infinite-orangepeel · 3 months
!!! Please Donate or Boost if You Can !!!
chronic illness hasn’t been letting me work lately & i’ve got bills due very soon that i can’t currently afford so if you’re able to help out in any way, i’d be so grateful!! i’m feeling so overwhelmed right now—anything is appreciated 💌 thank you!
& if you can’t donate, sharing this post is also super appreciated 🩷 love y’all! i know so many of us are in the same boat right now just trying to get by. hoping things look up soon!
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infinite-orangepeel · 3 months
hi tumblr friends :,) i’ve missed you & missed posting about steddie on here! i’m much more active on twitter but would like to come back on here and interact more too 🩷 hope everyone is doing well!
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infinite-orangepeel · 3 months
MARISSA!! it’s charlotte from twitter (I had a deactivate my account because a bunch of shit went down) BUT I MISS YOU SO SO MUCH!!! I look forward to reading whenever you post on here!!!!!
CHARLOTTE! hi my love :) i hope you’re doing well!! i miss you so very much! please feel free to dm me on here anytime 🩷🩷🩷
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infinite-orangepeel · 3 months
Get ready to turn back the clock to the aughts with us & join Steddie in BigBoy Magazine: coming to you Summer 2024!
(and, yes, there will be merch as well hehehehe)
This will be a 2000’s themed Steddie zine with both SFW/N*FW content. Listed below are the rules & guidelines!
Mods: @its-steddie-time & @infinite-orangepeel
Carrd with more links to follow/interact with
Round 1 is officially closed!
We are currently working on Round 2 (closing April 2) in which we will make our final decisions for which artists & writers will be featured in the zine :) we are so excited to see what y’all create!
Please feel free to submit any additional questions you may have via the retrospring or submit an ask (anon or not, either is fine) to this account!
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infinite-orangepeel · 3 months
Hope you’re ok bb
thank you my sweet! ily 🩷 i’m hanging in there!
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infinite-orangepeel · 3 months
Hey🖤 Just wanted to tell you that your writing is amazing and that I’m a big fan. I hope you’re doing okay🖤🖤
aww thank you 🥹🩷 i definitely needed a pick me up this morning & your message absolutely did that. i so appreciate the kind words & encouragement. sending lots of love your way!
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infinite-orangepeel · 3 months
Hope you’re well
thank you so much, love 💕 i hope the same for you!
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infinite-orangepeel · 3 months
!!! Please Donate or Boost if You Can !!!
chronic illness hasn’t been letting me work lately & i’ve got bills due very soon that i can’t currently afford so if you’re able to help out in any way, i’d be so grateful!! i’m feeling so overwhelmed right now—anything is appreciated 💌 thank you!
& if you can’t donate, sharing this post is also super appreciated 🩷 love y’all! i know so many of us are in the same boat right now just trying to get by. hoping things look up soon!
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infinite-orangepeel · 4 months
this is my current creative project with @its-steddie-time 🩷 please consider checking out the account/following the account if you’re a steddie fan! we’re super excited about the zine :)
Get ready to turn back the clock to the aughts with us & join Steddie in BigBoy Magazine: coming to you Summer 2024!
(and, yes, there will be merch as well hehehehe)
This will be a 2000’s themed Steddie zine with both SFW/N*FW content. Listed below are the rules & guidelines!
Mods: @its-steddie-time & @infinite-orangepeel
Carrd with more links to follow/interact with
Round 1 is officially closed!
We are currently working on Round 2 (closing April 2) in which we will make our final decisions for which artists & writers will be featured in the zine :) we are so excited to see what y’all create!
Please feel free to submit any additional questions you may have via the retrospring or submit an ask (anon or not, either is fine) to this account!
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infinite-orangepeel · 6 months
hi friends, it looks like i’ll be paying off some not so fun ER bills very soon. i’ve been out of work due to my recent health-scare so if you’re able to donate anything, i’d greatly appreciate it 🩷 lots of love & please consider reblogging! thank you!
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infinite-orangepeel · 6 months
hi friends, it looks like i’ll be paying off some not so fun ER bills very soon. i’ve been out of work due to my recent health-scare so if you’re able to donate anything, i’d greatly appreciate it 🩷 lots of love & please consider retweeting! thank you!
