” I whistled low while hopping off the bike. “What other secrets are you hiding from me?” 
It was a joke but the look in Noah’s dark eyes made me shudder with the fear of the unknown. 
Joakim and Folio had no issue crossing the border but they still hung back and waited for Noah to cross; in case there were any issues. Noah had explained during the drive that he had changed his name. 
Going into prison, his name was Davis Seb. Now it was Noah Sebastian. His hair was cut shorter and he wore a black turtleneck and jacket to hide all of his tattoos. He reassured me many times that he shouldn’t have an issue getting into Canada. 
“How far of a drive do you have to Wisconsin?” He asked while leaning against his bike, long legs stretched and crossed at the ankles. 
I stood off to the side, close to the SUV, and checked the GPS on my phone with a wince. 
“About twenty hours.” 
Noah hooked a finger through the strap of my backpack and pulled me closer to him, my legs straddling him in a standing position. I ran my fingers through his hair, brushing away the bangs from his face. 
“If you change your mind, both you and Matt will have a place to stay,” he said. 
“You don’t have to do that, Noah. This was only supposed to be a ride, nothing more.” 
He shrugged before nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck. “That was before I got to know you. As much as I don’t want to, I have to let you go.” 
“Maybe just until everything dies down with us, ya know? Once the dust settles,” I suggested with a hopeful smile. 
One Noah immediately returned. “Omens will always have a place for you guys.” 
“How will I know where to find you if I change my mind?” I teased while playing with the buttons of his jacket. 
“There’s a burner phone in your bag; untraceable. It has my number so you can text me when you made it safely to your brother and coordinates to Omens. You don’t need to let me know when you’re coming, just show up, angel.” 
“Okay,” I agreed while biting my lip. 
“You know,” he dragged a finger over my bottom lip, almost ripping it out from my teeth. “We’ve been together for almost thirty hours and I still don’t know your name.” 
Instead of giving it away, I stepped out from his embrace and motioned towards Joakim and Folio, who were growing antsy waiting for him. 
“Your friends are waiting,” I said. 
Nodding, Noah climbed back onto the bike but before he drove off, he glanced over at me and tossed me the keys to the car. 
“Try not to crash my car, yeah?” 
I giggled with a wink. “No promises.” 
He started up the bike, revving to life inside my chest, but before he drove off, Noah tossed me a bag. 
“Before I forget.” 
Peering inside of it with a raised brow, I nearly dropped it to my feet when I saw it was full of money. 
Way more than he originally offered me in the beginning. 
“Noah,” I glanced up to notice that he was waiting in line to cross the border. 
I watched with my heart holding steady in my chest as the person checked his I.D. and then him before letting him go with a nod and I let out the breath I’d been holding. Once I was settled comfortably in the Escalade, I pulled out the burner phone to see there was already a text waiting for me. 
Noah: I hope to see you soon, angel. Drive save. 
With a smile, I texted back. 
Me: Y/N. My name is Y/N. 
Knowing he was driving the bike, he wouldn't have time to respond so I texted Matt from my phone instead. 
Me: Got delayed a bit but back on the road. Everything is fine, I will explain once we meet. I’ve got a new rendezvous point if it works for you.
He replied almost immediately. 
Matt: Where are we headed?
I texted him new coordinates before putting the car in drive, tires squealing against the asphalt as I peeled away from the Canadian border. 
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Four Months Later
“Are you sure this is the right place?” Matt asked while peering out of the front windshield from the passenger seat. 
I nodded, driving slowly through the vast forest of trees. “These are the coordinates he sent.”
“Why won’t you text him? Let him know that we’re lost,” he sighed while falling back into his seat. 
“We are not lost!” I defended while easing the Escalade through the thick trees. “It’s ten acres of land, I doubt they would build their houses on the first few.” 
For the last four months, I had kept myself in hiding, starting over with my new life in North Dakota. After leaving Noah, I was quick to change up plans because I didn’t want to be far from him when I was ready to find him again. With the money Noah had given me, I was able to pay for a hotel up front for the last four months so Matt and I could live there, just until recently when my name was cleared in Sean’s murder. Somehow, Matt was able to make his death look like a suicide. Every time I tried to ask him how he simply hushed my question with a swift pat on the head. 
“I’m your older brother. It’s my job to take care of you.” 
I’d also been keeping an eye on the news for Noah’s escape from prison but like he had said, everyone thought he died in the accident. The officer’s death was never brought up, people close to him thought he ran off with some hookers or something. 
With the silence surrounding our transgressions, it was safe to leave hiding and return to each other. I hadn’t spoken to Noah at all the last four months besides telling him I made it safely to my rendezvous to which he responded with two angel wings. I knew we had to keep the communication to a minimum which is why I hadn’t told him I was coming; he was the one that said to just show up. 
Suddenly, past the clearing of the large maple trees turning red and orange due to the cooler autumn weather, houses appeared along with a large group of people huddled around a large bonfire. The sun was setting, casting everything in a purple hue and when I put the car in park, I breathed a little breath of relief when I immediately recognized someone sitting in a lawn chair. 
Joakim, had the biggest smile on his face when he noticed the car with the plates reading OMIIINS
“Come on,” I motioned for Matt to follow as I jumped out of the car, smoothing out the yellow sundress. 
The air had chilled since I left North Dakota twelve hours ago, in the early morning. 
“Hi,” I waved to Joakim. 
“Well, about time you showed up,” he smacked his thighs while rising to his feet. “Let me introduce you guys to everyone.” 
For the next few minutes, while I introduced Matt and me to everyone, Joakim said everyone's names slowly enough so I could remember. 
“Since you’ll be living here, you have to remember,” he winked. 
Folio, who I remembered from that night, and his girlfriend with the short black hair Michelle.
Davis and his girlfriend who had split colored hair, black and orange. Her name was Sarah. 
And lastly, Ash, who smiled at me with a toothy grin. “Noah hasn’t stopped talking about you since he got here four months ago. He’s been working nonstop on making this place home for you and your brother.” 
The fire rose and crackled with earned life when a gruff voice sounded from behind me. 
Whipping around on my heels, I came face to face with Noah and nearly stumbled back at his appearance. His muscles were more defined, indicating he had been working out. There was a faint auburn scruff covering his upper lip and chin, not a lot but just enough. He was dressed in a pair of gray sweats and nothing else, the broadness of his chest making the tattoos seem larger than before. But it was his hair that had me nearly falling over myself. 
It was long again, not nearly as long as when I met him that night. Now it stopped just above his shoulders, the familiar brown waves making me smile. 
“You grew your hair out,” I pointed to him. 
He shrugged with a lazy smile. “I got tired of seeing my neck.” 
My lips parted to speak again but his rough hands snaked behind my neck to pull me into him, crashing his mouth on mine. I moaned when the taste of something sweet yet spicy mingled with my tongue and wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss by molding into him. It was a hungry kiss, full of desire long overdue, and Noah’s teeth scraped along my bottom lip as he pulled away. 
“You came,” he breathed before placing a kiss on the tip of my nose. 
I giggled. “You offered me a place to stay, remember? Aren't you glad you didn’t kill me?” 
There was a wickedness to his smile, one that made my pussy clench. 
“I could have easily murdered you without hesitation,” he reminded me with a wink. 
I stood tall on my feet, arms still wrapped around his neck. “Why didn’t you?” 
“Those angelic eyes made me all dizzy and weak.”
I kissed him again, this time with more passion than before but it didn’t last as long, much to my dismay.
“Now that you’re here, I’m not letting you go, Y/N,” Noah’s hands tightened on my hips. 
I let out a soft moan when hearing my name on his lips. 
“Say it again,” I begged. 
And he did, over and over again as he lifted me from the ground and my legs wrapped around his waist. 
“Nicholas, show her brother to his place. Y/N stays with me,” Noah ordered while running up the stairs of our wooden home, the slamming of the door cutting off my fits of laughter. 
331 notes · View notes
hoe-for-daddywise · 1 month
YA’LL @thescarlettvvitch @thefallennightmare
522 notes · View notes
hoe-for-daddywise · 1 month
Burning Out • VIII
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Fem!Reader
I was lost, but now I'm found Under the lights and in the sounds So let us sing and sing it loud That we're not perfect, but we're proud of who we are.
Noah Sebastian is lost. His crime-filled lifestyle is anything but perfect; but everything changes once he meets you.
Words: 5k
Warnings: 18+, explicit language, mentions of suggested abuse, mentions of weapons, kidnapping/restraints.
Authors note: Chapter Eight - The Drain: thanks for waiting so patiently for me to update beautiful humans <3
Tags: @crimson-calligraphyx @lma1986 @spicywhenspeaking @sammyjoeee @shilohrosechicken @princessmarshmallowx @laurpartyprogram @cookiesupplier @nojoyontheburn @lacktoesandtoddlerant @veronicaphoenix @er3nslovergirl @cncohshit @thescarlettvvitch @scrumptiousfestivalpost @melcchs @flowery-mess @mentallynot-here @judging-from-afar @darkmxgician @badomensls @hoe-for-daddywise @philomenie @xxkittenkissesxx @venturethroughtheveil
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I picked at the grass for a moment, playing nervously with the strands I pulled from the dirt, “she’s gone. I don’t know how to find her.”
My vision blurred as silent tears fell, and my head bowed again.
“I miss you, mom.” I used my sleeve to dry my cheeks, “and you, dad.”
The three of us sat in silence, the trees above the courtyard singing with the autumn air. I spoke to them for a few more minutes. I tried to make it quick, knowing that if I stayed longer I wouldn't be able to leave.
“I hope you get to meet her someday,” I murmured as I stood, dusting off my pants.
“I’d like to hear about this girl.”
My stomach dropped as I whipped around in alarm, my heart thumping rapidly once I met his silver completion.
Soon, I’ll kill my final piece of evidence… and soon, I’ll have control of Fidelio.
I paced around the room with my phone in hand, Jolly and Folio’s eyes following me with every step. Juice mewed from Folio’s lap, and I sighed, staring at the screen. Not even a cat could make me feel better right now.
I ran my thumb across the glass to refresh the app once more. No new messages. Clicking the call button for the hundredth time I almost screamed once it rang until voicemail again.
“Noah’s been gone for hours.” I swallowed harshly, “and there’s still no trace of Y/N.”
“Nicky-” Jolly began, standing up from the couch to place a soothing hand on my shoulder, stopping my pacing briefly, “I’m sure Noah’s fine- he’s probably freaking the fuck out looking for Y/N. Maybe even went to the cafe and Sammy’s to fill her bosses in…”
My stomach sunk at his words, and my mind began to race. Something didn’t feel right. I knew Noah, and something felt wrong. He told me he was going to go to the cemetery to clear his mind- and I don’t think he wouldn’t go find Y/N by himself, not after everything that happened. He knew we were stronger in a group.
I shook my head, refreshing my phone for the hundredth time before moaning in frustration, “No. I think he’s in trouble.”
“He’s probably still at the cemetery,” Nick reassured me, standing up with Juice in his arms.
“Can we go look?” I asked, eying both of them as I pressed call, ringing Noah again. No answer.
“He took Y/N’s car so we’d have to walk…” Jolly groaned.
Nick snorted, “Walking is for plebs. Let’s just Uber.”
“Really?” I sighed, giving my brothers a look of relief that they’d come with me.
Jolly laughed, patting my back as we grabbed our shoes, “If it eases your mind seeing him talking to some headstones, then let’s go.”
I threw him a look, glaring, “You know it’s not just any headstone.”
“I know, Nicholas. I know.” Jolly reassured me and I nodded curtly.
We arrived at the cemetery half an hour later, and Y/N’s car was still in the parking lot. A spark of hope filled my mind as we wandered down the overgrown path- however the air felt heavy and still as my throat clenched in anticipation.
The closer we got to Noah’s parents, the more hopeless I felt, as he wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
“I don’t see him,” I mumbled, walking with haste down the path.
The graves were now in sight and I sucked in a breath, shaking my head. Even though the car was still here, something was wrong.
There was a fresh set of white flowers scattered across the front of the graves, the vase that normally sat between the stones lying on the drying grass.
“He could have just left,” Nick chimed in, placing a hand on my shoulder.
“Without the car?” I shrugged him off, pointing at the flowers, “He wouldn’t have laid them out like that. Why is the vase knocked onto the ground?”
Squinting my eyes at something that lay a few feet away from the stone, I felt my chest warm, my head beginning to shake. My limbs halted and I watched Jolly brush past me, his head tilting as he bent down, picking up the black object.
“Is this-” He began, flipping it in his hand, inspecting the singular sneaker.
“Noah’s,” I said, my stomach dropping.
Folio shrugged, “It could be anyone’s.”
I reached for the shoe, pointing to the hole that was beginning to form on the toe, “No this is one hundred percent Noah’s- the hole forming? He’s had this pair of vans for over a year. Plus, they’re a size twelve.” I peeled back the tongue, analyzing the faded tag.
“How would he lose a shoe here?” Folio asked.
“He wouldn’t,” Jolly said, looking around the cemetery, his body turning quickly as he scoped out the trees, “He would have taken it off on purpose.”
I turned around, my mind beginning to spiral. First Y/N, now Noah.
He had to have been taken.
“Do you think he’s leaving a clue?” I whispered, staring at my brothers before glancing at the grass, my feet carrying me further into the cemetery.
“Those twins must’ve taken him,” Folio spit angrily, his fists clenching.
I watched Jolly as he leaned around the headstones, his fingers tracing the rock for any signs Noah may have left, before picking up one of the flowers. He twirled it between the pad of his thumb and index finger, staring at the dishevelled petals.
“There aren’t enough flowers here to be a full bouquet, and some of the petals are ripped…” Jolly’s eyes locked with mine briefly before I scanned the ground and trees, landing on a speck of white in the distance.
I pointed as my feet carried me towards the spec, “There.”
A few petals were dispersed down the path, and as I peered ahead, another sprinkle of white caught my gaze.
“I think he’s left a trail,” I said, my breathing becoming erratic as my eyes widened, fear sinking in.
“Well, what are we waiting for?” Nick jogged up to me, pushing my shoulder to send me forward.
The three of us ventured deeper into the graveyard, passing various weathered tombstones, and surveying the ground every few feet for new petals. The further we walked, the more sparse the trail became. Eventually, it stopped altogether.
“Should we keep going?” Jolly asked, pointing to the gate that was open at the back of the cemetery.
Shrugging my shoulders, I kept walking, “We might as well.”
The room lights flickered in a staggered pattern, the yellow tint that created shadows against the wall causing my head to spin. The room was stuffy and damp, an eternal sense of hopelessness radiating from the aura within.
I coughed, my tear-stained eyes squeezing shut as I lay on the motel bed, my limbs tied down. I tugged for the hundredth time, the rope digging into the wound that had formed from the tension.
I’ve been here for what felt like an eternity, but was really only two days.
Two days of complete hell.
