latanyalove · 8 days
Sleep Well
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Pairing: Nico Robin x Y/N
Dialogue: “You’re so cute when you’re sleepy.” 🌸🌺
A/n: I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing this! <3
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Nico Robin leaned in closer to you as you lay curled up in her arms, your head nestled against her chest. Your eyes were still closed, your lips slightly parted as you breathed softly.
"You're so cute when you're sleepy," she whispered, her voice soft and gentle. She ran her fingers through your hair, tangling them in the strands.
You stirred slightly, your eyes slowly opening to meet your lover's gaze. Your eyes held a mix of sleepiness and contentment, making Robin's heart skip a beat.
"Mmm," you murmured, your voice still groggy. You looked up at her, a small smile playing on your lips.
"You're just saying that because you're tired too," you teased, a hint of laughter in your tone.
Robin shook her head, her eyes filled with fondness. "No, it's true," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "You have no idea how adorable you look when you're half asleep."
You nodded, still half asleep. "I can sleep forever with you," you whispered, your lips barely moving.
Robin leaned down to kiss your forehead, her touch gentle and soft. "Don't worry, my love," she said, her voice filled with warmth and tenderness. "I'll always be here with you, holding you close and protecting you."
As you drifted off again, Robin brushed a stray lock of hair away from your face, her smile never fading. You might have been sleepy, but in her arms, you always felt safe and cherished.
The soft glow of candlelight flickered across the room, casting a warm and intimate ambiance. The gentle crackling of the fireplace added to the coziness, as the scent of a freshly brewed cup of tea wafted through the air.
Nestled in Robin's arms, you felt enveloped in a bubble of tranquility, the outside world fading away as you surrendered to the comfort of her embrace.
In that moment, you realized that nothing else mattered. The world could be chaotic and uncertain, but as long as you were in Robin's arms, you felt an overwhelming sense of security and love.
It was as if all your worries and fears melted away, leaving only the warmth of her embrace and the assurance that you were exactly where you were meant to be. . . .
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latanyalove · 21 days
Special Love
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Pairing: Monkey D Luffy x Jealous Y/N
Summary: You get jealous from the affection Luffy was getting from the Minks
A/n: Happy Birthday to the future King of the Pirates! I kept delaying this and now it's a whole week after his birthday! I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing this! WC: 2,770 <3
* . °•★|•° °•|☆•° . *⋆ ──⋅☆⋅⋆ ── * . °•★|•° °•|☆•° . *
Monkey D Luffy, you and half of the crew find yourselves on Zou, an island known for its touch-sensitive animals. As you explore the island, you quickly realize that any contact with the animals can trigger a variety of reactions.
Some animals become docile and friendly, while others become aggressive and defensive. It becomes a thrilling challenge for you and the crew to navigate through the island without accidentally setting off a chain reaction of animal responses.
"Hey Luffy, be careful! These animals on Zou are really sensitive," You warned as he watched Luffy approach a group of touch-sensitive monkeys. Luffy grinned mischievously and replied, "Don't worry, Y/N! I'm gonna figure out how to make friends with them all!"
With his rubber powers, Luffy managed to gently touch the monkeys without triggering any aggressive reactions, earning their trust and forming a unique bond with the touch-sensitive creatures.
As they continued their adventure on Zou, Luffy's ability to connect with the animals became a valuable asset, allowing the crew to navigate the island without any major incidents.
"Wow, Luffy! I can't believe you managed to befriend all these touch-sensitive creatures," Franky exclaimed, impressed by Luffy's knack for making connections.
"Yeah, it's amazing how your rubber powers come in handy," Usopp added, admiringly. Luffy grinned proudly, "Well, they're my friends now, and they're gonna help us find the way to the next adventure!"
With the crew's trust in Luffy's unique abilities and their newfound allies on Zou, they set off on their next journey, ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.
As they reached the outskirts of the city, Luffy and his crew were stunned by the sight of the once thriving city in ruins. The destruction was immense, and it was clear that a fierce battle had taken place.
They were led to the secret base of the Mink Tribe, where they learned that the city had been attacked by a powerful enemy seeking to capture the Minks and exploit their unique abilities.
The crew's hearts sank as they realized the gravity of the situation and the need to help their new allies rebuild their home. With determination in their eyes, they pledged to stand alongside the Mink Tribe and restore their city to its former glory.
When they finally reached the base, Luffy and his crew were relieved to be reunited with the rest of their crewmates. The sight of their familiar faces brought a sense of comfort and solidarity amidst the uncertainty of the situation.
With their full crew intact, they felt a renewed sense of strength and determination to aid the Mink Tribe in their fight for justice and the restoration of their city.
"So what happened with Sanji?" Luffy asked, while a Mink was softly chewing on his cheeks. Nami sighed and filled Luffy in on the events that had transpired during his absence.
She explained how Sanji had been forcibly taken away by the powerful enemy, leaving a trail of worry and uncertainty in his wake. Luffy's eyes narrowed with determination as he clenched his fists.
"We're going to find Sanji and bring him back," he declared, his resolve unwavering.
The Mink Tribe, grateful for the crew's support and eager to show their appreciation, decided to have a grand feast in honor of their new allies. As the feast progressed, the minks, their touch sensitivity enhanced by the celebratory atmosphere, became twice as touchy.
Luffy and his crew, understanding the minks' intentions and feeling a deep sense of camaraderie, welcomed the affectionate gestures with open arms, cherishing the bond they had formed with their furry friends.
However, for you, this proves to be problematic, as you tend to get easily jealous.
You excused yourself from the feast, feeling a mix of discomfort and jealousy as you watched the minks shower the crew with affection. It wasn't that you doubted their loyalty or friendship, but the sight of your crewmates being lavished with attention stirred up a sense of insecurity within you.
Luffy's eyes were on you as soon as you stood up, curiosity shining in his eyes. Luffy's attention was quickly diverted by the irresistible spread of food before him, causing him to momentarily forget about your departure.
As he eagerly dug into the feast, his focus shifted entirely to savoring the delicious dishes, leaving little room for him to notice your absence or the turmoil of emotions within you.
You wandered through the forest, the sound of rustling leaves and the gentle breeze brought a sense of tranquility to your troubled mind. The vibrant colors of the flora and the melodious chirping of birds helped to momentarily distract you from the jealous thoughts. You took deep breaths, allowing the fresh air to cleanse your mind and release the grip of jealousy that had taken hold.
You haven't felt this much jealousy in a long time, but it had suddenly started when the minks surrounded Luffy with their affection. It was as if a switch had been flipped, and all those insecurities came rushing back, clouding your thoughts and tainting your enjoyment of the feast.
Did you want Luffy's attention all to yourself? You couldn't help but wonder if you were being unreasonable in wanting Luffy's attention all to yourself. After all, he was the captain and the center of attention wherever he went.
But deep down, you longed for a moment where it was just the two of you, away from the distractions and the constant influx of new friends.
As you closed your eyes and let the gentle sounds of nature lull you into a state of calm, you couldn't help but reflect on your own emotions. Jealousy was a complex emotion, one that often stemmed from a place of insecurity and fear of losing someone's affection.
It was clear that you craved Luffy's attention, but perhaps it was time to confront these feelings and communicate your needs with him.
Was it possible that your jealousy stemmed from more than just a desire for attention? Did you have deeper feelings for Luffy that you were only now beginning to acknowledge? These were questions that lingered in your mind as you contemplated the depth of your emotions.
As you contemplated the depth of your emotions, your mind drifted back to that fateful day when you saved Luffy from a severe injury.
The memory was etched vividly in your mind - the sound of swords clashing, the adrenaline pumping through your veins, and the concerned look on Luffy's face that made your heart beat faster.
In that moment, you realized that your connection with him went beyond friendship. It was a bond forged through shared experiences and a deep understanding of each other.
"Are you okay?" Luffy asked, his voice filled with genuine worry.
"I couldn't bear to lose you," you whispered, your voice choked with emotion.
Luffy's eyes softened, and he reached out to gently cup your face in his hands. "You don't have to worry about losing me," he said tenderly.
But now, as you reflected on that moment, you couldn't help but wonder if there was something more between you and Luffy. Maybe, just maybe, your jealousy stemmed from a desire for a deeper connection, a longing to be more than just friends sailing the seas together.
As you contemplated the depth of your emotions, your body still aching from the last battle in the previous island, you decided to take a nap. You found solace in the peacefulness of the moment, allowing your tired muscles to relax and your mind to wander.
Your head rested against the back of a tree, its rough bark providing a comforting support. As you closed your eyes and let the gentle sounds of nature lull you into a state of calm, you couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over you.
In this moment of tranquility, you realized that regardless of the complexities of your emotions, the most important thing was to cherish the bond you shared with Luffy and let the natural course of your relationship unfold. . . .
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You woke up to the sound of wild animals and immediately sat up from the tree, your heart racing. The eerie calls and rustling in the bushes outside your window made your imagination run wild.
Was it a pack of wolves? Or maybe a group of coyotes? You couldn't shake off the feeling of unease as you listened to the primal sounds echoing through the night.
As you peered into the darkness, you noticed the glint of many pairs of eyes shining back at you from the bushes.
Your mind raced with possibilities. Were they nocturnal animals, or something more sinister?
The mystery deepened as the glowing eyes seemed to multiply, surrounding your tree. Fear gripped you, and you realized that whatever lurked in the shadows, it was not a natural occurrence.
Suddenly, a group of wild animals ambushes you, trapping you in an inescapable position. Panic and confusion set in as you desperately try to find a way out. The animals' growls and snarls fill the air, intensifying your fear.
With each passing moment, the realization sinks in that you are at the mercy of these mysterious creatures, and the prospect of escape becomes increasingly unlikely. As you search for a solution, your mind races with thoughts of survival and the need to remain calm in the face of danger.
You try to muster the strength to fight back, knowing that in any other circumstance, taking on animals like them would be no problem. However, your whole body is frozen, and you can't move a muscle.
The fear and the pain had paralyzed you, leaving you defenseless against the growling predators. As you desperately search for a solution, your mind races with thoughts of survival and the need to remain calm in the face of danger, but the overwhelming panic makes it difficult to think clearly.
As the creatures draw closer, their eyes gleaming with hunger, you can only hope for a miracle or for someone to come to your rescue. The minutes tick by agonizingly slow, each second feeling like an eternity as you desperately search for a way to break free from this terrifying ordeal.
Suddenly, Luffy comes out of nowhere and stands in front of you. With his signature grin and boundless energy, he fearlessly confronts the wild animals. His mere presence seems to command respect from the creatures, as they hesitate for a moment, unsure of how to react.
Luffy springs into action, his rubbery limbs stretching and contorting as he delivers lightning-fast punches and kicks. With each strike, the sound of bone meeting flesh echoes through the night.
His powerful attacks send the creatures flying, their bodies crashing into the surrounding trees. Luffy's agility and speed make him nearly untouchable, as he effortlessly dodges their desperate lunges and retaliates with devastating force.
The sheer strength and determination in his eyes are matched only by the ferocity of his blows, as he single-handedly holds off the pack of predators. With each punch, Luffy's resolve grows stronger, his determination to protect you evident in every movement.
The wild animals, now battered and bruised, begin to retreat. The once-intimidating glint in their eyes is replaced with fear and submission. They scatter into the night, leaving you and Luffy standing victorious, the danger averted.
Luffy quickly ran towards you and asked if you were okay. "Are you hurt?" he exclaimed, concern evident in his voice.
You shook your head, still in disbelief at the incredible display of power and bravery you had just witnessed. "I'm okay, thanks to you," you managed to reply, gratitude filling your words.
Feeling weak and exhausted, you tried to get up but failed, leaning against the tree for support. Luffy's worried expression deepened as he rushed to your side, offering you a helping hand. "Take it easy, you've been through a lot this week," he said, his voice filled with genuine concern.
You nodded, feeling the weight of the exhaustion and adrenaline coursing through your veins. As you leaned slightly against him, Luffy's presence provided a sense of comfort and stability, allowing you to catch your breath and gather your strength.
"You know, you've been acting weird today," Luffy stated, taking a good look at you. Concern etched across his face, he gently asked, "Is something bothering you? You can always talk to me, you know."
You avoided eye contact with him, unsure of how to respond. The truth was, something had been bothering you, but you weren't ready to share it just yet.
The events of the night had only intensified your internal struggle, and you knew that opening up to Luffy could mean revealing a vulnerability you weren't quite ready to confront.
You hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to express your thoughts.
"Y/N?" Luffy said, lifting your chin up to meet his gaze. "I can see that something is bothering you. Remember, we're a team, and I'm here for you no matter what."
"You wouldn't understand," you muttered, diverting your gaze.
"Try me."
"I...I get jealous every time someone touches you," you started, your voice barely above a whisper. "It's irrational, I know, but I can't help it." Luffy's eyes widened in surprise, but he remained attentive, waiting for you to continue.
"Jealous?" he repeated, trying to process your words.
"Yeah, like I don't want anyone else to have your attention other than me," you explained, your voice tinged with a mix of vulnerability and longing. Luffy's expression softened as he reached out to gently brush a strand of hair behind your ear.
"I feel the same way too. Like when Sanji hangs around you for too long, I get this feeling in my stomach," Luffy said easily, his voice filled with a mixture of relief and understanding.
You couldn't help but smile at Luffy's understanding and the way he effortlessly lifted your chin to meet his gaze. It was in moments like these that you realized how deeply connected you were, even in your vulnerabilities.
"I guess it's natural to feel that way when you care about someone so deeply," you admitted, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. Luffy nodded, his eyes locked with yours.
"Yeah, it just means we care for each other," he said, his voice filled with determination.
As the weight of your unspoken emotions lifted, you felt a surge of courage. With a mix of anticipation and nervousness, you slowly pulled him into a kiss, letting your lips meet in a tender and passionate embrace.
In that moment, all doubts and insecurities faded away, replaced by a sense of connection and understanding that only deepened your bond with Luffy.
It was a soft and lingering kiss, filled with warmth and tenderness. In that moment, you both felt a sense of comfort and reassurance, knowing that you could trust each other with your deepest vulnerabilities.
You pulled away from the kiss, your breath slightly shaky as you looked into Luffy's eyes. The intensity of the moment lingered in the air, and you couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of trust and love for each other.
As Luffy's hat fell off his head, he instinctively caught it just in time, but instead of putting it back on his own head, he gently placed it on yours. It was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes about his protectiveness and the depth of his feelings for you.
"You know," Luffy said with a mischievous grin, "I think that hat looks even better on you than it does on me."
Blushing, you playfully roll your eyes and respond, "Well, I guess I'll have to wear it more often then."
"Well, I wouldn't mind seeing you wear it every day," Luffy replied, his grin widening.
Without hesitation, you leaned in again, feeling the warmth of Luffy's lips against yours. This time, the kiss was filled with a mix of passion and tenderness, as if you were both trying to convey the depth of your emotions through every touch.
The world around you faded away, and in that moment, it was just the two of you, enveloped in a kiss that spoke volumes about the love and trust you shared.
In that moment, you felt an overwhelming sense of security and love. . . .
* . °•★|•° °•|☆•° . *⋆ ──⋅☆⋅⋆ ── * . °•★|•° °•|☆•° . *
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latanyalove · 1 month
I don't know if you do requests, but could I ask for a Mihawk x Rescued! Former slave! reader. Lets say she was saved when he tried to destroy Don krieg's battle ship, and she is brought to the mansion and make friends with Perona. But she tries to leave when she realizes she has feelings for him and she feels like dead weight. But he catches her trying to sneak out because he's Mihawk, duh.
Okay, but jokes aside, she gets corner by the baboons and Mihawk shows up and they skedaddle. And then flufffff
Thank you for bearing with me for this chonky request.
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Pairing: Dracule Mihawk x Y/N
Content: Trauma
A/n: This will probably be a series since I want to add pieces that will make it a better story. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing this! WC: <3
In a tumultuous sea battle between the infamous swordsman, Dracule Mihawk, and the notorious pirate Don Krieg, a mysterious figure caught Mihawk's attention amidst the chaos. As Mihawk's blade clashed with Krieg's forces, he noticed a young woman, a former slave.
Her appearance was a stark contrast to the opulent attire and extravagant weapons of the pirates. Yet, despite her disheveled appearance, there was an air of resilience about her. Mihawk couldn't help but be intrigued by this woman, wondering what hardships she had endured and what secrets she held within her.
Unexpectedly, her eyes met his from that far distance, and Mihawk felt himself freeze for a second, captivated by the intensity and determination he saw within her gaze.
He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this young woman than met the eye, and he vowed to uncover the secrets she held, even if it meant venturing into uncharted territories.
"Hey! Focus on me!" Don Krieg yelled, releasing at least a hundred missiles at Mihawk.
With a swift movement, Mihawk deflected the bombs with his sword, effortlessly dodging the explosions. He knew he had to concentrate on the battle at hand, but the image of the mysterious woman lingered in the back of his mind, fueling his curiosity.
As Mihawk engaged in a fierce duel with Don Krieg, his sword danced through the chaos, effortlessly parrying each strike with calculated precision. The clash of steel reverberated through the air, echoing the intensity of their struggle.
Mihawk's focus remained unwavering, yet his thoughts kept drifting back to the enigmatic woman, her presence adding an element of intrigue to the already tumultuous battle.
After swiftly dispatching Don Krieg and his forces, Mihawk turned his gaze towards where the young woman had stood, only to find an empty space devoid of any trace of her.
"Where did you go?" He muttered to himself, placing his sword into his scabbard. . . .
Why is Dracule Mihawk here?! You thought finding cover behind a tree to catch your breath would provide a momentary respite from the chaos. You leaned against the trunk to feel the pointy edges against your back, confirming that this wasn't a dream.
The only time that the ship stopped on land was because of the best swordsman in the world. What luck did you have?
"It's okay," you reassured yourself, "All you have to do is wait it out and run somewhere, anywhere, as long as it's away from here."
"Where are you supposed to run to when it is an isolated island?"
You jumped at the voice behind you and quickly turned around to see Dracule Mihawk sizing you up. His piercing gaze bore into your soul, as if trying to unravel the mysteries hidden within. The thought of running away vanished as you realized that escape was futile in the presence of the world's greatest swordsman.
As he continued to study you, you couldn't help but wonder if there was more to his interest in you than mere curiosity.
"What do you want from me?" you muttered, fear gripping your voice.
The intensity of Mihawk's gaze only deepened as he leaned closer, his words cutting through the tension-filled air, "You're different. There's something about you that intrigues me."
"Are- Are you going to kill me?"
"Why would I? You do not pose a threat towards me," Mihawk answered, taking a small cautious step towards you. "Do you?"
"No!" you blurted out, your voice trembling with fear and confusion. Mihawk's gaze softened slightly as he observed your reaction, a hint of curiosity still lingering in his eyes.
"Good," he said before turning around and walking away, leaving you standing there, still shaken from the encounter. His departure only deepened the mystery surrounding his interest in you, leaving you to ponder the true intentions of the world's greatest swordsman.
As you tried to make sense of Dracule Mihawk's presence on the isolated island, a realization struck you - he must have arrived by some means other than the sinking ship. Perhaps he possessed his own means of transportation.
"Wait!" you yelled, trying to stand up, but your legs felt weak and shaky. Mihawk glanced back briefly, his gaze filled with a mixture of amusement and intrigue.
"Is there a way off this island? Can you help me escape?" you asked, desperation evident in your voice.
Mihawk fully turned around and said, "I have my boat, but it won't be easy. The waters surrounding this island are treacherous, and only a skilled navigator like myself can navigate them safely. If you're willing to take the risk, I can help you escape."
With a glimmer of hope in your eyes, you gather all your courage and reply, "I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get off this island. Please, I'll do anything."
Mihawk replied, his voice tinged with a hint of satisfaction, "Very well. In that case, prepare yourself. Our journey off this island begins now."
Without wasting a moment, you quickly stood up and followed Mihawk, determined to seize this opportunity for freedom.
The anticipation of what lay ahead filled your heart with a mix of excitement and trepidation, as you embarked on a perilous journey alongside the enigmatic swordsman. . . .
"This is your ship?" you asked, shocked to see the small ship that Mihawk owned. It was nothing like you had imagined, but you didn't have time to dwell on it as Mihawk gestured for you to come aboard.
"This ship may be small, but it's fast and maneuverable," Mihawk explained. "It was originally designed for one person, but I'll made an exception for you. We'll need to make some adjustments to accommodate both of us, but it should suffice for our journey off this island."
You couldn't help but feel a twinge of doubt as you continued to stare at the small ship. It seemed inconceivable that such a modest vessel could withstand the treacherous waters surrounding the island.
Nevertheless, you pushed aside your reservations and reminded yourself that Mihawk was regarded as the world's greatest swordsman for a reason.
You stepped onto the ship and made your way to the back, settling into a small space that had been cleared for you. Mihawk, on the other hand, took his place on the main seat at the front, his eyes fixed on the horizon.
As the ship began to move, you couldn't help but feel a combination of nervousness and anticipation, wondering what awaited you beyond the treacherous waters.
You decided to make yourself as small as possible, curling up in a corner to not take up any space. The gentle rocking of the ship and the soothing sound of the water soon had a calming effect on you, lulling you into a deep sleep.
It was the first time that you had slept for so long without any interruptions.
Either it was because you had to change shifts with another slave or a guard thought that you were too comfortable and decided to give you a massage which left you many bruises on your back.
Though you woke up to the sound of the ground crunching beneath you, you realized with a start that you were no longer on the ship.
You opened your eyes to see that you were being carried by someone. Panic surged through you as you frantically looked around, trying to make sense of your surroundings. It was then that you noticed the familiar face of Mihawk, his expression unreadable as he effortlessly held you in his arms.
"Calm down," Mihawk muttered, his voice soothing and reassuring. "We've reached our destination. You fell asleep on the ship, so I carried you off. We're safe now."
You looked at where they were heading and saw a huge dark castle in the distance, its towering spires piercing the night sky. The sight sent shivers down your spine, as you couldn't help but wonder what mysteries and dangers awaited you within those ominous walls.
"What is that?"
"That's my house," Mihawk said casually, as if mentioning that he owned a small cottage by the seaside.
You couldn't believe your ears as you stared at the imposing castle, realizing that you had just stepped into the lair of the world's greatest swordsman.
"Why are we at your house?"
"Because you need to get bandaged up and I need to rest," Mihawk replied, his eyes scanning the castle's surroundings for potential threats.
"My house is equipped with everything we need to tend to our wounds and recover. Plus, it's the safest place for us right now."
You kept quiet as you saw the castle get bigger and closer, the sense of foreboding intensifying with each step. The eerie silence that enveloped the surroundings only added to your unease, making you question the true nature of Mihawk's "house" and what secrets it held within its walls.
"We're here," he said in a very nonchalantly tone.
As you looked around, you noticed the thick iron door of the castle slowly creaking open, revealing a grand entrance that seemed to lead into the heart of darkness.
Your heart raced with a mixture of fear and curiosity, wondering what awaited you on the other side.
As you entered the castle, the lights switched on by themselves, illuminating the grandeur of the place. The flickering candlelight danced off the intricate tapestries and ancient suits of armor, creating an eerie yet mesmerizing atmosphere. It was clear that this was no ordinary home, but a place steeped in history and power.
"Mihawk! Why are you back so early!" a voice came from inside the castle, echoing through the grand halls. You followed Mihawk's gaze and saw a figure emerging from the shadows, their eyes filled with a mix of surprise and curiosity.
The figure that emerged from the shadows was a woman. With her signature pink hair and a frilly black dress, she exuded an air of both elegance and mischief.
Her wide eyes sparkled with curiosity as she took in the sight of you in Mihawk's arms, clearly intrigued by your presence in their mysterious castle.
"Perona, this is our guest for now, treat her with respect," Mihawk stated firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument.
Perona's eyes widened even further as she assessed you, her curiosity turning into a mischievous smile.
"Oh, how delightful! A new playmate," she exclaimed, her voice dripping with excitement and a touch of malice.
As you tried to process Perona's words, you felt a chilling breeze on your back. Startled, you turned around and to your astonishment, you found yourself being held by a translucent, ghost-like figure instead of Mihawk.
The figure's eyes glowed with an ethereal light as it floated effortlessly, its presence sending a shiver down your spine.
"Come along!" Perona said excitedly, also floating and headed upstairs, her frilly black dress billowing around her.
Reluctantly, you followed Perona, your eyes fixed on the ghostly figure that carried you. Its ethereal presence seemed to be bound to Perona, as if it were her loyal companion in this eerie castle.
As you ascended the stairs, you stole a quick glance down to the first floor, where you had caught a glimpse of Mihawk before. However, to your surprise, Mihawk was nowhere to be seen.
It was as if he had vanished into thin air, leaving you alone with Perona and the mysterious ghostly figure. The air grew colder, and a sense of unease settled over you as you continued to follow Perona deeper into the heart of the castle.
"What's your name?" Perona asked, floating closer to you with a mischievous grin. Her pink hair seemed to glow in the dim light of the castle as she eagerly awaited your response.
"My name is Y/N," you replied, feeling a mixture of apprehension.
"Y/N? That's such a good name," Perona complimented as she continued to float, leading you deeper into the castle. The ghostly figure holding you seemed to emit an eerie glow, its presence becoming increasingly unsettling as you ventured further into the unknown.
Perona finally stopped in front of a door and quickly opened it, getting inside. The ghostly figure followed suit, its ethereal form gliding into the room.
As you stepped into the room, you were immediately captivated by its opulence. The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries, and the furniture was ornately carved with delicate details.
The room was filled with plush cushions, silk curtains, and a grand canopy bed fit for a princess. The soft glow of candlelight illuminated the space, casting a warm and inviting ambiance. It was as if you had stepped into a fairytale, and for a moment, you forgot the eerie presence that had brought you here.
"This is my bedroom," Perona said as the ghost placed you on the edge of her bed.
"It's really nice," you said, speechless of the sight of the room.
Perona chuckled, her mischievous grin widening. "Now let's get you a bath and some new clothes, the ragged look does not fit you," she joked, gesturing towards a luxurious en-suite bathroom.
The thought of a warm bath and fresh attire was tempting, but you couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling that lingered in the air.
As you tried to stand up, your legs did not cooperate with you and started to make you fall. Panic surged through you as you grasped for something to hold onto, but all you could grasp was thin air.
Luckily, Perona was beside you and was able to catch you in time, preventing you from falling to the ground. She held onto you, her ethereal grip providing a surprisingly strong support, and helped you regain your balance.
"Are you okay?" Perona panicked, concern evident in her voice as she held onto you tightly.
"Yeah, I'm alright," you muttered, trying to downplay your momentary loss of balance. But deep down, you couldn't shake off the feeling that something was seriously wrong with your body.
"Let's get you a bath now, maybe that will make you feel better," Perona suggested, guiding you to the bathroom.
The bathroom was an extension of the opulence that permeated the rest of the room. Marble countertops, gilded fixtures, and a large clawfoot bathtub took center stage, surrounded by intricate tilework and a crystal chandelier that sparkled overhead.
Perona guided you into the bath with utmost care, ensuring that you were comfortable every step of the way. She adjusted the water temperature to your liking and gently helped you settle into the luxurious clawfoot bathtub, making sure you were fully supported.
As the warm water enveloped your body, you couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and gratitude for Perona's kind and attentive nature.
Unable to take the silence anymore, you decided to make a joke.
"Is this how you treat all your guests?" you joked, a playful smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you hugged your knees close to you.
"Actually, you're our first guest," Perona said, kneeling beside the bathtub. "But I must say, you're making quite the impression already. We've been waiting for someone like you for a long time."
"What do you mean?" you asked curiously, facing Perona.
"You see, that old man Mihawk has been so lonely for all his life, it was time that he had some love in his life," Perona explained, her voice filled with a mix of sympathy and affection.
"What do you mean?" you said, feeling your face heat up at her words, unsure if you had heard her correctly. Perona's eyes softened as she looked at you, her voice filled with sincerity.
"Mihawk has been searching for a companion, someone to share his life with. And it seems like fate has brought you to us."
