kendra-klein · 9 years
Oh, absolutely not. It just means that I have to be more careful around hippogriffs.
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"Helps if you’re blind I guess. I’m not even going to ask. Teaches you a lesson about sneaking out, no?"
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kendra-klein · 9 years
Oh please, you look about as fine as I do. What happened?
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Y-Yeah. I’m fine. Great even…just…Lookin’ for Lorcan.
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kendra-klein · 9 years
"Yeah, well it does to me. And I'm on crutches because of a freak hippogriff accident in the forest."
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"Tall or short, doesn’t really matter to me. That’s been you? Why on earth are you on crutches?"
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kendra-klein · 9 years
No, sorry I hav... Are you okay Sander?
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Have…Have you perchance seen my brother?
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kendra-klein · 9 years
"I wish it were heels. I want to be back in those, then I'd be almost normal height. But sadly, no. I'm on bloody crutches and I can't go outside because of them and... well if you've been hearing awkward clicking and banging sounds that's me."
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"What ‘bloody things’ are you talking about? Heels? I hear girls complain about heels all the time."
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kendra-klein · 9 years
"I... cannot... wait to be done with these bloody things!" Kendra muttered out as she slowly made her way up the stairs, dragging the crutches behind her as she grasped the railing.
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kendra-klein · 9 years
For the love of Merlin,
Do you not see me sitting here? Do I have to put up a sign that says "Kendra Klein here, Don't trip over my fucking leg!"
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kendra-klein · 9 years
Can anyone really? But it might as well have been both of them.
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kendra-klein · 9 years
[Kendra shrugged and nodded] I'd still like to see this rainbow.
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I think.... medicine? At least now it is. I mean, it's supposed to be better than a pepper up right? For the people who aren't affected properly with that one?
Yeah, but I’m still technically not seeing them. The same way we really can’t see thestrals unless, well, you know… [He goes back to collecting the ingredients before bringing them back over to where the cauldron is.] I’m apprehensive but excited. 
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What is this generally used for? You know, when its not abused. Can’t say that I read the chapter enough to know.
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kendra-klein · 9 years
I'm telling you! they are going to take this one seriously. Probably becasue, well, this is the first time I've left the hospital wing with actual crutches. usually she's able to just fix it right up, maybe take it easy for a day, no no. This time it was "Ms. Klein, for the love of Merlin, take it easy until I tell you. You're gonna be one those things for at least two weeks, you better use them."
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kendra-klein · 9 years
You haven't seen them! Every time I hobble past the door I swear I have eyes on the back of my head. Earlier today, some fifth year popped up at my elbow and told me that Bellerose wanted to speak with me. I'm not paranoid, they are watching.
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kendra-klein · 9 years
[Kendra let out a deep sigh] It hasn't... but... [she sighed again] I don't know, I'm not gonna risk it this soon. Maybe in a bit, but I just got out and I'd hate for an extended sentence, they're watching, I know they are.
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kendra-klein · 9 years
I suppose. I'm technically not supposed to go outside anyway.
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kendra-klein · 9 years
"Territorial anything isn't fun. Unless you know that you have no chance of getting hurt, then you can bring out the popcorn" Kendra laughed a bit.
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"He really hasn't said anything? That's awkward."
"Wow that’s…" Arabella sighed loudly. "That sounds scary. I mean, I love hippogriffs more than the next girl, but when they get all territorial… that can’t be fun."
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"He… no he didn’t say all of that. Just muttered something about stupid birds and changed the subject." She crossed her arms. "I guess it’s good you’re both okay, though."
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kendra-klein · 9 years
Kendra threw her head back in a small laugh, having to dive last minute for the quaffle in her distraction. "You mean there are things more fun than hanging out with me?" She figured it was a lie, but she wouldn't call him out on it. Worst case scenario he actually did have something to do and would leave her to practice all alone. She couldn't have that. 
"Have you now?" she asked, chucking the ball towards where his hands were. She had skill, she was supposed to be able to throw the ball exactly where it needed to be. "And what was it like, skipping rounds and all? Do anything interesting?"
Field of Dreams and Nightmares || Scorpius and Kendra
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kendra-klein · 9 years
Kendra nodded and gripped the handles of her crutches. She didn't see the point in staying any longer. She had said what she needed to say and Cat obviously didn't care.
"Right, well, I've got an essay to do, so I'll... see you later... and I'll tell you when I get cleared to get on a broom again, yeah?" She didn't wait for an answer, she just turned and awkwardly made her way back towards the Great Hall.
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Catherine hid her surprise, she was going to try? Had the hippogriffs knocked her loose screws back in place? She had tried for weeks to try and get Kendra to care about the potential harm she could bring herself. 
Catherine wasn’t her team’s mother, but Merlin some of them needed to think.
Good luck with that, tell me how it goes.
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kendra-klein · 9 years
Kendra slumped against her crutches. "I'm gonna... well... try to listen this time." The words were like nails in her throat, but she hoped that she actually meant them.
"I make no promises, it's only day one after all, but... I'm going to try to not get in more trouble." It was weird  seeing Cat like this, this fake happy that leaned on indifference. Kendra didn't like it in the slightest. She had expected Cat to rage at her, to yell at her and threaten to kill her on the field as soon as she was cleared. Now it just seemed like the girl had given up on her.
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Cat considered toning her attitude down, but she would leave the regret and the guilt for later on, when she had come to her senses. It was all Kendra’s fault, anyway, for getting on that stupid beast. 
”Like that would stop you, right?”
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