judebellvngham · 11 months
i absolutely hated the request i posted this morning i’ll re write it soon
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judebellvngham · 11 months
i’m crying this is hilarious
That's how you know him and Jude are brothers
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judebellvngham · 11 months
HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW ME? , jude/jobe b.
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summary: you, jude and jobe do the water dunk question trend on tik tok.
pairings: jude bellingham x fem!reader (platonic!) jobe bellingham x fem!reader (platonic!)
warnings: don’t really know 👎👎
notes: @hummusxx made a post about how there is no siblings with jude and jobe imagines and i literally have been thinking about it non-stop because i feel like they would just be so chaotic so i wanted to write this 😭
thought this was just a cute little short imagine.
“so we are doing the dunking challenge thingy, but with both of my brothers!” you say very excited behind jude because you finally got them to a do a tik tok with you. jude sat in the chair behind the bowl of ice water, while jobe was off to the side.
“so what? you ask a question and dunk my head in?”
“if you don’t answer or get it wrong then she does it.” jobe answered for you sitting down right next to you peaking the side of his head to the camera, and you laughed at his shyness.
“why did i agree to this?”
you let out a small laugh before thinking of your first question, jude looking at the camera with pursed lips and a hint of determination on his face.
“okay, starting easy for you- what is my favorite show at the moment?” you say grabbing on to the back of head laughing as you do so.
jude scrunched up his face, his forehead curled as he thought about it. as he took longer to answer you started to push his head down closer to the water but he was forcing his head back up.
“wait-wait” he laughed out as you pushed his head down further almost touching the ice cold water. “that one show- fuck what is it called?”
jobe was on the side snickering watching this whole thing. “that one show?” you laughed pushing his head all the way down into the water practically drowning him and he pulled himself out water dripping from the top of his hair and his face.
he let out a breathy laugh getting up from the chair, “it’s queen charlotte, you didn’t give me enough time to think.” he shook his head at you.
“think quicker?”
you now sat in the chair with jobe standing behind you getting ready to question you next. you left out a heavy sigh trying to get ready for any question jobe was going to ask.
“what made me get grounded for almost a year?” jobe asked and you jumped up immediately to answer.
“you broke the tv because you were playing footie inside after mum told you not to.” you answered quickly jumping out of the chair quickly out of excitement. jobe shook his head at you moving back out of the frame of the camera, him and jude switching positions.
“i swear i’ve never seen jobe more scared in my life, mum went absolutely mad.”
“that was too easy jobe- you’ve got to hit her harder..” jude said grabbing you by the shoulders sitting you back down, his face full of determination. he grabbed you by your ponytail making you jerk backwards out of instinct.
“jude!” he only ignored your call.
“what was the DAY did i score my first international goal for england?” you instantly started to shake your head knowing good and well you did not remember this. you only remembered who was against not the exact date- and jude knew you wouldn’t.
“it was sometime in november.. yeah i don’t know just do it. ” you said accepting your fate- jude laughed gripping your hair pushing your head all the down into the bowl the cold water numbing your face. you squealed into the water before he pulled you back up.
“now this is fun.”
“for fucks sake jude” you laughed wiping your dripping face. jobe hunched over still practically dying know over this game. “you knew i wasn’t gonna get that.”
“yeah that was just for shits and giggles” he snickering going off camera.
“jobe stop laughing and sit your ass down.”
jobe glared at you, sitting down in the chair like you asked.
“who is my favorite footballer?” you say between laughs, and jobe smiles his eyes eyes crinkling. jude moved closer, his interest suddenly peaked because if it was anyone other than himself he was going to go mad.
jobe looked at jude snickering at his face. “bukayo…” he sounded unsure answering but he knew it was right because you let go of his head.
“seriously?” jude looked up at you with a look of disbelief.
you pursed your lips giving him an awkward glance, “you are a close second don’t worry!”
“you hear this madness? likes my mate more than me.. just mad.” jude says to the camera shaking his head.
now jude sat with jobe standing behind him, you taking this as your chance to think of new questions that would throw them off.
jobe let out a sigh grabbing onto jude’s head before asking his question, “what was my favorite school subject?”
jude looked around as if the answer was flying in the air, and to be fair you didn’t even know this answer so you just sat quietly to the side.
