imagine-knb · 1 month
Hi! Recently stumbled upon your blog and i think i've read everything in here and it'been a delight (maybe missed something, i can be blind at times). It's kinda weird, but this thought just got into my head and decided to stay there rent free
If you're okay with this, can i ask for a little scenario with Murasakibara first time meeting his s/o? Who is tiny like a gremlin, seems cute and vulnerable bc of it, but in reality can kick and cuss like a sailor if angered (i just can't stop thinking of all the thoughts that could be racing through his mind when he just witnessed this gnome take out a group of men, was left with a few bruises and just left, while mura just stands there with a broken omaibo)
Thanks in advance! Again, sorry if it sounds wierd
Standing on the sidewalk, Murasakibara looked across the street toward a bright, colorful sign. It was an advertisement for the newest cafe to open on that street, maid themed and packed to the brim with customers. But it wasn't the employees that had drawn his curiosity. No, it was the picturesque sweets thats adorned the outside of the cafe, bringing pops of color to the plainly painted exterior.
His stomach grumbled.
He was just about to step out onto the street to cross the way when a commotion from the cafe caught his attention. Yelling could be heard from within the space and, just as he was leaning to get a better look, the front door to the cafe slammed open. Two teenagers came running out, one of them holding on to the back of his head as he cussed out expletives.
"Get out and stay out!" A voice from within the cafe yelled after them. When Murasakibara looked, he noticed a person much shorter than him — much shorter than the teenagers, even — running out after them. The person was swinging a broom around, chasing the teenagers off the doorstep to the cafe.
The cafe worker chased the teenagers all the way across the street, only stopping when the rowdy teens managed to run down a nearby alley with their tails between their legs. Beside him, the cafe worker grumbled out complaints about perverted teens.
Then, as if realizing they were now in a crowd and were the center of attention, the cafe worker's demeanor flipped like a switch. Anger was replaced by a faux smile and their voice pitched up in that way customer service worker's often do.
"Sorry for the interruption, everyone," they said, addressing the crowd. "The cafe is still open for business and I hope everyone takes the chance to come give us a try today."
For a brief moment, their eyes connected with Murasakibara's. They paused, craning their neck upward to get a better look at him. Then, they smiled, eyes crinkling in the corners. "I hope to see you there."
As they turned away to enter back into the cafe, Murasakibara stayed frozen on he sidewalk and watched after them. He was still hungry. He still wanted to go inside and fetch a few sweets to eat.
But now he was scared of the cafe's little attack dog guarding the door.
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imagine-knb · 1 month
This happened at school and it was so funny so my classmate was serving in volleyball and while she was doing that, the basketball hoop was still there but they were going to remove it later. But my classmate's serve didn't go over the net, instead it went inside the basketball hoop. After that she joked that she would quit volleyball and start playing basketball bc she could do a 3-pointer now. Could you make hcs like that but with the Rakuzan or Touou?
I know you said headcanons, anon, buuuut I was so inspired for this LOL Admin Neon
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There was the sound of squeaking shoes on polished wood floors coming from the gymnasium as the Rakuzan team came up upon the location of their next match. A crowd of people were exiting the wide open double doors, a different game having ended moments ago. Glancing around, the team noted the varying jerseys fans wore of their favorite teams, recognizing none of them. Had a different sport been hosted in the gymnasium?
Pushing past a small crowd to enter the double doors, the team glanced around the court to find personnel moving large nets out of the way. One worker, remote control in hand, was lowering the basketball hoops on their hydraulic hinge.
At the far end of the gymnasium, they noticed two teens messing around. The sound of a ball dribbling against the floor was familiar to their ears, but it was cut off by the new noise of leather meeting skin as the taller teen served the volleyball toward the shorter one.
It came crashing down on the smaller one's forearms, bouncing off him with a harsh sound that was followed by a softer grunt. The volleyball flew through the air, moving past the taller male a few feet to his left. Completely off its mark.
"Aim straight, idiot!" The taller of the two barked out.
The smaller, redheaded one, he barked back, "I'm trying! Set better!"
The Rakuzan team watched as the taller one seemed to let out a frustrated growl — "Oh, he looks angry," Mibuchi whispered — before picking up another volleyball. They saw him throw it up into the air before hitting it hard, the volleyball's path directing it toward the redhead. The latter boy yelped, getting quickly into place to try and receive the ball.
