irontragedyreview · 57 minutes
Me estoy haciendo milanesas con pure casero y no quiero presumir pero mi pure esta buenisimo.
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irontragedyreview · 1 hour
When we meet Gen for the first time one thinks that he is going to be an antagonist on duty who might change sides, then as the story progresses you realize that he is one of the coolest characters and above all things he has truly sweet acts, because what we know is the facade and then we can see the real thing.
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irontragedyreview · 2 hours
Imaginate llamar a JL la verdadera latina y que Lali es una trucha, despues de eso no hay remate, pero por lo que estoy leyendo en otros blog despues se fue al pasto directamente.
chicos no se bardeen con gringos sin mi </3
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irontragedyreview · 3 hours
Gente enserio, si alguno de mis mutuals o seguidores quiere una recomendacion de anime miren Dr. Stone les juro que la historia es increible y los personajes super carismaticos. Ademas es lindo como pone a la ciencia desde un perspectiva super idealista, como motor de mejora e impulso de la humanidad, mientras no quita que se reconozca que el problema a veces no es el avance humano, sino que hace la humanidad con esos avances.
Seriously people, if any of my mutuals or followers want an anime recommendation, look at Dr. Stone, I swear the story is incredible and the characters are super charismatic. Also it's nice how it puts science from a super idealistic perspective, as an engine for improvement and impulse of humanity, while it doesn't stop it from being recognized that the problem sometimes isn't human advance but what humanity makes with those advances.
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irontragedyreview · 3 hours
bnha may suck, Midoriya and Tomura deserve better but at least I have kny and dr stone to hold my hand.
Tokito my boy, this chapter was so sweet.
Dr. Stone season 3 was the funniest thing I've ever seen and I can't wait for them to come to the US and everything that happens in that arc. For the rest I can only say that Ryusui is a super charismatic character, if there is something that worries me about the stories I consume it's that when characters are added it alters the dynamics of those characters that I already like and their relationship, but Ryusui is a 10/ 10, I love his knowledge and greed as a positive thing and not just a flaw.
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irontragedyreview · 3 hours
Bueno no sé qué tanta televisión vean ustedes pero yo veo lo suficiente para haberme topado varias veces con la publicidad de una producto farmacéutico que me indignó. Agarrense que este post va a ser largo.
En la publicidad podemos ver a Teté Coustarot y Boy Olmi hablando maravillas de un nuevo suplemento para la artrosis que hace que disminuyan los síntomas como el dolor articular. En un momento, Coustarot dice "es natural y no tiene contraindicaciones". No tiene contraindicaciones... dejame de joder.
No hay, repito, NO HAY ningún producto farmacéutico o dietético, sea suplemento dietario, medicamento o lo que sea, que no tenga contraindicaciones. Siempre va a haber un grupo de personas que por A o por B no va a poder consumir ese producto sin riesgos para su salud. Por más que en los suplementos dietarios se deban usar por ley cantidades inferiores a aquellas en las que se observan efectos adversos, el riesgo de tener alguno de esos efectos nunca es 0, ni en dosis mínimas. Quiero que esto quede muy claro porque vamos a volver sobre el tema.
Me tomé la libertad de buscar el prospecto del producto y la verdad que me decepcioné y me enojé mucho.
El primer problema que noté es que no están enlistados los excipientes del producto. Ahí empezamos mal porque porque, según el art. 1381 del Código Alimentario Argentino, deben aclararse todos los ingredientes de los suplementos dietarios. Esto es importante porque si sos alérgico a una sustancia X, tenés que poder identificar qué productos los tienen justamente para que los puedas evitar. Esta información debería encontrarse fácilmente, tanto en el producto como de forma online. Desconozco si están en la cajita donde viene el blíster de comprimidos, pero no verlo en el prospecto me hace ruido.
Lo segundo que podemos ver es una parte que dice "Advertencias y precauciones" donde pone que consultes con tu médico y/o farmacéutico si has tenido enfermedades hepáticas o de vesícula biliar. También que no está indicado para niños, para personas en proceso de gestación o lactancia y aquellas que busquen un embarazo. Esta es toda la info que nos da al respecto. Nada de efectos adversos y nada de la palabra "contraindicación". Hay que tener en cuenta que los suplementos dietarios están destinados a personas sanas, y no todo el mundo lo sabe, por eso es importante destacar quiénes pueden verse perjudicados por el uso de estos productos.
Hablemos ahora de los principios activos en sí: extracto de palta, aceite de soja y vitamina D3. Vamos a ir uno por uno desglosando efectos adversos y contraindicaciones:
Extracto de palta: está contraindicado en personas alérgicas a la palta, personas en período de gestación y lactancia, y personas que consuman anticoagulantes y/o antihipertensivos ya que puede potenciar los efectos de éstos. Como efectos adversos podemos mencionar reacciones cutáneas, malestares gastrointestinales, diarrea e hipotensión.