The motel door clicked open and I winced in fear but relaxed slightly once I saw it was Kiean. He emerged, holding a bag of fast food.
The aroma made my mouth begin to water, but I swallowed away the hunger, attempting to push away the urge. The sounds that erupted from my stomach gave me away as Kiean locked the door, his head tilting to the side in worry.
“Are you finally going to agree to eat?” He sighed, tossing the key onto the rickety wooden table that was near the wall in front of the bed. I avoided his gaze, my mouth shut, refusing to talk.
The blonde walked over to me, the ice in the soft drink chittering against the paper cup as he placed it on the nightstand. He then opened the brown paper bag, pulling out some fries and some chicken strips.
“I got your usual…” Kiean tried giving me a small smile, but I turned my head. He sighed again, sitting on the edge of the bed. I pulled against the rope to push myself away from his presence, but my leg was stuck touching his back. The contact made my skin burn in fury.
“I even got your favourite sauce.”
Old friends, same disease I'm killing myself again Old friends, same to me I can't get away from it
I sent a glare in his direction as my stomach churned again, rumbling from the delicious, greasy scent. I felt sick from how hungry I was, and my throat felt dry from the lack of water.
Kiean watched me with concern as he unwrapped the straw and placed it into the drink, holding it up to my mouth.
“Drink Y/N, for fucksake.”
The paper brushed against my lips and I squeezed them together, closing my eyes in resentment. He held the cup for almost a minute before I broke, taking the straw into my mouth and sucking up the liquid. I downed the entire thing, gasping for air once I stopped.
“Thank you,” Kiean murmured, opening the box of chicken strips and sauce. I tugged at the rope again before wincing as it dug into the laceration that formed.
Kiean’s brows furrowed as he stared at my wrist, before holding the strip to my mouth for me. No longer able to resist I took a bite and almost moaned at the flavour, swallowing greedily.
“Stop tugging on the rope,” He almost pleaded, “I’m sorry it’s hurting you. Kade would kill me if I took them off.”
Old friends are just a memory That I didn't need
His green eyes bore into me with unease, “You know how he is.” Yeah, I do.
We sat in an uncomfortable silence for a while as he fed me. I was grateful for the food nonetheless, despite them kidnapping me and tying me to a bed frame. I don’t think I could have made it much longer without eating.
One question frequented my mind, and as much as I didn’t want to talk, I knew that deep down I was safer with Kiean than his brother; and I was afraid that at any moment, he would step through the door.
“Where is Kade?”
Kiean’s head snapped toward me in shock, surprised that I finally spoke.
“Oh- he’s out right now,” Kiean shrugged, turning his gaze to the floor, “I think he’s looking for your boyfriend.”
My heart clenched in worry, mind wandering to Noah and the boys. Were they okay after the crash? Were they hurt?
Were they looking for me?
“He’s not my boyfriend,” I mumbled, staring at the blonde. He turned to face me, eyes analyzing my expression. His pupils dilated in knowing, his stillness a telltale sign he knew something was up.
Kiean was always able to read through me.
“But you have feelings for him,” He said as we watched each other, the gaze between us speaking for me.
I tried my best to remain stiff, but I nodded, tears beginning to well in my eyes.
“I know why you left Y/N,” Kiean looked away, looking at his hands that were folded in his lap, playing with his fingers, “and I don’t blame you for leaving.”
“I couldn’t handle it anymore. So many people were hurt. So many people dead.” I whispered, my voice wavering. I blinked in an attempt to hide my tears, but that only made them fall down the skin of my cheeks.
Kiean picked at his nails, “I’m not gonna lie, you fucked us over.”
My mouth formed a straight line as I stared at the patterned bedsheets.
“The whole syndicate fell once you left. Matt followed. Then Orie, then Bryan. Our organization collapsed after you disappeared…and the Rule Maker took over. You know how much that would have pissed Kade off.”
My body stiffened at the mention of the Rule Maker. He was the biggest crime syndicate in North America other than us; always trying to take Fidelio down.
“Once business shifted and we tried building up again- but since we lost the crew it was almost impossible. We became petty dealers for a bit, but no one wanted to deal with Kade anymore. So, we’ve been working under the Rule Maker as the foxes.” Kiean sighed.
“And he’s blamed me for everything,” I laughed bitterly.
Kiean nodded, “I mean, our business fell apart once you left Y/N. We have nothing now.”
“So you blame me too?” I asked, glaring at him. Kiean didn’t say anything.
“It’s not my fault I didn’t want to be part of that shitty lifestyle anymore. I was tired of being used, and I was tired of being part of a problem,” my voice began to rise, “So many people got hurt, and I did some heinous things. I needed out, especially after everything with Kade happened.”
“Kade has issues, I know… but he loves you Y/N-”
“Oh fuck off!” I yelled, my body pulling against the restraints in frustration, “Don’t you dare say he loves me.”
My chest heaved as venomous words left my tongue, “What he did to me was not love. I wish he was dead.”
“Look-” Kiean placed a hand on my own, which caused me to flinch. I tried pulling away, but couldn’t due to the ropes grasp, “I know you’re angry. You hate him, and you hate me, but we need your help.”
“Why would I ever help you,” my teeth clenched in animosity.
Kiean watched me carefully, “You put that mask back on for your friend.”
I avoided his gaze once again.
“You knew we’d be able to find you, and you knew Kade would come in a heartbeat…So why did you risk everything you ran from, for him? If you were so done with this life, why are you willing to return for this guy?”
“I don’t know,” I whispered, “He needed help.”
“Y/N,” Kiean’s green irises begged, “If you’re willing to help someone you just met, can’t you help us? Help me?”
Kiean knew he was my weakness. He had always been there to save me from Kade’s hands. He protected me and kept me safe, despite how awful life was back in Canada. He was my best friend. He was my brother.
“We’re going to take down the Rule Maker,” He said firmly, standing up from the bed now.
“Excuse me?” I scoffed, a laugh almost escaping my lips from disbelief, “What?”
Kiean turned to the closer in the motel room, pulling out three fox head masks. Kiean’s, Kade’s, and…
“Yours,” Kiean said, holding up one of the masks. The silver paint glinted slightly from the flickering yellow motel light.
“We need your help, just this one last time. I promise we’ll leave your life for good if you help us.”
I stared at the mask, almost rolling my eyes, “And if I say no?”
The motel door opened, and I sucked in an anxious breath. Kade slammed the door, his expression furious as his sweat-stained hair hung over his forehead. My limbs warmed nervously as my lungs collapsed, air unable to escape.
I can't be saved Reaching for the life we threw away
Had he been listening this whole time?
“Then I’ll kill you, and your little fuck toy,” Kade seethed, lifeless orbs glaring in my direction.
Watching as it circles in the drain With everything I loved, that's gone to waste With everything I was but couldn't change
It was the fear of the unknown that amplified the sense of vulnerability and helplessness I felt. Being at the mercy of someone else and unable to anticipate their next move, left me terrified and completely hopeless.
The blindfold that covered my vision left me anxious as my body thrashed back and forth from the restraints that tied my arms back, the metal cold against my skin. As I attempted to wiggle free the chains that held me swung against the chair, clanging in my ears. The wind whistled around the building I must’ve been in, causing me to shiver.
I screamed angrily, swinging aimlessly before the chair toppled over and I landed on the cement ground with a thud, the side of my head smacking into the pavement.
I didn’t necessarily believe in a God- but I prayed.
I prayed that Y/N was okay and that she knew I was sorry for everything.
I prayed that whatever happened to me, my brothers knew I loved them. That they knew how sorry I was that our lives were ruined because of me.
I prayed that they would be able to find the trail I left behind.
Old friends, same disease I can't get away from it Old friends, same as enemies
“There’s no way you pulled that pharmacy heist off by yourself,” Anger seeped through every word, every syllable.
“Who is she?”
I laughed, my body aching against the ground as I continued wrestling the chains, “You underestimating me?”
The man growled, pushing my face into the cement forcefully, causing me to laugh in resentment. Even through the blindfold, I could tell a snarle was embedded on his face.
“I stole your fucking car at fourteen. I can do anything I need to myself.”
“You sure about that?” I felt my body swing back up from the ground, two sets of hands sitting me upright in the chair.
“Who was wearing the Volto mask?”
I'm killing myself again I'm killing myself again I'm killing myself
“Fuck that I know,” I jeered, “What’s with the theatrics of all this?”
With my question ignored, I felt something cold and sharp press against my arm, “How do you know Y/N Y/L/N?”
I tried to not let my sarcastic smile fade at the mention of her name, “Who?”
“I’m not stupid boy,” The man yelled, a stinging warmth bolting up my arm, causing me to scream.
“Fuck!” I hollered, attempting to pull away, but I couldn’t move, nor see. Hands held my shoulders in place.
“I did some digging. You didn’t just break into her house, No,” he laughed, “No, you’ve been living there.”
I can't be saved Reaching for the life we threw away Watching as it circles in the drain
Why was he asking about the mask and Y/N?
My mind wandered back to Vincent, recalling our conversation days prior.
“Heads, you tell me about your little friend Y/N.”
My gaze narrowed and my fists clenched at the mention of her name. What did he want with Y/N?
“Tails, you tell me about your masked friend.”
Vincent said his boss wanted to know.
“So tell me,” I felt the blade dance across my skin, threatening, “Is she my missing mask?”
With everything I loved, that's gone to waste With everything I was but couldn't change
“So, who do you think Y/N is?” Folio asked as we walked down the street. We finally found another set of crumpled petals on the sidewalk past the cemetery, and have been following the road ever since.
“What does that mean?” My brows furrowed in his direction.
“Well,” He jeered, “The fact that two masked men chased us down, stole Y/N and now Noah, AND she is some badass hacking-heist guru? Doesn’t seem like some ordinary 9-5 barista if you ask me.”
I shrugged, “Well I don’t know. The only thing she ever mentioned to me was that she was running from who she used to be and that she was afraid we’d judge her.”
“She took us in without a thought,” Jolly piped in, “Maybe she had a similar lifestyle. No one would just take in a group of criminals.” He then stopped walking, reaching into his pocket.
Jolly stared at his screen confused, “Vincent?”
Putting the phone against his ear he watched us, a confused look glazing over his features. I stood closer to him, trying to listen in on the conversation. Jolly rolled his eyes, pushing me gently.
“Fuck you calling me for? I don’t have shit bro.”
“Yo, you know where Noah is? Did this asshole flake?”
“Why?” Jolly asked, “You were supposed to meet him?”
“Yea, he had more shit for me- didn’t show up at the ally. Thought that maybe I scared him off since the last time we talked.”
“Well, he didn’t show up because he’s fucking missing.”
“Missing? The hell you mean missing.”
“Missing as in we have no idea where the fuck he is, and we think he was kidnapped; so your deal’s gonna have to wait.”
“Wait- I think I know who may have taken him.”
Immediately I stepped back to share a look with Jolly and Nick. Did Vincent know the twins?
“Shit I gotta go. Meet me at the pier in 20.”
I heard the phone beep and Jolly stared at the screen in confusion, “Folio?”
Nick hummed, “What?”
“Did Noah ever use his first name when dealing with Vincent?”
“I don’t know,” he shrugged, shaking his head, “Pretty sure I told him to just go by Sebastian.”
Jolly shoved his phone back into his pocket, pushing past us and walking quickly down the street, “Seems to me Vincent may be more involved in this.”
We practically had to run to make it to the pier in twenty minutes since the cemetery was so far away, and travelling by foot was not ideal. It was windy and cold, the water droplets being swept up by the gusts of air slapping me in the face, causing me to shiver.
A man leaned against the pier, his arms resting over the wooden railing as he stared off into the water. He turned to face us, sharing a small smile as he stood up straight.
“Jolly? Folio?” He acknowledged them, and Jolly whistled in response.
“Strange seeing you unmasked.”
“Well, I’m not going to wear it where everyone can see us,” He threw his hood over his head, shielding himself from the wind.
“So what do you mean you think you know who took Noah?” I asked.
He looked at me, thick brows sitting heavily above his eyes, “Who are you?”
“Nicholas. Ruffilo.”
“Ah,” Vincent mumbled, “The one that convinced Jolly to stop selling to me in the first place all those years ago.”
I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Jolly placed a supportive hand on my shoulder.
“It was a mutual agreement, Vince. You know why we stopped, we got a new boss.”
“Yeah, whatever,” He huffed, leaning against the railing once again, “Well speaking of bosses, I think mine took him.”
“Is your boss a set of twins that wear these stupid fox masks?” Nick asked.
Vincent laughed, raising a brow, “Uh, no. But that’s interesting.”
Jolly, Nick and I looked at each other. So who took him if it wasn’t the twins?
“Who is your boss?” I asked.
With a shrug, Vincent turned to look out at the water again, “I dunno. I’ve never met him before, and we only communicate through his little henchmen. We call him the Rule Maker.”
“The Rule Maker?” Jolly laughed for a moment, before his smile faded, “Wait you mean to tell me, THE Rule Maker?”
“Who is that?” I asked, feeling out of the loop.
Folio ran his hands through his hair, “Only like the biggest drug lord in North America.”
“Well, why would he kidnap Noah? We haven’t done much related to drugs in years, other than the past month”
Vincent shrugged, “I got asked a shit ton of questions the other day by one of his minions. He wanted to know about the person who did the heist with him, since the mask they were wearing belonged to the missing member of Fidelio.”
I glanced at Folio and Jolly briefly, catching their eyes.
“Fidelio- that was a drug syndicate in Canada, right?” Jolly asked.
Vincent nodded, “Yep. Guess that was the first time that mask was seen in months. Then my boss went on asking about some chick named Y/N Y/L/N.”
Now my eyes widened and I physically turned to my brothers, both matching my expression.
“Ah- so you do know her,” Vincent began.
“I mean-” Nick scratched his neck.
“Well, my boss knows her. He has been looking for her for years,” Vincent sighed, “So, Sebastian knows Y/N, and has a connection to the Volto mask. Yada yada, the boss wants answers that I couldn’t get out of Noah the other day. So he probably took him.”
I ran a hand over my face, groaning audibly. This is bad.
Jolly stared at me concerned, “Y/N is the missing member of Fidelio. The timeline would add up.”
“Interesting,” Vincent chimed in, “So it’s the same person. That girl is the mask.”
“Well, did your boss say how he knows her?” Nick questioned.
The dealer shook his head, “Nope. And I don’t know where Sebastian would be either- but I think that’s who took him.”
“Why are you helping us?” I said warily.
Vincent smiled, his grillz shining against the setting sun, “Well, he provided good business. I got paid well.”
“I don’t know how we are supposed to find him though,” Nick said, “We were following a trail of flowers for a bit.”
Wait… following…
“Oh my god,” I smacked my forehead in annoyance, “Our trackers!” I lifted my pant leg, showing it off to the boys.
I wasn’t sure how we didn’t realize it sooner, but Noah still had his tracker attached to his ankle. At least, I hoped.
