itsfairly · 1 hour
Reblog to give a trans person a hug this pride month 🩵🤍🩷
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itsfairly · 18 hours
....someone volunteering to be the first one to eat your pussy...
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itsfairly · 18 hours
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peaceful day for my beloved nanami
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itsfairly · 1 day
guys, i spent an hour editing this long overdue video only to realize i hate this new editing software i'm trying out😔
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itsfairly · 2 days
reblog to call prev cute :3
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itsfairly · 2 days
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itsfairly · 2 days
wit may have taken away from us his shirtless scene, but mappa...
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sure, its no nanami season 2 episode 18 situation, but mappa put in the work
Im happy isayama didn’t sexualize aot characters but also i wish i saw levi naked- *is tackled on stage*
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itsfairly · 2 days
old war veterans used to marry young women from poor situations solely so their money went to someone who needed it when they died and frankly. that'd Levi coded to be
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itsfairly · 2 days
Reblog and put in the tags weird things that scared you as a child
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itsfairly · 2 days
DNI,.. Unless u Love Meee !!!!
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itsfairly · 3 days
Nanami is super picky about how the laundry is done. Always separates colors, washes towels with their own load, makes sure to use the correct setting for your delicates. He's quick to grab a finished load and hang what needs hanging, dry what needs drying, and always wipes out the tub between loads.
When you first move in together, he's absolutely horrified with your haphazard way of washing. He spends time patiently showing you the beauty of reusable dryer balls and only using the smallest amount of detergent because too much will ruin your clothes.
He rewards you when you finally catch on to his preferred methods by pressing himself against your ass when you're bent over pulling towels out of the dryer. Broad hands pull your hips back toward him and you suck in a sharp breath when you feel him half hard, rubbing against the back of your thighs.
"Good girl," he says, leaning down to nip at your ear. "Don't forget to fluff the towels before you fold them."
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itsfairly · 3 days
but your honour i was ovulating
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itsfairly · 3 days
Please reblog this if fanfiction has been beneficial to your mental health.
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itsfairly · 3 days
His Tie // Nanami Kento x gn!reader
word count: 1.6k
cw: descriptions of panic attack.
liked this? show it with a like, reblog, and/or comment. each is greatly appreciated and celebrated!
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There's something about Nanami Kento's tie.
A tie that manages to get everyone's attention just from the fashion disaster that it is. Dotted black over yellow? It completely clashed with his otherwise pretty normal and polished outfit. It just seemed out of place.
It wasn't like you would ever throw it away. It was his tie, if he wanted to wear it, he could. It was just a tie after all.
But it stopped being just that after one of those nights he pulled overtime.
It was late and it was dark already, only the stars keeping you company through the window as you felt the cold air on your skin, but not on your chest.
You don't know how or why it happened. When you think about it, it was completely gradual and yet so sudden. What started as a rundown of your day to get yourself to fall asleep, starting with what you had for breakfast, slowly descended into remembering less mundane aspects of your life. Sure, there was always that concern for Nanami growing every second that he took to come back home well past his shift; but it seemed as if your mind was playing a trick on you by bringing such heavy thoughts so late at night.
There was that project your boss had just re-assigned to you. Why now? It wasn't like you couldn't do it, it was that it was so sudden, right? But then you would also have to work with that coworker who never seems to get on the page with you, would you even be able to get something done?
Then there's all the house chores you weren't able to do. Sure, you did the dishes and the laundry earlier, but you could've done more, right? You've been putting off dusting the furniture and rearranging those notes you have around the place...mm, maybe you shouldn't have rested that much when you came from work.
And Nanami, god, Nanami. Was he okay? He can handle his own, you know that, but what if tonight he couldn't? Not that you were doubting him, but his job is really dangerous and all it took was one wrong step! Maybe that's why he hadn't returned home.
And so on, and so on, and so on.
Your mind was just digging too much into every single thing from today, no matter how much you tried to distract yourself and think about something else. This was supposed to make you fall asleep, not overthinking your life.
So you tried to keep your mind blank. Zero thoughts. Closed your eyes and lay on your back. Breathe in for four, keep for seven, and breathe out for eight. That should be enough.