"That can't be," you protested, your voice trembling with uncertainty. "He only brought me here because he pitied me since I was the survivor of the fight that he was in. I can't be the companion he's looking for."
Perona's expression remained gentle as she reached out to touch your hand. "Believe me, it's more than just pity," she reassured you. "Mihawk sees something special in you, something that goes beyond mere circumstance."
You kept quiet, thinking deeply about what she said. Did the greatest swordsman in the world really think that about you? Fall in love with a small peasant? No way.
"Let's get you clean first," Perona said, getting the shampoo and rubbing your hair, getting the dirt out.
As she continued to wash your hair, she whispered, "You may doubt it now, but Mihawk's feelings for you are genuine. He sees in you a strength and resilience that he admires, and that's why he brought you here."
As Perona continued to massage your hair, her gentle touch and the soothing sound of the water made you feel incredibly relaxed. Despite your doubts, the weight of the day started to lift off your shoulders, and you couldn't help but feel yourself drifting off to sleep in her caring hands.
"Y/N, Y/N?"
You quickly straightened your back and looked at Perona, trying to shake off the drowsiness. "Yes Perona," you said softly.
"I'm done washing your hair, is my massaging that good?" Perona teased, standing up to stretch her legs and arms.
You blushed and smiled at Perona's playful comment. "Yes, Perona, your massaging is amazing. I've never felt so relaxed before," you admitted, feeling grateful for her presence and the unexpected turn your life had taken.
"My treatment isn't over yet, you need new clothes," Perona said excitedly, running out of the bathroom to find some clothes that would fit you properly.
As you watched her leave, a mixture of curiosity and anticipation filled your heart, wondering what other surprises this new chapter of your life would bring.
Slowly, you got out of the bath and walked over to where the towels were hung from. As you dried yourself, something caught your eye in the mirror; it was your back.
It was a painful reminder of the abuse you had endured throughout your life. The scars crisscrossed your back, telling stories of pain and suffering. As you stared at your reflection, you felt disgust and guilt fill your heart.
How was Perona not disgusted by you? How could you show that to her? She must have pitied me as well.
"Hey Y/N, are you okay?" Perona asked, her reflection showing in the mirror as well, standing at the doorway. She looked at you with genuine concern in her eyes, her expression filled with empathy and understanding.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you said, quickly covering your back with the towel. You didn't want Perona to see the scars and be burdened with your past.
"I've got your outfits ready," Perona informed, her voice filled with excitement. "I picked out some clothes that I think you'll love."
You nodded, walking out of the bathroom and seeing the different outfits on the racks. Perona's taste in fashion was impeccable, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as you imagined yourself wearing the carefully selected clothes.
Though all of the outfits were dresses, you couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. As someone who has always been in pants and shirts, you wondered if Perona truly understood your personal style.
Nevertheless, you decided to give the dresses a chance and hoped that they would make you feel as confident and beautiful as Perona saw you.
"Sorry, all I have are dresses."
"It's okay," you assured, taking the first dress and going back to the bathroom.
When you properly looked at the dress, you realized that this was a bad idea. It was a style that you would never choose for yourself. Maybe it was because you are only able to wear one set of clothes - too frilly, too feminine, and completely foreign to you.
But Perona had put so much thought and effort into selecting these outfits for you that you decided to suck it up and wear the dress. You wanted to show her that you appreciated her gesture and were willing to step outside of your comfort zone for her.
Plus, who knows, maybe trying something new could be a positive change for you.
As you looked into the mirror, you couldn't help but feel a sense of shock at the person staring back at you. The dress completely transformed your appearance, making you almost unrecognizable to yourself.
Despite your initial hesitation, you took a deep breath and reminded yourself that sometimes stepping outside of your comfort zone can lead to unexpected growth and self-discovery.
You walked out of the bathroom and immediately looked at Perona for her reaction. Her eyes widened as she took in your appearance, and a wide smile spread across her face. "You look absolutely stunning!" she exclaimed, her excitement evident in her voice.
"Thank you," you replied shyly, grateful for Perona's kind words and validation.
"This is why we need to show you off to Mihawk," Perona stated happily, her eyes gleaming with excitement. You couldn't help but blush at her words, feeling a mix of nervousness and anticipation building up inside you.
Lost in your own thoughts and the rush of confidence from trying something new, you were so absorbed in your own bubble of happiness that you didn't even hear Perona's statement about showing you off to Mihawk.
Then you felt as if you had been picked up again by someone.
Startled, you turned your head to the side and made eye contact with the ghost, who had picked you up once again.
"Let's go," Perona smiled, floating again and led the way. You clung onto the ghost, feeling a mix of excitement and curiosity as you followed her through the halls, eager to see where this unexpected journey would take you.
As you followed Perona through the halls, you couldn't help but admire the grandeur of Mihawk's mansion. The elegant decor and intricate artwork displayed in every corner showcased his impeccable taste.
It didn't take long for Perona to lead you to Mihawk's study room, and as you entered, you were immediately struck by the air of wisdom and power that seemed to emanate from the room.
Mihawk seemed oblivious to your presence, deeply engrossed in the book he was reading. His intense focus and the way he furrowed his brows as he turned the pages only added to his mysterious aura.
"Mihawk, I brought Y/N here," Perona said with a hint of pride in her voice, gesturing towards you. "Doesn't she look stunning?" she exclaimed, treating you as if you were a prized possession on display.
When Mihawk looked up from his book, the both of you had immediate eye contact, and his eyes widened in astonishment at the sight of you.
It was as if time stood still for a moment, and you could feel the intensity of his gaze as he took in your transformed appearance.
Did he not like your dress? Did he not like you getting too close to Perona?
"Perona, can you leave the two of us alone?" Mihawk ordered, his gaze never leaving yours.
Perona then whispered, "Good luck, even though you might not need it. Mihawk has never shown such interest in anyone before. You must have made quite an impression."
Perona nodded and floated out of the room, leaving you alone with the enigmatic swordsman.
The intensity of his gaze made your heart race, and you couldn't help but wonder what thoughts were running through his mind.
"Come sit here," he said, gesturing to the chair beside him.
As the ghost moved, it gently dropped you onto the chair beside Mihawk. You sat in the seat, trying to steady your nerves as you waited for him to speak. The silence in the room was palpable, and you couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and uncertainty about what was to come.
Even as you tried to settle into the chair, Mihawk's piercing gaze never wavered.
"Is there something wrong with your legs?"
You turned to him in surprise, your eyes widening at the unexpected question. "No, nothing's wrong with my legs," you replied, slightly puzzled. "Why do you ask?"
"Perona's ghost carried you all the way here,"
"I tripped once and Perona was overreacting by making me get carried," you explained, hoping to alleviate any concerns he might have had.
Mihawk's expression softened ever so slightly as he nodded. "I see," he responded, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity.
The awkward silence hung in the air, amplifying the tension between you and Mihawk. You wondered if there was something more he wanted to say, or if he was simply contemplating the situation. Either way, you couldn't help but feel a mixture of anxiety and anticipation as you waited for him to break the silence.
"You look beautiful by the way," Mihawk said, finally breaking the silence. His compliment caught you off guard, and a blush crept onto your cheeks.
"Thank you," you stammered, your voice barely above a whisper. The sincerity in Mihawk's words sent a wave of warmth through your body, calming your nerves slightly.
"Do you want to stay here?" Mihawk asked, his piercing gaze still fixed on you.
The question caught you off guard once again, and you found yourself searching for the right words to respond, unsure of what staying in this enigmatic swordsman's presence would entail.
"I like it here, but I don't want to intrude," you said, hesitatingly. The words escaped your lips as you tried to convey your mixed feelings of both comfort and reservation in Mihawk's presence.
"You are not intruding at all," Mihawk started, his voice calm and reassuring. "Perona seems to like you, so you can stay as long as you like." The weight of his words lifted some of the uncertainty from your shoulders, allowing you to relax a little more in his presence.
"I- I can stay?" you said, looking at him with surprise, the words escaping your lips before you could fully process them.
Mihawk was surprised by the sudden eye contact but quickly regained his composure and looked back at his book, nodding. It seemed like he was trying to regain his composure and maintain his usual stoic demeanor.
"Thank you," you said, your voice filled with gratitude and a hint of relief. The permission to stay in Mihawk's presence felt like a weight lifted off your shoulders, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and acceptance in his words.
"Do you like dresses?" he asked, not lifting his eyes off his book. His question caught you off guard again, and you hesitated for a moment before responding, "Well this is my first time wearing something other than ripped clothes. Why do you ask?"
"We can go shopping after you recover, if you'd like," Mihawk suggested, his eyes finally meeting yours.
"I appreciate the offer, but I feel like I would be using you if I accepted. I don't want to burden you or take advantage of your kindness," you said, your voice filled with sincerity and concern.
"You're not burdening me at all," Mihawk reassured, his gaze unwavering. "Helping you is my choice."
"You're very generous," you said, overwhelmed by Mihawk's kindness. The offer to go shopping after your recovery was unexpected, and you couldn't help but feel touched by his willingness to help.
"I understand that nothing can repair all you have gone through," Mihawk replied, his voice filled with empathy.
"You have no idea how much this means to me," you replied, tears welling up in your eyes. "To have someone like you, someone who understands, by my side... I can't thank you enough."
As Mihawk was about to reply, the door opened dramatically and revealed Perona, who had a mischievous smile on her face. "Oh, sorry for interrupting your conversation!" she exclaimed, causing both of you to turn towards her in surprise.
Startled by the sudden movement, you jumped in your seat, your heart racing.
"What do you want?" Mihawk muttered, a sign of anger showing in his tone. His interruption was abrupt, and his gaze shifted from Perona to you, as if silently asking if you were okay.
Perona's mischievous smile grew wider as she said, "I just wanted to let you two know that dinner is ready."
Mihawk sighed and glanced at you apologetically before turning his attention back to Perona. "Thank you for letting us know, Perona. We'll be there shortly," he responded, his voice calm but still carrying a hint of frustration.
Perona nodded, chuckling mischievously before floating away, leaving you and Mihawk alone once again. You took a deep breath, grateful for the brief interruption that allowed your racing heart to calm down.
"Can you walk?" Mihawk asked, placing his book on his desk.
"Yes, I can walk," you replied, relieved that your momentary panic hadn't caused any physical limitations. Mihawk nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Good," he said, standing up from his chair. "Shall we head to dinner then?"
"Yes," you said, standing up as well, and you followed Mihawk out of the room, feeling a sense of comfort knowing that he was there to support you.
As you continued to follow him from behind, it reminded you of your life just a few hours ago.
When walking was not a choice at times but a command enforced by cruel guards who would yell, "Walk faster!" while pulling the chains that were wrapped around the necks and arms of the slaves.
You were only able to answer with a 'Yes Master' or a 'Yes sir'. Other than those two, you would be severely punished depending on who heard your wrong answer.
Unfortunately you were a slave that was passed across many ships for all of their lives and you weren't familiar with that rule yet. Your last ship made you do everything in silence, even cry in silence that you even thought you had lost your voice.
The punishment you had to endure in Don Krieg's ship was indescribable. From physical beatings to starvation and isolation, every day was filled with unimaginable pain and suffering.
It was a constant battle for survival, and the fear of making a single mistake haunted your every move.
"Are you coming?" a voice said, making you jump.
Without thinking, you answered with "yes master," your conditioned response from years of slavery.
But as the words left your mouth, you quickly realized where you were and who you were with. The weight of your past life lingered in that moment, reminding you of the scars that still remained, even if they weren't visible.
You quickly corrected yourself, realizing that you were no longer in that dark place. The presence of Mihawk and the safety of his house provided a stark contrast to the horrors you had endured.
His eyes filled with concern as he noticed your sudden startle. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," he apologized, extending a hand towards you.
"No, I'm sorry, I should have paid more attention," you said, shaking your head.
The memories of your past sometimes still caught you off guard, but being in Mihawk's presence helped ease the lingering pain.
Feeling a sense of comfort, you slowly wrapped your hand around his arm, finding solace in his presence. It was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes of the trust that was slowly growing between the two of you, helping to heal the wounds of your past.
As you continued to walk in silence, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the freedom you now had. Each step forward was a reminder of how far you had come from the days of bondage and suffering.
Finally, after walking in silence for a few more minutes, you and Mihawk reached the dining room. The sight of the beautifully set table and the aroma of the delicious meal filled the air, instantly making your stomach grumble with anticipation.
As you approached the dining room, Mihawk graciously pulled out the chair on his right side for you. Gratefully, you settled into your seat, ready to indulge in the nourishing meal before you.
Perona then floated in from the kitchen and sat in front of you, her mischievous smile lighting up the room. "I hope you're hungry," she said playfully, her ghostly form exuding an air of excitement.
It was clear that she had put her heart into preparing this meal, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and belonging in this newfound family.
"Let's dig in, Itadakimasu!" Perona said, sitting down. The words marked the beginning of a joyful feast, as you and Mihawk joined her at the table, savoring the delicious food.
You couldn't help but feel a tinge of embarrassment as you stared at the unfamiliar cutlery in front of you. Forks and knives were foreign objects to you, as you had never used them before.
"What's your dominant hand?"
"Huh," you said, looking at Mihawk. "I'm actually ambidextrous, so I can use either hand."
Mihawk chuckled softly, reaching across the table to hand you a fork. "Well, I guess it's time to learn something new," he said.
You took the fork and stared at it, feeling a mixture of curiosity and nervousness. As you held it in your hand, Mihawk leaned in and gently guided you through the proper way to hold and use it, patiently teaching you the art of dining with cutlery.
As you held the fork for the first time, you couldn't help but feel a sense of unfamiliarity and anticipation. The smooth metal against your fingertips felt foreign yet strangely empowering.
With your heart pounding, you cautiously brought the fork to your lips, trying to mimic Mihawk's guidance.
You fumbled with the fork a few times, dropping food and feeling your face flush with embarrassment. Mihawk and Perona, however, remained patient and encouraging, assuring you that it was completely normal to struggle at first. With each failed attempt, he offered gentle guidance and reassurance, reminding you that learning something new takes time and practice.
With a cautious grip, you tentatively speared a piece of food and raised it to your lips. As the flavors mingled on your tongue, you couldn't help but smile at the small triumph of mastering this new skill, savoring not only the taste of the meal but also the sense of accomplishment that came with it.
You looked at Mihawk in shock, and you could see the slightest smile playing at the corners of his lips. It was as if he had anticipated your reaction and took joy in witnessing your triumph over the unfamiliarity of using cutlery.
"You're a quick learner," Mihawk said with a proud glint in his eyes, rewarding your efforts with a nod of approval.
"Thank you," you replied, feeling a sense of gratitude for Mihawk's patient guidance.
You started to eat, savoring each bite and enjoying the newfound skill of using cutlery. As you looked up, you noticed Perona's gaze fixed on the two of you, her eyes shining with happiness.
"What is it?" Mihawk asked, also noticing Peroma's staring.
"It's- It's nothing!" Perona replied, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. She quickly averted her gaze, pretending to be engrossed in her meal once again.
You found Perona's reaction endearing, her blush adding to the charm of the moment. However, Mihawk scoffed, dismissing her behavior as nothing more than a triviality, before taking a sip of his wine and returning his attention to his meal.
You couldn't help but wonder what was going through his mind, but you decided to focus on enjoying the rest of the meal and savoring the newfound skill of using cutlery.
What would she think if she saw me now? In a fancy dress, at a fancy castle and with fancy people.
You smiled sadly at the thought, knowing that she would never have the opportunity to witness this moment. Her absence was a constant ache in your heart, but you took solace in the fact that you were carrying a piece of her with you, her spirit guiding you through each small triumph and reminding you to cherish every moment.
Mihawk had noticed the sadness behind your smile, but his silence on the matter only deepened the mystery of his thoughts.
The fancy castle exuded an air of grandeur and opulence, with its towering walls adorned with intricate tapestries and sparkling chandeliers illuminating the exquisite dining hall.
The dining hall was a breathtaking sight, with its grand chandeliers casting a dazzling array of light that danced off the polished silverware and fine china.
The walls, adorned with intricate tapestries depicting scenes of ancient battles and noble conquests, added an air of regality to the already opulent space. As you took in the surroundings, you couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and privilege to be in such a luxurious setting.
"So what are we doing tomorrow?" Perona asked curiously, breaking the silence that had settled over the table.
Her question brought you back to the present moment, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as you thought about the adventures that awaited the next day.
"I will be going out to meet up with someone," Mihawk stated, taking another sip of his wine. His cryptic response piqued your curiosity, leaving you wondering who he was meeting and what plans he had in store.
"Who?" Perona asked, her eyes filled with curiosity as she awaited Mihawk's answer.
"That is none of your business," Mihawk answered, his tone curt and final.
The air around the table grew tense as Perona's curiosity clashed with Mihawk's guarded demeanor, leaving you caught in the middle, torn between wanting to know the answer and respecting Mihawk's privacy.
"Oh well, that means the house is all to us," Perona cheered to you, her excitement palpable.
You couldn't help but smile, grateful for her lightheartedness in the midst of the tension. It was a reminder that even in moments of uncertainty, there was still joy to be found.
As the evening wore on, you and Perona continued to share stories from your past, exchanging tales of adventure and hardship. Mihawk remained a silent but attentive presence, his gaze fixed on you both as he listened intently to every word.
It was a rare moment of vulnerability and connection, as you realized that despite his guarded demeanor, Mihawk was genuinely interested in getting to know you on a deeper level.
It would not be too difficult for you to get used to this, you thought to yourself. . . .
You woke up trapped on a slave ship, embarking on a harrowing journey of torture and suffering. As you lay restlessly in your sleep, you found yourself waking up in a familiar place.
It was a dark and damp room, with shackles tightly binding your ankles and wrists. Panic consumed you as you realized you were a prisoner on a slave ship.
As you slowly regained consciousness, you noticed a group of guards surrounding you. They were cruel and merciless, their faces etched with twisted desires. Each guard carried a whip, which they eagerly used to inflict unimaginable pain upon your flesh.
So it was a dream, you thought sadly, remembering the feeling of being in a majestic dress in a castle with Mihawk and Perona.
As you got up to the yelling of the guards, you realized that the dream was just a temporary escape from the harsh reality of your situation. The pain in your limbs and the stench of the ship's hold reminded you that you were still a captive, desperate for freedom.
The guards showed no mercy as they tormented you. They would strike you with whips, leaving welts upon your body. The whips were adorned with sharp metal spikes, causing excruciating pain with every lash. The guards laughed and taunted you, reveling in your suffering.
It became clear that the guards' sadistic pleasure was their primary objective. They enjoyed inflicting pain purely for their own amusement. Their laughter echoed through the ship, reminding you of your helplessness.
As the days turned into weeks, the slave ship continued on its journey. The stench of sweat and fear filled the air. The guards kept us confined in cramped, unsanitary conditions. We were subjected to constant hunger and thirst, our bodies ravaged by disease and malnutrition.
Your suffering was unrelenting and, as we sailed further, our despair only grew stronger. . . .
You woke up sweating profusely from the nightmare, your heart pounding in your chest. The vividness of the dream left you shaken, unable to shake off the feeling of despair and hopelessness that had consumed you from your nightmare.
You looked around and saw you were in a fancy yet empty room. The grandeur of the furnishings contrasted sharply with the emptiness of the space, leaving you with a sense of eerie solitude.
The silence was deafening, and you couldn't help but question whether this was another illusion, or if there was a glimmer of hope for escape after all.
You remembered how Perona showed you to this guest room last night, assuring you it would be a safe place to rest and you could decorate it later.
You then slowly got up from your bed and made your way to the door as you walked slowly. As you turned the handle, a rush of anticipation filled your veins. The creaking of the door echoed through the empty hallway, and you cautiously stepped outside, your heart pounding with a mix of fear and determination.
The moon hung high in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the deserted grounds. The stillness of the night was unsettling, as if the whole world was holding its breath in anticipation. The moon cast an ethereal glow on the desolate landscape, illuminating the path ahead.
The late hour meant that Perona was likely to be asleep but you were unsure of Mihawk. You weren't able to identify any sleepiness from him during dinner unlike Perona, who was complaining about how she needed her beauty sleep for one hour until you volunteered to wash the dishes for her.
As you tiptoed down the corridor, every step was carefully calculated to avoid making any noise. The silence enveloped you, amplifying the sound of your own breathing.
You knew that any sudden noise could alert Mihawk to your presence, and the consequences of being caught were too dire to contemplate.
Your heart skipped a beat as you heard the faint sound of footsteps echoing from downstairs.
Your mind raced with possibilities, wondering who could be roaming the house at this hour. Could it be Perona, unable to sleep and wandering aimlessly? Or perhaps it was Mihawk, patrolling the premises to ensure the safety of his guests.
The unknown nature of the situation only heightened your anxiety, and you knew that you had to proceed with extreme caution.
Despite knowing that it was wrong, your curiosity got the better of you, and you couldn't resist the urge to explore the castle further. The allure of the unknown beckoned you, and you silently made your way towards the source of the footsteps, determined to uncover the secrets that lay hidden within the walls.
You made it to the grand staircase without any disturbance, its grandeur and elegance captivating you as you ascended each step. The soft moonlight streaming through the stained glass windows added an ethereal touch to the scene, casting colorful patterns on the marble floor below.
As you walked down the stairs, the footsteps grew louder, echoing through the empty hallways. The sound resonated with an eerie intensity, sending shivers down your spine and intensifying your sense of unease.
When you reached the end of the stairs, a figure emerged from the shadows, completely unaware of your presence. Their footsteps faltered for a moment as they glanced around, their eyes scanning the surroundings with a mixture of caution and curiosity.
The figure standing before you was none other than the legendary swordsman, Dracule Mihawk. Clad in his signature black attire, Mihawk exuded an aura of mystery and power. His long, flowing black hair framed his chiseled face, accentuating his piercing, hawk-like eyes that seemed to hold a depth of knowledge and experience beyond measure.
The sharp angles of his jawline and the confident set of his shoulders portrayed a man who was both formidable and unyielding. As he moved with grace and precision, his black cape billowed behind him, adding an air of elegance and drama to his every step.
It was clear that this was a man who commanded respect and demanded attention wherever he went.
You had always heard stories of Mihawk's fearsome reputation and his unmatched swordsmanship, but now, as you looked at him up close, you couldn't help but notice his striking features.
His sharp eyes softened as they met yours, revealing a glimmer of curiosity.
The harsh lines of his face seemed to soften, revealing a hidden attractiveness that you had never noticed before. Despite the air of mystery and power that surrounded him, you couldn't help but find yourself drawn to his handsome and enigmatic presence.
"Y/N, what are you doing awake so late?" Mihawk asked as he fully faced you, his voice carrying a mix of surprise and concern. His piercing gaze remained fixed on you, as if trying to unravel the mystery behind your presence in his grand mansion.
You stumbled for words, caught off guard by his sudden attention, unsure whether to reveal the truth or come up with a plausible excuse.
Finally, you mustered the courage to respond, "I couldn't sleep, and I couldn't resist the allure of exploring this magnificent place."
Mihawk's gaze lingered on you for a moment, his expression unreadable. "Curiosity can be a dangerous thing," he murmured, his voice low and filled with a hint of warning.
"I understand the risks," you replied, meeting Mihawk's gaze with determination.
Mihawk nodded before gesturing you to come over, "Y/N, come here," he said, his voice holding a touch of intrigue. As you stepped closer to him, you couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement mixed with apprehension. What could he possibly want with you?
As you got close enough, Mihawk slowly reached for your hand, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. His grip was firm yet gentle, as if he held something precious.
"I'll be back before tomorrow evening, but if you have any problems, just call me on this," he whispered, his voice tinged with a hint of reassurance.
As he released your hand, a mix of anticipation and uncertainty filled the air. With the Transponder Snail now in your possession, you couldn't help but wonder what awaited you in the coming hours.
You watched as Mihawk opened the door, said goodbye before walking into the forest. The sound of his footsteps faded into the distance, leaving you standing there, holding the Transponder Snail in your hand, filled with a mix of excitement and trepidation about the adventures that lay ahead.
Feeling tired, you closed the door and headed back to bed, placing the Transponder Snail on the desk close by.
The events of the evening replayed in your mind, and as sleep finally claimed you, you couldn't help but wonder where Mihawk was going, and how you would be involved. . . .
"Good afternoon Hawkeyes Mihawk, what honour do I have for you to be here today?"
"I have something that might interest you, Garp."
"And what might that be?"
"Have you ever heard of a devil fruit that allows the user to control its own aura and even the aura from other living beings?"
"No, I haven't. Tell me more," Garp replied, his curiosity piqued. . . .
Part 2?
288 notes · View notes
latanyalove · 2 months
Stay With Me
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Pairing: Chopper x Motherly Y/N (Zoro x Y/N)
Taglist: @being-worthy, @marsilis, @star-yawnznn
A/n: Part One is Here! WC: 4,451. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing this! <3
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Upon waking up, you heard the sound of the sea and felt the warmth of the fur on your body.
You opened your eyes to meet the sea stretching out before you, its waves gently crashing against the shore. The warmth of the fur on your body reminded you of the cozy comfort of when Chopper used to turn his fur into a protective ball of fluff.
When you heard grunting, you fully woke up and realized something was wrong. You quickly realized that the fur on your body was bloodied.
You slowly pushed yourself off so you could see what animal you were on, and to your horror, you found yourself sitting on top of a wounded reindeer, its body covered in bloodstains.
You then recognized the hat that the reindeer was wearing.
It was a vibrant red top hat with a black trim, adorned with a white cross hanging from the tip.
"Chopper?" You muttered, your voice barely a whisper.
It was as if the reindeer had stopped in his tracks as he turned his head around to look at you.
As Chopper stared back at you with his gentle brown eyes, a mix of confusion and pain evident in his expression, you realized that he must have been injured while trying to rescue you.
"Y/N?" A voice whispered from a cell you quickly past by.
You recognized that voice straight away, turning back to look inside the cell. It was Tony Tony Chopper, his small frame huddled in a corner, his eyes filled with fear and hope as he saw you.
"Chopper!" you exclaimed, rushing to the cell and reaching through the bars to hold his trembling hand. "I found you. We're getting out of here."
You were shocked when you saw how beaten up Chopper was. His fur was matted with blood, and his limbs trembled with pain as he weakly clung to your hand.
You then remembered how you had risked everything to rescue Chopper from that place. The memories flooded back as you held his fur tight, unable to bear losing him again.
"Y/N! You're finally awake! Don't worry, we're almost home," Chopper reassured with a weak smile.
You looked ahead to see the Thousand Sunny docked by the sea, its vibrant red and yellow sails billowing in the breeze. Relief washed over you as you realized that your daring rescue mission had been successful and that you and Chopper were finally safe.
"How long did I pass out for?" You asked hoarsely.
"Hmm, for about an hour now, I was able to stabilise both of our injuries with the first aid box that you brought," Chopper stated, starting to walk again.
"One hour," you replied surprised but didn't have any energy to express it. "You carried me for one hour? Why didn't you wake me up?"
"Because you looked really tired and I wanted to do the saving this time," Chopper said.
"Chopper, you know I would risk my life at any time for you?"
"Yeah I know because you're my mom right?"
You smiled at his words, "Yes, it's because you're my son."
"We've both done enough saving for today," you laughed. "Why don't we wake up your dad to carry us the rest of the way home?"
"My dad? You mean Zoro?"
"Of course and now that you've let me rest, my energy might be enough to throw him a message."
You felt the energy in your body and you formed a spear out of water in your hand. With a flick of your wrist, you launched the spear towards the Thousand Sunny, creating a loud splash as it pierced through the air and landed where Zoro would always sleep at this time.
"I think he got the message, you can drop me now," you said, gently patting Chopper's side. Chopper obediently lowered you to the ground, his eyes filled with gratitude and love as he turned back to his human point and nuzzled against your stomach.
As you weakly placed your hand on top of Chopper's head, tears of relief filled your eyes.
"We're going to be okay," you muttered to Chopper, your voice filled with a mixture of exhaustion and gratitude.
Chopper looked up at you with his big, teary eyes and replied, "Yes, we are. And it's all thanks to you, Mom. You're the strongest person I know."
