fuck it everyone tell me about one fanfic which has changed your brain chemistry
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once again thinking about FF//7R taking one of the longest and most viscious ship war triangles in video games history and turned it into 'heavily sapphic coded but pre-relationship pair attempt to help their extremely traumatised aroace best friend with Existing'. which is probably both the best and funniest possible path they could have taken with that dynamic.
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Wondering if you have a personal concept for Pre-face Vanitas. We know in the novels they says he looked like a featureless humanoid with unversed like eyes. Seen others draw him as a flood-like monster too, was curious if you have a concept and would ever show us.
I don't know if I have a specific design, I've always had just a vague thought of a unversed kind of humanoid like a neoshadow
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playing summoner lately feels funny because i'm really enjoying it but it's SO not canon. that boy is barely literate they are NOT reading that book.
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remembering i can draw for myself in the five minutes between other stuff and apparently deciding to doodle from memory hallima's current main job gear
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wait do you guys actually carry purses/bags everywhere you go i really need to know
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working on arenvald’s sealchair at home
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"It takes so much time and effort to create..."
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WoL: i may not be Hydaelyn's strongest warrior but there is all sorts of bullshit that she makes me deal with and i hndle it not very well usually
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Do you have any HCs for the Viera? I have been loving your HCs for the Miqo, the Lalafell and the Elezen, I'd love to hear about the Viera!
LES BNUUYS I’ve had this in my drafts forever and just not drawn a viera until now I’ve been lazy—
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las bunuys I think get a lot of very similar treatment to everyone else. which mostly means More Bunny. I like to think they’re almost satyr-like and have the most animal leg out of everyone, they have long fuzzy digitigrade legs and long paws! The heels in game is to lengthen their legs to give the illusion of bunny (and also. conventionally attractive), but in the world this is so their heels have relaxed support while they stand for long periods of time doing guarding and stuff. They don’t actually need them. They’re also way tall but not as tall when they’re just relaxed and standing on their heels so what is their real height. their noses are very cute and wiggly. they have little fluffy curled tails which are also very cute. they chatter or grind like rabbits do when they’re happy, but since they don’t have continuously growing teeth like rabbits do, their back teeth just happen to be Insanely Tough. Some parts of Othard don’t have a “lucky rabbits foot” thing they have a “lucky rabbits tooth” thing. I think Dalmasca is in Othard. Viera DO stomp and binky and it IS cute except for when they stomp and it leaves a little crater.
Viera also have the bunny trait of playing “im happier than you” when they don’t get along with someone, which is a competition of showing dominance or confidence by being the chiller person in the room. They might sit down or sprawl uncharacteristically and if you know they don’t like you, this is not them getting comfortable around you, this is an insult. Sometimes Viera can come off as a little uptight and paranoid? This is probably because they can seem stiff on account of being polite, which body language is “stay very still and be very attentive”. If they didn’t grow up around other viera, these two things might not be present. They are cultural traits.
Like hares, viera don’t have a tapetum lucidum, so despite being very sharpsighted they do not have perfect night vision. but unlike hares, viera are omnivores. Also like hares, they come in a lot of colors! Anything from pure black to stark white to brown to red to almost purple. Some viera, like the veena, will change seasonally from white to brown furred. Sometimes viera will have patterns in their fur, like dots or patches, but it’s pretty rare to have rabbits with patterned skin aside from the large amount of them that have freckles. Except, like miqote, in viera born from a viera/hyur couple. There is something in hyur genetics that turns on Patterns: The Gene. scientifically significant!
This is my child she kicks like a HORSE
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they also have claws. They are NOT retractable! be so careful. Also viera leverets can stand up and start walking by two days old, but this doesn’t mean their brain is any more developed than another race at two days old, so be. so careful.
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Disclaimer these are just a small sampling of some possible writer traits I’ve noticed either in myself or in fics I read. Also consider a rb for sample size !
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A Firefighter’s Kiss
PROMARE (2019) by STUDIO TRIGGER FAVORITE SCENES (4/?) (Happy 4th Year Anniversary 💖)
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adhd will have you fighting for your life to do beloved hobbies that bring you nothing but joy
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"I can fix him" "I can make him worse"
I can experience Catharsis by projecting onto him and making him experience Situations with compassionate resolutions
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getting ready to do conventions be like (panicked screaming)((all internally))(((because the adhd panic gorilla hasn't kicked in yet so instead i'm staring at the ceiling thinking about everything i have left to do)))
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