just-a-nervous-bean · 3 minutes
would sell my soul for your thoughts on the devil wears prada,,,, pls share with the class 👀
i just think.....meryl streep as.....miranda priestly.....is really hot.......
end of statement...?
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just-a-nervous-bean · 5 hours
Aaaa ill never stop thinking about the lesbianism fantasy I’ve got of the devil wears Prada [sinks my teeth into it and shakes it around like a dog]
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happy pride, my rampant bisexuality is showing bc I'm about to write biddley lending maud his oversized pyjamas in a fic
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Ok who are your voice claims for your recent OCs?? I saw the bojack one for Biddley and now if I don't hear Maud and Sadie's I will round up the world's grandma supply and eat their eyeballs one by one
Aaaa that’s hard to say voice claims usually come by like happenstance rather than me seeking em out. Sadie I feel like would be easier to pin down she’s just like a very about-the-town lady in the 1920s. Not like Betty Boop but just that Era of voices. Very transatlantic.
This is a weird one but Maud probably also has a transatlantic accent that like. Kinda almost veers right off into British. Which doesn’t make sense in my head bc she’s probably not British LMAO her tone of voice always sounds like she’s thinking very hard or has a hand on her chin, does that make even a lick of sense to anyone but me LOLLL
I have a very distinct idea for what all my characters sound like in my head but to find someone who actually has the accent and tone down is near impossible 😭rip to all the grandmas I’m sorry
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Everyone leave my stinky old cranky whispered wisp of an elderly man cat alone, he’s a pancake because god deems his crimes too powerful to go unpunished!!
Just kidding thanks for commenting on my cats shape, he’s like that non Newtonian fluid or whatever it’s called he’s just turning into his liquid form in that picture I love him even though he’s literally da devil from Da Bible
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HEY EVERYONE!! I’m hosting a commission fundraiser for Gaza on my main till the end of the week‼️‼️‼️
It’s pay by receipt, so you donate directly and I’m just drawing the thing without any involvement in the transaction!! 👈🏼👈🏼
Details are here I’m really aiming to fill the fundraising goal by the end of the week so please consider participating and helping me kick this off!
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OH MY GOD, this is a total oversight on my end I meant to put a banner on this post saying to ONLY REBLOG THIS VERSION IF UR A KINK BLOG cuz this is technically on MY kink blog I am so sorry 💀 The original post that I linked on my main is okay to reblog tho sorry sorry!! Everyone’s reblogs rn are alrighty bc they’re within snzblr BUT IF YOURE GONNA POST IT TO A REGULAR BLOG USE THE ORIGINAL ONE I just had to ask someone to do that and it was mortifying
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Eehehehe kicks legs twirls hair
Character that already has a cold but it’s more of a cough. It’s a pretty bad one too and they’ve been fighting off a fever for a few days, being generally miserable holed up inside. (It’s so not the right season for this lmao but) at some point they ask to go outside and stand in the snow for a bit to cool off, or they’re just getting cabin fever from being inside too long. Their friend/partner/roommate is against this and insists they should just rest, besides, it’s almost a blizzard at this point
Eventually the sick character convinces their friend to walk around with them for while outside or even just to sit in the yard for some fresh air. They’re shivering despite being bundled up but probably out of pride hasn’t said anything. Their friend remarks at the end that it actually wasn’t so bad and the cool air was refreshing only to be answered by the sick person with a sneeze before they’re ushered inside.
Smash cut to them sitting in front of a fireplace, bundled up, shaking, the most cartoonish sick person ever. And they just mumble “Ughhh, maybe i shouldn’t have gone out after all.”
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so many people asked about it so i caved but he's super not happy about it ASDHFJKdf
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Thé fic in question :3
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(working on that fic lol im struggling to get ahold of the plot it keeps slipping out of my hands like an eel)
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are people aware that maud and biddley are 47 and 48 respectively
Maud in the sundress...but also Biddley in the sundress...........
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stares so respectfully at this middle aged woman in a flowy sundress
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Maud in the sundress...but also Biddley in the sundress...........
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stares so respectfully at this middle aged woman in a flowy sundress
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Thanks @goatpawsdraws :D
This is what I used to do before I knew how to operate tumblr tbh 💀 but yeah!! Hopefully that would work, even if it’s on the web and not the app? It works okay for me but tumblr can be kinda wonky glitchy so hopefully it works for everyone else too ;w;👍🏼
sadly i still can't search for things in your blog :(
i don't know why that happens, tumblr annoys me so much sometimes...
Oof I’m sorry bro I know 😔I didn’t turn the setting off, i don’t know how to work around it without putting my blog on blast. The most I can do is have the tag directory idk if that helps tho
Grrrr tumblr
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Gotta draw smth with the sundress prompt I’m going bonkers
7 notes · View notes
sadly i still can't search for things in your blog :(
i don't know why that happens, tumblr annoys me so much sometimes...