“How are we supposed to track it? It was Y/N who had the system,” Jolly said.
“Noah’s number might still be on her laptop. It’s worth a shot.”
“Where is your laptop?” Kade asked, sitting across the room. His back sunk into the chair as he glared at me.
“Why would I tell you?” I spat.
He snickered, running his fingers through his blonde locks, “Do you have a fucking death wish?”
I snarled at him, “It’s not my fault you didn’t lock down your system well enough. Figure it out yourself.”
“Well, I didn’t exactly expect you to stab me in the back and wipe everything from us.” He shared a pathetic, cold smile.
“Y/N,” Kiean pleaded, and I rolled my head to look at him. He sat on the other bed, eyes begging, “Just cooperate. Like I said, if you help we will leave your life forever.”
“How am I supposed to know that’ll happen?” I mocked, “You chased me and my friends, almost killed us in a car crash with guns, and fucking kidnapped me?”
The room was silent for a moment before Kade spoke up.
“I just want my fucking business back.” He growled, “So like I said, help me, or he is dead.”
I swallowed harshly, knowing that Kade’s threats were never empty. He always followed through with them, and I know he most certainly would kill him.
I didn’t want to help them… but I didn’t want to risk Noah’s life.
“It’s at my place,” I sighed.
Kade stood up, clapping his hands together, which caused me to close my eyes and flinch, “Then let’s go.”
We pulled up to my house in a car the Twins rented. I picked at the bandages that Kiean had wrapped around my wrists to prevent the wounds from getting infected, wincing.
As we sat outside the front my stomach churned, worried the boys would be there. As much as I wanted them to be, so they could get me out of this situation; I knew if they were, that they’d be in danger.
“Are your boyfriend’s minions home?” Kade spat, turning off the engine.
“How am I supposed to know, I’ve been held hostage.” I sneered.
Kiean shot me a look and I rolled my eyes before the three of us headed to the door.
Kade had taken my key and unlocked the house, stepping inside quietly. The twins listened for movement and I looked around, the boys’ shoes missing.
“I don’t think they’re home,” I said. The twins nodded to each other, following me up the stairs to my room. Juice mewed behind, following us.
Once we entered I went to my desk, pulling the laptop off the charger. I handed it to Kiean who opened it, prompting me to type in my password.
“So now what?” I asked just before the front door opened.
The twins glanced at each other, holding a finger to their lips and my breath quickened, listening to the voices of the boys. They were here.
“So where is her laptop?”
“Probably upstairs. C’mon.”
Was Noah here too?
The shuffle of various sets of footsteps ran up the stairs and as soon as Folio turned the corner he let out a surprised yelp when our eyes met briefly.
“Y/N!” He screamed, taking a step forward before Kade cocked his pistol, holding it straight ahead.
“What the fuck-” I heard Ruffilo and saw him peer behind the corner, his eyes widening once he saw me.
“Move, or I’ll shoot,” Kade threatened, gripping my wrist and I winced. I saw Folio and Ruffilo raise their hands in surrender and Kade pulled me out of the room, past the boys. However as we exited the room and I saw Jolly, I then made eye contact with someone I didn’t know- and there was no Noah to be seen.
I pulled against Kade as he tried prying me down the stairs, gun still pointed towards the boys.
“Wait-” I begged, causing Kade to stop, “Where’s Noah?”
As I stared up at Ruffilo from the stairs his gaze made my heart sink.
“He was kidnapped,” Ruffilo muttered.
“C’mon,” Kade spoke through gritted teeth, giving zero fucks about Noah. We reached the bottom of the stairs and Kiean pushed me softly toward the door.
“What?” I yelled back, complete worry taking over me, “By who?”
“The Rule Maker,” Jolly hollered back, and the twins stopped at the door, sharing a look.
I can't be saved Reaching for the life we threw away Watching as it circles in the drain With everything I loved, that's gone to waste With everything I was but couldn't change
Chapter 9 coming soon
100 notes · View notes
hoe-for-daddywise · 1 month
Burning Out • VIII
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Fem!Reader
I was lost, but now I'm found Under the lights and in the sounds So let us sing and sing it loud That we're not perfect, but we're proud of who we are.
Noah Sebastian is lost. His crime-filled lifestyle is anything but perfect; but everything changes once he meets you.
Words: 5k
Warnings: 18+, explicit language, mentions of suggested abuse, mentions of weapons, kidnapping/restraints.
Authors note: Chapter Eight - The Drain: thanks for waiting so patiently for me to update beautiful humans <3
Tags: @crimson-calligraphyx @lma1986 @spicywhenspeaking @sammyjoeee @shilohrosechicken @princessmarshmallowx @laurpartyprogram @cookiesupplier @nojoyontheburn @lacktoesandtoddlerant @veronicaphoenix @er3nslovergirl @cncohshit @thescarlettvvitch @scrumptiousfestivalpost @melcchs @flowery-mess @mentallynot-here @judging-from-afar @darkmxgician @badomensls @hoe-for-daddywise @philomenie @xxkittenkissesxx @venturethroughtheveil
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I picked at the grass for a moment, playing nervously with the strands I pulled from the dirt, “she’s gone. I don’t know how to find her.”
My vision blurred as silent tears fell, and my head bowed again.
“I miss you, mom.” I used my sleeve to dry my cheeks, “and you, dad.”
The three of us sat in silence, the trees above the courtyard singing with the autumn air. I spoke to them for a few more minutes. I tried to make it quick, knowing that if I stayed longer I wouldn't be able to leave.
“I hope you get to meet her someday,” I murmured as I stood, dusting off my pants.
“I’d like to hear about this girl.”
My stomach dropped as I whipped around in alarm, my heart thumping rapidly once I met his silver completion.
Soon, I’ll kill my final piece of evidence… and soon, I’ll have control of Fidelio.
I paced around the room with my phone in hand, Jolly and Folio’s eyes following me with every step. Juice mewed from Folio’s lap, and I sighed, staring at the screen. Not even a cat could make me feel better right now.
I ran my thumb across the glass to refresh the app once more. No new messages. Clicking the call button for the hundredth time I almost screamed once it rang until voicemail again.
“Noah’s been gone for hours.” I swallowed harshly, “and there’s still no trace of Y/N.”
“Nicky-” Jolly began, standing up from the couch to place a soothing hand on my shoulder, stopping my pacing briefly, “I’m sure Noah’s fine- he’s probably freaking the fuck out looking for Y/N. Maybe even went to the cafe and Sammy’s to fill her bosses in…”
My stomach sunk at his words, and my mind began to race. Something didn’t feel right. I knew Noah, and something felt wrong. He told me he was going to go to the cemetery to clear his mind- and I don’t think he wouldn’t go find Y/N by himself, not after everything that happened. He knew we were stronger in a group.
I shook my head, refreshing my phone for the hundredth time before moaning in frustration, “No. I think he’s in trouble.”
“He’s probably still at the cemetery,” Nick reassured me, standing up with Juice in his arms.
“Can we go look?” I asked, eying both of them as I pressed call, ringing Noah again. No answer.
“He took Y/N’s car so we’d have to walk…” Jolly groaned.
Nick snorted, “Walking is for plebs. Let’s just Uber.”
“Really?” I sighed, giving my brothers a look of relief that they’d come with me.
Jolly laughed, patting my back as we grabbed our shoes, “If it eases your mind seeing him talking to some headstones, then let’s go.”
I threw him a look, glaring, “You know it’s not just any headstone.”
“I know, Nicholas. I know.” Jolly reassured me and I nodded curtly.
We arrived at the cemetery half an hour later, and Y/N’s car was still in the parking lot. A spark of hope filled my mind as we wandered down the overgrown path- however the air felt heavy and still as my throat clenched in anticipation.
The closer we got to Noah’s parents, the more hopeless I felt, as he wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
“I don’t see him,” I mumbled, walking with haste down the path.
The graves were now in sight and I sucked in a breath, shaking my head. Even though the car was still here, something was wrong.
There was a fresh set of white flowers scattered across the front of the graves, the vase that normally sat between the stones lying on the drying grass.
“He could have just left,” Nick chimed in, placing a hand on my shoulder.
“Without the car?” I shrugged him off, pointing at the flowers, “He wouldn’t have laid them out like that. Why is the vase knocked onto the ground?”
Squinting my eyes at something that lay a few feet away from the stone, I felt my chest warm, my head beginning to shake. My limbs halted and I watched Jolly brush past me, his head tilting as he bent down, picking up the black object.
“Is this-” He began, flipping it in his hand, inspecting the singular sneaker.
“Noah’s,” I said, my stomach dropping.
Folio shrugged, “It could be anyone’s.”
I reached for the shoe, pointing to the hole that was beginning to form on the toe, “No this is one hundred percent Noah’s- the hole forming? He’s had this pair of vans for over a year. Plus, they’re a size twelve.” I peeled back the tongue, analyzing the faded tag.
“How would he lose a shoe here?” Folio asked.
“He wouldn’t,” Jolly said, looking around the cemetery, his body turning quickly as he scoped out the trees, “He would have taken it off on purpose.”
I turned around, my mind beginning to spiral. First Y/N, now Noah.
He had to have been taken.
“Do you think he’s leaving a clue?” I whispered, staring at my brothers before glancing at the grass, my feet carrying me further into the cemetery.
“Those twins must’ve taken him,” Folio spit angrily, his fists clenching.
I watched Jolly as he leaned around the headstones, his fingers tracing the rock for any signs Noah may have left, before picking up one of the flowers. He twirled it between the pad of his thumb and index finger, staring at the dishevelled petals.
“There aren’t enough flowers here to be a full bouquet, and some of the petals are ripped…” Jolly’s eyes locked with mine briefly before I scanned the ground and trees, landing on a speck of white in the distance.
I pointed as my feet carried me towards the spec, “There.”
A few petals were dispersed down the path, and as I peered ahead, another sprinkle of white caught my gaze.
“I think he’s left a trail,” I said, my breathing becoming erratic as my eyes widened, fear sinking in.
“Well, what are we waiting for?” Nick jogged up to me, pushing my shoulder to send me forward.
The three of us ventured deeper into the graveyard, passing various weathered tombstones, and surveying the ground every few feet for new petals. The further we walked, the more sparse the trail became. Eventually, it stopped altogether.
“Should we keep going?” Jolly asked, pointing to the gate that was open at the back of the cemetery.
Shrugging my shoulders, I kept walking, “We might as well.”
The room lights flickered in a staggered pattern, the yellow tint that created shadows against the wall causing my head to spin. The room was stuffy and damp, an eternal sense of hopelessness radiating from the aura within.
I coughed, my tear-stained eyes squeezing shut as I lay on the motel bed, my limbs tied down. I tugged for the hundredth time, the rope digging into the wound that had formed from the tension.
I’ve been here for what felt like an eternity, but was really only two days.
Two days of complete hell.
The motel door clicked open and I winced in fear but relaxed slightly once I saw it was Kiean. He emerged, holding a bag of fast food.
The aroma made my mouth begin to water, but I swallowed away the hunger, attempting to push away the urge. The sounds that erupted from my stomach gave me away as Kiean locked the door, his head tilting to the side in worry.
“Are you finally going to agree to eat?” He sighed, tossing the key onto the rickety wooden table that was near the wall in front of the bed. I avoided his gaze, my mouth shut, refusing to talk.
The blonde walked over to me, the ice in the soft drink chittering against the paper cup as he placed it on the nightstand. He then opened the brown paper bag, pulling out some fries and some chicken strips.
“I got your usual…” Kiean tried giving me a small smile, but I turned my head. He sighed again, sitting on the edge of the bed. I pulled against the rope to push myself away from his presence, but my leg was stuck touching his back. The contact made my skin burn in fury.
“I even got your favourite sauce.”
Old friends, same disease I'm killing myself again Old friends, same to me I can't get away from it
I sent a glare in his direction as my stomach churned again, rumbling from the delicious, greasy scent. I felt sick from how hungry I was, and my throat felt dry from the lack of water.
Kiean watched me with concern as he unwrapped the straw and placed it into the drink, holding it up to my mouth.
“Drink Y/N, for fucksake.”
The paper brushed against my lips and I squeezed them together, closing my eyes in resentment. He held the cup for almost a minute before I broke, taking the straw into my mouth and sucking up the liquid. I downed the entire thing, gasping for air once I stopped.
“Thank you,” Kiean murmured, opening the box of chicken strips and sauce. I tugged at the rope again before wincing as it dug into the laceration that formed.
Kiean’s brows furrowed as he stared at my wrist, before holding the strip to my mouth for me. No longer able to resist I took a bite and almost moaned at the flavour, swallowing greedily.
“Stop tugging on the rope,” He almost pleaded, “I’m sorry it’s hurting you. Kade would kill me if I took them off.”
Old friends are just a memory That I didn't need
His green eyes bore into me with unease, “You know how he is.” Yeah, I do.
We sat in an uncomfortable silence for a while as he fed me. I was grateful for the food nonetheless, despite them kidnapping me and tying me to a bed frame. I don’t think I could have made it much longer without eating.
One question frequented my mind, and as much as I didn’t want to talk, I knew that deep down I was safer with Kiean than his brother; and I was afraid that at any moment, he would step through the door.
“Where is Kade?”
Kiean’s head snapped toward me in shock, surprised that I finally spoke.
“Oh- he’s out right now,” Kiean shrugged, turning his gaze to the floor, “I think he’s looking for your boyfriend.”
My heart clenched in worry, mind wandering to Noah and the boys. Were they okay after the crash? Were they hurt?
Were they looking for me?
“He’s not my boyfriend,” I mumbled, staring at the blonde. He turned to face me, eyes analyzing my expression. His pupils dilated in knowing, his stillness a telltale sign he knew something was up.
Kiean was always able to read through me.
“But you have feelings for him,” He said as we watched each other, the gaze between us speaking for me.
I tried my best to remain stiff, but I nodded, tears beginning to well in my eyes.
“I know why you left Y/N,” Kiean looked away, looking at his hands that were folded in his lap, playing with his fingers, “and I don’t blame you for leaving.”
“I couldn’t handle it anymore. So many people were hurt. So many people dead.” I whispered, my voice wavering. I blinked in an attempt to hide my tears, but that only made them fall down the skin of my cheeks.
Kiean picked at his nails, “I’m not gonna lie, you fucked us over.”
My mouth formed a straight line as I stared at the patterned bedsheets.
“The whole syndicate fell once you left. Matt followed. Then Orie, then Bryan. Our organization collapsed after you disappeared…and the Rule Maker took over. You know how much that would have pissed Kade off.”
My body stiffened at the mention of the Rule Maker. He was the biggest crime syndicate in North America other than us; always trying to take Fidelio down.
“Once business shifted and we tried building up again- but since we lost the crew it was almost impossible. We became petty dealers for a bit, but no one wanted to deal with Kade anymore. So, we’ve been working under the Rule Maker as the foxes.” Kiean sighed.