When it hit his forearms, it was hard, the sound louder than before. Hayama and Nebuya visibly cringed at the sound, imagining the reddening skin of the smaller boy. Their sympathy for the boy quickly morphed into awe as the volleyball once again flew through the air, this time directly into the adjacent basketball hoop.
"Did you just...?"
"Did I just...?"
The pair's confusion was interrupted by a whooping hollar and Hayama ran toward them, catching the volleyball as it bounced below the net. "That was awesome, little dude!"
The rest of the Rakuzan team followed after, amused by the antics they were watching. As they walked past to get to the lockerrooms, Hayama tossed the volleyball back in the direction of the redheaded male, putting a bit more force into it than expected. The latter caught it with an oof.
"It was pretty impressive," Mibuchi chimed in, hiding an amused smile behind a hand. He didn't mention the fact that the basket had been a fluke. "Maybe if volleyball doesn't work out, you have a future in basketball."
"Who? Him?" The taller of the pair asked, tone flat and looking bored. "Naw. He's too short."
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imagine-knb · 1 month
Omg can i request imayoshi + himuro with a curvy girl ????
Imayoshi: The glare of his glasses hid his eyes well, leaving you clueless to the gaze glued to your figure. Dark eyes swept over your body, tip to toe, imagining himself tracing every dip and curve of your physique. The only clue you had that Imayoshi might be ogling you was the subtle quirk of his lip; the smallest of smirks.
"____." Your name fell from his lips in almost a purr as Imayoshi held a single hand out toward you. His smirk widened when you stepped forward, closer, obedient to his call.
His outstretched hand found your hip, fingers splaying as he smoothed them against your skin, fingertips dipping below the hem of your shirt. He traced his hand down, following the curve of your ass down to your thigh. Giving a gentle squeeze, his grip ventured back up until it settled just under your waist.
The real thing was always better than he imagined.
Himuro: Seated outside the dressing room, Himuro counted the uneven specks on the carpeted floor below him. His fingers gripped tightly onto the thin handles of a shopping back, cheap plastic digging into his skin.
"How's this look?"
His counting was interrupted by your voice, followed quickly by your appearance outside the dressing room doors. Himuro looked up to give you a once over. He nearly choked when he saw the fit of your shirt, skin tight and strappy. Himuro had to fight with himself not to stare; it was a losing battle.
"You don't think it's a bit..." He couldn't finish the sentence, looking away before the skin of his cheeks could feel any hotter. He completely missed the way you smirked at him.
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imagine-knb · 2 months
This is so embarrassing—!! Lmao, can I pls have GoM+Kagami+Kasamatsu reacting to their girlfriend slipping in the shower and badly hurting herself? I’m glad I wasn’t home alone or else uhh.. lmao it’s funny now but I do have a knarly bump on my head from it^^”
Glad to know you are a-okay, anon! Sorry this one took a while to answer! Admin Neon
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Kuroko: The first thing he does is wrap her in a towel. He is quick to gently guide her toward sitting on the edge of the tub, helping her swing her feet up and over the edge. "You're not seeing double or anything, are you?" His knowledge of head injuries in rudimentary at best, coming mainly from television shows and the occasional random discussion from friends, so he doesn't know exactly what to do next other than keep you awake.
Kagami: His face is nearly as red as his hair as he helps his girlfriend off the floor. If it weren't for the fact she was using both of his hands to balance herself, he would have been covering his eyes. Instead, he tried his best to look toward the ceiling where he counted the water spots left on the spackle from steam. Only when he'd counted enough, and his girlfriend was appropriately covered in a towel, did he manage to look down without glowing from embarrassment.
Kise: "____cchi, don't die on me!" He's dramatic when he flings open the bathroom door to find his girlfriend in a heap on the floor. The shower curtain and towel that's clinging to her are soaking wet from the shower still pouring down and he has trouble deciding what to do first. Turn off the water? Or help his girlfriend up? He ends up standing there for a few seconds trying to figure out what to do and she ends up yelling at him to help her first.
Kasamatsu: He hears the loud crash from outside the bathroom and comes running in, only to immediately cover his eyes at the state of his girlfriend's undress. He's reaching out one hand to help her up while the other one tries to keep his gaze away from her body — give her some privacy, he tells himself. But when he looks in the mirror and sees her anyway, he can't help the bright shade of red from invading his face.
Aomine: The seriousness of his attitude when helping his girlfriend up immediately washes away when he realizes she's going to be fine. The troubled frown on his face melts into a teasing smirk. "Maybe you shouldn't be showering alone. I could join you from now on." He waggles his eyesbrows a bit after his comment, trying to egg her on to agreeing. After all, she can't slip and fall again if he's right there to catch her.