But then, no matter how much air you sucked in, it felt too heavy, not enough, too inexistent.
What was very existent was how fast your heart was beating against your chest, which though it didn't feel like enough air was coming in, it sure looked like it with the way it heaved up and down. You rolled on your back, turning your head towards the window as if the stars would give you an answer to why you were feeling as if your mind couldn't process each move of your eyes, getting you dizzy with this dry throat. They didn't answer back, leaving you alone in your predicament as you clenched your shirt and kicked the covers back.
On one hand, your mind wasn't reeling with all these thoughts. On the other hand, you couldn't think at all. In fact, the more you tried to understand what was happening, the further the world seemed to be as your body buried you underneath a lack of breath and your own heart.
But even lightheaded, your ears faintly catch the sound of the bedroom door opening as if it was miles away rather than the actual feet. It only took one look at you for Nanami to know something wasn't right, but the way you looked at him as if you were drowning, choking, and suffocating all at once made him walk over to the bed in an instant and turn on the side lamp.
Though he wanted to help you, you only shied away from him, scooting an inch back despite the fear in your eyes. Why did you do that? Weren't you worried for him just now? You could only shake your head, looking up at Nanami and feeling yourself reel downwards into these sensations by the mere look of confusion and worry laced in his eyes.
Nanami nodded, maybe touch wasn't something you could take right now, not when the sheets seemed to be discarded to the floor despite the way you remained so still yet curled up in a ball.. He cautiously places his hand next to your hand, scooting it back just a centimeter when your head reacts to the sudden distance, looking down at you and taking a deep breath.
You nod, trying to follow suit with a deep breath. But again, it doesn't seem to reach you quite.
"I don't know why-"
"It's okay," Nanami says softly, noticing how you can barely get a sentence out, your eyes looking quite distant themselves. "Don't focus on that."
Nanami looked around, looking at the quiet room. There wasn't much to distract you with—no sounds with a sleeping city, no way to touch you in this state, and he doubted you would be able to taste or smell anything new that would force you to pull out of this.
"Tell me what you can see, dear. Look around." Nanami instructed, his hands aching to caress and soothe you from whatever you were feeling, but keeping to himself until you were calmer.
Your eyes darted around without moving your head, moving it meant feeling that lightheadedness that led to nausea and you didn't want that. So you kept your vision to what was directly in front of you as you laid on the mattress.
"The door. The pillow. You." You tried to name anything your eyes came across, but it wasn't like your brain was in the best state to say them out loud.
You knew the drill, five was the magic number, but your mind couldn't really make the effort to make past three things. It was too busy, sinking further into all these bodily sensation you still didn't understand where they came from.
And like a saving grace, his tie fell right in front of your face. The dotted fabric forces your attention into something else, away from your body and mind. Though your mind was still racing and your heart was still trying to rip out of your chest, your eyes suddenly seemed to focus on his tie. Your hand reached out to his tie, your thumb carefully grasping on the little edge at the bottom to pull it closer to you, feeling the silk against your skin. It was a nice distraction to just feel the fabric, but that wasn't what caught your attention, it was the dots.
There were so many, different sizes for each dot. All splattered across the tie from top to bottom,
One, two, three, and so on.
Before you knew it, you were counting the dots on his tie, pulling it closer as you reached a new row or turning it around to see there were more on its back (which there were).
Rather than interrupting you, Nanami sat by your side, scooting closer but not touching you just yet, not wanting to interrupt you from this sudden trance you were in. Your breath was slowing down and you were sinking further onto the mattress with that deep concentration in your eyes with each dot added to your tally. You were starting to calm down, but he didn't want to touch you just yet, afraid to snap you away from your distraction and pull you back into your body.
Eventually, your hands were near his head as you tried to count as many dots as possible with Nanami leaning closer to you to let you do as you needed. It was when your eyes reached the knot of his tie, rendering you unable to keep counting precisely—not that it mattered when that dizziness was long gone, finally feeling like your body had calmed down and your mind had become yours again.
"How many were there?" His voice breaks the silence as he watches your hands slide down the tie without completely letting go of it.
"Around 58," you said quietly, your eyes darting away from the tie and to his own brown eyes, their softness helping you ease off the aftermath of your panic. "At least to where I got."