“And he’s blamed me for everything,” I laughed bitterly.
Kiean nodded, “I mean, our business fell apart once you left Y/N. We have nothing now.”
“So you blame me too?” I asked, glaring at him. Kiean didn’t say anything.
“It’s not my fault I didn’t want to be part of that shitty lifestyle anymore. I was tired of being used, and I was tired of being part of a problem,” my voice began to rise, “So many people got hurt, and I did some heinous things. I needed out, especially after everything with Kade happened.”
“Kade has issues, I know… but he loves you Y/N-”
“Oh fuck off!” I yelled, my body pulling against the restraints in frustration, “Don’t you dare say he loves me.”
My chest heaved as venomous words left my tongue, “What he did to me was not love. I wish he was dead.”
“Look-” Kiean placed a hand on my own, which caused me to flinch. I tried pulling away, but couldn’t due to the ropes grasp, “I know you’re angry. You hate him, and you hate me, but we need your help.”
“Why would I ever help you,” my teeth clenched in animosity.
Kiean watched me carefully, “You put that mask back on for your friend.”
I avoided his gaze once again.
“You knew we’d be able to find you, and you knew Kade would come in a heartbeat…So why did you risk everything you ran from, for him? If you were so done with this life, why are you willing to return for this guy?”
“I don’t know,” I whispered, “He needed help.”
“Y/N,” Kiean’s green irises begged, “If you’re willing to help someone you just met, can’t you help us? Help me?”
Kiean knew he was my weakness. He had always been there to save me from Kade’s hands. He protected me and kept me safe, despite how awful life was back in Canada. He was my best friend. He was my brother.
“We’re going to take down the Rule Maker,” He said firmly, standing up from the bed now.
“Excuse me?” I scoffed, a laugh almost escaping my lips from disbelief, “What?”
Kiean turned to the closer in the motel room, pulling out three fox head masks. Kiean’s, Kade’s, and…
“Yours,” Kiean said, holding up one of the masks. The silver paint glinted slightly from the flickering yellow motel light.
“We need your help, just this one last time. I promise we’ll leave your life for good if you help us.”
I stared at the mask, almost rolling my eyes, “And if I say no?”
The motel door opened, and I sucked in an anxious breath. Kade slammed the door, his expression furious as his sweat-stained hair hung over his forehead. My limbs warmed nervously as my lungs collapsed, air unable to escape.
I can't be saved Reaching for the life we threw away
Had he been listening this whole time?
“Then I’ll kill you, and your little fuck toy,” Kade seethed, lifeless orbs glaring in my direction.
Watching as it circles in the drain With everything I loved, that's gone to waste With everything I was but couldn't change
It was the fear of the unknown that amplified the sense of vulnerability and helplessness I felt. Being at the mercy of someone else and unable to anticipate their next move, left me terrified and completely hopeless.
The blindfold that covered my vision left me anxious as my body thrashed back and forth from the restraints that tied my arms back, the metal cold against my skin. As I attempted to wiggle free the chains that held me swung against the chair, clanging in my ears. The wind whistled around the building I must’ve been in, causing me to shiver.
I screamed angrily, swinging aimlessly before the chair toppled over and I landed on the cement ground with a thud, the side of my head smacking into the pavement.
I didn’t necessarily believe in a God- but I prayed.
I prayed that Y/N was okay and that she knew I was sorry for everything.
I prayed that whatever happened to me, my brothers knew I loved them. That they knew how sorry I was that our lives were ruined because of me.
I prayed that they would be able to find the trail I left behind.
Old friends, same disease I can't get away from it Old friends, same as enemies
“There’s no way you pulled that pharmacy heist off by yourself,” Anger seeped through every word, every syllable.
“Who is she?”
I laughed, my body aching against the ground as I continued wrestling the chains, “You underestimating me?”
The man growled, pushing my face into the cement forcefully, causing me to laugh in resentment. Even through the blindfold, I could tell a snarle was embedded on his face.
“I stole your fucking car at fourteen. I can do anything I need to myself.”
“You sure about that?” I felt my body swing back up from the ground, two sets of hands sitting me upright in the chair.
“Who was wearing the Volto mask?”
I'm killing myself again I'm killing myself again I'm killing myself
“Fuck that I know,” I jeered, “What’s with the theatrics of all this?”
With my question ignored, I felt something cold and sharp press against my arm, “How do you know Y/N Y/L/N?”
I tried to not let my sarcastic smile fade at the mention of her name, “Who?”
“I’m not stupid boy,” The man yelled, a stinging warmth bolting up my arm, causing me to scream.
“Fuck!” I hollered, attempting to pull away, but I couldn’t move, nor see. Hands held my shoulders in place.
“I did some digging. You didn’t just break into her house, No,” he laughed, “No, you’ve been living there.”
I can't be saved Reaching for the life we threw away Watching as it circles in the drain
Why was he asking about the mask and Y/N?
My mind wandered back to Vincent, recalling our conversation days prior.
“Heads, you tell me about your little friend Y/N.”
My gaze narrowed and my fists clenched at the mention of her name. What did he want with Y/N?
“Tails, you tell me about your masked friend.”
Vincent said his boss wanted to know.
“So tell me,” I felt the blade dance across my skin, threatening, “Is she my missing mask?”
With everything I loved, that's gone to waste With everything I was but couldn't change
“So, who do you think Y/N is?” Folio asked as we walked down the street. We finally found another set of crumpled petals on the sidewalk past the cemetery, and have been following the road ever since.
“What does that mean?” My brows furrowed in his direction.
“Well,” He jeered, “The fact that two masked men chased us down, stole Y/N and now Noah, AND she is some badass hacking-heist guru? Doesn’t seem like some ordinary 9-5 barista if you ask me.”
I shrugged, “Well I don’t know. The only thing she ever mentioned to me was that she was running from who she used to be and that she was afraid we’d judge her.”
“She took us in without a thought,” Jolly piped in, “Maybe she had a similar lifestyle. No one would just take in a group of criminals.” He then stopped walking, reaching into his pocket.
Jolly stared at his screen confused, “Vincent?”
Putting the phone against his ear he watched us, a confused look glazing over his features. I stood closer to him, trying to listen in on the conversation. Jolly rolled his eyes, pushing me gently.
“Fuck you calling me for? I don’t have shit bro.”
“Yo, you know where Noah is? Did this asshole flake?”
“Why?” Jolly asked, “You were supposed to meet him?”
“Yea, he had more shit for me- didn’t show up at the ally. Thought that maybe I scared him off since the last time we talked.”
“Well, he didn’t show up because he’s fucking missing.”
“Missing? The hell you mean missing.”
“Missing as in we have no idea where the fuck he is, and we think he was kidnapped; so your deal’s gonna have to wait.”
“Wait- I think I know who may have taken him.”
Immediately I stepped back to share a look with Jolly and Nick. Did Vincent know the twins?
“Shit I gotta go. Meet me at the pier in 20.”
I heard the phone beep and Jolly stared at the screen in confusion, “Folio?”
Nick hummed, “What?”
“Did Noah ever use his first name when dealing with Vincent?”
“I don’t know,” he shrugged, shaking his head, “Pretty sure I told him to just go by Sebastian.”
Jolly shoved his phone back into his pocket, pushing past us and walking quickly down the street, “Seems to me Vincent may be more involved in this.”
We practically had to run to make it to the pier in twenty minutes since the cemetery was so far away, and travelling by foot was not ideal. It was windy and cold, the water droplets being swept up by the gusts of air slapping me in the face, causing me to shiver.
A man leaned against the pier, his arms resting over the wooden railing as he stared off into the water. He turned to face us, sharing a small smile as he stood up straight.
“Jolly? Folio?” He acknowledged them, and Jolly whistled in response.
“Strange seeing you unmasked.”
“Well, I’m not going to wear it where everyone can see us,” He threw his hood over his head, shielding himself from the wind.
“So what do you mean you think you know who took Noah?” I asked.
He looked at me, thick brows sitting heavily above his eyes, “Who are you?”
“Nicholas. Ruffilo.”
“Ah,” Vincent mumbled, “The one that convinced Jolly to stop selling to me in the first place all those years ago.”
I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Jolly placed a supportive hand on my shoulder.
“It was a mutual agreement, Vince. You know why we stopped, we got a new boss.”
“Yeah, whatever,” He huffed, leaning against the railing once again, “Well speaking of bosses, I think mine took him.”
“Is your boss a set of twins that wear these stupid fox masks?” Nick asked.
Vincent laughed, raising a brow, “Uh, no. But that’s interesting.”
Jolly, Nick and I looked at each other. So who took him if it wasn’t the twins?
“Who is your boss?” I asked.
With a shrug, Vincent turned to look out at the water again, “I dunno. I’ve never met him before, and we only communicate through his little henchmen. We call him the Rule Maker.”
“The Rule Maker?” Jolly laughed for a moment, before his smile faded, “Wait you mean to tell me, THE Rule Maker?”
“Who is that?” I asked, feeling out of the loop.
Folio ran his hands through his hair, “Only like the biggest drug lord in North America.”
“Well, why would he kidnap Noah? We haven’t done much related to drugs in years, other than the past month”
Vincent shrugged, “I got asked a shit ton of questions the other day by one of his minions. He wanted to know about the person who did the heist with him, since the mask they were wearing belonged to the missing member of Fidelio.”
I glanced at Folio and Jolly briefly, catching their eyes.
“Fidelio- that was a drug syndicate in Canada, right?” Jolly asked.
Vincent nodded, “Yep. Guess that was the first time that mask was seen in months. Then my boss went on asking about some chick named Y/N Y/L/N.”
Now my eyes widened and I physically turned to my brothers, both matching my expression.
“Ah- so you do know her,” Vincent began.
“I mean-” Nick scratched his neck.
“Well, my boss knows her. He has been looking for her for years,” Vincent sighed, “So, Sebastian knows Y/N, and has a connection to the Volto mask. Yada yada, the boss wants answers that I couldn’t get out of Noah the other day. So he probably took him.”
I ran a hand over my face, groaning audibly. This is bad.
Jolly stared at me concerned, “Y/N is the missing member of Fidelio. The timeline would add up.”
“Interesting,” Vincent chimed in, “So it’s the same person. That girl is the mask.”
“Well, did your boss say how he knows her?” Nick questioned.
The dealer shook his head, “Nope. And I don’t know where Sebastian would be either- but I think that’s who took him.”
“Why are you helping us?” I said warily.
Vincent smiled, his grillz shining against the setting sun, “Well, he provided good business. I got paid well.”
“I don’t know how we are supposed to find him though,” Nick said, “We were following a trail of flowers for a bit.”
Wait… following…
“Oh my god,” I smacked my forehead in annoyance, “Our trackers!” I lifted my pant leg, showing it off to the boys.
I wasn’t sure how we didn’t realize it sooner, but Noah still had his tracker attached to his ankle. At least, I hoped.
“How are we supposed to track it? It was Y/N who had the system,” Jolly said.
“Noah’s number might still be on her laptop. It’s worth a shot.”
“Where is your laptop?” Kade asked, sitting across the room. His back sunk into the chair as he glared at me.
“Why would I tell you?” I spat.
He snickered, running his fingers through his blonde locks, “Do you have a fucking death wish?”
I snarled at him, “It’s not my fault you didn’t lock down your system well enough. Figure it out yourself.”
“Well, I didn’t exactly expect you to stab me in the back and wipe everything from us.” He shared a pathetic, cold smile.
“Y/N,” Kiean pleaded, and I rolled my head to look at him. He sat on the other bed, eyes begging, “Just cooperate. Like I said, if you help we will leave your life forever.”
“How am I supposed to know that’ll happen?” I mocked, “You chased me and my friends, almost killed us in a car crash with guns, and fucking kidnapped me?”
The room was silent for a moment before Kade spoke up.
“I just want my fucking business back.” He growled, “So like I said, help me, or he is dead.”
I swallowed harshly, knowing that Kade’s threats were never empty. He always followed through with them, and I know he most certainly would kill him.
I didn’t want to help them… but I didn’t want to risk Noah’s life.
“It’s at my place,” I sighed.
Kade stood up, clapping his hands together, which caused me to close my eyes and flinch, “Then let’s go.”
We pulled up to my house in a car the Twins rented. I picked at the bandages that Kiean had wrapped around my wrists to prevent the wounds from getting infected, wincing.
As we sat outside the front my stomach churned, worried the boys would be there. As much as I wanted them to be, so they could get me out of this situation; I knew if they were, that they’d be in danger.
“Are your boyfriend’s minions home?” Kade spat, turning off the engine.
“How am I supposed to know, I’ve been held hostage.” I sneered.
Kiean shot me a look and I rolled my eyes before the three of us headed to the door.
Kade had taken my key and unlocked the house, stepping inside quietly. The twins listened for movement and I looked around, the boys’ shoes missing.
“I don’t think they’re home,” I said. The twins nodded to each other, following me up the stairs to my room. Juice mewed behind, following us.
Once we entered I went to my desk, pulling the laptop off the charger. I handed it to Kiean who opened it, prompting me to type in my password.
“So now what?” I asked just before the front door opened.
The twins glanced at each other, holding a finger to their lips and my breath quickened, listening to the voices of the boys. They were here.
“So where is her laptop?”
“Probably upstairs. C’mon.”
Was Noah here too?
The shuffle of various sets of footsteps ran up the stairs and as soon as Folio turned the corner he let out a surprised yelp when our eyes met briefly.
“Y/N!” He screamed, taking a step forward before Kade cocked his pistol, holding it straight ahead.
“What the fuck-” I heard Ruffilo and saw him peer behind the corner, his eyes widening once he saw me.
“Move, or I’ll shoot,” Kade threatened, gripping my wrist and I winced. I saw Folio and Ruffilo raise their hands in surrender and Kade pulled me out of the room, past the boys. However as we exited the room and I saw Jolly, I then made eye contact with someone I didn’t know- and there was no Noah to be seen.
I pulled against Kade as he tried prying me down the stairs, gun still pointed towards the boys.
“Wait-” I begged, causing Kade to stop, “Where’s Noah?”
As I stared up at Ruffilo from the stairs his gaze made my heart sink.
“He was kidnapped,” Ruffilo muttered.
“C’mon,” Kade spoke through gritted teeth, giving zero fucks about Noah. We reached the bottom of the stairs and Kiean pushed me softly toward the door.
“What?” I yelled back, complete worry taking over me, “By who?”
“The Rule Maker,” Jolly hollered back, and the twins stopped at the door, sharing a look.
