ideafalls · 3 years
*: ・゚✧   red dead redemption 2 ( part 5.)
feel free to change pronouns etc as needed!
“ it’s been a tough few days.”
“ it’s been a bad few weeks.”
“ i thought you was reading him his last rites.”
“ i’ll mind you to show me some respect.”
“ you’re still here, then?”
“ i owe you.”
“ and you’ll pay me, but for the moment, just rest.”
“ you want me to come?”
“ i was always ugly. it’s just a scratch.”
“ lie still, son.”
“ you’ve seen me now, or what’s left of me.”
“ guess i was hoping to see a corpse.”
“ he’s an idiot, we all know it.”
“ why are we doing this?”
“ weather’s breaking, we could leave.”
“ i- i thought we was lying low.”
“ i just don’t want anymore folks to die.”
“ we’re living, __, we’re living. look at me, we’re living… even you.”
“ you fancy heading back there?”
“ listen, i ain’t trying to undermine you, i just… i just wanna stick to the plan.”
“ what choice have we got?”
“ sounds like he has more than enough to share.”
“ have you got a problem with that?”
“ not if you keep your head for once.”
“ you worry about yourself, huh?”
“ out of the snow, finally.”
“ feels good, doesn’t it?”
“ you sure you’re ready for this, kid?”
“ no mistakes, not again.”
“ how many times are you going to ask the same question?”
“ that’s a lot of damn money to leave sitting for too long.”
“ it would be crazy to go back there now.”
“ we go back when i say we go back, and that’s the end of it.”
“ the money’s safe. you’ll just have to trust me.”
“ shut up and get your mind on the job at hand. come on.”
“ can i help a little?”
“ just be ready to move quick, and remember the plan. no mistakes.”
“ what’s going on?”
“ everything okay?”
“ shit, no! what? god.”
“ oh, you have got to be kidding me.”
“ where did you find that moron?”
“ you said it was fine.”
“ so it’s my fault?”
“ you’re pathetic. you know that?”
“ pull me up!”
“ i’ve got you. now stop yelling.”
“ well, i hooked up the wire, but we won’t mention that.”
“ you got him? i ain’t got a clear shot.”
“ there better be some money at the end of this.”
“ all these bastards must be guarding something.”
“ where the hell are the others?”
“ shoot ‘em! shoot ‘em!”
“ we’re gonna get out of this.”
“ you’re done now!”
“ let’s get the money and go.”
“ listen to me. we don’t want to kill any of you… any more of ya.”
“ i give you my word.”
“ okay. you asked for it.”
“ five… four… three, two, one…”
“ unless you got a death wish, i’d step back.”
“ we don’t wanna kill you. we just wanna rob your boss.”
“ should be easy as cake.”
“ you’re just gonna stand there, pour me some brandy, will ya?”
“ didn’t see you rushing to jump on that train.”
“ what did you find?”
“ they worth anything?”
“ i think we can probably sell these pretty easily.”
“ what about them?”
“ what do you think?”
“ it’s up to you.”
“ any bright ideas i’ll kill you. so behave.”
��� i won’t tell a soul, i swear!”
“ if i hear so much as a footstep, you’ll end up like all your friends out here.”
“ oh, for lord’s sake. put that book away and go help.”
“ so, we getting out of this hellhole?”
“ we got money in our pockets, the worst is behind us.”
“ so the question is, where now?”
“ we’ll be able to hide out there, no problem, as long as we keep our noses clean.”
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ideafalls · 3 years
     One important thing I want to flesh out a bit more: I don’t think Dutch was always a bad person. Sure, his moral compass wasn’t ever in the right place, but in the beginning, he really wanted to do things he considered good. I love me some Descent Into Madness arc because it’s just much more interesting to explore and I think it’s just… boring to say he’s been like that since the day he was born. The fandom seems to be leaning towards the latter and I do get that train of thought, but on the other hand, it erases what’s constantly emphasised throughout RDR2 — many people from the gang keep repeating how Dutch’s been acting strange and how crooked his decision-making has gotten.
     Back in the day, he wasn’t adopting every street orphan in sight like his name’s Bruce Wayne only to have someone to do the dirty work for him. This mindset did change in time when his opportunistic side started getting the better of him, but at first, he genuinely cared about anyone he was taking under his wings with Hosea. Especially since he’s met most if not all of these people when they were at a fairly low point in their life.
     Later on, in 1899, there are only feeble remains of that Dutch. I’ve already mentioned how Micah was the turning point for his common sense, but I’d say his rationale was becoming questionable around the time his “friendship” with Colm sailed off the course. Besides childish pettiness, Dutch didn’t have a legitimate reason to kill his brother. But when Colm showed that two can play that game and murdered Annabelle, suddenly that was crossing the line. It all began revolving around personal vendetta and Dutch was willing to risk the lives of those he considered his only family.