"You can always count it again next time," Nanami offers, laying down next to you, kind enough to let you have some space between the two of you to not suffocate you. Not that you felt that way right now anymore. In fact, he kind of felt too far, you don't say anything about it.
"It's just as my tie as yours if it calms you down," Nanami adds, a small smile coming to his lips as he looks as you fondly.
"It's still ugly," You said breathlessly, the air finally feeling welcoming to your lungs. It makes you share that same smile he had.
Nanami chuckles, rolling his eyes and surprised at your ever-present stubbornness regarding his tie. That's how he knew you were okay now.
"It's functional," he retorts, sliding his fingers down the tie to brush yours. A touch that you welcome.
As much as you like to pull his leg about this tie, it didn't change the fact that it was his. But now, this tie didn't seem so ugly. After all, it is Nanami Kento's tie.
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itsfairly · 3 days
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Nanami saw my drafts of artwork of him, and i don't know why he's looking at me like that 🫣
Inspired by @/kyarrcha's twt post and thought i could make a Nanami version.
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itsfairly · 3 days
gonna turn that sweet and respectful man into a pussy addicted pervert
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itsfairly · 4 days
His Tie // Nanami Kento x gn!reader
word count: 1.6k
cw: descriptions of panic attack.
liked this? show it with a like, reblog, and/or comment. each is greatly appreciated and celebrated!
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There's something about Nanami Kento's tie.
A tie that manages to get everyone's attention just from the fashion disaster that it is. Dotted black over yellow? It completely clashed with his otherwise pretty normal and polished outfit. It just seemed out of place.
It wasn't like you would ever throw it away. It was his tie, if he wanted to wear it, he could. It was just a tie after all.
But it stopped being just that after one of those nights he pulled overtime.
It was late and it was dark already, only the stars keeping you company through the window as you felt the cold air on your skin, but not on your chest.
You don't know how or why it happened. When you think about it, it was completely gradual and yet so sudden. What started as a rundown of your day to get yourself to fall asleep, starting with what you had for breakfast, slowly descended into remembering less mundane aspects of your life. Sure, there was always that concern for Nanami growing every second that he took to come back home well past his shift; but it seemed as if your mind was playing a trick on you by bringing such heavy thoughts so late at night.
There was that project your boss had just re-assigned to you. Why now? It wasn't like you couldn't do it, it was that it was so sudden, right? But then you would also have to work with that coworker who never seems to get on the page with you, would you even be able to get something done?
Then there's all the house chores you weren't able to do. Sure, you did the dishes and the laundry earlier, but you could've done more, right? You've been putting off dusting the furniture and rearranging those notes you have around the place...mm, maybe you shouldn't have rested that much when you came from work.
And Nanami, god, Nanami. Was he okay? He can handle his own, you know that, but what if tonight he couldn't? Not that you were doubting him, but his job is really dangerous and all it took was one wrong step! Maybe that's why he hadn't returned home.
And so on, and so on, and so on.
Your mind was just digging too much into every single thing from today, no matter how much you tried to distract yourself and think about something else. This was supposed to make you fall asleep, not overthinking your life.
So you tried to keep your mind blank. Zero thoughts. Closed your eyes and lay on your back. Breathe in for four, keep for seven, and breathe out for eight. That should be enough.
But then, no matter how much air you sucked in, it felt too heavy, not enough, too inexistent.
What was very existent was how fast your heart was beating against your chest, which though it didn't feel like enough air was coming in, it sure looked like it with the way it heaved up and down. You rolled on your back, turning your head towards the window as if the stars would give you an answer to why you were feeling as if your mind couldn't process each move of your eyes, getting you dizzy with this dry throat. They didn't answer back, leaving you alone in your predicament as you clenched your shirt and kicked the covers back.
On one hand, your mind wasn't reeling with all these thoughts. On the other hand, you couldn't think at all. In fact, the more you tried to understand what was happening, the further the world seemed to be as your body buried you underneath a lack of breath and your own heart.
But even lightheaded, your ears faintly catch the sound of the bedroom door opening as if it was miles away rather than the actual feet. It only took one look at you for Nanami to know something wasn't right, but the way you looked at him as if you were drowning, choking, and suffocating all at once made him walk over to the bed in an instant and turn on the side lamp.