I can't be saved Reaching for the life we threw away Watching as it circles in the drain With everything I loved, that's gone to waste With everything I was but couldn't change
Chapter 9 coming soon
100 notes · View notes
hoe-for-daddywise · 2 months
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21 notes · View notes
hoe-for-daddywise · 2 months
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e v o l u t i o n
256 notes · View notes
hoe-for-daddywise · 3 months
bring back guitar sebastian
i could watch his hands all day long
254 notes · View notes
hoe-for-daddywise · 3 months
Burning out • VI
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Fem!Reader
I was lost, but now I'm found Under the lights and in the sounds So let us sing and sing it loud That we're not perfect, but we're proud of who we are.
Noah Sebastian is lost. His crime-filled lifestyle is anything but perfect; but everything changes once he meets you.
Words: 5.4k
Warnings: 18+, explicit language, mentions of drugs and alcohol/drinking
Authors note: Chapter Six - Moral Antimatter. Hey lovelies, I am so sorry it took so long for this chapter to come out. I've been so overwhelmed with school this month, and it'll only get worse once I begin my practicum in a couple weeks- but I'll aim to have the next chapter out way sooner than this one was. Enjoy xx
Tags: @crimson-calligraphyx @lma1986 @spicywhenspeaking @sammyjoeee @shilohrosechicken @princessmarshmallowx @laurpartyprogram @cookiesupplier @nojoyontheburn @lacktoesandtoddlerant @veronicaphoenix @er3nslovergirl @cncohshit @thescarlettvvitch @scrumptiousfestivalpost @melcchs @flowery-mess @mentallynot-here @darkmxgician @judging-from-afar
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“I- the whole reason I did this robbery in specific,” I stated, opening the glovebox in front of her, revealing the plastic bottles, “was to get back your meds. That’s why I’ve been so distant.”
She stared at the orange bottles, detached.
“I have felt so fucking guilty, that I have barely been able to look at you knowing what I did,” my voice began to raise, “Like how fucked up am I? That I could do that to you, knowing, that they’re supposed to be helping you?”
I scoffed at myself as I slammed the glovebox, making Y/N jump in the process.
The more I fool myself The more I feel it creeping in I think I lost my mind again
“Y/N,” I whispered now, “I am so sorry I did this to you. I am so sorry I dragged you into this.”
The more I start to fall The more I don't see me at all I think I lost my mind again”
I pulled my knees to my chest beneath the sheets of my bed as soft sobs escaped my chest. I breathed in and out heavily, lips parted as I coughed, congested from the tears that stained my cheeks.
So much happened, and my overwhelmed mind began to spiral. I wanted to blame myself for Noah’s decision, but at the same time how could I blame him? He needed the money, and I let him into my life without looking at the consequences. I shouldn’t look past his actions, and if I was a normal person I’d kick him out of my life… but I was already wrapped around his finger.
I really was so naive, huh?
I wanted to trust Noah. I still trust Noah.
So in the end it was all my fault, because why did I trust someone who had just come into my life so deeply?
When will that trust wear thin till the point it breaks and crumbles, shattering into an unfixable mess?
As I cried my tears for Noah, my chest heaved from the anxiety of my past. I swore to myself that I wouldn't go back to that fucking mask; that I wouldn’t let them find me. Yet, here I was, completely exposed again and traceable.
That dealer in the alleyway. He knew the mask, and he knew the code.
“We live in a twilight world: And there are no friends at dusk.”
I didn’t recognize him, but I knew that he could link me back to those I ran from. They haven’t worn the masquerade masks since I left.
I squeezed my eyes shut, the heat of my breath beginning to suffocate my body that lay beneath the covers of my duvet, shielding me from the world and all the problems within it.
"I'll See You At The Beginning, Friend."
I was going to be found, and it was going to be a mess.
If Kiean and Kade were about to be back in my life, I would need a saving grace.
As much as I didn’t want to talk to Noah about anything, or forgive him, I needed him.
I told him that I would risk it all for him, and I’ve proven it; but would he risk it all for me?
You think that I can’t see through it all? Who would walk back and risk it all for me now? Is this how breaking point sounds?
In the end, Noah isn’t the bad guy. If anything, once he finds out everything, I am.
I let the tears fall for a moment longer as I anxiously lived within my mind before the soft creak of my door opening snapped me away from my wading.
“Go away,” I mumbled, curling closer to my knees before the bed dipped gently. A soft purr came from behind the blanket and I sniffed, opening the covers to reveal Juice who waddled towards me. His head pushed into my hand, the soft orange fur of his coat instantly soothing me as my fingers ran through it.
“I thought you’d need a furry friend right now.” I heard from behind the door and I turned my head, noticing Nicholas peaking in.
“Thanks,” I mumbled, sitting up as I held Juice in my arms. He purred harder at the touch, closing his eyes in contentment.
Nicholas pushed the door open more and he held out a mug in offering, “I brought you some tea?”
I sniffed, rubbing my eyes with my free hands in an attempt to erase the tears.
Nicholas entered, placing the mug on my nightstand as he looked down at me in worry, his brows narrowed with sorrow, “I’m here to talk if you need someone to vent to.”
I nodded and Nicholas sad on the edge of my bed politely, as if afraid he was overstepping. Juice squirmed in my grasp and I let him go, and he immediately walked over to Nicholas, rubbing along his arm.
I scoffed, smiling gently, “Seems he has a new favourite.”
“What can I say, I guess I’m a cat whisperer.” Nicholas laughed, petting the cat.
I laughed lowly, rubbing my eyes again before glancing at the man before me.
As if he read my mind, he spoke first.
“I knew.” He said, and although I had a suspicion, my heart still clenched at his words.
“How long?” I whispered, picking at the fabric of my sheets.
Nicholas sighed, “The day it happened. I caught him replacing your pills.”
I nodded, unsure what to say. Not only did he steal them, he replaced them with lies. He didn’t want me to know.
“Was he ever going to tell me?” I asked, tears welling up in my eyes again.
Nicholas sucked in a breath, “Yes. I tried to get him to do it right away, but he wanted to wait until he paid everything off and could buy you more.”
I was quiet, my mind racing.
“He fucked up Y/N, and he knows that. But Noah cares about you so much.”
I laughed bitterly, “Yeah, he cares so much he went behind my back to purposefully deceit me. I probably would’ve given him the pills anyway if he asked, considering they were doing fuck all.”
Nicholas turned to face me on the bed, watching me carefully as another tear fell from my eyes.
“Why do I still want to trust him?” My voice strained as my vision blurred.
“Because you care about him too.”
I let out a frustrated groan as I pressed my palms into my eyes, “I see so much of myself in him. So much of who I was; and If I got out, so can he.”
“Who were you?” Nicholas asked now, curiously staring. I knew he had questions too. He knew that I had a bigger role within their world than initially presented; that was evident after he saw my involvement last night. The two of us have grown closer, and I knew that I’d have to trust him, and the other boys.
But It was hard to admit the shit I’ve done wrong.
“I’ll tell you guys soon,” I said as I turned away, afraid to look a him, “Once I get over the fear of you guys knowing who I used to be.”
Nicholas reached over, placing a hand on top of my own. He gave me a warm smile, “We of all people can’t judge you Y/N.”
My breath hitched in my throat as shame coated my throat, “Maybe, but there’s a reason I ran from who I used to be.”
I sucked in a breath as my padded fist collided with the covered fabric, the punching bag swinging back towards me before throwing another punch at it again, sending the bag spiralling.
And you know that we’re racing sand But we’re stronger than we were before And their forked tongues won’t lead the way You’re not pure anymore
My forehead beaded with sweat as my headphones blared, chest heaved with the adrenaline.
I bounced back and forth as I threw more punches, letting the anger seep through me.
The sins run red, but they won’t live forever You’ll be forever fake Will the marks I lay out there come back to me?
I needed to apologize properly to Y/N, even if she didn’t want to talk to me. My heart also ached because I wanted her to see our first live show tonight; but I was worried she would request to take the night off, just as she did at the cafe this morning.
I punched the bag a few more times before stepping back and grabbing my water bottle that lay against the wall. I threw the boxing glove off of my hand before I took a few sips of water, letting the cool liquid coat my throat.
Going to the gym was a way I could let out my frustration; an escape to physically release the pent-up energy that began to suffocate me. Thankfully no one else was in the gym, leaving me alone to my thoughts.
All of this was my fault, and I was ashamed- but if Y/N and I were going to have any form of relationship moving forward, we needed to be honest with each other; no more secrets.
I was going to make an effort to earn her trust back, but I also needed to know more about her past.
I wiped my forehead with the bottom of my shirt, sighing heaving as the lyrics rang through my mind.
Together we’re trapped inside of the scales Under the greed, and the ego’s weight I won’t be slipping when we all fall into Into moral decay
I slid the glove back on, amping myself up to continue throwing punches. As I heaved I swung my arms, connecting with the bag a few more times, before the lights inside the gym turned off, leaving me in complete darkness.
Pulling out an earbud I spun around, staring at the vacant area. The windows were small, barely leading any light into the room. My chest tightened as I furrowed my brows. Was there a power outage?
I breathed heavily for a moment as I stood still, analyzing the room in confusion before walking towards the light switch. I flicked up the knob and the lights turned on, leaving me even more perplexed. They had just been shut off.
As I turned around I came face to face with a man and I jumped back in surprise, audibly yelling as my stomach dropped.
“What the fuck!”
He stared at me for a moment, and my eyes gazed over all his tattoos.
“Sebastian,” He smiled, the grillz shining amongst his teeth.
It was Vincent, unmasked. Thick brows laid above sunken blue eyes and a hollow jaw. He was bonier than I thought, with slight facial hair scruffed around his features.
“The fuck are you doing?” I held a hand on my chest as I stepped back from him.
“Theatrics?” He shrugged as he began running his fingers along the metal bars of the machinery. His hair lay until his shoulders was brunette and curly.
I watched him cautiously, “uh- how did you find me?”
Vincent chuckled, “a little birdie.”
My eyebrows furrowed at his response, “What do you want?”
The shine of his grillz taunted me as he glanced between me and the equipment. My stomach began to churn with uneasiness. He didn’t know what I looked like unmasked. How would he know I was here, of all places?
Vincent reached into his pocket, pulling out a silver quarter. He began twirling it between his fingers, watching it spin, “How about this…”
I eyed him, taking another step back.
“Heads, you tell me about your little friend Y/N.”
My gaze narrowed and my fists clenched at the mention of her name. What did he want with Y/N?
“Tails, you tell me about your masked friend.”
I chewed my cheek as I glared. So he didn’t know they were the same person, but I didn’t know why the mask was relevant, or Y/N for that matter. “Why do you need to know about either?”
Vincent smirked as he held up the coin, ignoring my question, “What do you think it’ll be? Heads or tails?”
He then flipped the coin with his thumb, the both is us watching it spin in the air before landing in his palm. He glanced at me in excitement before flipping it onto the back of his palm. He removed his hand, revealing tails.
“ah, I was hoping for this one.”
I frowned, “I have nothing to tell you about it.”
“You know who wears the mask.”
I shook my head, “I don’t.”
Vincent’s eyes gleamed in knowing, “but you do.”
“I just hired someone to help,” I said, walking back towards my backpack and water bottle. The man followed behind.
“But how did you come in contact with a member of Fidelio. Specifically the volto mask.”
“Fidelio?” I raised a brow, “I have no fucking idea what you’re on about.”
Vincent grabbed my arm, pulling me back toward him.
“Fuck off!” I yelled, riping from his grasp, “I have no idea what you’re talking about. So can you back off?”
“That member has been missing for months,” He said hastily.
I stared at him in incredulity. This guy was nuts.
He paused, watching me for a moment, eyes darting across my lost expression, “you seriously have no idea?”
“No!” I yelled, grabbing my backpack from the ground, and swinging it over my shoulder.
“Have you ever seen the movie Eyes Wide Shut?” Vincent asked. I shook my head again.
“Ok,” He ran a hand over his face, “Well Fidelio is a cult that took inspiration from the movie- minus all the weird sex and orgy stuff.”
I scoffed, “And this is relevant, why?”
“Because that cult is one of the biggest groups of underground drug dealers and crime syndicates in North America, and they’ve stopped business since that mask has disappeared.”
Something clicked once he mentioned crime syndicate; I remember briefly hearing from Jolly about how there were a few heists pulled off by a group with masks… Venetian masquerade masks. I sucked in a quick breath, hoping Vincent didn’t notice.
“Ok, great.” I shrugged, clenching the strap of my bag, “So this person I hired was probably inspired by their work and liked the mask.”
Vincent shook his head rapidly, “They knew the code.”
I watched him, “Well so did you. Are you a member then?”
He laughed at me as if what I had said was hilarious, “Me? Psh I’m flattered you’d assume, but no. My boss has been trying to take them down for years.”
“So you know the code, how?”
Vincent shrugged, “Boss knows that’s how they communicate.”
“Well, then your point of my hire knowing the code is useless if others know it too,” I stated, beginning to walk past him, “Nice chat. I’ll see you at the end of the week with more drugs.”
Vincent yelled after me, “Wait. I need to know more about this Y/N Y/L/N.”
I halted to a stop, refusing to turn around as my jaw tightened. He may not know that Y/N was wearing that mask, but he knew something related to her name.
“You stole the meds from her?” He asked.
I turned my head to the side, body remaining still as I refused to look at him, “Your coin landed on tails.”
Vincent ignored my comment, “My boss wonders where all the drugs I get come from; especially if they’re prescription. Keep track in case anything begins to link back to us.” I wanted to walk out, but curiosity kept me frozen in place.
“I told him her name, and he says he knows her,” Vincent said slowly, “been looking for her for years. So do you know her? Or was it a random theft?”
The pace of my heart picked up, but I didn’t want Vincent to notice my nerves.
“Random theft,” I faced him now, responding without hesitation, “No fucking idea who that bitch is. Do you know how many people I steal from? And have stolen from since then?”
My throat clenched as I insulted Y/N, but I needed to make it believable.
Vincent nodded, eyes analyzing my own as we started each other down. After a brief moment of silence, he spoke again, “Do you remember her address?”
With a hard expression, I bore into his blue orbs, “No.”
He glanced at me, flipping the coin in his hand once again, “Well, if you do, you know who to call.”
His shoulder brushed mine as he walked past me toward the entrance of the gym, “See ya, Noah.”
My eyes slimmed in distaste as I followed his figure before I froze at the realization of what he called me.
I’ve never told him my first name.
“You gonna come to the show tonight?” Folio asked as we lay on the couch in the living room, watching TV. I had put on Naturo as a way to calm my nerves, and Ruffilo and Folio had heard the intro, immediately bolting up the stairs in excitement.
I rolled my head to look at him, “I do work tonight, so you couldn’t make me not go even if you wanted to.”
Folio and Ruffilo laughed, and I smiled, turning my attention back to the show.
“How are we gonna celebrate?” Nicholas asked, nudging my side, “We gotta have some drinks together.”
I squirmed at his touch, laughing, “I don’t know. I can ask to be off early since I’m starting at 4 today. You guys play at 11 pm, right?”
Nicholas nodded, “Yeah, 45 min set or something.”