     At some point, it even stops being about Colm and the O’Driscolls. I still see it as quite a reach when Dutch was all up in this Payback For My Daddy™ moment, almost as if he ever cared that much about avenging his father’s death, but it really portrays how his way of thinking was gradually changing. What started as a grudge towards Colm ended with so many lives lost. Because then it was about Leviticus Cornwall, the Grays and Braithewaites, Angelo Bronte ( not to mention that poor ol’ granny in Guarma who fell victim to Dutch’s crippling paranoia )… If you look at it, Arthur and John also made it to that list eventually.
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ideafalls · 3 years
i know i don't have to explain myself, but sorry for being so mia here lately. life's pretty busy and in the end i'm too drained to go on here, but i'll try to drop by on the weekend. take care!
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ideafalls · 3 years
god i love doomed romances because it’s like. “what is grief if not love persevering” but the grief and love are happening at the same time. how do you grieve something that’s still alive? how do you love something that has always been dead? and the answer is just. intensely.
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ideafalls · 3 years
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ideafalls · 3 years
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Sunset at Clemens Point
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ideafalls · 3 years
     i was hoping that my brain would be feeling a little less like scrambled eggs, so i could get some stuff done around here, but looks like this week’s taken a toll on me and especially my ability to form semi-coherent thoughts. anyways, whether we’ve interacted or not, feel free to leave a like on this post ( multis specify muse(s) ) and i’ll go through your meme tag to send you something!
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ideafalls · 3 years
     thinking how throughout the chapters dutch slowly moves himself away from other gang members... and in the literal sense.
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ideafalls · 3 years
     i was hoping that my brain would be feeling a little less like scrambled eggs, so i could get some stuff done around here, but looks like this week’s taken a toll on me and especially my ability to form semi-coherent thoughts. anyways, whether we’ve interacted or not, feel free to leave a like on this post ( multis specify muse(s) ) and i’ll go through your meme tag to send you something!
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ideafalls · 3 years
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Dutch + Onion Headlines
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ideafalls · 3 years
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RED DEAD REDEMPTION II  • scenery [46/?] — Shady Belle Overgrowth
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ideafalls · 3 years
“ i feel just the same, ”    she replies, almost breathless with the  thrill  of understanding. no one else had ever done so, not like dutch. her sister was sweet but dull, content to move throughout her day guided around by their guardians’ imperious hands. she’d patted grandmother’s hand as she wailed and moaned about the state of the doilies, the same way she patted annabelle’s hand when she’d wailed and moaned about grandmother’s  wailing  and moaning. but dutch looks her in the eyes and smiles and understands and laughs with her, where she only knows condescension and placation. annabelle laughs at his false grief, a hand coming to rest lightly on his wrist.  “ i’ll be sure to pass it along, she’ll be touched by your continuing consideration. ”
at his words, annabelle’s gaze turns suddenly  inquisitive - perhaps apprehensive. is he only suggesting something because he was leaving ?  he had been such a nice diversion, a handsome one - a passionate one. she’d like to keep him, but  …  well, the  nature  of his work -  
“ please, i’m open to all suggestions. ”  annabelle smiles to match his, tapping a finger against the exposed portion of his wrist.  “ i fear if this heat doesn’t take me, boredom surely will. ”
     EASIER  SAID  THAN  DONE—  Rarely is that the case with him. Living in his own idealistic world, where there is no such thing as dreaming too big and getting carried away, his boots freckled with tawny dust stay on the ground. Firmly. Or rather firmly enough not to let the risks fall in between the cracks ( many of them are certainly worth taking ). He’s started getting cosy here. More than he’d like. And all it really takes is her feather-light touch merely brushing against his skin to remind him of that comfortable yet terrible languor he’s been sinking into.
     ❝  Somewhere I’ve heard northern regions of West Elizabeth offer some spectacular views this time of the year,  ❞ Dutch’s subdued voice suddenly drops even more into a whisper. ❝  You may need to grab your coat then. Unless I give you mine.  ❞ With a sparkle of hope flickering in wide-open eyes, timidly he takes Annabelle’s hand into his. It probably would be easier to just say it, confess he has to flee before he becomes a dead man. But he needs his theatrics. For the sake of it.
     ❝  I—  ❞ half-lidded gaze drifts off to the side before returning to her in a split second, ❝  I’d hate to leave you here.  ❞
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ideafalls · 3 years
You would stand in the room so still sometimes, so wordless sometimes, as if the greatest betrayal of yourself would be to reveal one more inch of your character.
Michael Ondaatje, The English Patient (via merulae)
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ideafalls · 3 years
     i know my activity here has been pretty spotty, but quick heads-up that it might remain fairly low. next week i’m starting to work full-time, so this week i’ll have some formalities and other bureaucracy to deal with — however, i’ll try my best to get at least some of the drafts done to throw them in my queue. if you want to reach me for plotting or anything else, my ims are always open.
     be rootin’, be tootin’ and take care!
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ideafalls · 3 years
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ideafalls · 3 years
     i know my activity here has been pretty spotty, but quick heads-up that it might remain fairly low. next week i’m starting to work full-time, so this week i’ll have some formalities and other bureaucracy to deal with — however, i’ll try my best to get at least some of the drafts done to throw them in my queue. if you want to reach me for plotting or anything else, my ims are always open.
     be rootin’, be tootin’ and take care!
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ideafalls · 3 years
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