jonahhadland · 4 years
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                                                       Usually, Blair was ready with a witty response. Armed and waiting for the perfect moment to strike, seizing all opportunity to push away, bark, yell, order… but Jonah’s playful words actually made her require a pause. The harshness in her eyes disappeared and without warning she shoved his back abruptly yet gently towards the nearby wall so she could prowl in closer for her ‘attack’ and assume control of a very much needed kiss, which felt as if it was going to tear out from her chest if she didn’t take one from him again. It was a softer kiss than usual, the same eagerness as always but gentle and affectionate which surprised her truthfully. Her hands took slow and soft caresses up his arms to his shoulders, then tugged him in closer where she wasn’t ready to pull away just yet. Her heart must’ve grown in size in that moment, breaking away from him but resting her forehead against his as she sighed. “Whatever it is going on, just know I like it, alright? I like you. This, us. Whatever.” she said quietly, which also was unlike her. She still hadn’t even let go of him, and her light eyes glanced up to his before a grin broke out against her features. “But you’re right, I definitely only like you because of your cooking.”
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He watched her carefully, ready to follow her lead, he had learnt pretty on in their friendship that it was just easier to let things go at her own pace, and now that they were doing whatever this was it would be stupid of him to think otherwise. As he was pushed to the wall he gave a small ‘oof’ laughing purely at how much strength she had in that tiny body of hers. “This where you beat me up for showing up at work again and embarrassing you?” He hummed but his words were cut off by her lips and then he really didn’t need to say anything else at all. Instead he let his arms wind around her, keeping her tight to him, returning her soft kisses. Anyone could see them that past on the street, any of Blair’s colleagues, friends that they knew, and he couldn’t bring himself to care he was just happy. Softly the male pressed his lips to her forehead as she pulled away and he nuzzled his arms behind her back. “I know, I don’t need you to reassure me or keep me happy, I know.” His voice was rough as he looked at her. “I like it to, even if you are just using me.” Stealing a kiss from her once more the male stifled a yawn the best he could. “Come on, let’s get you some sleep.” 
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jonahhadland · 4 years
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“And you grill a mean steak, let’s not forget that part.” Danny smirked childishly, already placing an order for more drinks. He didn’t care much at this point, his responsibility didn’t go much further than BJ and their son now and even that was starting to feel like something he was ignoring. “Why would I laugh at your place? You got a weird sex dungeon or somethin’?” he laughed, slapping Jonah’s arm with the back of his hand. “Don’t say you got a shrine to Demps above ya bed.”
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“I mean I thought I was worth more than my steak, your whole damn family just seem to be using me for food and I never realized it before.” Jonah chuckled, shaking his brow at Danny for a moment as he watched him order the drinks. “I got a nice place, like a really nice place you’re not going to know what’s hit you man....but wait why on earth would I have a shrine for Blair, you guys are weird you know that. I don’t even know how you all know about it.” His response was more of a scoff as he glared at the male. “Didn’t know she put that kind of his in the news.” 
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jonahhadland · 4 years
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jonahhadland · 4 years
109:Have you kissed anyone in the past month?
“I certainly have, been kissing them a whole lot actually, it’s rather strange to just be kissing one girl at once….or like one at a go?”
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110:If you could kiss anyone who would it be?
“Considering I got myself arrested to kiss Blair at New Years, I’m going to stick with wanting to kiss her. Still can’t believe I did that just because she was working. 
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111:Do you know who you’ll kiss next?
”Again, we’re going to go with Blair on this one, she’s likely going to kick me and really hard but I mean what can I do about it? She likes kissing me to.” 
112:Does someone like you currently?
“Okay, I’m starting to feel like I’m being called out here, Blair, is this you?” 
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113:Do you currently have feelings for anyone?
“Alright fine, I like Blair, I happen to like her just enough to get myself arrested for her. I mean don’t tell her I told you but she’s kind of warm and cute under the bluntness if she let’s you see it and I’m having a lot of fun getting to know her beyond that.” 
