idxntities · 1 year
//Still getting things together sorry this process is so slow
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idxntities · 1 year
//Periodic reminder Im still alive and coming back here just spending way too much time on coding and formatting
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idxntities · 1 year
//Storm knocked down our internet line so probably won't have internet for a while til they can fix it
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idxntities · 1 year
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╰  ★  █║  ⁞    —     ˗ˏˋ       HELLO ! Would any of you like an AWFUL GREMLIN CHILD in your lives ? Yes ? Well, you’re in luck ! Would you please LIKE or REBLOG this post if you are interested in interacting with a YUMENO KYUSAKU from the animanga series Bungou Stray Dogs ? Thank you and I'll be sure to check your blog out !
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idxntities · 1 year
//Coming back here. Gonna be a few days of behind the scenes moving things around and what not before anything being posted really but I am here
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idxntities · 1 year
//Coming back here. Gonna be a few days of behind the scenes moving things around and what not before anything being posted really but I am here
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idxntities · 2 years
// Tumblr won’t let me edit my pages because of the stupid ask permission to use javascript thing so I’ll be lurking until I can update things in a few days
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idxntities · 2 years
//Amazingly, I am alive and looking to return to this blog soon! I was considering archiving and remaking, but might just stick with this one for simplicity. Gonna be redoing a lot, adding and removing muses and so forth. But I am here!
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idxntities · 3 years
Poison Sentence Starters // Accepting
@casketdweller​ said:  “It’s not poisoned, trust me.” / Azazael
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"Trust you?"
The demon smirked as he repeated the other's words, swirling the liquid in his glass a little bit. "I didn't know that we were that far into our relationship already, my dear. Where I'm from trust doesn't come easily. You have to make quite the impression to earn it."
 He paused for half a beat, flashing him another smile before downing his glass in one fluid motion.
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idxntities · 3 years
Like this for a Halloween post!
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idxntities · 3 years
Have our muses not interacted yet? Would you like them to? Send me one of these and we can get started! 
“Is this seat taken?”
“You muse be new around here.”
“Hey, I’m [Name], it’s nice to meet you!” 
“Excuse me, I think you dropped something.”
“Can you help me with this for a second, stranger?” 
[Pays for your coffee while in line]
“Oh no! I’m so sorry. Let me get you some paper towel.” 
“Head’s up!” 
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idxntities · 3 years
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Did Levi really intend to throw a party of this caliber after every ceremony they undertook? He knew how Oswald despised these things. He was never sure what to do with himself at them. He wasn’t good at idle small talk, and he sure as hell wasn’t about to dance. That would be the fastest way to make a fool of himself.
He wished that he could just retire early, feign an illness or something. But that would be terribly impolite. Levi insisted that these were his parties, after all. Or at the very least were for him.
But shouldn’t that mean he can decide when they end?
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idxntities · 3 years
Poisoned Sentence Starters
“I’m not feeling so good…” 
“That tasted funny.” 
“I suppose by now you’re starting to feel something’s wrong.” 
“Come now- drink it up.”
“It’s not poisoned, trust me.” 
“You poisoned this, didn’t you?” 
“You look /dreadful/.” 
“Are you okay?” 
“I-I think I’m-” 
“You’re starting to sweat.” 
“Are you SURE you’re feeling alright?” 
“I-I’m fine.” 
“What did you do to me?!” 
“By the time help arrives, it’ll be too late for you.” 
“I /could/ help you, but it’ll cost you.” 
“Would you like the antidote?” 
“You have about five minutes.” 
“What you’re feeling is your organs starting to shut down.” 
“Oh no, it won’t kill you- not yet.” 
“It will be slow and painful.” 
“I will /kill/ you.” 
“If I am going down, you’re coming with me!” 
“Please hang on for just a few seconds longer!” 
“Oh god, please let this antidote work-” 
“You didn’t just eat that, did you?” 
“What have I told you about drinking anything without thought?” 
“I can save you.” 
“Of course you’re poisoned- I was the one who gave it to you.” 
“I shouldn’t have trusted you.” 
“I told you I would make you suffer.” 
“You… you got to help me.”
XXX+ your own! 
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idxntities · 3 years
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“The more that I know you, the more I want to Something inside me’s changed I was so much younger yesterday”
Azazel and Dumpty Aesthetic 
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idxntities · 3 years
“I haven’t thought of it like that.” Whilst Bruce had heard of the superstitions, personally he filed it as shill. There wasn’t much logic, despite the warnings screaming back to a time where technology and science weren’t as prominent. Not that the science of today wasn’t confusing. There were always new things to be discovered but, in Gotham perhaps the old sayings had a point.