Oof I’m sorry bro I know 😔I didn’t turn the setting off, i don’t know how to work around it without putting my blog on blast. The most I can do is have the tag directory idk if that helps tho
Grrrr tumblr
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Bls I love biddley so much can we see some more of him in denial of being sick while Sadie and/or Maud either tease him or fret over him?
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AN: 6500 words omg. I'll draw smth for it soon >:3 Haven’t done a denial fic in ages. And I’ve written a lot about maud and some about Sadie but I still haven’t written about em together. Anyway, those two trail Biddley's very adamant that this cold is allergies and denial is a river in Egypt. Watch me hot potato the plot lmao
and as always, thank you for letting me borrow rashun to play dolls with @quosterking >:3
On The Case
Maud watched her husband’s broad shoulders pull at his holster. Probably for the third time that minute. 
“Bless you,” She finally said. He was hunched over the kitchen table, handkerchief in hand. Sniffling, he sorted another letter into a pile for her. 
“Are you coming down with something?” She put her hand on his back, getting a dreary shake of his head. 
It wasn’t a half-bad excuse, but one that she’d heard enough times to doubt. He’d suffered from a particularly rough week of seasonal allergies just last month, and on one evening did nothing but lay on the couch with a damp towel over his eyes. 
That was different though. He had a look to him right now that implied a sense of lethargy. 
“Bills, a letter from your Ms. Stand, vote cards-” He muttered, massaging the top of his nose and motioning to the rest of the envelopes, “I’ve got sobe work to finish- You two don’t have to wait up for mbe…”
Oh! Right! Sadie was coming over today! She’d been hoping to share a drink with her soon. Maud's demeanour brightened, then softened when she realized he'd meant he wouldn't be joining, “Alright. When will you be back?”
“Dunno…I’ll be across town, if not in the office.”
He stood up, pulling on his hat and tossing his coat over his shoulders. She pretended not to see that discreet pinch he made to his nostrils. Biddley drew in another sniff. 
“Hmm,” Maud playfully hummed, putting her cheek to his shoulder, “I don’t believe you. Not the…not the office part, the allergy part. You ought to stay in. I would make you a portion for lunch anyway.”
She gave his arm a squeeze of worry. 
“My nose is just a little itchy,” He tucked a few of the papers into his coat, “Don’t fret over it.”
“Who said I was fretting?” 
He looked at her incredulously. It was a rhetorical question. He opened his mouth to answer before shutting it. Of course, he was *right. As someone who was exceptional in gathering evidence, it was an argument she wasn’t expecting to win, but he yielded nonetheless. 
“I’ll be fine,” He insisted as she reached up to button his collar, “Once winter rolls around, anyway…”
Her fingers ran through the shorter hair on the back of his neck. This case, like all the others, he’d been tight-lipped about. Client confidentiality and all, but what he did confide in her about was a particular scarf the subject wore and that he wanted to poke around all the local textile shops until he could pinpoint its origin. He’d been at it for days snooping around said shops, there was a lot, and with every new dead end the circles under his eyes grew one shade darker, “Your neck feels warm. Fever?”
“Is that your final answer?”
“It’s not anything, really. You don’t have to worry. Nothing severe…allergies, I promise.”
She studied his expression before throwing in the towel. Man would step foot on the moon sooner than Biddley would take back his word. His concerned brows were a plead.  
“Oh alright!” She sighed playfully. Her hands came up in forfeit before she grabbed at the front of her dress to fiddle, “But if that promise is broken I will be very cross!”
His shoulders finally lost their tension. Biddley buttoned up the cuffs of the coat before offering her a light peck on the top of her head.  
Rashun was waiting at the office — maybe not waiting. He was there. 
“I’m just picking up some documents. It’s almost time for spring cleaning too, figured I’d get a head start, is all. Your desk is always such a mess, Biddley.”
“I did not expect you to be here.”
“Likewise. Not that you'd've cleaned it if you knew I would be. Why are you here?”
“Maud and Sadie are meeting up. And I’m staying out of it…” Biddley muttered, rubbing his eyes. 
“That’s…unlike you.”
“It’s not the meeting up…I would like drinks but me being there would only make Maud worry and Sadie ravenous-“ More than usual- “And I don’t want that to be the dynamic we go to bed with. Caught in the middle of it, most of all.”
He’d been pouring himself a glass of whiskey which he only capped off once he finished and raised it to his lips with a sniff. When his lips met the glass, the sting of alcohol made his eyes water. 
“Is something wrong? You live to meddle.”
Biddley sniffled again. He could answer, sure, but then there’d be questions. Something was not wrong, he could handle it therefore it wasn’t an issue! He then turned around to pretend to be busy. The professor’s eyes fell on his back as he stood at his bookshelf and shuffled around the book ends. 
“Are you angry?”
“…Are you unwell?”
