kristensdance · 5 years
Overall, I believe that at the beginning I was confident but now I’ve learnt a lot of things and warm-ups which have helped me to develop and made me better in the end. This Dance course was very educational and beneficial in the end, overall, I’m a better performer and enjoy dance more.
I know more about the technical side of dance and new practitioners who express their love for dance differently Eg: Martha Graham- Contractions, use all parts of the body to communicate a story where as Alvin Ailey- Revelations uses past experiences and his lifestyle to verbalise his struggle though dance.
These practioners have inspired myself to take dance more seriously and consider dance as something more than a hobbie.
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kristensdance · 5 years
18th-19th December 2018
Reviewing all 3 dances 
WWW: During these dances I feel like I did very well during each performance, I didn’t look at the floor and making sure all transitions were smooth and fluent. Finally, for all the performances I made sure that the formation was clear so that everyone could be seen and to make it look clean. 
EBI: Next time I should be more confident and be in the front of the formations and embrace street dance the way I embrace contemporary. Finally, go all out with every move so that it looks more energetic and free. As street dance is very all out and free-flowing.  
below is the video of all dances: 
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kristensdance · 5 years
18th-19th December 2018
Revelations 2: 
WWW: I was able to characterise my part by being very sassy and strong with each movement. I was able to communicate the background of this dance through interacting with other dancers. I extended my arms and legs but what went extremely well was my team work and dedication, which allowed everyone to be in time with each other which solidified the performance and achieve my role as a STRONG black women. 
EBI: I feel like we needed more time to rehearse our performance so that we have the chance to change and perfect any part that we as a group didn't get but also so that we could sort out our peripheral vision due to the amount of space that we had. 
Overall, I feel that with the amount time we had we did very well in the performance.
   Below, is the video of the performance: Go to 4 minutes 21 
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kristensdance · 5 years
18th-19th December 2018
The cabaret had started!
Revelations 1: WWW: The final performance was very good. Everyone was in time and sync with each other we bounced off each other which made the performance was fluid and communicated the message of hardship and slavery but also showed strength as the group worked together to make everyone look good. 
EBI: When we are in the semi-circle I should have extended my plié instead of doing a demi-plié I should of executed a grand-plié so that I wouldn’t strain my back. Furthermore, by completing the plié I would be able to communicate the struggle that they would have felt during that time.  
Below is the link to Revelations 1: 
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kristensdance · 5 years
5th December 2018
We starting to rehearse the second Alvin Aliey piece. 
WWW: I believe I was dedicated and worked hard to perfect every move so that I was able to teach other members of my group parts they didn't understand and teach someone that joined later the moves. 
EBI: If we focused on timing and worked with each other to make sure that we were in time with each other, not just the music. Also, stretching before hand so that I can do the moves full out so that it doesn't look sloppy.   
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kristensdance · 5 years
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2nd-4th December 2018 
These are the slides from my presentation on the last dance exam. I had to explain what muscles I’ve used and the reason for each move.  
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kristensdance · 5 years
27-29th Novemeber 2018
During these few days a small group of girls in the class got together and studied a second piece of the Alvin Ailey Revelations. We understood the story behind it and delegated different parts to everyone. 
WWW: I was able to pick up the moves quickly and work together with everyone to make sure that we all got each move. Even though we didn't start rehearsing the same time as the first revelations. 
EBI: We got more after school rehearsals in so that the second piece was tighter and the we could of had more time to work on timing; so that the contemporary dance was more fluid and sassy.    
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kristensdance · 5 years
26th November 2018
The day of my exam. I practised during the morning and in the afternoon I had my exam. The WWW and EBI in this blog is the feedback from my partner.
* The strength and flexibility in my arm was good
* My musicality conjoined with my expression was amazing as it communicated the story I was trying to portray
* The intense focus throughout helped with communication
* First time at floor work and it was controlled and good
* Make sure that the whole time I look out instead of the ground
* Bend your knees more so that all moves transition smoothly into each other
Below is the final piece:
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kristensdance · 5 years
24-26th November 2018
Throughout this weekend, I made a decision to change the song I performing to and instead of doing just street dance its a mixture between street and contemporary.
WWW: As soon as I had picked my final song I was able to get right to it and create choreography that suited the song and suited me. Also my focus stayed strong so I was able to complete the whole sequence in less than two hours. 
EBI: I need to do the dance in full a couple of times instead of marking it out so that when it came to the real exam I know its fluent and smooth. Also, I need to make sure that even if my timing isn't correct I carry on and don’t make it clear that I went wrong, this will help improve my accuracy. Finally, I should be bare foot and not wear socks so that I don’t injure myself.  
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kristensdance · 5 years
20th november 2018
During this lesson time we were given a quick brief about our upcoming dance exam and its criteria to get the highest mark. Then we were given the opportunity to start rehearsing for our exam.
WWW: I found it easy to pick a style of dance I wanted to perform for this exam. Also researching different choreography as inspiration so that I am able to generate my own sequence for the exam.
EBI: Staying focus the whole lesson time so that I can get more done during the lesson. Furthermore, I need to work on my core stability and posture; making sure that I’m not looking at the floor continuously and bending my knees so that I can go full out when rehearsing the dance.   
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kristensdance · 6 years
30th October 2018
This lesson was mainly focused on Alvin Ailey’s Revelations. During this lesson we continued to learn the famous routine we did this by watching the video of the performance and analysing all of the different postures they had and the flexibility of each move as we transition.
