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jeremycgiroux · 6 years
Testosterone Boosters:Best Reviews of supplements 2018
What are testosterone boosters, and do you need them?
Testosterone boosters are supplements that help to raise testosterone levels in the body. The human body produces testosterone in both male and female. However, men’s testicles produce the testosterone, which is their primary sex hormone (1). It is also responsible for the male physical changes from boyhood to manhood. It is important to understand everything about testosterone before using t-boosters.
The in-depth guide below gives you an excellent guide on test-boosters. The topics in the analysis are as follows:
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The Role of Natural Testosterone in the Body
Natural test in the body is present in both male and female. The organs that produce testosterone in women are the ovaries and testes in men. The testes produce 95% of male test, and the remaining 5% comes from the adrenal glands in the human body. Testicles secrete testosterone because they are an endocrine gland. Testosterone is an important hormone in men and aids in the development of the male physical appearances.
25 %
Men over 30 have low T-levels
The Role of Testosterone
Androgens are the male hormone that develops and support masculinity.
However, the big T is mainly for:
Controlling quality and production of sperm
Beginning and preserving the growth of male sexuality such as emotions, voice, body strength and shape, odor and even the hairy appearance.
Controlling desire for sex in both male and female
The power to perform during intercourse
It develops different personalities, e.g. artists, contestants, collaborators, etc.
Deciding the sex of babies before developing
Effecting sexual choice
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In 100% level in the body, this hormone may help you in the following ways:
Strengthen Your Heart
Studies on heart health and test are not conclusive, but recent studies reveal that men with low-T levels have higher risks of heart complications. Evidence from doctors is that normal test levels keep the heart healthy.
Decrease in Body Fat
The ability of the body to regulate glucose, fat metabolism, and insulin depends on the t-levels. When the levels are low, the body’s strength to fight reduces too.
Strengthens Bones
Like women, men too suffer from the bone- weakening illness. It is due in large part to low-test levels. Normal t-levels help to restore the health of bones.
Decreases Chances of Alzheimer’s Disease
A 2010 study by the University of Hong Kong researchers and several other studies link Alzheimer’s disease to low T-levels. People with normal test levels are less prone to the disease.
The production of testosterone in men’s testes influences them sexually, physically, and emotionally. Therefore, the critical hormone in men’s characteristic is certainly the testosterone.
Testosterone helps in the general growth and development of the mind. It also influences a person’s life from childhood, adolescence to adulthood. It affects the body’s overall health. If testosterone levels remain normal, men can manage stress, have stronger bones and muscles, be active children, deal with acne, as well as enjoy their old age.
How and Where Does the body Produce Testosterone?
The process that the body uses to produce testosterone is not simple. Below is a clear brief of the process. (Readers Digest version of the process):
Production of testosterone starts in the brain, which controls the timing and amount of the same. The cerebral cortex, a section of the brain, signals the hypothalamus to activate testosterone production whenever a man is in an excited mood.
After that, the hypothalamus sends to the pituitary glands; a substance called gonadotropin for releasing the hormones. It releases two more hormones called the stimulating follicle hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing hormone (LH).
The combination of the two is the gonadotropins. Luteinizing hormone enters the blood and goes to the testes. Here, it triggers cholesterol to produce testosterone. Cholesterol is, therefore, the primary material that makes testosterone. The luteinizing (LH) regulates the testosterone levels.
Follicle stimulating hormone controls the amount of sperm production. When the blood gets enough testosterone levels, the hypothalamus sends signals to the pituitary gland to stop secreting. The process halts in the testicles as well.
(Caruthers, Malcolm, MD. TheTestosterone Revolution. London: Thorsons; 2001)
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How to Detect Low Testosterone Levels without Blood Tests
The primary hormone in men is the testosterone and detecting the correct levels is not straightforward. In early adulthood, the hormone begins to drop down. Production of testosterone automatically decreases as age progresses. It is when levels sink low that those symptoms appear. The level becomes small when it falls below 300 – 1000ng/dl. (2)
Testosterone appears in the blood as a sex hormone and an anabolic steroid. Therefore, the levels of testosterone keep changing as the day progresses. Only early morning samples of blood are helpful. However, laboratories use different methods to measure testosterone levels. It means, therefore, that laboratory tests are not entirely accurate.
A man, therefore, can, observe changes in his body to detect low testosterone levels without blood tests. Some of the clearest symptoms that male notice is:
Emotional Signs
Increased irritation – impatience, anger, and agitation
Decrease in ambition and motivation
Depression creeps in with feeling of despair, sadness, and hopelessness
Mental Symptoms
Appearance of memory problems
Low sex drive and libido
Difficulties in concentration
Physical Signs
Increase in body fat, especially the belly area
Reducing strength and muscle mass
High cholesterol levels
Low sperm count
Back pain
Increased risk of heart attack
Develop reduced bone mass (Osteoporosis)
Feeling of fatigue
Develop male breasts (Gynecomastia)
Longer recovery period after sex
Unable to sustain an erection leading to impotence
30 %
of men between 40-79 need testosterone boosters
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If the testosterone levels drop, they present some symptoms replicating those of a normal aging process as shown below:
Hair Loss
Testosterone influences many functions of the body during development. It includes the growth of hair. Men with low testosterone may confuse balding with the aging process.
Loss of Muscle Mass
Men may notice changes in the strength and muscle mass. There are those who start weight training to regain the muscles. Testosterone helps the body to produce muscle mass. If the testosterone level is low, the muscle mass and strength will also decrease.
Decrease in Bone Mass
Men, as well as women, suffer from the bone mass illness (osteoporosis). Those men with low testosterone levels. therefore, may suffer from bone fractures. It is because only healthy testosterone levels can help in strengthening the bones.
Increase in Belly and Body Fat
Men with low testosterone levels may notice a gradual increase in belly and body fat. Credible studies state that testosterone determines how the body will store fat.
Mood Changes
Testosterone controls most processes and variations in the body. It, therefore, controls the mind. It is for this reason that men with low testosterone levels experience mood swings.
Low Energy and Fatigue
When testosterone levels are low, men experience low energy levels. They get tired even after periods of rest.
Low Semen Production
Production of semen occurs with the help of testosterone. Semen aids the sperms to flow smoothly. The decrease of testosterone levels reduces production of sperm when a man ejaculates.
Difficulties in Attaining Erection
Testosterone prompts the brain receptors to make nitric acid to spark an erection. It helps a man to attain an erection. Once the testosterone levels fall, a man may suffer from erectile dysfunction. He may. Therefore, be unable to erect or have spontaneous erections.
Less Sex Libido
As they progress in age, men’s sex drive reduces. Testosterone is a key factor in sex drive. Low testosterone levels, therefore, result in less desire for sex.
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What are The Risks for Men with Low Testosterone Levels?
Although studies on testosterone are not conclusive, researchers continue to gather more facts about testosterone. They tie low testosterone levels to various health complications such as hypertension, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and obesity. More research is ongoing to come up with actual evidence. Here are some of the health risks:
Erectile Dysfunction
Heart Complications
Prostate Cancer
Testosterone aids the body in absorbing blood sugar, hence the clear link between low testosterone and diabetes. It is evident, therefore, that men with low levels of testosterone are at a higher risk of developing diabetes. They are likely to have insulin resistance. They require raising testosterone levels to produce enough insulin.
It is not yet clear whether it is low testosterone levels or diabetes that set in first. The reason being that low testosterone results in men having more belly and body fat. Obesity on its own lowers testosterone
Erectile Dysfunction
As male age, they become more prone to erectile dysfunction and blame it on low testosterone levels. Testosterone is responsible for controlling multiple body functions. Low testosterone alone does not cause total erectile dysfunction. It is more a result of diseases and side effects of changing testosterone levels. The remedy for this may be raising testosterone to normal levels.
Heart Complications
There are no particular study linking heart complications and low testosterone. Doctors have reason to connect the two. Testosterone levels are lower in women than men. Still, the male develops heart complications years before women. According to studies on animals, high intake of testosterone raises the risk of heart complications. What is clear is that consumption of large amounts of steroids is harmful to the heart. It is worth noting that taking moderate amounts of testosterone poses no danger.
Testosterone replenishes and regenerates the red blood cells in the body. Therefore, men aged over 65 years risk suffering from anemia. Their bodies produce low testosterone because of the age factor and other age- related diseases. T-boosters spark the rebuilding of red blood cells reverses the anemic condition.
Aging is inevitable and comes with negative health symptoms in both male and female. Signs such as low libido, weight gain, and weight gain may not be age related. Low testosterone could be the leading cause and men are at risk as they progress in age. The effects also raise the risk of death.
Prostate Cancer
Men are at risk of many health hazards when testosterone levels go down. Testosterone regulates most functions of different body parts. Research and studies show that low testosterone hastens prostate cancer making the disease worse. These studies override the earlier belief that Low testosterone prevents prostate cancer. NEW YORK, NY–(Marketwired - May 22, 2014). There is an increase in the number of men with low testosterone levels contracting prostate cancer.
The actual cause of depression is not yet clear. However, doctors and scientists believe that it is a result of an imbalance in the chemicals signaling the brain. Studies are ongoing to identify the imbalance and the signaling chemicals. Various illnesses and some adverse life situations may spark depression. However, a majority of men with lower testosterone levels also exhibits depression signs. Most of them are obese or overweight. It points out the relation between depression and body fat. Average testosterone levels may reverse the situation for men.
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Klinefelter Syndrome: The condition affects both the male cognitive and physical development.(8)
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Testosterone Deficiency
Testosterone or Androgen deficiency develops when the body loses the ability to produce testosterone. The body requires adequate testosterone to function properly. The deficiency affects one in every 200 men below the ages of 60 years. However, the highest levels of testosterone are in the male of between 20 and 30 years.
Between the ages of 30 and 80 years, it drops by one- third. Most men above 60 years suffer from test deficiency and this is due to age-related illnesses and weight gain. A male who maintains a healthy lifestyle may not have any change in testosterone levels. There is a reason to believe that most of the males are not aware of their position.
Stages of deficiency
Early Childhood
Start of teenage years
Life after 60 years
Each stage has signs and symptoms to identify if there is a problem in testosterone levels. These are:
Early Childhood
The child’s testicles and penis fail to develop fully
Start of Teenage Years
No muscle growth
Slow height growth
Breasts grow
Soft voice
Failure to achieve complete puberty
Thinning and weak bones
Muscle strength reduces
Low sex drive
Weight gain
Concentration problems
​Develops breasts
​Erectile malfunctions
​Less body hair and beard
​Low sperm count and volume
​Takes long to recover after an exercise
Experiences swears and hot flush
Mood swings
After 60 Years
Weight gain
Gets tired quickly
​Finds it hard to get or maintain an erection
​Weak muscles
​Mood swings
​Bones weaken and thin
​Breasts grow
Low libido
Hard to concentrate
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Is Testosterone Deficiency Life Threatening?
Because of the effect testosterone has on body functions, its deficiency is not life threatening. However, low testosterone levels give a negative response to the body. Testosterone is vital for the development and growth of a man’s body. Deficiency means that a child may acquire disorders before birth and up to adulthood. Some of a boy’s physical features may fail to develop fully into male features.
The hormonal change that arises sparks other diseases and reactions. Older men may suffer from chronic conditions, such as diabetes, and heart complications, that eventually lead to death. Low testosterone levels affect the overall quality of the male’s life.
No one doubts the importance of testosterone in the body. The hormone triggers the bone marrow to manufacture the red blood cells. Being the primary hormone in men, it affects their metabolism, circulation, and heart. When levels fall, male are likely to gain excess body fat that leads to clogged arteries. Other problems such as blood sugar levels and insulin may also arise. It is the combination of these risks that are life threatening.
What Food Enhances Testosterone
Testosterone plays different vital roles in a man’s body. It promotes sperm production, muscle, and bone strength among other functions. The levels, however, decrease with age. There are some foods you can eat to boost testosterone. These foods include:
Foods with Vitamin D
Through research experts agree vitamin D raises testosterone levels. Men with low testosterone levels lose weight while they combine vitamin D and a weight loss program. The reason for this is that vitamin D assists the body to absorb calcium. It benefits various functions of the body, such as boosting immune and bone health.
Examples of foods rich in vitamin D are:
​Vitamin fortified breakfast cereals
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What are Testosterone Boosters?
Test boosters are natural materials that force the body to manufacture luteinizing hormones. The process takes place when the pituitary glands secrete a hormone that triggers the testicles to produce testosterone. T - boosters may release testosterone binding to the sex hormone, creating free testosterone.
Natural testosterone boosters have some common ingredients that make them useful. Other than growing muscles, they have a range of other benefits to the body. They are:
D-Aspartic Acid
Mucuna Pruriens
B-Complex Vitamins
Vitamin K2
​Tongkat Ali
​Vitamin D3
Tribulus Terrestris
Oyster Extract
Each of these vitamins helps the body to boost testosterone levels in different ways:
Ginseng is a century old herb credited with being a natural libido booster as well as a stimulant. Credible studies agree that indeed ginseng helps the body in many other ways. It raises the production of testosterone in the body, thereby improving the overall health of men.
D-Aspartic Acid
In the pineal glands and the pituitary glands, there are small amounts of amino acid. D-Aspartic acid stimulates the brain to release growth hormones and boost testosterone. These hormones include the luteinizing and stimulating hormones.
Mucuna Pruriens
The body needs hormones to help with regulating mood. Mucuna Pruriens contains L-Dopa, a component for dopamine. It sparks the body to produce more testosterone, thereby improving the mood hormones. Macuna Pruriens is beneficial in the control and treatment of the Parkinson’s diseases as well.
B-Complex Vitamins
To convert food into energy, the body needs B-Complex vitamins. In the process, the vitamins help to enhance fat and protein metabolism. As a result, testosterone levels rise, giving men strength and energy.
Fenugreek is a plant that grows in many parts of the world. Its use goes back to thousands of years and is beneficial to man’s health. It contains properties of antibiotic, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant. It also has a substance that enhances libido in men.
Scientific studies explain that zinc plays a vital role in the growth and development of reproduction, immune system, and neurological functions. It works on the body’s enzymes as a structural, regulatory and catalyst, while raising testosterone levels.
Vitamin K2
Vitamin K2 helps the body get benefits from both vitamin D and calcium. It plays a vital role in preventing the narrowing and hardening of arteries (atherosclerosis). Other facts about Vitamin K2 are that it helps fight bone weakening, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, aging and much more.
Tongkat Ali
Tongkat Ali is a flowering plant that grows in Malaysia. It has substantial benefits to men’s health because it offers credible remedy studies. It aids the body to handle sleep deprivation, weight gain, chronic stress, and muscle strength. With regular use, Tongkat Ali boosts testosterone levels.
The human body has small amounts of selenium, although it is an essential mineral. Combined with vitamin E, it works as an antioxidant that fights free radicals. These may have a direct cause of cancer, aging, heart disease and other medical complications. Selenium helps decide how the body produces proteins present in sperm. Selenium is, therefore, crucial to men’s health. It helps fight and prevent various other diseases in the body.
Oyster Extract
Oyster extract is rich in zinc that helps fight prostate illnesses in men. The extract contains another 59 important properties that the body needs.
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Test-Boosters and Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Avena Sativa
We have even further done research and found published data on both ​Tribulus and Deer Antler Velvet, you can see the published data below:
Short term impact of Tribulus terrestris intake on doping control analysis of endogenous steroids.
The aphrodisiac herb Tribulus terrestris does not influence the androgen production in young men.
The effect of five weeks of Tribulus terrestris supplementation on muscle strength and body composition during preseason training in elite rugby league players.
Effect of elk velvet antler supplementation on the hormonal response to acute and chronic exercise in male and female rowers.
Effect of deer velvet on sexual function in men and their partners: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
The effects of deer antler velvet extract or powder supplementation on aerobic power, erythropoiesis, and muscular strength and endurance characteristics.
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Risks of Using Testosterone Boosters
Ingredients common in these products and natural and there are risks associated with them. Nevertheless, taking too much of the boosters may trigger the body to produce excess hormones. The result will be any of the following:
Mood swings- The cause is psychological effects and not necessarily the supplements.
Depression – A small percentage of men complain of depression. No studies link Test to depression, and its cause remains unknown.
Headache – Mild headache occurs in a small number of men
Abnormal growth of muscles (Myalgia) – Test supplements help in building muscles. They do not add strength to ligaments and tendons. Therefore, increased muscle mass may strain the ligaments and tendons.
Anemia- Some men may experience iron deficiency
Acne- It occurs because of an increase in hormones.
Aggression- Overuse of t-boosters result in aggressive behavior
Top 3 Choices Reviewed
Prime Male
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3rd Choice (Former winner)
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Muscletech Test HD Hardcore Testosterone Booster – Unlike other boosters, it contains the Boron mineral ingredient.
Testogen Review
Testogen is a product of Wolfson Berg Limited, who manufactures and supply the supplement. With over 30years experience, the company is an industry leader and consultant.
Over 100 companies across the globe rely on Wolfson Berg Limited for product and labeling needs. They have a team of scientists who perform research and studies of different ingredients. Therefore, all their products have scientific proof and evidence.
The combined natural ingredients in TestoGen meet the clinically accepted ratios and are safe. They help the body produce more of its own testosterone. Some of the changes you will experience when using TestoGen are:
Lean and stronger muscles
The natural ingredients in TestoGen are few, effective, and have no artificial additives. The contents are as follows:
Selenium guides the body on how it produces proteins in the sperm. Natural selenium in the body is in small quantities. A combination of vitamin E and selenium helps the body eliminate free radicals. It is effective in fighting other serious diseases.