“No, it’s-" He turned around, "…my allergies are acting u-“
“Ah! You can lie to your wife, you can lie to Sadie but you can’t lie to me, Biddley. It’s amusing you think you can try.”
“I- Where is this attitude coming from?”
Rashun rubbed at his cloudy beard, looking at him from head to toe before giving an answer. 
“I’ve spent a good two decades watching you sleuth around, as obscene as your methods are, following the most logical conclusion— you sound like something's bothering you, what else would make Maud fret if not something being physically wrong? And why else would Sadie act even more flirtatious than usual if you weren’t doing something to imply you’d be interested? Besides, you’d save me the embarrassment of not addressing it when asked, and you’d normally light a cigar before you drank, which you hadn’t...and you sound odd, so you talk quieter.”
“Are you cross-examining me?”
“And your handkerchief is sticking out your back pocket, sir, it’s a dead giveaway.”
“Ah, shit.”
Rashun sighed, taking his glasses off his face to wipe down.
“You know, Biddley, they’ll probably worry more if you showed up at two in the morning sick as a dog rather than now when it’s still barely noticeable.”
“I’m going to take a nap…”
“Are you serious?”
Again, no response. He simply took his drink to the little side room and turned off the lights. Rashun pinched between his eyes and muttered to himself. 
The phone rang. It was too late. By the time Biddley could even process it ringing, Rashun had picked it up and confirmed he was indeed in the office. A great cacophony and thuds came from the side room as he fell out of bed, motioning at Rashun with his hand shaking by his throat. Cut it off!
The professor stared back, eyes darting side to side as the rest of his sentence fell out of his mouth. 
“-j-just awoke…hello? Maud-? Hello?”
She’d hung up. Biddley's jaw dropped open with a confused mutter.��
“They phoned for you, asking if you wanted to be saved some of lunch or dinner but I- er- well they got an answer out of me that you may or may not have been sleeping and…I guess one of them deduced it was because you’re-“
“Before you start, Biddley, you are taking the coward's route by just…running away! What’s the issue, here I don’t understand?”
“I can’t have Maud going grey every time I get a sniffle. Agh—“ He held his head. It was starting to hurt. His chest felt heavy and his sinuses were blocked. The brunt of it was settling in, “O-od the other ha’d…Sadie is going to have a mouthful of words for me, pulling me in every direction- and I can’t keep up with both of these things at once! Satisfying two people with very opposing motives with my head full of concrete, Rashun, I’d rather cease to be involved at all!--hhH'ETSSCHHHuhww!”
He sat down at his desk with a heavy sigh and uncomfortably rolled his shoulders in his chair. His collar was undone but he needed to loosen another button. Then he coughed. It was a cold, and it was unfortunately obvious now. He had wished for another day at least to get this under control with some medication or something; as he said, to put up an act while distracted on two fronts was difficult enough but a splitting headache made it one herculean task. 
There was still time to run out and possibly get an aspirin. Make his head stop hurting and keep his congestion at bay so it didn’t sound like he was talking out a foghorn. 
“Are they…at home?”
“Err, not exactly. The line wasn’t as clear. Perhaps a booth?”
Biddley rubbed his brows. Maybe he should go out to get an aspirin. It’d be his defence against accusations of napping and sniffing and…and whatnot. And if the two of them showed up, he’d at least be lost in the metropolitan.
“I’m heading out.”
“Where to? Shall I accompany you?”
“Nowhere important. And…no, you don’t have to. Take the rest of the day off, can’t guarantee I’ll be back in the office either.”
He grabbed his documents and tucked them under his arm. Working on the go. The last thing he wanted was to be cornered in his office if the confrontation came. When it came. 
“Really?” Rashun raised one cloudy, doubtful brow, “Very well. You call me if you need anything. The resource library is open all hours of day, and if not there, I'll be here.”
“I will.” 
The chemist's wasn’t far. But still, he gritted his teeth and prepared for the headache of a journey ahead. 
A few hours ago, shortly after Biddley had left, someone had knocked on the front door. Maud, who was left to her own devices, opened it to find Sadie, as she hoped, dressed expertly to the nines in a summery dress and carrying a basket with her of some simple gifts — a nice bottle of olive oil for the kitchen and some makeup — designer. Sadie always brought some nice gifts. 
It took her all of two seconds to learn that Biddley wouldn’t be here, so she eagerly took Maud by the hand and pulled her onto the divan in the living room, a hand already on her hip. There was no protest at all. 
It wasn’t long after that did they find themselves talking and smoking. Maud had laid down on the full length of the divan while Sadie sat on the floor. Her head rolled back on the cushions.  
“I can’t believe you let him scurry off like that,” She sighed. 
“Scurry off! He didn’t scurry off. He has work to do and I don’t like getting in the way of it.”
“You know between the two of you, he’s somewhat prudish.”
“He is not!”
