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Stealth level: 100 Trillion
Когда сказали убраться в комнате.
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Когда сказали убраться в комнате.
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I love black cats
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lamp by maevskayayo http://500px.com/photo/45563836
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Kit Harington
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I feel very attacked right now...
Linkin Stark
modern au sam posts this about jon 
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The Southern royality had come to his home and it was nothing short of nerve wracking for Jon. As the unwanted Bastard son if Ned Stark, the black haired boy felt as though he was being watched and judged at all times. And he was. The King's fimalirity with the Northern Warden made the awkward first meeting only slightly less stressful. However, the distraction of it all meant he could disappear from the crowds, Katlyn had strongly implied he wasn't to be around anyway.
He had spent the day doing his normal routine; spending time in the armory, the weapons training yard and finally ending up in the kitchens for his supper. The sounds from the feast rang through out the entire Keep, reaching Jon's ears and eventually causing him to flee to the blacksmith and his sword.
No one from the King's entourage had bothered speaking to the Bastard, and that was fine by him. As far as he could tell, he didnt want to speak with any if them either. So when the Kingslayer first spoke it truly caught the boy off guard.
"What rumors?"
(Confussion and skepticism cross his face, completely unaware why this knight would a second's thought what he intends to do.)
"Taking the Black is a noble choice. To sacrifice everything to protect the realm shouldn't need to be explained to you. Nore should the fact that a Bastard can't be a knight."
(There was a fire growing behind his eyes and anger flared within him as Jon spoke. What would a Lannister know of a Bastard's choices?)
"No offence is intended Ser Jaime, but why would you care anyway? You don't even know me."
Starter for @i-know-nothing-brooding
Jaime had spent the day doing everything that was expected of him upon arrival in Winterfell with his King, showing just the right amount of loyalty and arrogance, although he hated every moment of this show. Unsure why Robert had brought so many useless guards with them was beyond the Knight’s comprehension. By dinner, his guess was simply to show force upon The North which left him feeling even more uncomfortable. Robert and Ned were allies… Or so he believed.
Jaime knew why they had all travelled so far, but he failed to understand how much the phrase “convince Ned Stark,” actually meant “intimidate Ned Stark,” into taking the Hand position at court.
He had killed a King before.. Although he wasn’t quite there again yet, Robert’s descent was obvious to him, and moving much quicker than he’d expected.
That was the thought that kept him up that night… The thought that sent him out of the Keep and into the city to listen to the conversations of Northerners.
Ext. Winterfell - Night - Blacksmiths
(Jaime’s posture is non-threatening, voice soft to not draw attention. Jon turns, unsure who is asking for him.)
“Tell me the rumors aren’t true and you’re not going North to take the Black?”
(Jaime’s eyes are gentle yet Jon looks uncertain at being spoken to in such a familiar way)
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Dear god, sleepy intimacy makes me so very happy.
One person sleeping with their head on the other person’s lap. Getting all drowsy-snuggly when they’re too tired to see straight. Being tucked in and kissed on the forehead before they pass out. Gentle touches while they drift off. Trusting the other person to watch over them and make sure nothing happens to them while they’re out.
Just… sleepy intimacy, man.
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i love every cat in the entire world. every cat on the planet.
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Sharing a Bed Sentence Starters
“If you tell me one more pun, I’m shoving you off of this bed.”
“Quit hogging the blanket.”
“You pushed me out of bed in your sleep.”
“I woke up in the middle of the night without any blankets and your foot digging into my spine.”
“You said the cutest thing in your sleep last night.”
“You say the scariest stuff in your sleep.”
“When I have a bad dream, just listening to you breathe calms me down.”
“Your feet are freezing.”
“The dog takes up more of the bed than I do.”
“It’s lonely without you in the bed.”
“I’m not kidding, you really do snore.”
“Can I sleep with you tonight?”
“Apparently you’re a sleepwalker.”
“I don’t think we need anymore stuffed animals in the bed.”
“Can you make the bed today?”
“If you have a nightmare, I’m going to be right here for you.”
“I miss sleeping with you.”
“I love cuddling with you first thing in the morning.”
“You’re so beautiful when you’re just waking up.”
“Where are you going? It’s late.”
“Please come back to bed.”
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"Are you really dating a stripper? Is it serious? Jesus Christ, Jon... What are we gonna tell dad?" (thotrobbstark)
“I mean, do we really have to tell dad until it’s like... really really serious? Right now I would say its like seventy percent serious. Heavily on the serious side, but not marriage proposal yet..." Jon always rambeled when he was nervous. It was one if the few tells he hadn't worked through getting rid of yet. His cheeks were flushed and he could barely look at Robb. "You'd date him too if you knew him. He's perfect."
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Send in sexy pictures to my submit box, and see how my muse reacts.
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“… you may rise, Lord Snow. This is my daughter, Shireen.”
“Princess.” Jon inclined his head. Shireen was a homely child, made even uglier by the greyscale that had left her neck and part of her cheek stiff and grey and cracked. “My brothers and I are at your service,” he told the girl.
Shireen reddened. “Thank you, my lord.”
My daughter!! Receiving the respect she deserves!!
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Do me a favor. Reblog this if you welcome the use of ask memes as icebreakers between characters that have never, or rarely, interacted before.
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Survival - Our muses have ‘glad-to-be-alive’ sex after a battle/cataclysm
At the start, Jon had just been trying to get a coffee. While he was ordering his drink he noticed the woman in the shop, looking oddly like his estranged cousin. Curiosity finally got the best of him and he made his way over to see if there would be any recognition in the red head’s eyes. When she did finally glance his way, he could tell she wasn’t his relation and a weight was lifted from his chest. There was part of him that wanted to go over and speak to her, but his shy nature just wouldn’t allow for him to talk to strangers about much other than business. 
As he drank his beverage and became absorbed in his own thoughts, he lost track of the woman, only noticing as he stood to leave. There was the slight pang of disappointment  he always felt when he didn’t get over his shit and say hi to a stranger. It was when he got out on the sidewalk that he saw the flaming hair. In a split second he made a decision he never had before. He started jogging to catch her before she got to far. He slowed to a walk when he was close enough, “Excuse me, Miss?” That was all he said before the gunshots began and his instincts kicked in gear. Without warning Jon shielded and pulled the women down behind the nearest car as bullets came flying at them. 
He pulled his own weapon, firing several rounds at the occupants of the car before it sped away. It had been a basic ass sedan with no plates visible, the people inside wearing ski masks. Living in the neighborhood and the people there, he knew no one would tell the cops who’d been shot at and he looked at the woman next to him. There was no reason for it, at all, except a gut feeling that told him to go hard or go home. She didn’t look nearly as scared as she should for a normal person and for some unknown reason to him that sealed his own words. “Um, So my name is Jon and yeah, uh, that happened. I, uh, live around the corner. I’m gonna go home and get a damn drink. If you want one, you’re welcome to follow.”
The heat of adrenaline was still running through his veins at top speed. It had been a half hour and the come down still hadn’t hit. They were sitting on the couch in Jon’s living room, each with a glass in hand. He hadn’t expected to end up thinking about her in a different position on the sofa, but when he did, he sad fuck it, and leaned in to kiss her.
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