kibumrk · 5 years
kibum watches the playback of his shot with a slight frown. he thinks it’s obvious that he has no idea what he’s doing on the drums, that he’s just moving the sticks randomly. he’s glad the sound isn’t present in this shot, because wow, did it sound bad when he filmed it a few minutes ago. he focuses more on his expression, though, trying to see if his expression broke at all while he was faking. 
he glances over to jinwook as he sits next to kibum and the producer rewinds the shot to play it over again. “you think so?” he asks with half a smile, turning his head back to the screen and watching himself pretend to play drums again. “i’m glad i got that much down, at least. did you hear it when we actually filmed? i sounded horrible. i’m worried that i, like, winced or something and you can see it in the shot.” he watches closely as they loop the shot one more time, relaxing and nodding to himself as he decides that no, his expression looks fine. composed and just a little cocky -- a good way for a drummer to look, he thinks. 
he shudders dramatically at jinwook’s joke, reaching over to ruffle the younger’s hair. “yah, don’t say things like that! it’d be like my nightmare come to life. can you imagine twelve of us onstage with instruments? it’d be chaos. and i only barely know how to play the piano, i’d never be able to keep up.”
( fronting )
190717  |  the arrival of mid-summer has filled their schedules to the brim again, and jinwook has welcomed the shift in activity even if his body still protests the pre-dawn wakeup calls of filming days. soon, they’ll be on the beach and performing again, and it’s those days that he looks forward to most. jinwook reaches up to run a hand through his hair. it’s a little stiff from styling, but dyed black, so he takes comfort in knowing that as his roots will grow in, they’ll be softer to the touch. it’ll be touched up after lunch break, too, and he’s too interested in monitoring the current shot to keep still for long.
“hyung looks pretty cool behind that drum set,” says jinwook, settling down next to kibum to watch the playback. he grabs one of the stray green screen props, absently spinning it on its edges between both hands. “i think you’re believable! the attitude, i mean.” it might be easy to tell if the dancer doesn’t totally know what he’s doing with the instrument itself, but jinwook’s eye is more trained than most, and it’s all in good fun anyway. he simpers, nudging kibum with an elbow. “what do you think? maybe baek jiyoung is trying us out in a special band concept~”
              && @kibumrk
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kibumrk · 5 years
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bumkeyk  2m - 18 SEP 2019   3K likes
hello from your lovely dancing king k.i~~ today was a big day of practicing, and we in convex can’t wait to see our fans again thank you for supporting us~~
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kibumrk · 5 years
this being the first time seungcheol’s hair has changed since debut ( albeit back to the colour he had before debut, but still ), he’s a little more excited than he’d like to admit. of course, he doesn’t spend all that long in the salon given that the gentle brown he’s sporting now isn’t too hard to achieve, but for the members who have had vibrant shades so far, trips to the salon probably aren’t quite as fun. this month, it’s kibum and sehun that are undergoing the tedious treatment, though seungcheol really can’t say that the end results aren’t amazing. worth it, in his opinion, though perhaps he’d feel different if it were his own hair. he doesn’t quite have the same confidence kibum and sehun do.
“it’s refreshing having a change every now and then!” he agrees, a bright smile stretching his lips until his gums show. “thank you! pink really suits you. it’s a nice pink, too, like jihoon’s used to be — softer, you know? I take it that flip means you like it?” he rambles, giggling as he reaches for a cupboard, though he doesn’t find anything appetising inside. he’s not really sure what he wants to eat, just that he’s hungry. “you should get some cfs with your hair like this so as many people as possible get to see it. it’ll be so well documented that every comeback, fans will be begging sphere to bring it back.” he chuckles softly. “I’d like to do a brighter or less natural colour sometime. I was blonde once but it didn’t last long. I was too lazy with the upkeep but with stylists, it’s easier, right?”
kibum can’t help but smile at seungcheol’s cheeriness. “it is,” he nods, watching as the younger searches through the cabinets, though he doesn’t seem to have any particular goal in mind. kibum opens the fridge and pulls out a plastic container of leftovers from the other night, gesturing with it towards seuncheol. “wanna split this?” he asks, guessing that the younger is on the hunt for food but is unsure what he wants to eat. “it’s too much for me to eat by myself,” he says honestly, cracking the container and nodding when he finds enough curry inside to feed at least the both of them and probably someone else, too. 