“Noah will be happy you’re coming,” Nick said, and as if Noah heard his name, the front door opened, revealing the long-haired brunette, his face dishevelled.
The three of us looked at him, and I immediately sunk into the couch in an attempt to hide myself, but Noah’s eyes locked onto mine. He kicked off his shoes before standing at the bottom of the stairs.
“We need to talk. Bedroom, now.” He said with haste, grubbing the wooden railing.
“Yeesh,” Folio mumbled, glancing at me before back at Noah, “That’s not how you turn a girl on Noah.”
“Fuck off Nick,” Noah said, waiting for me to get up.
His stern tone left my body shivering and so I obliged, standing up and leaving the Nick’s to follow Noah up the stairs.
I trailed behind him and he closed the door to my bedroom once both of us were inside. He turned to look at me with accusation.
“Does Fidelio ring a bell?”
My mouth dried as the word left his lips, my lungs struggling to suck in a much-needed breath. How did he know?
My palms began to sweat as my fingers wrapped around each other, a form of distraction, “Like uh, Beethoven’s Opera?”
Noah rolled his eyes, “Don’t play dumb. The mask.”
My throat warmed in apprehension with the heartbeat that began trailing up the skin, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
I should just tell him. What’s stopping me?
“Are you the missing member with the Volto mask?” Noah asked, holding the sides of my arms, his fingers squeezing against the dark blue long sleeve I wore.
Tears pricked my eyes as my chest rose quickly, the onset of a panic attack beginning to set in. Noah noticed, his grip loosening as his chestnut eyes softened.
“You need to tell me Y/N,” He whispered as I began shaking. Noah pulled me into his chest, enveloping me against his body.
I whispered into the fabric he wore, “Yes.”
Noah’s hand trailed up my back, cupping my head in a comforting manner as he held me. Our bodies swayed gently in a moment of brief silence.
“Do you know Vincent?” He asked.
I hiccuped as tears fell, shaking my head, “No I don’t think so…but he knows the code.”
You think that I can’t see through it all? Who would walk back and risk it all for me now? Is this how breaking point sounds?
“He found me at the gym,” Noah began, pulling me from his body to look up at him, “He was asking about you. With the mask, and without.”
My eyes widened as I stared at him, shaky breaths on the verge of hyperventilation crawling from my chest, “Does he know it’s me?”
Noah shook his head, “No, but his boss recognizes your name. And of course, he knows about the Fidelio syndicate.”
I swallowed harshly, digesting the information.
“He knows your name because it was on the bottle when I sold your pills; I guess recognized it.” Noah sighed, taking a step back from me, turning on his heel with a hand on his forehead.
“I thought I recognized your mask,” He threw his head back in frustration, “But I couldn’t remember from where… and then I googled after Vincent told me.”
Noah slid his phone out of his pocket, scrolling for a moment before pulling up a news article from a few months ago.
Aftermath Broken promises collapse Bodies lay like shattered glass Hold the pieces, feel how nothing ever lasts
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With tunnel vision fading in How I've thirsted for the end Pull me closer till I'm in over my head
My eyes skimmed the news article, and any words I had forming caught in my throat.
Noah’s eyes were hollow, “You came here, to Los Angeles not long after this was released…”
I sucked in a breath, “I told you I was running.”
“That’s why you gave me a chance,” Noah said, pulling the phone from my face, and placing it back into his pocket, “You were no better than I am.”
Past tense. He knew things had changed.
To have someone understand your mind is a different kind of intimacy, and Noah read every part of me at this moment.
“I escaped,” I whispered, barely audible as my voice cracked, “I didn’t want that life. I was used, angry, and unworthy.”
We are broken bodies bound for еach other In the impact, we become antimatter The dust hasn't settled but we feel the decay
“Your past does not define you,” Noah breathed softly, pulling me into another hug, “You were a result of circumstance…If anything it makes me respect you even more with how far you’ve come.”
Torn limb from limb, I am swearing your name Our hands collide, we brace together In the impact, we become antimatter
“I’m proud of you.”
Noah’s words rang in my ear as I cried, holding myself against his chest. My knuckles whitened through the grip I held on his sweater, my body vibrating through the pain. I’m proud of you. No one has ever said that to me.
I sobbed into his body for a few more moments as he squeezed me with compassion, taking in all the emotions I displayed for him.
“I knew what it was like being in your shoes,” I sniffed, “I’m still lost, but I’m finding my way. You deserve to escape too.”
Noah’s grip tightened before he pulled away, “I see it now.”
My mind was still racing at Vincent and the information Noah brought.
“Do you know who his boss is?” I asked Noah, even more nervous now. I didn’t know many people within the drug ring; I always played on the sidelines.
Was it someone who knew my true identity?
We're waiting in the wreckage for the sun to rise I'm staring at the fractures no one else can see, they're so complete When morning comes, will there be anyone left to find? My vision starts to surrender, as colors subvert the night
“I went by a different name,” I watched Noah carefully, “Y/N Y/L/N is my real name. Only two people back home know it, other than my extended family… that I know of.”
“I mean that’s smart. I don’t know who his boss is,” Noah said, his face contorting, “but maybe he’s tied back to you?”
I sighed anxiously. I had no idea who Vincent’s boss could be, but my stomach churned at the idea of it being one of the members of Fidelio.
“You risked everything coming to help me rob the pharmacy then… why?” Noah grabbed my hands, placing them gently within his, “Especially because you chose to wear the mask.”
I shrugged, hands warming from his touch, “I-I don’t know. I just- I would do anything to help you escape from this life. You asked me for help, how could I say no? Especially when I have enough experience?”
One of Noah’s hands travelled up my arm, resting below my chin. He pushed gently, making me look up into his October eyes.
Stolen by auroras, our bodies re-align Magnetic in the impulse, show me the other side Suspended in the ether, till I felt you in my chest I know we're not alone, but I'm in over my head
“I’m sorry I broke your trust. I’m sorry I didn’t ask you about the pills, and I’m sorry I stole them.” His eyes darted across my face, sincerity radiating from his pupils, “I will never do anything like that again; over my dead body.”
His words burned into my skin through the touch of his fingertips. I knew he was sorry, and I knew he felt bad. He made a mistake, he wasn’t perfect. He was human.
“I forgive you, Noah. You need the money,” I said, “You’re almost free.”
Noah pulled me closer to his chest and I leaned into his touch, our lips brushing against each other gently. My stomach spiralled with nerves as Noah’s warm breath escaped his lips before he placed them delicately against my own. It was a different kind of kiss; my limbs tingled as my mind warmed with admiration. It wasn’t hungry or desperate, it wasn’t filled with haste. It was proof that Noah accepted me as I was- just as had accepted him. It made me feel vulnerable.
We are broken bodies bound for each other In the impact, we become antimatter
The boys arrived at Sammy’s around 9 pm, sitting along the bar as they waited. They periodically kept trying to talk to me as I waited tables and catered to guests.
“Folio I’m so glad you’re telling me a story about the biggest fish you ever caught,” I began as I poured a few shots, “But you do know I am on the clock, right?”
Nick frowned and I gave him an empathetic smile. I loved having them here since it made work much more entertaining, but at the same time, I couldn’t stop getting distracted by their conversation and by Noah’s presence.
I couldn't help but steal glances at the long-haired gentleman when he would look away, admiring the way his smile lit up his eyes, or the scrunch of his nose when Nicholas made a joke; and I could feel his eyes burning into me every time I walked away, or turned to make a drink.
“Well,” Nick took a sip of his beer, “if you could fuck Noah in the bathroom at work you can hear about my fish,” He pouted and my eyes widened, along with Noah’s.
Noah and I shared eye contact in a knowing glance. Both of us immediately flushed and looked away in awkwardness. I shot Nick a glare before I turned around, bringing the shots to the customers who ordered.
Nicholas burst out laughing behind me as he doubled over the counter, pulling Jolly down with him.
“Dude that was so out of pocket,” Nicholas wheezed as Jolly’s chortle echoed through the busy room.
The bar was decently packed tonight with people anticipating the first live music showcase. I was just as excited; because I couldn’t wait to hear them perform somewhere outside of the basement.
My mind kept tracing back to the realization that now that the mask was back, I was going to be traceable. My entire shift I felt uneasy, worried that with every turning corner someone who knew could show up; but I pushed away those thoughts, remaining happy and supportive as the boys were going to be on stage soon.
I walked back behind the counter, smiling at them.
“Guys want a shot for some liquid courage?” I asked, holding up a bottle of tequila.
“You know it,” Folio nodded.
“We should probably do a soundcheck, yeah?” Jolly raised a brow at Noah who nodded in agreement.
“That’s what bands do, right?” Noah said, spinning on the bar chair as I placed the shot and a lime wedge in front of each of them.
“To uh-” I raised my empty glass to cheer with them, but I couldn’t finish my sentence, because they hadn’t chosen a name for the band.
“To Glass Houses?” Jolly shrugged, and Noah mimicked him. The four boys took the drink, squinting at the bitterness before sucking on the lime.
“We haven’t chosen a name… but we can go by glass houses for now,” Noah laughed, before standing up.
I smiled up at them, giving the boys a thumbs up, “Good luck gentlemen, you got this!”
“Thanks, Y/N,” Nicholas smiled back, following Jolly and Nick towards the stage.
Noah turned to look at me, “Don’t judge us too hard, ok?”
“I’m not the cool one in a band,” I chuckled as I mixed another drink, “No judgment here, only proud to say I know you personally.”
“Ah yes,” Noah licked his lips before flashing a wide smile, “personally.” His tone insinuated something much more and I couldn’t help but shake my head as my face warmed once again.
“Break a leg, as they say.” I cheered, and Noah nodded at me before meeting the rest of the boys.
Half an hour later it was eleven, and I asked my boss if I could be off early. She didn’t mind, so I grabbed a rum and coke before sitting at the seats that were in front of the stage.
I could tell they were nervous as each of them fiddled with their equipment. A few moments later the stereo died down and Noah tapped the microphone, his hair cascading over his face as he spoke.
“Uh, hey!” He began the feedback echoing slightly through the bar. I smiled encouragingly up at him as his eyes met mine, and he smiled back as if speaking to me.
“So this is our first gig, we don’t have an official name but call us Glass Houses for now!”
The small crowd clapped as Noah looked towards the boys, nodding at them.
“So I guess we’ll start with a cover of Come Undone by Duran Duran!”
Another applause sounded and Jolly began playing the riff before Folio’s drums and Ruffilo’s bass joined.
Noah jumped on the floor as his hair whipped around, feeling the into and the crowd cheered, before he gripped the mic stand, preparing to sing.
“Mine immaculate dream Made breath and skin, I've been waiting for you Signed, with a home tattoo Happy birthday to you was created for you.”
I bobbed my head, proud as guests began singing along. It wasn’t until Noah’s voice became deeper and raspier with the chorus that I smiled wider, heart hammering as he sang, watching me periodically from the stand.
“Who do you need? Who do you love When you come undone? Who do you need? Who do you love When you come undone?”
The evening went on as the boys covered various songs, before getting ready to perform their last song for the night.
“Thank you guys so much for jamming along!” Noah yelled before sipping his water bottle, “It’s about to get heavy, so I want to see you mother fuckers headbang!”
The crowd cheered as Noah introduced Glass Houses, and the song began.
I banged my head with the music as their hair flew in spirals, pulling out my phone to record them.
As I opened my phone I saw a text message from an unknown number. Clicking on it my stomach immediately dropped as my limbs warmed with complete terror.
Los Angeles, hey? It’s about time we booked a vacation anyway. See you soon, my volto x
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hoe-for-daddywise · 3 months
🖤Am I sorry about what I made? Absolutely not. Please enjoy this beautiful homage to Noah Sebastian and Corpse 🖤
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hoe-for-daddywise · 4 months
One Night-Valentine's Day special
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings: lots of smut(mask play, spit play, bondage, anal, fingering, oral(m/f receiving), choking, unprotected sex), swearing, angst, fluff.
Summary: Nothing like a little Valentines Day smut for these two love birds!
Authors Note: Since this takes place during this universe, every thing that happened between Noah and Reader is still the same! Just a little pop in to see how they've been doing! Happy Valentines Day my lovelies! I hope you enjoy this little blurb!
Tags: @thescarlettvvitch @sammyjoeee @shilohrosechicken @malice-ov-mercy @thebadchic @niicoleleigh @lma1986 @dsireland86 @bellaboo967 @cookiesupplier @whenthesummerdies @bngurngheart @laurpartyprogram @thisbicc @lyinginbetween @princessmarshmallowx @loeytuan98 @cncohshit @lacktoesandtoddlerants @notingridslurkaccount @calleyx13 @jessiskyee @mrscevans @spicywhenspeaking @myownthoughts12 @br0kenangel23 @flowery-mess @lizzieseveride @illmakeyousaywow @burning-outx @xhedonistolisx @sinnamongirl @jilliemiw86 @shayzillaaaa @dream-machine-love
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“Hi, who can I make this out to?” I smiled up at the person in front of me. 
The young blonde smiled wide. “Uh, Jennifer.” 
I picked up on her nerves but decided not to dwell on it like I’d done with the other 50 people before her. I opened the book Jennifer lay in front of me and wrote the same message I’d been writing all day.
Thank you so much for the support. 
“Thank you so much for coming out”, I said while sliding the book back to Jennifer. 
Jennifer shook her head while clutching the book close to her chest. “No, thank you, Y/N! I absolutely loved One Night. So when you were promoting Always Pretending, I knew I would have another book to add to my TBR list. Needless to say, it’s my favorite book ever.” 
My cheeks flushed. “Oh wow. Thank you so much for that, Jennifer. Truly, your praise means a lot.” 
With a wave, I continued the same thing for the next long while, signing book after book for my fans. This was the last day in a two-week-long book tour across the United States and to say I was exhausted was an understatement. Not to mention, I had a four-hour flight back home to Los Angeles as soon as I left this bookshop. Jackie, my assistant, knew how badly I wanted to get back home so she booked the earliest flight she could. 
It has been like this for the last year ever since I published One Night and now Always Pretending; both books on the bestseller list. While I was thankful for that, I wasn’t thankful for being away from home for so long. 
Away from Noah.
Our schedules didn’t seem to match up as of late. While I was away on my book signing tour, he was home resting because a week after I got back home, Bad Omens would be leaving for a round of festivals overseas. Noah wanted me to join him since I hadn’t been in a long time. We’d been dating for almost two years now and I had to miss out on the last two tours because of my own career. 
I had every intention of joining Noah now but needed to talk to Jackie about it first. She worked tirelessly to keep my schedule busy and jam-packed to promote my books but in my eyes, they didn't need any more promotion. I’d been working almost nonstop with these book tours, interviews, and not to mention trying to work on my third book. 
I needed a fucking break. 
I didn’t want it to seem to people that I was complaining because I was thankful for where I ended up. If you had told the girl two years ago who sat on that tour bus wondering if her first book would be good enough to become a best-selling author, she’d laugh in your face. 