WWW: Considering that I’ve only had one other lesson dedicated to Revelations, I feel that it went very well, this was due to the warm-up exercises dedicated to stretching and strengthen your core. The ‘Doris Humphrey Breathing’ really helped with posture and maintaining a upright posture for the beginning of Revelations.
EBI: From the video that we are imitating they are all in sync and in time but with the group everyone’s timing is a little too fast, a massive improvement is timing so that it’s slow and concise so that it has the full impact on the audience at hand.
Below is a video of Doris Humphrey technique:
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kristensdance · 6 years
13th November 2018
Above is the new Jumping Exercises.
During this lesson we explored some new warm-up moves and completed the famous ‘Revelations’ by Alvin Ailey.
WWW: I was able to execrate the jumps in parallel, First and second by having my feet pointed outwards and transition smoothly through each position. Also, remembering the sequence for Revelation and making sure that my wide second was accurate so that I was able to really express my physicality and clearly communicate the meaning of the dance to the audience.
EBI: That I stay focused throughout the lesson so that I’m able to achieve the distinction with Miss’ direction. Also that I focus carefully on everyone being in time with the music so that we are able to change moves at the same time so that we look like one person. Furthermore, I think that we should do some exercises so that we become closer so that it becomes natural for us to move all as one.
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kristensdance · 6 years
8th November 2018
This lesson was independent street dance lesson. So during this lesson I helped a member of my class .
WWW: I was able to help out another member in my class which allowed myself to go through the dance so that it was clear and smooth, also it allowed myself to remark the choreography so that it was able to stick in my head so the moves didn’t look planned but just flow simultaneously.
* Don’t look at the floor so that I’m more focused on going all out with the moves instead of overthinking and looking at the floor
* Stay focused during the dance time as I could get more done in the time given meaning less stress and rushing later on
* And learn one of the other dances I don’t know. So during the cabaret if I need to step in I am able to
* Also practice more with my class as a whole so that everyone is in time with each other.
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kristensdance · 6 years
9th October 2018
During this lesson there was two objective for myself. These were to learn the dance piece to the song ‘Piece of my heart’.
WWW: During the first lesson learning piece of my heart I struggled to get some of the moves but I still joined in with everyone else so that I could see everyone carrying out the moves which made It easier for myself to learn each move and by the end of the lesson I had the beginning moves mastered. Also by using the ‘Martha Graham contraction Technique’ simplified the movements as the contraction and release method help create dramatic tension and make the movement in ‘piece of my heart’ routine more natural.
EBI: This dance has so many different counts that correlate with the music and I wasn’t able to link the moves which I had learnt with the music at each specific part. So next I would like to make sure I have linked both the moves and timing together so that I can join in during rehearsals for the cabaret.
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kristensdance · 6 years
15th-18th October 2018
During these three days I work individually to choreograph one 30 Second piece to two different genre of music. I chose to do ‘I like it’ by Cardi B and ‘Spectrum’ by Florence and the machine these two contrast as one was slow and the other fast but also the first song was Spanish and other electro house progressive house complextr. The exam proceeded on 18th October 2018
WWW: I was able to choreograph a piece of dance and add combinations of different skills I had learnt in my other street dance lessons. To continue I was able to also adapt to each dance well as I had to change the songs more than once to make sure that I was hitting the requirement of physicality and I conjecture that I was successful due to all my facial expressions which showed that I felt the music and I allowed the music to move me which made it look less like a planned routine.
EBI: Firstly, I should of warmed up before I proceeded to plan and create a routine this would of prevented any kind of injury. Secondly, during the rehearsals I should have created the routine sooner so that I was able to have more time to perfect it and change things that may not have had a smooth transition or that needed more strength.
Here’s two videos of the routine:
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kristensdance · 6 years
My first lesson: I took part in my first contemporary lesson...this was the first time I’ve had experienced a contemporary dance class and during this time I learnt a new stretches which included the Martha Graham technique. After stretching all necessary leg and arm muscle we rehearsed our modern day dance to Piece of my heart By Erma Franklin.    
WWW: I was able to pick up the contemporary dance to ‘piece of my heart’ very quickly making sure I accomplishing all the main moves Eg: Using parallel to  and using my classmates to improve the steps I didn't quite get right at the beginning.
EBI: At the beginning of the lesson when we are warming up making sure that I’m completing all the different exercises correctly, moreover staying focus during the warm-up so that I can understand the purpose of the exercise but how it can help me in the contemporary rountines. I’ve taken multiple videos so that I can access them at home and improve on the necessary aspects.
Video below:
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kristensdance · 6 years
4 th October
This was my first street dance lesson. I’ve had experience with other mentors that teach street so I was interested in how the mentor taught and what kind of dance style he specialised in.
WWW: When in the class I believe that I was able to pick up the moves to the new routine that was taught very quickly, also I was able to help out my others in my class that were struggling which allowed myself to practice the dance to perfect all moves while helping someone else to be more confident with the steps. Furthermore, as it was my first class I feel that I was comfortable to later improve and make every move my own so that it was at the standard of perfection.
EBI : Due to my informal wear during the class I was unable to really execute some of the warm up techniques, Eg: holding a low position with our feet pointing outwards. By not being able to properly carry out this exercise when it came to learning the main stance that was required to really be able to enhance every move I was unable due to wearing jeans and not being able to bend my knees constantly. So this meant that when I went home and I was in comfortable wear I was really able to practice every move accurately and properly.
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