You quickly wiped your tears while hugging Chopper, grateful for his words. "And you're the bravest little reindeer I know," you whispered.
Suddenly you heard snoring and you smiled, looking at your chest to see Chopper sleeping peacefully.
Just like his father, you thought.
It wasn't long before you fell asleep as well, as the gentle rocking of the waves lulled you into a peaceful state of slumber. . . .
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Zoro was abruptly awakened by the loud splash and the spear landing near him. Confused and slightly annoyed, he sat up and rubbed his eyes, trying to make sense of what had just happened.
When Zoro got a closer look, he realized it was your spear that had woken him up. However, as he looked around, he couldn't see you anywhere in sight. He quickly stood up, scanning the area with a sense of concern and wondering where you could have gone.
Zoro's heart skipped a beat as he saw the once solid water spear dissolve into liquid and form the words "come get us you idiot" with an arrow pointing in one direction. It was a clear message, and Zoro wasted no time, sprinting in the indicated direction, determined to find you and Chopper.
How am I the idiot when you sneaked out to help Chopper by yourself? He thought as he jumped off the ship and followed the arrow.
After a few minutes, Zoro found two figures in the distance, lying on the floor, with the arrow pointing directly at them.
As Zoro approached the figures, his heart sank. It was you and Chopper, lying on the ground, motionless. Panic surged through him as he dropped to his knees and frantically checked for signs of life, praying that he hadn't arrived too late.
Your eyes then slowly opened, and you smirked, "Took you long enough when you just had to follow an arrow, idiot," you teased, relieved to see Zoro by your side.
Zoro looked terrified as he looked at both you and Chopper, his eyes filled with a mix of relief and anger. "You scared the hell out of me," he muttered, his voice trembling. "Don't you ever do something like that again."
"Sorry, but at least we're alive, right?" you teased, trying to lighten the mood. Zoro's stern expression softened slightly, and he let out a sigh of relief.
"Yeah, I guess that's something," he replied, his voice still filled with worry.
He quickly took Chopper, who was still asleep, into his arms, cradling the little reindeer protectively. Zoro's eyes shifted between you and Chopper, his worry evident in his gaze as he whispered, "Thank goodness you're both safe."
"I'm okay to walk," you started, trying to get up.
"But you're not going to," Zoro said firmly, adjusting Chopper to be on one side.
He gently placed his arm behind your back and positioned you against his chest, holding you in place, creating a warm and comforting embrace that drew you close to his chest, making you feel safe and cherished.
You closed your eyes, feeling a sense of relief wash over you as you rested your head against Zoro's neck. The steady rise and fall of his chest, coupled with the soothing rhythm of his heartbeat, provided a comforting lullaby that eased your worries and allowed you to fully relax in his embrace.
"Are you sure I'm not heavy?" you questioned as your eyes started to close, feeling the weight of exhaustion settling in.
Zoro chuckled softly, his voice filled with tenderness, "You and Chopper are as light as two feathers to me. Just rest, I've got you."
You nodded in agreement, feeling Zoro slowly rise from the sandy ground beneath you. His strong arms held you securely as he effortlessly lifted you up, careful not to disturb Chopper's peaceful slumber.
As he stood tall, you couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of gratitude for his unwavering presence and protectiveness.
As Zoro began to walk, his steady footstep on the sand lulled you into a peaceful slumber. The gentle sway of his movements and the comforting warmth of his embrace created a soothing rhythm that eased your tired mind and allowed sleep to claim you completely. . . .
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Zoro found his way back to the ship with an uncanny sense of direction, effortlessly navigating through the winding paths of the island. It was as if an invisible compass guided him, leading him back to safety without any hesitation or detours for once.
Usopp, who had been keeping watch on the ship, let out a gasp as he spotted Zoro emerging from the horizon.
As Zoro reached the ship, Usopp's eyes widened in astonishment as he witnessed the sight of Zoro carrying you and Chopper in his arms, both of you peacefully asleep. Usopp's voice trembled with disbelief as he exclaimed, "Zoro, is that really you?"
"Where did you find them?" Usopp asked in awe as Zoro stepped onto the ship, cradling you and Chopper in his arms.
Zoro's gaze softened as he replied, "I found them on the beach, exhausted and in need of rest. Don't worry, they're safe now."
With a grateful smile, Usopp nodded and stepped aside, allowing Zoro to make his way to the doctor's office, which was also Chopper's room.
As Zoro gently laid you and Chopper on the comfortable couch, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief knowing that you were finally in a safe and peaceful place.
He looked over at the both of you, his eyes filled with a mixture of affection and concern, silently vowing to protect you both no matter what.
"So she's finally back?" a voice that Zoro recognized as Luffy said at the door, his eyes widening in surprise at the sight of you and Chopper peacefully asleep on the couch.
Zoro nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips, as he replied, "Yeah, they're safe now. Just need some rest."
Zoro quickly left the room with Luffy, his hand covering Luffy's mouth to prevent any loud questions that could potentially wake you and Chopper up.
As they stepped outside, Zoro closed the door softly behind them, ensuring that you both could continue to enjoy your peaceful slumber undisturbed.
However, as soon as Zoro and Luffy joined the rest of the crew, he was bombarded with questions about where he had found you and Chopper, and how you had ended up in such a exhausted state. The crew was eager to know every detail, but Zoro remained tight-lipped, deciding to keep the events of the night to himself for now.
"But Zoro, we're dying of curiosity! We can't wait for them to wake up," Nami exclaimed, her eyes wide with anticipation.
"Yeah, spill the beans, swordsman! We want to know what happened," Sanji chimed in, his voice filled with excitement.
"If you want to know, then you should ask them when they wake up," Zoro simply said, his tone of voice indicating that he had made up his mind not to disclose any further information about the events of the night.
Curiosity piqued, the crew members exchanged glances before Nami chimed in, "Yeah, Zoro's right. Let's give them some time to rest and recover. We can ask them all about it when they wake up."
Sanji, unable to contain his curiosity, added, "But seriously, how did they end up like that? Did they get caught in a storm or something?"
Zoro shrugged, his eyes never leaving the closed door, and simply replied, "You'll find out soon enough."
The crew members couldn't help but exchange puzzled glances, their curiosity growing with each passing moment. They were eager to unravel the mystery of how you and Chopper had ended up in such an exhausted state, but respected Zoro's decision to keep the events of the night to himself.
They knew that the answers would come in due time, and patiently waited for you and Chopper to wake up and share your story. . . .
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As you slowly woke up, you felt the warmness of what was a blanket and Chopper cuddling beside you. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, you realized that you and Chopper had been in the doctor's room in the Thousand Sunny, which meant Zoro had carried you both back to the ship without your help.
"Looks like Zoro carried the whole family on his shoulders," a voice joked silently in your mind.
You looked to your side to see Robin sitting in a chair, a small smile playing on her lips. "Good to see you awake," she said softly, her eyes filled with concern. "We were worried about you and Chopper."
"I'm sorry for leaving without telling you guys," you apologized, your voice filled with genuine remorse.
Robin's smile widened as she nodded understandingly. "Don't worry, we're just glad you're both safe. Zoro made sure to bring you back to the ship. Now, rest up and recover. We'll be here waiting when you're ready to share what happened."
You nodded in agreement, grateful for her understanding. As you settled back into the warmth of the blanket, you gently held onto Chopper, feeling a sense of comfort and security as you drifted off to sleep once again. . . .
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As you woke up from your nap, you were greeted by the sound of happy yells and laughter coming from the deck of the Thousand Sunny.
It seemed like the crew was having a lively and joyful time, and you couldn't help but smile as you realized that you were surrounded by a family who truly cared for you.
When you tried to slowly stand up, you felt a gentle tug on your arm, pulling you back to the couch, as if someone didn't want you to leave just yet.
You then saw that a hand was wrapped around your waist and it belonged to Zoro, who was still asleep. His peaceful expression made you hesitate, realizing that he must have subconsciously pulled you back to keep you close.
You were surprised that he would do something like this since he would only be this brave when he was drunk. It made you realize that his feelings for you ran deeper than you had imagined, and you couldn't help but wonder what this meant for your relationship with him.
The warmth of his touch made you decide to stay a little longer, cherishing this moment of tranquility before joining the lively crew on the deck.
You laid back on the couch, but instead of going back to sleep, you decided to admire Zoro. The way his features softened in slumber, the steady rise and fall of his chest, and the warmth of his presence beside you filled you with a sense of peace and contentment.
You couldn't help but notice the rugged yet handsome features on Zoro's face, even in his sleep. His strong jawline, slightly tousled hair, and closed eyelids hiding intense determination all added to his allure.
His furrowed brows were smoothed out, revealing a vulnerability that few had the privilege of witnessing. The faintest hint of a smile graced his lips, adding an unexpected softness to his rugged features.
"Is there something on my face?" you heard someone say, and you slightly jumped at the lowness of the voice.
You turned your gaze towards Zoro, meeting his intense gaze as his eyes slowly fluttered open. A mixture of surprise and amusement danced in his eyes, and a small smirk tugged at his lips. "Caught you staring," he whispered, his voice husky with sleep.
You turned to face Zoro, meeting his gaze as his eyes fluttered open. The intensity in his stare sent a shiver down your spine, and you quickly averted your gaze, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks.
"N-no, it's nothing," you stammered, trying to hide your embarrassment.
Zoro chuckled softly, his warm breath brushing against your cheek. "Don't worry, I don't mind," he replied, his voice filled with warmth and affection. "I've caught myself staring at you plenty of times too."
"No, really, it's not what you think," you insisted, desperately trying to deny the truth that hung in the air. But deep down, you knew that denying it would be futile, especially when Zoro's knowing smile told you that he saw right through your feeble attempt to hide your admiration.
You couldn't help but feel a pang of vulnerability as he wrapped his arm tight around you. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Don't you used to be the confident one between the two of us?"
Looking back at him, you couldn't even hold eye contact for 3 seconds, your gaze continually shifting away. The truth was, you were afraid that if you looked into his eyes for too long, he would see the depth of your feelings and the vulnerability that came with them.
"It's different now," you muttered, your voice barely audible.
Zoro's grip on you tightened as he leaned in, his voice filled with tenderness. "Different or not, I'm here for you. You don't have to hide anything from me."
Summoning your courage, you looked at him again, locking eyes with Zoro.
"Since when have you been this confident?" you said, unable to hide the slight admiration in your voice. Zoro's smirk widened, and he brushed a strand of hair behind your ear.
"I guess being around you brings out the best in me," he replied, his eyes sparkling with affection.
Unable to resist the magnetic pull between you, you saw Zoro's eyes flicker to your lips, a subtle hint of desire in his gaze. Your heart skipped a beat as you wondered if he felt the same longing that you did.
"I don't mind being stared at, especially if it's by you."
In that moment, the world around you faded away as both of you leaned in, the intensity of your connection drawing you closer.
Then suddenly, a loud bang was heard on the wall and you jumped, moving away from Zoro and sitting up, breaking the intimate moment between you. Startled, you looked around, trying to find the source of the noise, your heart racing with a mix of fear and disappointment.
Zoro chuckled, amused by your reaction, and you felt your face flush with embarrassment. You looked away, trying to ignore the expression on his face, and your heart slowly returned to its normal rhythm.
As you gathered your thoughts and tried to calm your racing heart, you noticed that Zoro had also sat up and was now facing you. His eyes held a mix of concern and amusement, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in his presence.
"It was Luffy, isn't it?" you muttered, feeling embarrassed by your lapse in focus. Zoro's smile softened, and he reached out to gently cup your cheek.
"It probably was but let's not focus on that now," he said.
You took a deep breath, feeling a surge of bravery, and leaned in once again, meeting Zoro halfway.
As you leaned in, you wrapped your arms around Zoro's neck, pulling him closer to you. The warmth of his embrace enveloped you, and you both lost yourselves in the moment, forgetting about the interruption and allowing your connection to deepen even further.
Zoro's hands gently rested on your hips, his touch sending shivers down your spine. The warmth of his embrace enveloped you, and you both lost yourselves in the moment.
You could feel the anticipation building, the way your breathing changed ever so slightly, as if your body knew what was about to happen.
The world seemed to stand still as your lips finally met, and in that instant, all your worries and fears melted away, leaving only the undeniable connection between you and Zoro.
"Zoro! Wake up! You can't miss Chopper's story!" Luffy screamed as he burst through the door, completely unaware of what was happening in front of him.
This was just like before, you thought of last night when Luffy interrupted them before.
You tried to gently push yourself away from Zoro's embrace, but he held you firmly, unwilling to let go. His arms remained securely wrapped around your waist, as if he never wanted to release you from his grasp.
"Luffy, I'll be there in a minute," Zoro said, not breaking eye contact with you, his gaze filled with a determination that made your heart skip a beat.
His words were filled with determination, as he made it clear that he wasn't going to let anything or anyone come between the two of you.
"Okay," Luffy sulked, closing the door, finally giving you and Zoro the privacy you both needed to continue where you left off.
"I thought...." you whispered, your voice filled with uncertainty.
"You thought I was going to leave?" Zoro's grip tightened as he looked deeply into your eyes, his voice filled with conviction.
"No way, I'm not leaving again for you to go on another adventure by yourself," he said, his words echoing in your ears, reassuring you that he was here to stay.
You smiled, feeling a wave of relief wash over you.
"Let's finish what we started," Zoro whispered, his lips grazing against yours, reigniting the passion that had momentarily been interrupted.
Your heart raced as you replied with a breathless, "Yes, let's."
As Zoro's lips pressed against yours, a surge of butterflies erupted in your stomach, the intensity of your connection sending waves of electricity through your veins. Your chest tightened with anticipation, each touch and caress from Zoro igniting a fire within you.
Your knees grew weak, unable to support the weight of the passion that consumed you both, as you surrendered yourself completely to the moment.
As the intensity of your connection grew, you found yourselves exploring each other's bodies with a hunger that couldn't be quelled. The room filled with heated whispers and moans, as you both surrendered to the raw desire that consumed you.
Every touch, every kiss, sent shivers down your spine, igniting a fire that burned hotter with each passing moment. Your bodies moved in perfect sync, a dance of passion and longing, as you lost yourselves in the depths of desire.
Zoro's hand slowly made its way up under your shirt, his touch sending a surge of electricity through your body, intensifying the already fiery passion between you. Every caress from his fingertips left a trail of goosebumps in its wake, heightening the anticipation and deepening the connection you shared.
Getting injured was worth it. . . .
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"And then Y/N came in running in and defeating everyone with her ability. It was so cool!" Chopper described to the rest of the crew.
As Chopper excitedly recounted the events that took place a few hours ago, he bounced up and down on your lap, his little hooves emphasizing each thrilling moment.
You smiled and continued to give Chopper a soothing back massage as he animatedly shared his tale. The gentle kneading of your fingers seemed to fuel his excitement, making him even more animated as he vividly described your incredible display of power.
Zoro had been sitting beside you, listening to Chopper while massaging your back with one hand. His touch added a comforting warmth to your soothing back massage, creating a sense of calm that contrasted the exhilaration of Chopper's storytelling.
"I didn't know you were that badass," Zoro chuckled, his voice low and teasing. "I guess there's more to you than meets the eye."
Admiration was evident in his voice as he continued to work his magic on your tense muscles.
You couldn't help but blush at Zoro's comment, the warmth spreading from your cheeks to the rest of your body. It was a rare moment of vulnerability from the usually stoic swordsman, and it made you appreciate his support even more.
"I...uh...I guess I just got lucky," you stammered, your face turning an even deeper shade of red.
"I don't believe in luck," Zoro replied, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "You've got skills, Y/N, and I saw it firsthand today. Don't sell yourself short."
"Thank you, Zoro," you responded, a mixture of gratitude and shyness in your voice.
"Dad! Tell them how you rescued us from the beach," Chopper asked excitedly, turning to Zoro.
Zoro chuckled and ruffled Chopper's fur affectionately before responding, "Well, it was nothing compared to Y/N's heroic feat. But yeah, I did manage to pull you guys out of that rough current. Just doing my part as a member of this crew."
"And your part as a parent," you added, a soft smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
"Yeah, it was quite an adventure," Zoro said happily, his hand resting on your waist. The warmth of his touch matched the warmth in his smile, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for him.
This moment, surrounded by your newfound family, was a reminder of the bonds that held you all together on this incredible journey. . . .
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"Oh, you see that fire over there?" Zoro asked, pointing in the distance to a wild fire on a burnt down building.
"That's where their base is, or that is where their base used to be," Zoro admitted with pride.
Your eyes widened at Zoro's words, a mix of shock and realization washing over you. So that was the reason behind the fire and destruction - Zoro had single-handedly taken down their base.
"They got a little visit from a certain swordsman-"
You leaned in and pressed your lips against Zoro's, effectively silencing his words. His face turned slightly red, his surprise evident in his eyes.
"My hero," you said, pulling away from the kiss with a playful smile. "I can't believe you took down their entire base. You never cease to amaze me, Zoro."
Zoro's surprise slowly turned into a smirk, and he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer. "Just doing my part," he whispered, his voice filled with affection and pride. . . .
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latanyalove · 2 months
Stay the Night with Me
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Pairing: Eustass Kid x Y/N
Dialogue: “Stay the night with me. Please…” 🧲😡
A/n: It's very long so get ready for this 9,413 long story which is also going to have a Part 2 :) .I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing this! <3
Taglist: @stuckinthewrongworld for the idea!
"Stay the night with me. Please…" The plea hung in the air, charged with emotion. The magnetism of desire clashed with a hint of frustration.
The request was simple yet layered with unspoken words, begging for a response. The intensity of the moment lingered, waiting for a decision to be made.
The silence that followed seemed to stretch endlessly, filled with anticipation and uncertainty.
Each heartbeat echoed loudly in the room, underscoring the weight of the request and the gravity of the unspoken emotions that hung in the air. . . .
Eustass Kid, also known as the "Captain" of the Kid Pirates, is a notorious and feared pirate in the One Piece world. With his magnetic powers and fiery temper, he is not someone to be messed with.
Eustass Kid strikes fear into the hearts of both his allies and enemies alike, as his magnetic powers allow him to manipulate and control metal with deadly precision.
Combined with his explosive temper, he is a truly terrifying force to reckon with on the high seas. 
You, being the newest member of the Straw Hat Pirates, had heard of the infamous Eustass Kid and his crew. They were known for their brutal methods and lack of mercy towards their enemies.
So when your crew unexpectedly crossed paths with the Kid Pirates, you were on high alert.
Luffy and the rest of the crew seemed more relaxed with the Kid Pirates, maybe it was because they had defeated many enemies side by side or maybe Luffy was too gullible into trusting him so easily.
But not you. You weren't going to fall for his tricks.
You sat far from the group, who looked like they were having the time of their lives, while you glared straight at the red-haired pirate with cautious eyes. You couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to Eustass Kid than meets the eye, and you vowed to keep a close watch on him, ready to defend yourself and your crew if necessary.
"Hey, why aren't you with the group celebrating?" Nami said curiously behind you.
Startled by Nami's sudden voice, you turned around quickly, trying to hide your unease. "Oh, I just needed some fresh air," you replied, forcing a smile.
"So why are you staring at Kidd like that?" Nami teased, sitting beside you.
You hesitated for a moment, then leaned in closer to whisper, "I can't quite put my finger on it, but something about him just doesn't sit right with me. I think there's more to him than meets the eye, and I don't trust him."
"Or maybe," Nami started, leaning closer, "You just like him,"
"No way!" you jumped back, feeling your face heat up. "That's not it at all! I just have a gut feeling about him, that's all."
Nami smirked mischievously and nudged your shoulder. "Sure, sure. Keep telling yourself that."
Nami then stood up, said goodbye, and walked over to the group, leaving you alone with your thoughts. As you continued to observe Eustass Kid from afar, you couldn't help but wonder what secrets he was hiding beneath that intimidating exterior. . . .
The atmosphere suddenly shifted as Sanji and some of Kid's crew finished preparing the feast. The cheers and laughter grew louder, and even Luffy couldn't contain his excitement.
"Y/N, the food is ready," You opened your eyes to see Killer standing over you, his mask covering his face as usual.
Killer, the stoic and enigmatic member of the Kid Pirates, rarely showed any emotion. His mask concealed his face, adding to the air of mystery surrounding him. It was hard to read his intentions or gauge his reactions, making him an even more intriguing figure to watch closely.
As he extended a hand to help you up, you couldn't help but wonder what lies behind that enigmatic facade.
With a yawn, you took his hand and stood up, ready to join the festivities.
Unfortunately, you had to sit beside Kid to eat as all the other seats were taken. As you took your place beside him, you couldn't shake off the feeling of unease and curiosity, wondering what secrets he was hiding and if they would ever come to light.
As you ate, you noticed that Kid was always tense even when he laughed, his body language betraying a constant state of alertness. It was as if he carried a weight on his shoulders, constantly on guard.
It only fueled your suspicion that there was indeed something more to him than meets the eye.
Suddenly, Kid stopped eating, his eyes darting around the room with a heightened sense of vigilance. His grip on his utensils tightened, and a frown creased his forehead as if he had sensed something amiss.
"I have to go," he said, suddenly standing up and walking over to where the ships were anchored.
Everyone was confused for a while but then they went back to talking to each other except Killer.
Killer's gaze remained fixed on the spot where Kid had disappeared to, his eyes filled with a mix of concern and curiosity. It was clear that he knew more than he let on, and you couldn't help but wonder what he had seen or sensed that made him so focused on Kid's departure.
Despite Killer's intense gaze and the mysterious departure of Kid, you chose to dismiss any concerns and immerse yourself in the joyous celebration.
It was a time to revel in the camaraderie and enjoy the feast, leaving any thoughts of hidden secrets and enigmatic figures for another day.
As the night wore on and the merriment continued, you found yourself in a friendly competition with Zoro to see who could hold their liquor better.
Shots were poured and downed, laughter and cheers filled the air, and for a fleeting moment, all thoughts of Kid and his mysterious aura faded away as you focused on the exhilarating challenge at hand.
"Okay, I give up," you declared, placing the bowl back onto the table. The drinking competition had taken its toll, and you were finally admitting defeat.
As you leaned back in your chair, feeling the effects of the alcohol, your mind couldn't help but wander back to the enigmatic figure of Kid and the unanswered questions that still lingered in the air.
As you stumbled away from the festivities, a nagging thought tugged at the back of your mind, reminding you that there was still much to uncover about Kid and the secrets he held.
As you stumbled towards the ships, the sound of a muffled voice reached your ears, growing louder with each step.
It sounded like a scream, piercing through the night air with an intensity that sent chills down your spine. Your heart raced as you followed the sound, the darkness shrouding the source of the scream adding to the sense of unease and mystery that surrounded Kid's sudden departure.
You quickened your pace towards the ships, your footsteps echoing through the quiet night. Suddenly, a loud bang reverberated through the air, causing the Kid Pirates' ship to tremble slightly.
Your heart skipped a beat as you realised that there was more to Kid's disappearance than meets the eye.
It was when you saw something red out of the corner of your eye, but it disappeared as soon as you turned to get a better look. The fleeting glimpse left you with a sense of unease and a nagging feeling that there was a deeper mystery surrounding Kid's disappearance.
"I can help you!" you yelled, your voice slurred because of the alcohol. But your words seemed to get lost in the night, swallowed by the darkness and the unsettling silence that followed.
Your vision then went black, and you went unconscious, collapsing onto the ground. The last thing you heard before succumbing to darkness was the distant sound of footsteps approaching, leaving you with an unsettling sense of dread and the lingering question of what had truly transpired that night. . . .
You woke up with a massive headache, the events of the previous night still hazy in your mind. As you tried to piece together the fragments of your memory, you couldn't shake off the feeling that something sinister had unfolded while you were unconscious.
You didn't remember how you had ended up in bed yesterday, yet here you were, tucked in your bed with no recollection of how you got there.
The missing hours only added to the mysterious puzzle surrounding Kid's disappearance, leaving you desperate for answers and determined to uncover the truth.
You swung your legs over the side of the bed, wincing as the throbbing pain intensified. The room spun as you stood up, and you had to steady yourself against the dresser.
As you stumbled towards the bathroom, you couldn't help but wonder if the events of the night before were somehow connected to your own sudden blackout.
You splashed cold water on your face, hoping to clear your mind and shake off the remnants of the alcohol-induced haze.
As you looked at your reflection in the mirror, you couldn't help but notice a faint red mark on your neck, as if someone had grabbed you forcefully.
The realisation sent a shiver down your spine, as you began to suspect that there might have been more to your blackout than just excessive drinking. The red mark on your neck hinted at a possible altercation or even an encounter with someone who had a vested interest in Kid's disappearance.
Feeling a renewed sense of urgency, you quickly changed your clothes and headed out, determined to retrace your steps from the night before and gather any clues that could shed light on what had happened during your blackout.
As you walked onto the deck of the Thousand Sunny, the talking became louder, and you realised that the voices were coming from your crewmates and Kid's crew who were gathered around, deep in conversation.
"Who could have made such a big hole?"
"Maybe there's a wild animal around. Hehehe!"
"Ahhh! I think I have a wild-monster phobia!"
Curious about their discussion, you jumped off the ship and landed close by. Nami, who seemed relieved to see you, looked over at you and gestured you over.
"Apparently someone or something made a hole in Kid's ship, which means that they can't sail for a while," Nami explained, her voice filled with concern.
As you joined the group, you couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling in your gut. The timing of this incident and your blackout seemed too coincidental, making you wonder if there was a connection between the two.
"We're trying to figure out who or what could have done it. Any ideas? You were the second to leave after Kid left."
You looked around but he wasn't there. "Where is Kid?" you asked anxiously, scanning the faces of your crewmates for any sign of him.
"He's still asleep," Nami replied, her brow furrowed with worry. "Killer mentioned that Kid was knocked out cold when he checked on him earlier. So, it couldn't have been him who made the hole in the ship."
So who did you see then? Maybe it was your mind tricking you but then why do you have a mark in your neck?
As you went over to look at the damage, you noticed a familiar scent lingering in the air - the same scent that had filled your nostrils during your blackout.
This realisation made your heart race, as you began to suspect that the person responsible for the hole in Kid's ship was none other than the one who had grabbed you forcefully.
"What's that mark on your neck?" a voice said behind you, causing you to turn around in surprise.
It was Killer, Kid's loyal right-hand man, who had a concerned look on his face as he pointed at the mark.
He was looking at you with a mix of concern and suspicion, as if he already knew the answer to his own question.
"I don't know," you stated, fully facing him, "but it looks like you do." The intensity of the situation heightened as you locked eyes with Killer, realising that he might hold the key to uncovering the truth behind both the hole in the ship and your mysterious mark.
Killer sighed before gesturing over to the bench nearby, indicating that you should sit down and have a serious conversation. It seemed that he was ready to reveal the truth behind the incident and the mark on your neck, finally shedding light on the unsettling events that had taken place.
Reluctantly, you took a seat next to Killer, your heart pounding with anticipation. As he reached out to examine the mark on your neck, you flinched, still wary of his intentions.
"Trust me," Killer said softly, his eyes filled with sincerity. "I had nothing to do with this. But there's something you need to know, something that might explain everything."
The mark on your neck was unlike anything you had ever seen before. It was a metalic, etched into your skin with roughness and harshness. As Killer carefully inspected the mark, you couldn't help but notice his focused expression.
After a few moments, he retrieved a small bottle from his pouch and showing it to you.
"What is it?"
"It's a medicine for when we get hurt by...." Killer paused, dropping a few drops of the medicine into his hands and rubbing them together.
"By what?"
"By Kid," Killer replied, his voice filled with a mixture of sadness and concern. "There is a time every year around now when Kid is not himself. At first, it wasn't bad but now, it's unbearable to even hear his anguishing yells."
"So it was him that was yelling yesterday," you muttered to yourself, finally connecting the dots.
"Why are you telling me this?" you turned to him, your voice filled with curiosity and a hint of suspicion. Killer met your gaze, his eyes filled with determination.
"Because you're the only one who can help us stop him," he said, his voice steady.
