lady-lye · 4 days
I love your Dany she looks so haunted !!
Ahh thank you! 💙
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lady-lye · 7 days
This one was kinda a quickie but I feel bad that it’s been approximately 4,000 years since I’ve posted anything asoiaf on here. Anyway here’s Dany bc who else?
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lady-lye · 2 months
I’m getting an iPad this spring! Which means ditching my wacom tablet and photoshop reliance in favor of ✨procreate✨. I’m so excited for a more intuitive workflow and being able to take things on the go!! In the meantime I’d so appreciate any procreate/iPad kid tips heheh.
I’m so so swamped w life and commissions and also having mono lol (weep woop) but!:
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lady-lye · 3 months
Omg this is gonna make me cry… didn’t realize I was on the CC radar :,) Instagram was a lot of work and I just got too overwhelmed! I hope to relaunch the Ladylye IG someday.
I’m still (sort of) on here though! And so very busy doing book things IN REAL LIFE?! Most recently I got to make lots of decorations and displays for @hollyblack ‘s The Prisoner’s Throne midnight launch at Books of Wonder (where I work). And I’m heading back to school in the fall for a masters in children’s book illustration. Wahoo!
Anyway thanks Cassie et all for the sweet comments and RBs <3 I see them all and they always make me smile.
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“Show me how to kiss,” she said. “Properly.”
James and Cordelia from a certain tied-up angst-ridden kissing-lesson make-out scene in Chain of Iron… Hope you enjoy it! :) I had a blast working on all the tiny details. Note the William Morris wallpaper– I like to imagine James has the same interior decorating tastes as his mother. 
Characters belong to @cassandraclare ! This piece is also on my instagram @ /ladylyeart <3 
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lady-lye · 5 months
Two extremely talented and brilliant friends of mine are co-writing a truly devastating Kaz/Inej fic that will rip your heart out and stomp on it. If you are a Six of Crows/Grishaverse fan (or even if you aren't), you should give it a read <3
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lady-lye · 5 months
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Not really on here these days but enjoy this Glorian doodle from her pre-dead inside era ❤️
edit: I’m a dumbass and forgot that the Berethnets have green eyes rather than blue. Use your imagination. Reality is a mindset
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lady-lye · 1 year
oh man, first off— i’m so sorry if this is a terrible thing to ask… i have never written a paper like this and i have no idea how it works, but i just wanted to ask—
“soo i started working on this piece after handing in a 14 page final paper for an english seminar in which i GOT TO WRITE ABOUT TID and posthumanism, gender, and subjectivity.“
ik it’s an older post— but i would absolutely love to read this! but would it be bad form for me to ask so? i mean, i definitely won’t be surprised or offended or anything if you just say no, there a lot of reasons one wouldn’t or couldn’t share something like this, privacy among them, and i definitely wouldn’t want to violate that. i just love these characters and i would love to read a paper on them, especially with the kinds of things that u said you discussed on yours. asking on anon so i can just freak out silently if i overstepped in this— and in whcih case, i am honestly so sorry. i’m just curious but i genuinely don’t know if this is a horrible/insensitive thing to ask or not-
um, it is absolutely NOT a weird thing to ask!! i would love to send you my paper!!! at this point it’s like a year old so idk how good it is but boy was it fun to write. it’s from a “Frankenstein” seminar my senior year and I focus on TID and The Lunar Chronicles and their heroines’ beautiful freaky monster bodies. it’s very considerate of you to check in re: privacy, but send me a DM!!
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lady-lye · 1 year
I love your asoiaf portraits you have such a beautiful style! Will you do Brienne?
aw thanks so much! and yes OF COURSE!! probably not for a while because i'm a busy little bee lately. but eventually, yes. <3
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lady-lye · 1 year
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Working on a doodle sheet of girlboss of all girlbosses Suren from The Stolen Heir >:) Please send me pose ideas I’m panicking here
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lady-lye · 1 year
help a sleepy girl out who went to bed last night at 5:30 am... if the stolen heir epub link happened to land in my dms i would be ever so grateful and give you a full kiss on the mouth
Update: thanks y’all <3 kisses all around. big smooches for everyone. gonna go read about dumb teenagers with pointy ears. love it
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lady-lye · 1 year
From a literal historical standpoint, one cannot 'become' a bastard unless therein exists proof the sire is not their blood.