Aceite de soja: está contraindicado para personas con hipersensibilidad al aceite de soja o a proteína de huevo, soja o maní; shock circulatorio agudo, hiperlipemia patológica, nefrosis lipoide, pancreatitis aguda acompañada de hiperlipemia; insuficiencia hepática grave; síndrome hemofagocitótico. Se indica también tener precaución en enfermedad pulmonar, anemia, personas con alteraciones de la coagulación, riesgo de embolismo lipídico, insuficiencia renal, diabetes mellitus descompensada, hipotiroidismo y sepsis. No se puede administrar con heparina y derivados cumarínicos. Como efectos adversos tenemos fiebre, escalofríos, cefalea, náuseas, fatiga y reacción alérgica.
Vitamina D3 (colecalciferol): acá, como con todas las vitaminas liposolubles (A, D, E y K), tenemos que tener cuidado porque estas pueden almacenarse en el cuerpo y producir una sobredosis. Está contraindicado en hiperparatiroidismo, enfermedad renal, embarazo (consultar con el médico este último). Tiene interacciones con carbamazepina, prednisona, fenobarbital, fenitoína, colestiramina, digoxina, diuréticos tiazídicos, diltiazem, orlistat, anticonvulsivos, verapamilo, etc. Los efectos adversos que produce son pérdida de apetito, pérdida de peso, náusea, vómitos y estreñimiento.
Como pueden ver, eso de "no tiene contraindicaciones" es medio un cuento chino. Claramente hay gente que no puede consumir este suplemento y necesita saberlo. Un poco siento que es por la que yo llamo la "falacia del naturismo", que la gente piensa que porque algo es natural, es bueno en cualquier medida y no tiene ningún efecto secundario, cuando la realidad es totalmente contraria.
Mi principal problema con todo, aparte de la publicidad engañosa, es que parte del público al que está destinado el producto es una población que estadísticamente tiende a 1) consumir uno o mas de los medicamentos que mencioné arriba y 2) olvidar consumir sus pastillas y, en algunos casos, compensar con una dosis extra; me refiero a la gente mayor. Alguien va a ver a Teté Coustarot en la tele y decir "ah bueno, esto me va a quitar el dolor" y lo va a tomar como si fuera un ibuprofeno, es muy probable lamentablemente... No sé quién aprobó ese spot publicitario pero me parece muy irresponsable de su parte y en contra de los valores e ideales que el laboratorio dice tener (los conozco porque los estoy estudiando. Ahora mismo me abstengo a decir específicamente qué laboratorio y qué producto porque estoy haciendo una capacitación para trabajar para ellos en un futuro. Perdón, pero yo el día de mañana de algo tengo que laburar para no morirme de hambre. Si no saben de qué producto les hablo específicamente, googleenlo y por favor no lo tagueen, ni tampoco al laboratorio que lo produce). Hay que cuidar a la gente mayor, y más sabiendo que suele estar polimedicada y que la mayoría de las veces no conoce bien sus pautas terapéuticas.
Quiero cerrar diciendo que para nada me parece que sea un mal producto. Estoy convencida que si se usa de forma correcta brinda un bien muy grande a los pacientes, y el consumo de todos los principios activos en su justa cantidad sí son beneficiosos para la salud. Jamás podría decir que no hay que consumir extracto de palta o D3 o aceite de soja porque sé que sí tienen propiedades muy buenas para la salud. El tema es justamente que se tienen que consumir de forma correcta, y sinceramente, no creo que con esta publicidad promuevan un uso adecuado.
En fin, eso. Cuidense, cuiden a sus familiares mayores, y no se tomen lo primero que vean en la farmacia que sea de venta libre. Consultenle siempre a sus médicos y farmacéuticos sobre efectos adversos que puede tener un producto, sobre todo si están tomando otros medicamentos. Perdón por el post largo y gracias si han leído hasta acá <3
Fuentes: Código Alimentario Argentino, MedlinePlus, Mayo Clinic, Colegio Oficial de Bioquímicos y Farmacéuticos de Capital Federal, ANMAT
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irontragedyreview · 3 hours
Chapter 424 is the continuation of the shit show of 423 and of course Horikoshi instead of giving us a moment of Midoriya's reflection on Tomura and OFA only gives us two words and then bk burst into the room and only his feelings matter, why? Horikoshi is mediocre writter and ofc bk is the most affected victim of what happened to Izuku, that you know, Izuku himself.
What a shitty writer.
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irontragedyreview · 3 hours
Chapter 424
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This weather woman keeps showing up... remember when this story was about Japan?
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There's as many, if not more, quirks going into the rebuilding as there were in the war.
Heh, Lion-Fish
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Wow... thanks doc. Give it to us straight.
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Mirko couldn't have gone to rehab anyway... her limbs were torn off. There was nothing left to rehabilitate. She would've needed any remaining lower parts of her limbs amputated to get the prosthetics
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Yeah, massive amounts of damage to the heart and lungs means very low exertion... at least until theyxre sure your heart won't explode again
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That's nice of Tsukauchi to give them some time to talk.