“we’ll see,” he smiles at the cfs comment, shaking his head slightly and watching the strands of pink on his forehead shake where they’re visible in his periphery. “it’d be pretty cool to do cfs, probably. i should ask our manager about it.” he looks up at seungcheol as he opens the microwave, cracking the lid of the container as he sets it inside the device. “you should try for some, too. maybe we could do them together, or like you and me and hyun and yixing could all do them -- like a leader line thing,” he muses, crossing his arms and leaning back against the counter behind him after he starts the microwave, the quiet hum of the device filling the silence between them. “it’d be cool to do cfs as a group, even broken up into units.” 
pretty in pink ;
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kibumrk · 5 years
kibum sits comfortably in a horizontal split, his phone in his hand as he scrolls through pictures of his journal -- he doesn’t like to bring it to practice, for fear of losing it, so he’ll only bring it if he needs to teach a choreography to the others, as he’ll often have diagrams and notes within to help him remember his decisions. he hums in response to yixing’s question, scrolling past a couple of sketches of formations and ideas that he had last night at about three in the morning -- they were drawn in semi-darkness by the light of the window outside, rushed before he fell back to sleep, and as such are pretty much useless, no matter how good whatever idea they came from may have been. 
“depends on the remix, i guess,” he shrugs, lowering his phone as he comes to yet another useless picture, this one because his hand shook as he took it, making the whole image blurry. “if they make it really ballad-y, then probably not? like if it’s a slow song? but maybe they might want us to make a dance for them, too. i can’t imagine some of them being excited about learning another dance, though,” he adds with a small smile, thinking of the vocal unit’s general aversion to learning new dances. 
the rap unit is a valid concern, and one kibum’s been having as well, and he purses his lips as he slips his legs forward out of the splits, instead pressing the bottoms of his feet together in a butterfly stretch, his knees bouncing slightly where they’re extending out to either side. “i don’t know. i hope they don’t mind, but it’s hard to say if they’re upset or not without talking to them. i could bring it up to seungcheol, though.” 
he thinks about it for a moment, thinking of the three rap-unit members -- yien, with enough talent to carry the whole group if he needed to, sehun, with the kind of brightness and enthusiasm kibum can only describe as sunshine in human form, and seungcheol, who’s suddenly been given a leadership position he never asked for but is full of enough determination to make kibum’s heart swell with pride. he knows that the three of them are capable of remixing the song or writing another hip hop song to accompany it, but he doesn’t know if they feel like it, or if they’re ready to do something like that so soon after losing rome. he wonders if that’s the reason they weren’t given an assignment in the first place. 
░▐ ★_1, 2 STEP 、
《 ★ @kibumrk 》 arms stretched past his head as he bends his waist, he tries to stretch as many parts of his body at once with this movement. foot pressed against the side of his knee so one leg’s bent as he leans over the extended one, eyes closed as he keeps the song in mind, playing it over and over in his head. what kind of choreography did the company want to see come out of this? he can’t help but wonder. so many ideas are out there but he can’t seem to commit anything to the song, not enough to form anything in completion. “hyung, any new ideas today?” he asks as he sits back up, switching legs and taking a deep breath. meditation was a good option to help creativity but his mind felt too chaotic at the moment. 
“do you think they’d want us to create a choreography for the remix that vocal unit comes up with? wouldn’t that be nice too? so it’s more collaborative for two units?” but it does unfortunately leave out the rap unit who he’s worried about. brows knit together, he sits up again, not seguing into another stretch but staring over at kibum. “do you think the rap unit minds not being giving an assignment to remake the song? i worry they wouldn’t say anything out loud
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kibumrk · 5 years
freetime comes sparingly. it comes between busy schedules and endless nights of practice, practice, practice. woohyun takes advantage of it while he can, uses it to rest or play around, or get some extra practice in where he’s lacking. lately, he’s been focusing on resting– because if he doesn’t rest, he’ll wear himself out faster than most. he’s not as young as he was, not as young as some of the other members; he has to keep up, make sure he’s well rested and relaxed, so he can be up to standards.
he’s paying little attention to the movie, lost in his head as he watches the characters on the screen mindlessly. kibum is silent next to him, and woohyun doesn’t pay him too much attention while they’re sitting in silence, until kibum’s head begins to fall on his shoulder. the action makes him jolt a bit, turning his head to look at the younger in surprise. the sight makes him crack a smile, a soft chuckle leaving him. reaching up a hand, he ruffles the strands of the other’s half softly. 