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jonahhadland · 4 years
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                                                “The uniform would definitely be a look. Not sure about the hat, though.” she laughed and didn’t even notice how close she was gravitating towards him as they walked together. Normally, she’d correct her direction but it almost felt as if a breakthrough had been made from Jonah’s drunken confessions. “It’s almost as if you got a shower big enough for two people on purpose.” she quipped playfully with another chuckle. “I’m a sociopath, what do you expect? I like sinking my claws in when people least expect it. Drunk Jonah is wonderfully honest.” another joke which she hoped didn’t make her seem any more despicable than she already was. Then, instantly, she stopped and grabbed Jonah’s arm to make him pause with her. Blair turned to face him, looking up at him with a smirk. “I meant it by the way. Pretty sure you did too. But I just need to know none of that is going to make things weird. I like things the way they are. No expectations or anything. Plus, you’re the first fuck buddy I’ve had that makes me breakfast so I don’t want that to change either.”
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“You think you could cope with me having handcuffs to put on you though?” Jonah joked with her softly, he was honestly surprised that she hadn’t handcuffed him to the bed yet just so that she could taunt him about it later - he certainly wouldn’t put it past her. He hadn’t even known it was possible to fit someone as well as he and Blair seemed to fit each other. It wasn’t even the big things that people that normally noticed, he just knew when she needed quiet, she knew when to slip her hand into his at the right moment, even walking together seemed to be a comfort for the two of them, each step matching. “Never had anyone use it as much as you though.” He confirmed quietly, in fact he couldn’t remember the last girl that had used it. “I don’t think you’re a sociopath, and hell even if you are it’s not like I don’t know what I’m signing up for.” As the two of them came to a stop Jonah let her say her piece, a smile tugging at his lips as he looked down at her. “B, I got arrested to kiss you at midnight, of course I meant it all, but this isn’t me expecting more from you I just...I like it.” He liked this, he liked it a lot actually and though it didn’t feel quite right to be referred to as a fuck buddy, he knew what she was trying to say. “Sometimes I think you like me for the eggs woman.” 
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jonahhadland · 4 years
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“Oh, sure. You’re just walkin’ on a cloud for no reason.” Ric started smirking with Jonah, probably because both of them could smell the bullshit from a mile off. “I’ve known you all my life, man. I know a pussy-smirk when I see one.” Ric waved his finger from his temple towards his friend, laughing happily. “Also, I noticed you cook more food than my ma does at a damn fiesta when you’re getting laid. We’re practically brothers, man.” he laughed again. “It’s that crazy Demps, got you smilin’ like an idiot out here.”
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“I might have won the lottery and I’m just not sharing, you ever think about that?” He hadn’t of course, and Ricardo was spot on about the sudden mood change that Jonah had undergone but he didn’t want to admit that to him, at least not straight away. “What can I say? Sometimes the girl is just smile worthy, if you were getting laid at all you might know....wait what? How do you know when I cook? You need to get a life man I’m a little worried you’re in love with me.” Giving the other a playful, brotherly shrug Jonah stared laughing unable to stop himself. “Fine, yes, I’m absolutely screwed alright! I got myself arrested because she was working and I wanted a midnight kiss.” 
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jonahhadland · 4 years
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“Thanks, man. I needed this more than I realised.” Danny admitted with a shrug, reaching for the shot and knocking it back hastily. He was sure he was going to get it in the neck soon enough from B. He had all but abandoned her, out all the time and avoiding as much of reality as he could. Of course, he was too stupid to notice that this was something Jonah was doing to help him. “Maybe lemme crash at yours tonight, really don’t think I’ll survive B if I turn up drunk.”