“He is too! Once he mistook my hints as just…feigning ill. I’ve never seen a man run down the stairs so fast, and I’ve seen a lot of men-“
“He’s a gentleman!”
Maud paused, then shared a look with Sadie. 
“Well—he is considerate,” She corrected, "When it counts."  
“Did he say it was allergies to you too?” Sadie added with her cigarette between her lips, “That’s what he told me yesterday.”
“He did say that, yes.”
“What do you think.”
“Um…that he’s not a very good liar for a start. But he’s stubborn. And when he wants the attention he will make it known, trust me, I rather not pester him about it. He embarrasses easily.”
Sadie sat up and tossed her hands into the air. 
“That’s the point, isn’t it?! I bet he doesn’t even have a case to work on! He’s probably just hiding from us!”
“Why would he hide?”
“Because! He embarrasses easily! Said so yourself.”
Maud exhaled through her nose. She resisted the urge to say he was hiding more from Sadie than from herself. Her knuckle ground into her temple. 
“I suppose so,” The cigarette raised to her lips and rested there, lazily. 
“Don’t you ever want to poke fun at that embarrassment?”
Maud shrugged. 
“Sometimes. But I would hardly call it poking fun. I just make comments and he sometimes gets red from it.”
“I want to find him. I want to know if he’s actually working on a case. We’re letting this opportunity go to waste. I want him in bed.”
“I want him in bed too,” But for different reasons, “Goodness Sadie, your stamina is admirable.”
She scuffed her heel at the rug. 
“We want the same thing! Oh, come on, we can convince him to spend the evening. Especially if you’re the one asking.”
Maud sat up as Sadie hurried out of the room. Not long after she heard the sound of a rotary dial and followed her. The phone was thrust into her hands. 
And…Rashun of all people picked up. 
“He might be working after all-“ Maud covered the receiver, “Rashun is there- Yes!! Hello, Rashun-“
“The professor?”
“I was wondering if I could talk to M- to Biddley for a second. Won’t be long…what? Why not?…well, where did he go?” She spoke and Sadie watched with great interest, “You…you don’t know? He didn’t mention anything? Did he show up today at all?…no? Be frank…really?...alright, yes, sorry, I’m just-…”
There was an even longer pause. 
“It’s fine, actually. Um, I’ll call back…no, no, no no- All is well….yes…yes! Of course. Thank you Rashun.”
Maud rubbed her chin. 
“He’s not there. Hasn’t shown up at all, apparently, according to the call…” Maud huffed, “I don’t buy it either. Rashun is a worse liar than he is…”
“You think he’s in the office?”
“I think he went out…? Either that or he’s standing in the office feeding the professor lines. Either is a ridiculous option, and doesn’t narrow it down.”
“Why don’t we go and check? I’ll hail a cab.”
“I think that might be best-” Maud suddenly caught herself, “What- hold on a minute, dear, I am not going to go on a wild goose chase on my husband! Have some sense!”
“We can get coffee on the way! Come on…! He’ll be out of our grasp and I’m busy tomorrow weekend! Think of it as…our own little adventure! I’ve always wanted to do some sleuthing myself.”
“I don’t know if you’d be very good at it, you’re quite noticeable,” Maud put out her cigarette with a small cough, “Rashun wouldn’t be there if he wasn’t going to return. I…mean, it would never hurt to ask. Heaven knows where he’s gone and if it was confidential then Rashun would have said so!”
“Right! Exactly! Hm! I’d very much like to know what’s going on, we’re going to snoop!”
“You’re a very bad influence on me,” Maud sighed, though again, she didn’t protest. Instead, she went to get her jacket.
Sadie had hailed them a taxi and was holding herself very proudly at the front door when Maud finished locking it. Her dress went past her knees, while Sadies was hiked up, but covered by a heavy pea coat. Maud pulled on her hat and put her arm out. 
“I don’t know how to play detective,” She admitted, “I’d much rather keep out of the way of that sort of thing. Very grisly business…”
“Only the ones that involve homicide!” Sadie corrected, “You can hire a private investigator to do all sorts of things! Infidelity for one, or blackmail for another-”
“I know that,” Maud rolled her eyes.
“I’ve picked up a trick or two! You can just call me…Rita Solve!” She pulled out a magnifying glass from her pocket and waved it playfully at her.
“Did you take that from our library?” 
“I’ll give it back!”
“...Good grief…” Maud opened the door for her and Sadie hurried into the backseat. 
They stopped a block from the office, at Maud’s request. Sadie was not as good of a private investigator as she thought she’d be. Investigator, sure, she’d poke her nose where she wasn’t supposed to any old day and come out with heaps of gossip. But the private part, you were meant to be discreet.
“We’ll walk the rest of the way. More inconspicuous,” Maud explained, “And there’s a cafe up the street. I’d like to know if they’re still in the office.”
