lord give me back the timbern brainrot
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did I catch you having fun from boondocks but it's hinata at hiashi and sakura at orochimaru
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Are you okay? I saw an anon ask and I thought you were sick/had a cold
i am!!! im just not posting as often because there's a lot of family issues at home and it's been kinda hard to enjoy fandom rn
thanks so much for asking!!
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Ur right about the whole slavery system thing in her clan because she doesn't have a lot of agency and like u said, she fixates on naruto to the point where its one of her only character flaws. It's hard to hold it against hinata when she barely feels like a character and it's definitely kishimoto's fault because he as a writer chose not to show her thoughts on her family's system.
I wonder if Kishimoto can actually write female characters if he puts effort and thought into them if sakura cutting her hair and fighting the Sound Nin despite being outnumbered people and skill wise + her fight with sasori, some of temari's moments and Tsunade are any indication and chooses not to or he really is that bad at writing female characters. It feels like he glossed over them or straight up ignored them, even if he didn't mean to
the thing about naruto is that it's just a series of really interesting concepts that kishi never really does anything with. the moments you've mentioned have such potential but he never!!! not once!!! does anything with them. esp if that moment is centered around a woman.
sakura cutting off her hair was sooo good but then he comepletely drops the ball on tenten character. hinata has no real personality outside of being in love with naruto. karui is just there. sakura spends like 3/4s of her runtime being in love with sasuke. literally everything in this show gets sidelined for the naruto/sasuke plotline.
rant aside to answer your question, i think even if he could write female characters he wouldn't. i just dont think he really cares about his female characters as much as he does making his male characters fight. i just dont think he cares which is why i am here to make hinata beat the shit out of her abusive dad :)
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absolutely obsessed with the idea of the konoha girls being the core of the friend group. bc like the guys are friends, don't get them wrong, but if left up to them, they'd do that thing guys do where they think a head nod in the streets is enough friendship. but the girls? the girls bring the whole group together.
the war ends and tenten can't get out of bed for weeks on end? shino is there, as often as he can be, quiet and steady, with a soft "it'll be okay tenten-nee-san".
sakura has been taking back to back shifts at the hospital? chouji shows up with a nutritious lunch and shoulder to lean on
ino is running herself ragged trying to keep up with clan duties and T&I and the flower shop? naruto is there to pick up shifts at the flower shop so ino can rest a little
temari is having trouble navigating konoha's sprawling street set-up compared to suna's grid system? kiba and lee give a tour that ends up so legendary and generates so much paperwork that kakashi get stress headaches in june even years after he retires from being hokage
karui's having trouble fitting into konoha? enter sai who also doesn't know how to fit in and they bond over that
hinata can't sleep for years after the war? shika drags her out to the nara clan grounds to sleep by their sacred deer. it's the best she sleeps outside of naruto's arms
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Un-Follow Me Now, This Is Gonna Be the Only Thing I Tweet About For The Next Week. Ive Wanted This For Years Fuck. What The Fuck.
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one of the ferrari mechanics is going to become the first ever biological male to get pregnant tonight
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Charles Leclercs emotional radio for his first win in his home grand prix ❤️🇲🇨
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monaco loved him back for real
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ive seen a lot of hate get thrown at hinata for not abolishing the branch seal but like i think this is less of a case of "hinata doesn't give a shit about the branch members and the literal slave system her clan has" and more "kishi doesn't think women can be anything other than mothers and wives"
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least favorite thing in fanfics that revolve around law is when shachi and peng are written to be lower tier friends than bepo. like tell me you dont understand his character without telling me you dont understand his character. peng and shachi have been there just as long a bepo. those four are the core hearts!!!! those are his day ones!!! his ogs!!!! what are yall talking about when yall write "oh he loves bepo the most"???? peng and shachi did Not put up with trafalgar "75 mental illness in trenchcoat" law going through puberty for yall to dismiss them like that
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i know we like to make fun of naruto these days but like. there was a time when it was good. real. full of potential. there was a time when there was genuinely something there. when every character had potential or was interesting. before kishi went off the rails. before madara and kaguya and boruto. the promise of something new. there was something there with wave, with the chunin exam arc, with rock lee vs gaara, with neji and hinata, with the sasuke retrieval arc. there was something there with the worldbuilding and the mystery of tobi. with sakura's character, with tsunade, with kurenai and asuma and gai. like i get making fun of it, i do it all the time. but i long for the times, when everything about naruto was fresh and exciting, when the stakes were real. before he turned into ninja jesus and before the moon goddess got involved. before every character that was a female got shafted. before their fucking eyes could rewrite space-time reality or whatever. like make fun of it all you want but never forget what they took from us. the potential they robbed from us. the worldbuilding and character arcs that got shafted to give us whatever the hell that last part was. there was a time when naruto was good.
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remember when you were 10 and you would hang out with your friends in order to Look At The Computer together like you went to their house and experienced the information superhighway together. and then leave
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cannot stop thinking about how jealous tye hearts and strawhats must be of each other because like imagine you're a strawhat. your captain is in the middle of a war and sees his brother die in front of him. you and your crewmates are scattered across the globe with no way to reach him. you don't even know if he's still alive until months later when he reappears on the front page of the newspaper with message for you guys. later when you're all reunited with a new alliance on the way, you find out that this weird ass pirate and his crew was there post war. weird ass pirate and his crew patched your captain up. weird ass pirate and his crew was there in your captain's darkest hour and you weren't. it should've been you by his side and it wasn't. and on the hearts side of things, your captain leaves you behind to fight his abuser. he does not let you come with him. you live on a submarine. you've all seen each other at your worst moments. you've seen how much doflamingo scares your captain. you've been working on this plan for fucking years and instead of letting you stand by the man you have chosen to follow he sends you away and instead takes strawhat's crew as backup. you dont even know if he's alive until the news comes out. strawhat luffy and his crew were there as your capatain faced his abuser and you weren't. it should've been you by his side and it wasn't.
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cannot stop thinking about loguetown shuggy and im not talking post-execution shuggy. loguetown shuggy as in the two-year gap between reaching raftel and roger's execution. like that was it!!! that was the universe giving their chance to be together!!! to get it right!!!! except they were what? 14? 15? so of course they got it wrong!!!! of course they fucked it up, and now they've spent decades apart and buggy's got a good thing going with crocodile and mihawk and shanks is finally ready to claim the one piece or whatever and the last time they properly talked was at their captain's son's execution. funny how the only thing that seems to bring them together is death
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Hi! Just wanted to check in and see if all is okay, how's things going?
things are.... going. same soup, different bowl, yknow? i'll probably be more active come june? july? but thanks for asking about me!! means a lot <3333
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