“Usually it just signifies the passage of time.” He stood tall, the moonlight shining on him with wisps of fog scattered here and there. It did nothing to dispel the aura of authority that radiated from him. Nor did it smooth out the rough angles of his form.
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“I don’t think I’ll be dying tonight.” he added, peering up at the night sky. “Are you new to Gotham?”
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“Well, it is an old legend. There isn’t very much from that age that is still considered. At least not in the same way it once was. “
Where the stranger was angular and rough, Azazel seemed almost as wispy and intangible as the fog. His large cloak hid his shape from view, and his white hair fell about his face in soft, messy locks, blowing in the gentle night breeze.
“It’s funny. When you hear something like that your brain immediately puts yourself in the middle of it. The legend doesn’t say anything about you dying. But it’s natural to immediately think that. Is that selfishness? Or self preservation? Perhaps both are just human nature.” 
It’s now that he finally turns his eyes to the other, smiling almost whimsically. 
“I would say Gotham is new to me. An interesting place, from what I’ve seen.” 
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idxntities · 3 years
rain stained through her exorcist uniform, her hair sticking to the sides of her neck and to her cheeks as she made her way towards the only building she could see. murasaki had been on a solo mission, and she didn’t anticipate it to rain, especially not this hard.
it was clear as day that no one had been to this home to tend to it in a long time, as the old door creaked as she opened it, her soft voice carried through the dark and empty halls, though it faded into the sound of the rain pattering against the roof.
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grey eyes glanced around, the woman apologizing for intruding, eyes catching a glimpse of color, the witch’s attention drawn towards the doll alone. her brows would furrow, and she would curiously examine them from afar for a moment before gently stepping towards them.
“ e… excuse me.. ? ” she tried, the hairs on her neck standing as she sensed… something from the life-like doll.
Slowly the doll’s eyes seemed to light up, as if a soft glow started to build behind them. Small flecks of light and sparkle swirled in their irises, gradually solidifying into a brighter blue until finally it stopped. And the doll blinked. And blinked again. 
There’s a quiet noise that is almost a sigh. Not quite though. No, it’s more like the sound of stale air escaping from a long unopened container. The doll’s back straightened up and they finally turned from the window, their feet touching down gingerly onto the dust covered floor as they exited the window’s ledge. 
There’s none of the stiffness you would expect as the doll moves. It’s fluid and easy, almost entirely too human. They come to stand before the stranger and offer her a soft smile, and a curtsy. 
“Good evening. Are you going to be staying with us?” 
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idxntities · 3 years
It was like breathing.
Like living, like opening one’s eyes and then closing them. Never to wake again. Some took the painful way out – poison, or a knife. Others let their lungs filled with water – ah.
He was spiraling again.
Undertaker gave himself a brief shake, dropping his hand from his arm. No need to dwell on it, he imagined. “It’s easy when you know there are no more options available.” He said finally, “Especially when you’ve taken so long trying to find it. Whether it be vices or that new thing they call ‘therapy’.” A click of the tongue, “It’s a matter of taking control, of making your own choice, instead of letting the world continue to make it for you. I can admire that.” It had been his choice, his decision – that he was certain of.
As to why – well, he couldn’t say why.
“It’s selfish on both sides of the coin, yes.” He nodded, shoulders relaxing from the tension that had built up prior. “For the one who is suffering, and the one who wants the suffering to stay. But that’s human nature. To want, to cherish, to keep.” Whether it be control, or just sheer desperation of not being alone anymore.
He found it funny, in a sad way. A macabre, way.
But then, death was always a bit funny – wasn’t it?
“In the end though, it’s not anyone’s choice but the one who commits the act.” Though one could say that those who were tortured, bullied, or abused were driven to it, but that was when the whole matter got ambiguous.
The soft, trailing agreement fell from his lips before he even noticed it. Before he even knew what he was agreeing to, honestly. But he found that he did agree. That something in him just resonated with the other’s words. 
“I admire that myself, honestly. The ability to choose your own way. It’s something that not a lot of people get, I think.”
If he could choose his own way, what would he do? Where would he go? Sure, Azazel pretended like he was making his own way about things. But in the end he knew, he still completely belonged to his father. Would it be bravery to escape that by any means, or cowardice? 
And cherishing. What did he cherish? His mother of course. His sister, his brothers on the rare chance they weren’t being royal pains in the ass. What did they think of the fate they all shared? Did they live happily under Satan’s thumb?
Azazel shook his head slightly, offering the other a smile after a moment. 
“I seem to have taken us down a strange conversation path. I’m terribly sorry. Would you prefer a more lighthearted discussion?”
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