Maud was extremely plain — to anyone who didn’t know her, at least. It was one of her strengths, she liked to blend into a crowd. Thus, when she entered the cafe and asked for the phone, nobody batted an eye, which to her meant nobody would tattle, should the professor make his way here. It was sort of fun, sneaking in broad daylight. 
She rang up the number and was surprised to hear the same gruff ‘hello?’ on the other end as earlier. Rashun. Biddley must be there, why else would the professor stay?
“Rashun! It’s me, Maud-”
“Sadie too.”
“Sadie as well. Has Biddley…arrived?” She glanced over her shoulder. Oh, heavens, the idea of him stumbling along some random alleyway sniffling and snuffling into his jacket. She hoped he was in the office if for no reason other than she didn’t want him out. Spring weather got chilly on a whim all the time! “Mhm. Mmmhm...I see.”
There was a long pause. She put her hand on her hip and chewed at her lip. Her eyes narrowed.
“Rashun, I’m very disappointed to hear you lying- no! I don’t want to hear it! Friends for all this time, I cannot believe you!”
“Ha! I knew you had it in you,” Sadie hid a laugh. Maud quickly shushed her.
“I know he’s feeling unwell, and I’d much rather know he’s squirrelling himself away rather than laying unconscious on the pavement somewhere. I believe we have our priorities aligned in this, yes?...right.”
She breathed in through her nose and held that breath. There was some spluttering on the other end.
“For how long?…hm, oh dear. Well, my suspicions were correct. You didn’t check for a fever, did you?…Right well ring me up if- is he?...Ah, he’s awake, wonderful, that’s all! Goodbye.”
There was another pause. Then Maud hung up. 
“He’s awake. I knew it! He was napping. Of course, he was, he never naps at home.”
“I can’t believe he drives all the way to his office to take naps. That’s absurd.”
“It’s because he’s used to it…” Maud hummed, “I trust Rashun’s ability to keep our call confidential. Let’s go to the office.”
Maud could see Sadie huffing and kicking at the pavement as they walked. Not very satisfied at all.
“You know being a detective is quite boring when the mystery is solved so quickly.”
“It’s not that glamorous. A lot of paperwork is involved, you know,” Maud tucked her hands into her pockets and nudged Sadie’s shoulder. It prompted her to link arms and they continued to walk, heels clicking on the pavement, “It wasn’t really a mystery. We just asked where he was and now we have an answer-“
Maud was suddenly pulled to the side. She stumbled, balance threatening to be thrown off as she ducked down, or was pulled down, behind the front of a silvery blue car. Sadie had her fingers to her lips and her eyes were wide. She pointed over the hood and Maud peeked. 
She was shushed. Biddley had stepped out in a bit of a hurry onto the sidewalk, she could tell it was him even at a glance because of his gabardine coat fluttering with its open popped lapels. 
“Where’s he off to now?” She muttered and Sadie poked her head up to watch as well. 
“One way to find out!”
Sadie stood up and walked casually down the sidewalk. There weren’t too many people out, just enough to put distance between them with street lamps and parked cars and small storefronts with sunken-in awnings that gave them places to duck behind. Maud scurried after her. 
“Are we spying?”
“Yes,” Sadie answered, “Just duck out of the way whenever he turns.”
“That would look even more suspicious!”
They watched as he approached a street crossing. His head tilted back only an inch but it was enough to make them both freeze, thinking they were about to be spotted. He never turned though. Instead, he rapidly fumbled with something before muffling a sneeze into his sleeve. It was loud enough to be heard clearly by them both. 
“Bless him.”
“He can’t even hear you!”
“So what? It’s a matter of principle,” Maud glanced to the sky, slightly ashamed. Just a habit! 
Their distance grew, as it wasn’t a complex street. Just blocks with tall skyscrapers on either side, with people ducking in and out of offices and storefronts. It became clear that the thing he was taking out was a handkerchief, which was growing more and more useless by the minute. 
“What’s our excuse if we get caught?” Sadie asked, a bit looser with her step. She put her hand over Maud’s arm and tenderly rubbed her wrist. 
“We’re allowed to go on walks! We just… happened to be on this street because of a cafe we went to! By happenstance!”
“Think he’ll buy it?”
“Not for a second, but I can’t think of anything better…”
“I reckon— he’s turning in somewhere.”
Maud felt her cheeks flush realising what a voyeur she was being. In the context of Biddley himself, who she'd known once or twice to like being watched. Maybe not under these circumstances, but with a cold...who knows? She never could understand when a cold was more of a thing to revel in or merely a nuisance — and if it was the former that Biddley was experiencing, it’d make her part of that whole…situation. 
She cautiously looked into the glass window of the store before looking at the large painted white letters to the right. A pharmacy, open 24 hours. No sight of him from here. 
“Let’s go in. I have a hunch where he might be.”