“kibummie~” he sings softly. “are you sleepy? you’re gonna miss the best part of the movie.” he teases, glancing at the screen. he’s lost now in the plot, doesn’t quite know what’s going on. “do you want to lay down? should i tuck you in?” he grins cheekily at the other, turning his body slightly to address him.
the sound of a soft voice brings kibum to the surface of his dreams, and he groans slightly, feeling a hand move through his hair and idly thinking of how nice it feels, how he’d love for that hand to keep doing that, for that soft voice to keep talking so gently. he barely registers what woohyun is saying, though some small, semi-conscious part of him does recognize that it’s woohyun next to him. 
he just hums in response, unable to formulate anything more coherent in response to the words that he still hasn’t processed. however, when woohyun shifts his body to face kibum, his shoulder shifts from under kibum’s cheek, causing an annoyed groan to slip from the younger. “don’t move,” he grumbles, trying to lean forward so he can use woohyun as a pillow once again. “warm,” his head finds the elder’s shoulder again, his eyes never fully opening. 
“you can keep doing the hair thing,” kibum mutters after a moment, his words slurring only slightly, but his head is close enough to woohyun’s ear that the elder should be able to hear him, right? he hopes so, though even without the relaxing sensation of someone playing with his hair, kibum is already drifting back into his dreams. 
falling asleep again ;
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kibumrk · 5 years
pretty in pink ;
as much as kibum is happy to have brightly colored hair again, he’ll be the first to admit that being stuck in a salon chair for hours and hours and hours is not very much fun, especially for him and his jittery tendencies. he relishes in the chance to stretch his legs now that he’s finally done in the salon chair, and he putters about the kitchen, unloading the dishwasher as he hums to himself, listening to the others move about in the rest of the dorm. 
he senses someone else in the small kitchen, and he turns his head to see seungcheol standing there. kibum smiles at him, tucking a mug into the cabinet where it belongs. “weird to have new hair colors, isn’t it?” he asks. “the curly look suits you. what do you think of mine? it took a lot of work to get it looking this good, you know,” he says, making a motion as if doing a hair flip over his shoulder, despite his hair not being nearly long enough for that kind of thing. 
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kibumrk · 5 years
K.I @convex_ki  2d
good luck to all the #MGA5 contestants this season! i can’t wait to face you all on the stage as fellow idols one day~
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kibumrk · 5 years
falling asleep again ;
it’s no secret among convex members that kibum has trouble sleeping. he can often be found sitting up in bed, reading on his phone, or out on the couch practicing the video games he’s so notoriously horrible at ( or, more likely, watching jihoon play better than kibum can ever hope to ). he can almost always be found staying late at sphere to practice whenever they’re not promoting, because he knows it’s unlikely he’ll be able to go to sleep at a reasonable time anyway, so why waste that time when he could spend it being productive? 
what convex members see less often is the moments when kibum’s insomnia catches up with him. he usually manages to control it enough that he just slips into the bedroom and goes to bed early, and if anyone notices and comments on it he’ll shrug and just say he was tired. his sleeping habits have never been healthy, by any means, but he knows how to live with them, and he doesn’t want anyone else worrying or asking after him when he’s one of the oldest and a leader -- he should be worrying about the others, not the other way around. 
maybe it’s subconscious, since he and woohyun are the only ones in the dorm this saturday evening -- or maybe they’re not, but whoever else is here isn’t in the living room, so they at least have the illusion of privacy, which is about the closest kibum finds he can find when sharing a dorm with eleven other boys. still, he isn’t really paying attention to the movie playing on the tv, and that’s made abundantly clear when his head falls on woohyun’s shoulder -- he’s been asleep for a few minutes at that point, his dreams following the characters from the movie whose names he can’t remember. 
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kibumrk · 5 years
there was always something bitter about being called alex, always being the only way to get his attention and actually become level headed. maybe it was because only his parents used it, maybe it was because he always disassociated from the situation whenever he was called that, and looked at it from the side. however, the following words made him sigh “i know but i’m not used to people caring so much about my shit.” he whines, rubbing at his eyes with a hand and sighing.