Vitamins B2, B5, and B6
The composition of these vitamins helps the body convert food into energy. They enhance metabolism that raises testosterone levels. The body in turn gets energy and strength
D-Aspartic Acid
D-Aspartic, an amino acid is present in the brain. It stimulates and regulates the release of hormones to produce testosterone. These hormones are the stimulating and luteinizing in the testes and pituitary glands.
Fenugreek is an ancient plant with medicinal value. It has healing properties such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-diabetic, and antioxidant. Fenugreek also has an active ingredient that boosts testosterone in the body.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is essential in men’s health. The vitamin aids the body in absorbing and retaining phosphorus and calcium. They are the main minerals necessary for building bones. Scientific evidence proves that apart from preventing infections, vitamin D reduces the growth of cancer cells. Most body tissues absorb vitamin D and scientists believe it offers more benefits.
Tribulus Terrestris
Tribulus Terrestris is a plant whose leaves, roots, and fruits have medicinal properties. Some of its uses is to treat the bladder, kidney, urogenital conditions and the urinary infections. It is effective in building muscles mass and strength. Tribulus Terrestris is legal and has the approval of the Anti Doping agencies.
Zinc plays an important role in helping the body raise testosterone levels. It regulates and structures the body’s enzymes, triggering them to produce more testosterone. Zinc enhances the functions of the nerves, reproduction and the immune system.
Panax Ginseng extract
Panax Ginseng extract is a known herb having been around for many years. Generations have credited ginseng for its ability to boost libido. Studies show that ginseng is a stimulant that helps the body manufactures more testosterone. It is an important ingredient in effective testosterone boosters.
Natural ingredients present in TestoGen are safe. However, people with conditions affecting blood sugar levels, prostate or on other medication should take caution.
Testogen producers provide links to evidence that the ingredients in TestoGen booster are effective
TestoGen formula is scientifically proven
Deliveries of TestoGen booster are free worldwide
TestoGen is easily available to buyers
Bulk discount offers are available for potential buyers
WebMD reports indicate that TestoGen has an active ingredient that may cause prostate cancer. It may also worsen benign prostate hypertrophy
TestoGen formula is a mixture of vitamins, minerals and other natural material. The combination offers effective relief to men with low testosterone levels. The ingredients are safe and effective. Scientific research proves that TestoGen is effective for men who want to maintain healthy testosterone levels.
Testofuel Review
Testofuel is a product of Roar Ambition, a company that specializes in the research and production of fitness supplements. The company works together with scientists and nutritional experts. They combine natural ingredients to make an effective formula to enhance performance in men’s bodies. Testofuel observes the Goods Manufacturing Practice acceptable in both the United Kingdom and United States of America.
Their products contain the best selection of ingredients to match each nutrient. The amounts of nutrient composition in Testofuel are clinically acceptable. The ingredients are effective in raising testosterone levels in the body. They offer increased muscle mass and strength for improved performance. Some of the benefits you get when using Testofuel are as follows:
An increase in competitiveness
Decrease in body fat
Increased muscle mass
Raised self-esteem and confidence
Helps to improve mood
The ingredients in Testofuel are all natural. The composition of the main ingredients is as follows:
Oyster Extract
Oyster extracts are among the best foods for raising testosterone levels. The extracts contain high amounts of zinc and amino acids. Zinc prevents the production of excess estrogen in the body. It helps the body lose fat and build muscle mass.
D-Aspartic Acid
The body produces D-Aspartic acid, an amino acid. Natural D-Aspartic acid is available in small amounts in the body. It controls the release of testosterone producing hormones.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D, while in the body, converts to a form that binds proteins present in cells. Thereafter, it regulates the genes responsible for bone health and calcium absorption. Studies from Stanford University confirm that indeed Vitamin D essential in several body functions. Other studies indicate that vitamin D helps in weight management. All these benefits are essential in raising testosterone levels.
Vitamin K2
Studies indicate that Vitamin K is vital in men’s reproductive health. Taking natural vitamin K helps to regulate testosterone levels in the body.
Magnesium helps over 300 body enzymes to function effectively. It relaxes the muscles and nerves in the body. Magnesium plays an important role in the body during physical exercises and performance.
Vitamin B6
The body needs vitamin B6 to enhance metabolism. The vitamin helps in converting food into energy.
Properties present in Fenugreek make it an ideal curry. It contains other ingredients that are effective in the treatment of medical conditions. Fenugreek is effective in the control of diabetes and inflammatory conditions. The plant is also an antioxidant and anti-biotic. It works effectively to boost testosterone and sex drive.
Ginseng is an ancient herb with both medicinal and nutritional properties. It stimulates the body and helps in the manufacture of natural testosterone. It enhances the growth of cells and sex hormones.
The ingredients of Testofuel are from natural plants and material. They have no known side effect. However, some people may be allergic to some of the ingredients. The reaction is not serious and does not raise health concerns.
The ingredients are natural and have no serious side effects
Helps the body to recover quickly after physical performances and workouts
It increases muscle mass in natural ways
Helps the body to produce more of its own testosterone
Results may not be immediate in some users. Changes can appear after weeks of using Testofuel.
Testofuel is a natural supplement that helps the body to produce more of its own testosterone. The nutrients and minerals present in Testofuel nourish different cells and organs of the body. Thereby, the body is able to regain the ability to produce sufficient testosterone. Numerous studies on the ingredients proof that Testofuel delivers what it promises. It is effective and safe for men who want to regain control of their body functions.
Prime Male Review
Propura Inc is the manufacturer of Prime Male, an effective testosterone booster. Being an international company, they rely on scientific research to produce natural supplements. The highly qualified team combines 12 natural ingredients to make Prime Male. The contents consist of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients that enhance the functions of the body.
Prime Male does not contain any artificial material. It is safe to use for boosting testosterone. The manufacturer maintains clinically approved doses of ingredients. Users are sure of getting the full benefits of Prime Male.
Notable benefits men get when they start using Prime Male are as follows:
Controlled blood sugar levels
Increased sex drive
Fat reduction and weight loss
Healthy and tighter skin
Improved mood
Stronger bones
Powerful and lean muscles
Better prostate health
Lower blood pressure
Improved cognitive functions
More energy
Better heart health
Prime Male consists of 12 natural ingredients. They are:
Zinc (Zinc Citrate)
According to studies, body cells depend on zinc. It acts as a structural, catalyst and regulatory in the body’s functions. Zinc is vital for functions such as reproduction, immune system, growth development and neurological functions. Men who take zinc supplement report significant rise in testosterone levels. In men, 73% of those who do not take zinc experience low testosterone levels. The body cannot produce or store zinc, hence the need to take regularly zinc as a supplement.
Vitamin D3
Researchers from Stanford University and the Medical University of Graz state that vitamin D supplements increase testosterone levels. Benefits occur after continuously using the supplements. A deficiency of vitamin D results in a shorter lifespan. Although sunlight provides vitamin D, it is not sufficient for the body. The vitamin D doses present in Prime Male are adequate for the body’s requirements.
Luteolin helps the body to control the production of female hormones in men. It regulates the amounts of estrogen while enhancing manufacture of testosterone.
D-Aspartic Acid,
Calcium Chelate (D-AA-CC) The ingredient is a vital amino acid that sparks the release of luteinizing hormones. After that, the testes produce increased testosterone. Studies indicate that a daily dosage of about 3 grams for 12 days raises testosterone levels by 42%. It helps in restoring male libido.
Korean Red Ginseng 4:1 extract (root)
Ginseng has been around for years. It is useful for boosting energy, anti- aging, and enhancing the immune system. Studies prove that ginseng corrects erectile dysfunctions.
Mucuna Pruriens (Seed) Extract
In men, high levels of prolactin and estrogen reduce testosterone levels. Properties present in Mucuna Pruriens help to regulate prolactin amounts in people. The plant also controls the production of the stress hormone. According to research and studies, the University of Lucknow states that taking 5g of the Mucuna Pruriens ingredient raises testosterone levels by 27.3%.
Vitamin K2 (Menaquinone-7)
Vitamin K is an essential ingredient that helps enzymes in the testes function. It enhances the performance of the natural vitamin K present in the body. Consuming vitamin K raises testosterone in significant levels.
Vitamin B6 (P-5-P)
Vitamin B6 helps to signal the testes to start production of testosterone. Steroids Biochemist​​​​​ry laboratory studies show that a deficiency of vitamin B6 for 30 days leads to a 74.5% decrease in testosterone levels. Vitamin B6 also helps the body to take in magnesium and zinc.
Nettle Root 10:1 Extract
Properties in the Nettle Root help the body to unbind proteins that make testosterone inactive. The body gets more testosterone as a result. Other ingredients present in the root help raise testosterone levels. They can reduce the amount of estrogen in men. Roots have more benefits than the stem, leaves or seeds.
Magnesium (Magnesium Citrate)
Magnesium helps the body use the inactive testosterone. It enhances the performance of numerous enzymes in the body. Nerves and muscles relax as a result giving the body more strength and energy. Researchers in both Selcuk and the University Hospital of Parma agree that intake of magnesium gives the body more testosterone.
Boron (Boron Amino Acid Chelate)
Boron has effects on functions such as cognition, inflammation, vitamin D, bones and blood plasma. Studies show that men who were taking 6 to 10 mg of boron daily increase testosterone levels by 29.5% and 28%.
BioPerine® restores testosterone to normal levels in older men. Studies show that it improves the rate at which the body absorbs nutrients by 20 times.
Proven formula by research and medical scientists
There are known side effects or risks
Money-back guarantee by Prime Male producers
Purely natural ingredients
Clinically accepted doses of ingredients
There is a need to combine Prime Male with a healthy diet and workout to get benefits
Prime Male is effective in boosting testosterone and building of muscles. Its 12-ingredient formula feeds the body with many nutrients. The natural materials enhance different body functions. Prime Male is a safe testosterone booster for men.
​​Prime male vs Testofuel
​​Well let’s be honest from the outset it looks like there is not much of a difference between Testofuel and Prime male supplements, but we need to look a bit deeper at their ingredients and results to make sure you get the best value for money.
​Prime Male Ingredients vs Testofuel Ingredients
​When we physically count the amount of ingredients, then Testofuel has 9 different variants and Prime Male 12. But the sheer number of ingredients don’t tell us much, it’s whats inside them. 
Testofuel have 2 unique ingredients that Prime male doesn’t have and that is Fenugreek and Oyster extract. What does this mean, that where the other ingredients are similar Testofuel may boost t-levels quicker as both these ingredients have a direct influence in better test creation.
Beast Super Test
Beast Super Test is a product of Beast Sports Nutrition a reputable company, specializing in supplements manufacture. Their award winning products are popular with bodybuilders. They contain natural ingredients that boost the body’s levels of strength and health. Research and studies prove that these ingredients are effective in the health of men. Beast Super Test helps the body produce its own natural testosterone. Some of its benefits include:
Improved sex drive
Increase in muscle mass and strength
Healthy kidneys and liver
Increased production of body’s natural testosterone
Beast Super Test is available in both capsule and powder. Some of the ingredients in the Beast Super Test are as follows:
Vitamin B6
The body requires vitamin 6 to absorb zinc and magnesium from food. It is necessary to help the testes manufacture testosterone.
Zinc controls body functions such as the immune system, nerves, growth, and reproduction. In return, the body produces more testosterone. Men who take a diet rich in zinc have higher levels of testosterone than those who do not. A human body does not produce its zinc but relies on intake from supplements and foods.
Sodium assists the body to regulate blood volume and pressure. It also helps in the process of transmitting nerve signals and muscular contraction. The body depends on sodium to balance the fluids.
Puncture Vine Extract (Tribulus Terrestris)
Puncture Vine Extract helps the body to increase testosterone levels. It improves body strength and boosts the growth of muscle cells. The extract also enhances libido and treats erectile dysfunction. It is useful in regulating cholesterol and hypertension as well as treating urinary illnesses. It is as good as natural hormones.
Nitric Oxide Support Complex
Nitric Oxide helps the body’s trillion cells to communicate smoothly by sending signals in the whole body. It aids functions of the body, such as the immune system, regulating blood pressure, and increase the overall body strength and energy.
Japanese Knotweed Root Extract
Japanese Knotweed Root Extract helps the body in different body functions. According to research, the extract reduces cardiovascular diseases, helps in transmitting of cell signals, fights cancer, and controls estrogen.
Milk Thistle Seed Extract
Milk Thistle Seed Extract acts as a detoxifier. It rids the body of toxins and renews the liver cells.
Cranberry Fruit Extract
Cranberry Fruit Extract helps in preventing urinary tract illnesses. It may also reduce the risks of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Cyanotis Root Powder
Cyanotis Root Powder is beneficial to the body in various ways, such as anti-aging, boosting heart health, immune system, improving intake of oxygen, detoxifying, increasing libido among others.
Nettle Root Powder
Nettle Root Powder helps in preventing and treating conditions such as joint pain, eczema, urinary problems, bone weakening, benign prostatic hyperplasia, hay fever, and bleeding.
Pygeum Africanum Bark Extract
The Extract helps to improve libido, treat urinary diseases and improve the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia. It is useful for the treatment of enlarged prostate.
Pumpkin Seed Extract
Pumpkin Seed Extract contains high amounts of zinc. It helps in the management of benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate) and the overall prostate health.
Citric Acid
It reduces acid and removes excess calcium from the body, by binding it.
Calcium Silicate
Calcium Silicate prevents the effects of insomnia, arteriosclerosis, tuberculosis and strengthens bones and connective tissues.
Boosts body performance and strength
Improves general body health
Enjoys positive reviews from previous users
Price is high
Apart from boosting testosterone levels, Beast Super Test improves men’s health in different areas. It consists of natural ingredients complete with minerals, vitamins, and nutrients. Beast Super Test is an ideal supplement for those who want better overall body health.
Nutrex Vitrix Test Booster
The manufacturer of Vitrix Test Booster, Nutrex Research, produces high- quality supplements. Since 2002, the company has relied on science and research to select effective ingredients for their products. Nutrex Vitrix Test Booster contains ingredients that improve libido and energy. They also enhance the body’s ability to raise testosterone levels. Nutrex Research produces Nutrex Vitrix Test Booster in liquid form. The body absorbs the supplement and achieves results fast.
Some of the effects of Nutrex Vitrix Test Booster include:
Increase blood flow
Improved libido and vitality
Better sexual performance
Healthy testosterone levels
Better general body health
The main ingredients of Nutrex Vitrix Test Booster are:
Liquid German Tribulus Terrestris
Tribulus Terrestris helps the body in weight management, lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, improves libido, treats erectile dysfunction, and improves fertility.
NTS-5 liquid propriety Phyto-nutrient,
(a blend of Vitex Custis, Oats, Epimedium and Eurycoma Longfolia Jack)
· Improves body’s performance
· No side effects
· Body Absorbs the supplement fast
· Increases vitality and intensity
· Price high for some users
Nutrex Vitrix Test Booster gives the body quicker and valuable benefits. The body absorbs the supplement and increases testosterone levels quickly. It takes a short time for the user to experience the benefits, such as better libido, increase in strength and energy.
MHP T-Bomb 3xtreme
MHP T-Bomb 3extreme is a product of MHP Performance Nutrition Innovators.
The company is a leader in sports nutrition breakthroughs and innovations. Their team of experts uses clinically and scientifically tested ingredients in all supplements.
The supplements are a favorite with professional sports people in various categories. MHP T-Bomb 3extreme promises to help the body use more of the free testosterone by 32%. Some of the changes you experience after using this supplement include:
Increase in testosterone levels
More muscle strength
Improved general body performance
The main ingredients, making the MHP T-Bomb are as follows:
The body depends on magnesium to access the free testosterone. The mineral helps to relax muscles and nerves. During a workout, the body gets more strength and energy, as a result.
Zinc helps the body to regulate functions such as growth, immune system, reproduction, and the nerves. The body benefits in higher levels of testosterone. It is important to take zinc supplements since the body does not produce any.
Copper is essential for development and growth of blood vessels and joints, skin and bones, generating connective tissue protein, nerve health, boosting energy, healing process among others.
Other ingredients are: Five Phase Hormone Optimizing Blend (a blend of various natural ingredients) and Receptor Signal Transduction Blend (a blend of selected acids and minerals)
· There is proof that some ingredients are effective
· Helps the body to release and use more free testosterone
· Improves the entire body functions and performances
· Some ingredients have no credible backing
MHP T-Bomb 3xtreme ensures that the body uses more of the free testosterone available in the body. It improves most body functions, resulting in better performance of the whole body.
Isa Test GF
iSatori company manufactures Isa Test GF, a testosterone booster.
The company has been in business since 2001. The company relies on clinical and research to formulate unique formulas for supplements.
The supplement helps the body to use free testosterone. As a result, users of Isa Test GF report an improvement in body strength and fitness.
The supplements offer benefits that include:
Reducing estrogen
Increase in testosterone levels
​More energy in the body
​Improved muscle mass and strength
Lean muscle
less Body Fat
The Isa Test GF formula contains ingredients such as:
IsaFlow Proprietary Blend (a mixture of Hesperidin and Butcher’s Broom)
A combination of Butcher’s Broom, Hesperidin and Vitamin C helps the capillaries and the blood vessels to contract and tighten. It also treats leg conditions.