"I've heard about your devil fruit," Killer said, his voice hopeful. "You can remove pain away from a person, right? We believe that your ability is the key to stopping Kid and preventing further harm."
You kept quiet, thinking about the weight of the responsibility that had just been placed upon you. It was a daunting task, but deep down, you knew that if there was a chance to stop Kid and protect others from his uncontrollable rage, you had to take it.
"I don't know if it will work," you explained, your voice tinged with uncertainty. "Usually, my ability works to alleviate pain that is inflicted by a person or object. I've never tried to remove pain that is generated by the body itself. But I'm willing to give it a try if it means stopping Kid and protecting others from harm."
Killer nodded, understanding the complexity of the situation. "We understand the risks," he replied, his voice filled with determination. "But we believe in your power and know that you're our best chance to bring an end to Kid's torment."
"Okay, I can try, but there is no guarantee that something will happen," you cautiously agreed. "I'll do my best to use my ability and see if I can alleviate Kid's pain. But we need to be prepared for the possibility that it might not work."
"That's all I ask for," Killer said, gratitude evident in his voice.
As soon as you touched your neck, you felt like nothing was there. It was as if there was nothing there in the first place.
Though before you could compliment the medicine and its effectiveness, a voice caught your attention from far away.
"Jaggy! You're finally awake! Your ship has a hole. Shishishi!" Luffy's voice yelled, interrupting the serious conversation.
"Stupid monkey! You probably broke it!" Kid's voice yelled, frustration evident in his tone.
You quickly stood up and ran over to where the voice came from, eager to see what was happening and hoping that Luffy hadn't caused too much trouble.
As soon as you came into view, Kid caught you immediately and had eye contact. His expression turned from frustration to surprise, and for a moment, you could see a flicker of vulnerability in his eyes.
"Jaggy! Where are you going?"
"Away from here."
You quickly walked closer to them, realising what Kid was trying to do. He was trying to distance himself from the vulnerability he had shown in that moment, pushing you away to protect himself from further emotional exposure.
"Y/N, where did you come from?" Luffy commented.
"I came to talk to Kid," you answered, your voice calm and determined.
Kid halted and turned around to face you, his eyes locked with yours. There was a mixture of surprise and curiosity in his gaze as he carefully studied your expression.
He then walked over and towered over you, his imposing figure casting a shadow. The intensity of his gaze did not waver as he leaned in closer, as if trying to unravel the mystery behind your calm and determined demeanor.
"What do you want to talk about?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of skepticism.
"I know what you're facing. Let me help you," you muttered, your voice filled with empathy and understanding. Kid's skepticism softened slightly, and he took a step back, allowing a brief moment of vulnerability to flicker across his face once again.
His gaze shifted from Killer, who stood in the distance, to you, and then back again. It was clear that Kid was torn between trusting you and protecting himself.
"You can't help me, no one can," Kid muttered in frustration, turning around to walk away from you.
As you watched him walk away, you crossed your arms, a determined look in your eyes.
"I knew he was going to do this," Killer said, now standing beside you, "you don't have to try anymore," he reassured you, his voice filled with concern. But you couldn't give up that easily. You knew that behind Kid's tough exterior, there was someone who needed to be understood and supported.
"But I can't just give up on him," you replied, your voice filled with determination. "He may push me away now, but I believe that deep down, he still needs someone to understand and support him."
Despite his resistance, you knew that you wouldn't give up on him that easily. You were determined to break down the walls he had built around himself and show him that he didn't have to face his struggles alone.
Plus, the quicker you can help him, the quicker his ship will be fixed and the both of your crew can separate and probably never see each other again.
You were doing it solely for the sake of fixing his ship and ensuring the smooth separation of your crew, with no ulterior motives or personal gain involved. . . .
The ship was going to take a while to repair by Franky's calculations so you had a lot of time to study Kid and the pain he was having.
Fortunately Robin was interested in basically anything to do with pain so it was easy enough to find a collection of books about the pain that Kid was feeling.
As you got to know Eustass Kid better through Killer's stories, you learned about his arm and the constant phantom pain he experienced. Despite his tough exterior, you could see the pain in his eyes whenever he clenched his fist or winced in discomfort.
You would spend nights upon nights reading about the phantom pain and how to release the pain but there was nothing like that. The thing you discovered in your research was that phantom pain is a complex phenomenon that is not fully understood, and there is no definitive method to release or eliminate the pain.
One thing you were determined to find out was whether your devil fruit powers could somehow alleviate Kid's phantom pain. You knew that even if there was no specific information on it, you wouldn't give up without trying every possible solution.
Even though Kid had started to avoid you after you confronted him, you were determined to find a way to help him. You believed that your devil fruit powers had the potential to alleviate his phantom pain, and you were willing to try every possible solution, regardless of his avoidance.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
One night, both of the crew members were sitting by the fire after a long day of repairing Kid's ship and you made sure you were sitting beside Kid.
As the night went on, you watched Kid carefully for any signs of pain, hoping for an opportunity to test your theory. You then noticed a slight grimace on his face as he shifted in his seat. It was a subtle but telling indication that the phantom pain was still present.
You could see the pain etched on his face and without thinking, you reached out and gently placed your hand on his amputated arm.
To your surprise, Eustass Kid's tense muscles began to relax and the pain seemed to subside.
So your devil fruit does work on the pain that is generated by the body.
He looked at you with shock in his eyes, unable to believe that the pain he had been carrying for so long had finally eased. Kid's expression softened, and a mix of gratitude and disbelief crossed his face as he whispered, "How... how did you do that?"
"I told you that I could help you," you muttered, letting go of his arm. "Now don't you feel better?"
He nodded, still speechless, his eyes filled with a mixture of relief and gratitude.
It was a moment of validation for both of you, confirming that your determination and belief in your devil fruit powers had paid off in helping alleviate Kid's phantom pain.
"Good, now I'll be going to sleep early," you muttered, standing up and walking back to the ship.
Usually when you used your devil fruit on people who are injured, you would only get the smallest headache and that was hardly the case but when you used it on Kid, you felt like all of your energy was drained out of you.
As you made your way back to the ship, you could feel Kid's gaze burning into your back. His eyes followed your figure, filled with a mix of shock and disbelief. It was clear that the impact of your ability to alleviate his phantom pain had left him speechless, unable to comprehend what had just happened.
"What happened?" Killer asked, nudging Kid's arm, breaking the silence that had settled over the two of them.
Kid looked at him, his expression still filled with shock and disbelief, before finally finding his voice. "I don't know," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "But whatever it was, it worked."
"What worked?"
Kid stated, his voice filled with awe, "She stopped my phantom pain, just like she said she would."
"Really! Hehehe, that's great!" Killer replied, "I knew she could do it."
"I want her to be in my crew," Kid muttered to him, his voice filled with a newfound determination.
"What did you say-"
"Hey Luffy! Let Y/N join my crew!" Kid yelled to Luffy, who was sitting at the other side of the table.
The rest of the crew turned their heads in surprise, but Luffy simply grinned and nodded. "Sure, why not? But Y/N has to agree to it first."
"Huh!" the crew members said in unison, their eyes widening in shock and disbelief. They had never expected Kid to make such a sudden request, especially considering how fiercely independent he had always been.
Kid grinned to himself as he drank the alcohol, his mind filled with excitement and anticipation. . . .
You didn't know why, but you noticed that Kid was staring at you more often, his eyes lingering on you with a mix of curiosity and admiration.
It seemed that your ability to reduce his phantom pain had sparked a newfound interest in you, and he couldn't help but wonder what other hidden talents you possessed.
You didn't pay any mind to it. It was normal to be interested in someone if they helped you get over a pain that affected you.
The feeling would fade eventually and when that happens, the both of you will be separated into your crews and we will be enemies again.
However, despite his initial interest in you, Kid hardly came to you anymore for his phantom pain. It seemed that your ability had truly worked, providing him with the relief he needed.
As a result, the connection between the two of you began to fade, and the reality of being enemies once again became evident.
For some reason, you couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness as the connection between you and Kid began to fade.
Even though you knew it was inevitable, a part of you had grown accustomed to his presence and the brief moments of camaraderie. As the reality of being enemies once again became evident, you couldn't shake off the feeling of longing for that connection.
So much for doing it solely for the sake of fixing his ship and ensuring the smooth separation of your crew, with no ulterior motives or personal gain involved.
"Ahhh! Y/N! Y/N!" Usopp's voice came to play, waking you from your thoughts as you remembered that you were doing a job before you started to contemplate.
You turn around to see the long-nosed Usopp running towards you, holding his back in pain. It seems like he's injured himself again during the job, and you can't help but sigh, realising that there's always something happening when you're part of this crew.
"What happened, Usopp?" you ask, concerned.
"Luffy hit me with a big plank and now I think I'm going to die," Usopp cried out, rubbing his back.
You sighed again, "You're not going to die Usopp,"
"You're just being dramatic as usual," you said with a smile, as you activated your healing ability and placed your hand on Usopp's back, extracting his pain with a gentle touch.
The familiar warmth flowed through your fingertips, relieving his discomfort and reminding you once again of the unique gift you possessed.
"Thank you! Thank you!" Usopp said gratefully, giving you a hug before running back to where he came from.
As you watched him go, a bittersweet feeling washed over you. While you were glad to have the ability to help your crewmates, it also served as a constant reminder of the inevitable separation of Kid and returning to being enemies.
When you turned around to walk away, your eyes were met with red/orange ones in the shadows of the trees, which belonged to Kid. The intensity of his gaze sent a shiver down your spine, making it clear that the connection between the two of you was far from faded, and the lines between friend and foe were blurred once again.
"Kid, is something the matter?"
"N-no, there's nothing," he answered, his voice barely above a whisper, as he turned around to walk away.
But the lingering tension in the air and the unspoken words between you both made it clear that there was definitely something bothering him.
You ran over to him and stood in front, blocking his way, as another sigh escaped your lips.
You could feel the tension in the air as Kid's face turned red. It was clear that something was bothering him, but he seemed hesitant to share it with you.
You stood in front of him, blocking his way, and asked again, "Kid, is something wrong? You can tell me."
"It hurts again," Kid muttered, gesturing to his amputated arm. His face was twisted in pain and his body contorted as if he was suffering greatly.
You smiled warmly before placing your hand gently on his arm, feeling the tension in his muscles. With a firm grip, you slowly began to massage the area, applying just the right amount of pressure to extract the pain and ease his discomfort.
As you worked your magic, you could feel his muscles relaxing and his breathing becoming more steady. Finally, after a few minutes, you removed your hand and looked up at him with a reassuring smile, knowing that you had helped alleviate his pain.
Kid, slightly gasping for breath, looked down at you and managed to utter a sincere "Thank you".
You graciously responded, "You're welcome. You know you can always ask me to do that for you, I am at your service."
Kid, feeling embarrassed, averted his gaze and turned away. As he did so, he lifted his hand to scratch the back of his head, perhaps hoping to distract himself from the awkward situation.
"I wanted to apologise," he started, his tone contrite and apologetic. He looked directly into your eyes, hoping to convey the sincerity of his words.
His heart felt heavy with regret as he continued to speak, "I remember that I held you wrongly and caused a mark to be on your neck."
"Ah, that thing is what you are referring to!" you exclaimed, your mind drawing a blank for a moment before you realised what it was that was being discussed.
"I am truly sorry for my actions and the hurt they caused. Please forgive me."
"It's completely understandable that you reacted the way you did. Given the pain you were experiencing at that time, it's natural to respond in a way that reflects your emotions."
"I'm sorry," he said softly, looking down at his feet.
You expressed doubt with the question, "I'm still alive, aren't I?"
His eyes widened with astonishment as he gazed upward, caught off guard by your words.
"Yeah you are still alive," he replied, his voice slightly hesitant and reserved.
"Good, if not, who would be able to stop you from making another hole on your ship," You joked.
Eustass Kid's flushed and red face perfectly complemented his lipstick as he was overcome with a mix of emotions, causing his blood to rush to his cheeks.
The vibrant hue of his makeup reflected the intensity of his feelings, creating a striking and powerful appearance that captured the attention of everyone around him.
"I made something for you," he muttered, avoiding eye contact.
Curiosity piqued, you gently probed, "What is it?"
Sheepishly, he handed you a small, beautifully crafted necklace. The intricate design and attention to detail spoke volumes about the effort he had put into making it, leaving you touched and speechless.
Taking a closer look at the small, beautifully crafted necklace, you couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. "Kid, it's beautiful," you said breathless at the sight of it.
"You really went all out, didn't you?" you chuckled, teasingly.
Kid's face turned an even deeper shade of red, and he stammered, "I-I wanted to make something special for you...to show you how sorry I am."
"Thank you so much, Kid. This means the world to me."
Kid nodded before walking away nervously, a mixture of relief and anxiety evident in his movements. The weight of his apology and the vulnerability he had shown hung in the air, leaving you with a newfound understanding of his sincerity and the depth of his remorse.
You smiled, touched by Kid's gesture, before delicately tying the necklace around your neck. As the pendant rested against your chest, the cool metal against your skin, you couldn't help but feel a sense of forgiveness.
It's not like being friends with him is against your own rules right?
As you felt your heart pounding in your chest, you couldn't help but wonder if your feelings for Kid went beyond friendship. The intensity of your emotions raised questions about the nature of your relationship and whether it was possible to cross that line without breaking your own rules.
There was no point in even thinking about it. After all, you were just a mere crew member and he was part of The Worst Generation.
The boundaries between friendship and something more were blurry, but you knew that navigating the complexities of a romantic relationship with Kid would be a challenge you weren't sure you were ready to take on.
But deep down, you couldn't shake the feeling that Kid's gesture meant more than just pity. The sincerity in his eyes and the effort he had put into making the necklace hinted at something deeper, something that made you question the boundaries of your relationship.
"This is too much," you muttered to yourself before you walked to where you were supposed to be 20 minutes ago. As you hurriedly made your way to your destination, you couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions swirling within you - gratitude, confusion, and a lingering curiosity about what could lie beyond the boundaries of friendship with Kid. . . .
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Nami laughed teasingly, "I told you that you loved him!"
"Come on, Nami, don't start with that again," you replied, rolling your eyes playfully.
"So it took you three weeks to figure out your feelings," Nami stated as she peeled a tangerine. "That's a slow burn if I've ever seen one."
"Why don't you stop judging and give me advice?" you muttered, stealing a slice of the tangerine and dropping it into your mouth.
"Advice? Gurl, you need to take your butt out there and tell him how you feel," Nami answered, eating the rest of the tangerine.
"Did you not hear a word of what I just said?" you asked, lying back on the chair.
"Yeah, you don't want to disrupt the relationship between the two pirate crews right?" Nami said with a sly grin. "But hey, sometimes you have to take a risk for love. Who knows, maybe you and Kid could be the ultimate power couple of the seas!"
"That's not real advice, Nami," you groaned into your hands, feeling overwhelmed by the situation. "I can't just jeopardise everything for a potential romance. I need to think this through and consider the consequences."
"You think too much," Nami commented, rolling her eyes. "Sometimes, you just have to follow your heart and take a leap of faith. Life's too short to overthink everything."
As you were going to respond, the door opened and revealed Killer, Kid's first mate and closest confidant. The sight of him caught you off guard, and you couldn't help but wonder if he had overheard your conversation with Nami.
"Y/N, can I talk to you for a minute?"
You nodded before saying goodbye to Nami, who had a grin on her face. As you walked towards Killer, you couldn't shake off the feeling that he had indeed heard your conversation. Your heart raced, unsure of what he might say or how he might react.
As you closed the door behind you, you faced Killer and asked, "Is something wrong?" His expression seemed serious, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over you.
"During this day every year, I've recorded that Kid's phantom pain increases threefold," Killer said, his voice filled with concern. "I know you care about him, and I wanted to warn you that he might not be in the best state of mind right now."
"I thought you should know, since you're the only one who seems to have a calming effect on him. It's important that you understand the impact you have on him."
You nodded in understanding, grateful that Killer had shared this information with you. As he started to walk away, you couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of responsibility towards Kid and his well-being, knowing that your presence had such a profound effect on him.
"Umm, Killer, can I ask you for a favor?" you said hesitantly, hoping he would agree.
He turned around with a curious look, his gaze fixed on you. "Of course, what do you need?" Killer responded, his tone indicating his willingness to help.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
"I appreciate you providing this room for me", you said, sitting on the new bed.
"It's no problem," Killer said, leaning against the door frame on the other side of the room. "I'm glad I could help. If there's anything else you need, don't hesitate to ask."
You nodded, grateful for Killer's support, and he closed the door behind him, leaving you alone to gather your thoughts.
Feeling a mix of emotions, you then laid on the bed, trying to process the weight of Killer's words and the newfound responsibility you held in Kid's life.
The room felt heavy with the realization that your presence could make a difference in someone's well-being, and you couldn't help but wonder how you could best support Kid during his struggle with his phantom pain.
"Umm, Killer, can I ask you for a favor?" you said hesitantly, hoping he would agree.
He turned around with a curious look, his gaze fixed on you. "Of course, what do you need?"
"Since Kid may need my help during the night, can I stay over at his ship for tonight?" you asked, hoping that Killer would understand the urgency of the situation.
Killer's expression softened, and he nodded in agreement. "Absolutely, I think that would be a good idea. Kid will appreciate having you there for support."
Why did you ask him that? Why were you on Kid's ship? This was definitely going to cause some problems for both of the crews if they saw where you were.
"You think too much," Nami commented, rolling her eyes. "Sometimes, you just have to follow your heart and take a leap of faith. Life's too short to overthink everything."
You sighed, remembering Nami's words. Sometimes, you just have to trust your instincts and do what feels right in the moment.
You couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as you lay on the bed, knowing that your proximity to Kid's room could potentially complicate things.
There is only one purpose for your presence here, and that is to help Kid.
Laying down on the bed, you tried to get some sleep, hoping that a good night's rest would help clear your mind and prepare you for the challenges ahead. However, thoughts of the potential complications lingered, making it difficult to find peace in the midst of your newfound responsibility.
You held the necklace that Kid made for you tightly, feeling its familiar weight against your chest. It brought you a sense of comfort and reminded you of the connection you shared with Kid.
As you drifted off to sleep, you hoped that your presence on Kid's ship would ultimately bring more good than harm. . . .
In the eerie darkness, Kid found himself paralysed with fear as he witnessed Victoria, his beloved, trapped in a nightmarish scenario, fading away before his very eyes.
Her anguished cries echoed in the void, sending shivers down his spine. Despite his desperate attempts to reach out and save her, he was rendered powerless, a mere spectator to her tragic demise.
As the nightmare unfolded, a sinister force seemed to take hold of the dream, twisting and distorting reality.
Suddenly, you appeared in the scene, just as you had that fateful night a week ago, drunk and stumbling. Kid's heart raced as he desperately tried to make sense of your presence in this haunting nightmare, unsure of the role you played in the twisted reality unfolding before him.
Kid's body started to move without his command, running towards Y/N. Panic and confusion filled his mind as he tried to regain control, but his limbs seemed to have a will of their own.
The closer he got to Y/N, the more intense the feeling of dread became, as if his own instincts were warning him to stay away.
In a surge of terror and desperation, Kid's hands clenched around Y/N's neck, his grip tightening as he lifted them off the ground. The place filled with the sound of Y/N's gasps for air, mingled with Kid's anguished cries, as the nightmare took a horrifying turn.
"K-Kid, I can help you," you muttered, gasping for air, desperately trying to convey that you were not the enemy in this twisted nightmare. Your words hung in the tense air, a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, Kid would snap out of it and release his grip on your neck.
Kid also hoped so too, that his body would listen to him and leave you alone.
But of course, since it was a nightmare, Kid's body remained under the control of the sinister force, tightening his grip even further. The glimmer of hope quickly faded as Y/N's vision started to blur, their consciousness slipping away as the nightmare reached its horrifying climax.
Your hand then touched his arm and suddenly Kid felt refreshed, as if a surge of energy had coursed through his veins. The effect of your devil fruit powers seemed to break through the grip of the sinister force, loosening Kid's hold on your neck.
As his senses returned, Kid's eyes widened with horror at what he had almost done, his trembling hands releasing their grip as he fell to his knees, overcome with guilt and relief.
Y/N lay motionless on the ground, gasping for air and clutching your throat, the remnants of Kid's grip still visible on your skin. The weight of guilt and relief washed over Kid, leaving him paralysed with the realisation of what he had almost done.
"Please, not you too," he muttered, his voice filled with a mixture of anguish and desperation, as he stared at your motionless body on the ground. . . .
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Kid woke up in a jolt, sweating profusely. He looked around, relieved to find himself in his own bed, safe and sound.
It took a moment for him to realise that it was all just a nightmare, but the guilt and fear still lingered in his mind.
As the night went on, Eustass Kid's arm continued to bother him. Kid lay awake in the darkness of his quarters aboard the Kid Pirates ship.
The memory of losing his arm in a fierce battle replayed in his mind, causing him to grimace in pain as he felt the phantom ache that still haunted him. The room was suffocatingly silent, except for the occasional creaks and groans of the ship as it managed against the dark waters.
Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through his missing arm, causing Kid to sit upright with a gasp. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he clenched his teeth, trying to push away the pain that felt all too real.
He longed for a distraction, something to take his mind off the agony that had consumed him.
Just then, a soft knock sounded at his door, followed by the creak of the hinges as it opened slowly. Kid's first instinct was to lash out, but he stopped himself when he saw who stood before him - you, your concerned gaze locked on his troubled face.
"I... I heard you groaning in pain. Is everything alright?" you asked, your voice filled with genuine worry.
Kid's initial reaction was to brush you off, to insist that he was fine, that you should leave him be or even question how you were on his ship. But as he saw the genuine concern in your eyes, he hesitated.
For a brief moment, he let his guard down, allowing the vulnerability that he usually kept hidden to surface.
"My arm... it still hurts sometimes but it's worse now. The pain never really goes away at this time," Kid murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Do... you want me to help you?"
At first, Eustass Kid was taken aback by your offer even though you've been helping him for weeks now.
"Yes... please," Kid replied, his voice filled with a mix of gratitude and vulnerability.
You could see the hesitation in his eyes, but you also saw the genuine need for companionship. Without a second thought, you agreed to stay.
It's not like anything would happen right?
As you adjusted to the darkness, you realised that Kid was shirtless, revealing the scars that covered his muscular chest and arms. The sight took you by surprise, but you quickly averted your gaze, focusing instead on the pain that was etched across his face.
You slowly walked up to him, his eyes never leaving you. His eyes held a mixture of pain, longing, and vulnerability, as if they were windows to a soul that had experienced more than its fair share of hardships.
In that moment, you could see the depth of his emotions, the weight he carried on his shoulders, and a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, you could provide him with the solace he desperately needed.
You sat down on the edge of his bed, reaching over to his amputated hand when he grabbed you with his other hand. His grip was surprisingly gentle, as if he was afraid of breaking you.
"Kid?" you questioned, your voice filled with concern as you met his gaze. "Are you okay? You can talk to me, you know."
Despite the fact that he was generally regarded as an independent person, he could not deny that he had a strong desire for someone to stay with him tonight.
He wanted you. He needed you.
"Stay the night with me. Please..." he finally spoke, his voice laced with vulnerability.
Your eyes widened at his statement, surprised by the depth of his vulnerability and the sincerity in his plea. The weight of his words hung in the air, and you found yourself unable to resist his request.
"I'll stay," you said, your voice gentle and reassuring. "What do you want me to do?"
Kid's reply was a soft whisper, barely audible in the darkness. "Just... stay with me," he pleaded, his voice filled with a mix of longing and vulnerability.
Gently, he pulled you closer by your hand, his touch both tender and desperate, closing the physical distance between you.
The warmth of his touch and the vulnerability in his eyes made it clear that all he needed in that moment was your presence.
Placing your hand close to Kid's head, you felt the softness of Kid's hair against your fingertips, which made your heart skip a beat.
As Kid's hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer, a wave of goosebumps cascaded over your body, electrifying every inch of your skin that his touch grazed. The intensity of the moment heightened, revealing the depth of his longing and the raw vulnerability he entrusted to you.
"What do you want?" you repeated, your voice a gentle whisper.
"I want you, even if it's only for tonight," he confessed, his voice filled with a mixture of desire and desperation that sent shivers down your spine.
"What about the others?" you muttered, your mind racing with thoughts of the potential consequences.
"I just want you here with me," Kid replied, his voice filled with a mixture of longing and determination. "I don't care about the others. All I need is you."
"Okay, for tonight," you agreed, your voice filled with understanding.
In that moment, Kid took it as a sign to cup your cheek and lean closer, his lips gently brushing against yours, igniting a fire within both of you.
His lips were soft and warm, molding perfectly against yours as they moved in sync. The gentle pressure and the taste of his kiss sent a rush of heat through your body, making you forget about everything else except the intense connection you shared in that moment.
As the kiss deepened, Kid's tongue gently traced the outline of your lips, seeking permission to explore further. Your heart raced with anticipation as you granted access, allowing the kiss to become even more passionate and intoxicating.
His tongue danced with yours, exploring the depths of your mouth with a hunger that mirrored the intensity of his longing. Every stroke and caress of his tongue sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body, erasing any doubts or hesitations that lingered in your mind. In that moment, all that mattered was the intoxicating taste of him and the electrifying connection you shared.
You reluctantly pulled away from the kiss, your chests rising and falling rapidly as you both tried to catch your breath. The intensity of the moment had left you dizzy, and you needed a moment to collect your thoughts and reassess the situation.
Kid's lipstick was definitely smuggled all over your lips, but you couldn't bring yourself to care. The taste of him lingered on your tongue, a reminder of the passionate connection you had just experienced.
"I like the taste of your lips on mine," he muttered, his voice still filled with longing. The words sent a thrill down your spine, igniting a desire within you that mirrored his own.
"Well, if you like the taste of my lips, maybe you should try them again," you replied with a playful smirk, unable to resist the magnetic pull between the two of you.
"If you're offering, I wouldn't want to deny you another taste," Kid responded with a mischievous grin, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.
"Only if you promise to make it even more unforgettable than the last time," you said, your voice dripping with seduction.
Unable to resist the magnetic pull between the two of you, he captured your lips once again, his kiss even more passionate and intoxicating than before.
As you kissed, Kid's hands gently slid down your back, pulling you closer and causing you to straddle him. As the kiss deepened and his hands explored your body, one of Kid's hands slipped under your shirt, sending shivers of anticipation down your spine.
The touch of his warm skin against yours heightened the intensity of the moment, fuelling the desire that burned between you. . . .
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
You woke up to the smells heavily of metal and copper, the remnants of the passionate encounter with Kid still fresh in your mind. As you took in the scent, a mix of desire and satisfaction washed over you.
You opened your eyes to see Kid's peaceful face beside you, his breathing steady and his lips slightly parted. The sight filled you with a sense of contentment and a desire to continue exploring the depths of your connection with him.
The sunlight streaming through the curtains caught your attention, and you realised that it was morning. The soft glow illuminated the room, casting a warm, golden hue over the tangled sheets and the two of you intertwined within them
As you watched Kid sleep, a sense of gratitude washed over you, knowing that this was just the beginning of a beautiful journey together.
"Okay, for tonight," you agreed, your voice filled with understanding.
The things you said last night haven't escaped your memory.
However, deep down, you couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness that this passionate encounter with Kid was only meant to be a single night. The bittersweet feeling lingered as you admired Kid's peaceful face, wishing for more moments like these to come.
You slowly got out of his bed, gently releasing Kid's grip and tiptoeing towards the door.
As you looked back at his sleeping form one last time, you couldn't help but wonder if fate had other plans in store for the two of you, and if this unforgettable night was just the beginning of something more. . . .
Why can't you stop the pain in your heart?As you thought, gripping your shirt, you realised that the pain in your heart cannot be stopped because it is an emotional pain that stems from deep within.
"Stay the night with me. Please..." he finally spoke, his voice laced with vulnerability.
"I'll stay," you said, your voice gentle and reassuring. "What do you want me to do?"
Kid's reply was a soft whisper, barely audible in the darkness. "Just... stay with me," he pleaded, his voice filled with a mix of longing and vulnerability.