Noticing that we were dwindling to the last few people, I powered through with a plastered smile even though my eyes were drowning in exhaustion. My phone lay on the table next to me, screen down but kept buzzing against the wood. Jackie went to reach for it but I shot her a look in between signing books. 
“I thought you’d want me to respond for you,” she tried to smile. 
I bit my tongue, not wanting to snap at the older woman because she was simply doing her job but I knew who was texting me and didn’t want her to see those messages. 
“It’s fine, thank you,” I muttered. 
Finally, after a two-hour signing, I was finished and shook out the cramps in my right hand while letting out a deep breath. It was almost 2 in the afternoon and my flight left in 3 hours which meant I had to rush across town to make it in time. 
“So, I was thinking,” Jackie started as I began to gather my things. “The local news channel would love to have you on their morning report tomorrow. I think it would be great publicity.” 
I raised a brow. “You seemed to forget that I have a flight in three hours, Jackie.” 
“I know,” she nodded. “But we can move some things around and-.” 
For the first time since she took over as my assistant, I said the word that I never wanted to because I knew how important the publicity side of my career was. 
Jackie blinked. “What?” 
I sighed while running a hand through my hair. “Look Jackie, while I appreciate everything you’ve done for me these past few months, I need a break. I’ve been going nonstop since One Night was published. I miss my life back in Los Angeles. I miss my quiet little apartment. I miss my boyfriend.” 
Noah’s smile flashed in my mind and my heart yearned to be back with him. About three months ago, he moved in with me but with how busy both of us had been it felt as if we didn’t have time to actually revel in living together. 
Not to mention, being away from him for two weeks made me horny as hell. Facetime sex paled in comparison to seeing and feeling the real thing. 
I held up my hand to silence Jackie. “You deserve a break as well, Jackie. Take some time off, do things you love. When I’m ready to talk about book three, I’ll give you a call, alright?” 
Reluctantly, she nodded while tucking a piece of graying hair behind her ear. 
Bidding her goodbye, I threw my bag over my shoulder and then dragged my suitcase behind me to exit the bookstore only to immediately sit in the backseat of the black town car that had been waiting to take me to the airport. Once we were gliding along the road, I finally peered at my phone for the first time in a few hours. 
Noah: Angel, I’m so proud of everything you’ve done. Seeing how successful your book tour has been makes me smile. I can’t wait till you’re back home and we can celebrate. I love you so much. 
Noah: So, are you going to sign a copy of Always Pretending for me? Since you know, I was your muse for it. 
I rolled my eyes with a giggle before replying to Noah. 
Me: Oh please, you know I’d sign a book for my biggest fan. Also, I love you too. 
As I browsed through my phone, checking my social media and responding to emails, Noah texted back. 
Noah: So, we have a problem. I can’t pick you up from the airport because I forgot I had my therapy appointment at six.
My heart sunk to the depths of my stomach. All day I’d been looking forward to seeing Noah’s face as I stepped through the doors of the airport. But I knew that he couldn’t miss therapy. It was more important than picking me up. 
Me: It’s okay, love. I can order an uber. I should be back home by 8. Maybe we can have a late dinner together? 
Noah: Already taken care of, angel. 
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With a yawn, I adjusted my glasses as I stepped through the gate doors of the airport, dragging my bags behind me. There was a delay in taking off at the last airport which meant I was now arriving in Los Angeles at 9 p.m rather than 7 p.m. I had to buy wifi on the plane so I could message Noah to let him know about the delay. 
Thank the gods I changed out of my professional attire at the last airport and opted to wear my Bad Omens joggers and Noah’s yellow hoodie; his smell still lingering. With my phone in one hand, I was about to order an Uber when my feet skidded to a halt at the sight in front of me. 
What a cheeky little…
Noah smirked as he held a bouquet of black daisies. 
“Hi, angel,” he mused. 
I reached for the flowers and brought them to my nose, inhaling their scent, and then peered up at Noah. 
“I thought you couldn’t pick me up.” 
Noah brushed away a loose strand of hair from my face. “I sort of lied. I had plans to pick you up then take you out to dinner for Valentine's day but when your flight got delayed, I had to switch things up.” 
“So you’ve been waiting here for two hours?” I asked. 
“Worth it.” 
He shrugged before wrapping his fingers behind my neck to bring our lips together in a long overdue kiss. His tongue immediately molded against mine and I moaned into it, my hand sprawling over his chest. The material of his Hereditary sweater felt warm underneath my palm and I let myself fall into him when his hands grasped my hips. 
“I missed you, Y/N,” Noah’s teeth grazed over my bottom lip. 
“I missed you too, love.” 
With his arm wrapped around my shoulder and other hand holding my bags, Noah led me out of the airport and towards his car parked in the parking lot. Once we were settled, he began the drive back home. I nestled into the passenger seat and let out a content sigh. 
“Tired?” Noah questioned with one hand on the wheel and the other resting on my thigh. 
“No, surprisingly. I thought I would be but I’m just happy to be back home.” 
He brought my hand to his lips to kiss along my knuckles. “I’m glad you’re back too, angel.” 
For the rest of the drive home, I told him how the book tour went while he told me what he did the last few weeks. Since it was down time for Bad Omens, Noah spent it either in the gym with Ash or in the studio with the guys. 
As we walked down the long hallway to our apartment, another yawn slipped through my lips and I nearly stumbled. Noah chuckled as he wrapped an arm around me to pull me into his chest. 
“You should get some sleep, angel.” 
I frowned while burying myself into his sweater. "I'm not tired."
His lips brushed along my forehead as we stopped in front of our door and he unlocked it. The darkness of our home escaped into the hallway as I stepped through the threshold and when I clicked on the lights, a gasp fell from my lips. 
Matching the daisies bouquet I had clutched in my arms, our entire apartment was littered. Music played softly as I noticed the steaming dinner plated on our kitchen island, candles lit and spread throughout. 
Turning on my heels, I gaped at Noah who leaned against the door with a smug smile. 
“What is this?” I asked, doing my best not to cry. 
“Happy Valentine's Day, angel. I had Jolly set this up for me while we were on our way home. He had to warm up the dinner I cooked earlier but I promise it’s still good,” he said. 
My eyes widened. “Oh, I forgot it’s Valentine's day! I was so busy with everything I didn’t get you anything.” 
Noah pushed himself off the door and immediately cupped my face so I could look up at him. The hood of his sweater was still pulled over his eyes, chocolate tendrils falling into his face. 
“You know I don’t need anything. Just you, angel. But I wanted to do something special for you because you deserve it.” 
I left a firm but quick kiss on his lips, muttering against them. “Thank you, Noah.” 
He smiled while motioning behind me. “Come on, let's eat.” 
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“Fuck, Noah,” I moaned when his tongue licked up the patch of skin his teeth grazed. 
My nails dragged down his bare chest, leaving red marks along his tattoos, as he continued to slam his cock into me, the couch beneath us scraping along the wood floors. 
“So tight. I missed you,” he groaned into the crook of my neck as his hips stilled. 
I knew he was close but also knew that he didn’t want it to end yet. What started as a nice romantic dinner turned into a heavy make out session on the couch. Neither of us could wait any longer and needed to be connected once again. 
His fingers brushed along the folds of my pussy and I shook with the feeling as he slowly dragged his cock all the way out, only leaving the tip inside. 
“Noah,” I whined while raising my hips. “Please.” 
His teeth dragged along my nipples. “Please what?” 
I raked my nails through his hair and yanked back causing Noah to let out a loud hiss. “Fuck, angel.” 
“Stop teasing me and fuck me, Noah. Please.” 
My screams echoed throughout the apartment when he buried his cock deep witin me again, his pace becoming ruthless. But our position on the couch wasn’t the greatest, I needed to be able to feel him even deeper. We couldn’t make it to the bedroom when we first started and there was no way I was going to stop this now. 
Noah could tell I needed something different because with one strong arm, he lifted me from the couch to carry me over to the kitchen table. I squealed in delight as I writhed in his embrace. 
“What are you doing?” I asked as he made me lean back. 
He brushed back the sweat slicked hair from his forehead and licked his lips. “I need a taste of you.” 
With a tight grip on my thighs, he spread my legs wide apart before he knelt between them. The warmth of his tongue sent shockwaves to my entire system as he lapped up the remnants of my previous orgasm he gave me on the couch and I arched off the table when he began sucking on my clit. 
“Shit, Noah. I’m going to-.” 
With two fingers spearing me wide open before pumping in fast succession and his mouth sucking on my sensitive nub, I let the shock of my orgasm tear through me with such a force that it nearly took my breath away. 
“Such a good girl,” Noah mused while laying a kiss on the inside of my thigh. “I missed the way you taste.” 
I only had a few minutes to breath before he was yanking me off the table to now stand on my feet. He patted my ass. 
“Lean your hands against the window,” he nodded towards the patio door. 
“What-?” I shuffled on my feet. 
Noah’s lips attacked mine in a ravenous kiss and when he pulled away, he brushed my arousal off of his lips with his thumb. His bracelet and necklace glinted in the light from the lamppost outside. 
“Be a good girl, Y/N, and do what I say,” his voice was as dark as his eyes. 
Not wanting to disappoint, I quickly made my way over to the patio door that led out to our balcony and rested my psalm against the glass.Thankfully we shut off all but one of the lights so no one would be able to peer up into our apartment and see what we were doing.
"Keep your hands on the window," he demanded and then yanked my hips back to him so I was bent over. 
Nodding furiously, I spread my hands against the window of the patio door when his cocked slipped inside of me again, his name falling off my lips in a prayer. 
“That’s right, pray to your king,” Noah rasped as he bit down on my shoulder. 
One tattooed arm wrapped around my stomach while the other tightened around my throat to bring my chest against his back, this new angle making my vision blurry. It felt so good, the burn, and Noah knew how bad I needed it to hurt. 
 He squeezed until I felt the air being ripped away from me, his cock slamming into me with no sign of stopping. He never held back and I never wanted him too.  I needed it to hurt, needed it to burn, that I wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow.
When I felt the darkness creeping to the corners of my eyelids due to how tight he was gripping my throat, I let out a choked moan. 
“Safe word?” he muttered into my ear before kissing the skin behind there. 
Although his voice was soft and concerning, the way he fucked me was completley different. 
I did my best to shake my head with his tight grip around my throat. “Keep. Going. So. Close.” 
Noah eased his grip a bit so I could take a deep breath before he tightened it again. My orgasm was so close, I just needed a little something to have it wash over me. As my hand moved to my clit, Noah smacked my ass, the sound echoing through our apartment. Instead, his thumb pressed circles against my clit and that was exactly what I needed to let my orgasm finally release from the tightness of my body. I came with such vigor on Noah’s cock he groaned into my hairline. 
“Such a good girl,” he praised while letting go of the vice grip around my throat. 
Gulping for hair, I nodded. “Yes.” 
Nails dug into the skin of my hips as Noah’s pace became even more frantic, him chasing his own release, and I was so far gone in my post orgasmic haze that I nearly didn’t hear the two words he said. 
“Wh-what?” I stuttered. 
Noah’s hips stilled for a beat before he let out a deep, guttural groan when he spilled his warm release into me. 
“Marry me.” 
Before my body could fall into a heap to the ground, Noah lifted me to sit me on the edge of our kitchen island. His large hand cupped my cheek so I had no choice but to gaze upon him. His pupils were blown wide due to our actions and his chest rose and fell as he did his best to catch his breath. His warm cum dripped down my legs onto the cold marble beneath me but I didn’t dare think about the mess. I only thought about those two words. 
“What did you say?” I asked, still breathless. 
“Marry me,” Noah said again without an ounce of hesitation. 
Everything around us seemed to fall away, the eerie quiet of the apartment now ringing loudly in my ears. My heart beat loudly in my chest that I could feel it in my throat when I realized how sincere Noah was. This wasn’t a joke, he meant those words. 
As if he thought I was doubting him, he ripped open our junk drawer in the kitchen to pull out a small velvet box and my breath caught in my throat. 
“Fuck, you’re serious?” I choked out. 
Noah smiled wickedly as he opened the box, the light above the kitchen sink catching the diamond almost instantly. The gold band was thin but the oval shape of the diamond almost sat perfectly against it. 
“With you, Y/N. I’ve never been more serious about anything,” he said. 
My throat burned in the best way. Never in this lifetime did I ever expect to have such a romantic Valentine's Day. Guys in my past never gave a shit, especially Jacob, so to have Noah go all out was something I wasn't used too but knowing he loved me so much made my heart swell. 
I began to nod wildly. “Fuck yes!” 
With a laugh, Noah collided our lips together in a fever kiss before reluctantly pulling away to slide the ring onto my finger. 
“I didn’t mean to have a cliche proposal on Valentine's day. I planned on asking you if you came overseas but I couldn’t risk not asking you before,” Noah explained. 
I wrapped my legs around his naked form to bring him closer to me and I hung my arms around his neck. We were still naked and the cool air from the open window brushed along our heated skin. 
“I’m coming with you.” 
Noah’s eyes lit up. “You are?” 
“Yeah, I need a break and now that we’re engaged, I think we need to celebrate,” I waved the hand with the ring in front of his face playfully. 
He grasped it to leave a kiss upon the ring. “Say no more, angel.” 
My squeals bounced off the walls of our home as Noah carried me into our bedroom to start our engagement celebrations.
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hoe-for-daddywise · 4 months
what about Noah sending selfies to his lady? (In the text mood board format thingy)
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390 notes · View notes
hoe-for-daddywise · 4 months
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I had you in my grip
Pairing: Noah Sebastian x reader
Warning: Death, pain, kissing, possible NSFW content in later chapters, 18+
Word count: 1798
Part one
No God, no religion. The four words that spun spirals around your head now echoing loud within the halls of the church you'd found yourself in on this Sunday morning for your best friends, daughters christening. You pondered on the fact that if there was a God, he was surely judging you right now, whilst the face of his son was staring at you from the sunlit stained glass. As the vicar invited everyone into prayer, you felt like an impostor, noting everyone joined in, knowing the words like a well rehearsed script, their eyes shut and hands together. 'Amen', reverberated off the walls from their unison, understanding their prayer was now fixed, a message to their God. Looking down at your watch you panicked. 'shit.' You noticed the Vicar snap his head towards you, disapproval on his face, a small, 'sorry' escaped your mouth. Your work meeting was about to take place in 10 minutes and you couldn't be late. Your friend already knew that you had to go to this meeting and that it couldn't be missed. You gave her a small wave and then quickly took off and out of the sacred building. The heavy wooden door slammed shut behind you like God was kicking you out, guilt twanging in your heart that you couldn't stay for your best friend, but relief washing over you. 'Hopefully I won't have to come back to one of these until someone dies', you laugh to yourself as you unlock your car and climb into it.