It controls blood sugar levels, blood pressure, enhance protein synthesis, and strengthen the bones. Magnesium is essential in keeping steady heart rhythm, boost nerve and muscle functions.
Vitamin B6
It is among the B-Complex vitamins that help the body convert food into energy. It is also essential for the health of the eyes, skin, hair, and liver.
It aids in body functions such as blood clotting, wound healing, immune system, growth and general body health, among others.
Other ingredients are: Somatrim Proprietary Blend (a blend of Nettle, Melatonin and Mucuna Pruriens) and Test Proprietary Blend (a mixture of Fenugreek, Grape seed extracts, Epimedium, Tribulus Terrestris, Tongkat Ali and P-450)
· An effective testosterone booster
· Blocks estrogen
· Enhances growth of hormones
· 60 days satisfaction guarantee
· Clinical evidence that it is effective
· Uses proprietary blend with an unknown amount of doses
· Price on the higher side for some users
IsaFlow GF contains ingredients that block estrogen. It increases testosterone levels, thereby enhancing the growth of hormones. It helps men to regain control of their normal body functions.
ProSupps Halotropin
ProsSupps Company produces and manufactures the Prosupps Halotropin supplement.
Their qualified team performs thorough research on natural ingredients, to come up with an effective formula. The company uses natural ingredients that are safe and free of side effects.
ProSupps Halotropin helps the body to unbind free testosterone, as well as control estrogen.
The benefits of using ProSupp Halotropin include:
Increased libido
More body strength and energy
​Improved muscle mass
Better general body health
The main ingredients, among others, in ProSupps Halotropin include:
Oat (Avena Sativa) Extract
The Avena Sativa Extract supports men’s health by improving sex drive and preventing enlargement of the prostate gland.
Schisandra Berry Extract
The Extract aids the body to adapt to stress conditions. It also detoxifies, stimulate the nervous system, raise energy, and balance body fluids. The Berry is useful in renewing the liver cells; improve heart health and men’s reproductive health.
Polygonum Cuspidatum Root Extract
The Root Extract may lower cholesterol levels, prevent clots; protect the circulatory system, and the heart, among other functions. However, studies on the Polygonum Cuspidatum Root Extract are not conclusive.
Dodder Seed
Dodder Seed, a offers relief to many conditions including treating impotence, liver, kidney and lack of sleep.
Bulbine Natalensis Stem Extract
The extract helps to increase testosterone levels and boost energy in the body.
Diindolylmethane aids the body to balance hormones. As a result, it reduces the risk of developing prostate and other cancers.
Maca Root
Maca Root helps to boost energy, libido, fertility, memory, and balance hormones. It is an adaptogen (substances that help the body to adapt to stress).
The other ingredients are the Tribulus Terrestris Seed Extract, Zinc, Halotropin, Copper, Selenium and Magnesium. Others are Eleuthero Root, Nettle Leaf Extract, Tongkat Ali and Rhodiola Rosea Root Extract. Their rich nutrients help to improve the performance of different organs of the body.
· Natural ingredients with scientific and clinical proof
· Award winning supplement in both effectiveness and quality
· No side effects so far reported by users
· The supplement contains high amounts of artificial coloring
· Quantities of ingredients lower than clinical requirement
ProSupps Halotropin is a high quality and effective supplement. It consists of many natural ingredients that offer various health benefits. With the correct amounts of ingredients, ProSupps Halotropin is free of any health risks.
Testojack is a product of the Now Foods, an industry leader in natural supplements.
The company, having been in business since 1968, the company has a wealth of experience. They produce their products to give service and value to users.
They use well-sourced and researched products to make effective supplements. Testojack helps men achieve and maintain the natural functions of the body.
Among the benefits that the product offers are:
Improved energy levels
Better sexual performance
Increase in sex drive
Better mood
Better mental health
Less fat
Lean Muscle
Testojack contains the following main ingredients:
American Ginseng
The American Ginseng stimulates the body to produce natural testosterone. It boosts the sex and growth hormones.
Panax Ginseng
Panax Ginseng aids the body to produce more testosterone. It is effective in increasing libido.
Tribulus Terrestris
The Extracts from Tribulus Terrestris help in the treatment of urinary illnesses, kidney, bladder, and urogenital complications. It raises testosterone, resulting in more strength and muscle mass.
Muira Puama
Muira Puama is necessary for the body as a remedy for menstrual disorders, improves appetite, treats stomach upset, paralysis because of poliomyelitis, joint pain, and a body tonic.
Maca Root
It helps the body to restore health, balance hormones and increase energy levels. It contains high amounts of calcium.
Tongkat Ali
Tongkat Ali helps in many body functions such as bone health, improved libido, erectile dysfunction, weight management, boosting mood, and others.
Epimedium Extract
It is vital in for raising nitric oxide and inhibiting enzyme PDE-5 in the body. It also increases libido and improves sexual performance. The extract increases testosterone levels and treats erectile dysfunction.
· All ingredients are natural
· Affordable price
· Ingredients have scientific and clinical proof of effectiveness
· No money back guarantee
· Results evident only after long time use of the product
· The manufacturer does not sell the supplement on the official website
Testojack supplement consists of purely natural ingredients. The combination works together to boost the functions to the body. Testojack increases testosterone levels efficiently and has no side effect.
Muscletech Test HD Hardcore Testosterone Booster
Muscletech, Development and Research Company, develops and manufactures the Muscletech Test HD Hardcore Booster.
The company is popular for producing high- quality health products and devices.
The ingredients making Test HD Hardcore booster contain Boron mineral. It is essential to the general growth and health of the body. The natural ingredients are effective and have proof of performance.
Users get many benefits from the supplement, among them being:
Increase in testosterone levels
Better blood circulation
Increased strength and energy
Improved bone health
Better mental performance
Improved muscle coordination
Muscletech Test HD Hardcore consists of the following main ingredients:
Boron Citrate
Boron Citrate is useful in the treatment of arthritis, and inflammatory conditions. It helps in bone health and increases testosterone. It improves energy levels and a variety of other benefits.
Velvet Bean Extract (Mucuna Pruriens)
It offers many benefits including reducing the effects of the Parkinson’s disease, treating erectile dysfunction and fertility problems. The Extract also increases muscle mass and lowers blood sugar levels.
Broccoli Powder
Broccoli has multiple benefits some of which are improving heart health and blood pressure. It has anti-aging components, improves kidney health, aids in the treatment of cancer and arthritis.
Shilajit Extract
Among the benefits of Shilajit Extract are it raises testosterone levels and enhances fertility. The extract gives the body more energy and improves the performance of the sex and the brain.
Stinging Nettle
Though studies are incomplete, Stinging Nettle may prevent water retention in the body and control sugar levels in the blood. It may also treat urinary tract infections and kidney diseases, among other benefits.
Other ingredients are calcium, zinc, Tribulus Terrestris Extract, and Testosterone Boosting Matrix.
· Natural ingredients with no side effects
· Ingredients with clinical and scientific backing
· Useful in increasing testosterone levels
· Affordable
· Reduces SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin)
· Results may take a week to appear
Muscletech Test HD Hardcore supplement reduces the effects of an aging body. It enhances bone and mental health as well as raising testosterone levels. The natural ingredients offer a lot more health benefits in men’s bodies.
Action Plan with Product of Choice
The general recommendation is that testosterone boosters are suitable for people from 25 years of age. At this age, testosterone levels begin to drop annually. Testosterone boosters are of benefit to seniors experiencing low testosterone levels. Each product has different ingredients and effects. Users get maximum benefits by following manufacturer’s instructions when taking the boosters. Some people exceed the standard dose, depending on their goals. However, taking an overdose of testosterone boosters may be harmful to the body.
Testosterone Cycle
Testosterone cycle is the period that a person is under continuous use of anabolic androgenic steroids. A full cycle goes from four to fifteen weeks, but it depends on what the user aims to achieve. It also depends on the type of anabolic and the user experience. Some users may use many steroids at the same time. It is stacking.
Choosing a Cycle
There are six different testosterone forms for users to choose when planning a testosterone cycle. These forms consist of chemical compounds that define them. They are the beyond ester and ester(s) attached. Testosterone cycles can successfully use any of the six forms. The different forms are:
Testosterone Propionate – It is a small single ester testosterone compound. It is part of the propionate ester. It works well in any of the testosterone cycles.
Testosterone Enanthate – Attached to the large Enanthate. It is a large single ester testosterone. It is suitable for any user in all the testosterone cycles.
Omnadren – Consists of four separate esters. It gives both large and small esters and is appropriate for all users, no matter the experience. It is ideal in all testosterone cycles.
Testosterone Cypionate – Attaches to the large Cypionate. It is present as a large single ester testosterone compound. Any user of any experience can use it at any testosterone cycle.
Sustanon-250 – This one is a combination of four separate esters. It attaches to some esters and is ideal for any testosterone cycle. It serves users with all levels of experience.
Here are some more studies to show the effectiveness of testboosters in cycles to bulk up:
Testosterone and cortisol in relationship to dietary nutrients and resistance exercise
​Diet and sex hormone-binding globulin
Diet-hormone interactions: protein/carbohydrate ratio alters reciprocally the plasma levels of testosterone and cortisol and their respective binding globulins in man.
Testosterone cycles are in five different categories. These are:
1. The Newbie Testosterone Cycle
The newbie testosterone cycle is for people using anabolic steroid for the first time. During this period, users start taking one steroid. The user observes the reaction of the steroid in the body. Beginners start with simple steroids and small doses of between 400mg to 500mg each week. The dose, however, may vary depending on the type of steroid. Duration of 12 to 16 weeks is the standard time for beginners, irrespective of the user’s goal.
2. Intermediate Testosterone Cycle
Users, who do not encounter problems during the newbie testosterone cycle, graduate to the intermediate level. In the mid- testosterone cycle, users get higher doses of the anabolic steroid. The doses range between 750mg and 1,000mg each week. Some people may choose to reduce the dose and add a different anabolic steroid. Mixing anabolic steroids is stacking. The combined total weekly dose while stacking goes higher. It is cutting and bulking steroids, meaning building and reducing fat and muscles.
3. Advanced Testosterone Cycle Bulking
The advances testosterone cycle for bulking is suitable for users with experience in steroids. Those people work out daily. The doses for such people are between 1,000mg and 2,000mg per week. Body builders use higher weekly doses of 1750mg. Testosterone cycle for these users is between 16 to 24 weeks. They may take time off steroids before resuming the cycle.
4. Advanced Testosterone Cycle Cutting
The advanced testosterone cycle cutting is for the body builders. The doses for cutting and bulking remain the same. The user takes steroids daily to maintain testosterone levels at a maximum. They drop doses when a bodybuilding contest approaches.
5. End of Testosterone Cycle
At the end of a testosterone cycle, users stop taking anabolic steroids. The period that follows is the Post Cycle Therapy plan (PCT). The method helps in stimulating the production of natural testosterone in the body again. Testosterone production in the body stops during the cycle. The beginning of Post Cycle Therapy Plan depends on the type of steroid the user takes.
Testosterone boosters are safe and effcient. They do not contain harmful synthetic materials. The ingredients are rich in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Scientists, through studies and research, agree that these ingredients are effective. The boosters help the body to produce sufficient natural testosterone. There are many types of testosterone boosters in the market. The guide above outlines the advantages and disadvantages of some of the best products. Your choice of product depends on your goals and needs.
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jeremycgiroux · 6 years
Testogen Review : 100% Honest Product Feedback
Ever woke up in the morning and wondered why you actually did?!
You don’t feel very good and constantly seem depressed, tired and trapped inside a flabby body.
It shouldn’t surprise you that your life has turned quite dull and you’ve got no clue how to turn things around!
Do you know that testosterone deficiency could be the culprit here?!
A large majority of people develop this false belief that their constant decline in libido, irritability, loss of muscle mass and tiredness, are all signs of the natural ageing process. However, specifically in case of men, the reason behind all these is the decline in testosterone levels.
Testosterone is the male hormone whose production starts slowing down once the individual crosses the 30 years’ mark. The natural result of it is loss of sexual desire, sexual performance, excess body weight, constant tiredness and irritability.
However, there is no need to worry as you can always improve the testosterone production in your body and bring it back to normal IN A SAFE WAY.
Enter Testogen!
Testogen is a completely safe and natural health supplement which heightens the male body’s own natural resources for improving the production and utilization of testosterone in the body. On the whole, the person feels and appears better than normal. There are four key things that it does pretty well:
Improves libido and the natural flow of blood to the penile shaft.
Improves stamina and strength by improving the muscle mass.
Sharpens the focus on the individual, whether he is at work or play.
Gets rid of excessive body fat, loss of concentration, irritability and tiredness.
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You can’t really fathom the efficacy of a supplement without thoroughly investigating its ingredients!
Let’s do that now!
We carried out a quick scan of Testogen ingredients and knew instantly that this product was going to give all its competitors a run for their money, and probably even unseat the best ones from the marketplace. Here’s what all is contained in Testogen:
D-Aspartic Acid
D-Aspartic acid is an amino acid regulator. It is considered the primary ingredient of the Testogen, and for all the right reasons – because it delivers! Whenever a man consumes D-Aspartic acid, the regulator stimulates production of something known as luteinizing hormone in the person’s body.
It is this hormone which in turn improves the production of free testosterones in the body. Free testosterones are testosterones which aren’t attached to proteins in the body and hence are floating in the bloodstream.
Several studies and tests conducted on humans have proved that D-aspartic acid is by far one of the most potent compounds for boosting the production of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the human body, and directly impacts the improvement of testosterone levels.
Furthermore, research has also revealed that introduction of D-aspartic acid into human body may also possibly improve the testosterone and luteinizing hormone levels by 45.5% and 46% respectively, in as less as 13 days’ time!
This particular Testogen ingredient plays a very vital role in a man’s body as it increases strength, stamina, libido and energy levels, which in turn are all directly related to the way in which Testogen increases free testosterones in the body.
Tribulus terrestris
Also popularly referred to as Devil’s claw, this is a plant/herb which contains steroidal saponin and whose roots, leaves and fruit have been in use for many centuries in production of a large variety of medicines all over the world. It’s actually a herb which is obtained from some of the most driest and hottest places on the planet.
When it comes to men, tribulus terrestris is primarily used for boosting their libido, and hence is actively used in a large majority of natural testosterone booster supplements throughout the world. It is also actively used in the form of a supplement for addressing circulatory and heart -related issues, including problems like high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
However, the primary benefit of it is in the manner in which it significantly enhances libido of the consumers. People who’ve carried out extensive research on tribulus terrestris all agree upon and accept one particular fact, based on thorough medical studies, that it does boost libido.
The only thing that not everyone comes to a consensus on is the extent to which it can boost the free testosterone levels in the user’s body. You may find studies on the Internet which claim that tribulus terrestris has almost negligible impact on testosterone levels, and then there are others that have actively shown its consumption improving testosterone levels by anywhere from 16% to 57%.
If you were to ask us what our take on its contribution to the free testosterone levels in the body is, our opinion is that its contribution is neither 0%, nor 57%, but somewhere in between. Even if it is around the 15% mark, you should lap it up! Nevertheless, more research needs to be carried out in this regard.
Another important fact you must keep in mind that there are certain testosterone boosters available in the marketplace that feature tribulus terrestris as their primary and only ingredient. When it comes to Testogen, it has a phenomenal 300 mg of this ingredient and that considering it isn’t even the main ingredient!
As mentioned earlier, all the medical studies carried out on tribulus terrestris do agree that it does have a positive impact on improving men’s libido. So, you can put it into your body and rest assured that it’s definitely going to benefit you. You may also experience additional benefits as bonus, if you’re suffering from high cholesterol, blood pressure and circulatory issues.
Panax ginseng extract
This is a plant whose root has been in use for more than 2000 years in a wide variety of cosmetic and medicinal products. When it comes to Testogen, Panax ginseng extract is primarily used for boosting physical stamina, energy, mental acuity, endurance and for raising the nitric oxide levels in the user’s body.
The consumption of nitric oxide reduces the recovery time after a person has done extensive work out, and helps in reduction of fatigue while doing high rep exercises. It also boosts the glucose breakdown in the body and improves the energy availability.
An amazing natural herb, fenugreek has been proven to improve the male libido, enhance strength, improve vitality and stamina and normalize the testosterone levels in the male body. Not only does it help in improving the sexual arousal in men, it also contributes significantly to the power of orgasms.
A major reason why fenugreek has been included in Testogen, which is primarily a testosterone booster supplement, is the way in which it impacts Testogen. Studies have revealed that fenugreek is instrumental in producing an anti-estrogenic effect in male users, and we’re all aware that estrogen is the number one testosterone-killer in men, particularly when they close in on mid-30s, late-30s and beyond.
As a man ages, the estrogen levels in his body start increasing with the constant decline in his testosterone levels. This wreaks havoc to the hormonal balance in his body, leading to all sorts of symptoms associated with low testosterone levels such as loss of energy, increase in body fat, poor cardiovascular health, loss of libido, loss of strength and more changes.
Fenugreek also improves the insulin release in the body, which in turn helps in muscle development. It also has excellent antioxidant properties which make sure that the body is protected from all harmful free radicals, allowing it to work efficiently.
Zinc gluconate
Zinc is a super effective testosterone booster and is widely recognized as a potent aphrodisiac. It’s also present majorly in oysters. Regular consumption of zinc helps in keeping a healthy sperm count and assists in a large number of body functions.