“i’d honestly rather be stressed about dating, than messing up a dance move.“ the words come out a tab bitter, but jihoon was tired, and definitely stressed and the fact that kibum thought that people his age should be stressed, didn’t help. he’d honestly rather worry about a dating scandal popping up about him, than accidentally kicking the wrong way during a dance practice. but here he was, actually stressing about the fact that he kicked the wrong way during a dance practice.
he didn’t mind the hand on his back, if anything, he was somewhat too tired to even register that kibum was really trying to show that he was there to support jihoon in any way possible, but the younger just thought of himself as a burden. however, once the unit leader spoke up, he looked up at him, brows slightly raised, up until the point he was called  snot nosed kid.
“amazing..“ he says with a sigh and looks back in front of them, shaking his head “so even after all those years, i’m still a snot nosed kid to you?” he teases, the tone of his voice is teasing, even if he isn’t looking at kibum as he spoke “i’d be playing video games for a living right about now. i turned down a contract quite a while back.“ jihoon explains, reaching to run a hand through his hair “but here i am, being a mess and a half because sphere stresses me the fuck out.“ he mumbles the last bit, not wanting a by-passer to hear him swear, but who would be here at a good 3 am?
“get used to it,” kibum shrugs in response to jihoon’s last comment in english, though he responds in korean. he means it, too -- jihoon will be stuck with kibum caring about him for a long time; the rest of their lives, probably, if kibum has anything to say about it. he already lost contact with this kid once, and now he’s debuted with him -- he doesn’t think it’s likely they’ll lose each other again. as long as he has a say in it, he’ll always stay at least a little bit connected to jihoon, even long after convex has disbanded and they’ve all moved on. 
the younger’s next comment has kibum’s eyes softening, though he’s glad jihoon isn’t looking at him to see the flash of pain there -- he doesn’t want jihoon to mistake it as pity or overt concern. the truth is just that kibum wishes he could be worried about dating. he wishes jihoon could be worried about the person he likes, without having to consider a contract and potential scandals. 
the hallways of sphere are familiar enough to both of them at this point that they can move through them mostly on auto-pilot, though kibum still tries to keep half an eye on their surroundings. it’s unlikely they’ll run into anyone else at this hour, but he still watches for anyone else in the corridors and guides jihoon towards the quickest route to the door. once they get out of the building, it isn’t far to the dorm, thankfully enough. they’ll be home in no time and finally able to unwind and get in bed. kibum idly wonders if he’ll be able to convince jihoon to go to his actual bed tonight ( or at least, someone’s actual bed -- he doesn’t discount the effectiveness of snuggling ) instead of staying out on the couch. 
he chuckles at jihoon’s teasing, but his expression softens again when the other continues. “yeah, there are always going to be choices that you’ll look back on and wonder, did i do the right thing?” this is a bit too deep for three in the morning, but kibum can’t help it -- he’s grown wise in his old age, or at least that’s what he plans on saying if jihoon brings it up. “i still wonder if i should have stayed in london, or if i should have rejected the offer from sphere. or if i should have rejected the original contract with royal. i don’t know what i’d be doing right now if i had, but all i can do is keep going on this path and do whatever i feel is best, you know?”
●// chin up
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kibumrk · 5 years
comebacks – they’re harder than they seem. of course they are, taeyong thinks – he wasn’t an actual idol before, so he didn’t see the hard work and practice coming from all ends to make an end product realized enough to be successful. even then, there’s no real guarantee that all that hard work and dedication will be appreciated and received well by the audience later on. it’s all just a risk, but taeyong’s never gotten anywhere without taking risks – he literally wouldn’t be here if he hadn’t taken the risk of going to the triple threat casting a little over two years ago.
his thoughts are swimming around as he tries to his best to stretch his limbs without moving his head too much – even with the most minute movements, he feels bad, even if the stylist is smiling at him fondly in the mirror. he flicks his eye contact back to kibum, and a sheepish smile adorns his face.