The warmth of his touch and the vulnerability in his eyes made it clear that all he needed in that moment was your presence.
Placing your hand close to Kid's head, you felt the softness of Kid's hair against your fingertips, which made your heart skip a beat.
As you ran your fingers over the necklace Kid had made for you, the memories of last night stayed in your mind, reminding you of the deep connection you shared.
You weren't going to deny that you had fallen in love with Kid.
Eustass Kid's vibrant red hair was wild and unkempt, adding to his rugged and unpredictable appearance. The fiery colour of his hair reflected his fiery personality and his willingness to take on any challenge.
He possessed a towering and imposing physique, adorned with a labyrinth of battle scars and metallic implants seamlessly integrated into his arms and shoulders.
You couldn't help but find Kid's rugged appearance and fiery personality incredibly attractive.
"Okay, for tonight," you agreed, your voice filled with understanding.
You remembered the promise you made to him - this was only for one day and at the time, you thought it was enough for you but now you regret it.
You longed for the feeling of his hands on your skin, the way they would trace delicate patterns and send shivers down your spine.
You were torn between your desire for more and your initial agreement to only stay for one night. The memories of his touch haunted you, and you couldn't help but yearn for more than just one night together.
Yet, you knew that breaking your promise would only lead to more complications and heartache.
Suddenly, you heard a knock at the door, interrupting the bittersweet longing in the air.
"Come in," you said, your voice slightly shaky as you tried to compose yourself. As the door opened, you put on a brave face, hoping that no one would see the traces of tears that lingered in your eyes.
The door revealed Nami with a worried look, her eyes scanning the room for any signs of distress. You quickly wiped away the traces of tears and put on a smile, masking the pain that still lingered in your heart.
"Hey, Nami," you greeted, trying to sound cheerful. "What brings you here?"
"Kid just left with his crew, and you were the only one who wasn't there to see him off," Nami explained, her voice tinged with concern. "I wanted to make sure you're okay. Is everything alright?"
"I'm okay," you replied, forcing a smile. "Thanks for checking in, Nami."
She sat on your bed and sighed, her eyes filled with understanding. "I can see that something is bothering you. You don't have to pretend with me, you know," Nami said gently.
"I know," you said, touching the necklace again, "But there was no way anything would happen even if I sent him off."
"So he didn't ask you?"
"Ask me what?" you asked curiously.
"That dinner when you left early, Kid asked Luffy if he could have you join his crew and surprisingly Luffy agreed but if you agreed to it too,"
You were speechless at Nami's words. Kid asked Luffy to join his crew? Why didn't he ask you? Did he think you were going to reject his offer?
Did he not see how much you longed for him? Did he not feel the same connection as you did? The questions swirled in your mind, filling you with a mixture of regret and confusion.
"Why didn't he ask me?" you muttered out loud, the words escaping your lips before you could stop them.
Nami assured you, "You can ask him next time we bump into each other. Maybe he just didn't find the right moment to bring it up. Don't worry, I'm sure there's a reason behind it."
"I guess," you muttered, feeling a wave of disappointment wash over you.
Eustass Kid, does he not realise how smitten you have become with him that he's using you as a toy for his own entertainment without even knowing?
Part 2?
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latanyalove · 4 months
Hello, hello, you are accepting requests? If so, I would like to request a marine reader salving chopper and then she hands him over to the strawhats like "if you tell anybody, I will cut your throat"
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First of all, thank you for requesting! This is my first time making a request so I hope this story is to your expectations!
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Pairing: Tony Tony Chopper & Y/N
Content: The description of blood, sad backstory, cute Chopper, slight kidnapping in the end :)
A/n: I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing this! <3
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"Shishishi! This is so fun!" Luffy's laughter echoed through the air as he effortlessly knocked down every marine in his path, his fists moving with lightning speed and precision. The thrill of the fight fueled his excitement, making the whole experience an exhilarating adventure.
"You know this was supposed to be a stealth mission," Zoro stated as he also assisted Luffy by slicing the marines.
"Who needs stealth when you can have this much fun?" Luffy replied with a grin, his laughter booming even louder.
Zoro shrugged, realizing that sometimes the unpredictable nature of their captain was what made their adventures truly unforgettable.
"Hey guys!" Usopp called over as he was in a different hallway, his voice filled with urgency. Luffy and Zoro quickly turned towards him, their excitement momentarily replaced by concern.
"Apparently the marines found where we hid the Thousand Sunny," Usopp said worriedly, his eyes darting around for any sign of a possible escape route.
Luffy's expression hardened, his laughter fading as he quickly formulated a somehow plan in his mind. "We can't let them get to our ship," he said firmly, his determination igniting a fire in his eyes.
Quickly, they made their way to where they had hidden their ship, sprinting through the hallways with unwavering resolve. Luffy's fists clenched, ready for another round of exhilarating combat, while Zoro unsheathed his swords, prepared to slice through any obstacle in their path as well as get lost for the fifth time.
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"Miss Y/N! Are you alright?" they asked, their voice filled with genuine worry.
As you turned around, you saw one of your subordinates standing behind you. Their faces were pale and filled with terror.
"Yes," you muttered, uncaring about the subordinate's expression. "What is it now?"
"I- I came to tell you that the straw hat crew has infiltrated your base," the subordinate stuttered, their voice trembling with fear.
"And what does that have to do with me?" you asked nonchalantly, leaning against the nearest wall.
"Mr Anstis has placed you in charge of the case," The subordinate quickly explained, nervous at your intense staring.
You cursed under your breath before you dismissed them, annoyed at the sudden responsibility thrust upon you. "Fine," you grumbled, pushing yourself off the wall. "I'll take care of it."
"Will you need support?"
One sharp glance left the subordinates sweating. "I can take care of them by myself," you replied, your voice laced with confidence and a hint of arrogance. "No need for support."
The subordinate then nodded and quickly left your office, leaving you to devise a plan to handle the straw hat crew's infiltration on your own. You knew that relying on your own skills and cunning would be enough to handle the situation, and you were determined to prove it.
As you stood up to check which weapon you could use to attack the straw hat crew, your hand grazed a knife that was placed irresponsibly.
You looked down to find your hand smeared with fresh blood, a deep cut on your palm. The pain shot through your body, but you clenched your fist to hide any sign of weakness. Despite the injury, you knew you couldn't let this setback deter you from your mission to take down the straw hat crew.
Unconsciously, you pressed your nails into the wound, causing a sharp jolt of pain to surge through your hand. The blood continued to flow, staining your clenched fist, but you refused to let the agony weaken your resolve to defeat the straw hat crew. 
“Don’t do that!” A high pitched voice yelled from behind you. People just loved sneaking up to you. 
You turned around to look at the person at your eye level but there was no one there, you then looked down to the funny looking reindeer. Its wide eyes stared up at you, concern evident on its face. 
“You’re only making it worse,” the reindeer said, gesturing towards your bleeding hand. “Let me help you before it gets infected.” 
You looked from the small reindeer to your desk where there were the bounty posters of every straw hat pirates. 
One of them especially caught your eye, Tony Tony Chopper. His innocent face stared back at you from the bounty poster, reminding you of the reindeer in front of you. 
"Tony Tony Chopper," You said out loud, the reindeer jumping at your voice. 
"I - I don't know who you're talking about?" The reindeer said, sweating more and more by the second. 
"It's not everyday someone sees a talking reindeer. Even if you aren't him, I could lock you up and use you for entertainment," you replied, gesturing at the weapons you had lined up.  
"But I suppose I could spare some time to hear what you have to say," you said with a sly smile, lowering your hand and allowing the reindeer to approach. 
You sat down on your seat and placed a footrest beside you for the reindeer, creating a temporary makeshift chair.  
The reindeer hesitantly came closer and reached for its bag, pulling out a small first aid kit. "I may be Tony Tony Chopper," it said, carefully cleaning and bandaging your hand. 
"Really? I didn't notice," you said sarcastically, leaning most of your head weight against your other arm. His huge hat was one of the things that made him stand out.
"So Tony Tony Chopper, what are you doing in my office?"
"Umm, I was looking for a place to hide to regenerate my energy and your office was the only one that was unlocked," Chopper explained as he finalised his treatment.
You, again, cursed under your breath as you remembered that you forgot to lock your door before going on your lunch break.
"All done!" Chopper said happily, your clean bandaged hand was a testimony to his hard work which made him extremely happy.
You looked at your carefully bandaged hand, feeling a wave of relief wash over you. As the reindeer expertly tended to your wound, you felt no pain at all.
The bandage was secure and comforting, and you couldn't help but admire Tony Tony Chopper's medical skills.
"Wow, your doctoring skills are no joke," you replied, fascinated by Chopper's work incomparable to the messy job that the Marines do.
"Really? You don't have to lie! I'm just doing my job as a doctor," Chopper squealed, doing a little dance. "But I'm glad you think I'm good at it! It feels nice to be appreciated."
You smile at his comment before standing up from your chair and walked over to your collection of weapons while Chopper placed all of the unused equipment back into his bag.
"You shouldn't move that arm for about two days and apply this cream three times a day," Chopper instructed, placing a tube on top of your desk.
Picking up a dagger from the list, you looked at the rather happy reindeer.
"Why are you helping me so much? Didn't you hear that I have to take care of your crew?" You explained gently yet the reindeer's expression didn't change.
"Luffy always said to help someone even if they're our enemy," Chopper said with a small smile.
Speechless, you placed the dagger back on the shelf and leaned against a wall, contemplating Chopper's words.
"I'll... I'll let you go and make sure this never happened if you leave quietly and quickly," you offered to the reindeer.
"Really?" he squeaked, smiling brightly. "Thank you!"
Chopper then ran over to you and hugged your leg tightly, expressing his gratitude once again. As he released his embrace, he gave you one last joyful smile before hurriedly scampered out of the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
You flopped back on your seat and sighed heavily, feeling a mix of emotions. Part of you was relieved that Chopper had accepted your offer and left peacefully, but another part of you couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for betraying the Marines and assisting the Straw Hat crew.
Glancing at the knife on your desk, which was covered by Chopper, you slowly picked it up, feeling the weight of the decision you were about to make.
You hated feeling a mix of emotions. Feeling emotions in general was a bother to you but all of them at the same time had you wanting to puke.
Feeling overwhelmed by the conflicting emotions, you impulsively threw the knife in frustration, and to your surprise, it lodged itself firmly into the wall.
As you stared at the knife stuck in the wall, more thoughts came into your head.
You should have killed him when you had the chance. His soul would be useful in the future but you just had to be soft and let him go.
"Shut up," you muttered to yourself, dropping your head to your hands.
The decision was made, and there was no going back now.
"No way! We caught one of the straw hats, Tony Chopper I think?" You heard someone say outside the room.
Your heart skipped a beat as you realized that the consequences of your decision were about to catch up with you.
You quickly ran out of your office and listened to the voice of Chopper struggling. Though it didn't take you long to find them.
The scene made you shiver. Marine soldiers kicking the unmoving reindeer on the blood-filled floor.
"Hahaha! Look at them, they look like a fish out of water!" A boy laughed joyfully yet his actions were not reflections of anything joyful at all.
"Please Stop!" you pleaded with them but it was like no words went into their ears.
Their laughter was a torment in itself. How could they be this cruel? You thought of that moment for years yet you never got an answer, even when you returned the favour.
It felt bittersweet. Though you knew you wanted revenge and you got it.
"Oh! Miss Y/N! We got one of the strawhat pirates right here!" One of the marines said, laughing as he displayed the reindeer as a prize.
As they moved away, you could see how badly damaged Chopper was. Chopper's body was covered in bruises and cuts, his fur matted with blood. His limbs were limp and twisted at unnatural angles, evidence of the brutal beating he had endured. His eyes, once full of life and warmth, were now dull and filled with pain.
"He looks like a fish out of water!"
As soon as those words were spoken to you, you felt your legs move as though they were on automatic pilot as you dashed towards the marines. You raised your right hand and immediately the two marines' faces changed from joy to horror as they realized what you were doing.
If you were a marine on this base, you would know what happens next.
"Wait Miss-" their voices were cut off as the two marines dropped onto the floor lifelessly, their bodies hitting the blood-stained ground with a thud. The room fell silent, the only sound being the heavy breathing of Chopper and your own racing heartbeat.
The taste of revenge was bittersweet, but in that moment, it was the only thing that brought you any semblance of satisfaction.
You rushed over to Chopper and picked him up, shaking him slightly to wake him up. His eyes fluttered open, filled with a mixture of pain and confusion, but as he looked into your eyes, a flicker of gratitude and trust appeared.
His eyes darted from you to the marines on the floor, a mix of fear and curiosity in his gaze. "What happened to them?" Chopper asked, his voice barely a whisper, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.
"Nothing happened," you said, standing up with him in your arms. "They won't be bothering us anymore." You couldn't bear to tell Chopper the gruesome truth, but you vowed to protect him from any more harm.
"Where are we going?"
"I'm taking you straight to your crew," you stated, running in a pace that wouldn't shake the reindeer in your hand. "They'll take care of you and make sure you get the proper medical attention you need."
"What about you?"
"What about me?" you asked, a hint of exhaustion and vulnerability in your voice. "I'll be fine," you reassured Chopper, even though you weren't entirely sure yourself.
"You won't. They have cameras across the base and they must be seeing you with me, which would consider you a betrayer to the marines and the government."
"I know," you replied, your voice steady despite the growing unease in your gut. "But sometimes, you have to make a choice between loyalty and doing what's right. And right now, taking care of you is the most important thing to me."
There was never any loyalty between you and the marines and you never do the right thing. You needed a place to stay and they needed someone to experiment with.
Why are you helping this dog anyway? He's more useless than you are. Don't tell me it's because he reminds you of your previous self.
We picked you for a reason Y/N, don't make us regret it.
"We've stopped moving,"
"Oh yeah, sorry," you said before running again, realizing that you had momentarily lost focus.
The urgency of the situation snapped you back into action, and you continued sprinting towards the location of Chopper's crew, determined to fulfill your promise and keep him safe. . . .
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"It's been ten minutes, where is he?" Usopp said worriedly as he stood on the deck of Thousand Sunny, scanning the horizon for any sign of their doctor's return.
"It's okay, Usopp," Luffy reassured, patting him on the shoulder. "I believe in Chopper. He'll come back. He always does."
"Yeah but it's been twenty minutes now," he said, checking his watch, "he might be-"
"Don't say that, he might be just caught up helping someone in need," Luffy interrupted, his voice filled with confidence. "Chopper has a big heart, and he wouldn't leave anyone behind. Trust me, he'll come back."
"You're right," Usopp said, walking over to sit down on the grassy patch.
Luffy followed him and Usopp pulled out a scroll out of his bag. "I found this old scroll while searching for you guys before," Usopp said, unrolling it and studying the words.
"It looks like a riddle," Usopp muttered, resting his chin on his hand.
I wear a facade of charm and grace, but beneath the surface, I'm a villainous face. I manipulate and deceive, I take pleasure in your grief. What am I?
After a few minutes, Luffy opened his mouth and said, "Isn't the answer evil?" Usopp looked at him in surprise and nodded slowly.
"Yeah, that makes sense. The riddle describes someone who pretends to be good but is actually malicious. Evil fits the description perfectly."
"Where did you find it?" Luffy muttered, slowly losing interest.
"I found it at the marine base," Usopp replied, his eyes still fixed on the riddle. "It must have been placed there for a reason... Perhaps it's a clue to something important."
"I think I know-" Luffy started, but then a voice made their attention divert.
Curious, Luffy and Usopp turned around and ran over to where everyone was standing. They looked in the direction everyone was looking at and their jaws dropped in shock.
They saw a marine officer running towards them with Chopper in her arms, his body covered in bruises and blood.
"Chopper!" Luffy exclaimed, his heart sinking at the sight.
The rest of the crew, on high alert and armed, quickly surrounded the marine officer, demanding answers.
Usopp's hands shook as he reached for his slingshot, ready to defend their injured friend. "What happened to Chopper?" Usopp yelled, his arms shaking with fear.
"I'm sorry," the marine stated, her voice filled with regret, "I couldn't reach him in time, but he needs medical attention."
The crew looked at her with distrustful eyes, their anger and worry evident.
"Why should we trust you? How do we know you're not responsible for Chopper's injuries?" Nami questioned, her voice laced with suspicion.
"I understand your skepticism," the marine said, her voice filled with sincerity. "But he helped me bandage my injury before he got caught with other marines. You don't have to believe me, but please, just take care of him. He needs medical attention."
Even though they were still unsure, Nami quickly walked over and took Chopper out of her arms, carefully cradling him.
She looked at the marine officer with a mix of caution and concern, but there was a glimmer of trust in her eyes. "We'll take care of him," Nami said firmly. "But if we find out you had anything to do with this, you'll answer to all of us."
The marine nodded, "Thank you, though if you tell anybody about this encounter, I'll find you and I will cut your throats," before turning around to leave.
Though she stopped when she heard the squeaky little voice again.
"Wait!" Chopper weakly called out. Everyone turned their attention to the injured reindeer, shocked to see him conscious and speaking. "It wasn't her fault... I... I ran into a trap... she saved me... I got caught by myself."
Chopper's words hung in the air, leaving the crew with more questions than answers.
"She can't go back," Chopper said, his voice filled with sadness. "She's betrayed the Marines by saving me. If they catch her, they'll punish her. That's why she risked herself to bring me back to you."
The crew eyed the two of them for a second, their expressions softening as they witnessed the bond between Chopper and the marine officer.
Then Luffy's loud chuckle came in, breaking the tense atmosphere, and they all looked back to see Luffy sitting on the railing of the ship, his wide grin spreading infectious joy.
"Well, if Chopper trusts her, then so do I!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with unwavering confidence.
"Well, Marine officer, do you want to join my crew?" Luffy asked, his grin widening.
The marine officer's eyes widened in surprise, a mix of emotions crossing her face. She glanced at Chopper, then back at Luffy.
"I shouldn't," she started, her voice filled with hesitation.
"Why? Are you scared of the sea or something?" Luffy pressed on, cocking his head with curiosity.
"I'm a marine, of course I'm not scared of the sea, but I'm a marine, which means you guys are my enemies," she explained, her voice tinged with uncertainty.
"But as a sign of gratitude, I'll buy you guys time. I'll delay any pursuit from the Marines while you make your escape. Consider it my way of repaying the debt I owe to Chopper."
Luffy nodded and stretched his hand all the way to her as if he wanted to shake her hand.
With a smile on her face, she took his hand and shook it firmly.
"Wrong answer!"
Before you could even process what he said, she was sent flying towards the ship and landed head first, the impact leaving her dazed and disoriented.
"You're coming with us whether you like it or not!" Luffy laughed as the Marine officer started to lose consciousness.
As your vision blurred and darkness enveloped your senses, the sound of Luffy's laughter faded into the distance. Unconsciousness took hold of you, leaving you unaware of the crew's decision and the fate that awaited you as a member of their unconventional pirate crew. . . .
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This could turn into a romantic part 2. What do you guys want?
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latanyalove · 4 months
Don't Go PT Two
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This is Part 2 of Don't Go! Here is Part 1!
Please support me by liking, reblogging and commenting on this! Also please follow for more content!
Pairing: Portgas D Ace x Y/N
Dialogue: “Don’t go. I don’t even know who I am without you.” 🔥🏴‍☠️
A/n: I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing this! <3
Out of all of the jobs he could have had. It was a pirate.
The mere mention of the word 'pirate' sent shivers down your spine. You were terrified at the thought of encountering a pirate, imagining the ruthless and unpredictable nature of these seafaring outlaws.
The tales of their plundering, pillaging, and ruthless violence made you fear for your safety and the safety of those around you.
So when you heard Marco say that he and his group were pirates, your heart dropped. The fear and anxiety that had built up over the years came rushing back, and you couldn't help but imagine the worst possible scenarios of what being associated with pirates could mean for you.
"Sorry, I need to go," you quickly excused yourself from Marco, leaving the hall.
The last thing you wanted was to be caught up in any illegal activities or put yourself in danger by associating with pirates. . . .
Ace saw you run away from the hall with a distressed look, and he couldn't help but feel a mix of concern and curiosity.
He wondered what had happened to make you react like that, so he excused himself from the group and went over to Marco, hoping to find some answers.
"What happened with Y/N?" He asked Marco since he was the last person you were with, standing beside him.
Marco then looked at him with a serious face, hesitated for a moment, and finally asked, "Why didn't you tell her that we were pirates from the beginning?"
Ace's eyes widened as the realization hit him like a tidal wave. He now understood why you had run off in distress. The revelation that Marco and he were actually pirates explained everything - the secrecy, the danger, and the constant need to be on the run.
Ace's concern for you deepened as he realized the magnitude of the situation and the potential risks it posed to your safety.
"I didn't want to scare her off," Ace admitted, his voice filled with regret. "I thought this island was going to be a small stop and the talk just kept being postponed," he said, glancing at the door you left at.
Marco sighed, "Go get her then," he said, his tone filled with urgency. "She deserves to know the truth, Ace. And if you truly care about her, you'll do whatever it takes to make things right."
"I will," Ace responded resolutely, determination shining in his eyes. He knew that he couldn't let you go without explaining the truth, no matter the consequences.
Ace quickly made his way towards the door you had left through, his heart pounding with a mix of anxiety and determination. He knew that he had to find you, to explain everything, and to make things right.
He couldn't bear the thought of you being left in the dark, unaware of the dangers and secrets that surrounded him, Marco and the others. As he stepped outside, he scanned the surroundings, hoping to catch a glimpse of you amidst the bustling streets.
Ace searched the busy marketplace frantically, his eyes scanning the crowd for any sign of you, but you were nowhere to be found. With a sinking feeling in his chest, he made his way towards your bakery, hoping that you had sought solace in the familiar surroundings.
As he walked, he couldn't help but replay the events in his mind, regretting his decision to keep his true identity a secret and vowing to make things right with you.
He took a deep breath before asking curiously, "Why are you so terrified of pirates?"
You let out a deep breath, saying, "They destroyed the village and killed my parents," the words caught in your throat as memories of that fateful day flooded back.
Ace's heart sank even further as he remembered the pain and fear in your eyes when you had shared your tragic past with him. He understood now why you were so terrified of pirates - they had taken everything from you.
He wanted to assure you that, even though he was a pirate, he wasn't like the people who attacked your village. He wanted to show you that he could be trusted and that he would do everything in his power to protect you from any harm.
"Let me go!" A voice he knew too well yelled from somewhere nearby.
Without hesitation, Ace sprinted towards the sound of the familiar voice, his heart pounding with a mix of worry and determination. He knew that he couldn't let anything happen to you, not after everything you had been through.
"You guys aren't from here, aren't you?" You accused them as you tried to free your hands from behind you.
"Wow, what a smart cookie!" One man laughed, "You're right, we're pirates,"
"We saw you with Fire Fist Ace on this island and we're going to use you for bait to get him and his bounty!"
The others laughed with him, their cruel laughter echoing in the air.
The realization hit you hard as you looked around and saw that there was no one else in sight except for the pirates. Panic welled up inside you as you realized the gravity of the situation - you were completely alone with them and there was no one to help you.
Despite the fear and panic, you clung to the memory of Ace, knowing deep down that he was different from these pirates.
You then felt a gentle hand push your hair behind your ears, and when you turned to look slightly, you saw Ace standing beside you with a hair tie in his hand, a warm smile on his face.
Your heart skipped a beat at seeing him so close, and you couldn't help but blush.
You felt your heart flutter and you felt your breath catch in your throat. You felt yourself relax as you looked into his eyes, your heart still pounding in your chest.
In that moment, you remembered the moment you had with Ace at your bakery. Everything about him made you feel safe and calm, except for your heart that was beating fast. His presence was reassuring, and you couldn't help but trust him as he gently tied your hair back, his warm smile melting away your fears.
"Now tell us where Fire Fist Ace is or you're going to die," One of the armed men said, holding a knife dangerous close to your neck.
"I don't know where he is," you lied, your voice trembling slightly. You couldn't risk putting Ace in danger by revealing his whereabouts, even if it meant risking your own life.
You just hoped that he stayed with Marco and the others. Then maybe your death wouldn't be in vain.
"Stop lying!" one of them yelled, his voice filled with anger and frustration. The knife pressed harder against your neck, causing a sharp pain to shoot through your body.
It's funny when you think about it. Your parents were killed by pirates and now you were going to die from one too. Yet you fell in love with a pirate and you were going to die protecting him.
"I told you I don't know where he is," you insisted, your voice shaking.
"Okay, your loss," the pirate sneered, tightening his grip on the knife. "If you won't cooperate, then we have no use for you."
The pirate's grip tightened on the knife, and you braced yourself for the pain that was about to come.
You closed your eyes tightly, preparing for the inevitable strike of the knife. But just as the pirate was about to deliver the fatal blow, you heard a loud crash and felt a rush of heat.
Opening your eyes, you saw Ace standing in front of you, his body engulfed in flames as he fiercely fought off the pirates.
With incredible speed and precision, Ace effortlessly dispatched each of the pirates, his flames dancing and crackling with intensity. In less than a minute, the once-threatening group lay defeated on the ground, and you couldn't help but marvel at Ace's sheer power and skill.
After defeating the last guy, Ace immediately focused on you, his eyes were still filled with the hatred he had for the enemies. However, as soon as he saw the fear in your eyes and the blood trickling down your neck, his expression softened and he rushed to your side.
"Are you okay?" Ace asked as he ran over to untie the ropes around your wrist, his eyes filled with concern. He gently inspected the wound on your neck and applied pressure to stop the bleeding.
"I'm sorry you had to go through this," he said softly, his voice filled with regret.
"It's- It's not your fault," you muttered, your voice barely audible. Despite the pain radiating from your neck, you managed a weak smile, grateful for Ace's timely intervention.
"Don't try and speak!" Ace warned, his voice filled with urgency. "You need to save your energy. I'll get you out of here and to safety as quickly as possible."
"I don't think-" you started, your voice trembling.
"Don't say it," Ace said, his emotions going on a rollercoaster. "You're going to make it. We're going to get through this together."
As you tried to speak, you coughed up blood, causing Ace's concern to deepen. He quickly applied more pressure to your wound and reassured you that help was on the way.
"Stay with me," he pleaded, his voice filled with determination.
"I know you're a pirate, Ace, and I don't hate you for it," you muttered, your words barely audible. Ace's eyes widened in surprise, and for a moment, his expression softened. He squeezed your hand gently, a mixture of gratitude and regret in his eyes.
You then felt your consciousness slipping away, your vision blurring as darkness closed in. Ace's voice became distant, but you could still hear the desperation in his pleas. As you fought to stay awake, a sense of gratitude washed over you, knowing that even in this dire situation, you were not alone. . . .
You woke up with a pounding headache, and even the slightest movement caused sharp pain to shoot through your body. Opening your eyes was excruciating, and you winced as the bright light pierced through your eyelids.
After a few minutes, you cautiously tried to open them again, and to your relief, your eyes slowly adjusted to the light. As your surroundings came into focus, you realized you were in a small, dimly lit room with bare walls and a single window slightly covered by thick curtains.
You couldn't move your hands and you thought it was because you just woke up. There was something, however, that caught your attention. Someone was sleeping on top of you and you knew exactly who it was by the type of hat that was covering his face.
Why was Ace sleeping here?
Having your other hand available, you slowly reached out for his hat and lifted it from his face.
As you lifted Ace's hat from his face, a wave of affection washed over you. His peaceful expression and tousled hair made your heart skip a beat, and you couldn't help but smile at the sight of him. Despite the mysterious circumstances, seeing his face asleep gave you a sense of comfort and reassurance.
"Ace," you whispered, hoping to wake him gently without causing any alarm.
As you whispered his name, Ace stirred and slowly opened his eyes, blinking several times as he adjusted to the dim light in the room. 
"Hey there," Ace mumbled, his voice husky with sleep. He stretched his arms above his head and yawned, his eyes finally focusing on you.  
Ace's hair was tousled and messy from sleep, giving him a charming and disheveled look. He ran his fingers through his hair, trying to tame it, but it only made it look even more endearing.