It’s important to keep one’s zinc levels topped up as you can lose it constantly through sweat. So, if you’re someone who works out regularly, it’s important that you use some sort of zinc supplement to avoid its deficiency.
Zinc also prevents active functioning of aromatase enzyme which is responsible for testosterone conversion into estrogen. So, in effect, consumption of zinc helps significantly in testosterone preservation in the body.
Zinc also plays a key role in muscle growth promotion and maintenance of optimum health. It encourages dopamine production in the body, which is critical for anyone who indulges in heavy workouts. Furthermore, if all that isn’t enough, zinc also keeps the brain sharp and focused!
Vitamin D
It’s a group of vitamins which is referred to as secosteroids, and talking about Testogen, the supplement consists of cholecalciferol or vitamin D3 in it, which can significantly lift the free testosterone levels in the body.
Apart from that cholecalciferol slows down the rate at which testosterone gets converted into estrogen in the body. On the whole, it delivers a win-win situation for the user.
Vitamin B6, B5 and B2
These are B vitamins that constitute an amino acid group which works in tandem to enhance the testosterone levels in the body by improving the testosterone synthesis, apart from providing the user with several other important health benefits.
Consumption of vitamin B complex on a regular basis has proven to have an anti-estrogenic effect in men, implying that their active consumption decreases the estrogen levels in the body.
Not just that, vitamin B also plays a key role in improving energy production in the body, through the process of carbohydrate conversion.
This is a natural trace mineral which is extracted from the soil and is made an integral part of Testogen. Its inclusion in the supplement is in the form of sodium selenite. This mineral contributes to several important body processes and ensures that they are all carried out properly.
It helps in increasing the effectiveness of antioxidants, which is critical for optimum health as it eliminates harmful toxins from the body. Selenium can be instrumental in lowering of blood pressure as well, which is very useful for anyone who’s been suffering from high blood pressure.
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Are there any scientific studies to back Testogen’s claims?
Yes, there are plenty of scientific studies that prove the efficacy of Testogen. 
You can go through all these studies at this page of the manufacturer’s website https://testogen.com/en/scientific-studies/
Who manufactures Testogen?
Testogen is supplied and manufactured by a reputed company known as Wolfson Berg Limited. It’s a highly trusted name in the supplement industry and has been in operation for over 10 years now. The company is headquartered in Cyprus and doesn’t hide behind a PO. Rather, it has the following exact street address which can be verified by anyone:
How do I figure out if my testosterone levels are depleting?
The best way to figure if you’re testosterone levels are depleting is by taking this quick quiz. It’ll give you an exact idea about your current testosterone levels and the kind of Testogen dosage you require. You can also undergo a blood test and ascertain your exact testosterone level. Whatever you do, ensure that you monitor your body’s testosterone content on a regular basis.
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Who is Testogen ideally for?
​Testogen is the ideal product for every adult man who wishes to improve the testosterone levels in his body. 
As explained earlier, it comprises of all natural testosterone boosters, and no harmful steroids at all.
It has gained huge popularity among athletes, bodybuilders and men engaged in physical activities that require a lot of stamina and strength.
  ​It may also prove beneficial for men suffering from loss of libido and bedroom-related problems.
How much time does it take for it to deliver results?
The quickness of results may vary from person to person depending on the symptoms and seriousness of condition. However, you can expect improvement in your vitality, focus and mood in around a week’s time. If you’re consuming Testogen primarily for bodybuilding purposes, you may see some difference in your performance in anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks, provided that you continue sincerely with your training regime.
How exactly will Testogen help?
Regular consumption of Testogen will provide a marked improvement in your mind and body abilities, making you feel and look better than before. The eight active ingredients (detailed above) of Testogen work hand-in-hand to improve the testosterone level in the user’s body, increasing stamina and strength by development of the muscle mass. The user is able to train for longer, faster and harder. All excess body fat is eliminated and the person experiences a significant increase in libido. Some other benefits include lowering of stress levels, lowering of blood pressure and cholesterol, improved motivation and focus.
Is it safe to consume testosterone supplements?
Provided that you consume it exactly as directed, Testogen is completely safe to use. It comprises of all natural testosterone boosters that are directly obtained from various natural minerals and herbs. In fact, many of its ingredients have been in use in the traditional Asian medicine for several centuries now. However, that’s about Testogen; we can’t say that for every testosterone supplement available in the marketplace.
Is there any banned substance in Testogen?
Testogen comprises of only natural and pure ingredients. However, please keep in mind that substance -related laws may vary from country to country. If you’re a sportsman and/or are engageg in some physical competitive activity, you must check with the relevant sports authorities in your state/country.
Do I need to make any dietary changes when consuming Testogen?
No, you’re not required to make any dietary changes. As testosterone levels rise inside your body, you’ll see proteins getting utilized more efficiently, helping you build more muscle mass.
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How long does one Testogen bottle last?
One standard bottle of Testogen consists of 120 pills. Provided that you consume no more than 4 pills per day, one bottle would last you for 30 days.
Are there any side effects?
As Testogen consists of only natural and pure ingredients, the likelihood of suffering from any harmful side effects is minimum. However, as with any natural testosterone booster, there is a small chance of experiencing certain minor side effects. The most commonly seen side effect is oily skin or some sort of allergic reaction.
Are Testogen’s ingredients certified?
As also mentioned earlier, Testogen consists of all natural ingredients. Each one of these ingredients is 100% FDA approved and is safe for human consumption.
What if I’m not happy with it?
Although the likelihood of this is quite less, if you totally believe that the powerful natural ingredients contained in Testogen are not delivering the expected vitality, libido, stamina and strength for you, you can avail the manufacturer’s 60 days money back guarantee and return the product for a refund.
Where all can the product be delivered to?
You can buy and receive Testogen regardless of where you stay in the world, as long as you provide a valid address at the time of ordering. There is no shipping fee and all orders are shipped in the fastest manner possible. You receive a highly discrete delivery at your doorstep.
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Do I get any after sales customer support?
Customer support is high on the priority list of Testogen manufacturer. Not only do you get a comprehensive 60 days money back guarantee, the manufacturer makes it extremely easy for you to contact their customer service department for any after-sales questions or concerns.
You can use the email contact form present on the company website or reach them directly through toll-free call numbers (available during regular business hours for Australian, UK and US customers). Furthermore, you can also check out the company’s Facebook page and post your questions and/or comments there.
How much does Testogen cost?
You can obtain a one month supply (one bottle) of Testogen (120 capsules) at a discounted price of $ 54.9. However, you save an extra 20% if you subscribe to a monthly delivery, bringing down the per bottle cost to only $ 43.95!
Two bottles of Testogen can be purchased at $ 119.95, and you get the third bottle absolutely free!
Three bottles cost $ 179.95, providing you with two more bottles completely free and a free e-book too.
You can learn more about the Testogen prices by visiting the Testogen’s order page https://testogen.com/us/order-now/
On the whole, Testogen has plenty of advantages, and has a solid potential of improving the quality of your day-to-day life. You’ll be able to enjoy longer workout sessions without feeling exhausted. Furthermore, building well-toned muscles will become easier and your blood pressure will also come under control. In addition, it’s going to improve your overall mood and relieve any feelings of frustration and/or tiredness. If that wasn’t enough, you’re going to enjoy a much better sex drive and mental efficiency too!
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jeremycgiroux · 6 years
DHEA Supplements Reviews from real users
If you desire to look young, have the perfect body composition and feel better, you probably would love to hold on to all the Dhea in your body as you can. Unfortunately, this is not possible because as you grow older, dhea loss accelerates. Studies indicate that by the time you clock 75, you can only produce 10-20% of the ​levels you produced in your youth.
​DHEA amount
It explains why as people grow older, they tend to gain more weight, become sluggish and experience low libido. Apart from fighting fat accumulation and building lean muscles to make you look young and feel good, DHEA promotes heart health, improves your bone density, fights fatigue, controls cholesterol levels and improves production of sex hormones.
So what is ​dehydroepiandrosterone?
D​HEA also known as dehydroepiandrosterone,3b-Hydroxy-Androst-5-Ene-17-One, Prasterone, GL701 is a hormone that is naturally abundant in our body. Hormone influence the functioning of cells and tissues in our bodies. It is produced by the adrenal gland and the brain. Men also secrete it in their testes. This hormone plays a role in more than 150 metabolic functions.
Once it has been produced, the body converts it to androgens and estrogen which are male and female sex hormones. Production of ​Prasterone increases until late 20’s then starts to decline and once you reach your 30’s, its loss becomes significant. Women tend to lose ​GL701 more than men.
Other factors that could accelerate the loss of dhea are:
​Medications such as corticosteroids.
​Birth control pills taken orally.
​Immune disorders.
​Heart disease.
​Alzheimer’s disease.
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D​HEA tests
Since ​3b-Hydroxy-Androst-5-Ene-17-One levels are likely to decrease as you grow older, it is important to know its levels in your body before you begin taking its dietary supplements. According to some independent studies, people with healthy levels of ​Androstenolone are likely to live healthier lives and are more proactive.  Adults with higher ​ levels are more aggressive and active. It, therefore, means that for your body to maintain its natural levels even when production begins to decline, you should take DHEA supplements to help boost its circulation in the blood.
Before introducing supplements in your diet, it is vital to carry out salivary cortisol test to ascertain if you need them. If the levels are low and you see the need for the supplements, you should then take them for several months.
To check if there is an improvement in your levels, you will take a saliva test to check if the level is back to the normal range. DHEA Supplements will gradually be withdrawn once the levels are back to normal and another test will be conducted in a weeks time after stopping the medication just to check if the body has regained its ability to produce ​Prasterone naturally.
D​HEA supplements
If your DHEA levels are below the normal range, it is necessary to consume it as a supplement. These supplements help increase the level of this hormone in your body and protect you from the risk of heart diseases, fractures caused by fragile bones and depression. The effects of increased ​Androstenolone levels are quite significant, and some of the top benefits of​ dietary supplements are:
1. Improved bone density
Since ​Androstenolone helps in building lean muscles, decreased levels of this hormone lower your bone density. It makes you prone to fractures because your bones will become more fragile. Research has been conducted on whether supplementation helps in improving bone density.
Results from these studies indicated that there were positive results in older women who took 3BetaHydroxy-Androst-5-Ene-17-One​ supplements for 1-2 years. Other studies, however, did not show any improvements in bone density after six months of the controlled study. It is, therefore, necessary to take these supplements for more prolonged periods for better results.
2. Improves libido and corrects erectile dysfunctions
Lower ​GL701 levels can cause erectile dysfunctions and loss of interest in sex. Studies indicate that daily consumptions of ​these supplements help enhance sexual desire in both men and women. It also helps decrease menopausal effects like virginal dryness and hot flushes in women.
Men with low teasterone levels are likely to experience aches, pain, weight gain and loss of functioning. Research shows that taking 25mg helps alleviate these symptoms. Other studies also show that taking ​déhydroépiandrostérone for six months also improves loss functionality caused by nerve damage or diabetes.
3. Helps in weight loss
Dhea is responsible for building lean muscles. This is why it is common among bodybuilders and athletes. These supplements have however been banned by sports associations. Dhea is responsible for helping your body burn fat and utilize energy naturally.  Hormones play an important role in fat metabolism, but dhea enhances the body’s ability to burn fats and reduces insulin levels.
4. Prevents heart diseases and reduces the risk of diabetes
Increased DHEA levels lower your risk of developing clogged arteries, heart disease, high cholesterol levels, insulin resistance in adults and blood clots. Researchers are not sure how it does that, but studies indicate that it reduces the risk of developing heart diseases by supporting a healthy metabolism, lowering inflammations, improving the use of glucose and improving the production of sex hormones.
5. Help treat depression and protects against mood swings
Researchers are not sure if high DHEA levels can help in treating depression. Studies have revealed that in some cases women with high DHEA levels suffer from depression while there are some women with lower levels of this hormone and still experienced depression. Dhea supplements can help lower depression and improve your moods and cognitive function.
Its common to experience mood swings and be irritable when you have problems with your sexuality, are infertile or are battling weight issues. These are conditions that can make you sad, stressed and even be depressed. Taking DHEA supplements can help relieve you from these symptoms.
6. Improves fertility in women
Lower DHEA levels affect a woman’s ovaries. Studies indicate that women who took DHEA supplements experienced an improved functionality in their ovaries. There were significant success rates in IVF. Results showed that 67% of women had increased egg production and these eggs were fertilized after treatment compared to 39% success rate before treatment.
There was also 23% live birth rate versus 4% after taking the supplements. Dhea dietary supplementation also helps in the production of sex hormones that help in improving women sexuality and libido.
Your main reason for taking DHEA supplements should be to increase the levels of this hormone in your body or improve your body’s natural ability to produce it. you should not take it for the simple reasons of wanting to have more dhea in your blood. Abusing these supplements could cause irreversible consequences.
Some of the adverse effects of taking DHEA supplements inappropriately are:
​Sexual inappropriateness.
​Low or high blood sugar.
​Hair loss.
​Abdominal pain.
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Dosage and administration
Dhea supplements are available in different forms. The real and best supplements are available in liquid form. This should be taken under the tongue. To achieve better results, you should take 5 to 7 milligrams twice per day. You are supposed to hold the drops under your tongue for sometimes before swallowing. You should also withhold brushing, drinking, eating for around 30 to 50 minutes after taking the supplements.
Administering DHEA supplements sublingually is the best and preferred option especially in persons with autoimmune diseases. Studies also indicate that the use of capsule administration is also effective. Taking DHEA in two daily doses increases the conversion of DHEA to testosterone and estrogen. Ensure that you take these supplements at the beginning of a meal. For better absorption, ensure that the meal is fatty.
A higher dosage of 25 milligrams of DHEA supplements twice a day, will help restore the normal DHEA levels. When dhea particles are reduced to smaller particles, they are 3-4 times better absorbed than non-micronized dhea. Taking 50mg of DHEA daily for 12 months can help restore aging skin. For patients suffering depression, 30-450 mg of DHEA for 6 weeks was found to be effective. You can take these supplements alone or combine them with an antidepressant for better results. Applying 1% of dhea cream on your face and hands daily for 4 months is also useful in preventing the effects of aging on your skin. You can also safely insert it in your vaginal to help reduce dryness and strengthen the walls of the vagina.
Types of DHEA supplements and their reviews
​Hoodia Gordonii
Hoodia Gordonii
Editor’s Choice (Best Results)
Proven Safe:
Proven Effective:
Most Effective
Overall Rating
​That definitely helps to slow weight gain
​Intense workouts that make your heart race.
Click for Best Price
2nd Choice (Best Deal)
Proven Safe:
Proven Effective:
Overall Rating:
​Help burn fats in a human body
Actually help you lose weight
Click for Best Price
​Natrol dhea
Editor’s Choice (Best Results)
Proven Safe:
Proven Effective:
Most Effective
Overall Rating
Boosts energy
Your skin and helps in improving hormonal imbalance
Click for Best Price
The mammoth challenge of weight loss is real.
If you have not managed to crank up a clean bulk, or you feel you’ve gained a little bit more weight than you’d bargained for, which are the best supplements to get shredded?
We have hand-picked a couple of effective ones for precise purposes.
The Best Supplements to Get Cut
Unique Hoodia
The thing to understand about this supplement is the fact that it is an appetite suppressant. Unique Hoodia is just one of several Hoodia weight monitoring supplements deriving from the Hoodia Gordonii active ingredient of the cactus tree bark.
South African scientists made the discovery that Hoodia Gordonii contains a specific active ingredient, P75. P75 triggers a human mid-brain to feel full. That aspect of instigating satiety is why Unique Hoodia is such a popular weight management supplement.
It is also a natural alternative to diet suppression supplements. That means you are likely to not suffer side effects (or much fewer if any) after taking it. And what a healthy means to drag down that crazing, indeed.
But is it effective for use by bodybuilders in the cutting phase?
European scientists tested the supp to find out if it contains any weight loss benefits, as some advertisers would claim. Unfortunately, and this is important to note for everyone, the compound (Hoodia Gordonii) itself does not cause weight loss—it leads to weight loss.
Here’s how:
Unique Hoodia makes you feel full.
That helps if you can’t stop eating or need quick and effective help to regulate food cravings. The thing about food cravings is that most people crave junk, instead of snacking on healthy fruits and unprocessed proteins, carbs and vitamins.
By helping you to reducing how much you eat, this weight loss supplement ensures you consume and pack up fewer calories. That definitely helps to slow weight gain.
But can Unique Hoodia help when you are looking forward to leaning up?
Yes and No
You’ll need to take on an exercise plan to burn the excess fat and boost your lean muscle mass. One exercise plan to help you chunk down the triglycerides (“bad fat”) is cardio, such as short and intense workouts that make your heart race.
Yet, if you took loads of Unique Hoodia and did not commit to working out, you might not get the results you wanted.
Wondering if Forskolin250 can actually help you lose weight?
Forskolin, from the Indian-native Coleus herb, has flown around in popularity as a weight loss supplement superstar. Several studies prove indeed, Forskolin’s makeup contains compounds that help burn fats in a human body.
Of course, that happens in combination with physical exercise and proper dieting.
Here’s how Forskolin works:
This study published in the Wiley Library, suggests the root extract contains active ingredients that trigger the enzyme scientists call Adenylate cyclase.
This enzyme then boosts levels of cyclic AMP, increasing levers of cAMP. cAMP, in turn, helps stimulate other hormones including (and significantly too) boosting your metabolism and burn excess fat in your body. So if you have a slow metabolism rate, this product might help you to stimulate your metabolism and torch fat tissue more easily and naturally.