Midorima: It's almost as if he were prepared for this exact moment because he seems almost methodical in the way he helps her up off the floor, wrapping a towel around her body before sitting her down on the bathroom counter. He pulls out a first aid kit before she can even get a word in edgewise, his hands delicately checking her scalp for any serious head wounds. When none come up, she finally hears him let out a single sigh of relief.
Murasakibara: She almost feels like a child with the way he's able to so easily pick her up off the bathroom floor after her fall. He's gentle to set her back on her feet, his hands still holding on to her sides in case the floor was still too slippery. "____-chin, are you okay?" The quick glance over her body doesn't reveal any major injuries, but he still hovers around the bathroom door after she insists on continuing on with her shower.
Akashi: Maybe it was a bit of an overreaction, but the day after her fall, he has the interior of the bathroom completely redone. All she had asked for was a rubber bathmat, something that would prevent her from slipping again. Instead, he goes the full nine yards and has the shower floor ripped out and replaced with something easier to stand on. For a moment, he contemplates bars on the walls. Maybe that was a bit too far...
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imagine-knb · 2 months
ok ok imagine each one of the teams... as a kindergarten class! Teiko and/or the high school ones, i don't even care. i just want basketball babies doing dumb baby things. i'll be happy with whatever you think up!
baby Teiko…noooo too cute!!!
Kindergarden Teiko: KUROKO is the child that the teachers always lose track of or mark him absent because they can never find him. KISE is the kid who’s always talking non-stop to the teachers about random things (mostly about how the others make fun of him). AOMINE is restless and doesn’t follow instructions well; one second he wants to go outside, the next he’s bouncing a ball against the wall by himself. MIDORIMA is not nice to the teachers, often throwing things at their back; also glares fiercely when his toys are taken away from him. MURASAKIBARA is always sneaking snacks into the classroom and falls asleep in weird places (one time, they found him in a cabinet drawer…!). AKASHI always gets what he wants; he’s especially fond of demanding additional nap times from teachers and staking a monopoly on the castle playset.
i’m in a good mood, so seirin as well~
Kindergarden Seirin: KUROKO is slightly easier to find because he’s usually in the near vicinity of KAGAMI. Kagami cries when playtime is over and he has to go back inside; he also complains that he’s still hungry after snacktime. HYUGA is a well-behaved kid…unless you make the others play with him; he especially throws tantrums when IZUKI is with him. Izuki has a terrible sense of humor, and the teachers worry that he’s gonna lose his play-friends if he keeps it up. KIYOSHI is pretty mature, mediating between the other kids, but no one knows how he manages to keep getting hurt.
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imagine-knb · 2 months
How would the GOM + Kagami, Himuro, and Takao surprise their partners after returning from military service?
wow i really love this one
KUROKO: Kuroko calls his partner to the airport to pick him up. The surprise for her is that the army improved his presence, and she can find him coming out of a large crowd and it makes her gasp with happiness.
KAGAMI: He finds his way to her house by himself. He’s surprised to find her living in such a nice home. She’s suddenly leaving the house and catches sight of him. She stares teary-eyed while he’s just grinning.
KISE: When they reunite, it’s the first time she sees him with the mandatory army buzzcut. “I look weird, don’t I?” He whines. But as she’s hugging him, she’s glad that his personality hasn’t mellowed out. “You always look good, Kise.”
AOMINE: When he’s walking through the airport gates, he’s laughing with a bunch of other guys in uniform. He reaches his partner and kisses her, before explaining the scene. “They’re guys from our army basketball team!”
MIDORIMA: His face is hardened from the years of training, but otherwise, it was same old Midorima. “I managed to sneak in one of my lucky items.” He tells you, taking out a familiar green frog. She’s crying and laughing simultaneously.
MURASAKIBARA: He tries to sneak into her workplace, but he stands out too much. “Mura!” She cries. But he does surprise her when he spins her around in his arms, something he never would’ve done before the army.
HIMURO: She’s the one who surprises him. The ____ that Himuro’s used to looks a bit different when he arrives back at their house. “Welcome back.” She says while giggling, dressed in camouflage clothes to match his own.
AKASHI: What surprises her the most is how little he has changed after the experience. The army hasn’t made him bitter, and she realizes how tough he really is. “Ah, but I’m always gentle in front of ____, correct?” He teases.
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imagine-knb · 2 months
May I please have a scenario where Himuro and Kagami introduces their girlfriend to Alex? Alex reactions?