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infinite-orangepeel · 6 months
hi friends, it looks like i’ll be paying off some not so fun ER bills very soon. i’ve been out of work due to my recent health-scare so if you’re able to donate anything, i’d greatly appreciate it 🩷 lots of love & please consider reblogging! thank you!
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infinite-orangepeel · 6 months
!! Please Read !!
hi. it’s really hard for me to make this post but i’m in a pretty desperate position right now & need to move out of my parents’ house ASAP.
last week, i underwent something very traumatic during an argument with my father in which he physically attacked me.
he was also incredibly verbally abusive, manipulative, & tried to convince my mom & sister that i had attacked him/that it was my fault (they don’t believe him, thankfully).
the point is—i no longer feel physically, mentally, or emotionally safe living here.
however, as things currently stand, it would be very difficult for me to leave bc i’m not making nearly enough to support myself.
so if you’ve enjoyed my writing in the past, want to commission a thread fic, or just have a little spare change & would like to help out—i’ll be linking my ko-fi below. literally anything helps.
thank you for reading & please consider reblogging this 🩷 i love you all.
also like it’s so hard for me to ask for any sort of help but i’m feeling very stuck & very scared & this is all such a last resort 😭
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infinite-orangepeel · 6 months
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I guess I can only draw the boys lounging in bed
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infinite-orangepeel · 7 months
hi everyone!!! i’m planning a special birthday surprise for maya (@its-steddie-time) that involves all of you wonderful steddie people 🩷
their birthday is coming up on november 18th & i could really use your help completing this super top secret surprise of mine :)
if you’d like more information about how you can participate or contribute, please dm me on here or follow the twitter account @marissasayshhh
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infinite-orangepeel · 8 months
hi everyone!!! i’m planning a special birthday surprise for maya (@its-steddie-time) that involves all of you wonderful steddie people 🩷
their birthday is coming up on november 18th & i could really use your help completing this super top secret surprise of mine :)
if you’d like more information about how you can participate or contribute, please dm me on here or follow the twitter account @marissasayshhh
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infinite-orangepeel · 8 months
“get too close to your muse & you, the artist, will lose all ability to decipher one shade from the next on your palette. keep your distance…”
fall quarter begins at the curly roots of eddie munson’s ineffable head, runs its’ labyrinthian course through passageways of blue veins & black ink, & ends at a set of hairy crimson painted toes.
steve finds himself squandering every waking moment of his lifeblood & attention somewhere, egregiously, in the middle.
“say you’re drawing a bed of flowers,” his professor lectured a few weeks back, “what happens if you put your nose in the middle of those flowers & try to recreate the details on your canvas? you come up with color and shape, sure, but it’s blurry—isn’t it? it’s a big blobby blur of nothing. that’s not very good life drawing, i’m afraid.”
flash forward to the present—
the bed is firm but comfortable. reminding you of its’ presence.
it doesn’t encourage daydreaming &, yet, steve is ignoring the better advice of his mentor & pressing his curious nose directly into the bud of an all too striking flower.
he knows the intimate contact could kill the rose, is aware of the thorns lining the stem, but he can’t stay away.
he’s struck by fear and temptation and self-loathing and a beauty that stings like a slap across the face.
eddie’s his roommate, his friend, his muse for the most important project of steve’s career as an art student.
& getting too close is lethal, so he creates a sort of optical illusion.
designs an environment in which he can pretend they are star-crossed lovers in a broken world that won’t let them be together. in which touch is a small death each and every time.
steve flits to eddie like a dragonfly to water—
never touching.
never spending too much time in his orbit before making up an excuse to leave & jerk off to the smell of old cigarettes in the bathroom.
everything he really wants to say sits in the back of his throat like a painful, malignant lump & gets spat out onto his sketchbook in a tragically romantic exorcism.
doing the dishes next to him is enough to drive him insane.
drawing him, butt-naked, is another story.
“is it supposed to be so….erotic?”
eddie arches an eyebrow as steve traces the outline of his cock into his sketchbook.