So, is Forskolin250 supplementation great for your cutting phase?
Where Forskolin250 really triumphs for bodybuilders is in its testosterone boosting benefits. Because it helps you get a boost in building lean muscle mass as you cut down on fatty tissue. The testosterone helps with this.
Yet, the spike of testosterone Forskolin250 affords you can have lasting effects past the cutting stage of your bodybuilding journey.
For instance, you’ll need to sustain healthy testosterone levels to maintain your muscular physique with minimum fat tissue.
Much like Unique Hoodia, Forskolin250 supplements are usually healthy and safe. That means you can take them without worrying about side effects and all the hassle unnatural supplementation can storm around your health goals.
But there’s a caveat…
You’ll need to do your homework to find legit sellers online and off. Countless fakes are in constant supply (many thanks to the blowing herb’s popularity), so watch out for those.
# Both Unique Hoodia and Forskolin250 are available for purchase over the counter. Still, you might want to consult we a qualified healthcare expert to help you find the right supplementation dosage and tips so you do not compromise your muscle gain goals.
Here are more cutting stage supplements that contain legit and safe levels of DHEA to help you lean up to that awesome physique you work so hard to gain.
Natrol dhea
Natrol is a well known natural supplements company, and its products are well known and liked by consumers. All their products are manufactured without additives, and they have received great recommendations by natural products associations.
Nartol dhea is a hormonal supplement that boosts energy, reduces the effects of aging on your skin and helps in improving hormonal imbalance. The supplement is available in both tablet and gel form. The capsule is available in 25mg tablets, in 10mg, 25 and 50mg. Its made of natural ingredients like rice powder, water, magnesium stearate, silica, and gelatin.
​Ingredients in the tablet are cellulose gum, silica, stearic acid, gum acacia, cellulose, magnesium stearate and maltodoctrin. You should take one tablet or capsule daily with meals.
Bulksupplements pure dhea
Bulksupplements is a leading manufacturer and distributor registered with FDA. They also have an in-house lab where they extensively test all their products before they are delivered to clients.
Bulksupplements pure dhea is only available in powder form and is a favorite for professional athletes and bodybuilders. Dhea from bulksupplements is known for promoting cognitive function, increases energy and improves brain health.
It is available in powder form from 10g,  25g, 50g, 100g, 250g, 500g, 1kg, 5kg.it is advisable to take 5g as a start dose as you gradually increase to 25mg. The beauty with this DHEA supplement is that its free from soy, sugar, additives or gluten. Its only measured in milligrams.
Jarrow formulas dhea
Jarrow formula is a supplement company that’s focused on optimizing health and wellness. Apart from manufacturing supplements, they also offer a variety of vitamins and mineral to the clients. Their efforts have earned them numerous awards from recognized institutions for their advancements in nutrition and health.
Jarrows formulas dhea is a natural supplement that known for improving the immune system, promoting cognitive function and increasing stamina during strenuous exercises. Its available in three different sizes each with a different dosage.
You can find this supplement in 10mg, 25 and 50mg. It offers the 7-keto line in 100 mg doses. Its made of ingredients such as silicon dioxide, gelatin, cellulose, magnesium stearate and cellulose. This product is free from shellfish, eggs, soybeans, wheat, gluten, and dairy.
Life extension dhea
This company is registered with NSF international and boasts about providing an array of supplements made from natural ingredients. Its products are common among athletes and bodybuilders.
Life extension DHEA supplement is a product that is carefully made to replenish the natural DHEA hormone levels that decrease with time. It also offers other DHEA products that help in providing solutions for mood enhancements, weight management, and hormonal balance.
Their supplements are available in 15mg, 25mg, and 50mg. The 7-keto complete is also available in 50mg and 100mg. It is ideal for vegetarians, and their ingredients are all natural and raw materials locally available.
Country life vitamins dhea
Country life company is a USDA organic and Gmp certified company. It provides vitamins and supplements that enhance health and wellness.
The company ensures that all their products are safe for consumptions by testing them for quality before distributing to their clients.
It manufactures dhea in both dhea men and women complex line. Their dhea supplement provides healthy hormonal balance and increases anti-aging properties.
It is also available for both men and women in 10 and 25mg. If you are a vegetarian; this is the product for you. It has no wheat, soy, any artificial flavors or sweeteners, and gluten.
Pure encapsulations dhea
​The company is widely known for its unique formula and ingredients. Unlike other companies, they don’t use coating or magnesium stearate in their supplements.
If you are looking for DHEA supplements that will increase your cognitive function, boost your immune system, enhance your mood and help in balancing your hormones, then this is the best product for you.
​Its available in 5mg, 10mg and 25mg. it is ideal for vegetarians, and the 7-keto line is also available in 50 and 100mg.
​Nature bounty dhea
​It is a top and favorite brand and known for the numerous vitamins, supplements and other enhancements made from 100% natural ingredients. It is available in 25mg of each dhea serving.
​zhou nutrition dhea
​Its produced and distributed as a vegetable capsule. It is available in 50mg of DHEA per serving and contains 50 servings per bottle.
​Havasu nutrition dhea
Havasu prides itself on being a contributor and producer of products that promote health and well being. The company is Gmp certified. Havasu nutrition extra strength dhea is made of natural ingredients that help in improving moods, increases your energy levels and intensifies anti-aging properties.
Available in 50mg capsules and its made of ingredients such as rice flour and gelatin. It contains no additives.
Asquared nutrition pure dhea
​This dhea supplement supports the immune system, increases metabolism, improves libido, helps balance hormones and improves brain activity. It also boosts energy levels.
The supplements are available in 100mg capsules and effective in both men and women.
With this product, you are guaranteed 100% effectiveness, and you can directly order this supplement online or using your phone at the comfort of your living room.
​How to know a good dhea supplement
Your primary focus should be to purchase a DHEA supplement that is effective and will give you value for money. When buying DHEA supplements, it is essential to check on the label.
The label will give you an insight on the chemical used in the manufacturing of the product and if the dosage is correct. You will also know if the supplement is manufactured in U.S.A and if its producer is USP or GMP certified. These certifications ensure that the supplement has met the required food and drug administration standards for supplements and consumption.
Side effects and contraindications of DHEA supplements
Just like any other dietary supplement, you should exercise caution while using dhea. Excessive use of DHEA supplements could harm your body and health. it is advisable to consult your specialist before you include dhea in your diet.
Another critical fact to keep in mind is that people are different and their bodies react differently to drugs. Dhea is not for everybody and you should avoid it if you are:
​Pregnant or breastfeeding.
​If you are undergoing treatment for prostrate or breast cancer.
​If you are under 30 years unless it is vital or under the supervision of a specialist.
Also, seek counsel from your doctor before using dhea if you are using:
​Diabetes, heart and liver drugs.
​Hormonal therapy.
​Blood thinners.
Below are some known side effects of DHEA supplements:
It can affect hormonal balance during pregnancy or when breastfeeding
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding an infant, it is advisable to stop using DHEA supplements unless it’s under the supervision of a doctor. A high DHEA level is known to affect infant development and cause hormonal imbalance during pregnancy which could harm your fetus. You can, however, use DHEA supplements to increase the success rate of IVF because it improves fertility. You can also use these supplements to induce labor without any serious effect.
Reduces the effectiveness of cancer treatment. If you are undheadergoing cancer treatment, it is advisable to avoid using DHEA supplements. Treating prostate cancer includes lowering testosterone levels through medication. Taking DHEA supplements increases testosterone which could render the treatment ineffective. Women with breast cancer should not take this supplement too because it increases the level of estrogen puts them at risk of cancer development.
It can make you sexually hyper: If you are below 30 years, the chances are that your body is still producing high amounts of DHEA hormone since at that stage, the body always produces naturally. Taking DHEA supplements at that age will increase you the sex hormones. This means that your libido will be very high. It may cause you to misbehave, and this could even embarrass and portray you as a pervert.
If you are taking other drugs for underlying ailments, it is essential to talk to your doctor to advise you because taking DHEA supplements with other medications may lead to more irreversible health problems.
Other side effects include irregular periods, a deep voice, decreased breast size, oily skin and enlargement of their genital size in women. Men may experience urinary urgency, tenderness or expansion of their breast and reduced size of their testes.
Normal DHEA range in men
Age Range    Normal Range (ug/dL)
Ages 18 – 19    108-441 ug/dL
Ages 20 – 29    280 – 640 ug/dL
Ages 30 – 39    120 – 520 ug/dL
Ages 40 – 49    95 – 530 ug/dL
Ages 50 – 59    70 – 310 ug/dL
Ages 60 – 69    42 – 290 ug/dL
Ages 69 and older    28 – 175 ug/dL
​Women and dhea
Dhea hormone in women is essential in hormonal balance and production of estrogen. Lower DHEA levels have adverse effects on women’s health. 99% of women with lower DHEA levels are likely to complain of symptoms like:
​Aching joints.
​Low libido.
​Low immunity.
​Decreased bone density.
​Decreased muscle mass leading to fragile bones.
​Extreme fatigue.
Dhea hormone production is at its peak during adolescence. In that stage, concentration levels are at 145 to 395 mg/dl. As a woman gets into her 20’s, the levels fall between 65 to 380ug/dl. Levels then gradually decline as a woman gets into her 30’s with ranges being at 45 to 270 ug/dl. When a woman hits 40’s, she will have 32 to 240 ug/dl DHEA concentration levels in her blood. In her 70’s the concentration level decreases and falls to 20% of what she produced naturally in her 20’s.
4 Effective DHEA Supplements to Use for your Bulking-Phase
Want to jumpstart your muscle gain, weight/size, and strength for your bulking stage?
We have hand-picked some of the best DHEA supplements for muscle gain and strength, so you won’t have to.
Check them out:
The Best DHEA Supplements to Get Ripped
DHEA 100 By AST Sports Science
Here’s one of the best bulking supplements to help stack on the muscle tissue.
​Aptly named, DHEA 100 contains a potent 100 mg of pure DHEA to boost your muscle and strength gains over several weeks.
Usually the best bulking phase duration is around 2-3 months, and AST made this container to include 60 capsules for use across this time—although they recommend taking 1-2 pills per day.
One other notable ingredient must be the Vitamin E.
​Here’s the deal:
You’ll want to not only increase your size but also make some good advances in boosting your testosterone levels for muscle tissue build. This is one of the potent gains the Vitamin E in DHEA 100 might help you accomplish.
Users reported experiencing pumps while they lifted weights, which we gather is a result of the generous prohormone, DHEA amount—which increases glucose uptake in the muscles while you train.
Drill Master
This bulking gem contains 33 mg of potent DHEA, and a total serving of 30 pills (3 capsules daily recommended for adults).
If you are looking for a dietary supplement that might help you burn that layer of fatty tissue to reveal your ripped abs, triceps and thighs, this might help—cutting and toning, which is what you really want.
The company also combined a number of super ingredients to boost your size, muscle weight, strength and even performance.
​Those include:
​450 mg of whey protein: to help supplement your muscle with building blocks—helping you sustain muscle mass even while shredding. Basically one of the best protein powders for bulking and toning.
​75 mg L-Leucine: a good deal of this essential amino acid (most abundant of BCAAs) helps add to the benefits of whey protein. But leucine goes further by helping your body to resist emaciating or losing muscle—for example, if you engaged in intense cardio workouts.
​300 mg of L-Isoleucine and 300 mg more of L-Valine to round up the BCAAs trio of muscle gain supplements in one, 30-capsules container.
​Bodybuilders, especially need to get these essential amino acids (BCAAs) from dietary supplementation (and in hearty amounts too) for best results in clean bulking.
Also, Drill Master does not contain any sugar, artificial sweeteners, colors or flavorings, salt, wheat, gluten or shellfish and corn.
DHEA By Natrol
This one contains 25 mg of purified DHEA per serving, and Natrol recommends taking one tablet early in the mornings.
They derive their 99.5% pure DHEA content, which is then tested using the High Pressure Liquid Chromatography method. Natrol uses 5% wild yam root extract as a phytochemical or diosgenin (and precursor). 
Much like everyone else on this list, their bulking supplement does not contain any artificial flavorings, sweeteners, colorings, and so on. That helps build muscle cleanly.
And if you want or foresee yourself using this supplement for a longer stretch, they sell a 300-tablet bulking stack for just that. Of course, you’ll need to assess if you need all of that DHEA supplementation beforehand, or maybe buy it to share with a bulking partner.
One other thing…
You could Natrol’s DHEA together with test boosters if you want or need to. Some users reported observing increased seminal volume and sperm count. 
Choose it if you want to hit that delicate balance between gaining muscle and hugging weight at the same time.
Much like Drill Master, this 30-servings bulking phase supplement packs 33 mg of DHEA, potent and safe to use for your bulking journey. Unlike Drill Master, though, Enduro packs less pure DHEA and more (750 mg) of Mexican Wild Yam, a popular precursor to DHEA.
It packs fewer BCAAs in comparison to others here, too. You could even use it to get shredded while avoiding compromises on muscle gain. In fact, it contains 150 mg of pre-workout supplement L-Arginine if you plan to rev up your system for workouts.
​But, Enduro works great for a couple of reasons—well, ingredients really:
​75 mg of L-Citrulline: this active ingredient is best used and popular with bulking supplements. In addition to helping you pump muscle, the 75 mg stack in this bottle helps you to also sustain the muscle mass gains you’ve already made when it comes time to cut down on flabby tissue.
​375 mg of Ginseng (containing 20% Ginsenosides): Interesting component here. Ginseng is hailed for its test boosting property. And what better way to cut the flab while building muscle and the ripped body you truly want?
​If you are a man this could also pump up your sexual endurance and aggression, but ladies can also benefit from the proven toning benefits of bumping up testosterone.
Still, the manufacturer made sure to filter all flavorings, colors, sweeteners and useless fillers out.
Instead, Enduro is wrapped in microcrystalline cellulose and vegetable stearate—not mercury stearate, which is not recommended for adverse health reasons such as allergy attacks.
​Expert Tips on How to Choose your DHEA bulking product
Note that products that claim to contain huge amounts of DHEA are not the best you’ll want to take up. This is because their kind support lean muscle mass or size gains at the expense of fatty tissue, so you might have trouble while cutting and toning later on.
Cutting down muscle mass needs lots more workouts, time and emaciation than burning fatty tissue.
Also, other bulking product manufacturers spill colossal amounts of Mexican Wild Yam and low amounts of pure DHEA.
Note that while Mexican Wild Yam shows to contain DHEA precursors, it is not in itself DHEA—that’s important. More of MWY only means much less DHEA in the mix.     
Some Best Test Boosters to Use with DHEA
If you wish to pump your test levels, and make your muscle gaining journey one effective sojourn, here are a bunch of testosterone boosters to load up on for best results.
Test boosters can help counteract some of the female estrogen hormone manifestations that the DHEA prohormone might have stimulated.
EVLUTION Nutrition is a respected brand in the sports and fitness industry with supplement products ranging from pre-workout, BCAAs and, of course, testosterone boosters.
For the latter, they manufacture EVLTEST. 
The 14-tablet container packs 1,000 UI of Vitamin D and 350 mg of Zinc—the most essential ingredients for testosterone production. EVLUTION recommends a serving of 4 tablets per day. But it is not recommended for use by women.
Alpha JYM
The thing you want with DHEA is to balance the steroid hormone’s action on estrogen and testosterone hormones’ production.
Every person is different.
While one person may experience excellent bulking results with a DHEA supplements for muscle gain, others may experience heightened estrogen or testosterone actions; increased fatty tissue or more muscle mass build at the expense of fatty tissue.
Alpha JYM’s test booster is formulated to maintain balance in between estrogen and testosterone hormones for these reasons. Notably, it packs 500 mg of Ashwagandha root extract, the popular aphrodisiac with roots in India’s ancient medical practice.
Jym recommends taking 3 capsules twice a day for best results.
Animal Stak by Universal Nutrition
The company formulated a rich anabolic support, vitamin stack for enhanced testosterone boost and action.
If you are prepping up for athletic competitions, Animal Stak might also help jumpstart your strength, performance and stamina. For bodybuilders in their bulking stage, you might be happy to know this test booster contains about 1500 mg of growth-related enhancers such as Arginine.
Even better, it stacks 1000 UI of Vitamin D3 and 10.5 mg of Vitamin B6 to stimulate testosterone production naturally.
DHEA works!
But how it does that might defer from one person’s usage to another’s. As we’ve seen above, you could use DHEA in several different ways. Thanks to its androgen nature, you can use the prohormone to boost results for your bulking, strength, stamina, and even cutting supplementing goals.
The best DHEA supplements work best in any of these cases in different combination with other additives or vitamins or supplements. However, note that if you are a professional athlete you might be banned for using DHEA supplements, so be sure to check what amounts could get you banned—or keep off altogether.
Hopefully, this DHEA supplementation guide and reviews help settle your questions.
Want to learn more about DHEA?
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jeremycgiroux · 6 years
Best Estrogen Blockers for Men in 2018
I have created this page to cater for anyone that is looking for the best solutions when it comes to an Estrogen Blocker product, so please use the Navigation below if you are looking for specific information.
Here is what you will learn from this post​
What are Estrogen Blocker?
Why is excessive estrogen such a problem?
What are the best rated estrogen blocker products on the market?
Are there any natural solutions you can apply?
