What confuses me is Wanda has been on missions with the Avengers how come no other witches ever sensed her magic before Westview. Plus where was Agatha during Ultron and the Civil War and when Wanda was on the run. It just confuses why they never encountered each other before. Because Agatha says she takes power from the undeserving so witches must be able to sense other witches and even before Westview somebody should have been able to sense Wanda before Westview. And when the Westview magic was screaming across the universe how come Agatha was the only witch to show up in the town
What's your thoughts on this?
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It's ashamed what the MCU did to Wanda because why introduce her being the Scarlet Witch and build up something important about witches and how Wanda is basically their High Priestess then end up killing her off. Because I look at people like Agatha, Loki, and Sylvie and just think it's terrible that Wanda never got to connect with her inner witch and be around other witches who could understand her instead of the Avengers. I know Sylvie doesn't know as much as Loki does but still. It's make me think could Wanda possibly do what Sylvie does with the whole possessing people, because what Wanda does is mind control and Sylvie possesses people with her magic.
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I just had a thought if Sylvie Laufeydottir can possess humans do you think she could possess animals and use them as spies.
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I'm rewatching Wandavision and can we just take the time to appreciate Agatha's acting skills when she was fooling Wanda. That takes TRUE dedication. Because personally I wouldn't have lasted through all that.
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Thinking about little!reader being so upset because she can't break the spell that Wanda placed on her mommy because she's not powerful enough. She likes Agnes and Agnes takes good care of her but she's not Agatha. But then reader gets a surprise visitor and it turns out to be Daddy (Rio). Daddy who she hasn't seen in a long time since her and Mommy broke up (Agatha won the custody battle). Reader ask Rio to undo the magic but first Rio wants to reconnect with her baby girl.
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September 18 is not only the day for when Agatha All Along comes out but it is also when the fanfiction stories start. Here's what I'm looking forward to seeing.
Agatha Harkness/Rio Vidal
Agatha Harkness/Wanda Maximoff/Rio Vidal (power throuple)
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People are waiting for the Rhuiden and the Tower coup scenes. But I'm personally aching for the Tanchico plot and Moghedien having her obsession with Nynaeve and being collared.
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I live in a world where a morally grey Wanda Maximoff is completely confident in her abilities thus has control them and where she isn't an Avenger because let's be honest Wanda had no business being with that group who in my opinion tried to limit her abilities instead helping her reach her full potential due to fear of her from what she did to them in Age of Ultron. Wanda needed to be with people (witches) who understood her. And no not with the sorcerers from Kamar Taj, I hate seeing a fic where Wanda learns magic from them she is a natural witch who was born with magic not a sorcerer.
Agatha Harkness is the most powerful witch in the world (so she thinks for now) that is until she senses powerful magic and goes to try and take it. She is shock to find out this magic comes from one person. She is utterly fascinated with Wanda. Watches her from afar like some crazed stalker with a crush. In Agatha's feral mind no other witch is fit to teach Wanda but her. So basically she scares other covens into rejecting Wanda from their coven.
Wanda is hers (also she belongs to Rio because what belongs to Agatha also belongs to Rio our upcoming Green Witch)
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@bokketo asked: Liho is in Maria’s apartment. It’s anyone’s guess how the cat got there, though one must presume that Natasha had brought him over only to have to vanish off for some reason. Either way, the black cat is exploring curiously, batting at the curtains with delight when Maria comes home.
Maria notices the curtains ruffling before she looks down and sees Liho. He’s lucky that she doesn’t pull her gun. “Hey there, cutie.” Maria scoops Liho up, scratching gently under his chin. “How did you get in here?”
The window doesn’t look like Natasha’s broken in today, but then again she is a super spy. Maria’s pretty sure she leaves clues so Maria doesn’t freak out. “Listen—” she boosts the cat higher in her arms so they’re eye to eye and watches him seriously. “You would tell me if you were a flerken, wouldn’t you? You wouldn’t keep a secret from one of your best friends.”
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Guys help me out I'm not sure who is who and I've been stressing over this for literally an hour 😭😫
three tickets to challengers please
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Because of the Marvel TV show Agatha is coming out soon and because we found out Rio Vidal is Agatha's ex wife in the show I need someone to make a Wanda/Agatha/Rio Vidal story involving these 3 ladies.
Having both Agatha Harkness and Rio Vidal in a relationship with Wanda is what I desperately need.
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Look if Agatha Harkness gets to have Senor Scratchy as her Familiar then as a fellow witch Wanda should have a familiar as well. I'm thinking of her having Ebony from the comics as her familiar
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If Nynaeve was the Dragon Reborn Moghedien would have served her faithfully as her most loyal follower. Gathering secrets from others to report back to Nynaeve, and sabotaging the other Forsaken's plots against Nynaeve. Lanfear would have some serious competition.
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I just realized the two rivers folk plus Moiraine and Lan don't know that all the forsaken are loose. I wonder how they are going to find out since Lanfear has been told to stay away (which she won't) she's probably going to drop some hints. We all know that Lanfear will find a way. Or they'll show off screen them all seeing the seals broken.
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I just finished the last book on The Wheel of Time and reading about Graendal in battle I can really really not only see but FEEL show Lanfear's terror about the other Forsaken being loose outside because man was Graendal a beast. This shows how underestimated she is. Plus with Lanfear calling her a vain idiot show watchers who haven't read books probably take that to heart.
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Anyone else want to babygirl Moghedien so much after seeing the season 2 final because I just want to scoop her up and hold her. NYNAEVE GET YOUR GIRL SHE'S LITERALLY IN THE SAME CITY AS YOU!!! I also want to babygirl Liandrin as well.
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Thoughts on this piece of information about the forsaken in season 3
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I can't wait to see just how crazy Moghedien, Asmodean, and Graendal are gonna be in the show I just can't freaking wait. I live for unhinged characters.
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I don't know what a Cylon or Battlestar Galactic is but I'm sute that this just means we are gonna be looking at a background character and not even know they are a forsaken. I hope they don't use the alias that the forsaken used in the books because book readers know who that person is automatically. I hope they use names where it not only confuses non book readers but also book readers as well.
Tell which Forsaken can you not wait to see.
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