“uh, a little bit. it’s hard to fall asleep when you’re sitting down, to be honest. it’s like when you’re sitting in a car and trying to sleep, except just your head is moving.” his hairstylist looks to her colleague and giggles softly, drawing a embarrassed chuckle from taeyong himself as she pulls once again at his hair with a sharp tug and a warm burst of air from the hairdryer. “sorry, nuna, i promise i won’t fall asleep again – right now, at least.” is it an empty promise? maybe – it’s hard when you’ve only gotten a few hours of sleep for the past week or so.
he looks back to kibum in the mirror, and he absentmindedly smacks his lips together, as if he were spreading lip balm around. “if i were you, hyung, i would’ve taken a picture of me dozing off – i’m surprised you didn’t. or did you?”
at least their stylists have a good sense of humor. they have different ones at each music show, but kibum is at least mostly sure that at each show they get the same stylists each time, so the inkigayo stylists behind them are the same ones who styled their hair last week. it’s possible that the stylists are just always scheduled to the same groups every time, though, and that kibum has never had the same one twice. he looks at both stylists in the mirror, trying to memorize their faces so that he’ll know them next time -- he feels bad about not already knowing them, if they’ve been styling convex since debut. 
“ah, as opposed to falling asleep standing up?” he challenges, raising an eyebrow and smirking at the younger. he reaches across the space between their chairs and pats his shoulder, though under other circumstances he’d probably ruffle taeyong’s hair. “just kidding, i know what you mean. i can never fall asleep while traveling, except sometimes on really long flights, and even then i don’t sleep well.” 
he chuckles at the disbelieving glance taeyong’s stylist sends him at his probably empty promise, and kibum nearly makes another teasing comment about it before taeyong brings up a whole new subject. “what?” he blinks a couple times, then understands, and he grins widely as he pulls his phone up from where it was resting in his lap. “no, i didn’t think to! pretend to sleep, though, i’ll take one anyway,” he says, holding up his phone and pulling up the camera. 
he maybe should be a bit more embarrassed or averse to the idea of staging a picture for social media, but he’d be the first to admit he’s pretty shameless when it stuff like this. but then, it doesn’t exactly feel staged, does it? they’re just recreating a missed moment -- he just didn’t get a chance to catch it on camera before taeyong woke up. really, he would have taken a picture anyway had taeyong slept longer, so they’re just making up for a missed opportunity. 
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kibumrk · 5 years
if there’s anything woohyun didn’t expect– it’s the concept of them having their first win this early on in their debut. 
he’s– shocked, to say the least. frozen in spot with his hands motioned to clap as he stares forward. blinking, there’s a buzz on his skin, and he almost swears the sound around him is fading in and out. moving from muffled to clear. it’s so much all at once, and woohyun doesn’t recognize he’s crying until the stinging in his eyes grows to be too much. 
his cheeks are sticky with tears, and he brings a hand up to his face to wipe at his eyes– hearing yixing speak around them. there’s a shudder in his body, one he can’t control, and his hand is scrambling for his mouth as he holds back a choked noise. first place– first place, it’s insane. they’re not even a year old and they– they’ve had their first win.
he’s overwhelmed, he’s ecstatic. he feels like he’s going to be sick– but he also feels better than he ever has. 
there’s a hand on his shoulder he barely registers, until the arms are wrapped around him and he nearly sobs into the other’s shoulder. the hug feels strangely familiar– and with a weak tug, he lifts his head to look at kibum, and he nearly breaks more. he lets out a wet laugh, heel of his palm pressed almost painfully against his eye to quell the onslaught of tears.
“we did it,” he whispers, voice a low croak filled with emotion. “we– we really, really did it.”
kibum looks around in shock, but he finds he can’t handle seeing their fans cheering wildly, their sunbae artists clapping politely ( kibum can’t tell if it’s just polite applause or if they’re actually happy for convex getting their first win -- that’s too much for him to think about right now, so he doesn’t. ) 
he can’t handle all the emotions seeing their fans in the crowd cheering for them causes, so he looks down, unwrapping his arms from woohyun so he can press the heels of his hands hard into his eyes. woohyun is still close, and kibum moves his hands to look at him, matching his wet laugh with one of his own. 