Maud walked quietly, carefully using each aisle to her advantage. She’d briefly poke her head around to see if the edge of his jacket was visible and if it was all clear she’d make her way to the next. Her eyes were set on one aisle though. The over-the-counter cold and flu medication. Full of all sorts of crazy ingredients in this day and age, but they must’ve been effective to some extent! She could hear him before she saw him. 
The gasp. Followed by a forceful but muffled-
Then a sniffle.
That was him. She motioned for Sadie to walk down the aisle behind. 
“He’s buying cough syrup, I think. Caught him red-handed!” She looked rather pleased as she whipped out the magnifier and shoved it to one of the shelves’ price tags. Maud folded her arms and sighed with a nod. 
That poor man and his ever-bothersome head colds. 
“Should we confront him at the office? What if he doesn’t go back?” 
“We’ll have to see. Who knows where he’d wander off to-“
Biddley had walked by the other end of the aisle, and both gave pause wondering if he’d even seen them. He was on his way to the cashier. With a hurried wave, Maud motioned for Sadie to tail behind. 
The office was not on Biddley's mind apparently. They had went down another street, a few blocks which gave Maud pause as she knew his investigation wasn't in this direction either. 
He stopped at a cafe. The two watched him sit down from across the street on a bench. Then he sat, ordered something, put his work out on the table followed by a handkerchief and eventually, when his coffee arrived, the small jar of pills. It looked as if he’d just eyeballed it before tossing them into his mouth; both Maud and Sadie could only hope he read the label. 
“There isn’t really a way to approach. I’m pretty sure he can see us right now if he wasn’t so buried in his work…” Sadie rubbed her chin. They were barely obscured by the shadow of the building, “Should we? It would make for a good cover if we simply…got a table. Perhaps coffee? I still want to have something to eat, Maud, we haven’t even had lunch!”
“You said to go out before I could get around to making it, dear.”
“Oh, that’s right. I think we really ought to get coffee then before it gets too late.”
She tugged her by the arm and with slight reluctance, pulled Maud along to the crosswalk. Biddley had his back to the door so they managed to get inside without much ruckus. It wasn’t until they got a seat did Maud finally cave. 
What? Was she meant to tail him the whole day? What if he ate quicker than them and just left? Then there'd be no chance to convince him! 
She walked up to the window. A two-person seat sat a slight distance away from it, sofas with a coffee table. Taking in a deep breath, she knocked. Biddley turned his head after lowering his cup of coffee and stared back. She waved. 
There was a moment of confusion, and he looked over his shoulder as if expecting something. He turned back with a head tilt. She pointed behind her. He pointed outside. 
Maud pointed again. Insistently. At which point he gathered up his work and mouthed ‘one second’, balancing the coffee and saucer in another hand. 
“You’re not in the office! You’re sneaking away!” Sadie said once he entered. She had seated herself on the sofa and bitten into her pain au chocolate. 
“You also don’t seem surprised,” Maud added, hands on her hips. She had a cup of Earl Grey in front of her. 
Biddley looked at them both before breathing in deeply and rubbing his brows. He placed his documents down and sat. 
No use in skirting around it.
“I know you two have been tailing me. I don’t know for how long. But I swore I heard you yammering in the pharmacy and then heard your heels on the sidewalk.”
“What! We kept a good distance!”
“I caught your face in store windows. I thought I’d lost you when I sat down,” He muttered, reaching for his handkerchief. His hand raised to his lips and he cleared his throat but didn’t sniffle or anything. There was a growing exhaustion in his eyes, and he shuddered slightly. His voice was much grainier than that morning too. Maud sighed in sympathy. 
“Allergies, is it?”
“…is that why you’re following me?”
“Well- not really. It was just sort of fun. It turned into a game. We phoned Rashun, he tipped us off.”
“Oh my god.”
He put his hands to his head and leaned forward on his knees. At which point, he did opt to blow his nose; the equilibrium shift always made his sinuses ache. 
“What are your plans this evening?” Sadie chimed in.
“Finishing up some stores down Adelaide street. I’ve got a case to work on.”
“It’s working you to an early grave!”
“She has a point. You’re exhausted,” Maud added. 
“That’s a street of garments, ain’t it?” Sadie pointed at him with a decorated finger, “I’ve been around. If you’re looking at dress shops, maybe we can give you a hand!”
“No, that’s…this is my work, I don’t want either of you getting caught up in it!”
“You can outsource, can’t you? Hell, I would do it for free.”
“Sadie, I’m not—“
“We’re not getting caught up! Hardly meddling!” Maud’s voice came from his left. 
“Right! Say, we’re there coincidentally! I love buying dresses!” And to his right. 
Biddley swiped his hair back. He couldn’t figure out a way to protest. Obviously, he hasn’t any reason or right to stop them. And his head was hurting just at the thought of having to deal with…all of it. Again. In fact, was there a moment since he woke when his head wasn't hurting? 