When he realized it was you, he jumped up in surprise, his eyes widening. "You're awake!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with confusion and happiness. 
"What happened?" you asked, seeing that you were in a hospital room.
Ace's expression turned serious as he explained, "You were losing so much blood."
You then remembered what had happened; you got kidnapped and then stabbed in the neck. The shock of the memory flooded your mind, and you couldn't believe the danger you had narrowly escaped.
Ace went back to laying half of his body on the bed, but this time he didn't go to sleep. Instead, he looked at you intensely, his eyes filled with a mixture of relief and concern.
"You scared me," he admitted softly, his hand reaching out to gently touch your arm.
"I thought-"
"But I didn't, did I? I'm still alive and breathing," you stated, trying to assure him and yourself of your survival. Ace's grip on your arm tightened slightly, his eyes never leaving yours.
"Thank goodness," he whispered, his voice filled with gratitude and a hint of vulnerability.
Feeling the warmth of his touch, you found comfort in the connection as he then slowly entwined your hands together, a silent expression of support and reassurance in the face of the danger you had both endured.
"Ace, I know that you're a pirate. Marco told me," you started, not sure what to say after that.
"Really? I'm sorry for hiding it from you," Ace replied, his gaze filled with regret. "I didn't want to put you in danger, but I should have been honest with you from the beginning."
"It's not your fault, I shouldn't have been hating on all pirates when there's people in the world like you,"
Ace's eyes softened, and a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips.
"You know, I got an invitation to join your crew by Marco," you said, watching Ace's eyes widen in surprise.
"Really?" Ace exclaimed, his surprise evident in his voice. He paused for a moment, processing the information, before a wide grin spread across his face.
"Have you considered joining?" he asked, his excitement palpable. "With your cooking and bravery, I know you'd be a valuable addition to our crew."
Blushing, you glanced down at your intertwined hands, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. "Well, um, I haven't really thought about it...but it's definitely something I'm considering," you replied, a shy smile playing on your lips.
"I'm so happy, Oh i'm so happy I could kiss you!" Ace said happily but stopped after realising what he said.
Ace's face turned bright red as soon as the words slipped out of his mouth. He quickly cleared his throat and awkwardly scratched the back of his head. "Um... I mean, I'm just really glad you're considering it. No need for any kissing, I swear," he stammered, his embarrassment evident in his voice.
You couldn't help but giggle at his adorable reaction, feeling your heart flutter with joy.
Quickly, you gestured for him to come closer, unable to resist the pull of his infectious enthusiasm. As he leaned in, a mixture of anticipation and nervousness filled the air, but deep down, you knew that this moment was the beginning of an extraordinary adventure.
You gently held his cheek and brought him closer, feeling the warmth of his breath against your skin. As your lips finally met in a soft, sweet kiss, you both knew that this moment marked the start of an extraordinary adventure filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities.
But of course, gentle meant nothing to Ace, and the kiss quickly became more intense and passionate. The world around you faded away as you both lost yourselves in the moment, fueling the fire of your newfound connection and setting the stage for the passionate journey that lay ahead.
Ace's arms roamed eagerly, exploring every inch of your body with a hunger that matched the intensity of his kiss. The electric current that surged between you ignited a fire within, igniting a desire that could not be contained.
"Can you guys stop eating each other for one minute," Marco said at the doorway, interrupting the passionate moment between you and Ace.
Startled, you both pulled away, cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but unable to hide the smiles on your faces that spoke of a love that couldn't be contained. . . .
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latanyalove · 5 months
Don’t go
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In the poll, Ace got the most votes so I will be writing this and the others will come soon! This story will be a two shot.
Please support me by liking, reblogging and commenting on this! Also please follow for more content!
Pairing: Portgas D Ace x Y/N
Dialogue: “Don’t go. I don’t even know who I am without you.” 🔥🏴‍☠️
A/n: I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing this! <3
"Ace, are you finished warming the buns," you asked, mixing the baking mix for the next batch. As the delicious smell of freshly baked bread filled the kitchen, you couldn't help but anticipate the mouthwatering treats that were about to come out of the oven.
"For the last time, I'm not an oven," Ace grumbled yet still used his devil fruit to heat up inside your cast iron stove. As the temperature rose, the buns began to brown and release their irresistible aroma, signaling that they were almost ready to be devoured.
Ace took them out and placed them on your table before leaning against the counter and looking in your direction, a mischievous grin on his face.
"I hope you're ready to indulge in some of the most delectable buns you've ever tasted," he said, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.
"You know they're for the village, right?" you added, finally turning around to see him with the buns.
Ace's mischievous grin widened as he replied, "Oh, I know. But who says we can't have a little taste test of your delicious buns before sharing them with everyone else?"
Blushing at his flirtatious remark, you quickly refocused on the task at hand. Pouring the remaining mixture into the bun tray, you couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement as you imagined everyone's delight when they tasted your homemade creations.
That was until your hair started to get in the way, you were busy making the buns and forgot to wear a hair net.
"Um, Ace," you started, questioning if you should ask him for a favor.
"Yeah Y/N?" Ace replied.
"Do you think you could lend me a hand and help me find a hair tie? I don't want any loose hairs getting into the buns."
You heard footsteps approaching, but there was no answer.
You then felt a gentle hand push your hair behind your ears, and when you turned to look slightly, you saw Ace standing beside you with a hair tie in his hand, a warm smile on his face.
Your heart skipped a beat at seeing him so close, and you couldn't help but blush.
You felt your heart flutter and you felt your breath catch in your throat. You felt yourself relax as you looked into his eyes, your heart still pounding in your chest.
In that moment, you realized that Ace's presence had a powerful effect on you. His warm smile and close proximity made you feel a whirlwind of emotions, from excitement to nervousness to joy.
It was as if time stood still, and you couldn't help but wonder if there was something more between you than just a love for baking.
"Hey! Are you two finished? The villagers are getting hungry!" A voice yelled out of nowhere, belonging to Marco.
Startled, you quickly snapped out of your daze and realized that you had been lost in the moment with Ace. With a sheepish smile, you turned to Marco and replied, "Sorry, we got a bit carried away. The buns are ready, we'll bring them out right away!"
Ace quickly tied your hair with the hair tie, making sure no loose strands would get into the buns. Afterward, he stationed himself back by the cast iron stove, ready to assist with the final preparations before bringing the delicious buns out to the hungry villagers.
Unbeknownst to you, Ace's face was as red as a tomato, his whole face flushed with embarrassment. He quickly looked away, hoping you hadn't noticed his blushing. . . .
As you walked in front of the large group in which they called themselves the 'Whitebeard Pirates', holding nothing while they carried all of the buns, you couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.
You had never heard of the 'Whitebeard Crew' before, but perhaps that was because news from the outside world rarely reached your secluded island.
In the midst of your island being destroyed, the 'Whitebeard Crew' arrived just in time to save all of the villagers.
Ever since their arrival, the Whitebeard Crew had been tirelessly working to rebuild the island, restoring it to its former glory. Their dedication and hard work were evident in the progress that had been made, and you couldn't help but feel grateful for their presence and the impact they had on your life.
"Hey, did you hear that there are some pirates around?" you heard a villager say to another frightenedly.
You were shocked when you heard that there were pirates nearby.
Your heart started to race, and beads of sweat formed on your forehead as you tried to process the news. The thought of pirates being nearby filled you with a mix of fear and terror.
You couldn't help but wonder what their presence would mean for the island and its inhabitants. Again.
"What are you thinking about?" Ace's voice interrupted your thoughts, making you jump.
You turned to him, trying to hide your worry, and replied, "I heard there are pirates nearby. I can't help but worry about what that means for our island and everyone here."
Ace's jaw clenched and his eyes darted around nervously, betraying his unease. He took a deep breath before asking curiously, "Why are you so terrified of pirates?"
You let out a deep breath, saying, "They destroyed the village and killed my parents," the words caught in your throat as memories of that fateful day flooded back.
The pain and loss were still raw, and the thought of encountering pirates again brought back a wave of fear and vulnerability.
The screams of the villagers echoed in your ears as the pirates raided the island, their ugly laughter filling the air. The cries of pain and fear, mixed with the sound of gunshots, created a haunting symphony that still haunt your nightmares. The trauma of that day was etched deep within you, fueling your terror at the mere mention of pirates.
"I'm sorry for your loss," Ace muttered as he walked by your side.
Guilt filled Ace's body as he realized that he had not told you that he was a pirate himself. He understood the weight of your fear and the pain you had endured, and he knew that revealing his past would only deepen your wounds.
He felt like a coward for not being honest with you, but he also knew that it was the only way to protect the people he loved. He knew that you needed time and space to heal, and so he kept his secret.
The rest of the walk was silent for the both of you while the rest of the crew were chatting between themselves. Each step carried a heavy weight, burdened by the unspoken truth that hung in the air. Ace's heart ached, knowing that the longer he kept his secret, the harder it would be to reveal it.
Taking a deep breath, you pushed aside your fear and plastered a smile on your face as you all finally arrived at the hall where everyone was gathered to get their afternoon snacks before going back to rebuilding.
The sight of the resilient islanders, working together to rebuild their lives, gave you a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that lingered in your heart.
"Hello guys!" You said excitedly as you walked into the room, trying to hide the lingering fear and pain that still haunted you.
As you helped the islanders in their efforts to rebuild even by baking them food, you couldn't help but be inspired by their resilience and determination to create a better future, despite the horrors of the past.
Their faces lit up with gratitude and joy as they saw you enter the room, carrying trays of freshly baked food. The islanders, weary from the hardships they had endured, found solace in the simple act of sharing a meal together, and their appreciation for your presence was evident in their smiles and expressions of gratitude.
As you distributed the trays of freshly baked food, the islanders couldn't help but gush over the delicious treats. "Wow! They look so good!" exclaimed one islander, while another chimed in with, "I didn't think that you were going to pull this off!"
Even the children couldn't contain their excitement, as one of them eagerly asked, "Mummy! Can I have one!"
Their comments brought a sense of warmth and satisfaction, reminding you that despite the pain and fear that still haunted you, you were making a positive impact on their lives.
As soon as the group set the trays down, the villagers ran over with excitement, their eyes lighting up at the sight of the freshly baked food. They eagerly reached out, their hands grabbing for the treats, their expressions filled with gratitude and anticipation.
You stayed back, watching them devour the buns made you smile with joy. Seeing their hunger satisfied and witnessing the happiness on their faces was a powerful reminder of why you had chosen to stay and help rebuild their lives.
"You know, you should join our crew," Marco said to you as he stood beside you, crossing his arms. "With your baking skills and the positive impact you're making, we could really use someone like you to help us while we're at sea."
Even though you knew he was serious, you chuckled at his comment. "What do you guys even do for a living?" you replied with a smile.
"We're pirates," Marco answered as serious as possible.
You quickly looked at him and didn't see any mischief on his face, but you couldn't help but wonder if he was joking. Pirates?
Quickly, you glanced at Ace, how he nicely chatted with the elderly with a smile on his face.
It was as if the thought of being a pirate had corrupted his once pure aura, leaving you with a sense of unease. . . .
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Part 2?
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latanyalove · 5 months
Wild Eyes (Part 4 of When You're Injured)
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This is a follow up from the When You're Injured Part 3 so go read that before you start with it! Also this is my second writing smut so please don't hate and give advice instead! WC: 2,981.
Warning! Mature Scenes, Minors don't interact!
Please support me by liking, reblogging and commenting on this! Also please follow for more content!
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Thank you to all of the people who have supported me throughout the series! Also Happy New Years to everyone!
Taglist: @trafalgarwife159357h3h3, @phsycochan, @veroxbarnes, @afrillisdark, @airwolf92, @punem699, @pascalmode, @drakulana, @laufeyslegacy, @sunnys-day, @mugiwarasoul19, @yunacxo, @stuckinthewrongworld, @purpledemonnnn, @metonimia-de-bellota, @plan3t-plut0, @karichu19, @awkwardspontaneity, @twismare, @bluegalaxygirl, @lavanderdreamve, @jxstmxlly15, @rivui, @norasincubi, @theladyofmanyfandomsofficial, @athena-portgas, @aechmea01 and @rossetter
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As soon as we were shambled to your room, we were met by the concerned look of Bepo, who seemed to be looking for someone. His fur was standing on end, and his ears were flattened against his head.
His eyes were filled with a mixture of fear and sadness as he frantically searched every corner of the room, his whimpering becoming more desperate with each passing moment.
"Law is gonna kill me if I don't find Y/N," He muttered under his breath.
Relief washed over Bepo's face when he finally turned around to see the both of you on your bed, close together. His frantic search came to an end as he let out a sigh of relief, happy to have found Y/N safe and sound.
"Y/N! Where have you been!?" Bepo yelled in a huff.
"She's been with me," Law answered for you, blushing slightly at being discovered.
"Really?" Bepo asked with a smile, "That's a relief," he said, his fur gradually settling back down as he walked over to join you both on the bed.
"Are you guys together now?" Bepo questioned, his eyes filled with curiosity and a hint of mischief.
Both of you exchanged a shocked glance, unsure of how to answer Bepo's question. The truth was that you and Law were planning on keeping your relationship a secret even for a while, and now you were faced with the unexpected task of revealing it to your furry friend.
"We are," you answered for the both of you, your voice filled with a mix of nervousness and excitement.
Bepo's eyes widened in surprise, followed by a mischievous grin as he playfully nudged Law with his paw. "Well, it's about time you two admitted it. The whole crew has been waiting for you two," he chuckled, his tail wagging happily.
"Bepo," Law said in a warning tone.
"Sorry," Bepo switched immediately, slightly bowing his head in a pout.
You tried to move into a more comfortable position, slightly groaning at the pain from moving your arm.
The sudden movement caught the two of them off guard, causing Law to quickly retract his hand from where it had been resting on your waist, and Bepo to stop his playful teasing and look at you with concern.
"We'll let you get some rest," Bepo said, taking Law by the arm and dragging him out of the room.
As Law was being dragged out of the room by Bepo, he turned back for a moment, giving you a last glance. A smile played on his lips as he pulled his hat down to cover his eyes, leaving you with a warm feeling in your heart.
As they left, you couldn't help but feel grateful for Bepo's understanding and support, knowing that he would keep your secret safe.
You slowly covered your face with your blanket, a mix of embarrassment and happiness washing over you as you replayed the intimate moments you shared with Law in your mind.
You couldn't help but slightly squeal into your pillow, overwhelmed by the rush of emotions and the realization that you and Law were now dating.
You started to speak, but your words were lost in the moment as soon as you felt Law's lips on yours. Your heart raced and you felt the warmth of his body against yours. You were lost in the moment, your mind in a daze as you felt his lips gently move against your own.
All of a sudden, the world around you seemed to stop, and the only thing that mattered was the two of you in that moment. You felt like you were standing on the edge of a cliff, and the only thing keeping you from tumbling down was Law's strong arms around you.
You didn't anticipate that a simple visit to Law would lead to you both confessing your feelings and becoming a couple. The unexpected turn of events left you overwhelmed with a mix of nervousness and excitement, but as you lay in bed, replaying the intimate moments in your mind, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the beautiful connection you now shared with Law. . .
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As hours turned into days and Law still hadn't visited you, the anticipation and worry began to gnaw at your heart. Just when you were starting to lose hope, Ikkaku arrived at your doorstep with a happy expression.
She handed you a sealed envelope, saying, "Law asked me to give this to you."
Curiosity and a sense of foreboding filled your mind as you carefully opened the letter, unsure of what it would reveal.
Dear Y/N,
I hope this letter finds you well. I want to apologize for my absence these past few days. I realized that being with you would only hinder your healing process. I wouldn't be able to resist the temptation of being close to you, and I don't want to jeopardize the progress you've made. Please understand that my decision was made out of love and concern for you.
Come to me when you're fully healed.
Sincerely your partner Law.
You felt a mix of emotions as you read Law's letter. Flushed with a combination of disappointment and understanding, you couldn't help but appreciate his thoughtfulness and selflessness in wanting to prioritize your healing process.
Deep down, you knew he was right, but it didn't make the longing for his presence any easier to bear.
"Thank you, Ikkaku," you said, touched by Law's gesture. "I appreciate you delivering this to me."
As she sat down on the end of the bed with a curious look, Ikkaku couldn't help but ask, "So, what did Law say in the letter? Is everything okay?"
"Nothing!" you said, forcing a smile. "Law just wanted to check in and make sure I'm doing alright. He's busy with work, but he'll be here soon. Everything's fine."
Deep down, you couldn't shake the feeling of longing for Law's presence, but you didn't want to burden Ikkaku with your worries.
"I heard that you two are finally dating," Ikkaku mentioned, grinning.
"Let me guess, Bepo told you?" You asked, remembering how happy he was when he found out the news.
"Yeah," she answered, her eyes shining with excitement. "He couldn't contain his joy and spilled the beans. I'm really happy for you both."
You and Ikkaku spent the whole day talking about advice on relationships, sharing stories, and discussing what makes a strong partnership. It was comforting to have her support and guidance during this uncertain time, and it reminded you that you weren't alone in navigating the complexities of love.
For the rest of the days, you focused on recovering, following Bepo's advice and engaging in activities that promoted your physical and emotional well-being.
You immersed yourself in self-care, spending time journaling, practicing mindfulness, and engaging in gentle exercises to aid in your healing process. Each day brought you closer to full recovery, and you found solace in the progress you were making.
As the days passed, you couldn't help but find inspiration in Law's selflessness and concern for your well-being. His letter served as a constant reminder of his love and support, motivating you to push through the challenges of recovery and find solace in the progress you were making. . . .
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With a mix of anticipation and nervousness, you took a big breath before standing in front of the door.
After weeks of healing and self-care, you were finally ready to surprise Law with your full recovery and the strength you had gained during this challenging time.
What will he think of you? Will he still like you after all this time? Of course, he would. He makes Bepo get a full health check on you every day for goodness sake!
You knocked on the door and waited for a tired "come in," your heart pounding with excitement and nerves. This was the moment you had been waiting for, the moment to reveal your full recovery and the strength you had gained.
"Come in,"
With a mix of anticipation and nervousness, you turned the doorknob and stepped into the room.
As Law's tired eyes met yours, a mixture of surprise and joy washed over his face, instantly replacing any doubt or worry.
"Y/N," he mumbled, standing up from his chair, disbelief written all over his face. He couldn't believe his eyes as he watched you walk into the room, radiating strength and vitality.
You were suddenly enveloped into a hug, feeling Law's strong arms wrap around you tightly. Tears welled up in both of your eyes as you embraced, the weight of the past weeks melting away in that moment of pure connection and love.
"I can't believe it," Law whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "You're truly amazing, Y/N."
You hugged him back, feeling the warmth and comfort of his embrace. In that moment, you knew that your journey to recovery had not only strengthened yourself, but also the bond between you and Law.
When the both of you moved back from each other to look into each other's eyes, you saw a deep sense of admiration and pride reflected in Law's gaze.
"Can I kiss you?" Law asked shyly, his voice barely above a whisper. The question hung in the air, filled with anticipation and vulnerability, as you locked eyes with him.
"Oh now you want to ask for permission," you teased, a playful smirk spreading across your face. "After all the times you've stolen kisses from me without asking?"
Law's blush intensified as he sheepishly looked away, a shy smile playing on his lips. "Well, I guess I got carried away," he admitted, his cheeks turning a deeper shade of red.
"Of course, you can kiss me, Law."
Law took a deep breath and leaned in, brushing his lips against yours. His lips were soft and warm, and his hands gently traced your jawline. You melted into his arms, your heart racing with anticipation.
In that moment, time seemed to stand still as Law's kiss filled you with a rush of emotions. The touch of his lips against yours conveyed a depth of love and longing, as if all the unspoken words and unfulfilled desires were finally being expressed.
It was a kiss that spoke volumes, a testament to the connection and intimacy you both shared.
You moved away slightly, needing to catch your breath, but it seemed like Law wasn't going to let you do that. He continued to follow your lips wherever they went, deepening the kiss with every moment, as if trying to convey that he never wanted this moment to end.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer and surrendering yourself to the intoxicating sensation of his kiss.
His hand wrapped across your waist, lowering dangerously by the minute, igniting a fire of desire within you. The intensity of the moment heightened as you felt his touch inching closer to places that made your heart race even faster.
"Law-" You tried to say, your voice filled with desire, but the words were quickly swallowed by another passionate kiss, as Law's lips found yours once again, erasing any doubts or fears that lingered in your mind.
"Please," he begged, his voice filled with an insatiable craving for you, his hands gripping your waist tighter.
You could feel the raw desire in his touch and the urgency in his kiss, igniting a fire of passion that consumed both of you in that moment.
"Okay," you finally managed to say, pulling away slightly to catch your breath. "But let's take this somewhere more private."
Law nodded and said, "Room Shambles," a mischievous glint in his eyes. With a snap of his fingers, the two of you were instantly transported to a different room.
As you looked around the room, you couldn't help but notice the familiar books stacked on the desk. It was Law's bedroom, a place filled with his essence and personal touch.
The realization sent a shiver down your spine, adding an electric excitement to the air as you both embraced the intimacy of being in his private space.
"So why did you pick your room this time?" You teased, a mischievous smile playing on your lips.
"Because last time, we got interrupted in your room," Law replied, his voice laced with a playful tone. "I wanted to make sure we have all the privacy we need this time."
You couldn't help but laugh, feeling a surge of anticipation as you locked eyes with him, knowing that this time, nothing would interrupt your intimate moment together.
"I guess we've learned our lesson," you said, your voice filled with a playful tone. "No more interruptions, just uninterrupted passion."
Law smirked and pulled you closer, his eyes sparkling with desire. "Exactly," he whispered, before capturing your lips once again, sealing the promise of an undisturbed and unforgettable night together.
Law felt his desire for you intensify with each passing second. Sensing his yearning, he gently guides you towards the bed, his hands caressing your soft skin. You break the kiss momentarily, your eyes locked in a heated gaze.
With a tender touch, Law starts to unbutton your blouse, revealing your luscious curves. His fingertips graze your skin, sending shivers down your spine. As the blouse slips off your shoulders, Law's eyes feast upon your supple breasts, barely contained by a delicate lace bra.
Driven by a mixture of nervousness and desire, you allowed Law to explore your body. His touch ignites a fire within you, as his hands slide down your sides, tracing the curves of your waist and hips. You feel a surge of heat between your thighs, aching for his touch.
Law's mouth hungrily finds its way to your neck, planting soft kisses that make you gasp with pleasure. His lips trail down your collarbone, leaving a path of fiery sensations in your wake. The sound of your breathing grows heavier, filling the room with a symphony of desire.
As your bodies intertwine on the bed, Law's hands find their way to the button of your baggy trousers. He skillfully undoes them, sliding them down your legs, along with your lacy panties. Your wetness glistens in the dim light, a sign of your arousal.
"Did you wear these just for me," Law muttered, slowly touching the lacy fabric of your panties.
"Yeah," you whispered, your voice barely audible.
The truth was, you had planned this encounter with Law in your mind for weeks, carefully selecting the lingerie that would drive him wild.
With a mix of anticipation and tenderness, Law positions himself between your legs, his gaze fixed upon your flushed face. Slowly, he slides his throbbing manhood up and down your slick folds, teasing your entrance.
The sensation is maddening, driving you to the brink of ecstasy.
Unable to resist any longer, Law guides himself into your tight, wet slit. A moan escapes your lips as he enters you, inch by inch. The feeling of him inside you is overwhelming, the perfect combination of pleasure and intimacy. Your bodies move as one, a dance of desire and connection.
Law's hips thrust forward, his cock sliding in and out of your velvety warmth with a rhythm that drives you both wild. The room fills with the sound of your moans and the gentle creaking of the bed, a testament to the intensity of your passion.
Your breasts bounce and sway with each powerful thrust, adding to the visual spectacle before them. Your moans grow louder, more insistent, as Law's cock strokes deeper and harder.
"Oh, Law... yes! Deeper! Give it to me like you mean it!" you cries out, your voice filled with a mix of pleasure and urgency.
Law, completely consumed by the moment, pounds your pussy with an intensity that borders on primal. The sensation of your pussy gripping his cock tightly drives him closer to the edge.
"Y/N... you feel so fucking good," he grunts, his voice laced with desire.
Your bodies move in perfect synchrony, lost in a world of pleasure and connection. The room becomes a blur as you both surrender to your primal instincts. The pleasure builds within, driving you both towards the edge of oblivion.
With a final, powerful surge of pleasure, your body convulses around Law's throbbing shaft. You cling to him, your nails digging into his back as you reach your climax. The sensation pushes Law over the edge as well, his hips bucking uncontrollably as he releases his hot load deep inside you dripping wet pussy.
You were exhausted even though Law did all the work. It seemed that your physical and emotional energy had been completely drained, leaving you in a state of blissful exhaustion. 
You weakly cupped his face with one hand and smiled, grateful for his efforts and the love he had shown you throughout the day.  
"I love you," you whispered, your voice barely audible. Despite your exhaustion, you wanted him to know just how much his support meant to you and how deeply you cherished him. 
Law blushed before placing his head perfectly on your shoulder, his warm breath tickling your neck. "I love you too," he murmured softly, his words filling your heart with a renewed sense of love and gratitude. 
"But this isn't over," he continued, his hands finding their way back on your waist, "Far from over," he whispered, his voice tinged with a mischievous tone.  
"Law-" you said, almost pleadingly. 
"Maybe you should have taken more time to rest a little longer," he teased, as he playfully maneuvered you into a different position, ensuring that the night was far from over. . . . 
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latanyalove · 5 months
I'm Right Here With You
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Pairing: Chopper x Motherly Y/N (Slight Zoro x Y/N)
Content: Discrimination against Straw Hats, misunderstandings, light angst, hurt/comfort, happy ending in part 2
A/n: Part 2 Here! I'm so happy and grateful for passing 200 followers! For that, we are celebrating this little one's birthday, who is also mine and Zoro's child. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing this! <3
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Happy Birthday to my Little Raccoon Dog!
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Even though you were new to the Straw Hat Pirates, there was one member that you had quickly grown close to.
The adorable doctor of the ship: Tony Tony Chopper.
Due to the fact that you are naturally capable of manipulating water without eating a devil fruit, you have suffered a lot of injuries trying to control the sea as a result.
Which meant a lot of visits to the doctor's office, which was great for the both of you. You healed quicker and Chopper had the chance to test out some medicine on you as well as get special plants from the ocean.
Nami would say that you two were two peas in a pod, which would confused Chopper and ask you to explain what it means to him.
You often attended to Chopper's needs, acting like a mother or older sister figure towards him. You would make sure he was eating properly and scold him if he was being reckless.
Chopper would often confide in you, as he knew that you would be able to provide him with the understanding and care he needed.
The crew had just arrived at a new island: even though the crew had been to many weird islands, this one was in the top ranks.
Apparently the whole island thought that they were in the year 1890, their dressing completely different compared to the crews clothes, all of us receiving stares especially towards Nami, Franky and Brook.
"Why is she wearing hardly any clothes?" "Is she not ashamed?" "She must be a slut,"
Listening for only a second, you quickly drapped your coat over her shoulders, staring back at the civilians. Nami looked self-conscious, which was never the case. Ever.
Luffy didn't even know half of the words that were said but seeing Nami's reaction made him boil in anger. Fortunately Franky caught on and closed Luffy's mouth before he would start yelling at the citizens.
"Let me go!" Luffy tried to say but Franky whispered something which kept him quiet for the meanwhile.
After a while, the mayor finally revealed himself to them, demanding why pirates were coming to 'terrorize' this island.
The calmest of the crew, Nico Robin, stepped forward and tried to explain herself but the mayor wasn't calm enough to be reasonable.
"Liar! Pirates are never to be trusted!" The mayor stated, looking for the residents to make the scene bigger.
"Mr. Mayor," Robin started, her voice unrecognisable as the rest of her words were whispered but it seemed to have made an impression on the leader.
"Oh- Okay, you have until tomorrow night to get out of here," The mayor said, trying to mask his fear with a fake confidence.
Robin turned around with a smile, pleased with her work.
"Let's go back to the ship to figure out a plan," She said and we quickly agreed, a path was given back to the ship in an instant. . . .
