i-willstealyourtoes · 17 hours
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We are forced to live in a system that steals from us daily, Kill snitch culture.
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i-willstealyourtoes · 17 hours
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you are not alone
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i-willstealyourtoes · 17 hours
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i-willstealyourtoes · 17 hours
Actually started stimming /pos over this thank you so much
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In character response: 'YES.'
So I hear you were doing match-ups and I thought if it's still open you could do me maybe? If they're not, feel free to evaporate this message 🙏
I am so sorry for how long this is I promise I was trying to make it short
Also your OC looks so cool!! The art is so pretty :)
Physical Desc.
- Chinese, AFAB female, she/her
- 5'5, with tan/olive skin and long(?) straight black hair (down to chest)
- Dark brown eyes, very slim (built like a popsicle stand 💀/lh) with a slight hourglass figure(?)
- Usually I wear my hair down but I have it in pigtails or in a high ponytail :)
- Style??? Everything, no joke
- I love trying out new styles, fashion is a big thing to me
- My main styles are usually Pastel Academia, Cybercore and Tech/Darkwear, but I dabble in all things :)
- I wear makeup! It depends what outfit I'm wearing, but mostly douyin-inspired with focus on the lashes and having blush on the cheeks and nose
- Glittery pink eyeshadow 🎉
Personality Desc.
- Oh god where do I start
- Clown behaviour, as in funny, chaotic and annoying to some 🙏
- My humour is really stupid, you will catch me laughing at almost everything for no reason
- People either adore my humour and think I'm hilarious or think I should be avoided at all costs (wouldn't have it any other way tho)
- I have no issue being bold and loud, I don't think people should ever apologise for doing so
- I've been told I'm a really kind person and I'm an open book
- I always assume the best of people
- The closer you get to me the more I insult you tbh, if we're best friends I will bully you (/lh)
- I'm apparently very good for emotional support though???
- ENFJ + Neutral Good I do my best to help anyone at all
- Worst(?) trait is that I forget things... so quickly
- I will be in the middle of doing something then I will stop and be like 'Wait.... what? What was I doing again?'
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- (accurate photo of what I look like when this happens)
- I'm like, really academically smart but outside of that I'm genuinely an idiot
- I also love learning languages :)
Relationship Desc.
- Ace-spec, issues in the past make me have a weird relationship with sexual things so sometimes I'm very uncomfortable abt it (but I experience said attraction and can act on it)
- Love PDA, no sexual stuff but kisses, hugs and holding hands 🙏
- Chaotic bisexual 🤝 Chaotic bisexual would be a slay
- As in, I'd prefer if we can match eachothers energy mostly, not really an opposites attract person? I think as long as you are a funny person with lots of energy then it'll work :)
- Not a fan of possessive partners, genuinely annoys me leave me alone
- If you play games or learn languages with me as a date activity I will be requesting your hand in marriage (/hj)
- I don't like when people are stand-offish for ages, it stresses me out I'm sorry 😭
- I would love to match outfits with my partner, matching colours 🤭
- Confident people who are comfortable with being bold??? YES PLEASE 🎉
- I cannot flirt
- I cannot handle being flirted with either because I will immediately become the colour of a tomato ☹️ if they want a partner who is very flustered with any flirts, I'm your gal
[Okay, holy smokes 🤣 You kinda overloaded my brain 😅 Yulimee ended up calling back up! Helena belongs to @coffeeandbatboys ]
Yulimee: I appologize for the tardiness on your request my friend...I truly was at a loss as to whom to pair you with. There were a few that I could choose from and I just could never narrow down.
I ended up asking my fellow matchmaker, Helena, for her opinion and she brought up a trooper that had slipped past my radar! So you'll have to thank her for your pairing being settled!
We are matching you with the fun-loving Cutup from Domino Squad!
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Cutup is excessively playful, but is not unable to be serious. He just prefers to spend his time enjoying as much as he can and finding joy in all aspects of his life. Otherwise Cutup is laidback and a trooper that is very 'go with the flo'
The two of you will easily be spending most of your time batting teases back and forth to one another or playing some sort of game. (The compettitive streak between you will likely lead to some interesting circumstances and results 👀) However, this playful attitude will include flirts that are sent with the utmost cheesiness. So you'll ned to try your best to get through those (Cut up will find it endearing though, and will likely do it more) But when you are in a more quiet and calm mood (and the giggles have died down to little snickers) the two of you will be able to enjoy some cuddles and relaxing with one another.