“was it maths? you liked that didn’t you?” jude was completely unconfident about his answer genuinely not knowing.
jobe threw his head back at his answer, “bro what? you must think i’m miserable” jobe laughed before dunking jude’s head a lot less hard than what you did.
you laughed as well because who’s favorite subject would be math?
“jude you are terrible.” you exclaimed as he walked away to grab a towel obviously fed up at this game.
“okay we are back!” you clapped back in the chair. jude holding on to your neck this time moving your head side to side.
“you have a flimsy neck, like? what is up with this” he started to shake ur neck more aggressively but immediately stopped when you popped him on his hand. jude could be so annoying.
“jude i swear to queen lizzie i’m gonna kill you.”
jude laughed thinking of a question to ask, “what is my favorite food?” you squinted your eyes putting your finger on your lip thinking hard for a moment.
“um i mean you like pasta?” jude’s grasp on your neck loosened thinking about whether or not he should give it to you, because technically it wasn’t wrong.
“i mean like, sure i guess i honestly don’t even think i have one- just food innit” jude said while you roll your eyes at him.
“then why would you ask silly?”
he only shrugged him and jobe switching positions you still sitting in the chair. “my feet are tingling guys” you say to the camera and jobe gives you a weird look.
“okay, how many years was i at birm city?” jobe asked and for some reason your mind just went completely blank trying to do the math in your head.
“come on you should know this y/n” jobe said to you grabbing the back of your head bobbing back and forth to tease you.
obviously you took way too long because next thing you knew your head was being submersed into the ice cold water. you jumped at the action catching you so off guard. “what the fuck” you said as your head hovered over the water. both jobe and jude laughing at you.
jobe pushed you on the side of your head, “11 years.”
“oh.. i was gonna say 8 i’m not gonna lie.”
“what an idiot”
the water was now all over the kitchen table and you were sure that he had gotten in your phone.
as jobe sat down you hovered your hands around his neck making it seem like you wanted to choke him not remembering you could see him.
“i see you y/n.” he said pointing at your phone that was recording.
“sorry, intrusive thoughts”
“okay um! what was the name of my first pet?” you asked with a smile, jude on the side looking at you like you were stupid.
“your first pet? it was all of ours..” jude said off to the side and you snapped your head towards him.
“was i asking you?”
no response.
“okay then shut up” you say turning back to jobe who was hiding his face laughing.
“i swear your just so mean.”
you ignored jude, “okay what was it?”
jobe squinted, “it was that dumb looking turtle, man was so miserable with us.” and the whole room just went silent at that because how could he say that about the late turtle.
“okay first off all.” you started giving a fake attitude. “he wasn’t dumb, and second.” you took both of your hands to the back of his head pushing it all the to the bottom of the bowl with force, until he came back up gasping for air.
“bro” jobe coughed into the bowl making you make a face of disgust.
“are you okay?” you asked awkwardly.
“oh shut up” jobe said getting up from the chair letting jude sit.
“okay! jude you ready?” you asked and jude shook his head mouthing a ‘help me’ to the camera. you hit him upside the head and he sat up straight.
“i’m ready.”
you laugh to yourself covering your mouth getting ready to ask your question, one you knew was going to be hilarious.
“okay, when- what is my boyfriends name?” and jobe snorted right next to you making you throw your head down into jude’s shoulder laughing.
“like you could get a boyfriend.” jude said making you snap your head back up, your mouth touching the floor.
“what the hell does that mean?”
jobe had is head down on the counter on the verge of tears from laughing so hard.
“you have a boyfriend?” jobe questioned through laughs making your jaw drop even further.
“you guys literally met him not too long ago.”
jude and jobe looked at each other, kind of communicating with their eyes until they could remember what the hell you were talking about.
then all of a sudden they both started laughing like mad men, jobe clutching his stomach with one hand and the other covering his eyes.
jude was literally banging his hand on the table trying to gather himself.. “wait- wait- you mean that central cee looking wannabe guy?”
this made jobe go even more hysteric. and you just looked at them in disbelief.
“his name is-” you started before you were interrupted.
“no no we don’t care, jesus y/n you can do better than that geez.” jude said and you rolled your eyes at him.