So ergo; unless it can be proved (or in those days, unless there was sufficient enough suspicion and accusation) that your father isn't actually your father, you cannot simply 'become' or 'be made' a bastard.
You can, however, be disinherited and denounced. Which in the medieval and regency eras was as bad as, if not worse. You maintained your name but lost all claim to it, and in many cases it would extend to your children, your grandchildren, ect.
Being denounced was about the worst thing you could do to your offspring short of killing them.
i mean yeah
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lady-lye · 1 year
Are you going to draw the pre-Asoaif characters too? Because I would love to see Aly Blackwood and Sabitha Frey and Jeyne Arryn and Jessamyn Redfort being BAMF lesbians in love
ok those would all be super cool!! but honestly i wouldn’t count on it… i have sooo many asoiaf-era laydeez ahead of me that i just don’t think i’ll ever get to these galz. also, i’m a bad fan and have never read f&b or twoiaf, so i’m just not super familiar with a lot of the pre-canon material (except hotd and dunk and egg 🥸). i think if i did pre-canon characters i’d start with the ones i know, like alicent hightower, rhaenyra targaryen, sheira seastar, or rohanne webber.
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lady-lye · 1 year
Sansa is neither disinherited nor delegitimized. Jon is just placed above her in the line of succession despite his bastardy due to Robb's will. This means that she's absolutely a princess, she just isn't a crown princess at the moment. However, she still is Jon's heir, and the last time Jon was made aware of the fact that Winterfell could be his should he claim so, he was pretty clear about his intentions : "Winterfell belongs to my sister Sansa"
was he? i thought that was left vague. cat seemed surprisingly cool with whoever they decided on in the end….
and yeah, i’m not sure why disinheriting sansa as robb’s heir would make her a bastard lol. it would just push her down the line a bit.
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lady-lye · 1 year
anon is right actually. sansa isn't a princess, because she will be and is the queen in the north.
no but for real. I find it so funny that for a fandom who will criticise sansa for her classism will then turn around and try to argue over her titles. lolwut.
furthermore whatever robb did with his will, it's impossible for him to make her a bastard. asoiaf fandom begging you please to understand first what you're talking about
George: There is no such thing as rightful succession, and legitimacy is entirely constructed, based on who holds power. Bastardy, kingship, and lordship are all statuses that can be created and revoked and are used as social currency to empower, subordinate, or control people.
Some person on the internet: ...i... hate.... teenage... girls...
But yeah. Titles are just made up! Wasn't there some Varys quote in ACOK about how power resides where people think it resides? Robb was just a lord until he was made a king. All it takes is a title to make a claim. I'm not necessarily of the QITN Sansa endgame camp, but I think she can hang onto her title as a princess for a little while longer. Wouldn't you want to, at thirteen?
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lady-lye · 1 year
sansa isnt a princess, she was disinherited by robb so she is just a bastard now. go read the books
fhjejeheheheh this is it this is the funniest ask. she’s princess of my heart and that’s all that matters. go get a job
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lady-lye · 2 years
Ok but Sansa and depression vibes… or just depression vibes in general… my lifeblood 🥲 (although of course only post what you want and feel comfortable with, Alayne’s portrait was so lovely and you’re amazingly talented!❤️❤️❤️)
It's Sansa being depressed vibes! I've just finished an ASOS reread and am thus currently in an Alayne moment. It's such an exhale of relief to be post-Red Wedding and post-Joffrey haha and getting out of the Sansa-in-KL headspace. I will probably post it at some point but honestly am not quite happy with the composition so might fiddle with it.
Thank you so much-- I very much appreciate your kind words!<3
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lady-lye · 2 years
I hope you feel better! Would love to see Lucie Herondale and Jesse Blackthorn, maybe dancing in the snow? :,D
again, hello I'm so sorry this ask is like a year old!! yoikes but omg yeeas I'd love to do some lucie/jesse art. I promise there will be TLH art to come in Jan/Feb. :-)
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