Click to see our TOP 2 Favorites
The development of male breast or man boobs can be successfully prevented by efficiently using certain estrogen blockers for men. A type of female hormone, estrogen plays a key role in regulation of the women’s estrous cycle. Although this hormone is present in both the genders, women have it in much higher quantities compared to men, especially when they are ovulating.
What are male hormone’s then?
​When we talk about Male Hormone’s the only one people think of is Testosterone. This is the main hormone and testosterone is 10 times higher in men than woman. This is the main hormone for men and carry the characteristics that males have.
You can test testosterone in the blood with a quick and easy test from your local healthcare provider.
It’s important to remember that estrogen is found in males, but the testosterone to estrogen levels should be in relation, meaning that there should be more testosterone in men than estrogen.
What is Estrogen?
The estrogen hormone also plays a significant role in the development of other sexual features that eventually become the primary differentiators between men and women, especially in terms of how they look. A spike in estrogen levels in men causes certain undesirable physical changes, apart from health issues that may sometimes become pretty hard to treat.
​The Role of Natural Estrogen in Women
​Estoegen as it is otherwise know as, is seen as a female hormone that drives and regulates certain systems and key features that make ladies look and feel the way they do.
Below we can see what this hormone does in a woman’s body:
​It regulates and maintains the menstrual cycle
Reduces the risk of urinary tract infections
Plays a critical role in enzyme that stores Glycogen
Increasing levels of IGF-1 and HGH
Affects the moods and mental awareness
​Below is an image that shows you the hormone balance that should exists in both men and women between Testosterone & Estrogen naturally.
​Altough for some people this balance is easily maintained, there are some serious effects if the scale starts tipping to one or the other side for the opposite sex.
See our #1 choice Estrogen Blocker here
What causes spikes in men’s estrogen levels?
Men often seem highly surprised when they’re informed that their bodies also produce the commonly known female hormone estrogen for the maintenance of hormonal balance.
If you are suffering from Gynecomastia and looking for a safe, yet effective way to get rid of man boobs fast, then read my review on gynectrol
Click to see our TOP 2 Favorites
Side effects of estrogen
Okay so now we know what is estrogen and that estrogen is found in men, “What is the side effects of too much estrogen for men?”
Here is a list of the negative effects high levels of estrogen have on the male body:
Increase in breast size (Gynecomastia)
Increase in abdominal fat (thus increasing body fat percentage)
Losing muscle mass
Emotional imbalances
Estrogen comprises of 3 different types of hormones:
Estrone – Produced with the assistance of adrenal gland in the male and female bodies, this hormone normally gets stored as fatty tissues. It’s present in fairly low quantities in both men and women.
Estradiol – The most commonly known variant of estrogen, this hormone gets produced by women’s ovaries. In men, it gets secreted by their adrenal glands and testicles.
Estriol – This estrogen variant gets produced in fairly high quantities in women’s bodies, especially during their pregnancy.
​Here are the best Estrogen Blocker Products for men on the Market Today:
Editor’s Choice (Best Results)
Proven Safe:
Proven Effective:
Most Effective
Overall Rating
Balances out Hormone levels
Reduces Fatty Tissue in the chest
click for best price
Read our review on Gynectrol
2nd Choice (Best Deal)
Proven Safe:
Proven Effective:
Overall Rating:
99% reduction in man boobs
Balances Excessive estrogen Levels
click for best price
Read our review on Gynexin
See our #1 choice Estrogen Blocker here
Before delving into the reduction of estrogen levels in the male bodies, we must first throw some light on the reasons behind its increase.
You’ll be in a better position to exercise effective control on the symptoms originating from increased estrogen levels, once you’re clear about this aspect.
These symptoms normally manifest in the form of depleted muscle mass, reduced sex drive, prostate enlargement, hair loss and male breast or man boobs formation.
Some of their commonly known causes are:
High estrogen levels in overweight people is primarily because of production of the aromatase enzyme produced by the fatty cells inside their abdomen. This is the enzyme responsible for conversion of testosterone into estrogen, thus leading to hormonal imbalance.
With age, the testosterone levels of the male bodies undergo depletion, with simultaneous rise in their estrogen levels. Obese men in specific experience such phenomenon at a much faster rate.
​Certain testicles and pituitary and adrenal gland related illnesses also contribute to increase in estrogen levels in the male bodies. Regular use of narcotics and anabolic steroids may also play a significant role in their enhancement.
See our #1 choice Estrogen Blocker here
Alcohol abuse is another commonly known habit that leads to easy conversion of testosterone into estrogen in male bodies. Furthermore, alcohol reduces the natural ability of the liver to get rid of excess estrogen from the human body.
Estrogen blockers for men – what are they?
If you visit a qualified doctor for your man boobs treatment, he/she will most likely prescribe you one or the other type of estrogen blocker for men. These estrogen blockers work by regulating the estrogen levels inside the male body and tackling the symptoms associated with its increase. Estrogen blockers and aromatase inhibitors are the same thing, as you stop the hormone the inhibitor activity also decreases.
Upon looking closely you’ll notice that these estrogen blockers are nothing complicated. They’re simply chemical compounds that have the natural ability of controlling estrogen levels in the human bodies.
Besides that, they’re frequently used for controlling other health conditions as well. One of the most common ways in which they’re used in medical treatment is in case of cancer.
Click to see our TOP 2 Favorites
Any unwanted spike in estrogen levels in male body can lead to liver problems, leading to quick multiplication of cancer cells present inside the chest and testicle areas. Once that happens, tumors may form, complicating the situation. That’s the reason why estrogen blockers for men are highly popular in cancer treatment.
If you are looking for an estrogen blocker for the treatment of moobs and you want to know “How to get rid of man boobs?” then a product like Gynexin is the answer, this is an all-natural supplement for the treatment of gynecomastia. Gynexin can also be classified as estrogen-blocking supplements / anti-estrogen supplements.
​Prescription ​Estrogen Blocker Medication
​It should be stated that the main reason pharmaceutical drug companies have invested a and developed this class of medication is because of the high incidents of Breast Cancer in women, and it’s actually being used off label by many steroid using men to have a positive effect on their hormone levels.
​6 Most common Prescription Estrogen Blockers ​
​Anastrozole (Arimidex)
Tamoxifen (Nolvadex)
​Exemestane (Aromasin)
​Letrozole (Femara)
Clomiphene (Clomid)
Aminoglutethimide (Cytadren)
​The above list of products require a Healthcare professional to initiate therapy and can be covered by your medical insurance if given for the right indication.
Natural anti estrogen supplements
As explained above, it is extremely critical to prevent any unwanted rise in estrogen levels, as such imbalances can quickly turn fatal for the male body. A balance in their levels can also be accomplished by regular consumption of healthy food items. Especially with regard to obese men, the best form of natural estrogen blockers can be consumed in the form of bee pollen which is yet to turn into honey.
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Other effective natural anti estrogen supplements are the ones that comprise of epimedium and horny goat weed. Citrus fruits and other fruits like pears, grapes, pineapples, figs, berries and melons also serve as natural estrogen blockers.
Coming to vegetables, you should have lots of fatty fish (omega-3 fats) , nettle root, onions, cauliflower, corns, green beans, radishes, squashes, brussels sprouts, bok choy, cabbage, chard, arugula, collard green , kale and rutabagas to maintain the right levels of estrogen in your body.
Man boobs or gynaecomastia is a commonly known health condition prevalent in men who have high estrogen levels in their bodies. These patients must specifically consume natural estrogen blockers for men to guard themselves from such embarrassing and unwanted health condition.
​The Role of Testosterone Boosters to reduce Estrogen Levels
​There are many athletic men that train very hard but still battle to shape their chest the way they want. The main reason for this is Estrogen levels in comparison to Testosterone levels.
Most trainers and coaches would immediately advice to use a anti-estrogenic supplement but in this section we would like to see if there are any positives in using a test-booster instead.
Because Testosterone and Estrogen fight for the same androgen receptors, by having more of the one in the system allows for that particular hormone to bind to the receptor first.
So if you think about it this way, by using a testosterone booster, you are adding more freely available testosterone in the system and this allows for more of the testosterone to bind to the androgen receptor and more of the estrogen ​failing to bind.
So in a nutshell it’s the binding affinity more than anything that reduces the estrogen levels, thus the side effects will decrease. So if you want to know if you can use a testosterone booster to lower your estrogen levels, the answer is YES.
Want to learn more on Testosterone boosters, how they work, where you can get them. Read this article: Testosterone Boosters:Best Reviews of supplements 2018
​Frequently asked Questions:
​What are estrogen blockers?​
​They are more commonly known in the medical world as ​Aromatase inhibitors ​and was mainly developed for treatment of breast cancer. It is widely known and accepted that men can also benefit from using these drugs / supplements when there is too much estrogen in their system and this causes unwanted effects like Gynecomastia.​​​
​What are some natural estrogen blockers?
​That should be evaluated based on the ingredients, as many prescriptions drugs are in fact also natural by definition as they don’t use artificially created ingredients but get them from plants and other sources. The 2 we recommend is Gynexin and Gynectrol as shown above the FAQ section.
​What test boosters have estrogen blockers?
​There are a great deal of them available on the market, in fact some claim by increasing the testosterone in the system the effects of the estrogen is decreased, which may be true. If you want a clearer answer on this section, please see our article on this specific topic: Testosterone Booster Reviews
​Where to buy estrogen blockers?
​Well if you are looking for the prescription type medication then you can only get that when your healthcare provider has prescribed it and then you can fill your script at any pharmacy you have access to. But if you are interested in the OTC(Over The Counter) Estrogen Blocker then you can buy that online or from a reputable retailer.
​Can estrogen blockers help Gynecomastia?
​The very short answer to this is: It depends, because you get different types of Gyno and also these types are caused by different factors, so what you need to do is read this post that explains what Gyno is, it’s classifications and what could be done - Gynecomastia Treatment
​Do estrogen blockers work?
​Yes, they do if the diagnosis is correctly done by a qualified healthcare provider and it’s deemed that treatment should involve Estrogen Blocking supplementation.
​Do estrogen blockers increase testosterone?
​Although they balance out hormone levels they don’t directly increase t-levels, but rather bring down the ratio between testosterone and estrogen, so the natural effects of testosterone is more prominent.
​Will estrogen blockers help you lose weight?
​Well let’s be honest, this is not a wonder drug that will work for every single person that use it. But if your weight gain is due to a imbalance of hormone levels then you should see a weight loss due to the fact that homeostasis is regained in the body.
See our #1 choice Estrogen Blocker here
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jeremycgiroux · 6 years
How to Lose Chest Fat Fast: Ultimate Guide 2018
In a literal sense and physiologically speaking of course you have chest fat. But! That’s not what you‘re going to hear while parading in the gym or at home and among friends because no one is subtle enough to regard your chest fat as anything else except MAN BOOBS!  
If that’s what you have, then rather than be embarrassed by it, own up and do something about it. Regardless of how old you are or what you’re going through, no women like seeing those saggy pouches of fat protruding from your chest and certainly no men would like it either.
Since you’re reading this article, it can be safely assumed that you do want to know more about how to lose chest fat but before you start, it would be wise to know more about it so that you never see those horrendous man boobs in the mirror in future.
The physiological factors of Chest fat or Breast enlargement
By now you must be wondering how on earth men get breasts or man boobs. Well! It’s all due to breast enlargement that can be due to two known conditions:
Gynecomastia-which is due to hormonal imbalances
Lipomastia-due to the growth of excessive fat
The big question is how do you determine if you have Gynecomastia or Lipomastia which is also known as pseudogynecomastia (the physical appearance of gynecomastia without the endocrinological reasons)
Gynecomastia is the condition in which a man’s breast tissue swells up to resemble female’s breasts. It is caused because of a hormonal imbalance between estrogen which is a dominant female hormone and testosterone the dominant male hormone.
Well, it isn’t hard to guess that it is an increase of estrogen that causes male breast enlargement. Increased levels of estrogen in the body create a tendency to retain fat in the chest area. Being a female hormone it obviously signals the body to increase fat in such areas like the breasts.
Prevelance of Gynecomastia in the World
What to do if you have Gynecomastia?
Obviously you need to see a doctor if you find the problem persisting. In many cases, it disappears on its own but if it does not, medical treatment or surgery may be required. This will tell you all you need to know about Gynecomastia
This article concerns how to lose chest fat which could be caused by Lipomastia or the accumulation of fat around the chest area. This could be caused by poor lifestyle habits, poor diet, lack of exercise and obesity.  Besides the complicated reason of an increase in estrogen and poor metabolism, Lipomastia is also due to stubborn pectoral fat accumulation. When this happens, there is much you can do to lose it through habit, diet and exercise.
How to diagnose the causes of your breast enlargement: Is it Pectoral fat or Gynecomastia?
In most cases concerning gynecomastia, you may experience the sensation of fullness or tissue under your nipples or areola. This makes it hard to shape your chest. It’s best to have an examination done by a physician or a gynecomastia surgeon specialist. 
However if there is nothing unnaturally wrong with your chest, then once you start working out, the results are bound to show. Follow the image below which is a technique used by most doctors to determine the mass beneath your nipples that causes breast enlargement. It isn’t advisable to do a self diagnosis which should be done by a trained medical professional.
How to burn chest fat: The easy way
After reading all of the above, it all boils down to one conclusion, your options available to get rid of the chest fat or man boobs. If your problem is an estrogen related one, then of course you need medical help where natural supplements can help restore the hormonal imbalances as well as burn fat.
However if yours is a fat related problem, then committing yourself to a dedicated routine of diet and exercise will help you lose chest fat and build up a healthier toned body too.  Remember, you can only if you think you can!!
Fat burning chest workout
By committing yourself to working out, you need to focus on selected exercises that will help you lose pectoral fat. Only cardio training alone is not going to be enough to lose chest fat. You need to complement cardio training with certain effective strength training exercises in order to break down those hard fat deposits that have accumulated in your chest area over many years.
Think fat loss not muscle building
When working out to lose those man boobs, you need to focus on weight loss not building muscle. This means your exercises should consist of less weight training and more high frequency workouts like HIIT (High Intensity interval training) which would be an excellent way to burn fat. Concentrate on upper chest workouts that can burn fat from the lower chest area and those which can shape or flatten the chest. Some of these workouts can be done from the comfort of your home. All you need is a pair of dumbbells.
11 Exercises to reduce chest fat
Dumbell Pullover
Incline dumbbell bench press
Dumbell Incline ro​w
 Dumbbell Goblet Box Squat
Incline Barbell Bench Press
Smith Machine Incline Bench Press
Dumbbell Incline Fly
Seated Pec Fly
Pec Deck Fly
Assisted Parallel Bar Dips
1. Dumbell Pullover
2. Incline dumbbell bench press
3. Dumbell Incline row
4. Dumbbell Goblet Box Squat
5. Incline Barbell Bench Press
6. Smith Machine Incline Bench Press
7. Dumbbell Incline Fly
8. Seated Pec Fly
9. Pec Deck Fly
10. Assisted Parallel Bar Dips
Strength training plays a critical role in reducing chest fat and man boobs because with gradual development of muscle mass, the breakdown of body fat becomes much easier. Not only does muscle growth contribute to overall weight loss, it also helps in shaping your body.
While cardio alone will not be effective, cardio along with the exercise above will complement your workout routine. You can consult with your gym trainer how to integrate cardio in a weight loss routine. A good trainer will always advise you to focus on quality weight training and strength training which is more important for weight loss. Performing cardio after weight training makes more sense because weight training initiates fat burn faster by decreasing available sugar in the body.
Your diet is another important factor in losing chest fat. A fat loss diet should always consist of more protein especially since you are going to need an increase of protein to make up for the wear and tear of muscle during exercise. Protein initiates protein synthesis of muscles and provides you with essential nutrients and amino acids for muscle recovery which is the repair of muscle mass.
There are a number of helpful diets that could help you reduce your chest fat. You could opt for a keto diet or even intermittent fasting but the sensible thing to do is to consult a nutritionist that will set you on a suitable diet taking into several factors of your physiology.
Healthy fats and a certain amount of cholesterol is good for you
When focusing on your nutrition to reduce chest fat, what you need to identify is the grain products and wheat associated with increased estrogen production. Just because you need to lose fat doesn’t mean you need to deny your body of healthy fats (monounsaturated fats).
These are primarily responsible for testosterone production the main male hormone which you might just need more of. Foods like fatty fish, nuts, avocados and olive oil are all huge sources of healthy fats and omega 3 fatty acids that are great for muscle recovery too.
When you eat eggs, you may have been told to lay of the yolk when you’re body building but when it concerns an issue like man boobs, there is no harm in adding a yolk or two to your diet. Egg yolk is also a good source of testosterone derived from cholesterol present in egg yolk.
Not all cholesterol is bad. A certain amount of cholesterol is necessary for production of vitamin D, bile acids for fat digestion, production of cell membranes, testosterone and neurological function. Foods rich in zinc are also beneficial for increasing testosterone
Foods to eat for reduction of chest fat and increase testosterone
Green leafy vegetables: Good examples -Spinach, Broccoli, Kale, Mushrooms, Artichokes, asparagus, corn, turnips, cauliflower, cabbage
Lean protein: Turkey breast, chicken breast, organic beef, beef liver, lamb
Seafood: Lobster, crab, oysters, salmon, mackerel, all fatty fish
Seeds: Pumpkin seeds, Squash seeds, Watermelon seeds, Wheat germ
Other foods: Mushrooms, Peanuts, Lima beans, tahin, brown rice, kidney beans, dark chocolate (without added soya products), fresh fruit
Foods to avoid in case of man boobs
You need to avoid all foods rich in estrogen where certain foods contain isoflavones containing phytoestrogen (plant based compound) that can be classified as having the same function of estrogen.