KAGAMI: He wasn’t looking forward to this. “Taiga!” He managed to dodge her kiss as she came at him. You heard about her antics and were just laughing in the back. “My girlfriend, ____.” Kagami finally tells her. Alex turns to you, more shocked than anything. “Taiga…how did you get a girl?”
HIMURO: He was painfully optimistic about the meeting as you met up with her in the park. Alex’s eyes are examining you, and it made you uncomfortable. After a long minute, she finally spoke. “Tatsuya, you’re too good for her.” Himuro looks horrified at her response. “ALEX!”
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imagine-knb · 2 months
How would GoM+Takao+Himuro react if they got rejected by a girl?
Those who would graciously accept her decision: KUROKO, HIMURO
Those who would look confused or be speechless: KISE, MIDORIMA, TAKAO
Those who would feel bitter to the girl: AOMINE, AKASHI, MURASAKIBARA
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imagine-knb · 2 months
when having their first time with their gf, how would GOM + Kagami react to her feeling insecure/embarrassed about her small breast size?
KUROKO: He thinks it’s cute that you were thinking about how he’d react. “It’s not something you can change and I wouldn’t change it either.” He tells you, sincerely.
KAGAMI: He’d be confused that you feel that way. “I never thought about it…” He says, rubbing the back of his neck. “I want you, and everything about you.”
KISE: He’d tackle-hug you, nuzzling your cheek because you really shouldn’t be embarrassed. “____-cchi is ____-cchi, so it doesn’t matter what’s under your shirt.”
AOMINE: He kind of laughs about it, even though you look hurt. “You don’t take me seriously when I talk about big boobs, right?” He smiles. “Don’t worry about it.”
MIDORIMA: He didn’t realize you were insecure about this before. “I know it’s a… strange situation for us, but-” His eyes soften. “-it doesn’t change how I feel.”
MURASAKIBARA: A small smile appears as he bends down and pets your head. “Ahh but I don’t really care.” His face is serious. “I still wanna do it with you.”
AKASHI: When you tell him, he finds it endlessly amusing. “Silly girl.” He remarks, but he’s grinning. “Be confident, ____. Because I, Akashi Seijurou, love you anyways.”
summary - if it’s a girl they love, they wouldn’t care about size
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imagine-knb · 2 months
Scenario on how GoM+Kagami+Himuro+Takao court the girl they like? Thanks~
KUROKO: He’d do little things here and there for her. Offering his lunch when you forget yours, letting you cut ahead of him in line, giving high fives, etc.
KAGAMI: He’s clueless when it comes to this, so really his nervousness and sudden flustered nature when near you is the only difference.
KISE: Well, he knows what to do because his fangirls do the same thing: he has to find reasons to talk to you, compliment you and eventually confess.
AOMINE: Stick by your side until you get annoyed, and make it really obvious in his speech that he’s not interested in being ‘just friends’.
MIDORIMA: Seems on edge when near you. He tries denying his feelings, but he really can’t stop himself from worrying about you and nagging you constantly.
TAKAO: He’s always the first to notice when you enter the scene, and he’s the first to greet you. He’s smiling at you so much his face gets crinkly.
MURASAKIBARA: He doesn’t care about what’s the ‘manly’ way to court you; he clings onto you when he needs you and lets everyone know it.
HIMURO: He’s the most subtle of the group. Himuro is sweet to a lot of girls, but he’s always giving you a smouldering look when no one else is around.
AKASHI: He appears when you need him the most; when you’re in danger or just feeling sad. It really makes you wonder why someone like him would help you.
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imagine-knb · 2 months
How do rest of the seirin team (minus kuroko and kagami) invite girl on a date? Also, internet cookies if you could write about reo-nee too
mmm i want dem internet cookies…
KIYOSHI: It occurred to him suddenly while sitting beside you that his feelings for you weren’t… just friendly. “Hey, I’ve been wanting to try the new okonomiyaki restaurant.” He smiles kindly. “I’d love to go with you.”
HYUGA: He almost didn’t ask you until Riko teased him to death about it. He’s scratching the back of his head and looking anywhere but at you. “Hyuga, I’m in a rush-” Your comment spurred him on. “-DO YOU WANT TO GO ON A DATE?!”
IZUKI: Izuki approached you as you were watching the rain pour outside. “Feeling a bit dreary, ____-chan?” He said. “Wanna go karaoke or something?” You stared at him. “In this weather?” He’s smiling even as you question him. “Why not?”
