krasytoonz · 15 days
OMG! You’re back! Im so happy to see your art again! :DDDD
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sorry i’ve been busy again baha
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krasytoonz · 2 months
B: you’re expectin’ me to eat all of this? Am just a little pooch, and there’s GLITTER in these!
H: You think crispy sweets frost themselves? NO! I gotta do it all on my own! You’re SO UNGRATEFUL!
Guys this is so adorable I am not okay
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krasytoonz · 2 months
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Introducing Barnaby to one quarter of the chaos Howdy goes through
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krasytoonz · 2 months
HISNDXOWNN ON VSOLA NA WDKANdvd &-92&:!.&£]¥[_ Mn Sakdixuxwfwca //- a az zejej
You just came back and you're already carrying the laughingstock fandom once more (along with carnival)
@carnivalcarrion psst… We should totally collaborate on Laughingstock…… (draw him kissing howdy’s hand)
(ANYONE CAN JOIN THIS TOO BTW! I would love to see Laughingstock get more art!)
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krasytoonz · 2 months
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beaglepillar heavy comic i’m working on…… what if barnaby meets howdy’s family and he introduces barn as his Boyfriend…. WHAT IF….
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krasytoonz · 2 months
I want to tell you that this makes so much sense because Howdy dismisses ‘effeminate’ (or not stereotypically masculine) puppets like Latter and Eddie — considering the time that the Puppet Show is set in, Homophobia is a theme; so even if he isn’t in denial (assuming that he does not like Barnaby romantically), I think he just doesn’t like Eddie or Latter because they are seen as ‘incompetent’ due to not fitting in with what is considered masculine enough.
Howdy the homophobe tsk tsk /j
Not only that, Eddie and Howdy should’ve logically get along — them both being working men and all, and not competitors because Howdy runs a shop, while Eddie deliver mails.. Two different Industries! But, they Do Not, because there is a subtle dislike from Howdy’s side.
The same with Latter — isn’t it odd that Howdy is fine with Sally, who is very theatrical — but he isn’t fine with his own brother Latter, who is a Poet, and who is also quite dramatic like Sally?
Not to mention the in denial theory;
in Every Audio he is always Happy around Barnaby, and sometimes Barnaby says jokes that ‘aren’t as funny to others’ but Howdy is always Laughing. He pays the most attention to Barnaby too. ALTHOUGH! Because I am a heavy beaglepillar shipper I might be wrong therefore take this with a grain of salt — remember when Wally asked Howdy what he should do for Homewarming? Howdy said something about ‘gifts’ and how Home would be Happy with gifts.. so Howdy’s love language is pretty much gift-giving. Although he supplies everyone in the Neighborhood with his Products for ‘laughter and jokes’ as a currency, he is the one who usually give the most ‘gifts’ to Barnaby. I am not sure if that Meant Anything from him.
I also do realize that this could be the FIRST TIME the neighborhood celebrates Homewarming, because Wally doesn’t know what to do during Homewarming — if it isn’t the first time, he wouldn’t be going around asking people For Ideas.
Perhaps someone created the idea of Homewarming recently.
I have the smallest crumb of a theory. But what if howdy is mean to Latter because he’s self-conscious of being the only caterpillar (and repressed) and takes it out on his brother as a consequence. Because social expectations at the time gave him an excuse to do so?
no. ok. hoo boy. Allow Me To Be Insane Over The Most Prominent Thought I've Had Since Seeing The Update (about howdy)
i will try to be as eloquent and articulate as possible. ahem:
ok. ok ok ok. Now allow me to be articulate and eloquent
so obviously Howdy is almost certainly queer in the men-loving flavor. if i'm wrong about this my confidence will never recover. But I'm Willing To Take That Chance. so he's definitely queer, right? his.. well his everything points to it, but the final nail in the coffin are his rainbow suspenders from the group Homewarming artwork from Eddie's prolonged breakdown.
but this update i think showed us deeper into that part of him. and i take the shipping goggles off for genuine analysis, so when i say this i believe that there is Serious Evidence and seems Genuinely Plausible - if Howdy doesn't have feelings for Barnaby, i'll eat my cat.
the above is important to say because it Directly ties in to how Howdy treats Latter AND Eddie.
so. Howdy is likely gay or bi, what have you. i'm guessing gay. he obviously has feelings for Barnaby. SO WHAT I'M SAYING IS that i don't think Howdy treats Latter the way he does because of the caterpillar thing, I think Howdy treats Latter the way he does because Latter is genuine and Howdy is not.
what does this have to do with Eddie? well. look at Latter and Eddie in relation to each other. they're both... how do i say... Open. and not - not effeminate, but yes, for lack of of a better word, effeminate. just enough to make one go "huh." and Howdy treats them the same way - dismissive, apathetic, one could even say avoidant.