Your ability to always find the good in others will amaze your lover, Cutup tends to find the positive to most situations but your being able to do so with individuals will leave an impressed grin on his lips. Since he's on the more laidback side, you'll likely not run into posessive behaviour but if you do...it will be nothing that a simple sit down and conversation would not rectify. But you'll be glad to know that not only would Cutup enjoy having matching outfits... but he'll probably plan them with you (let him bring some humour to them once in a while, it will tickle him pink!)
Now that you have the seal of approval of 2 matchmakers...what do you say? Take his comm channel code and think it over.
I beleive the two of you are going to be quite the pair😘
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Moonlight's 332nd Matchmaker
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having a new villain show up and pull out the “you killed my father” card only to go “thanks, i always hated the bitch” has to be lowkey one of the funniest things in the devil’s chord though
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How can we help 😔
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Gaza Funds
Donate if you can. Spread this if you can't. Direct support to these families is the best thing we can do right now.
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Mohammed Hamouda is a Palestinian engineering student and graduate of Al-Azhar university raising money to complete his Master’s degree in Germany. His GoGetFunding campaign has 2 DAYS LEFT to reach $22,000, and he has currently only raised $13,465, needing around $8,535. If we give it our all, I know we can help him complete his goal, even if odds seem close — please, DONATE what you can, and SPREAD this campaign far and wide so that those who can donate are able. Let’s get going to help build Palestinian futures!
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Over-energetic person and their friend shaped bodyguard
Bodyguard Dialogue
"I will keep you safe. If you like it or not."
"Yes, I need to be in the room with you at all times." "At all times?"
"Wow, you really made a lot of people angry."
"I was hired by your father to keep you safe, so I will only listen to him as my employer."
"Can you please stop antagonizing more people?"
"You're not paid enough to die." "Sometimes it's not about the money."
"I'm here to protect you, not aid you in petty crimes."
"No one has died under my watch so far and I'm eager to keep it that way."
"If I have to save you from yourself, I'll do that too."
"Why do I feel like you enjoy getting yourself in danger?"
"I'm your bodyguard, not your personal shopping assistant."
"You don't need to always buy food for me." "But you need to be strong to protect me."
"In order to keep you safe, you need to follow my orders."
"If I have to handcuff us together to keep you from getting in danger, I'm more than willing to do that."
"My mission is to keep you safe and I've never felt a mission before."
"It's sweet that you want to protect me, but it's my job to protect you."
"Listen to me and everything will be just fine."
"Why did you walk right into that bullet like an idiot!?" "Not an idiot, your bodyguard. And you're welcome." (x)
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! 🥰
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First part got me
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✨ Please reblog the polls to make them reach out to as many people as possible, but KEEP IT SPOILER-FREE to make people listen to the music with an open mind 💖 Artists and titles will be revealed after the poll's conclusion, check the original post for an update! ✨
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my dinosaur hatched
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Undertale Artists for Palestine! CAMPAIGN FOR PCRF.
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Undertale Artists for Palestine!
If you pay a dollar you donate, one of us will draw something for 5 minutes.
The drawing request will only be available until May 31st. Feel free to donate all the funds will go straight to Palestine's Child Relief Funds.
Awesome Artist who are helping:
a cat (Organiser)
Please be patient with your request, this is all volunteer work, be aware most of us don't have much free time or money ourselves!
If there are any questions, or if you want to help volunteer as well. Feel free to leave a message on this account or email [email protected]. Thank you!
If you cannot donate please REBLOG this post OR share it with your friends and family! Let them know what's going on in Rafah! EVERYTHING HELPS!
You are also free to repost these images to spread awareness FOR PALESTINE!
Personal shout out to @/karsyntries for inspiring this campaign with their SepticArtist for Palestine!!!
Thank you for all the artist who agreed to volunteer and help me with this.
Check them all out!
- Anon Cat :3
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Forget Revenge of the Fifth, dedicate May 5th to Fives! (and September 9th to 99)
you're a bit late/early but i believe in you, no.1 clone stan
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Would Anakin and Padme ask Anakin’ Siblings the daughter and the son of the morris gods to babysit Luke and Leia when the parents want a date night and how would the Jedi react to seeing the avatars of both light and dark babysitting the twins?
i feel like at some point it would end up being the twins babysitting the mortis gods (which is even more confusing for any Jedi)
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(commission info // kofi support!)
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