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Chopper had been walking with his crew members through the town aware of the stares that he was receiving but it didn't affect him as much.
He had grown accustomed to the curious gazes and judgmental whispers that followed him wherever he went. He knew that being different was part of his identity as a reindeer with human-like abilities, and he had learned to embrace it.
"Mother! Please help me!"
Chopper's ears perked up amidst the noise of the town, and he quickly turned his head towards the desperate cry for help. Despite the stares and whispers, his compassionate nature couldn't ignore the plea of a child in need.
With a determined stride, Chopper followed the voice, ready to lend a helping hand.
I'll be back soon guys.
Navigating through the crowd, Chopper's hooves barely made a sound as he closed in on the source of distress. The echoes of the child's sobs grew louder, tugging at his heartstrings and fueling his determination to bring solace and assistance.
"Shut up little child!" "Stop crying!"
Chopper witnessed something terrifying: two drunk men beating up a child. His instincts kicked in, eating a Rumble ball to be in the Horn Point form as he rushed forward, using his strong antlers to fend off the attackers and protect the defenseless child.
With the attackers quickly defeated, Chopper's attention shifted entirely to the frightened child.
He turned into his Brain Point form before kneeling down beside them, he offered a gentle smile and reassurance.
"What's your name?" Chopper asked softly, his voice filled with genuine concern.
The child sniffed and looked up at him, their eyes wide with fear. "M-Mark," they stammered, their voice trembling.
Chopper nodded, his heart swelling with a mix of compassion and determination. "Don't worry, Mark. You're safe now. Are you hurt anywhere?"
Mark shook his head, realizing that Chopper was not a threat. Grateful tears welled up in Mark's eyes as he whispered, "Thank you. I'm just scared, but I'm not hurt."
"Mark! Baby! Where did you go!?"
Chopper's ears perked up at the sound of the female voice, and he turned his head to see a woman frantically searching for Mark.
With a reassuring smile, he gestured towards the child and said, "Don't worry, I found him. He's safe with me."
"Thank you so much! I was so worried," the woman said, tears of relief streaming down her face as she embraced her child tightly.
"Come on, Mark, we have to go meet up with your father," she said, grabbing his hand and dragging him away.
As Chopper watched them walk out of the alleyway, he noticed that there were more women with their sons walking in the same direction at the same time.
It was a peculiar sight, but Chopper understood that he couldn't judge their traditions or the reasons behind their actions.
Maybe it was Mother's day? Or a mother and son bonding day for the island?
Suddenly Mark looked back, his eyes filled with terror instead of gratitude.
It was clear that the woman claiming to be his mother was not who she seemed.
Though before he could do anything about it, he felt something make contact with his head, knocking him out. Darkness consumed Chopper as he lost consciousness, unaware of the danger that awaited him. . . .
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It has been 2 hours since Chopper had gone missing and you really started to worry. You couldn't help but imagine all the possible dangers he could be facing out there alone in the dark, and the thought made your heart sink.
Even though Luffy said he would be alright, you couldn't help yourself from envisioning Chopper in dangerous situations. Thoughts of him being chased by predators or getting lost in unfamiliar territory consumed your mind, causing your anxiety to intensify.
"He's going to be alright," a voice said behind you, making you jump.
You turned around to see Zoro standing there, a reassuring smile on his face. "Chopper is resourceful and has survived countless dangers before."
"I know but I can't help but worry," you said, your voice trembling with concern. "I know Chopper is resourceful, but what if this time is different? What if he's in real danger?"
Zoro's smile faded slightly, but he placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "He's tough remember, he's part of this crew for a reason,"
You nodded, staring out towards the island from where they were docked, and tried to find solace in Zoro's words. Deep down, you knew he was right. Chopper had always managed to find his way back to the crew, no matter how dire the circumstances.
Your heart still ached with worry, but you held onto the hope that Chopper's resilience would once again lead him safely back to the Sunny.
Without saying anything, you saw Zoro hand you a bottle of sake and you accepted it, taking a large gulp of it. As the warm liquid burned its way down your throat, you felt a sense of temporary relief wash over you.
"I've been meaning to ask, why do you act so motherly towards Chopper?" Zoro asked curiously, breaking the silence.
You paused for a moment, contemplating his question. "I guess it's because I see a bit of myself in him," you replied. "I know what it's like to feel scared and alone, and I just want to protect him like I wish someone had protected me."
Zoro nodded understandingly, his gaze softening. "Well, he's lucky to have you looking out for him," he said sincerely.
"Since we're asking questions, why do you act so fatherly towards Chopper?" you said, turning to face him.
There was hardly any space between the both of us since you were sitting close to him but you didn't care. Zoro, however, seemed taken aback by your question, his cheeks turning red and his eyes widening in surprise.
After a moment of hesitation, he finally replied, "I guess it's because I see him as a younger brother?"
"Is that all?"
"No," he muttered, his eyes flickering from your eyes to your lips. "It's not just that. I care about him, just like I care about you."
His words hung in the air, and you felt your heart skip a beat at the unexpected confession.
"Well, I guess that makes you the overprotective dad and me the overly concerned mom of Tony Tony Chopper," you chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.
Zoro's cheeks turned even redder, but a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.
"Yeah, he's lucky to have us as his parents," Zoro replied, his grin growing wider.
As the tension between you and Zoro reached its peak, the air crackled with anticipation. Time seemed to stand still as his lips brushed against yours, sending an electric shock through your entire body.
The kiss was soft yet passionate, igniting a fire within you that you never knew existed. Every touch, every caress, spoke volumes of the unspoken desires that had been brewing between you. In that moment, it was as if the world faded away, leaving only the two of you, lost in a sea of euphoria and longing.
"Zoro, are you there?" The voice of Luffy was loud, enough for the both of us to back away from each other in embarrassment. The moment shattered, leaving us with flushed faces and a lingering tension that neither of us knew how to address.
"I'll go with him," Zoro said, quick to get up and leave, his sudden departure leaving you with a mix of confusion and disappointment.
You couldn't help but wonder if the intensity of the moment had scared him off or if there were other factors at play.
You couldn't help but wonder if Zoro's sudden departure meant that he didn't have romantic feelings for you. The lingering uncertainty left you questioning whether the kiss had fallen short of his expectations or if there were other reasons behind his retreat.
Was the kiss not good enough for him? It was your first kiss after all.
"Hey guys! Did you know what happened at the base?" A voice below at the dock said, capturing your interest. Curiosity piqued, you leaned over the railings of the ship to catch a glimpse of the commotion down below.
"No, I've been stuck guarding the area."
"Well I heard that the pet of the Straw Hats, Tony Tony Chopper was captured using our simplest trick," The male laughed, "And here I thought that they were strong!"
Your heart sank as you quickly sobered up at the mention of Chopper's capture. The playful moment with Zoro was instantly forgotten as a wave of worry and determination washed over you. You knew you had to find Chopper and bring him back safely, no matter the cost.
Sorry everyone, I couldn't wait any longer.
Without a second thought, you jumped off the ship and quietly followed the sound of their conversation, determined to rescue Chopper and ensure his safety.
You weren't the best at stealth, but you managed to stay hidden and follow them to their base, careful not to alert anyone of your presence.
As you approached the entrance, you couldn't help but feel a surge of adrenaline and determination, knowing that Chopper's safety depended on your next moves.
"The password?" A voice said behind the door.
"Evolution prevails," The man said confidently and in a matter of seconds, the door opened.
Right. You knew the password, now you just needed to infiltrate the base, without knowing how strong or how many they are.
Maybe you should have waited for Luffy's command.
No, Chopper needs you right now. He could be in the brink of death and you're the only one in the whole crew who knows more than just CPR.
You walked to the door and knocked twice like the previous did, saying "Evolution prevails,"
The door swung open, revealing a dimly lit corridor. As you stepped inside, the sound of faint footsteps echoed in the distance, urging you to tread carefully.
Since you were fairly new to the crew, you didn't have a wanted poster yet so it was easy to talk to people without being noticed.
"Hey old man, do you know where Tony Tony Chopper is being held?" you asked the elderly man who seemed to be drinking alone. He looked up at you, his eyes filled with a mixture of surprise and caution.
After a moment of hesitation, he leaned in closer and whispered, "You're looking for the pet of the Straw Hats? What do you want with them? Are you supposed to be guarding them?"
"Yeah, I'm new here," You muttered, holding back from sending the man flying.
"Really? Well you're in luck, you get to take care of the weakest prisoner. He's already been beaten up in the basement so you can just watch or join in with the beatings!" The old man laughed.
"Who knew that the future King of the Pirates would recruit such a useless-"
He was on the verge of finishing his sentence when his own drink flew out of his cup, forming a helmet around the top of his head and drowning himself in the alcohol.
Instantly, panic erupted in the bar as the old man desperately tried to break free from the makeshift helmet of his own drink, while the other workers looked on in shock and disbelief.
The chaotic scene caused a momentary distraction, allowing you to slip away unnoticed and continue your search for Tony Tony Chopper.
You ran through the corridors, your heart pounding with each step as the image of Chopper's injured form lingered in your mind.
The urgency pushed you forward, determined to find him before it was too late. Every passing second only fueled your anxiety, driving you to search even harder for any sign of your little reindeer.
It was then that you found a staircase going downstairs, leading you deeper into the labyrinthine prison. With each step, the air grew colder and the atmosphere more oppressive, heightening your sense of foreboding.
"Please help!" "This is hell!" "I'll pay you to let me out!"
The desperate pleas and cries for help echoed through the prison, creating an eerie chorus that sent chills down your spine. The darkness of the corridors seemed to consume the flickering lights, adding to the feeling that you had indeed descended into the depths of hell itself.
Chopper, just wait a little.
As you made it to the end of the staircase, adrenaline coursing through your veins, you wasted no time in searching every jail cell with unwavering determination. With each guard that stood in your way, you swiftly overcame them, using your water ability to ensure nothing would stop you from finding and rescuing Chopper.
The prisoners ranged from young to old, humans to animals, but all of them were beaten up and injured. Their bodies bore the marks of brutality and their faces were etched with pain and despair.
It was a grim sight that served as a constant reminder of the cruelty and suffering within the prison walls.
"Y/N?" A voice whispered from a cell you quickly past by.
You recognized that voice straight away, turning back to look inside the cell. It was Tony Tony Chopper, his small frame huddled in a corner, his eyes filled with fear and hope as he saw you.
"Chopper!" you exclaimed, rushing to the cell and reaching through the bars to hold his trembling hand. "I found you. We're getting out of here."
You were shocked when you saw how beaten up Chopper was. His fur was matted with blood, and his limbs trembled with pain as he weakly clung to your hand.
It was clear that he had endured unimaginable suffering, and your heart ached with a mix of anger and determination to rescue him from this hellish prison.
"Y/N?" Chopper asked in a shaky voice.
"Yes Chopper?" You answered, looking through all of the unconscious guards clothes to find a key from the cell.
"Am I really the weakest?" Chopper asked, his voice filled with self-doubt.
You looked into his eyes, filled with determination, and replied, "No, Chopper. You are strong in your own way."
After finding a key, you quickly let him out, unlocking the cell door and embracing Chopper tightly.
Feeling the warmth of his trembling body against yours, you held Chopper tightly, letting him know that he was safe now and that you would protect him with all your strength.
"I thought you guys were going to leave me here," he cried, clinging onto you, his small body shaking with relief.
"Never," you whispered, wrapping your arms around him even tighter. "I will always be there for you, Chopper. As your mother, I would never leave you."
As Chopper clung onto you, his trembling body slowly started to relax. He looked up at you with tear-filled eyes and let out a small, shaky laugh.
"Now come on, let's get back before Dad gets mad," You said, remembering the event of before.
"You know, the swordsman that always carries you around," You reminded him.
Seeing his face light up made you smile. "Zoro is my dad?!"
You nodded, enjoying to see the grin on his face.
"Hey! A prisoner is escaping!" A guard yelled from a distance.
You quickly snapped back into reality, realizing the danger that lurked outside the cell.
As the guard's shout echoed through the corridor, the sound of heavy boots hitting the ground grew louder, reverberating against the cold stone walls. Each thud seemed to send shockwaves of fear through your body, reminding you of the urgent need to escape and the perilous journey that lay ahead.
"Just don't let go and let me do the rest," you instructed Chopper, tucking him closer to your chest, as you both sprinted down the dimly lit corridor, adrenaline pumping through your veins.
Your ability was very useful since the basement was basically flooded.
As you ran through the flooded basement, you summoned your power, manipulating the water to rise and swirl around you. With a flick of your wrist, you sent powerful torrents crashing into the guards, knocking them off their feet and rendering them unconscious.
Water obeyed your every command, becoming a formidable weapon that cleared your path and thwarted anyone who dared to oppose you. . . .
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By the time you two had made it out of the base, you were battered and bruised just like Chopper, your bodies bearing the physical scars of the fierce battle you had fought.
You breathed hard, trying to catch the breath that was knocked out of you moments ago by the doorman. The adrenaline still coursing through your veins, you glanced at Chopper and saw a worried look in his eyes.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" He asked worriedly, looking back to see if anyone was following us.
You reassured him with a faint smile, your voice filled with determination, "I'm fine, Chopper. We made it out together, and I won't let anyone harm us."
As you staggered, each step feeling heavier than the last, you kept your eyes set on the sea shore, where your crew members would be waiting for you in worry.
What would they think of you? Will they be disappointed when they see you because you disobeyed your captain's orders? Will they kick you out of the crew? Will Zoro, Luffy's first mate, hate you?
As you struggled to stay on your feet, the waves crashing against the shore seemed to grow louder. Chopper's worried face blurred in and out of focus, and before you could answer his question, darkness enveloped you, and you succumbed to unconsciousness.
"Y/N! Y/N please get up! If we get to the ship, I can use my medicine to heal you so stay awake until then!" Chopper said, panicked.
"Please, mom," you heard the distress in his voice as Chopper pleaded for you to stay conscious.
The sound of his worry cut through the darkness that surrounded you, urging you to fight against the pull of unconsciousness and make it to the ship where he could treat your injuries. . . .
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latanyalove · 6 months
When You're Injured Pt Three
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So sorry for posting this late! Thank you for all of the support in the previous part, which is here! There might be another part coming soon! WC: 3,513.
Please support me by liking, reblogging and commenting on this! Also please follow for more content!
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Tag list: @veroxbarnes, @afrillisdark, @phsycochan, @airwolf92, @punem699, @pascalmode, @drakulana, @laufeyslegacy, @sunnys-day, @mugiwarasoul19, @yunacxo, @stuckinthewrongworld and @purpledemonnnn
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"Hey Captain! Is that-"
"Get the surgery room ready!"
The captain's crew member sprinted down the hall, feet pounding against the floor. The sound of their running echoed through the hallways, loud enough to be heard from a mile away.
You weren't going to die. Not on his watch.
He ran as fast as he could, holding you tight in his arms. He could feel your heart racing, and he knew he had to move quickly. He ran faster, his heart pounding in his chest as he raced down the hall. He cursed under his breath, knowing he had to get you to the surgery room as soon as possible.
He ran faster, pushing himself to the limit as he rounded the corner and burst into the surgery room.
He gently placed you on the bed, ensuring that you were comfortable and secure. He then quickly got himself ready for the surgery, putting on a mask and gloves and preparing the necessary instruments. He took a deep breath, focusing on the task ahead.
He had to act fast and make sure that you would make it out alive. He was determined to do whatever it took to save you.
As soon as Law laid you down, other crew members came running into the room, eyes wide with shock. They had seen the green spots that had spread across your body and knew it was serious.
They quickly began to assist the captain, gathering the necessary materials for the surgery and setting up the instruments.
You were going to live. Whether you wanted to or not.
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You slowly opened your eyes, a wave of pain washing over you. You slowly opened your eyes to see that you were in your room. The sun was streaming in through the window, and you could hear the faint sound of birds chirping outside.
When you realized you were in your own bed, a wave of relief washed over you.
Why were you here? You don't remember how you got here. You just remember being in the forest with Ikkaku but then the both of you separated and then-
You remembered what happened. Your Master had found you somehow and was straggling you to death until-
"Law," You said out loud, remembering the rest of the events that had happened.
"Gosh! How could I have been such an idiot!" You muttered into your hands, ignoring the pain you received for using your limbs.
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"Law?" Your lips trembled as your gaze wandered unconsciously across his chest.
"Yes Y/N? I'm right here, just keep talking."
"If I die, I just want you to know that I've liked you for a while now."
In the middle of his steps, he froze in place.
"I thought I was being too obvious but it seems that even the Surgeon of Death can't even catch on to things like that." You chuckled to yourself yet there was no amusement on your face.
As you glanced up at him, hoping to see if it was a smile or a grin, you were surprised to see that it wasn't either, but rather one of horror.
You knew it. He never did like you.
"Leave me here. More reinforcements are going to come now and they're stronger than ever. I'll keep them back so you can escape-"
"Stop talking."
In an instant, a glance had you stop what you were going to say, instead you paid attention to your breathing and not the reaction that he showed to your confession.
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Of course he didn't like you! It was obvious that he thought of you as a friend or just a crew member like the others.
A harsh shrill noise which came from the door made you jump which also made you groan in pain at the sudden movement.
Quick footsteps were heard coming closer to you and you braced for an attack.
"Y/N! Are you okay?" A furry hand was gently placed on your shoulder and you opened your eyes to see a worried looking bear in front of you.
"Bepo?" You asked in a hoarse voice.
"Ah! I should get Law now that you've woken up!" Bepo said to himself as he got up from kneeling down beside you.
"No!" You yelled, grabbing his hand tightly, "Please don't get him,"
The bear looked sympathetic before nodding quickly and sitting down on a chair beside you.
"Law looked terrified when he rushed back to us with you. I'd never seen him that terrified before. He made you his first priority and did the surgery mainly by himself for ten hours,"
"Ten hours," You repeated in awe and Bepo nodded quickly, rubbing your hand with his.
"Yeah, he didn't even tell us what had happened to you, he just locked himself inside his office,"
"How long has that been?"
"3 days,"
"3 days!" You screamed in shock, unable to process what Bepo had said. "I was in a coma for 3 days?"
"Has he eaten anything at all?"
"We don't think so though we've heard his stomach growling before so we just assumed not,"
Why are you working so hard Law? Was there an emergency in which it needed your at most attention that you couldn't even eat?
You thought deeper. Is it because of you? Were you the reason for blocking everyone out?
"Please can you talk to him?" Bepo asked pleadingly, "I hate seeing him like that and you usually help in this,"
"I'll," You stopped, "I'll try Bepo,"
A smile suddenly appeared on the bear's face, showing warmness and relief.
"Thank you, now it's time for your medicine," Bepo said, holding the bottle and the spoon in his paws.
You reluctantly took the medicine even though it tasted like sea water and mold cheese. Instead you thought of what Law used to say about it, "If you take this then you can stay in the office with me,"
At the time, all you cared about was the office. The large room, full of work papers and most importantly, the books which infected the office. Every month ten books at most are added to the large collection that most of the time they are just placed on the sofa.
Being new to the crew and having to set out soon, you only had found comfort in books, especially Psychology books. You were fascinated by the behavior and the minds of humans.
Law obviously saw how much you loved the books, more of them appearing in his bookshelf without him saying a word.
"Y/N? Are you okay?"
You were brought back to reality by Bepo's concerned voice. You looked at him and nodded slowly, pushing the thoughts aside. "Yes, I'm fine," you said, forcing a small smile as a sign of assurance.
"Okay, well don't push yourself for a while," Bepo warns before leaving you alone by yourself again.
Even if you were to talk to him, what would you say? Were you the cause of his workaholic ways? Did your confession scare him that much?
You groaned again into your hands, frustrated and confused. How did it come to this? You had no answers and the more you thought, the more questions you had. You had to talk to Law and find out what was going on, but you were scared.
What if he didn't want to talk to you? What if your words had pushed him further away? These thoughts were overwhelming and you felt powerless. . . .
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You woke up not even realising you had fallen asleep, your thoughts still lingering in your head. It must have been the deep thinking that made you tired and caused you to drift off.
You sat up, feeling a bit more rested, but still confused and scared about what the outcome of talking to Law would be. You took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, trying to find the courage to confront him.
Looking out the window, the darkness of the night was illuminated by the stars and the bright moonlight. The crashing waves of the sea glistened in the moonlight as the submarine gently rocked back and forth. The sound of the waves was calming and peaceful, and the smell of salty sea air filled the air.
Everyone must be asleep by now, you thought. It was the perfect time to go see Law.
You would find yourself walking towards his office, always on guard for some crew members, who would instantly send you back to your bedroom.
There was a light under his office, which told you everything you needed to know.
Law was asleep so deep that he couldn't be bothered to switch off the lights. He probably had some work paper stuck to the side of his face and his hat was definitely off for sure.
You didn't know why you knew all of that. Maybe it's because you've observed everything about him, for research obviously!
Slowly, you opened the door small enough for you to fit into the room and as soon as you laid eyes on him, all of your suspensions were correct.
Law had been peacefully sleeping on a messy pile of paperwork, his spotted hat on the floor which left his jet-black hair out for anyone to see.
Law, you thought sadly, why can't you rest in your bed? Was there something keeping you awake that you had to stay here for? Was it you?
You removed all those thoughts and got back to reality, advancing forward to start cleaning the office.
The papers were picked, the books were back and the last thing was the hat.
Glancing from the hat to Law, you sighed before walking over to stand in front of the 'terrifying Surgeon of Death', who didn't seem to notice your presence at all for these twenty minutes you've been near him.
Strange, you noted, usually he would be up in seconds if anyone was at least one meter close to him.
As you were going to place his hat on and leave, a hand grabbed onto your wrist as if to stop your actions. It took you seconds to realise that it belonged to Law and he was awake.
Great, now you have to talk to him.
"You're not getting Y/N back," He stated in an angry tone, his eyes unable to stay on your face.
Great, now he's hallucinating that you are someone else. But who?
"Law," You said sternly, "It's me, Y/N,"
Law's expression changed immediately from anger to relief as he realised it was you and not the person he thought it was.
His grip loosened on your wrist and he looked up into your eyes with a newfound understanding. He sighed and let go of your wrist, his expression softening as he smiled weakly.
"Oh Y/N," he said, his voice barely a whisper. "You're alive, I'm glad it's you."
You didn't even notice how he had let go of your hand and was slowly glazing your side as it found its way to your hip, his grip becoming firmer as if he was scared you would disappear if he let go.
You didn't know what to do, so you stayed still, looking into his eyes.
He seemed to be searching for something in yours, so you just stayed still, not wanting to break the moment.
"Who did you think it was?" You asked, placing the hat on its owner's head.
He looked away, and then back at you, as if he hadn't been expecting the question. "I don't know," he said. "I just thought of someone else."
"Like my Master?" You joked, placing a hand on his arm.
Suddenly, Law's expression became serious and his grip tightened on your hip. He looked away, and then back at you. "No," he said firmly. "This is not something to joke about."
"You don't have to fake it while you're with me," He said in a soft tone.
"That goes for you too."
"I heard that you hadn't eaten in three days." You started, moving closer to him without realizing. "Was the reason me? Am I the problem?"
Law looked at you with a bewilderment expression as you rant out the thoughts that have been tormenting your mind for hours.
"Did my confession scare you that much?"
Tears began to well up in your eyes as you said the words. You were scared that he didn't want you anymore and that your confession had pushed him away.
You felt embarrassed and ashamed, wishing you could take back the words you had said. Law looked at you with a kind and understanding expression, and he placed a hand gently on your cheek.
"Y/N," he said softly. "It wasn't your confession that scared me."
"Then what?"
There was a long pause. A slight blush formed on his cheeks. "Losing you scared me,"
You took a moment to look at him; regret, worry and relief were written all over his face. He seemed to be struggling with his own emotions, unsure of what to say or do. You could see the fear in his eyes, the same fear that you had felt moments ago. He opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out.
Then the puzzles came together.
You took his face into your hand, shocking him as he looked into your eyes for an explanation. You felt the warmth of his skin as you cupped his face, and saw the surprise in his eyes. You gazed at him tenderly, with an understanding that he didn't expect.
"I'm not going to end up like him Law," You whispered.
Law's eyes widened in surprise as he realized the meaning of your words.
"How do you know?" He whispered.
"Luffy told me after the feast we had with them."
He made a mental note to have a little chat with the Straw Hat.
"I'm going to stay by your side until you don't want me to," You reassured, gently pushing a strand away from his eyes.
He didn't have any words left to say; no one other than him had passed through his wall of protection and got him this vulnerable.
He didn't know what to do or say. He had never felt such a strong connection with someone before, and it made him feel exposed and vulnerable. He had built up walls around himself, ones that no one else had ever been able to penetrate until now.
He felt like he could open up to you, like he could tell you anything. He was stunned by the fact that you had seen through his walls and seen the parts of him he had kept hidden away.
He knew that he could trust you, and it made him scared and excited all at the same time.
You felt a sudden wave of dizziness and your vision blurred for a moment. You tried to focus on Law's face and the ground beneath your feet, but the ground seemed to be shifting and moving.
Your leg started to wobble and you felt yourself losing balance.
You felt your legs giving way beneath you, and you thought for sure that you were going to hit the floor. But before you could, you felt Law's strong arms wrap around you in an instant, catching you and holding you up.
When your mind finally caught up with the situation, you realised that you were sitting on Law's lap. He had swept you up into his arms and was now holding you close. You felt a warmth in your cheeks as you looked into his eyes, feeling embarrassed and exposed.
You felt his strong arms around you, and you could feel his heart beating rapidly. You felt a sudden wave of emotion come over you and you closed your eyes, resting your head against his chest.
"I think I love you too,"
"You think?" You teased, looking up to see the flustered man.
He seemed to be malfunctioning as he felt a sudden wave of emotions come over him. His heart was beating rapidly and he felt exposed and vulnerable. His mind was running wild, and he felt like he had no control over his own body. He had never felt such a strong connection with someone before, and it was overwhelming him.
He was struggling to process the situation, and he didn't know how to respond.
"I'm just joking Law-"
You started to speak, but your words were lost in the moment as soon as you felt Law's lips on yours. Your heart raced and you felt the warmth of his body against yours. You were lost in the moment, your mind in a daze as you felt his lips gently move against your own.
All of a sudden, the world around you seemed to stop, and the only thing that mattered was the two of you in that moment. You felt like you were standing on the edge of a cliff, and the only thing keeping you from tumbling down was Law's strong arms around you.
You felt a sudden wave of emotion come over you and you closed your eyes, savoring the moment.
Reluctantly, you moved back to take a breath and to look at Law. His eyes were intense, searching your face as if he was trying to figure out what you were thinking. His mouth was slightly open, and his breathing was heavy.
He seemed to be in a state of shock, as if he was in disbelief of what had just happened. You felt a sudden wave of embarrassment wash over you, and you quickly looked away, not wanting Law to see your blush.
"I wanted to show you how I felt about you." He muttered, eyeing your lips.
"Or you just wanted to kiss me," You replied with a small grin.
Suddenly, Law's face changed from flustered to a warm grin. He seemed to have regained his composure and he looked at you with a sparkle in his eye.
"Maybe I did but don't you think you're off the hook for not telling me that you had an injury,"
"How did you-?"
"The green spots came from the injury but it had time and bacteria to mutate and get worse than it should have."
"I thought it wasn't that bad?" You tried to reason.
"Well for ignoring your injuries, I think you need to be punished."
His face softened, and his eyes twinkled with mischief.
You could feel his grip on you tighten, and you felt your face flush as you looked away. His gaze lingered on you for what felt like an eternity, and you felt your heart beat faster at the thought of what he might do next.
"L- Law, the crew members are asleep-"
"Then make sure you don't wake them up," He smirked.
You quickly tried to argue with him, but it was in vain.
"Rooms Shambles,"
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706 notes · View notes
latanyalove · 6 months
When You're Injured PT Two
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So sorry for posting this so late! Thank you for all of the support in the previous part, which is here! Part 3 is coming soon! WC: 3,513.
Please support me by liking, reblogging and commenting on this! Also please follow for more content!
