hoppityhopster23 · 16 hours
just doodles with napoleon's marshals and also russians💪💪
in the end Milradovich and Murat because yes they are too good
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hoppityhopster23 · 1 day
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I think I’m having a napoleonic styled doodle fever. I can’t stop drawing marshals. The drawing brainrot has finally begun.
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hoppityhopster23 · 1 day
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I complied a list of all the character suggestions you have given me for the blank spaces on my fighting game artwork (thanks again at this point!). Unfortunatly, there are too many to fill into the left over spaces as I had intended to do, but I would hate to let your ideas go to waste, so I decided to just do a Part 2. That means I can add even more people. So if you have a fav or think there is some historical figure with vague Napoleonic connections that doesn't get enough fanart: here is your chance to have them drawn badly be me.
Of course any nationality/gender/profession/etc. is okay, those are just the ones from the previously suggested.
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hoppityhopster23 · 3 days
I'm not even going to tag the main tags for this. My hands were tied in the creation of this image
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Here's your meal, you deprived beasts of the bernavout community. (( Notably @deathzgf ))
18 notes and I'll draw them kiss or something. I don't know
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hoppityhopster23 · 3 days
May 31st, 1809: Death of Marshal Lannes.
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During the next day of the battle [of Aspern-Essling], Lannes was talking with his old friend General Pouzet when Pouzet was instantaneously killed by a cannonball, the blood spattering all over Lannes. Significantly affected by this, Lannes walked away from the battle and sat down, his hands over his face as he tried to control his emotions. He never saw a spent ball bouncing towards him which then tore through both his legs. As he was transported back to safety, Napoleon saw him and rushed to him, concerned for the fate of his wounded friend. Lannes' friend Dr. Larrey quickly decided to amputate one leg and let the other heal, and immediately operated on him. Unfortunately, the wound became infected, and Lannes took an agonizing eight more days to die. Upon his death, Napoleon wept.
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hoppityhopster23 · 3 days
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Happy birthday to Marshal Pérignon! (May 31st, 1754)
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hoppityhopster23 · 3 days
Today is the 215th anniversary of Jean Lannes's death.
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I used the painting 'Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan' as reference in order to depict the pain Napoleon felt after losing his close friend.
This is NOT an accurate depiction of Lannes's death, I went down a more artistic/sorrowful route for this artwork. There will be a time where I do make an accurate version, but for now this is how I wanted to depict such a tragic moment.
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hoppityhopster23 · 3 days
Come on guys! Instead of fighting us whether Bagration or Murat should win, why dont we just make them fuck? Its just a suggestion (人-͈ᴗ-͈)
If the admins had the artistic skills for such things, we'd give you a treat.
Alas, we cannot reimagine that one time that Bagration charmed Murat for you.
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hoppityhopster23 · 4 days
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Nothing new here. Only Duroc almost drowned yesterday.
Eugène de Beauharnais giving a rather condensed report of events during the Second Italian campaign to his sister (from Novara, 7 June 1800).
(The rest is Bessières thanking for Hortense's greetings and Eugène sending some of his own).
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hoppityhopster23 · 5 days
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Pyotr Bagration
a. “From what I’ve read, he was a shy sweetheart outside of war, and an absolutely badass during battle. Like- it was partially that shyness that got him caught up in his less than favorable marriage. Also, have you seen his portrait by George Dawes?! It makes me swoon at the sight of it.”
b. “The best, the sexiest and certainly the greatest NOSE in the Russian army and perhaps all armies of that period. Noseys of Napoleonic era, beware! Believed to be a target of Grand Duchess Catherine Pavlovna's affections, a soldier's soldier celebrated for his courage and spirit, respected even by Napoleon and widely beloved… with the noted exceptions of his own wife and one Barclay de Tolly.”
c. “His sideburns and his nose”
Joachim Murat:
a. “Serving cunt and cake (seriously, look up his Hussar portrait)”
b. “see: any portrait of him. dat ass in dat hussar's uniform.”
c. “He is the First Horseman of France, he is a Grand Admiral who can’t fuckin sail a ship. He allegedly had “For France and For The Ladies” on his sword. He was often called “Beau Sabreur” which some will tell you means Dashing Swordsman. He looked after his appearance, getting a servant to help curl those locks around his fingers and designing so many uniforms - he had the fashion game! And when he died he asked his firing squad to aim at the heart and spare the face, because he knew he was a sexyman to the end.”
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hoppityhopster23 · 5 days
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Pauline Bonaparte
a. “As handsome as it is possible to be (according to Metternich), Pauline is guaranteed a spot on any list of great beauties of the era. Of amiable character and extreme good nature, her only occupation is said - again by Metternich and not entirely truthfully - to be pleasure. She was also a great lover of luxuriating in baths, apparently. Canova immortalised her sexiness in marble as Venus Victrix, including taking impressions of her breasts. Her breasts were so perfect that to this day one can buy from Odiot a champange bowl modelled on them; and yes, Prinny also possessed a set (of champagne bowls, not breasts).”
Maria Walewska
"Being used as "bait" for an entire country speaks for itself, I guess.”
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hoppityhopster23 · 5 days
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Józef Antoni Poniatowski
„Nephew of SAP. Nepotism opportunities etc etc”
“Legendary-level Polish national hero, and look at that *moustache*!”
Jean-Andoche Junot
a. “Napoleon's mentally ill bestie who basically fell in love with Napoleon (please he had such a tragic life and death that he deserves to win the sexyman tournament as compensation)” b. “THE HAIR DEAR LORD THE HAIR…”
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hoppityhopster23 · 5 days
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Josephine de Beauharnais
a. “Beautiful Empress of France who deserved better”
Andrea Masséna
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hoppityhopster23 · 5 days
On May 29, 1814, 210 years ago, Josephine Bonaparte passed away. And on this day I wanted to portray her with those who made her truly happy, those who were with her, literally, until her last breath - her children.
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hoppityhopster23 · 6 days
Gifs from the animation 😋 I love animating the little cheek dimples
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hoppityhopster23 · 8 days
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Surgeon’s uniform that belonged to Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey
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hoppityhopster23 · 8 days
When Napoleon fled from Egypt he really wanted Larrey to join him, but Larrey refused because he believed the soldiers needed him more than Napoleon did
When Napoleon was exiled to Elba Larrey begged Napoleon to allow him to join his emperor in exile, but Napoleon refused because he believed the soldiers needed Larrey more than he did
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