“i can’t believe it,” he says, and it’s true. he can’t believe they’re here, can’t believe he’s debuted with woohyun at all, after the elder trained for so long in taemin’s company. he can’t believe he debuted under sphere instead of royal, can’t believe he still somehow managed to debut with yien, can’t believe he reunited with jihoon after all these years away from england. 
he can’t believe that they’re barely even six months old and they’ve already gotten their first win. just two days after their six month anniversary, actually, they got their first win -- the date registers in kibum’s mind more clearly than anything else has since the mc shouted for convex. 
he looks around again, focusing on his members this time, and he realizes that hyun has a mic now, and yixing has finished talking. kibum wonders if everyone who wants to say something will get a chance to -- he looks down to woohyun, eyebrows raised. “do you want to give a speech?” he asks, trying to figure out his own answer for the question. he feels like he probably wouldn’t be able to get two words out without breaking down into tears, but he also feels like he’ll regret it if he doesn’t say something here. 
the long road ;
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kibumrk · 5 years
ïčĄ* âȘ  SMS ☎ ┊ Â đŸ”‘đŸ‘ă…‹ă…‹Â â«  ⹯   、 2019년 4월 30음

 💌 ᔎ  oh my god 
 💌 ᔎ  istg wasn’t it just yesterday that you were congratulating me on luxe’s first win 
 💌 ᔎ  and now convex as their first win 
 💌 ᔎ  i think i’m going to cry 😱 
 💌 ᔎ  like istg maybe not as much as y’all were crying but still ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 
 💌 ᔎ  i’m so proud of you bummie !!! đŸ˜šđŸ€© 
 💌 ᔎ  let’s go for celebratory drinks when you’re done with promos !!
{ sms - 🍒 } i’m still in shock i think i don’t think it’s fully sunk in yet { sms - 🍒 } like?? we really won?? on our first comeback? i didn’t even expect us to make the top five this time, honestly, like it’s not like sphere is one of the big three or anything { sms - 🍒 } not that you guys didn’t work for your win, obviously { sms - 🍒 } ugh this is all coming out wrong but....you know what i mean, right? { sms - 🍒 } i guess it’s thanks to our fans.....i keep wanting to cry again whenever i think about them and their support { sms - 🍒 } we’ve both really made it now, haven’t we?  { sms - 🍒 } it’s been a long time since we were sneaking snacks in royal’s practice rooms ㅋㅋㅋ
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kibumrk · 5 years
(  ✉ * mufasa )  ✉ ; omg hyung!! ✉ ; first win first win first win!!  ✉ ; 🎉😭😭😭😭🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 ✉ ; i cheer so loudly seeing the results  ✉ ; im so proud right now the proudest boy!! ✉ ; i was like !! thats my hyung!!! thats his group!!
{ sms - simba } thank you!! i guess that means you saw me crying onstage 😭 { sms - simba } it still feels unreal, but it’ll probably sink in once i watch the recording fifty more times { sms - simba } i’m glad to hear from you though! i’m really glad to have you supporting me. it means a lot to me, you know
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kibumrk · 5 years
the long road ;
“CONVEX!” the mc shouts, and as confetti cannons blow and their fans scream their joy, kibum blinks, standing with his mouth open as he looks out at the signs with his name, with their group’s name waving through the air. this is it -- their first win. 
tears are on his face before he entirely realizes what’s happening, and hands are on him -- his members’, he realizes belatedly, allowing them to touch him and move him inwards as yixing accepts the trophy. the twelve of them are all standing fairly close together now, and he can feel points of contact with the other members at various places, though he doesn’t know who’s touching him and who isn’t -- he doesn’t even know who he’s standing between right now. 
all at once, it hits him. this is their first win. this is something he’s been working towards for years. as soon as the thoughts come into his mind, kibum’s hand comes up to cover his mouth, and he nearly falls over from the force of the tidal wave of emotions that flows over him. he places his hand on the shoulder of the one to his left, and immediately realizes that it’s woohyun when he feels the shoulder shaking with tears as well. without thinking, kibum moves closer and wraps his arms around woohyun in a hug, holding him tightly as both of them cry while yixing speaks. kibum makes a small mental note to watch video of this later so he can hear yixing’s speech, because he isn’t processing any of it right now. 
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kibumrk · 5 years
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* // [ TRENDING ]  MTV THE SHOW 1위  CONVEX  [  2019.04.30  ] !