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“What are friends for if not allowing you to get drunk and hiding you from the Misses?” Jonah chuckled, really he just wanted Danny to pause, to just let it all sink in for a moment and if he needed to break down without judgement well then Jonah was ready for that too, but it had to happen on the Anderson’s own terms he knew that. Tough love just didn’t work on everyone. “Fine with me, but you’re going to have to promise you don’t laugh at me when you see the house, you should have....well let’s just say it won’t be what you’re expecting, not that you’ll be sober enough to realize.” 
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jonahhadland · 4 years
“alright the coast is clear.” jonah laughed, perhaps just a little too loud as he reappeared in the elder anderson’s room now dressed in blue scrubs and with a wheelchair in tow. “you can’t spend another hour sat with a visitor in this room you’re going to go nuts, we’re going up man.” moving to the males bed side he made quick work of helping him slip into the chair making sure all of his drips were now attached to the chair before bounding him with blankets. “you ready to go? you warm enough? if i kill you blair and danny kill me.” - @woodyanders​
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jonahhadland · 4 years
for someone that spent so much time in kirkwood, his record was surprisingly clean. sure he had been arrested a few times, but there had never been anything to tie him to a crime because he just didn’t commit them - and other than the odd bar fight and new years eve he tried not to get arrested. together though he could feel the eyes on him across the small cafe and he squinted his eyes a little before he picked out the source. “can i help you? or are you just going to continue to stare at me? you know you’re really not subtle.” = @hxlfxz​
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jonahhadland · 4 years
i didn’t know what it was to want, to crave something so badly you feel your soul ripping your insides, trying to reach out for it. i didn’t know what it was to want something so desperately your heart ached at the absence of it. that night, i craved your touch as if you were in another universe, far away from me. i craved your touch so much i repeated in my head, like a spell, like a mantra, ‘touch me’. 'touch me’. 'touch me’. please please please i am begging you, put your hand on my heart, your lips on my neck, your eyes on my soul. touch me, god fucking damn it.
touch. (via sunsetico)
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jonahhadland · 4 years
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Jonah wasn’t one for interventions, he wasn’t here to tell people how they were supposed to live there lives, but that also didn’t mean he was going to let people spiral if there was something he could do to help, even if that was just drinking with someone. “Here, let the tequila do the talking for me, I’ll make sure you’re home later.” With that he took his own shot and sad back on the couch where the two of them had ended up, he couldn’t offer much more with lecturing him and he wasn’t going to do that now. -   @dxnnyanderscn​
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jonahhadland · 4 years
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                                                     “Yep, the police force is full of morons. You’d make a great officer.”  She let out a little scoff at Jonah’s return of her sarcasm, and she definitely wasn’t expecting the kiss either once he had walked over to her. One hand found it’s way to playfully but gently stroke under his chin. “Back to yours, your shower is better.” she replied with a grin before she ushered him out of the cell and walked with him towards the front desk. She didn’t say much while she booked him out but as soon as they were heading outside towards her car, she grabbed his arm and then linked hers through it. “Do you remember much of last night, Hadland?” she asked him as they walked, looking to him with a raise of one brow before a smile broke out across her features. “I hate to admit it but you’ve made me not hate sleeping with a man so much.” she laughed and then shrugged. “I mean, maybe your pretty face makes me feel like I still like girls.” There was a compliment in there somewhere, hidden perfectly through her sarcasm and taunts.
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“Don’t you think I’d make a sexy officer? I think that the badge would suit me.” He had thought about it when he was a boy, but then again he supposed that at some point in their lives most people had thought about serving in one way or another. Jonah on the other hand was happy to keep peoples belly full. “I told you that it was a great shower, so it should be for what it cost to have put in but it’s worth every penny.” Following suit Jonah made sure to keep a respectable distance from her, he had made it pretty obvious there was some sort of link between the two of them last night when he had called for her the second he had arrived at the station. “I remember wanting to kiss you at midnight, then somehow I got here...pretty sure you asked me all about catching feelings. Dick move by the way, getting me whilst I was drunk.” Jonah laughed with her as they headed outside. “Then there was your confessions, after you kissed this pretty face of mine, which I know is nothing like sitting on a girls face so that one won’t hurt me.” 
