jam-goblin · 5 years
I am a germ I am named Gormie the death germ I spread by birbs and other flight animals like bats and pigeons sometimes I can spread by coughing and sneezing but while I might be the death germ I have a pent house and my money. I have killed two thousand one hundred humans today my mother would be so proud her name was the Black Plague. She told me I’ll wipe out the human race one day.
so fucking metal lmao
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jam-goblin · 6 years
trans guy: i feel dysphoric cis ally: ur literally the handsomest manly dude guy bro dude man i ever seen before in my life my guy dude! just because you’re biologically a woman doesnt mean you aren’t super manly and handsome!! honestly wow your jawline is so sharp cut me with your jaw daddy father sir
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jam-goblin · 6 years
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jam-goblin · 6 years
Them: Oh you don’t want this cat. He’s wild and he bites everyone and he’ll never just sit nicely in your lap. He’s a project cat. 
 Me: That’s okay, I’m a project person. 
 Two weeks later:
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He won’t leave.
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jam-goblin · 6 years
1 0 3
one o three
are you really doing this again to me?
holding on is harder than I thought it would be
let me go because im sinking farther than i thought i could go
one o three
youre breathing down my neck youre choking me
one o three
set me free
you're pulling me apart
am i just another one of your flaws?
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jam-goblin · 6 years
Things I want to remember in 2018 1. Shameless people are everywhere. They will say what they have to say to get what they want out of you. Even if don’t mean it. Even if they know they don’t mean it. Shameless people will do what they have to, to get what they want out of you. They won’t care about your well being. They will not care about your loss. The thing is, their shameless-ness makes you feel ashamed if you don’t oblige with them. Because they are so persistent about what they want. But that’s just messed up. So be shameless when you have to deal with shameless people. Be shameless about the fact that your time, your life, you are only yours. Not in a selfish way. Only while dealing with such people. 2. Know your worth. No one will tell you your true worth because that will be a disadvantage. You being lost and confused and insecure is beneficial for them. You have to know your own worth. 3. Pick one thing. One thing you want to work on in this new year. I know there are so many things that need your time and energy. But pick one. And then dedicate time and energy to that. Everything but this is negotiable. Don’t stop working on this. You can have other things you’re working on too. But when situations arise in which you have to give up your time and focus to do something unanticipated, something unavoidable, cut down on those secondary things. But never on this one. Just one. 4. Sleep on it. Not to avoid it. Not to procrastinate. But to not be so overwhelmed. To not be so high on emotions. To not be irrational. To not make quick decisions that are reckless and rash and stupid. Sleep on it. 5. We keep thinking that we are getting older. I mean sure, we are. But being 20 is young. Being 25 is young. You’re a young adult until 32. Did you know that? Did you? I’m a 20 year old youth. And I’m not old. And I’m not going to be for a while. I know I have silver hair strands. And I know my idealism is…I won’t say it’s dying. I will say it’s altering. And that’s not a bad thing. But I’m young. And I don’t have to be dumb. I can give being young a new definition. But before, I should stop feeling so old. Being old isn’t a bad thing. Not at all. But it’s wrong to convince yourself that you’re something that you’re not. 6. Don’t follow other people. I know the thought of life after graduation seems very daunting and confusing but don’t look at others to do what they are doing. You have never liked crowds. Crowded places make you sick. Those paths are crowded and so worn out. And I know if you want to create your own, it will take time. Construction always takes time. It is a long term project but it will also provide long term benefits. And guess what? you can completely customize this path. Just like you like it. 7. What do we do about the people we hate? Endure. When it is professional, we endure. Sometimes we have to quietly bear the annoyance and frustration in the present to be able to get what we want. But remember, when it’s personal we never endure! 8. Body. I have given too much importance to my heart and soul. In that pursuit I have majorly neglected my body. For that, I am sorry. And because I know a genuine apology follows a corrective action, I will take that corrective action. I will make this right.
creatingnikki  (via shareaquote)
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