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kibumrk · 5 years
dream of chasing you;
eclipse and convex have overlapping schedules. only for a week out of the long schedule of promotions, but it’s a week that kibum intends to take full advantage of. he hasn’t seen audrey or minji in a long time, and he’s excited for the rare opportunity. sure it means they’ll be going against each other on the music shows, but he hardly cares about that -- he knows sphere would expect him to care, but he can’t bring himself to. it’s only convex’s second comeback, and they’re not even from one of the big three companies. he’s sure that if either of them have a chance of winning anything, eclipse would have a bigger one. 
eclipse comes to convex’s dressing room to greet them, and they all go through the usual motions of bowing and exchanging albums, but that doesn’t take too long since they’re both rookie groups. they respect each other, of course, but many of the members are also friends, so kibum is soon approaching audrey. “how go the promotions, suji?” he asks, purposefully using the korean name she was given as her official stage name as he nudges her gently in the shoulder. “we’re still at the beginning of ours, but i’m sure a few weeks from now we’ll all look even more dead on our feet than we do now.” he smiles as he looks around the room at the mingling convex and eclipse members, though convex greatly outnumbers eclipse. “how do you feel about your new concept? i think it suits you,” he says, looking down at her dark clothes and dramatic makeup. “we seem to be sticking with the boy next door thing, but i don’t mind it. the songs are catchy, at least.” 
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kibumrk · 5 years
the stylist’s chair is still familiar to kibum, and is even more so now that they’re on their second round of promotions. it seems as if convex can’t do anything without first showing up somewhere even before the light of the sun so noonas can flit around them, gently touching up their faces with makeup and arranging their hair with purposeful brush strokes and applications of product.
in the second week of promotions, the schedule is rough -- they don’t get back to the dorm until after 11, most nights, but they have to be ready to leave at 6 the next morning, for a 6:20 arrival to the ever-familiar stylist chairs. kibum is used to a lack of sleep, after so long of similar hours in training while dealing with insomnia, but even he’s had less trouble sleeping in the last couple of weeks -- keeping up with the members and moving through their promotion and recording schedules has him exhausted every night, and grabbing short naps whenever he can. 
he feels wide awake right now -- he had a large cup of coffee in the usual chaotic rush of twelve boys trying to get ready and get out the door, and it shouldn’t leave him needing a nap until their break time in a few hours. however, kibum doesn’t fault the other boys for being tired -- they’ve been at this nonstop without a day off for almost two weeks now, and he’s gotten familiar with watching the members’ heads nod in their downtime, each catching what few moments of dozing they can.
he can’t help but chuckle when taeyong jerks awake, though, reaching across the small space between their chairs to pat his arm, his smile matching those of the two hairstylists, who don’t stop their work even as kibum watches their lips curl up in the mirrors. “sleep well?” kibum asks, a teasing lilt in his voice to match his smile. “we’ll be back in the dressing room soon, and then you can sleep all you want until the dress rehearsal. but for now, try to stay awake so you don’t fall out of your chair and mess up all of noona’s hard work,” he adds, glancing to the hairstylists in the mirror and giving them a cheeky wink. the one behind taeyong snorts quietly in laughter, while the one working on kibum gives his hair a sharp tug, at which he laughs to himself. 
the coordi nunas probably see many idols fall asleep during hair and makeup – taeyong feels as though they understand how early the schedules are, how tired they must be and might assume that they understand if he just drifts off for a fleeting moment, but he also feels bad for falling asleep during in the case she needs to touch up his lips or put some more foundation on.
he’s found it’s easier to doze off while he’s getting his hair styled – protrusions to his face distract his sleep rhythm, and the way his hair gets pulled and blowed by hot air relaxes him immensely. sometimes, other members are sitting next to him getting styled as well – ten might take sneaky pictures of him dozing off, looking candidly ugly for his own personal collection of embarrassing pictures.
luckily, kibum is sat right next to him – he looks at the older’s reflection in the mirror in front of them. black really suits him, he thinks. it brings out the maturity that taeyong feels kibum possesses so much – possibly the most out of all the members. perhaps it’s a reflection of his age, how wise he’s gotten.
he doesn’t mention that part, though – that can sound impolite.
as if on cue, taeyong starts nodding off as the coordi nuna starts brushing his hair with a round brush and pulling it through the bristles as she blows a hairdryer swiftly over it. by the third pull, he’s fallen fully asleep, but the fourth pull wakes him up quickly, much to the amusement of the hairstylist.
━━━━━━━━━━  starter for  ; @kibumrk ━━━━━━━━━━
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