MIBUCHI: Mibuchi was walking frantically down the hall with some girls, when he suddenly spots you. “Ah, ____-chan, I was looking for you. Can we go for dinner later?” He sends an annoyed look to the girls. “Alone.”
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imagine-knb · 2 months
It's Valentines Day! How would the GOM +Kagami + Takao + Kiyoshi give to their girlfriend and how would they spend the Day?
KUROKO: He’d probably give her a stuffed animal (a husky dog!) and invite her out for ice cream. The weather may not be ideal, but he can’t really deny her something she’s been begging for.
KAGAMI: He’d go the typical route and go for flowers (not chocolate though, too risky). The two of them would go for a movie that she chooses and then head over to his place for home-cooked dinner!
KIYOSHI: He’d get her that book she’s been talking about wanting to read (thoughtful as always). For the date, he suggests the ferris wheel because it’s finally up and running again. She jumps on the idea.
KISE: He brings a lovey-dovey card that he fills to the brim with words, and a new bottle of her favorite perfume. Kise doesn’t know where they should go but he’s made a list of places she can choose from.
AOMINE: “I brought myself, happy Valentine’s-” He says before she throws a pillow in his face. “Kidding, here.” He takes out some fancy chocolates from behind him, before he suggests going to the beach.
MIDORIMA: Surprisingly is practical and brings some flowers and a vase to go along with it (“It happened to be today’s lucky item”). She has a staring contest with him as they argue over whether to go outside or stay inside.
TAKAO: He buys her a cute scarf to keep her warm in the cold weather and some white chocolate. He’s grinning ear-to-ear as you tell him your idea for going shopping downtown. “I’ll go anywhere with you, ____-chan~”
MURASAKIBARA: He’d bring a bunch of colorful macarons in a large box that makes your eyes pop. “I can help you finish them, if you need.” He says, holding her in his warm embrace. The two would then go to a cafe.
AKASHI: He’d buy her a pricey watch or necklace, even as she says she can’t accept it. They’d start off at a Kyoto teahouse, spending a lazy afternoon, before heading over to one of Akashi’s estates later on.
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imagine-knb · 2 months
How would the GOM + kagami and himuro react if their girlfriend was being hit on by a TON of guys?
haha i don’t think there’ll be that much of a difference, so derp
GENERATION OF MIRACLES would call each other up for backup as they prepare to pummel those guys into the ground.
KAGAMI would probably try to take them on all by himself. 50/50 success rate, honestly.
HIMURO would throw basketballs at the losers.
sorry not sorry
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imagine-knb · 2 months
How would the GoM + kiyoshi +kagami react / behave if you (as their girlfriend) would be sick?
KUROKO: He enters quietly with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. “____-chan, how are you feeling?” He asks, sitting down and taking your hand in his. You cough a little, but smile. “Better now that you’re here.”
KAGAMI: When he enters your room, Kagami looks a bit shocked at your pale face; he felt so bad. “I can only cook for you, whatever you like.” He says, sheepishly. “I wish I could make your sickness go away…”
KIYOSHI: He gives you a sense of serenity when he’s next to you. You tell him how much you’ve missed him. “You must’ve been so lonely. I’m sorry I didn’t visit sooner.” He says, bending down to kiss your forehead.
KISE: He’s a bundle of sunshine on your otherwise dreary day. “____-cchi, please get better soon!” He’s laying by your bed, looking at you with puppy dog eyes. “I know you said I’ll catch your cold, but… can I stay with you?”
AOMINE: Even since he arrived, Aomine seemed restless. You were watching him while drinking the soup he brought. Suddenly, he seems to get an idea. “Exercise is good for a sick person. How ‘bout basketball?”
MIDORIMA: He calmly sets down a bag of stuff on your table. “Cough syrup, cold/congestion pills, night pills, and lots of chamomile tea.” He states, before taking out a plush toy. “And Doraemon, your lucky item.”
MURASAKIBARA: Not surprisingly, Mura just enters wordlessly and dumps a huge bag of candy and sweets on your floor. “These make me feel better when I’m sick.” He says, unwrapping one and putting it in your mouth.
AKASHI: “Please take better care of yourself.” He says, sighing. “Should I get Kyoto’s best doctor to examine you?” You’re frantically shaking your head. “It’s not that serious. Dr. Akashi is enough to make me feel better.”
