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Giant frost Thor
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Zevran Arainai
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lord have mercy on his soul
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Rating: Explicit
Relationship: Jesse McCree/Genji Shimada/Hanzo Shimada
Tags: Incest, Sibling Incest, Shimadacest, McShimada, McHanji, Threesome - M/M/M, Dirty Talk, not literally Smut, Established Relationship, Halloween Skins, Hunter McCree, Demon Hanzo, Demon Genji, Freeform, AU
Summary: Day three of the McHanji Week: Prompt: demons / undercover
Jesse McCree is a seasoned hunter of the supernatural, his reputation preceding him on every country he visits. And so he finds himself with a contract to stop a demon who lives in the Shimada castle, in the city of Hanamura. But this time his training and quick reflexes will not work on his favour, the enemies he will face will surprise him to the core, maybe more than he can anticipate...
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Rating: Explicit
Relationship: Jesse McCree/Genji Shimada/Hanzo Shimada
Tags: Incest, Sibling Incest, Shimadacest, McShimada, McHanji, Threesome - M/M/M, Explicit Sexual Content, Smut, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Safe Sane and Consensual, Established Relationship
Summary: Day two of the McHanji Week: Prompt: touch / superheroes
Hanzo ask his brother for something special tonight, he wants to tie him and put a blindold on his eyes. But it is not the only surprise Hanzo has for Genji tonight...
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Rating: Explicit
Relationship: Jesse McCree/Genji Shimada/Hanzo Shimada
Additional Tags:  Incest, Sibling Incest, Smut, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Threesome - M/M/M, Explicit Sexual Content, Safe Sane and Consensual, Established Relationship
Summary: Day one of the McHanji Week: Prompt: flowers / pleasure
First day of the mchanji week!!! It has been a while since I wrote my last OW fic, so THANK YOU for this week <3 I love McHanji and it has been the perfect occasion to come back to my loved fandom (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
I used the two prompts for this fic XD hope it makes sense to you too >_<
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after getting my hands on a new tablet, this turned out differently than i expected
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It’s been a while since I posted anything here ^^ lots of things had happened IRL that has kept me away from the world for some months. Now I’m better and getting the hands on my fandoms step by step... and surprise! I added a new one to my collection xDDDD
This is my first Thorki fic <3 don’t go there if you didn’t like the pairing ^^ it is pretty sweet but smutty XD
Summary: Thor and Loki had survived too much in the last ten years of their long lives: Loki's betrayal, the destruction of the Bifrost, Loki getting lost for years in the dark space, just to come back and try to take off Midgard's control... And that was just the beginning of it! They have suffered and fought together and against one another for too long. But now, at the end of all things, with the light of Ragnarok still shining behind the ship, neither of them seem to care too much about it anymore.The night begins as any other, with a bit of banter and a lot of memories flowing back at the sight of the other, but the Norns have decided to make this night special, giving them the chance to confess everything they have been keeping to themselves for centuries.
Important tags: Loki & Thor, Incest, Sibling Incest, Thorki is life, Post-Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Dorks in Love, Love Confessions, Secrets, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Romance, Heart-to-Heart, Fluff and Smut, Thor-Byron, EPILOGUE IW AU AU in chapter 5, Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Spoilers 
Read the rest of the tags before reading it!! it is pretty explicit ;) but super sweet too xDDDD get ready for all the fluff hahaha
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Advice for Fanfiction Writers
Note, these are my personal opinions but I thought they might help some people.
1) Always write for you. Not for likes or reviews/comments or favorites, write because it’s what you want to do.
2) Take a few minutes to proof read, don’t post right away. Get in the habit of editing.
3) Always leave a coherent summary. Don’t apologize or or talk to the reader in this section, let them know what the story is about. That’s what that space is there for. You don’t need to tell them it’s your first fanfiction, in fact it might color the reader’s impression of your story. Instead give readers a strong summary to keep them hooked. This leads to my next point.
4) Always stay confident. Criticism hurts, but that doesn’t mean you’re bad at writing or untalented. Keep at it, you’ve got this. Confidence shines through your work.
5) Do a little research, readers will appreciate it. I’m not sure I’ll trust a story where characters wears jeans in a medieval setting or use katana in modern London. A little bit of fact checking goes a long way.
6) Don’t hate on pairings you don’t like. This is more of a courtesy than anything, but fanfiction is about imagination and creativity. Hostility only leaves a bad impression of your on potential readers. Keep it to yourself if you can’t be nice.
7) Leave trigger warnings, please. Some readers really need them and views are not worth the emotional suffering of someone else. If you’re uncertain what might be a trigger then go ahead and note it anyway. Better safe than sorry.
8) Be yourself. Write what you want without fear. You can grow writing fanfiction, it isn’t something to be ashamed of. Many famous people did before fanfiction even had a name. Keep going and post your stories. You owe it to yourself.
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Detailed Writing Tips on How to Describe Eyes
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Dear poets and aspiring novel writers, we’ve all heard the cliche, “eyes are the window to the soul.” They are one of the most important features and characteristics when describing a former lover in a  poem to ignite passion within the reader or to portray the beauty and fire of your protagonist in your story. Now you won’t need an online writing course with these tips. 
Keep reading
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A little comic as a gentle reminder of good and bad days ahead!
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and then there were none
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“Dragon Age 2- Fenris”- My first go at drawing my salty boyfriend, Fenris. Well… actually my second, but the first didn’t make it to the scanner XD Maybe I’ll brave his armour in my next picture :)
Inked and coloured in Manga Studio 5
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it had to be done as well ☆゚.*
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Commission for @nykyo I did a while ago.
Those two will always be one of my most beloved couples ♥ (ㄒoㄒ)
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Winds of change
my entry for @dorianartbook​ Fortitudo! 💕 It was an honour to be able to participate in this project for such a great cause, I want to thank everyone involved, you are all incredible!! the book is jawdroppingly beautiful!!
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Denny Bitte’s Greatest Hits
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