knight-of-the-thorn · 14 hours
Listen. Babies in sims 4 are easy. The infant stage can be tricky if you have multiple of them and want the parents to ever sleep but frankly accepting that sometimes you need to tell a baby to go to sleep in the middle of the hallway will get you surprisingly far.
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knight-of-the-thorn · 17 hours
Constantly thinking about the implications of Ryland not having a clue what anyone was talking about re: the whispers.
Was it because he wasn't actually hearing them? Was his frame of mind such that Jormag knew he didn't need any convincing?
Was it that he was hearing them but confused them for his own thoughts? So gullible and easily led, like a puppet, that Jormag could tell him anything and Ryland thought it was his own idea?
These are both so fascinating to me because regardless they sort of point to similar conclusions (in my mind at least): that Bangar was trying to sculpt Ryland into his perfect little puppet and succeeded. So now he's the world's most gullible nepo baby that thinks he deserves things because??? He's Tyria's special-est little guy and the real main character, in his head. Blissfully unaware that his pseudo father figure is just using him to a) spite his sire and b) carry out his own plans.
But Ryland is so SO sure that he's an equal player, both when he's allied with Bangar and Jormag and it's so!! Frustrating (in a good way). Because he's so smug about it and thinks he's a play maker but we have no choice to take him seriously! Because he's been given this power that he has no like, concept of the severity of. Like if we gave a toddler a sword.
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knight-of-the-thorn · 17 hours
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knight-of-the-thorn · 23 hours
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knight-of-the-thorn · 23 hours
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knight-of-the-thorn · 23 hours
[Shows up several months late]
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hey guys how do you like my lizard
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obsessed with these guys. let's see where they're going with this.
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I’m Christian and respect the order of creation as God intended it but I’m not gonna lie if I could take a massive vat of agar and grow an alive shopping mall made out of red blood and meat and feed it living human bodies to make it expand larger with more shops and amenities, Without hesitation, Without question I would do exactly that
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shout out to this tweet for RUINING my ability to hear "the time being" without thinking about this
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GW2 artists!
i'm hosting an art fight-esque guild wars focused event in july, running in tandem with art fight [I am unable to budge on this, please do not ask] https://discord.gg/bj6s3AtYJy you can join here! :> you must be: over 18 primarily a guild wars creator [art, writing, crafts, etc] willing to create for your fellow creators! able to leave any interpersonal drama at the door [I will not tolerate it] consider this to be like a month long art party that isn't bound by server zones or when you have time off work! this server will only be active for 3 months of the year. june through to august, with the game itself happening through july. we'd love to have you, and this will be our first year running and the event's success [or lack of] this year will affect whether or not we run it again, as it's a lot of work!
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What do you do in situations where you’re in the wrong and repentance isn’t enough
I kill my self to make everyone feel guilty
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Pathfinder Xalath
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i have hired this man to stare at you
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I’m playing bg3 again and I think that’s exactly how that conversation goes
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hi guys
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