Farmed salmon
Canned food
Meat substitutes
Milk products containing soy
Beer and alcohol
Flax seed
Meats treated with hormones (its best to avoid processed and canned meat)
It’s not only about avoiding or eating food
It isn’t only about avoiding certain foods or eating certain foods because if you go through all the information on the net, you are bound to be confused when you find certain foods in both tables. These are nutrition guides to make you aware of what such foods contain or consist of that helps you make a better choice.
It all boils down to healthy eating and proper nutrition that is beneficial for anyone wanting a healthier lifestyle and a healthier body. Avoid fast foods, processed foods and sugar based beverages such as canned fruit juices and carbonated drinks. All these increase your weight faster than you can lose it.
Frequently asked questions
Why do I get chest fat?
While hormonal imbalances are one of the reasons, an unhealthy lifestyle, obesity, weight gain and the wrong foods can easily give you man boobs even without a hormonal problem.
Can I do chest fat burning exercises without equipment?
Yes! You don’t really need to go to the gym to get rid of your man boobs. You can perform several exercises like the common pushup that can help burn chest fat.
How can I lose chest fat without losing muscle?
You can lose fat without burning muscle through a combination of the right exercise and most importantly your diet which should consist of plenty of lean protein that replenish muscle tissue lost during exercise.
Why is chest fat last to go?
If your problem is an estrogen related one, then yes your chest fat will always be last to go until and unless you identify the problem. In common cases, it is incorrect training and the wrong combination of exercises that may contribute to your stubborn chest fat. Always consult a trainer or look up information on the right sort of exercise like the section in this article that that focuses mostly on exercises to lose chest fat
Can I lose chest fat without surgery?
Yes to some extent you can.  Depending on what your chest fat is due to Gynecomastia or lipomastia (just pectoral fat), then with a combination of the right diet, avoiding estrogen rich foods and exercise to lose chest fat will help you reduce your chest fat to a considerable extent.
What is the course of action to take on losing chest fat?
​Acknowledge your problem
​Identify your problem with professional diagnosis
​Explore treatment options according to severity of the problem
Commit to the right diet
Start exercising with the correct training routine to lose pectoral fat
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jeremycgiroux · 6 years
Reduce the appearance of your moobs
Gynecomastia, or man boobs are people like to refer to it, is a bothersome problem that many men face. This is where the man’s breast tissue appears to have grown in size. This is a bothersome issue that men don’t like to deal with but it is a reality for a good number of them as it keeps them from having the great appearances that they might be looking to get and maintain for a while.
The appearance of breasts on a man’s body is unappealing and distracting. However, a man does not have to live with them forever. How to get rid of gynecomastia can be treated with many different options although it is typically better to stick with the more conventional solutions first.
Work On Your Muscles
A good idea to consider is to work on one’s muscles around the upper part of the body. Toning and aerobic exercises work well to tone chest muscles and to also take care of the excess fat tissues within the breasts. Many parts of glandular tissue can build up around the fat tissues around the pectorals, thus causing that appearance of breasts. A good regular workout can help anyone to keep this problem from being a real threat. How to Get Rid of Gynecomastia – Tips on Getting Rid of Gynecomastia
Keep Fiber Going
Fiber is a great thing to find when getting a healthy diet going. It keeps the body from overeating, thus making it ideal for keeping gynecomastia under control. Fiber can especially help with burning off excess fat deposits. Fat deposits can be converted into energy to keep the body functional if the right amounts of fiber are used. Of course, it is especially important to avoid consuming too many fats when trying to keep the body healthy.
A high-fiber and low-fat diet works best when it is used with a good exercise program. This has to be used carefully to ensure that it won’t be too hard for the body to stay healthy and intact for as long as possible. How To Get Rid Of Gynecomastia Cures For Gynecomastia To Get Results.
Can Creams Work?
Good creams can be used for the treatment of gynecomastia as well. This is especially important in cases where traditional methods for taking care of the problem are not working as well as hoped.
In particular, a cream can be applied onto the breasts to burn off fats. It triggers heating within the body to keep breast tissues under control. When used properly, it should make it easier for the breasts to be burned off properly. Not all people will get this to work though so it’s important to watch for how well the treatment is to be used.
Any cream that is to be used needs to be made with proper ingredients designed to tighten the skin. This is to create the added pressure onto the skin that is needed in order to keep the issue from being more of a problem than it has to be.
Is Surgery Needed?
Surgery should only be used when other options to treat the problem have failed to work. Specifically, surgery is often used at this point to remove excess breast tissues so it will be easier for the skin to recover. This is the last option to think about as it can cost a great deal of money and comes with plenty of risks similar to what can occur with other procedures. Desperately Seeking the Answer to How to get rid of gynecomastia.
Gynecomastia can be treated properly if the right processes are used. It is important to make good lifestyle changes to ensure that the problem can be resolved as soon as possible. This is all to keep breast tissues from being easily visible while making it easier for a person’s appearance to be taken care of just fine without looking far too unusual or otherwise difficult to control.
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jeremycgiroux · 6 years
Compression shirts: Easy way to hide man boobs
A large majority of men suffering from gynecomastia face the constant problem of having to hide their man boobs to avoid the social embarrassment associated with the condition.
Although, there are all sorts of gynecomastia solutions available in the marketplace nowadays, we’ll go over how you can effectively use gynecomastia compression shirts to hide your man boobs while using pills like Gynexin or Gynexol to overcome the problem permanently.
Ways to hide your man boobs in no time
When it comes to men, their physique can make or break their self-esteem and confidence. This is because society views men’s physique as an indicator of their masculinity.
If you’re muscular, manly, fit and athletic-built, you can walk into any public space without any hesitation at all. On the contrary, physical features like man boobs, belly fat etc. can hit your confidence levels significantly, causing you a great deal of embarrassment.
Medications that get rid of Gynecomastia
Many people who use gynecomastia pills like Gynexin or Gynexol for permanently overcoming their man boobs problem ask if they can use something to hide their enlarged breasts while these pills carry out their task.
Well, that’s very much possible. However, before delving into the usage of compression shirts for that purpose, let’s first understand what is gynecomastia and how you can treat it safely? Simply put, gynecomastia is the enlargement of breasts tissues in men, giving their chests the appearance of boobs, just like in case of women.
What are the causes?
Such abnormal breast enlargement can happen due to several reasons such as reaction to medications, changing hormone levels, side-effects of certain medical conditions etc. People also suffer from something referred to as pseudo gynecomastia, in which they seem like suffering from gynecomastia, but their enlarged breasts are only because of obesity- related fat deposits.
Whatever may be your particular reason of gynecomastia problem, you may still want to hide your man boobs while you’re working on their removal.
No man would like to be seen in public with enlarged breasts, and that’s the precise reason why man boobs removal products are in great demand nowadays.
However, after carrying out thorough research, we’ve figured out that Gynexin and Gynexol are two tried and tested products which can help you get rid of man boobs safely, without facing any harmful side effects.
So, while you’re consuming these pills to get rid of man boobs permanently, you may want to opt for something that hides your breasts temporarily. This is where gynecomastia compression shirt comes into the picture!
Gynecomastia compression shirts
Just like women have specific varieties of underwear, apparel and girdles to hide those excessive curves and ugly bulges, men can make use of compression shirts to hide their enlarged breasts, which they obviously won’t like to be seen!
Such compression shirts are worn under regular clothes and they work perfectly in smoothening the unsightly bulges, giving you a well-toned appearance that you’ve always wanted!
The enlarged breasts get properly compressed and other unpleasant bulges in the torso also get hidden, leaving you with a perfect look on the outside.
Once you’ve worn the compression shirt, it’ll snug on to you so well that you’ll be able to wear your normal clothes over it very easily. No one will ever get to know that you’re wearing anything of that sort underneath.
All that people will get to see is your well-toned body and enhanced confidence level.
Here are some of the available options on the market:
Short sleeve options
[easyazon_link identifier=“B00KHTMD04” locale=“US” tag=“makitareviews-20”]Under Armour Men’s HeatGear Short Sleeve Tee[/easyazon_link]
[easyazon_image align=“none” height=“500” identifier=“B00KHTMD04” locale=“US” src=“https://www.themanlyzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/41irMod2BAL.jpg” tag=“makitareviews-20” width=“409”]
[easyazon_link identifier=“B00KHTMD04” locale=“US” tag=“makitareviews-20”]Click here to see more colours[/easyazon_link]
Long sleeve options
[easyazon_link identifier=“B017TVMELK” locale=“US” tag=“makitareviews-20”]Tesla MEN’s Cool Compression shirt[/easyazon_link]
[easyazon_image align=“none” height=“500” identifier=“B017TVMELK” locale=“US” src=“https://www.themanlyzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/41CqC6WtgAL.jpg” tag=“makitareviews-20” width=“381”]
[easyazon_link identifier=“B017TVMELK” locale=“US” tag=“makitareviews-20”]Click here to see sizes and colors[/easyazon_link]
Vest options
[easyazon_link identifier=“B014KQAXO2” locale=“US” tag=“makitareviews-20”]HOTER® Mens Slimming Body Shaper Vest Shirt [/easyazon_link]
[easyazon_image align=“none” height=“300” identifier=“B014KQAXO2” locale=“US” src=“https://www.themanlyzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/41m2rJK7IsL.jpg” tag=“makitareviews-20” width=“500”]
[easyazon_link identifier=“B014KQAXO2” locale=“US” tag=“makitareviews-20”]Click here to see sizes and colors[/easyazon_link]
Gynecomastia compression shirt pros
There are several pros associated with compression shirts. Some of them are as follows:
Gynecomastia compression shirt offers immediate relief from the man boobs related embarrassment, enabling you to tackle the problem at your own pace. With an alternative like this, you won’t have to rush into hasty and dangerous decisions like undergoing gynecomastia surgery.
It’s a one-time investment. You can use your compression shirt over and over again whenever you feel like.
A compression shirt works as the best option for people who’re hard pressed for time and have social engagements or parties to attend immediately. In situations like these, you can’t really wait for pills like Gynexin or Gynexol show their effects. Wearing a compression shirt can instantly give you that well-toned look that you so need for such occasions.
With gynecomastia compression shirt, you’ll no longer have to worry about sticking to dietary restrictions. You can eat whatever you like and you’ll still have that attractive appearance on the outside!
Gynecomastia compression shirts don’t cost a lot, and you can buy them discreetly from online stores without anyone getting to know about your purchase.
Some cons
Although you can benefit tremendously by wearing a compression shirt, you must keep in mind that it is by no means a permanent solution. Unless you consume effective gynecomastia treatment pills like Gynexin or Gynexol, you’ll never get rid of man boobs permanently. Your enlarged breasts will only stay hidden as long as you wear the compression shirt. They’ll bulge out with all their ugliness as soon as you take off the shirt.
The gynecomastia compression shirt will only provide you with your dream figure as long as you wear something on top of it. It’s not the best solution if you’re heading for a beach location and would want to go topless.
>>>>See the best compression shirts on the market here<<<<
Final word
Considering our rapidly changing lifestyles, a large percentage of men throughout the world are facing problems like obesity and man boobs nowadays. This is the precise reason why instant solutions like compression shirts are gaining more and more popularity.
Furthermore, hiding man boobs using a specially designed shirt like this one is far more comfortable than wearing multiple layers of clothing, just to keep those unsightly bulges hard pressed.
With compression shirts, you’ll no longer need to depend on clothing layers, baggy shirts or other ineffective and uncomfortable options. Although use of a compression shirt is not a permanent gynecomastia solution, it can do wonders to your confidence while you’re using pills like Gynexol or Gynexin to get rid of the problem permanently.
The fact that even mainstream sports brands are also launching their own versions of compression shirts is good enough indicator that more and more people are turning to compression shirts for hiding their shortcomings.
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jeremycgiroux · 6 years
Gynexol Review: Does this cream work?
Before getting into the Gynexol review, let us first understand what is gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is a health condition which involves the enlargement of male breast gland tissue. Although it’s more common in infants, compared to older men, there are several middle-aged and young men too who suffer from such abnormal growth of breasts. This condition is also commonly referred to as man boobs. Another well-known reason behind growth of man boobs is the deposition of fats into the chest area, thereby giving it boobs like appearance.
Please note that although this condition isn’t life-threatening, it can seriously affect one’s quality of your life. Men with enlarged breasts may find it hard to get away from peoples’ ugly stares whenever they disrobe in public places. They may even lose confidence and find it difficult to make friends with people of opposite sex.
Gynecomastia is a major health problem in the eyes of men suffering from them. Considering the desperation levels of men suffering from man boobs, companies have tapped into this market and have launched several different products for its treatment in the past few decades. However, none of them, barring a few have proven effective in permanent gynecomastia treatment.
Until sometime ago, before the advent of options like Gynexol, men used to be mainly dependent on risky and costly gynecomastia surgery for getting rid of their man boobs.
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What is Gynexol?
​Gynexol is a natural male breast reduction cream, formulated specifically for reducing the male breasts’ appearance in the quickest manner possible. It is meant to be applied daily and directly onto the male breast, until you see a visible improvement in your condition. Gynexol has found a lot of popularity in the past few years, mainly because of the word-of-mouth publicity done by men who’ve benefited from it.​
Another major reason behind its popularity is that Gynexol is a completely natural product and doesn’t cause any harmful side effects.
Furthermore, it’s economically priced and doesn’t require one to swallow or ingest anything. All in all, Gynexol is a simple cream which can be applied on body (in this case male breasts) just like any other cream.
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How does Gynexol work?
Gynexol cream delivers its results by eliminating the root causes of gynecomastia. As mentioned above, one of these is the fat deposits in the chest area.
Unlike other gynecomastia solutions, this cream sculpts the chest area by breaking up the fatty tissues in it. This doesn’t imply that it removes all the fatty deposits in the chest. Rather, it gets rid of the superfluous fats which make the chest swell up.
Regardless of whether you understand the science behind this cream or not, you’ll know it works if you use it for a few weeks diligently. You’ll see your chest tightening up without causing you any discomfort.
As with other gynecomastia supplements, this one doesn’t enter the bloodstream, as it just targets the unwanted fat deposits in the chest area.
You must apply Gynexol cream at least once each day, preferably during the morning hours, to get best results.
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Gynexol ingredients
All the ingredients contained in this product are 100% safe and natural. The company which manufactures Gynexol lists all its major ingredients on its packaging. Following are the four main ingredients that make the Gynexol cream:
Ginkgo biloba
One of the most regularly used ingredients in the Chinese medicine system, ginkgo biloba is a highly versatile herb whose primary functions include the promotion of collagen production in the human body.
Collagen is another name for tissues responsible for skin tightening. These are the same tissues that give you a youthful look. Ageing and sagging skin is normally a direct result of depletion of collagen levels in the body.
Apart from increasing the collagen production, ginkgo biloba also assists the circulation of blood in the body, thereby giving a youthful appearance to the skin and improving the other body functions.
Hence, it’s not surprising that ginkgo biloba is the primary ingredient in several prominent anti-ageing products available in the marketplace.
Aloe vera juice
Everyone knows the great benefits of this wonderful ingredient. It in fact functions as the primary ingredient in many weight loss products, and is well-known for its fat burning ability.
People suffering from male breast normally have plenty of unwanted fat deposits around their pectoral or chest muscles. Aloe Vera helps in burning these fats, without affecting the muscle mass in any way. Hence, you get rid of the chest fat deposits without losing any muscles.
The main ingredient of several anti-wrinkle creams and stretch marks removal creams, retinol was discovered during the early 20th century and has since been in use for reducing blemishes, lines, wrinkles and scars on the body. It carries out its task by tightening the skin, even if the underlying fat deposits have been dissolved.
There are two main benefits of this ingredient’s inclusion in the Gynexol cream. One, it helps in skin tightening, thereby giving the chest a sculpted appearance. And second, that it keeps the scars away. Some men develop lines or scars in their chests after the breast size gets reduced. This ingredient helps in tackling that problem.
Although the above detailed three ingredients are present in several other gynecomastia products, what distinguishes Gynexol is the presence of ethoxydiglycol. For, retinol, aloe Vera juice and ginkgo biloba to work, they should be combined in the right proportions and consistencies. This is where ethoxydiglicol comes into play.
It keeps the Gynexol cream stable and makes sure that every bit of it consists of all the important ingredients in just the right proportion. Another major benefit of this ingredient is that it facilitates easy penetration of other ingredients into the skin.
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Are there any side effects of Gynexol?
Despite it being a topical solution, Gynexol cream doesn’t have any harmful side effects. You may have seen other similar creams leading to skin irritation and redness of skin, but not this one. None of the people who have bought and benefited from Gynexol so far, have reported any such side-effects.
Nevertheless, it’s important that you carry out a small skin test by applying a little bit of Gynexol cream on the inside of your forearm, to see whether it leads to any allergy or not.
What results can you expect?
Following are the results you can expect by regularly using the Gynexol cream:
1. Breast size reduction
This is the most prominent and main benefit you can expect by using Gynexol cream on a regular basis. And why not?! If you’ve bought a product to reduce man boobs, it should do exactly that!
If we talk about the cup size, majority of men experience a reduction of minimum one cup size within 4 to 6 weeks of its regular use. In fact, you’ll start seeing its visible results in the third week itself! Furthermore, as the results delivered by Gynexol cream are permanent in nature, you can stop using it once you’re satisfied with your new breast size.