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jonahhadland · 4 years
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jonahhadland · 4 years
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                                                     Blair didn’t know why but she was actually pondering Jonah’s question. She couldn’t pin point when she actually could tolerate him, let alone this strange feeling of the cliche butterflies she now had. “Hm, don’t get too mushy on me. I think it was when I realised you were hiding a python.” she tilted her head teasingly, her smile indicating that it was more than likely the bar fight that made her see him differently. But she wasn’t going to stay around to start confessing things when she was sober. She let him stew in his own stupidity for a few more hours. Six hours to be precise, which was better than twelve in her opinion. As soon as Blair returned and opened the cell door, she waited for Jonah to rise before she spoke. “You’re outta here, Hadland. Someone filed the paperwork wrong and tampered with the bodycam evidence. Idiots.” her smirk said everything and she gestured her head briefly to the door. “Conveniently, I’m going home early too. Need a ride home?”
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Jonah was pretty sure her fell asleep as soon and Blair had left his cell. He was locked in for a good few hours at least and he was in the lull of his high, both from alcohol and the fact that Blair had all but confessed to having feelings for him - tonight was a win no matter the consequences. It was only the groan of his cell door that pulled him from his light sleep and he moved from where he had been comfortably spread out with his hands behind his head. “Well would you look at that? I wonder who the hell could have dumb enough to do that? Got to be the guy that brought me in, he seemed awfully clumsy with those hands.” Jonah smirked though a yawn was quick to make its way through as he crossed the small cell to where she was stood, leaning to press a gentle kiss to her lips as he stretched. “Sounds amazing, we going back to yours or you want to come to mine? I got a whole fridge full of food to make you eggs once we’ve both had a few more hours.” Jonah offered resisting the urge to pull her close whilst they were still at work. 
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jonahhadland · 4 years
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                                                        “You’ve always been an idiot.” Blair’s reply was quick but she still wore a soft smile as she looked at him. “Guess you’ve finally become an idiot that I can like.” she then shrugged simply. She wasn’t one to divulge into talks about feelings but there was no denying that even she could feel there was a need to say something back to him. Maybe if she had been drunk too she would’ve been able to confess things without the hardened walls, but for now Blair figured her unusual softness was a giveaway in itself. Her arms found their way to rest on Jonah’s shoulders and she was smiling like an idiot against his lips, trying to purse her lips to fight it away. “Get some rest, I’ll work some magic and get you out of here.” she patted his chest, almost sinking into his arms before she pushed him gently away. Then, Blair wandered to the cell door and finally in those short paces had decided to act on the need to address the little drunken confessions. “Last time I checked, girls don’t kiss guys that do stupid things if they haven’t caught feelings too.” she shrugged and smirked slightly. “Guess we’re both idiots.”
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“That’s what it took huh? Holding out a jacket whilst you peed? Or was it the bar fight? I think that’s when I really won you over.” In the morning his ego was going to regret every word leaving his mouth because none of what he was doing currently fit the tough guy image he tried so hard to stick to around most. But he had already let Blair into his home which was further than most got, this just seemed like letter her see another part of him - the incredibly romantic and soft side, even if his gestures were somewhat questionable. Had they not been in a jail cell he imagined that they would have looked like any other couple right now, wrapped up in each others arms bringing in the New Years together but this just seemed a little more their style anyway. “You’re the best, but don’t try too hard, I really do need to sleep it off anyway so just come find me when you’re done.” He urged, she had probably have more than enough idiots to deal with over the past few hours and he hadn’t wanted to add anything to her stress. “Are you...” He trailed off as she smirked at him, he didn’t need her to confirm to him what she had just said, swaying or not he knew what she was trying to tell him and that was good enough for him, in fact as soon as she was out of sight the male made a large fist bump before he laid himself out on the bed. 