i wouldn't be shocked if Howdy picked up on their queerness (and if Latter isn't queer, his comfort with himself / his behavior & interests) and is on the defensive about it - likely subconsciously.
and with Latter specifically. Howdy could have also picked up on the way his other family members treat him if they're all also dismissive - as Seeya seems to be as well. i mean, it fits right in line with the time period! homophobia - internalized in Howdy's case (again, most likely). the blatant favoritism, the dismissive nature, it all adds up. even if no one outright knows, that subconscious recognition (or outright suspicion!) will do this
i mean, Latter makes me think of two things. 1) being the only queer kid in a family (especially large). 2) being a middle child. there was a third but i forgor. it felt important! it's gone now! anyway it's also Super telling comparing how Howdy treats Latter (emotional, earnest, open) to how he treats Beeya (oozing stereotypical masculinity)
tl;dr so i don't think it's really "expectations giving Howdy an excuse" as it is "subconscious / internalized homophobia causes Howdy to act the way he does"
as always, take all this with a Hefty grain of salt!
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krasytoonz · 2 months
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sighs in multishipper
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krasytoonz · 2 months
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I love how i created this au as a joke but i’m actually Attached to It
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krasytoonz · 2 months
YES HE DOES AND HE ADVERTISES EVERYONE TO GET A BARNABY PLUSH but the special limited edition with Super Nice Fur is out of stock (Howdy owns it)
Do you think Howdy keeps a Barnaby plush to keep him company at the bugdega
please refer to Krasy-
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krasytoonz · 2 months
You just came back and you're already carrying the laughingstock fandom once more (along with carnival)
@carnivalcarrion psst… We should totally collaborate on Laughingstock…… (draw him kissing howdy’s hand)
(ANYONE CAN JOIN THIS TOO BTW! I would love to see Laughingstock get more art!)
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krasytoonz · 2 months
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I need you all to Understand why I ship them So much — they work so well as lovers, you see, because they are kind of opposites, yet they complement each other
Barnaby being the Funny one who always makes Howdy laugh (WHICH IS SO SO HEALTHY ISNT IT), and Howdy can just ramble about his issues to Barnaby, whether it’s his Family or anything, and he is his favorite customer and every Audio of them together always involve some sort of good friendship — IT JUST WORKS GUYS
Howdy knows how to make Barnaby’s favorite dish, which is why he’s always visiting him, and the fact that Howdy is so open with Barnaby shows that there’s a huge level of trust between them
Howdy’s personality is quick, upbeat and well, ‘confrontational’ (or better word… Sassy), while Barnaby is relaxed, loves joking around and from what I could tell, he likes to playfully tease the other neighbors (mainly Frank) BUT IT WORKS BECAUSE… WELL YOU SEE THE VISION RIGHT?
somebody Help me
I am assuming that Howdy is usually Overworked and don’t really have breaks much, but whenever Barnaby visits and tells him Jokes, it makes him ease up. And out of all the neighbors, he gets along well with Barnaby very very well
I could just imagine whenever Howdy has a bad day, Barnaby comes in, tells a joke, and it brightens up his mood. and he’ll go, “This is the reason why you are my Favorite Customer.” AND IT DOESNT EVEN HAVE TO BE ROMANTIC BECAUSE THEY ALSO WORK SO WELL AS FRIENDS TOO AND JRWOMDMDEIODMCJEKEMSMW
i am going insane
but yes I really really do love beaglepillar/laughingstock because it’s such a fun healthy dynamic they have — I’d imagine if they do argue about something, I doubt that it’s going to last long, because I know that Barnaby will possibly Apologize first, since Howdy might have a little bit of an ego — BUT THATS THE FUN PART BECAUSE he loves Barnaby, he will forgive him and apologize too AND THAT ITSELF — THE ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE — IS SUCH A GOOD THING IN RELATIONSHIPS
Why am I typing a psychoanalysis on two puppets’ relationship with each other I swear I am Doomed
they are quite literally shaped differently — Barnaby being round, and Howdy being more ‘angular’/boxy — ITS JUST FUN TO DRAW AND OMFHFJFNNFD THEY LOOK SO WELL TGT HONESTLY
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krasytoonz · 2 months
What makes me sad is that There are So So Many hints to Barnaby being dead… And he is one of my favorite characters…
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krasytoonz · 2 months
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i don’t know what went wrong…. i’m supposed to be drawing something else but my hand slipped and laughingstock took over once again
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krasytoonz · 2 months
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King Wally’s favoritism is a little bit obvious to a certain pooch (and his mom)
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krasytoonz · 2 months
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rumors, rumors…
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krasytoonz · 2 months
Does king Wally have parents?
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no, but he does like Barnaby’s mom! (Because she is Barnaby’s mom….)
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krasytoonz · 2 months
goal for today and forever onwards: post more colored artworks
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