your last words before you die are the 3rd line of the last song you listened to. what are we saying ladies?
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More inadvisable Dungeons & Dragons adventure premises, murder mystery edition:
The victim: a series of humans killed by strangulation. All of them were alone at the time of death, often with no obvious way for the culprit to get in or out undetected. The only link between the victims is that they were all wearing a specific style of hat at the time of death. The culprit: a local hatmaker is manipulating an angry ghost to eliminate annoying customers. The ghost seeks revenge for its own murder, but it can’t really tell humans apart; in order to give the ghost new target, the hatmaker sells them a replica of the murderer’s extremely distinctive hat.  
The victim: a famous bard, whose head exploded at the height of their most recent (and final) performance. They’d been known to incorporate dangerous magic into their shows, so most believe it was a terrible accident, but their partner suspects foul play. The culprit: the bard’s lyre is a sapient magical item. Having worked itself into a jealous rage over the bard’s recent decision to diversify their talents and practice with other instruments, it hit them with its signature thunder attack at point-blank range, counting on the bard’s reputation for foolish showmanship to obscure the truth.  
The victim: a merchant stands accused of using illegal magic in a bar fight, resulting in the death of their opponent and a serious fire that caused several injuries. The merchant displays no magical ability and insists they have no idea why their opponent caught fire. The culprit: the merchant did kill their opponent, but it was with a knife. The corpse ignited due to a defensive enchantment gone awry; the opponent was an adventurer recently returned from a successful campaign against the Ice-Demons of Formos, and had neglected to deactivate their defences before going drinking.  
The victim: several prominent citizens have been found dead in their beds, all on the same morning. The cause of death is impossible to determine, as all of the bodies exhibit varying states of advanced decomposition, in spite of having been seen alive the previous day. The culprit: an evil necromancer has been killing people and replacing them with undead thralls with the illusion of life cast over them. An unlikely indisposition prevented them from renewing the enchantment on schedule; in truth, most of the victims have been dead for months.  
The victim: the court wizard’s corpse is found lying in the palace’s halls, naked and soaking wet. There are no signs of foul play and no obvious cause of death. The culprit: nobody. The “corpse” is actually the wizard’s backup clone. One of the housekeepers accidentally decanted it, panicked and attempted to dispose of it, then ditched it in the hall and ran away when they heard somebody approaching. The wizard is really just away from the palace on an unannounced extraplanar jaunt, and will probably be pretty annoyed about the clone when they get back!
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i keep telling myself i can’t handle longer projects but in the last four days i wrote 23,377 words just totally by the seat of my pants
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i keep telling myself i can’t handle longer projects but in the last four days i wrote 23,377 words just totally by the seat of my pants
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i keep telling myself i can’t handle longer projects but in the last four days i wrote 23,377 words just totally by the seat of my pants
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i keep telling myself i can’t handle longer projects but in the last four days i wrote 23,377 words just totally by the seat of my pants
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#capricorn #sevenbytaylorswift #blue #cutefromadistance #summer
reblog and put in the tags: your star sign, a song that you’ve been listening to a lot lately, your favourite colour, your thoughts on cows, and your favourite season!
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yall this is literally so cute wtf
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- yup - yup - nope - (chocolate spread instead) - my entire diet for uni
if you experience depression, reblog with your opinion on:
plain tortilla chips eaten with nothing on them
eating cereal by the handful, straight out of the box
cold, 4-day old leftovers
peanut butter straight out of the jar
eating two slices of bread
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Requested by: @superemoghost
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so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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relatives who only value traditional art
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If there’s a fetish there’s a totally spies episode dedicated to it
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I know I’m posting a lot but can we TALK about the opening sequence for his dark materials and how much it actually foreshadows?! 
 1.Dust is created, presumably with the Big Bang ( an explosion ), and so the first ever angel is born. Notice how Ruth’s name appears under it, too.
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2. You can see other angels forming two seconds later, with their huge wings.
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3. The Lightning bolt, the Chameleon and the Anchor. Either these are the very first symbols Lyra uses to read the alethiometer or some she utilises more often than others.
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4. The Subtle Knife, directly behind Lyra’s back ( “She’s going to be the betrayal” , but also her betraying God and the Authority, not to mention her being betrayed by the knife itself as it will make it impossible for her to be with Will ). You can see the shape of a Zalif on the left.
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5. The Amber Spyglass.
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6. Will and Lyra, walking in a perpetual optical illusion in which they can never cross paths.
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7. A window. A normal one, but still meaningful.
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8. Lyra’s world, ours, Cittàgazze, the mulefa’s savannah all mashing into one thin line…
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…or rather, an abyss of some sort, in which Dust, or light, seems to flow.
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I know I’m posting a lot but can we TALK about the opening sequence for his dark materials and how much it actually foreshadows?! 
 1.Dust is created, presumably with the Big Bang ( an explosion ), and so the first ever angel is born. Notice how Ruth’s name appears under it, too.
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2. You can see other angels forming two seconds later, with their huge wings.
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3. The Lightning bolt, the Chameleon and the Anchor. Either these are the very first symbols Lyra uses to read the alethiometer or some she utilises more often than others.
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4. The Subtle Knife, directly behind Lyra’s back ( “She’s going to be the betrayal” , but also her betraying God and the Authority, not to mention her being betrayed by the knife itself as it will make it impossible for her to be with Will ). You can see the shape of a Zalif on the left.
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5. The Amber Spyglass.
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6. Will and Lyra, walking in a perpetual optical illusion in which they can never cross paths.
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7. A window. A normal one, but still meaningful.
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8. Lyra’s world, ours, Cittàgazze, the mulefa’s savannah all mashing into one thin line…
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…or rather, an abyss of some sort, in which Dust, or light, seems to flow.
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His Dark Materials - Opening Credits
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