“you know what” you walked in front of jude grabbing the bowl of ice cold water and before either of the could stop you, you poured the bowl on top of his head, some of it landing on jobe.
you laughed as they gasped in shock, jude’s body curled up from the cold cursing at you. jude got up and gave you a look that you knew to run from.
as you took off and jude started chasing you, jobe grabbed your wet phone from the table giving an uncomfortable smile to the camera.
“i think i won this challenge.”
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judebellvngham · 11 months
Hi can I get a Gavi x pedri sister where she’s Ann Olympic gymnast and they go support her and she gets nervous since it’s her first Olympics and he calls her down! Some fluff ty :)
I KNEW YOU COULD, pablo gavi
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pairings : gavi x pedri sister!reader
warnings : ngl idk fluff ig
notes: i didn’t really know how to write this im ngl but i absolutely love this request lmao gavi is such a cutie
(i also don’t know anything about how the gymnastics thing works .. so bear with me. it’s fictional anyway.)
not proofread at all lmao
your anxiety was through the roof waiting to walk out with the rest of the teams lineup. there was at least 15 minutes before your team had to go and present themselves in front of over 12,000 people. not including the millions watching on TV. this was your first olympics and the pressure was starting to get to you.
you could never understand how your brother and gavi could do this and not let the pressure affect their performances.
it was crazy seeing yourself here as an 18 year old competing at the olympics, this had to be one of the biggest moments of your life so you couldn’t mess this up.
you sat trying to steady your breathing, placing your hand on your bouncing leg. all these doubtful thoughts just kept running through your mind- it was unhealthy considering you were going up soon. all the noise around you started to drown out as you tried to calm yourself down.. making it impossible to hear your teammate trying to grab your attention.
“y/n..” one of your teammates touched your shoulder, not wanting to scare you but you were so spaced out you didn’t hear her.
she was hesitant to say anything else but your phone was going absolutely crazy. “y/n!” and that finally shook you out.
you were slightly embarrassed and shocked. “i’m sorry, yes? what happened?” you say with a deep breath. she gave you a soft smile and shook her head.
“someone’s here to see you.” she nodded up towards the open door of the locker room and you look over to see two figures standing awkwardly in the door way. all your teammates just stood there looking at them as well out of shock.
you quickly realize that it’s pedri and gavi standing there, gavi with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. you cover your flushed face with your hands and you laugh out confused. It was a rule that visitors couldn’t come down to the locker room- especially not right before the event was starting so how they got here was completely beyond you.
you looked up at your teammate a look of puzzlement on your face as to ask ‘how and why?’ she only shrugged and pulled you up out of your seat by both of your hand, her smile growing bigger— you knew she had something to do with it, she was one of your closest friends on the team and was always there for you.
“go, don’t let coach see you guys.”
you pulled her close to you whispering a desperate ‘thank you’ and she laughed you off.
you quickly excused yourself from the room grabbing your warm-up jacket practically sprinting out the room to meet your boyfriend and brother.
the way the both gasped out of shock when you nearly knocked both of them down while clinging onto them. you guys stayed hugging for a little before gavi pulled away.
“your squishing my flowers i just bought you.” gavi said and you pulled off of him smiling like crazy, and pedri was off to the side laughing.
“how did you guys even get back here?” you felt your nerves slip away seeing the people who give you the most comfort in front of you.
“your teammate led us back here, she’s nice.” pedri said his face turning a little red talking about your friend and you only nodded with a slight smirk you and gavi giving him a knowing look.
pedri looked down at his phone checking the time, “you have ten minutes before you start , you ready?” pedri said with an encouraging smile, and you could physically feel your heart drop. you did not want to hear that right now because you were in-fact not ready.
gavi gave him a side eye, he was wondering if he didn’t see the terrified look on your face.
you stayed quiet starting to pick at your finger nails, “dude, go find our seats.” gavi said to pedri scolding him a little and pushing his shoulder. pedri couldn’t understand what gavi was trying to do, and he didn’t want to.
“since when did you become the boss of me?” pedri said with an small attitude pushing gavi back, and you roll your eyes at the immaturity.
pedri waved gavi off and started to walk towards you with a small smile on his face, his arms out perfectly for you to walk into and you did. he swayed the both of you and rested his chin on the top of your head. for some reason this made tears spring your eyes.