“I’ve got a headache-“ He mumbled finally, slumping down in his seat. He sniffled again but had to quickly bunch up his handkerchief in both hands. There was frustration in his eyes as they scrunched shut, a deep level of disdain for what his body was having him involuntarily do, “hhEh…hhexcuse mbe—hHHRSCHhhHHuuhww!!”
Part of the cafe went silent for a split second before chatter picked up again with quiet chuckles. Biddley groaned. 
“Are you sure you're the one being inconspicuous?” Sadie snarked, “We should order you a soup. The nerve to drink your coffee black at a time like this.”
“I don’t need soup-“ He insisted, “I’m not sick.”
“Get chicken noodle. It’s classic and it’s good for you!”
“I’m not-! Maud! Oh-! For god's sake, you two are impossible…god forbid rationale to be thrown into the mix.”
Who was he kidding!? Maud probably had Rashun waiting by the phone. Biddley rubbed his cheek with a grumble. He debated if the headache was this oncoming cold or if it was having to defend himself based on a straw house of a lie. 
“You’re getting awfully defensive for someone who isn’t ill,” Sadie chided, looking over her drink with her eyes half-lidded, “If you ask me.”
“Oh stop it…and I didn’t ask.”
“I don’t think I will. You’d much prefer to be home anyway, tucked up into bed with the two of us—“
He gave her a look. She glanced away. 
“…-offering you moral support. It’d be comfier than being dragged along a street full of shops on a time crunch.”
“Speaking of comfy- do you want chicken noodle? Or Italian wedding? We may as well bring you back to the office too, while we’re at it, I’ll go poking around the stores on your behalf tomorrow. We’ll cover any lost time and I want a new blouse anyway. Trust me I know my way around. Which do you want?”
“Either, whatever. Chicken noodle…”
Maud had watched them bicker back and forth, her lipstick smile on the rim of the cup. 
He’d been whittled down in his defence, looking progressively more tired of the whole situation. All the better. Sadie had a way of convincing people to give in to their desires, she really admired that quality. 
After quietly excusing herself, Sadie did in fact get up to order that soup, leaving Maud. Biddley cast her a look and she shrugged. 
“What? I couldn’t help it. It sounded like fun, playing amateur sleuth…”
“I’mb not nearly as under the weather as you two would hope I am.”
“'Hope'? You realize what a bizarre thing that is to say.”
“In my defence, dear, I tried to stop her. But she’s about as stubborn as you are, if not more. And besides, I agree. I’d like to pamper you in bed instead of having you running yourself into the pavement and making that…making your allergies worse.”
Biddley had his chin on his palm, his scuffed fingers rubbing over his mouth and his uneven stubble. Contemplating. Deeply contemplating. He probably liked being tucked into bed, he would never admit it though. He’d fight back while wanting it at the same time. She knew he would. 
After another mighty sniff, he tilted his head. 
“Just for dinner?”
“I guess I can spare the evening…ugh- but don’t let me get carried away.”
“I’m quite good at that.”
Sadie came back not too long afterwards, a large ceramic mug of soup cupped in her hands. They all shared a look as Biddley raised it to his lips. 
“Rashun, I’m heading home. Maud and Sadie are with me.”
“I’m already on my way out. I figured they’d find you.”
“Of course…have a good evening.”
“Good evening, sir.”
Biddley held the phone to his ear until it was hung up on the other end. He set it back up on the booth with a clatter. 
“He’s locking up…”
“We had a late lunch. I’ll have to figure out what to make for dinner when we’re home,” Maud sighed. She’d jutted out her hip as she leaned on one leg, anxiously nibbling at her lower lip. Her lipstick was getting smudged. She cast a glance at Sadie and Biddley, who was holding a handkerchief to his nose again.
“I’m sure we can arrange something. I’d be more than happy to go out for dinner too!”
“I thought this whole hassle was to get me to stay in bed…”
“It is! I never said you’d be coming with.”
“What’s even the point-”
“The point is you’d be happier napping anyway!”
There wasn’t much protest. Biddley grimaced beneath his dark grey handkerchief and started to walk while Sadie took Maud, arm in arm. It was a short ride back once they reached the office too.
With a clatter of keys, Biddley was first to enter the house. He stood in the foyer, hands on his hips watching the two expectantly. 
“How long exactly do you want to keep up this ruse?” Sadie asked, carefully slipping off her shoes, “Get into bed, won’t you?”
“It’s not a ruse.”
“If you take your temperature, we’ll see.”
“I don’t have a fever.”
He sounded insistent. His soft tone still had a firm nature to it, and Maud had the sense he was merely humouring them. Still, she’d prefer that.
“I don’t-” He repeated when Sadie ignored him. 
“It wouldn’t hurt to check…” Maud patted his shoulder, urging him upstairs. He sighed, and shaking his head, shuffled his way to the second floor. The creak of the door signalled that he’d made it there, followed immediately by a sneeze muffled into a well-used handkerchief. 
