knightinroseyarmour · 4 months
so can the F1 girlies confirm for me: is Lewis Hamilton going to Ferrari like if Zayn left 1D and joined the Vamps?
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the sluttiest thing a man can do is be fictional
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knightinroseyarmour · 2 years
baby kuemper - cale makar
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my fav rosy cheeked boy, i just had to write something for him. and how else would i do it? by making the reader my fav goalies little sibling.
pairing: kuemper!reader x cale makar
no warning! just fluff and the boys teasing cale & reader
“i’m so excited you’re here.” darcy grinned at you as he wrapped you in his arms as he picked you up from the airport.
“me too darc. me too. i missed you so much.” you smiled back at him as you grabbed the handle on your suitcase once again.
“i have so much planned for us, other than on game days, obviously.” he trailed off as the two of you walked to his car. he loaded your stuff in the trunk before walking to the driver door and getting in. the two of you made small talk before you finally arrived at his and his wife’s home, seeing a couple of cars in the driveway.
he unloaded your stuff, him grabbing the handle of the suitcase and tugging it behind him, “oh yeah, i hope you don’t mind, but a couple of the guys were over before i left to grab you. i just told them to stay put.” he mentioned as he unlocked the door.
“darc, it’s your house.” you laughed, “i don’t care who is over.”
he opened the front door and that’s when you heard all the chaos.
“what the fuck ej?”
“i told you not to do that!”
“shut up landy! i do what i want!”
“this isn’t your house ej!”
“shut up!”
darcy looked at you with wide eyes before walking to the living room, leaving you standing in the foyer.
“uh guys?” he yelled out, stopping all the commotion as he watched gabe and erik argue over the remote, cale siting there on his phone ignoring it all, and nathan shaking his head at the other two idiots still arguing on the couch, “i’m back and i have company.”
and that stopped everything. you could hear a pin drop before you heard darcy holler your name, calling you into the living room.
you walked in, acting like you were texting someone as you entered the room, all the eyes darting to you as you locked your phone, shoving it into your pocket.
“guys, this is y/n.” he started as he introduced the couple of guys that were sitting on his couch, his wife watching from the kitchen.
“you couldn’t have controlled them?” he laughed, as he walked over to her, giving her a sweet kiss.
“i tried.”
“no you didn’t.” cale called out, him speaking for the first time causing your breath to hitch in your throat. sydney walked over, smacking the back of cales head, causing him to groan.
“shut up calesy.” nate laughed, “don’t be mean.” he joked.
it wasn’t long after that you got settled into your room for the next couple of weeks as you transitioned to living in the higher altitude. you had transferred to denver university, which honestly made darcy really happy. he was excited to have his sidekick back with him. other than college and when he was away for hockey, you two never left each other’s side. he was your best friend, and other than sydney, you were his too.
it had been a couple of weeks since you arrived and you had gotten closer with some of the guys since they were constantly inviting darcy to things and telling him to bring you along so they could get to know you better.
well primarily a certain brunette with the rosiest cheeks you’ve ever seen.
“wait no.” you laughed you felt cale try and grab your phone from you. you guys were current sitting at gabe’s. he had thrown a little ‘welcome’/‘cheers to the new season’ party to the new teammates and you had obviously came with darcy as he was trying to get you included with the team and introduced since you were going to be hanging around for a while.
“you’re not paying attention to a word i said.” he laughed as he finally wiggled the phone out of your hands causing you to pout.
“hey lovebirds, stop flirting and join the party.” erik yelled across the pool, him quickly taking an elbow from gabe before the group they were talking to laughed as they watched the two of you blush.
“here.” cale sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, the redness spreading down his neck and to his chest.
thank god for gabe and his dumbass pool parties.
now this being said, this wasn’t the first time something like this had happened and it definitely wasn’t the first time one of his teammates had made the situation awkward.
this time it was just cale with tyson jost, him trying to pry into your guys love life.
“tys, there’s literally nothing to tell you.” cale shrugged him off as the two of them walked around the rink.
well more so like cale trying to get away from tyson. he was kinda like that fly you try to shoo away, but it just never goes away until you finally get bug spray or zap it.
“god quit harassing me.” cale laughed as he watched tyson get all giddy.
“there’s something going on and i am going to find out calesy.” he grinned as he watched you walk into the rink beside your brother. you had signed up for a photography class for one of your semesters and you decided getting photos of the boys would be the easiest, considering you didn’t know your way around denver all that well yet, even though you had been there for a couple of weeks.