“you will do amazing, don’t worry.” he kissed the top of your head letting you go.
gavi stood awkwardly watching you and your brother interact because he was waiting for his turn.
“let’s go pablito” pedri said after letting you go leaving you standing in the middle of the big hallway.
you and gavi both looked taken aback. “i can’t talk to her too?”
“no.” pedri responded almost instantly, he still wasn’t used to the relationship between you and gavi.
gavi gave him a look as to ‘come on bro’ and pedri rolled his eyes at him and he started to walk away. “remember you are amazing y/n! i love you!” he pointed at you and you giggled.
“thank you pedri” you make a heart with your hands and he walks out of the hallway to the stadium, now leaving you and gavi alone.
your heart starts to beat quickly when he puts the flowers down on the floor and walks up to you, starting to hold your breathe when he is directly in front of you.
“are you okay?” he ask and you let out a breathy laugh.
“do i not look okay?”
“no, you look like your about to cry and shit and the same time.” he tries to joke with you looking down at your shaking hands. he grabs both of them in his in attempts to get them from shaking and it did help.
now your chest was caving in heavier and it was getting harder to breathe, you don’t think you’ve ever felt worse anxiety than this before. gavi face was even more concerned than before. he always knew how to comfort you in smaller situations but this was a life changing experience so it would be harder to help you.
despite feeling like you couldn’t breathe you were able to get a few words out, “gavi what if i mess up out there?” and he just shook his head at you as if it was the most ridiculous thing he’s ever heard.
“no no don’t say that..”
the tears were back, “i mean- these girls are so much better than me, i can’t do this- i’m just going to embarrass myself” you say in between sniffles.
“y/n, no stop it.” gavi voice was stern but soft he hated when you talked down on yourself because you were so talented and he wish you could see that.
you stayed silent so he continued, grabbing your face in his hands wiping the tears that spilled out. “you wouldn’t be here right now if you weren’t good enough. you’ve worked so hard to get here- this is your moment to show everyone how amazing you are.”
you gave him a sad look, doubts still running through your head.
“and guess what? even if you don’t do well- and i already know you will, but at least you can say you made it this far. not everyone has that privilege, but you do.” gavi spoke from the bottom of his heart with a smile that made you almost fall to your knees. his smile could literally light up a whole room.
“me and your brother will always be your biggest supporters no matter what, like he said you are literally amazing and no one does it like you.”
you couldn’t believe you had a person like this in your life he was a gift sent from God himself. A small smile started to appear on your face and once he saw that his smile got even bigger too.
“thank you, i love you gavi.” you pull him into a hug resting your head in his chest and he rubbed your back. you guys hadn’t said ‘i love you’s’ before but to you this seemed perfect. if he was anywhere else in any other situation he would be jumping off the walls but he had to keep his composure.
“i love you too.”
after a while of hugging you looked up at the clock on the time that showed you only had 5 minutes until you went out- so you pulled back with a deep breathe pulling yourself together.
“your right. i’m just so nervous right now.”
“and you have every reason to be, but you are going to go out there and absolutely kill it. this is light work, no worries.” he joked.
“light work? your insane.” you both laughed and he pulled you back into another hug.
“no but im serious, you got this.”
you pulled him into a passionate kiss, you always loved kissing him it was like dream that you never wanted to wake up from. before it could get to heavy he pulled back knowing he had to let you go.
“okay you have to go baby, me and pedri will be watching..” gavi walked and grabbed his flowers from the ground and you let out a small sigh feeling content.
you watched him walk away with your hands wrapped around your body the smile never leaving your face.
and of course you ended up doing great at everything winning gold in the all-around finals. gavi and pedri were probably happier than you were,being absolutely ecstatic. they had no doubts in their minds anyway that you were gonna do amazing.
afterwards they both came running and jumping to you, pedri literally picking you up and spinning you around to show how proud he was of you.
“no way my sister just won an olympic gold medal.. your absolutely insane!” pedri put you down letting gavi scoop you up next. all you could do was laugh and hug him back.
“see? i knew you would do it.” he whispered in your ear plastering kisses all of your face.
pedri just looked in disbelief, “absolutely disgusting.”