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imagine-knb · 2 months
I mean, can you tell me how was their relationship (momoi+GOM)? Were they close to each other? Did they get along well? I know it's in the replace novels but I don't like to read hahaha sorry
KUROKO + MOMOI: She developed a crush on him pretty soon after she met him, so naturally she constantly tried to look for him. Kuroko also enjoys her company.
KISE/MOMOI: The two get along really well. She’s always teasing him for all his fangirls, and he teases her because Kuroko doesn’t know her feelings yet.
AOMINE/MOMOI: As childhood friends, they don’t hold anything back from each other. Though Aomine is usually flippant of her, he becomes defensive if anyone bothers her.
MIDORIMA/MOMOI: Their personalities clash constantly, though he does understand she’s necessary to the team. They really only talk over stats and game plans.
MURASAKIBARA/MOMOI: Also a rocky relationship. Mura thinks she nags him too much and he hates those girls the most. But she’s too small for him to pick a fight with.
AKASHI/MOMOI: He respects her for her basketball IQ and helpful inputs, and she respects him for his skill/leadership; nothing more or less than professionalism here.
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imagine-knb · 2 months
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erm, gonna answer these together, since they’re all similar.
*edit: forgot to add Takao, apologies!
KUROKO: (your parents) “Hello, ____-chan.” He bows politely to your parents, as they let him in the door. He’s not saying much at the dinner table, but perhaps that’s for the best. Your parents can judge him less.
KAGAMI: (your parents) You still can’t believe he dressed so well today. He wanted to make a good impression. “My name is Kagami Taiga, and I’m your daughter’s um, boyfriend…?” It seemed like he was asking them.
KISE: (his parents) They picked him up from a photoshoot and you happened to be by his side. This was a first and it was certainly strange for him. “Sorry, we’re in a hurry. You’ll meet again, I know they’ll love you~!”
AOMINE: (his parents) They rarely showed up, and today, it was because he was in trouble. His mom’s asking a million questions, and then she turns to you. Aomine shields you. “Don’t look at her, you’re talking to me, right?”
MIDORIMA: (your parents) He didn’t really want to go, but it couldn’t be avoided. They’re impressed with all his qualities, though you were annoyed afterwards. “You’re never this well-behaved with me.” You whined.
TAKAO: (his parents) He’s almost annoyed, because you had just met them and already they seemed to love you. “She’s so involved with school, Takao! You could learn from her!” His mom’s saying, and Takao sees you smirk.
MURASAKIBARA: (your parents) From the moment his large frame enters the door, your parents have their jaws agape. But they settle down when they see his gentle nature. “Mom-in-law, pass the pie please~” He says cutely.
HIMURO: (his parents) They all run into you at the grocery store and he looks really happy for this opportunity. “They always hear about you, and wanted to meet you.” He says, as you stand straight with your best smile.
AKASHI: (his parent) Though it was a surprise to see them, you knew how to act in front of his strict father. His dad compliments you and Akashi only scoffs. “Would you expect anything less from the girl I like?”
HANAMIYA: (your cheerful family) He can’t say he’s used to this happy domestic environment. Everyone’s smiling and offering him things. He tries hard to bite back snide remarks, because he doesn’t wanna give them a reason to take you away from him.
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imagine-knb · 2 months
Hello! I was wondering if you could write about how Hanamyia Makoto and Seto Kentarou would be with a girlfriend who is insecure about her acne? Cystic acne to be more specific, I've always struggled with it and it's something I don't see mentioned in many fanfics so I thought it would be interesting! Also I love your blog and writing!
he has total guard dog energy in the sense that he will bitch at anyone who makes you feel bad for your acne
he's a bit of a dick himself though, so he still teases you relentlessly, but the subject of your acne is completely off limits for him because he knows it's a real insecurity for you
affection comes in the form of him nagging you to use your treatments, if you have any; if you didn't have a routine before, you do now
when your face eventually starts clearing up, he actually doesn't mention it at all
he's shit at romantic words, so when you ask him why he hasn't mentioned it, he responds with "because you look the same"; it sounds insulting at first, but he really means he thinks you still look just as beautiful
he's insecure about the mole on his face so, even though he knows it's not exactly the same thing, he's got some sympathy for you
will probably reassure you by saying non-reassuring things like, "at least it's not permanent if you keep up with your treatments"
he's big on night routines, so if you have one that includes using any medication for your acne, he's making sure you follow exactly
will even sit you down himself and apply the treatments for you if you're being lazy
when your acne eventually starts clearing up, he's unwilling to let go of the nightly routine with you, so instead he pivots so that the two of you are now applying healthy products like masks and night creams
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