ink-asunder · 2 hours
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ink-asunder · 2 hours
At the lesbian meetup, met a kind of transphobic woman. Started gearing up to get fighty and then realised... she wasn't an actual terf. She was just older, genuinely didn't know stuff, had heard some terf talking points in passing and had been made kind of anxious by them, but hadn't made it her entire personality. She was open to learning that trans women weren't actually roaming around coercing unwilling cis lesbians into sex, thanked me earnestly for giving her a basic explanation of what "non-binary" meant and truly seemed to be relaxing bit by bit the more she heard. Obviously I'm aware that I can't be sure I've given her a sufficient dose of anti-transphobe vaccine to immunise her permanently against the shit that's out there, but overall it made me hopeful. Most people just aren't dyed-in-the-wool bigots. People can be curious and relieved to hear the fearmongering they've been exposed to is untrue. Telling people this stuff isn't a lost cause.
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ink-asunder · 3 hours
Blasting loud music to get the gay thoughts out of my head
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ink-asunder · 3 hours
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the red doesnt wash out so easy
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ink-asunder · 5 hours
I'm trying to get Dragonsplague (I'd *love* to have some whumpy content while I scour the wilds for seeker tokens), but it's so hard to get. Even when I just run in circles and dick around, I just can't help myself, I *have* to kill that thing. If you put me in an arena with a big monster, one of us isn't leaving here alive
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ink-asunder · 7 hours
MY !!!
My sister, @ink-asunder is super into minecraft and i'm kinda not, b uT SHE!!!!
She made me a whole ass experience based on one of my comfort movies with a 50 page guidebook and railways and everything I'm!!!!
If I ever question if my sister loves me, I know to look back on this experience because holy shit. She crunched this out in 3 days just for me and I'm T-T (happy tearsaaaaa)
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ink-asunder · 9 hours
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ink-asunder · 10 hours
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happy eclipse day!! chip & i are watching it together
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ink-asunder · 10 hours
happy pride
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ink-asunder · 21 hours
I swear to god you can't win with ableds. First it's "You have to take care of yourself and recognize your limitations, otherwise you're being Disabled in the wrong way!" But then when I actually do adhere to my limitations because I don't want to be paralyzed by 30, they're all "No, you can't let your disability define you! What I mean was I want you to work to magically become able bodied again haha" Like die. Like get hit by a laser beam attack and die.
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ink-asunder · 23 hours
The yellow text on the main menu screen said "Deja vu" I'm going to kill him with a lazer attack
Fuck me dead I just deleted the 50 page long book that was relevant to my brother's minecraft gift. :/
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ink-asunder · 23 hours
Fuck me dead I just deleted the 50 page long book that was relevant to my brother's minecraft gift. :/
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ink-asunder · 1 day
i don't actually give a fuck whether fatness is an indicator of health because health shouldn't indicate a moral high ground. being healthy isn't some pinnacle of human achievement, it's not morally superior. and being unhealthy isn't a moral failing and shouldn't mean you're less worthy of kindness, justice, and a good life. signed, a chronically ill person who will never be "healthy" at any weight.
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ink-asunder · 1 day
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ink-asunder · 1 day
I genuinely love and support all of those "writing with x" diversity writing tip blogs. Some marginalized experiences just can't be googled effectively, so I love every mod and sensitivity reader who helps writers write what they haven't personally experienced.
But at the same time some of the questions are wild to me. "I have an oc who loses hearing in one ear in an accident. How do I write that effectively?" Just?? Write it down?? You're a writer that's literally your only job
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ink-asunder · 2 days
i keep seeing that post about how frustrating the buff guy -> petite girl type genderbending is, and i wanted to add my two cents regarding the addition of ‘just swap pronouns and don’t change the design’ approach because i think these are two sides of the same coin, as they both fail to really delve into what i think is the most interesting aspect of this design exercise.
the reason i find genderbending to be such a fun and interesting challenge is because, if you actually want to be good at it and put thought into it, you have to really consider the character’s canon gender expression and think about what it means to them and how it reflects in their outward appearance and presentation.
is this male character buff because he likes to work out / be strong, or does he aspire to achieve conventional heteronormative male beauty?
is this female character a tomboy because she likes to express herself in a more masculine way, or is she doing it to fight gender norms?
the answers to those questions should produce very different designs!
this website loves to say that gender is a spectrum, but sometimes i genuinely wonder if people actually understand what that means. 
gender expression, much like gender, is also a spectrum, which is why keeping the character exactly the same won’t always work, in the same way that just making the character conventionally attractive won’t always work. but sometimes, a buff dude would actually just be a hot girl. lady bane, however, would 100% look exactly the same.
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ink-asunder · 2 days
there's this character dynamic that's not necessarily enemies to lovers, where one or both parties don't initially respect or trust the other person in much the same way that a feral animal sees anyone who tries to approach it first as a threat that's like cocaine to me
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