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judebellvngham · 11 months
Hi can you possibly do like an angst with Jude and like the reader and jude are movjng to spain but like last minute she tells him she doesn’t want to stay there or something like that, maybe because of a job she got somewhere else?
you can do it however just something like that if you want
OUR PLACE , jude b.
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notes: i really loved this request so i wanted to make it the first imagine on my acc :)) i’m not sure how much i like this but i hope you enjoy it .. i also added fluff at the end because who doesn’t love fluff
not proofread!!!
“this place is beautiful” you say taking in you and jude’s new apartment in madrid. it was a surreal moment for both of you guys- finally living together in a whole new country. it was scary to say the least, and you thought it was something you wanted up until you actually had to leave.
it was immature of you, to not tell jude about your doubts of moving with him but everything happened so fast because you were sure he would understand. but with the transfer and him just being so happy about being at madrid you didn’t have the heart to tell him that you weren’t going to stay.
jude smiled down at you his eyes glistening with love that would’ve made any other girl drop to their knees, but all you could feel was guilt. you don’t know how it got to this point, all you knew was that as soon as you got of that jet reality hit you like a train wreck.
as much as you loved jude you couldn’t just leave all that you worked for just to support his needs, you had things you wanted to accomplish too. and you wanted to be there for him, truly. just not here.
“yeah, i can’t believe we are going to be living together- like a dream innit” his voiced laced with contentment.
you sighed deeply before giving him a smile, but your eyes showed something deeper.
“yeah a dream.”
after a while of trying to settle you sat on the floor looking for food places near you and jude sat next to you tapping away on his phone.
“i still don’t understand why your bags aren’t here.. i swear i’ve called multiple times.” jude said frustrated letting out a huff.
at this your body stiffness and you go quiet biting your lip, you knew he was going to bring it up at one point. the thought of just telling him ran through your mind but your body just wouldn’t let you— you just continued scrolling through the phone.
“you put yours with mine right?”
you sighed, “i don’t know jude, i’m sure they will show up eventually.” you said not wanting to talk about it anymore.
he scoffed and looked at you, “i mean i paid for the bags to get here today, so no i don’t want to hear ‘eventually’ that’s just bs.” he looked back down at his phone and started typing.
you closed your eyes and took a deep breath before talking, “they aren’t coming jude.” your voice was low and full of disappointment.
jude snapped his head up towards you his face completely unreadable, “what?” it sounded almost like a laugh when he said it.
“they aren’t com—” you started but he cut you off and it almost sounded like he was confused.
“no- yeah i heard you the first time..” jude trailed off, guessing he was trying to understand what you meant by that.
you turned to face him before you started again, “i sent them back home.” and with that you genuinely couldn’t tell what he was thinking right now.
“you what?”
he wasn’t yelling but he might as well have been figuring you were already about to start bursting into tears. “jude..” you grabbed at his hands and he let you.
he let out a soft laugh, trying to hide how confused he felt right now.
“im so confused right now baby, what is happening.”
your breathing started to pick up but there was no backing out now. you picked at his hands and he just continued to look at you, and you couldn’t believe you had to break his heart tonight.
“i sent them back, because i’m not staying here jude. i can’t.” tears threatened to come out as you spoke.
he was still quiet so you continued to speak. “i mean- i just it’s just all too much for me, this isn’t my life.”
his face scrunched up, “what do you mean this isn’t your life?”
“i mean it feels like.. sometimes i’m like living for you? like i’m just giving up my life for you.. and i can’t do that anymore.”
“i still don’t get it y/n” he gave you a look as to explain.
“i stopped going to school for you, i stopped working for you, jesus jude i left my home for you. the only place i ever knew just for you, i just need to do something for me for once.” and of course jude had no idea that you felt this way and the intention wasn’t for him to you just felt that you needed to get it off your chest.