“do not.” you glared at jt as he walked up to you, cale and tyson watching from afar.
the two had planned this. they had planned to corner you and get you guys to spill, but in reality, there was really nothing to spill.
right now, the two of you were just friends who liked spending time together and maybe adding a couple of kisses in there, but they didn’t need to know that.
you were just friends.
“i wasn’t going to say anything!” he smirked as the red head threw his arm over your shoulder, “but you know, its not nice to lie.”
“lie about what?”
“cale baby, cale.” he grinned as the two of you walked towards the rosy cheeked boy and his curly headed best friend.
“no.” cale stated, “she has work to do.” he started before the other two decided to pry further.
“and you know this how?” they teased.
“because we talk and the camera around her neck is a dead giveaway.” he deadpanned at them, rolling his eyes.
“okay, that’s fair.” they pouted before they scurried off, trying to get ready for practice.
“i am so sorry.” cale laughed as he stood a little closer to you.
“its really okay.” you sheepishly replied.
okay maybe you did have a crush on this boy.
“you can’t tell me you don’t have anything for this boy.” mel said as she watched you stare at the boy who had ditched his t-shirt as he ran around with mel and gabe’s kids, “you’re staring at him like if you stop, he’s going to disappear.”
your eyes never left him.. well that was until he caught you staring, his throwing a subtle wink towards you, a harsh blush forcing itself onto your face. what you didn’t realize that everyone else had picked up on was the stolen glances between the two of you. when you weren’t staring at him, he was watching you as you interacted with mel, or the kids, or hell, even his teammates.
watching you get along with everyone was one of cale’s favorite things and it had been for the last couple of weeks. after cale had gotten out of his last long-term relationship, it was harder for him to bring girls he was seeing over because he didn’t want the boys getting to know someone, just for him to have to break the news that it didn’t work out.
but with you, thing were different for him.
you rolled your eyes as you took a sip of the ice water that mel had brought out for you, “mel.” you whined, “please, not you too.” you begged, “were already hearing enough from ej, tys, and jt. next its going be darcy..”
“and you know this how?” she asked.
“i can just feel it.” you sighed.
“okay, what powers did you acquire overnight?” she laughed as she patted your hand, “all i’m saying is, i’d make a move before missy girl over there does.” she said, subtly nodding towards the blonde who was standing across the patio, eyeing cale like she was the only man she had ever seen.
which you couldn’t blame her. the man was gorgeous, kind, and gentle. everything cale did, he did it with grace. you watched as she finally got brave, walking over to cale as she tried to make small talk with him.
it didn’t take long for her to ask for his number, him kindly turning her down, stating he was seeing someone. hearing those words caused your heart to palpatate, it slightly cracking as you heard the words fall off his tongue, mel’s eyes darting between the two of you.
she walked away, feeling defeated as he crossed over to you. you slightly shrugged him off as he stood behind you, his hand on your shoulder as you watched the youngest landeskog waddle over you.
cale decided to take a seat next to you in the available chair but that didn’t last long as you got up, entering the familiar home, cale not far behind.
“trouble in paradise, eh?” erik joked before nate elbowed him in the ribs, them all huddling to watch the scene before them in the window. they couldn’t hear anything, but they definitely weren’t going to miss a good show between the two of you.
“what do you mean you’re seeing someone?” you asked, your bottom lip wobbling as tears started prickling at your eyes.
you’d be damned if you were going to cry over this, let alone over a boy.
“what- no,” he started as his hands found the sides of your arms, rubbing up and down, “i’m not seeing anyone.”
you and cale had this unspoken rule that if the other did happen to start seeing someone else, the other would say something. this developed the night you shared your first kiss, accidentally ending up in his bed.
now that night, nothing happened. you didn’t hook up.
what had happened though is, you both were on the verge of wine drunk and you kissed him. your feelings had became stronger while intoxicated and apparently his did too because next thing you know, you were in his bed, cuddling into each other and sharing soft kisses.
and that brings you to current time.
“i promise you baby,” he purred as he brought you into his chest, “you’re the only girl i want to seee right now.” he said as he rubbed your back, “only you.”
you nodded into his chest, “they’re staring.”

“of course they are.” you felt his laugh rumble through his chest, his head darting towards where the boys were seated, them all giving waves to him, except darcy, who was giving a playful glare towards the innocent boy.