2. Skin tightening
Gynexol cream reduces the male breast size by doing two important things. One, it reduces the fat deposits inside the chest area, and other, it increases the collagen production in the body. The user experiences an overall skin tightening effect in his chest area, making it more supple and tight, by the effectiveness of this two-pronged approach.
3. Chest sculpting
Chest sculpting comes as a natural and positive side-effect of the above two benefits. However, you should keep in mind that Gynexol is in no way a muscle development cream and should never be used for that purpose. If you’re really keen on sculpting your chest, the best way to go about it is pumping iron in the gym!
Which is the best place to buy Gynexol?
Owing to the huge popularity of the Gynexol cream, many unscrupulous elements have started marketing and selling Gynexol fakes, which are not only ineffective, but can cause a lot of harm to your health.
Hence, it’s important that you buy Gynexol cream, only and only from its official manufacturer’s website. By buying it directly from the manufacturer, you’ll ensure that you get the original product at the best possible price.
Another benefit of buying it directly from the manufacturer is that you’ll be able to avail their comprehensive money back guarantee and the time to time discounts offered by them.
Click here for the Best Price
Gynecomastia Creams
We have searched high and far and could not get any gynecomastia creams that we could measure Gynexol with. There are however gynecomastia pills, we know of them and have tested and reviewed them on this site. You can read about them: Gynexin Review and Gynectrol Review.
It’s thus clear that in terms of the best Gyno cream the only solution that you have is Gynexol. But please remember that you can use this in conjunction with the Gyno reducing pills we mentioned above.
Gynexol reviews conclusion
As we mentioned earlier, at the beginning of this article, although gynecomastia is not a life-threatening condition, it can seriously affect your confidence levels and outlook towards life.
Many gynecomastia patients suffer from depression and low self-esteem problems. After all, which man would like to be at the receiving end of inappropriate jokes?
Until sometime ago, breast reduction surgery was the only option men had to get rid of gynecomastia. But surgery is both expensive and risky.
If you’re someone who
- Is quietly leading an embarrassing existence because of gynecomastia,
- Doesn’t have money and/or risk appetite to undergo breast reduction surgery and
- Has already tried and tested various other solutions
It’s high time that you give Gynexol a try! Trust me, you’ll not be disappointed! Click the image Below and get 5% of the advertised price!
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jeremycgiroux · 6 years
Gynexin scam
Gynexin has been promoted for a while now as the top treatment option to take care of gynecomastia, a condition where a man has excess breast tissues. This is an interesting oral supplement that can target the glandular tissues and fat deposits within the breast area that can cause large breasts to develop on one’s body.
However, it is critical for people to be aware of how this works. The Gynexin scam stories regarding this product have been floating around and people deserve to learn the truth about how this product works. These stories have been going around as a means of trying to get people to think twice about this supplement. However, it can be ideal for the body’s needs when mixed with the right lifestyle changes.
How Does It Work?
Gynexin is designed as an oral treatment that will take care of gynecomastia, thus keeping a man from having to utilize dangerous and potentially expensive surgical procedures to get rid of the issue. This is a dietary supplement that targets the body’s metabolic functions.
In particular, it triggers the body’s metabolic system to keep it active so it can burn off fat tissues. It especially focuses on the tissues around the breasts, specifically the glandular tissues that have built up with fat deposits all around them. When used right, this supplement will work for a while to take care of these deposits and keep them from being easily visible.
What Ingredients Are There?
This is a product that works with a series of important ingredients to make it functional and useful. Here’s a look at what is included to keep this supplement working for one’s needs to make the body feel its best:
Chromium picolinate is used to keep the body’s metabolic rate running properly, thus making it easier for fat tissues to be burned off.
Guggulsterones are hormones used to trigger fat-burning procedures and are prominent featured in Gynexin.
Gynexin alpha brand is a mixture that targets the condition. This particularly focuses on fiber and fat-burning materials to keep the body healthy.
Green tea extract is also included here to support the fat-burning processes needed to make this work right.
Sclareolides are added hormones used to increase testosterone levels while also reducing estrogen levels, thus keeping hormone levels from growing far too much.
Are There Limits?
Gynexin is not capable of doing much for the body outside of keeping breast tissues from being easily visible. It does not target fats in other parts of the body although it is rather efficient with regards to keeping breast tissues down.
Does It Create Issues?
Gynexin may not work well for people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or those who have liver or thyroid issues. This may also not work well for those who are taking acetaminophen or those who are currently undergoing added treatments for other serious medical conditions.
Also, this product works better if it is taken while under a healthy diet. While this does not require the participant to make dramatic changes to one’s diet, it should still be checked carefully to ensure that it can work right with a healthier sense of control to make it functional. In particular, the patient needs to avoid consume excess fats in order for it to work. A diet that is rich in protein will especially be ideal for a person to have in order to keep from being unhealthy or otherwise unable to keep it functioning properly.
Overall, the stories of a Gynexin scam are not all that important as this product can certainly do well when taking care of the male body’s breasts. When used over time, it should be easier for the body to look its best and stay impressive.
Contact Us For Reading the stories of a Gynexin scam.
Tag:- How to get rid of man boobs/ How to get rid of gynecomastia/ Man boobs/ How to lose man boobs/ Buy Gynexin/ Gynexin scam/ Gynecomastia Treatment
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jeremycgiroux · 6 years
Gynexin Alpha Formula Review – Does it really work to get rid of man boobs?
Welcome to one of the most honest Gynexin reviews you will find online, the reason is that I was in your position a couple of years back and could not get my questions answered on any forum or websites.
 So I started gathered information through trial and error.
In this Gynexin review you will learn how you can get rid of your moobs with one simple natural Gynexin pill, but you should know certain aspects like side-effects, risks, results from current users and so much more so that you will know from the start if Gynexin will work for you or not.
Gynexin Review
Let’s be straight forward from the start and I need you to be honest and answer the following questions before you read any further!!
Can you go to the beach and take off your shirt and walk around with confidence?
Do you wear shirts that doesn’t really fit you?
Are you wrapping your chest or wearing a vest to hide your chest?
Have you been pulling away from people and relationships because you are scared they may notice your Breasts?
Have you been wonder if there is a non-surgical solution that guarantees results?
Here is a Quick view on Gynexin
Gynexin Alpha formula
Reduces fatty tissue in the chest
Works for 99% of all men who take it as prescribed
2 tablets a day for a min of 60 days to see results
Safe, yet effective all natural herbal supplement
60 day money back guarantee
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​Gynexin Ingredients
​Mode of Action
​Chromium ​ (Picolinate)
​Increases Metabolism
​​Proprietary Gynexin Blend
​Reduces Fatty Tissue in Chest
​Guggulsterones (plant resin)
​Targets fatty cells in chest
​Green Tea Extract
​Increases Metabolism
​Theobromine Cacao (fruit)
Prevents water retention
​Weight loss and energy
Capsule cover
​Before and After Pictures
Okay so if you were honest you answered “YES” to more than on of my questions above! You are you sick and tired of your sagging man boobs! You have zero confidence with the fairer sex, right? What if I told you there is a natural, herbal product available that can reduce you chest size, and get you mojo back? See the official Gynexin page here
Here is what you will find in my review:
What is this condition that is stealing your confidence?
Will I be able to go without a shirt(in Public) in 2 months or less?
Why Gynexin can guarantee their results within 60 days?
Where can I get the best deal on Gynexin?
What is Gynecomastia actually?
If you’re suffering from “man boobs” you know what it’s like to go swimming in public or wear outfits that are tighter fitting.
You’re definitely not alone, it’s much more common than many people realize.
The medical term for this is Gynecomastia, and it can lead to a number of health problems if it’s not properly addressed.
It can be overwhelming with the amount of products and programs out there to help people suffering from Gynecomastia.
This Gynexin review should put you at ease so that you can make a decision by the end of this article for yourself.
Before we get to what the product can do for you, lets start by looking at the different Gynecomstia that you get and might have right now.
Gynecomastia/ Man boobs/ Moobs is the enlargement of breast tissue in Men. Its as common as 6 in 10 men that may have it.
Mixed Gynecomastia
When your enlarged breast is caused by increased fatty tissue as well as enlarged breast tissue, you have mixed gynecomastia. This is common in men that have a higher than normal body fat percentage.
This can be explained as a fake/false version of Gynecomastia caused by fatty tissue in pockets in the breast cavities.
Pubertal Gynecomastia
4 out of 10 boys see an unusual amount of breast tissue when they reach puberty, this is called pubertal gynecomastia, for most boys they subside right after puberty.
Okay so now we have clarrified the different types of “man boobs” that exists, you can see that its not always clear what type of Gynecomastia you may have, and that is fine, just as long as you understand the difference in fatty tissue and breast tissue.
What are the Gynecomastia treatment options?
​There’s a safe breast reduction pill which is rising to popularity that is geared toward reversing the cause of “man boob” and it’s called Gynexin Alpha Formula.
Keep reading and you will see the facts, figures, pro’s and con’s that you can expect when using Gynexin Alpha Formula Review for men.
Even if you are that 1% that does not get the results you were looking for, at least you can have confidence in knowing that you tried one of the most effective - low risk - options on the market.
Moobs, or commonly referred to as the man boob is a very common problem which may be due to number of different causes, but herbal breast reduction pills do exist and can help you significantly as you look at treatment options.
This medical condition is mostly cosmetic in which the male gender is faced with the problem of excessive enlargement of their breasts and doesn’t appear good when you are placed in social or work environments.
The best way of treating this is by finding the underlying cause and eliminate the it. Another commonly used option is to treat it by doing a surgical removal of the enlarged part.
This is both expensive and is prone to leave behind some scar marks at the site of surgery.
Are you sick and tired of your sagging man boobs? Do you have zero confidence with the fairer sex? What if I told you there is a natural, herbal product available that can reduce you chest size, and get you mojo back? See the official Gynexin page here
What is gynexin alpha formula?
This condition can cause chronic stress and anxiety in many men. And not all can afford the expensive breast surgery or hormonal treatment.
Gynexin is a herbal product which has all the natural ingredients to help reduce the size of the male breasts within 3 to 4 weeks.
Who sells gynexin?
This product is manufactured and sold by the Zudker Group. The official site can be found at http://www.gynexin.com
When to take gynexin?
It’s extremely important to take Gynexin regularly to maximize your chance of success. Depending on individual response to these male breast reduction pills, the time duration for the change in size may vary person to person. The recommended dose is 2 tablets a day as a month supply is 60 pills in a box.
When does gynexin start working?
As mentioned above the recommended dose is 2 pills a day, but to see the full benefit of the supplement you will atleast have to take it for 3 months consecutively.
You may find that Gynexin will need to be combined with male weight loss supplements to gain better results. As it is being manufactured in FDA approved facility, it is supposed to have the ingredients which are also FDA approved.
But strangely enough, although it has been in market for past 8 years, the ingredients used in the formulation of these male boob reduction pills are not FDA approved. It is marketed as a dietary supplement and not as any medicine used to treat, cure or diagnose any medical condition.
Have you heard enough yet?
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Does Gynexin really work?
Gynexin alpha formula works on the excessive fatty tissue surrounding the male breast. The fat is burned and therefore acts as a fat burner or a weight loss supplement.
This helps in regaining the natural shape of the male boobs. Though these capsules can’t be used to treat the hormonal imbalance, which may be the underlying cause of this condition, it can certainly move you one giant step closer.
It may not take hours and hours of exercise to take effect, but it is advised to incorporate small, manageable, and consistent amounts of exercise to achieve your ideal body type.
As a user of Gynexin it is also important to control your calorie intake. You may find that combining Gynexin with fat burning pills could enhance your results further than expected.
Everyone is different and your response to Gynexin should be closely monitored and assessed after around one months’ time.
This will help determine whether Gynexin Alpha Formula is having any effect on the body or not. If no response is seen, either a doctor can be consulted or it may be discontinued.
Before and after pics from real customers
James, 24 yrs
Jonathan, 42
Rahul, 36
Okay so lets be honest, there are many Gynexin Reviews out there on the web, but how do you know what are real reviews and which are fake?? Well I am trying to make it easy for you to see the facts from fiction on this page and trying to provide you with everything you need to make a decision that is best suited for YOU!!
Have you heard enough yet?
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Here are some of the Gynexin Results customers have been reporting on the Official Gynexin Page
The first thing I noticed when I started Gynexin is
more energy. I have lost inches off my hips, waist, arms, thighs and most importantly my chest. I am nearing the completion of my third blister pack and I can see a big difference. I actually took my shirt off yesterday when I cut the lawn! This may not sound like a bid deal to most, but if you suffer from gynecomastia you know exactly what I’m talking about. I haven’t had my shirt off outside for years. I just had to share my success. Thank you for a wonderful product.
Tumblr media
  Tim B. - San Diego, CA
I have been taking the product for
just over 2 ½ months and have noticed a more masculine chest. My chest is not yet exactly where I would like it to be but I am hopeful that it will be over the next couple of months (I got the 4 +1 deal). Also I noticed an additional benefit of a more sculptured stomach and have cut back significantly on my ab exercises while maintaining the tone. Thanks for that extra surprise. Even if there is no more reduction it was worth the purchase for the results I have experienced so far.
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  Max Wentworth - Seattle, Washington
I was very skeptical about even trying an oral product to treat my gynecomastia, and to be honest
I have done plenty of research on my condition over the years and I’ve always been led to believe that surgery was my only option. It seems that the internet is flooded with websites of cosmetic surgeons offering their services, but I could never find an alternative until I finally stumbled across a product called Gynexin. The rest is history… no pun intended! It took only 3 weeks before I started to physically see results… it’s been about 6 months now and I couldn’t be happier. Now its time to learn how to swim!
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 David Shannon - Long Beach, California
What does Gynexin contain?
The Gynexin bottle is printed with all of the ingredients present in the formulation. It’s evident that the majority of the ingredients are natural herbs and no artificial additives are present.
Chromium: This is an effective fat burning agent which helps in weight loss and also helps in maintaining and increasing muscle mass. Body builders and athletes tend to actively include this in their daily diets. Picolinate is used to aid in chromium absorption. It provides an overall well being of the body as well as regulates insulin levels. It increases energy levels and stabilizes the body metabolism rates.
Proprietary Gyenxin blend: It is the herbal supplement part of this formulation specific to this male boob reduction pills.
Guggulsterone: Another part of the fat burning agent in this natural supplement and is also well known in treatment of osteo
0 notes
jeremycgiroux · 6 years
Gynecomastia Treatment
Gynecomastia Treatment Options a Doctor Can Offer
While it is important for any man with gynecomastia to focus on a good diet and exercise routine to keep male breast tissues from being too profound, it is important for a man to especially be aware of the different treatment options that can be used at a given time. Here are a few of the different Gynecomastia Treatment solutions that can be used under the support of a doctor to keep this problem from being more of an issue than necessary.
Testosterone Replacement Often Works
Testosterone replacement is a common procedure that doctors often offer to men who need help with gynecomastia. This works in that a man is prescribed proper testosterone medications with the intention of restoring one’s levels of this hormone. This is especially important as many men might have an excess amount of estrogen in their bodies if they are experiencing gynecomastia. Testosterone replacement is an appropriate procedure to use when taking care of the body’s breast tissues.
Testosterone replacement procedures often involve sprays or gels to take care of one’s hormone levels. These levels can be measured regularly through blood tests and other samples from one’s body. This is a harmless process but it is critical to keep anything being used here under control as testosterone replacement products can be dangerous to women and children alike.
A patient will also be recommended to stick with some dietary chances at this point. In most cases this entails a focus on a low-fat diet to keep the body healthy. If used properly, it should be easy for the skin to be treated right without being at risk of harm.
Medications Are Often Offered
Some men can use medications to take care of gynecomastia. These include medications like Nolvadex, a product that helps to block the estrogen hormones within the body, thus making it easier for anyone to feel a little healthier and more comfortable with how one’s body is being handled.
Danazol can also be used in the Gynecomastia Treatment process. This is a synthetic form of testosterone that will control estrogen synthesis levels to keep this hormone from being produced or used so much. If used right, it will be easier for the body to feel healthy and comfortable with what is going on inside of it.
These are medications that can be taken for about a month or so to get them to work properly. The effectiveness of these options will vary by each person.
Is Surgery Possible?
It is true that surgery can be used to keep gynecomastia under control. This Gynecomastia Treatment option entails what is known as a reduction mammoplasty. This is used to reduce breast tissues within the body. This is used to remove old tissues and fat deposits in the area.
While this can be a useful process, this is typically only for those who have not been treated properly with a traditional series of medications. This is a procedure that can cause scarring around the breast areas and can be rather expensive. It may cost thousands of dollars to get this Gynecomastia Treatment taken care of the right way.
Also, the surgery itself can be tough to handle. It requires an incision around the breast tissues and precise scanning of the area to ensure that the right fatty deposits are removed as needed. If handled right, it can be easier for the breast tissues to be treated right and with enough care to keep them healthy.
Any man who needs help with taking care of gynecomastia can contact a doctor for help with figuring out what can be done. The treatment options to use can be rather varied and interesting but it is important to watch for how they are to be used.
Call Us for few of the different Gynecomastia Treatment solutions.
Tag:- How to get rid of man boobs/ How to get rid of gynecomastia/ Man boobs/ How to lose man boobs/ Buy Gynexin/ Gynexin scam/ Gynecomastia Treatment
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