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jonahhadland · 4 years
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                                                       “Eh, I like to keep you on your toes.” Blair grinned back at him with a small shrug. Trust Blair to find this oddly romantic, roses would’ve been too much but Jonah getting arrested for a kiss from her was just the right amount of sweet. And funny. “You definitely know how to get a girl’s attention, Hadland. Your plan worked, guess you’ll be my new years kiss.” she praised him with a small chuckle, relaxing into their closeness when he pressed against her. She was just about to land a kiss on his lips when she had no choice but to laugh at the way his head flopped to her shoulder. As soon as he looked to her, she nodded jokingly but then quickly shook her head. “It’s fine, you don’t need to answer. I think lots of guys do this all the time, get arrested so they get to kiss someone they haven’t caught feelings for.” she taunted him quietly as her hand grabbed the fabric of his shirt to pull him back towards her. The kiss was a little premature, the sounds of distant cheers for the strike of midnight came moments after Blair had pressed her lips to Jonah’s. “Happy new year, shit head.”
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“On my toes, pfffft, I am....yea you’re keeping me on my toes alright, turned me into a damn idiot you have, don’t even know how it happened. One minute you were peeing in a pot, now I’m getting arrested, what’s happened to me.” His words were more drunken confessions, and he was sure that she was going to use them against him later, but if he really wanted to he could just claim that he had forgotten what he had said. “Some girls are just worth the effort huh?” Jonah chuckled along with her, the smile staying on her face was enough to keep him put for now. Somewhere in his drunken haze, he knew he was smitten enough to wish that she could say something back, for now though he would take her just accepting he had fallen in some sort of way.  “If they don’t then they really need to up their game, they will be making movies about this type of things next.” He let her pull him in with ease, letting his hands fall to her waist as he returned her kiss. As she pulled away he let his lips brush over hers again, a laugh following. “So worth getting arrested.” 
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jonahhadland · 4 years
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                                                          “Yeah, yeah. I’ll get you back safe and I guess I was betting on you being my new years plans anyways.” she shrugged at him with a small grin.  Jonah’s words, more like a drunk slur, made Blair scrunch her nose and she laughed again. “Wait a second, you got arrested for nothing at all just to get a New Years kiss?” she scoffed slightly and then ventured into the cell with him. Of course, protocol never was adhered to where Blair was concerned. She checked the time on her watch before she looked up at Jonah with a smirk. “Five minutes. Even when you’re wrecked you can time things well. Kudos. I can get you out of here fast, but you need to be able to walk first.” she laughed again, this time actually breaking out into genuine laughter that echoed in the empty cell. “You know I’m never gonna let you live this down, right?” Blair sighed contently, leaning back against the wall lazily as she watched Jonah in all his drunken glory. “You’ve caught feelings, haven’t you?”
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“You were? And you didn’t think to text me? You didn’t want to tell me that you were thinking about me too huh?” His grin was probably twice as large then hers in the moment and he hadn’t stopped to think about why that might be - or what it would give away. Jonah was just to pleased with himself in this very moment. “No, I got myself arrested to get a New Years kiss from you, looked around the bar and they just didn’t do anything. Next thing I know Officer Tim over there was in my line of sight and whoops here I am.” He rose from where he had been pressed as she moved closer to him, not even taking into consideration the fact that he could get her into trouble as his chest pressed to hers, a hand reaching for her hair before he heard her question and the words made him freeze for a moment. Moving his face from her sight he let it rest of her shoulder for a minute, giving a loud and loud groan past his lips, the feeling in his gut sinking and suddenly he didn’t feel so drunk. “Well fuck.” His words were much quieter than his groan had been, and he lifted his head again so that he could actually look her. “You going to leave me in here if I answer that question with a yes?” Jonah asked, quietly taking a step back. 
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