I wonder how much of Toshinori is artificial now, especially considering how his body was before his fight with the Rewinding All for One
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Toshinori mentioned security in the hospital... shouldn't they also try to keep the patiebts in their rooms? And WHERE'S INKO? Why are Mitsuki and Masaru with Katsuki, but Inko isn't here?
And he still keeps showing up when other people are having their heart to heart talks... it started with eavesdropping on Shoto telling Midoriya about his family at the Sports Festival and just hasn't stopped
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"Can't be too broken up about it." Really? Really? After years and years of everyone you know looking down on you, mocking your dream, and discouraging you every step of the way, you get a few months in hero school and a war, and you're happy with that?
Like, sure it won't go back to the way it was before, but Toshinori didn't hold onto those embers all that long after passing One for All on. Maybe you could hold on longer without the missing organs and less intense fights, but you'll still be lucky to have anything left by the time you graduate.
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Ah, the reappearance of Waah-chan.
I don't like that it's being framed around Bakugo's feelings. The entire course of Midoriya's life has been drastically altered yet again in barely a over year since getting One for All. And of course Midoriya's still trying to comfort Bakugo.
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Glad it still says 'To be continued' because I'd like some closure on the Todoroki family situation, why was only Uraraka's body found, how's Tokoyami doing, what's Hawks gonna do without his quirk, is anything really gonna change with HPSC, what ever happened to Spinner?
So many questions that I worry we won't be getting answers to... or that they won't be satisfying
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irontragedyreview · 3 hours
Is this chapter much more anime than manga? Yes, does that matter to me? No, because the episode was so cute that I could have given myself cavities and I would still enjoy it.
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irontragedyreview · 6 hours
Anime, especially shonen seriously need more parents like Byakuya (I know there are other examples but not enough), not only because he raised Senku with love, also he never put a brake on his development and even sold his things so Senku would have the technology he wanted for his experiments. In addition, he spent his entire life in a petrified world with the faithful belief that his son wouldn't only be unpetrified but would also advance the science of the world, and therefore he spent the rest of his life creating a village, tools and materials that would become Senku and make his new life a little easier.
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irontragedyreview · 8 hours
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“ It hurts … I hate this. ”
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irontragedyreview · 22 hours
ohhh, porfa necesito saber la opinión de la comunidad latina en tumblr sobre esto.
la palabra mami/papi, variaciones, te parece sexy?
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I'm watching Dr. Stone season 3 and I'm laughing so hard, I missed these characters especially Senku and Gen. Also I love Ryusui so far, it's refreshing to see that he's rich and of course he loves luxury, but still he strives to achieve it instead of being the cliché of the spoiled child.
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Time to Vent about MHA 424
At this point I actually have no expectations for MHA. I've basically checked out a long time ago and it seems only Bakugou for a character development arc. Fine for Bakugou fans.
Everyone else? Barely anything so yeah not really interested and it way too late to try and shove something in at the end. People are saying there still a lot of chapters left and it like, to do what? To try and shove everything into one last volume? Sure go ahead it won't change the lack of introspection or lack of development of every other part that he left dangling in the wind.
He neglected a lot of plot threads and ideas, the only thing that will be close to satisfying is maybe the Todoroki family and Ochaco if Toga alive. But beyond that anything else with Class 1-A or even Izuku our protagonist will feel forced. As nothing was developed naturally, everything Izuku experienced was told to us.
None of it was shown, nothing he did was introspection. I've started fanfic writing because I saw the writing on the walls. And decided to make character driven works. As I figured out he wasn't going to allow Izuku to have anymore introspection even if I knew I wasn't the best writer at the time.
Trying to fix and do everything last minute will be a bandaid that won't fix the lackluster development of the whole series. As he focused on every other character but his own protagonist. The GHOST in OFA got more character introspection then him and that's sad. They told Izuku how to act, feel, they said how he must feel, and Izuku wasn't allowed any thoughts.
It seems OFA having vestige might have been a mistake if he wasn't allowed to think with them. I can't see how Horikoshi can salvage that and people saying he can aren't understanding the actual issues. It not the worse writing, but this is just mid. This is basic aesop that anyone can eat and digest because there is no commentary or thoughts.
So anyone can enjoy it, but this will not be memorable and to those that had hoped for more. It could just leave bitterness if he can't even try to make something of its ending. So I have no expectations, he could make it even worse but at this point a worse ending might at least make it memorable. So who can say?
Before someone asks, I'm not going to leave the fandom that why I'm writing fanfiction. That's the benefit of learning something I can write the things I wished to see. I'm used to disappointment from a few shonens so not the first~
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irontragedyreview · 2 days
Algo me da curiosidad 😶‍🌫️ porfavor respondan honestamente 🔬
Porfavor compartan 🙏🏻 100 latinos dicen season tumblr
Me pasa que si creo que hay que ser cuidadoso en ciertos aspectos, pero también los gringos exageran por su situación.
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irontragedyreview · 2 days
I'm reading a fic about a crack ship that had never crossed my mind, but I'm enjoying it and the characters have chemistry.
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