“you can’t be serious.” you groaned as you two walked out of the movie theater hand in hand. cale tossed your trash into the bin as the two of you headed towards the entrance, coincidentally running into your favorite boys and their girlfriends, alex newhook and bowen byram.
“dating my ass.” alex snorted to bo, who hadn’t taken his eyes off the two of you.
“god please don’t say anything.” you practically begged.
the two of them made a motion like they were locking their lips and throwing away the key, but unbeknownst to you two, bo had already snapped a photo and sent it to the group chat.
cale hadn’t seen it yet due to him 1. being in the movies and not turning airplane mode off yet and 2. the group chat being muted since he was tired of being woken up by it.
you guys bidded your goodbyes before walking out the door, facepalming about being caught by two of the youngest on the team.
“you know they’re going to say something, right?” he asked as he opened your car door.
“oh a 100%.” you replied as you watched him run around the car, slipping into the drivers seat.
“you realize erik is going to join in with tys and jt and make this worse for us?”
“once again, 100%.”
he started the car as a laugh escaped his lips before backing out of the parking spot.
you had told darcy you were having a girls night with some friends, when in reality, you were staying with cale tonight, but no one needed to know that for now.
“are you still okay with staying the night?” he asked as he grabbed your hand over the console, his thumb running over your knuckles before bringing your hand to his mouth, placing a tender kiss on it.
you nodded as you looked over at him, squeezing his hand a little tighter, “of course i am”.
“good.” he stated, “darcy’s going to kill us.” he continued, a smirk on his face as he spoke.
“no. he’s going to kill you,” you joked, “he loves me too much.”
“please don’t put those thoughts in my head.”
“i’m kidding cale.”
“i know you are.” he said, “darcy couldn’t hurt a fly.”
“clearly you don’t know him that well.”
“what do you mean?”
“ask my sophomore year boyfriend.” you winked.
you watched cale take a deep breath before watching his adam’s apple bob, “cale, baby, i’m kidding. lighten up.”
he shook his head at you, a sigh leaving his lips, “i just don’t wanna mess this up.”
“you won’t. i promise.”
“hey i got something for you.” darcy knocked at your door, you jumping off the bed to open the door.
“gimme. present time.” you joked as you held out your hands, trying to take the bag from you.
“aha- not so fast young lady.” he replied, holding the bag out of your reach, “if you don’t like it, we can exchange it… maybe for a certain rosy cheeked boys.” he winked as you opened the bag, pulling out a new avalanche jersey that had yours and his last name on the back of it, “i figured you’d want a new one for tonight since the one you had, and probably brought, was from arizona.”
you sheepishly nodded, him knowing you that well, “but wait, why would i want to exchange it for cales?”
“don’t give me that.” he laughed at you, “i’ve seen how you look at him sweetheart.”
you pursed your lips as your eyes suddenly found the ceiling really interesting.
“i don’t know what you’re talking about.” you replied as he let out another belly laugh before placing his hand on your shoulder and pulling you into his chest.
“if it’s any consolation, i would 100% approve of that kid.”
and that’s how you found yourself standing in ball arena with cale makars jersey draped over your shoulders. darcy wasn’t upset when you asked to exchange it since he was honestly expecting it. but instead of exchanging, he ended up buying you the cale one, him claiming “well it’ll be good to have two of them.” which caused you to roll your eyes but not turn him down.
“so calesy huh?” mel laughed as a blush creeped onto your cheeks.
“what- no.” you nervously smiled, “just friends.”
“yeah keep telling yourself that kid.” she replied back, “i said the same thing with gabe and now look at us, two kids and married.” she shrugged as she adjusted the youngest on her hip, you holding their daughter.
the two of you had taken them down to the glass to watch warm ups.
“i don’t know what’s going on mel.” you sighed, “he’s so sweet but i don’t think he’s interested like that. so just friends.” you gave her a soft smile as you watched gabe skate up to the glass, cale and darcy not far behind him as the came up to mess with the kids that were huddled around the glass.
cale smirked and raised his eyebrows as he did a little spin movement with his finger causing you to turn around to see his last name on your back.
cale could have dropped to the ground once his eyes saw his name. his breath hitched in his throat and it was becoming harder to breathe. but he loved it. he loved nothing more than to see the sight before him. his demeanor changed as he gave you a slight wink and waved goodbye to the kids before skating back to the bench to meet up with devon.