“it’s not that erotic,” steve says, blushing into his charcoals, “besides no one will know it’s you. it’s art.”
art is supposed to be weird & naked. now, hold still, & let me draw you.”
it’s definitely erotic.
there are roses—de-thorned, for safety—shrouding eddie’s dick & leaving a trail of pink petals across his pale thighs.
eddie’s hand is draped over his head; exuding a certain brattiness, lust, boredom—
as if he’s lying there because he wants someone, like steve, to stumble upon him & use his body the way it so clearly needs to be.
his lips are parted on the precipice of whispering some filthy secret into steve’s ear while milking him like a simple farm girl with nothing better to do.
he can’t be this close to eddie without losing his mind.
fuck. fuck. fuck.
it’s just a body. just limbs and a huge cock and—
eddie’s quiet for a little while which is rare for him, before he pipes up again.
“what if we painted the flowers together?”
steve wipes the sweat from his brow, drops his pencil, and looks up at eddie across the mattress. working overtime to avoid staring at the erection sticking out amongst the bouquet of roses.
“the piece isn’t supposed to be very colorful. i’m going for muted tones. that’s why i picked the pale pinks and whites.”
eddie giggles a little and, it’s so cute, steve has to pinch his own thigh through his shorts just to maintain composure.
“i don’t think you’re understanding—the colors wouldn’t change much. except for some more white, if you catch my drift,” eddie pumps his hand over his cock several times and mimes cumming stop the petals, “might look cool. might get you extra points with that asshole professor of yours. you’ve said he likes ‘shock value.’”
“i—i guess you’re right. that’s a pretty….different and unique….um….idea. yeah.”
it’s like this that steve strips naked and clambers as close to eddie as he can possibly get without laying a finger on him. adhering to the rules—keeping a particular distance between artist & muse.
they lay side by side. sunlight streaming in through the blinds & bathing eddie’s spindly fingers in gold as he touches himself.
“harrington, don’t act like you haven’t been dreaming about this since day one,” eddie snarks, “i’ve seen the way you look at me, sweetheart. your eyes are gonna burn holes in my ass if you’re not careful. touch that pretty cock of yours, lemme see you.”
before steve can do anything about it or change his mind, he’s got a fist wrapped around his own cock and the other hand pinching his nipples. left and right, back and forth, dragging his nails through the hair sprouting around them.
“didn’t think you thought about me like that,” steve whines, watching as eddie edges himself methodically—
moving faster, slower, squeezing at the base, thumbing over the slit, cupping his balls, slapping the insides of his own thighs until they match the pink petals.
“i like a little pain,” he comments when he catches steve’s wide eyes, “and i’ve always was hallucinating the first time i walked into this room and saw you on the bed—thought i was going into the light and seeing an angel.”
“you’re so full of it.”
“i’d like to be full of you,” eddie breathes against steve’s neck, not allowing his lips to pass the barrier, “but i don’t know if you can handle me, big boy. you’re blushing like a nervous little schoolgirl.”
“am not—”
“are too, &, you’re about to cum just listening to my voice. it’s so crystal clear. look at you—fucking yourself so stupid.”
eddie looks so beautiful.
laying there like a forsaken god locked out of heaven.
steve’s been so good about keeping his hands to himself, about keeping his nose out of the flowers, but desire and temptation are stronger than any amount of remaining willpower he has.
he grabs eddie’s shoulder with his freehand & kisses him until they’re both seeing stars.
celestial explosions of pleasure & truth & this thing that’s been growing violently between them since the moment they first met.
“i’m cumming. i’m gonna—fuck steve, it’s gonna be on the flowers—i hope that’s okay—”
they cum in tandem over petals of pink and white and thornless stems.
steve gets an A+.
taglist (message me to be added or removed at any time <3): @estrellami-1 @disastardly @ilovecupcakesandtea @the-redthread @asbealthgn @bestofbucky @vampireinthesun @carlyv @shrimply-a-menace @lordrrascal @malachitedevil @anxiouseds @gay-little-bitch @jhrc666 @pinkdaisies1998 @perseus-notjackson @eiddets @corroded-coffin-groupie @three-possums-playing-human @stevesbipanic @plutoshelm @arkenstoned @indiearr @they-reap-what-we-sow @gleek4twd @bunnyweasley23 @livingoutload @a-little-unsteddie @novelnovella @neverlandwaitingforme @swiss-cheeze
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