Thankfully, your workplace was only round the corner so you should make it on time. Slamming your foot on the gas you speed out of the car park and join the road. You flipped down the mirror on the sunvisor and reapply your lipstick, not paying much attention to the road until a beep from your left brings you back, you'd almost gone into the other lane. Panicking, you swing the steering wheel to put you back on track, 'shit', you cursed again, catching a quick glimpse at yourself in the mirror not seeing you smudged red lipstick on your cheek in the almost accident. You wiped it off and had to slam your foot on the break as to not hit the car in front of you. 'Damn what is up with me today?' You mutter. A smash was the last thing you heard before your car was being rolled sideways and down the hill on the grass banking. The world was tumbling around you, and before you even had a second to fully register what was happening, it was over everything went black.
It didn't happen like they say movies, your life didn't flash before your eyes over and again like projection, you didn't think about everything you wished you could've done and regrets never came to mind. Your life just came to an end. It was over. Your existence would soon become a shadow of what once was, and your friends and family would probably mourn you in that church you had been in today.
Darkness descended into a realm where the sun is silent and eternal flame burns.
"Welcome, Y/N." A velvet voice bellowed and reverberated back to you, rattling your being. Your eyes snapped open as your hands groped at the cold stone floor beneath your laying form. Standing, you looked for the man who had spoken your name only moments ago but had to strain your eyes as the only light describable was that of which the glow of the fire river touched. A silhouette cascaded and shadowed your much smaller figure, rendering you completely at its mercy.
"Are you the devil? Am I in Hell?". You croaked out and he tutted back at you.
"'No God, no religion', isn't that what you always said, Y/N?"
"Yes but I died, didn't I?"
"That you did." The figure edges forward.
"So, then where am I?"
"You, my dear, are in the world of the unconscious, and I am the fucking king." He stepped into the light as the fire erupted behind him and fell back into itself. His cloak of shadows trailing behind, each penumbra ricocheting off of the other until they came to a sudden stop, flowing around his tall and thin stature. On top of his short black hair sat a golden crown which reflected the fire to the side of you and relayed your own fragile image back to yourself.
"Strange." You declared.
"What is?" He laughed wickedly.
"I've spent my entire existence dismissing - no - refusing that there was a life after death, but"
"This is not life, Y/N". He interrupted. "Your life ended in that car, everything you was in the land of the living serves no purpose here. You are but an empty vessel drifting through space. Lost."
Your stomach dropped at his words, your past self was now rendered insignificant. A solitary tear fell down your cheek. The man lifted his hand up to you, and wiped the stray tear away with his thumb.
"Don't cry. Though you may have been confined here, you do not walk alone." The king whispered softly, a soothing warmth embedded within and your eyes locked. "Other souls reside here, and I will always be close by." A slight smile tucked into at the corner of his lips and disappeared almost instantly, bringing a sense of comfort to your new existence. You offered him a smile back. "Now, please follow Me." He extended his hand out towards you, which you took without even a moments hesitation.
"Where are we going?" You ask as fire from the river spluttering around you almost burnt you.
Watch out for Phlegethon." He motioned to the fire river. "We are going on a tour."
"Is this some elaborate trick to chuck me into a room where you can torture me?" You laugh nervously.
"Torture? No." He laughed. "That is for later."
You gulped and hoped he was joking. "Do you give tours to everyone? Surely that would take forever."
"No, only to my most special guests." He winks.
It felt like hours had passed as the king takes you around a slither of the realm as he explained it would take a millennium to explore it all. You noted how a lot of it looked the same, more fire, more stone, some rooms here and there. You walked past a few of the other souls who seem to have lost all sense of purpose yet some tried to speak to you but your king would cast them aside, even chucking one into the fire in a rage. He made you aware that until you had spent a significant amount of time here, they would be under the illusion that you were alive and would try to bargain with you. In exchange for what, you didn't dare ask.
"So, I know you're my king but, do you have a name?" You question.
"Noah." His hand tightened around yours.
"Noah?" You laugh. "So not anything like Satan or Asmodeus?"
Noah tilts his head to the side. "Sorry to disappoint you, but this was my given name."
"No, I like it." You smile. "Not threatening, I suppose."
"I don't threaten you?" Noah's face changes as he slams you into a wall, arms either side of you. You shook your head.
"I am the keeper of the damned, the ruler of the underworld, torturer and punisher. I don't threaten you?" Your core burnt at the closeness. His face so close to yours, you couldn't help but note how gorgeous he was.
"No." You couldn't explain it, but there was a glossiness that cast over his eyes that dared you to carry on. "I am not threatened by you."
Noah narrowed his eyes, a flicker of anger passed through his features. "You underestimate the depths of my power, little one." He warned. "Do you not understand the consequences of questioning me? Your suffering is at my command, your mind cannot comprehend the torture I can and will inflict upon you."
"And what torture might that be, Noah?" Flirtation in your voice and a glint of playfulness in your eyes as they glanced between his eyes and his lips.
"Eager to find out, are you?" Noah lifted his hand up to your cheek and before you could even respond his lips were on yours in a heated passion. Your stomach did flips as you responded with the same hunger and your hand found its way into his hair and pulled it slightly, begging for more. He bit your bottom lip hard and drew blood. You moaned through the pain and tasted the copper liquid as your tongues collided in a fiery dance, both fighting to win dominance.
But then, a sudden jolt of pain spread through your chest causing you to break the kiss and gasp out, your eyes wide. "What did you do, Noah?" You ask as you clutch to where your heart would be.
"N-nothing." He retracts as he watches you fall to the floor and scream in pain as another bolt floods through you, an intense feeling you'd never experienced before, it felt like electricity causing through you. Noah kneels down beside you. "I don't understand what's happening! I swear, this isn't my doing." He shouts out, worry tinged in his voice and confusion painted across his face as he reaches out to grab your hand.
"Make it stop." You choke out a sob as you claw at your chest.
"I don't know how!" He scans the area to see if there's anything or any soul doing this to you.
"Fuck!" You scream in agony as another hit pulls you through the darkness.
Your eyes snap open and a breath floods your lungs. Bright light penetrates your eyes causing you to squint.
"We've got her." A woman's voice shouts out from next to you. "Welcome back to the land of the living." You notice the paddles of a defibrillator in her hands. Blinking rapidly, you struggle to make sense of your surroundings as you lay sprawled out on a road with glass and blood surrounding you. Then to the corner of your eyes you notice your car on its side and remember that you'd crashed and ended up in a different world.
"N-Noah?" You croak. "Where's, Noah?"
"Is that your boyfriend? Was he in the car too?"
"No." Had you dreamed all of this? Surely not. It had all seemed so real. Disoriented was an understatement so you tried to sit up.
"Wow wow. Stay laid down, we don't know if you've broken anything. We need to place a neck brace on you and get you on a board."
That was the last thing you remembered before you blacked out.
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hoe-for-daddywise · 4 months
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I had you in my grip
Pairing: Noah Sebastian x reader
Warning: Death, pain, kissing, possible NSFW content in later chapters, 18+
Word count: 1798
Part one
No God, no religion. The four words that spun spirals around your head now echoing loud within the halls of the church you'd found yourself in on this Sunday morning for your best friends, daughters christening. You pondered on the fact that if there was a God, he was surely judging you right now, whilst the face of his son was staring at you from the sunlit stained glass. As the vicar invited everyone into prayer, you felt like an impostor, noting everyone joined in, knowing the words like a well rehearsed script, their eyes shut and hands together. “Amen”, reverberated off the walls from their unison, understanding their prayer was now fixed, a message to their God. Looking down at your watch you panicked. “shit.” You noticed the Vicar snap his head towards you, disapproval on his face, a small, “sorry” escaped your mouth. Your work meeting was about to take place in 10 minutes and you couldn't be late. Your friend already knew that you had to go to this meeting and that it couldn't be missed. You gave her a small wave and then quickly took off and out of the sacred building. The heavy wooden door slammed shut behind you like God was kicking you out, guilt twanging in your heart that you couldn't stay for your best friend, but relief washing over you. “Hopefully I won't have to come back to one of these until someone dies”, you laugh to yourself as you unlock your car and climb into it.
Thankfully, your workplace was only round the corner so you should make it on time. Slamming your foot on the gas you speed out of the car park and join the road. You flipped down the mirror on the sunvisor and reapply your lipstick, not paying much attention to the road until a beep from your left brings you back, you'd almost gone into the other lane. Panicking, you swing the steering wheel to put you back on track, “shit”, you cursed again, catching a quick glimpse at yourself in the mirror not seeing you smudged red lipstick on your cheek in the almost accident. You wiped it off and had to slam your foot on the break as to not hit the car in front of you. “Damn what is up with me today?” You mutter. A smash was the last thing you heard before your car was being rolled sideways and down the hill on the grass banking. The world was tumbling around you, and before you even had a second to fully register what was happening, it was over everything went black.
It didn't happen like they say movies, your life didn't flash before your eyes over and again like projection, you didn't think about everything you wished you could've done and regrets never came to mind. Your life just came to an end. It was over. Your existence would soon become a shadow of what once was, and your friends and family would probably mourn you in that church you had been in today.
Darkness descended into a realm where the sun is silent and eternal flame burns.
"Welcome, Y/N." A velvet voice bellowed and reverberated back to you, rattling your being. Your eyes snapped open as your hands groped at the cold stone floor beneath your laying form. Standing, you looked for the man who had spoken your name only moments ago but had to strain your eyes as the only light describable was that of which the glow of the fire river touched. A silhouette cascaded and shadowed your much smaller figure, rendering you completely at its mercy.
"Are you the devil? Am I in Hell?" You croaked out and he tutted back at you.
"'No God, no religion', isn't that what you always said, Y/N?"
"Yes but I died, didn't I?"
"That you did." The figure edges forward.
"So, then where am I?"
"You, my dear, are in the world of the unconscious, and I am the fucking king." He stepped into the light as the fire erupted behind him and fell back into itself. His cloak of shadows trailing behind, each penumbra ricocheting off of the other until they came to a sudden stop, flowing around his tall and thin stature. On top of his short black hair sat a golden crown which reflected the fire to the side of you and relayed your own fragile image back to yourself.
"Strange." You declared.
"What is?" He laughed wickedly.
"I've spent my entire existence dismissing - no - refusing that there was a life after death, but"
"This is not life, Y/N". He interrupted. "Your life ended in that car, everything you was in the land of the living serves no purpose here. You are but an empty vessel drifting through space. Lost."
Your stomach dropped at his words, your past self was now rendered insignificant. A solitary tear fell down your cheek. The man lifted his hand up to you, and wiped the stray tear away with his thumb.
"Don't cry. Though you may have been confined here, you do not walk alone." The king whispered softly, a soothing warmth embedded within and your eyes locked. "Other souls reside here, and I will always be close by." A slight smile tucked into at the corner of his lips and disappeared almost instantly, bringing a sense of comfort to your new existence. You offered him a smile back. "Now, please follow Me." He extended his hand out towards you, which you took without even a moments hesitation.
"Where are we going?" You ask as fire from the river spluttering around you almost burnt you.
“Watch out for Phlegethon." He motioned to the fire river. "We are going on a tour."
"Is this some elaborate trick to chuck me into a room where you can torture me?" You laugh nervously.
"Torture? No." He laughed. "That is for later."
You gulped and hoped he was joking. "Do you give tours to everyone? Surely that would take forever."
"No, only to my most special guests." He winks.
It felt like hours had passed as the king takes you around a slither of the realm as he explained it would take a millennium to explore it all. You noted how a lot of it looked the same, more fire, more stone, some rooms here and there. You walked past a few of the other souls who seem to have lost all sense of purpose yet some tried to speak to you but your king would cast them aside, even chucking one into the fire in a rage. He made you aware that until you had spent a significant amount of time here, they would be under the illusion that you were alive and would try to bargain with you. In exchange for what, you didn't dare ask.
"So, I know you're my king but, do you have a name?" You question.
"Noah." His hand tightened around yours.
"Noah?" You laugh. "So not anything like Satan or Asmodeus?"
Noah tilts his head to the side. "Sorry to disappoint you, but this was my given name."
"No, I like it." You smile. "Not threatening, I suppose."
"I don't threaten you?" Noah's face changes as he slams you into a wall, arms either side of you. You shook your head.
"I am the keeper of the damned, the ruler of the underworld, torturer and punisher. I don't threaten you?" Your core burnt at the closeness. His face so close to yours, you couldn't help but note how gorgeous he was.
"No." You couldn't explain it, but there was a glossiness that cast over his eyes that dared you to carry on. "I am not threatened by you."
Noah narrowed his eyes, a flicker of anger passed through his features. "You underestimate the depths of my power, little one." He warned. "Do you not understand the consequences of questioning me? Your suffering is at my command, your mind cannot comprehend the torture I can and will inflict upon you."
"And what torture might that be, Noah?" Flirtation in your voice and a glint of playfulness in your eyes as they glanced between his eyes and his lips.
"Eager to find out, are you?" Noah lifted his hand up to your cheek and before you could even respond his lips were on yours in a heated passion. Your stomach did flips as you responded with the same hunger and your hand found its way into his hair and pulled it slightly, begging for more. He bit your bottom lip hard and drew blood. You moaned through the pain and tasted the copper liquid as your tongues collided in a fiery dance, both fighting to win dominance.
But then, a sudden jolt of pain spread through your chest causing you to break the kiss and gasp out, your eyes wide. "What did you do, Noah?" You ask as you clutch to where your heart would be.
"N-nothing." He retracts as he watches you fall to the floor and scream in pain as another bolt floods through you, an intense feeling you'd never experienced before, it felt like electricity causing through you. Noah kneels down beside you. "I don't understand what's happening! I swear, this isn't my doing." He shouts out, worry tinged in his voice and confusion painted across his face as he reaches out to grab your hand.
"Make it stop." You choke out a sob as you claw at your chest.
"I don't know how!" He scans the area to see if there's anything or any soul doing this to you.
"Fuck!" You scream in agony as another hit pulls you through the darkness.
Your eyes snap open and a breath floods your lungs. Bright light penetrates your eyes causing you to squint.
"We've got her." A woman's voice shouts out from next to you. "Welcome back to the land of the living." You notice the paddles of a defibrillator in her hands. Blinking rapidly, you struggle to make sense of your surroundings as you lay sprawled out on a road with glass and blood surrounding you. Then to the corner of your eyes you notice your car on its side and remember that you'd crashed and ended up in a different world.
"N-Noah?" You croak. "Where's, Noah?"
"Is that your boyfriend? Was he in the car too?"
"No." Had you dreamed all of this? Surely not. It had all seemed so real. Disoriented was an understatement so you tried to sit up.
"Wow wow. Stay laid down, we don't know if you've broken anything. We need to place a neck brace on you and get you on a board."
That was the last thing you remembered before you blacked out.
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hoe-for-daddywise · 4 months
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The aesthetic that is Noah Sebastian.
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