“I think your husband is thick in the head,” Sadie joked, striding into the kitchen.
“Time to time. I’m going to get a thermometer, he’ll settle down once he’s lying on his back.”
“What’s the plan?”
“I’d like to get a soup going. I hope he doesn’t tire of chicken noodle, it’s the easiest to make.”
“Not dinner plans. We’ve finally got ourselves all under one roof! I mean evening plans. Night plans.”
“Oh…um…I don’t know, Sadie, I didn’t consider we’d get this far. Maybe get him a compress or something. I wonder if he’s read the paper…” Maud scratched at her ear, “I don’t mind if you squeeze into bed with us, but I’d probably spend some time making sure everything is good before we bed down.”
“Oh al-right, you ought to have some more fun, though.”
“Forgive me, I don't have your youthful spunk! Why don't you help me prepare this?” Maud gestured to the fridge. She had gotten a ribbon from the counter to tie her hair up and knotted an apron around her waist, “We can leave it to simmer and then spend however long we want upstairs.”
Sadie contemplated for a moment watching Maud bustle around. She eyed the knot on the back of her apron and after playfully looping it around her finger, gave a long, dramatic sigh. 
“Fine. Just this once. He’s not made of glass though, don’t worry too much.”
Sadie was first to head up. Maud said she would join them as soon as she got the thermometer and some water. She’d burst into the bedroom, giving Biddley a start. He was still dressed, sitting at the writing table looking through the drawers—
Oh, drat. The magnifier. Sadie kept her lips sealed. 
“Don’t you want to get into something a little more comfortable?”
“I’m comfortable.”
“Not for bed,” Sadie put her hands on her hips and walked over to snatch up his arm and drag him. It was like trying to move a massive dog, one that had no interest in being moved but wasn’t about to fight it either. Once he was sat, she stood in front of him and sighed, taking his tie in both hands to undo it. Biddley sniffled. 
“Both you and Maud are terribly old-fashioned. Where is your sense of indulgence? Walking around in stuffy shirts instead of a bathrobe. And spending an awful lot of time on homemade dishes when we both know what you need is a drink. How's rum sound? It's supposed to help.”
“You’re feeding our vices, you’re awful,” Biddley rolled his eyes. His voice was heavy and thick now, no surprise. He turned, and batting away her hand, aimed a sneeze towards the fluffy bedding, “—hH’HHnGSCHHhhoo!…huh. ‘Scuse me…”
“Look, I can’t help it…vices are my specialty. Hot toddies, too.”
The first knot was finally off by the time Maud came in. She walked over with the due diligence of a field nurse. 
“Why haven’t you changed, darling?”
Biddley looked to Sadie and shrugged who scoffed in his face. 
“That’s what I thought!” 
“Oh, bother. At least take off your belt, that can’t be comfortable. Open up.”
Maud didn’t give him a second to protest. The thermometer was under his tongue and she pulled him to stand so she could undo the rest of his tie while he sheepishly did his belt. Sadie, having taken off her outermost layers and her jewellery, sat on the bed to simply watch. She smiled, cheek pressed to her knee as Maud swatted his hand away from his face. 
“Keep it in for five minutes- you can undo these. Here-“
A lot of delegating from her end but the end result was one exhausted detective lying flat, in bed, with his nightshirt open halfway down. Sadie sat up over him and had the audacity to laugh. 
“You certainly are comfy now- no talking. Maud said five minutes.”
“We’ve got dinner going. You can rest until then.”
“And we will be joining you, by the way. You two have got such a sturdy bed…” 
Biddley rolled his eyes again. His nose twitched and he sniffed a few times. Maud sat down on the edge of the bed, having dressed down as well. What a nice underdress, Sadie thought, a lovely shade of powder blue…and an even lovelier neckline. 
“What’ll make you feel better? A massage?” She prompted, rubbing her hands over his shoulders. Maud’s fingers ran through his hair at the same time and immediately he went three shades of red darker in the face. 
“We went through a lot of effort to get you here, you know?” Sadie continued, “And it’s looking like you have a fever after all. Either that or you’re feeling warm for other reasons..! Oh! You know what might make you feel better? Having some menthol on your chest.”
She opened up the pyjama top further to look over his scars and trace the ones that had healed the longest. 
“You’re so right, Maud,” She finally said, looking up. Maud double-took back, and Sadie laughed at how pink she was getting as well, “Seems like you both embarrass easily!”
And she was here to make the most of that for the rest of the evening. Taking the helm to satisfy everyone by the time dinner was ready, was her forte after all. 
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having voice claims is so funny bc every time i write some goofy aaa dialogue for biddley its just will arnett's lego batman saying it in my head
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just-a-nervous-bean · 10 days
So I watched all of dunmeshi in one sitting.
Safe to say the amount of times that one clip of ep15 came up on snzblr mentally prepared me for the entirety of that scene. Really slay.
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