“you can’t tell me you didn’t just see that.” mel whispered as the two of you watched darcy and gabe talk against the boards.
the game started and the boys were playing extremely well. it was the first game of the season and the home opener against chicago. it didn’t take long for jack johnson to fire a puck past marc-andre fleury. other than your brother, fleury was your favorite goalie.
by the end of the first period, it ended up being 3-1. the boys came out buzzing after the intermission, adding another goal, darcy keeping the pucks out, except one in the third period causing the score to be 4-2 by the end of the game.
you were ecstatic. the energy in the arena was insane and you could feel like excited everyone was that they had won their first game of the season. you followed mel down to the locker rooms, standing outside with some of the other wives and and girlfriends and their sleepy children.
“are you excited?” girards fiancé asked.
you gave her a confused look, “about the win? of course. darcy played great.”
“no silly, about seeing cale.” she gave you a soft smile.
“what are you talking about?”
“the jersey. aren’t you guys together?” she asked, looking confused.
you quickly shook your head no, putting all the pieces together, “no.” you laughed, “we’re not. we’re just friends.” you said, slight sadness lacing your tone as the boys rushed out of the room, most of them ready to go celebrate the win. it was unlike last season when they were practically forced to go from the rink to home and vice versa. this season, they were actually able to celebrate the wins and that’s what they planned on doing.
“hey.” cale whispered as he walked next to you as everyone walked to the bar down near the arena. it was super close so no one felt the need to drive down there.
“hey.” you gave him a tight lipped grin, “sorry about this.” you motioned to the jersey, a laugh escaping your lips.
“don’t apologize,” he started, “i think it looks great.”
you knew a couple of the boys were walking behind you guys as you guys kept a steady pace away from everyone else. you could feel eyes burning into your guys backs, laughter echoing out in the chilly air.
a shiver ran down your spine, causing cale to notice. now like it’s been mentioned, the two of you were just friends. nothing more, nothing less. but things change.
“are you cold?” he asked beginning to shrug off his suit jacket.
“cale makar, don’t you dare.” you laughed as you watched him pull it off, sliding it around your shoulders, “you’re going to get cold.”
“i’ll be fine.” he said as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
and that’s what set the boys off, your brother leading the charge with all the teasing.
“guess you’ll be staying in colorado a little bit longer, huh?” darcy called out, a laugh leaving his lips, sydney shushing him, saying that it was ‘sweet and to leave you alone’. you made a mental note to thank her later, but for now, you were going to be dealing with the teasing from your brother and his teammates.
you buried your head into cale’s arm, his arm tightening around your shoulder. you could feel his laugh vibrate through his body causing your heart to flutter. that’s as definitely a sound you could listen to every day and never get tired of it.
“i guess i will be.” you said as you lifted your head, looking at the boy who was already looking down at you.
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knightinroseyarmour · 2 years
323K notes · View notes
knightinroseyarmour · 2 years
good things will happen 💫
things that are meant to be will fall into place 💫
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knightinroseyarmour · 2 years
forget zodiac signs, forget mbti, the true personality test is, what song is this: na na na
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knightinroseyarmour · 2 years
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I HATE how tumblr brings up your old tags as you’re typing a new tag because I really don’t!! Want to remember!!! Some of the things I’ve said on this godforsaken site!!!!
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knightinroseyarmour · 2 years
I have acquired a boyfriend
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knightinroseyarmour · 2 years
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This is the lucky clover cat. reblog this in 30 seconds & he will bring u good luck and fortune.
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knightinroseyarmour · 2 years
this is so tragic
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knightinroseyarmour · 2 years
And my beautiful girl...
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knightinroseyarmour · 2 years
Hockey commentators when they see a player who’s under 6 feet: a baby. Just a little man. Simply a teeny-tiny puck boy. How does he even get over the boards. Look at his feetsies dangling when he sits on the bench. What a courageous wee lad, to be out there with everyone else, inspirational
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knightinroseyarmour · 2 years
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i must say the vancouver canucks know how to do jerseys. rest of the nhl do what they’re doing WHEN
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knightinroseyarmour · 2 years
At a Moose game and I wanna write more fanfiction
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knightinroseyarmour · 2 years
gorgeous gorgeous girls are upset that tyson is playing with a broken jaw and will be nervous for him the whole game
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knightinroseyarmour · 2 years
do me a solid and just reblog this saying what time it is where you are and what you’re thinking about in the tags.
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knightinroseyarmour · 2 years
just wanted to say, not wearing a mask doesn’t make you “cool”. it makes you more likely to die.
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