Though he wanted to help you, you only shied away from him, scooting an inch back despite the fear in your eyes. Why did you do that? Weren't you worried for him just now? You could only shake your head, looking up at Nanami and feeling yourself reel downwards into these sensations by the mere look of confusion and worry laced in his eyes.
Nanami nodded, maybe touch wasn't something you could take right now, not when the sheets seemed to be discarded to the floor despite the way you remained so still yet curled up in a ball.. He cautiously places his hand next to your hand, scooting it back just a centimeter when your head reacts to the sudden distance, looking down at you and taking a deep breath.
You nod, trying to follow suit with a deep breath. But again, it doesn't seem to reach you quite.
"I don't know why-"
"It's okay," Nanami says softly, noticing how you can barely get a sentence out, your eyes looking quite distant themselves. "Don't focus on that."
Nanami looked around, looking at the quiet room. There wasn't much to distract you with—no sounds with a sleeping city, no way to touch you in this state, and he doubted you would be able to taste or smell anything new that would force you to pull out of this.
"Tell me what you can see, dear. Look around." Nanami instructed, his hands aching to caress and soothe you from whatever you were feeling, but keeping to himself until you were calmer.
Your eyes darted around without moving your head, moving it meant feeling that lightheadedness that led to nausea and you didn't want that. So you kept your vision to what was directly in front of you as you laid on the mattress.
"The door. The pillow. You." You tried to name anything your eyes came across, but it wasn't like your brain was in the best state to say them out loud.
You knew the drill, five was the magic number, but your mind couldn't really make the effort to make past three things. It was too busy, sinking further into all these bodily sensation you still didn't understand where they came from.
And like a saving grace, his tie fell right in front of your face. The dotted fabric forces your attention into something else, away from your body and mind. Though your mind was still racing and your heart was still trying to rip out of your chest, your eyes suddenly seemed to focus on his tie. Your hand reached out to his tie, your thumb carefully grasping on the little edge at the bottom to pull it closer to you, feeling the silk against your skin. It was a nice distraction to just feel the fabric, but that wasn't what caught your attention, it was the dots.
There were so many, different sizes for each dot. All splattered across the tie from top to bottom,
One, two, three, and so on.
Before you knew it, you were counting the dots on his tie, pulling it closer as you reached a new row or turning it around to see there were more on its back (which there were).
Rather than interrupting you, Nanami sat by your side, scooting closer but not touching you just yet, not wanting to interrupt you from this sudden trance you were in. Your breath was slowing down and you were sinking further onto the mattress with that deep concentration in your eyes with each dot added to your tally. You were starting to calm down, but he didn't want to touch you just yet, afraid to snap you away from your distraction and pull you back into your body.
Eventually, your hands were near his head as you tried to count as many dots as possible with Nanami leaning closer to you to let you do as you needed. It was when your eyes reached the knot of his tie, rendering you unable to keep counting precisely—not that it mattered when that dizziness was long gone, finally feeling like your body had calmed down and your mind had become yours again.
"How many were there?" His voice breaks the silence as he watches your hands slide down the tie without completely letting go of it.
"Around 58," you said quietly, your eyes darting away from the tie and to his own brown eyes, their softness helping you ease off the aftermath of your panic. "At least to where I got."
"You can always count it again next time," Nanami offers, laying down next to you, kind enough to let you have some space between the two of you to not suffocate you. Not that you felt that way right now anymore. In fact, he kind of felt too far, you don't say anything about it.
"It's just as my tie as yours if it calms you down," Nanami adds, a small smile coming to his lips as he looks as you fondly.
"It's still ugly," You said breathlessly, the air finally feeling welcoming to your lungs. It makes you share that same smile he had.
Nanami chuckles, rolling his eyes and surprised at your ever-present stubbornness regarding his tie. That's how he knew you were okay now.
"It's functional," he retorts, sliding his fingers down the tie to brush yours. A touch that you welcome.
As much as you like to pull his leg about this tie, it didn't change the fact that it was his. But now, this tie didn't seem so ugly. After all, it is Nanami Kento's tie.
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