“so what? you were just lying this whole time? why would you even tell me you wanted to move here with me when you didn’t.”
he took a small pause, “and i never asked you to do anything of that, that was your choice- all of this was your choice so don’t make it seem like i made you do any of that.” his voice started to raise.
and he was right, he never made you do any of that. he never asked anything from you but support and it just went a little too far. but your face dropped when he started to pull his hands away from you.
jude was just completely out of it, he didn’t know at all what to think this was mad. how could his own girlfriend do something like that.
you scrambled to your feet and you couldn’t feel anything but hurt in your heart. “jude i have a new job back home, i have to work and support myself- i don’t kick around a ball and get paid for it jude.” and for some reason you were starting to get a little pissed.
“i can support you, i told you that!” you rolled your eyes at this because he still couldn’t grasp your point.
“jude i can’t rely on you to provide everything for me! i won’t let you do that.” you raised your voice at him while the tears that were welling up earlier started to pour out, and you quickly wiped it.
jude’s eyes looked so pleading and it almost made you fold but you couldn’t. it’s like he needed he you so bad to just say that this was some joke.
you weren’t shocked that this is the way this was going but god you wish it hadn’t. “are you upset?” it was a stupid question but you had to ask something.
“am i upset?” he looked at you as if it was the most unbelievable thing he’s ever heard.
“am i upset that my girlfriend lied to me? and came to whole different country with me without the intention of staying?”
“i’m jumping of fucking joy” he spat walking away from you muttering curses to himself.
you trailed behind him trying not to get upset at his attitude since this was your fault technically, “okay jude but you have to understand where i’m coming from..”
“i have to?” he scoffed walking through the hallway.
“you should!”
you follow him into what was supposed to be our bedroom, already having a king sized bed placed in the center of the big room. you watch as he plops down on the bed his back sinking straight into it.
he let out a loud groan whilst running his hands down his face. “what am i supposed to do now?” he says as you sit next to him on the bed.
“jude.. ”
he stayed quiet and all you could hear was his heavy breathing. “you told me you wanted this.. us together like this. what changed?”
his hands started to tremble trying to think of what to say, because he genuinely didn’t know why all of a sudden you started to feel this way.
“are- are you falling out of love with me?” jude blurted out, his voice shaking. he didn’t even know where this question came from but he felt like he had to ask.
you could’ve sworn your eyes almost jumped out your eye sockets because how could he think something like that.
“jude. why would i ever stop loving you, almost everything i do is because i love you.” you explain with your voice trembling.
“so why can’t you stay with me?” jude’s voice was low almost like he didn’t want you to hear him, he hated being emotional in front of you but at this moment he couldn’t help it.
“i’ve already told you jude, i have a job and a life back at home i can’t let it go now.. i’ve worked too hard to just let it all go..”
he was now fully sat up looking at the plain white wall in front of us. it was such an uncomfortable and tense silence you just wish you could go home and cry your eyes out. this was horrible.
he also wanted to cry and tell you how messed up this whole situation was. but nothing came out seemed like the only reaction he had was putting his hands over his face.
you grab his hands away from his face, but he turns his head to avoid making eye contact with you. he was disappointed and you understood why he felt like this completely, i mean springing this up on him the day you guys were moving in have to be too 10 worst ideas.
“jude look at me please.” you pleaded biting down on your bottom lip.
he slowly turned his head to face you, and his pouty face just made you smile taking his face in your hands making him look at you. as you continued to smile at him he couldn’t help but smile too- you were just so beautiful to look at he felt like he could admire you for hours.
“i’m sorry love, i should’ve told you. but you were just so happy- with the transfer and everything i couldn’t ruin that.”
“if you would’ve told me before i would’ve been a lot more understanding than i am now.. you know that.” jude sighed.
“i know..” you pulled his head into your shoulder taking his head in both of your arms massaging the back of his neck in circles.
you hear him let out another sigh of contentment which made you smile, “if it makes you feel any better i’ll be here for 3 weeks with you.”
“for some reason that doesn’t make me feel better but at least i’ll have you for a bit.”
“so are you okay? with me leaving?” you asked lifting his head back up.
“am i okay with it? no, absolutely not.” he answered and you let out saddened sigh.
“but i will accept it and continue to make our relationship work, because i love you and don’t want to lose you.” jude said and you smiled throwing yourself on top of him basically straddling him, both of you giggling.
“of course my girlfriend has to want to be an independent woman.” jude shook his head and you both laugh.
he wrap his arms around you his hands on your lower back.
“we should go ahead and break in this bed huh?”
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