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Tag list: @metonimia-de-bellota, @veroxbarnes, @plan3t-plut0, @karichu19, @awkwardspontaneity, @drakulana, @twismare, @pascalmode, @bluegalaxygirl, @lavanderdreamve, @jxstmxlly15, @rivui, @norasincubi, @theladyofmanyfandomsofficial, @athena-portgas, @aechmea01, @rossetter and @phsycochan
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As Law worked on his paperwork, he felt the stress building inside him. He had been working on it for hours, and yet he still hadn't made any headway. He was starting to feel overwhelmed and frustrated by the seemingly never-ending pile of documents. He felt like he was wasting his time, and it was only making him more anxious.
Law took a deep breath and tried to focus on the task in front of him. He knew he could do it if he just stayed focused and kept pushing through. He took another deep breath and forced himself to keep going. He knew he could do this, and he was determined to finish the task.
Rubbing his temple, Law heard someone open the door. He looked up to see his navigator standing in the doorway, a concerned look on his face.
"Law, are you alright? You've been in here for hours and I was starting to worry," Bepo said.
Law nodded and tried to smile. "I'm doing alright, I just have a lot of paperwork to finish," he said.
Bepo nodded and stepped into his office. "Do you need help with anything?" he asked.
Law shook his head and smiled. "No, it's okay," he said. "I can handle it. But thank you for offering."
"Oh! Maybe I should bring Y/N to make you feel calm," Bepo said out loud as if it was supposed to be a thought.
Hearing your name made his eyes widen and his heart start to race. He quickly tried to compose himself, not wanting Bepo to know the affect your name had on him.
You were a special case.
Law had taken a rather special interest in you because of your Devil Fruit, the Yume Yume no Mi, the ability to shoot a cosmic ray to make people fall asleep for a desired amount of time or fall asleep so deep that they could die.
You also had the ability to control people's emotions, but only if a flower was present. He had found himself drawn to you and your ability, and you two had become close.
Although he was embarrassed to admit it, he felt calmer just by being around you.
"Have you seen her around recently?" He asked Bepo in an 'uninterested' tone.
Bepo shook his head and replied, "Nope but I saw her with Ikkaku going into the forest. Why do you ask?"
Law felt a wave of disappointment wash over him. He knew that he had no right to be disappointed, but he couldn't help it. He had been hoping to see you to help him with his paperwork, and he had been looking forward to spending time with you.
He quickly brushed away his disappointment, not wanting Bepo to know how he felt. He forced a smile onto his face and said, "I was just wondering. I'm sure I can finish this by myself."
Bepo nodded, not seeming to notice Law's sudden mood change. "Well, if you need anything, just let me know. I'll be around," he said as he was about to leave his office.
"Hey Captain, I heard my name being said," Ikkaku said, looking at Law curiously. "What's going on?"
Ikkaku stepped into the room and saw Law and Bepo, both of them looking surprised to see her.
"Oh nothing-" Law started but Bepo continued, "We were talking about Y/N, wasn't she with you last? I heard you two were headed to the forest."
Ikkaku nodded, confirming Bepo's question. "Yes, we were. We were looking for some materials but we parted ways to cover more ground. Why do you ask?"
"We were just wondering if she was coming soon," Bepo added.
Ikkaku looked shocked as she said, "I thought she already came back since I didn't see her for a while,"
Law glanced towards the window, the sun was slowly sinking behind the horizon, casting a golden hue over the sky and painting the clouds a soft pink. The sky was alight with a mesmerizing array of colors, as the sun's final rays of the day illuminated the sky in a beautiful display.
Strange, he thought to himself, you should be back by now. You usually do a daily report to him before you go to sleep so it can't be that.
He couldn't help but worry, as he knew that the forest was a dangerous place and anything could have happened to you.
He finally decided. "I'm going for a walk," He said in a nonchalant tone. He wanted to check if you were okay. He figured a quick walk to the forest wouldn't hurt anyway.
He thanked Bepo and Ikkaku and left the office, quickly making his way to the forest.
Bepo and Ikkaku watched as Law left the office, both of them with a knowing grin on their faces. They knew he was worried about Y/N and was going to check up on you. They knew him that long to know that.
They watched him leave the submarine and jump onto the island, heading towards the forest.
Ikkaku stated, "Well I think Y/N likes Captain more than he realises." Bepo nodded in agreement, "I hope Captain returns her feelings."
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The forest was dark and still, with a creepy atmosphere that even Law could sense. The shadows of the trees seemed to stretch out, creating a menacing atmosphere, and an eerie silence hung in the air. The wind whispered through the trees, carrying a chill that made Law's skin crawl.
He could feel eyes watching him as he made his way through the forest, and he could almost sense the danger that lurked in the darkness. He knew that this forest was full of unknown creatures and secrets, and he was careful to stay alert as he made his way forward.
"Y/N! Y/N, where are you!" Law yelled out as he gripped the sword firmly in his hand.
His voice echoed through the forest, but there was no reply. He kept calling out your name, but all he heard was the rustling of the trees and the chirping of the birds. He finally stopped and took a deep breath, his heart racing as he tried to think of what he should do next.
He was about to turn back when he heard a faint voice calling out his name.
He immediately rushed towards the voice, pushing himself to walk faster and faster as he heard the voice call out again. He could hear the pain in your voice, and it sent a wave of panic through him.
Did something happen to you? Was there anyone still on this island? Were they after you? Why you and not him?
Suddenly, a loud scream pierced through the silence, echoing through the forest and making Law jump in shock. Without thinking, he started to run, his heart pounding in his chest as he raced towards the source of the scream.
He was filled with dread as he ran, fearing the worst. He could feel his heart in his throat as he ran faster and faster, his feet pounding on the ground as he desperately ran towards the scream.
"Don't! Please stop!-"
Anger started to boil in him as he ran, his blood pumping through his veins as he thought of all the possible dangers you could be facing. He wanted to reach you as soon as possible and make sure you were safe.
He pushed himself harder, and soon he could see the clearing ahead. He was so close, and he could only hope that he was in time. . . .
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"So what are pirates like you doing here?" you asked.
You had heard rumors about the Heart Pirates docking on your island, so when you saw a ship docked near the shore, you knew it was them. You approached cautiously, not sure what to expect.
Everyone seemed to be on edge, no one daring to approach the pirates or even speak to them. Everyone was aware of their reputation, and the potential danger that they could bring. All eyes were on them, and the atmosphere was tense. Everyone was cautious, not wanting to be seen as a threat.
But you were different. You walked straight towards them with a smile on your face, your steps firm and confident. You knew that if you showed any fear, they would take it as a sign of weakness and attack.
So you kept your head held high and your shoulders back, determined to show them that you were not afraid. You kept your gaze steady as you approached them, your heart racing as you wondered what they would do.
As you got closer, the Captain, Trafalgar D Water Law, looked up at you with caution. He had a stern expression on his face. His eyes narrowed as he looked at you up and down. He was clearly not expecting anyone to approach them, and he was apprehensive about the situation.
Despite his caution, there was a hint of curiosity in his gaze as he looked at you, as if he was trying to figure out who you were and why you were here. He seemed to be assessing the situation, trying to figure out if you were a threat or not.
He remained silent, his eyes never leaving your face as he waited for you to speak.
"So what are pirates like you doing here?" you asked.
He was slightly shocked at the calmness in your voice but still replied, "We're only here to repair our submarine and then we'll be gone."
The villagers, who had been whispering and murmuring to each other before, got louder and more animated after seeing your interaction with the captain. They seemed to be surprised and intrigued by your boldness and even more so by the captain's response.
They exchanged glances, whispers, and nods as they discussed what had just happened.
"By any chance, did you see any ships around-"
"Miss. Y/N! You can't run off like that!" An elderly woman screamed as she pushed her way through the crowd in front of her. "Master wants you back immediately!...."
When the woman saw you talking with Law, she became quiet and her eyes widened in shock. She stopped in her tracks, her mouth hanging open as she stared at the two of you. It was clear that she was completely taken aback by the scene before her.
"Master? Who's Master?" "I heard she's a slave for the Leader, the poor soul," "Look at her clothes, they're filthy,"
Like an unruly flame, rumors ignited and spread throughout the crowd. The certainty that couldn't be denied, even though it was only whispered within gossipy circles.
Law looked at you with a neutral expression, as if the rumours had no effect on him. His eyes were clear and his gaze steady, showing no signs of pity or sympathy.
He seemed to accept the situation as it was, without passing judgement.
Something you haven't seen in a while.
"Y/N L/N! You are to be taken back to your cell!" Royal guards stated loudly as they charged in the same direction.
The crowd parted to make way for the guards, and the woman stepped aside without a word. The guards were armed with guns and were determined to take you away. Law remained still and watched as the guards approached.
He seemed to be deep in thought, his brows furrowed in concentration. He looked up at you and opened his mouth to speak, but before he could say anything, you raised your hand up.
"Tell the leader not to follow me, I'm not coming back,"
At first thought, a cosmic ray shot from your hand and everyone except for you and Law had dropped to the ground. The villagers were unconscious, their bodies limp and their breathing shallow.
The Royal Guards had also been affected by the ray and the only sounds that could be heard were the faint whimpers from the villagers and the echoes of the guards' armor clattering on the ground.
Law stood in stunned silence, his eyes wide with shock as his gaze shifted from the unconscious villagers to you.
He had only one thought in his mind. He had to know more about your ability.
"What were you going to ask?"
"If you've seen any other ships around the area, it doesn't matter if it's a pirate ship. I just want to leave here-"
"Then come with me and join my crew."
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He didn't know why that memory flashed in his mind. The time he had first met you.
Was it because he knew there was a chance that you could die? Or was it because he felt a deep connection with you in that moment? Or maybe it was something else entirely?
Whatever the reason, the memory of their first meeting stayed with him long after.
He ran faster and faster, his heart pounding as the memory kept playing in his head. He ran until his lungs burned and his legs ached, but he still kept going, as if running away from the memory would make it disappear.
"Sir! Please stop!"
"Looks like you've lost your manners. You only address me as Master," His voice was demanding, with a hint of anger.
"I'm sorry," There seemed to be a pause. "Master. I didn't realize I had lost my manners. It won't happen again."
"Now you are going to come with me and stop this little adventure of yours, you know you're mine,"
"I bought you. I own you. You are my possession. You don't just get to leave me when you want."
As the voices grew, he felt his heart racing with fear. He knew he was going to be confronted with something unpleasant, and he felt a chill run down his spine.
He knew he had to face whatever it was that was waiting for him, so he took a deep breath and prepared himself for what was to come.
He saw a clearing ahead and what he saw made his blood run cold.
There was a man strangling you and you were grabbing his hands, trying to break free. He wanted to run in and save you, but he was frozen in place, unable to do anything.
He watched, helplessly, as the man tightened his grip around your neck, and he felt a rage unlike anything he had ever felt before.
He didn't know why, but the sense of rage and fear that had taken over his body made him forget everything else. He dropped his sword and ran towards them, not caring about the consequences and only focused on saving you. He was determined to do whatever it took to get you away from the man's grip.
Get away from her. Leave her alone. Don't touch her.
He felt a surge of adrenaline as he threw the man to the ground. He was filled with rage, and he could barely contain himself. He punched the man again and again, and the man let out a loud groan.
Law was determined to make sure the man wouldn't hurt you again. He kept punching him until his knuckles were bloody, and he could feel the man's body going limp beneath his fists. He continued to punch him until he felt the man's body go still, though he still wasn't satisfied.
Until suddenly, a sense of calmness filled his body, making him confused. He looked around, not quite sure what had just happened. He could feel his heart rate slowing down, and the anger slowly draining away from his body.
He felt a strange sense of peace and tranquility, as if he had just been released from a spell.
He was so overwhelmed by the sudden change that he didn't know what to do. He looked around and saw the man lying on the ground, unconscious and badly beaten.
There was no one else that could have made him feel like that. Except you.
He quickly turned around to look at you, your hand out towards him.
You used your power on him.
He could see the fear in your eyes, but there was also something else there, something he couldn't quite put his finger on. He slowly walked towards you, never taking his eyes off you.
He felt a sudden surge of panic as he watched your hand drop to your side, and he rushed to your side.
He quickly put his ear to your chest, listening for your breathing and heartbeat. When he heard them, he let out a sigh of relief. He slowly placed his hands on either side of your face, gently cupping it in his hands. He looked into your eyes and smiled, relieved that you were still alive.
"Are you okay?" He asked quietly, his voice barely above a whisper as he looked into your eyes, searching for any sign of discomfort or pain.
"I- I'm okay," You answered, your voice shaking as you looked into his eyes.
"Are you sure?"
". . . . No,"
"He's not going to touch you again, I promise." Law reassured you, gently brushing a strand of hair away from your face. "No one will ever hurt you again," he said in a soft voice, his eyes never leaving yours.
He reached up and ran his thumb over your cheek, wiping away a tear that had escaped your eye.
Even though you nodded at his statement, it did not provide him with any reassurance at all.
"Yes Y/N?"
"I don't think I'm going to make it back," You shakily said, lowering your shirt to reveal a green patch that was spreading across your arms and chest so that Law could see it.
Law's eyes widened in shock as he stared at the spots that had spread across your body. He had no idea what it meant, but he could tell that it wasn't good. He quickly put his hand on your forehead, feeling your temperature.
Too hot for you.
As soon as he noticed you were starting to close your eyes, he immediately stopped you and said, "Hey, hey, stay awake,"
"I'm sorry for troubling you-"
"You're not," Law replied, taking a position where he would be able to carry you while using one hand to grab the sword that he had dropped onto the floor.
It was then that he stood up with you and started to run back, now seeing that there were hundreds of men scattered across the area that lay motionless, having been the victims of your abilities.
When he looked down at your weak form, he wondered how on earth you had been able to defend yourself against so many people at once.
Please stay awake a little longer.
"Law?" Your lips trembled as your gaze wandered unconsciously across his chest.
"Yes Y/N? I'm right here, just keep talking."
"If I die, I just want you to know that I've liked you for a while now."
In the middle of his steps, he froze in place.
All of his coursing thoughts were made into one single question: You liked him?
"I thought I was being too obvious but it seems that even the Surgeon of Death can't even catch on to things like that." You chuckled to yourself yet there was no amusement on your face.
As you glanced up at him, hoping to see if it was a smile or a grin, you were surprised to see that it wasn't either, but rather one of horror.
You knew it. He never did like you.
"Leave me here. More reinforcements are going to come now and they're stronger than ever. I'll keep them back so you can escape-"
"Stop talking."
In an instant, a glance had you stop what you were going to say, instead you paid attention to your breathing and not the reaction that he showed to your confession.
Law was everything but calm at this point: you were currently dying of an unknown injury, more reinforcements were coming for you and you just confessed your feelings to him.
You were a big part of his problems, yet he couldn't just let you go.
There's never been a feeling like that for him before.
He would miss you even though he saw you an hour ago. He got into flowers because it was part of your ability. He'd let you stay in his office and he wouldn't mind.
For goodness sake, he ate bread because you asked him to!
Could it be that he was also in love with you?
Feeling your head drop back made him jump slightly, and he quickly moved to cradle you in his arms. He felt a chill run through his body as he realized you was slipping away.
He quickly put his fingers on your neck and felt for a pulse, but it was slow and fading. Fear began to surge through him as he realized that time was of the essence.
He didn't want to admit it but he was losing you. . . .
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807 notes · View notes
latanyalove · 6 months
When You're Injured
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Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
This may have a part 2 so if you want a continuous of this, please support me by liking, reblogging and commenting this!
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Trafalgar D Water Law was the captain of the Heart Pirates and a former member of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Law was a highly intelligent and cunning pirate, often outsmarting his opponents and using his wit to his advantage in a fight. He was also known to be a master strategist, capable of coming up with elaborate plans to defeat his enemies.
So why were you, one of his crew members, trying to hide the fact that you were dead sick?
The crew had taken a toll after being ambushed by a carefully calculated group of pirates. Even though they won the battle, people were still heavily injured and needed to be taken care of. The crew had been pushed to their limits and the captain was already doing all he could to nurse most of them back to health.
Your injury didn't seem severe compared to some of the other members of the crew who had sustained more serious wounds, including broken bones and deep lacerations.
In comparison, your injury was just a graze, and so you felt it would be better to hide it from the captain and not add to his already heavy workload.
Law looked around the deck, his gaze taking in each crew member. "Is everyone ready?" he asked, his voice steady but concerned.
The crew nodded in agreement, some with a slight grimace of pain as they shifted to get comfortable. "Yes, Captain," they replied in unison. You also said "Yes, Captain," trying to make your voice sound as steady as possible while your arm throbbed painfully in your grip.
Law looked around the deck one more time before speaking. "We're going to make camp on the island that we've anchored by," he said. "Get some rest, and I'll make a plan in the morning."
With a collective sigh of relief, the crew members cheered in appreciation of not having to move for more. Everyone was exhausted and the thought of having to move further was daunting. They welcomed the chance to rest and regain their strength, even if it was just for a few hours.
After the plan was laid out, the crew split up into two groups. One group would stay behind and set up camp while the other group was able to explore the island. The group that stayed behind worked quickly and efficiently to get the camp set up. Meanwhile, the other group was able to explore the island and enjoy its natural beauty.
You and Ikkaku were part of the group exploring the island, and were both excited to be able to take in the sights and sounds of the environment. You were also happy to have an opportunity to take your mind off of your injury and get away from the hustle and bustle of the submarine. You and Ikkaku walked around the island, taking in the sights, sounds, and smells of the environment.
Ikkaku looked over at you with a concerned expression. "Are you sure you weren't injured?" she asked as she walked. You shook your head and smiled.
"No, I'm fine," you said, trying to sound more confident than you felt.
"That's good," she said. "We don't need any more injuries on top of what we already have."
You nodded in agreement, feeling a rush of relief that your injury had gone unnoticed.
Both of you came across a patch of bright flowers, and you were immediately fascinated. You were able to identify half of them with just a glance, but for the ones you didn't know, you quickly plucked them and placed them in your bag.
Ikkaku smiled as you carefully collected the flowers, noting your interest in the environment around you. You smiled back, feeling a sense of satisfaction that you were able to recognize and appreciate the beauty of the island.
Seeing how enthralled you were with the flowers, Ikkaku decided to mess with you.
Ikkaku glanced over at you with a mischievous grin. "So, what do you think of the Captain?" she asked. You blushed, feeling your cheeks heat up. "He's... he's a good leader," you said, trying to avoid the conversation and focus on the flowers.
Ikkaku chuckled. "Come on, admit it," she said. "You have a crush on him!" You shook your head, feeling a little embarrassed.
"No, I don't," you said, but you couldn't stop the smile that spread across your face.
Ikkaku laughed. "It's okay, I won't tell anyone," she said. You laughed and rolled your eyes, feeling relieved that the conversation had shifted to something a bit less serious.
Ikkaku was right though. Even though you were the most recent to join the Heart Pirates, you were quick to befriend Law and quickly developed a strong bond with him.
You didn't care if it was because of your devil fruit powers or not; you were quickly enamored with the Heart Pirates and grateful for the opportunity to join them.
You had eaten the Yume Yume no Mi (Dream-Dream Fruit), which gave you the ability to shoot a cosmic ray to make people fall asleep for an desired amount of time or fall sleep so deep that they can die. You had seen first-hand how powerful your ability was, and you had to be extra careful to not let your powers get out of control.
Law was intrigued by your devil fruit power and was eager to learn more about it. After some research, he discovered that you could also use your powers to control people's emotions, but with a catch - a flower was needed in order to do so.
For example, with a lavender flower, you can make someone feel calm and relaxed. The specific emotion that the flower induces depends on the type of flower used. A rose can make someone feel more passionate or in love, while a chrysanthemum can make someone feel more joy or happiness.
With the discovery of your devil fruit's power, you and Law became even closer. Whenever Law would get overwhelmed by the amount of paperwork, you would use your power to calm him down with a lavender flower. Law was amazed at how effective your power was, and how it could be used to help him manage his stress.
Law knew exactly when to give you a subtle glance when he was arguing with someone, like telepathy, "Use it on me now before I cut this person in two," would transfer to your mind and you would quickly wave a flower at him to help him relax before he lost his temper.
He was grateful for your devil fruit powers and the calming effect it had on him in those intense moments, allowing him to get back to a more level-headed state.
But these recent days, you could feel your heart beat faster when he would look at you or when he would lean towards you to whisper what flower to use against the enemy. You were surprised by these feelings and although you tried to keep them under control, the more you were around Law, the more your heart seemed to flutter with anticipation.
You knew that you were developing feelings for him, but you were unsure of how to act on them. You were scared of the consequences of your actions and you were hesitant to express your emotions.
You knew that your devil fruit power could help Law, but you also knew that it could not help you express how you truly felt.
You carefully examined the petals of the flower, trying to distract yourself from the thoughts that had been running through your head. You knew that your feelings for Law were strong, but you were not sure if he felt the same way. You were scared to make a move and risk ruining the friendship that you had built over the years.
With a sigh, you looked up from the flower and replied, "Me and Law are just... friends."
Ikkaku replied, "Are you sure about that? Because the way he looks at you says something else. It's like he can't keep his eyes off you. I think he may have feelings for you too."
You were shocked by Ikkaku's words and couldn't believe what she was suggesting. You had never considered the possibility that Law could have feelings for you, and you were left speechless.
You felt your cheeks heat up and you quickly looked away, not wanting to face the truth. You felt a mixture of emotions, ranging from joy to fear, and you were unsure of how to proceed.
"Let's separate to get more materials," you said, trying to come up with an excuse to be alone and process your thoughts.
You knew that the material was important, but you also wanted to take this opportunity to think about what Ikkaku said and to figure out how you could proceed in this situation.
She nodded and went off to the left, while you headed to the right. You took a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves and clear your head.
As you walked, you thought about what Ikkaku had said and your feelings for Law. You were unsure of what to do, but you knew that whatever you did, it would have to be carefully considered.
Suddenly, you felt a sharp pain from your injured arm that brought you back to reality. The pain was sharp and pulsing, radiating from your arm and throughout your body. You winced and gritted your teeth, trying to bear the pain.
You felt a tightness in your chest and your breathing became shallow as you tried to cope with the pain. You felt a wave of nausea wash over you and your vision started to blur, but you forced yourself to take a few deep breaths and focus on the situation.
What was going on? Why had the pain suddenly become so intense? Was this pain connected to the emotions you were feeling?
As the pain intensified, you felt yourself beginning to lose consciousness. You felt your body swaying and you put out a hand to steady yourself, but it was too late. You felt yourself slipping away as the world around you started to blur and fade.
You tried to fight it, but you felt yourself slowly sinking into a deep fog. You heard a distant voice, but it was too faint to make out what it was saying. With one last effort, you tried to open your eyes, but you could not.
Darkness descended and you felt yourself slipping away into unconsciousness.
"Oh my! You will be my wife!" A familiar voice stated happily, "Oh, this must be fate! I knew the moment I saw you that you were the one for me. I can't believe I've finally found you again, my one and only true love!"
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latanyalove · 6 months
Loving You Right
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This is a follow up from the Zoro Birthday Post so go read that before you start with it! Also this is my first writing smut so please don't hate and give advice instead! WC: 1,304. Warning! Mature Scenes, Minors don't interact!
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"Does that mean you'll be coming back?" He asked with hesitation.
She smiled softly and said, "I'll be wherever you are, for as long as you want me."
"You don't have to worry about that," Zoro replied with a smirk, "I want you with me always."
"Still as cocky as always Roronoa?" She asked with a smirk.
"Let me show you," Zoro replied with a mischievous glint in his eye.
Zoro stepped closer to her and grabbed her waist, pulling her in for a deep kiss. She felt the warmth of his body against hers, and felt her cheeks start to flush. He ran his hands down her back before lifting her up and carrying her to the bed. 
"Let me show you how much I want you," he said as he slowly undressed her. She quivered with anticipation as he explored her body with his hands and lips. 
"Zoro," she murmured breathlessly. "I want you too, so much." 
He grinned and moved his lips to her neck. "I'm going to make sure you never forget me."  
She gasped as she felt her dress suddenly disappear from her body, the fabric pooling on the floor. Zoro smiled as he looked at her, his eyes drinking in her beauty. He moved closer to her, and she felt the warmth of his body against hers. Her cheeks flushing as he kissed her neck. 
He ran his hands down her back, exploring her curves with gentle touches. 
She felt the hook of her bra come undone and the fabric slip off her body, pooling on the floor with her dress. He continued to eye her hungrily as he moved closer, his lips seeking out her neck as she gasped in pleasure. 
"Oh, Zoro," she moaned as he kissed her and caressed her skin.  
"I'm never letting you go again," he whispered in her ear, and she shivered in anticipation. 
She was so lost in the moment that she barely noticed when Zoro pulled off his shirt, revealing his muscular body. 
She felt her heart pounding in her chest as she looked at him, and she couldn't help but feel a wave of nostalgia. It had been so long since she had seen him like this—so passionate and so eager to please her. 
She felt a surge of desire course through her veins as she looked at him, and she felt her body start to tremble with anticipation. 
Zoro smiled and moved his hands to her face, gently caressing her cheeks. "You know, you look even more beautiful now than you did all those years ago," he said with a mischievous glint in his eye. 
She felt her heart flutter as she looked at him, and she couldn't help but smile. "You're too kind," she replied, her voice barely a whisper. 
Zoro chuckled and leaned in, his lips brushing against hers as he kissed her softly.  
She moaned in pleasure as his kiss grew more passionate and his hands moved to her waist. He gripped her tightly, his fingers digging into her skin as he pulled her closer. 
She panted as she felt his lips move down her neck, his teeth grazing her skin as his hands explored her body. He moved his hands lower, tugging at her underwear and sliding it off her body. 
She felt a wave of pleasure as he touched her, his hands exploring every inch of her skin as she shuddered in delight. His lips moved lower, kissing her stomach, and exploring her curves as he moved lower. 
She felt her desire grow with each touch, her breathing growing heavier as he moved further down. 
She felt her whole body trembling with pleasure as he moved his lips to her inner thighs, his tongue exploring her skin as she gasped in pleasure. 
She let out a moan of pleasure as Zoro's tongue circled her clit, her body arching as his tongue licked and teased her sensitive flesh. She gasped as his tongue moved faster, her pleasure quickly reaching its peak. She felt her body quivering with pleasure as she reached her climax, and she let out a loud cry of ecstasy. 
Zoro smiled in satisfaction as he looked up at her, his eyes twinkling with delight. She smiled back at him, feeling an overwhelming sense of love and warmth as she looked into his eyes. 
His tongue moved inside her, teasing and exploring her depths as her body trembled with pleasure. He moved his tongue in circles, each movement sending waves of pleasure throughout her body. 
His hands moved up her thighs as his tongue moved, exploring her body, and igniting a fire of desire within her. She gasped in pleasure as his tongue moved faster, her body trembling with anticipation.
She gasped in pleasure, her fingers running through his hair as she pulled him closer. She felt her desire grow as his tongue explored her body, her hands tugging at his hair as she moaned in pleasure.  
"Zo-Zoro!" she said, "I'm supposed to be in control here!" She gasped in pleasure as he smiled against her skin, his hands exploring her body as she closed her eyes and surrendered to the sensations.
"It's your birthday so I'm the one who's supposed to be in charge." 
He left his position to answer, his voice husky with desire. "Don't worry, I'm enjoying every second of this." 
He then moved his hands up to her breasts, his fingers gently caressing her nipples as she let out a soft moan of pleasure. His lips moved lower, exploring her body as he nibbled and kissed her stomach. 
He quickly opened the wrapper and rolled it onto his hard length, feeling a rush of adrenaline as he prepared to take her. He moved between her legs, pressing his length against her as she gasped in pleasure. 
She moaned as he entered her, her body trembling as she felt every inch of him fill her. He moved slowly at first, gradually increasing his rhythm as her pleasure grew. His hands moved to her hips, holding her tight as he thrust into her with increasing intensity. 
She wrapped her legs around him, her body quivering with pleasure as she felt him move inside her. He gasped as he felt her tightness around him, his movements becoming more urgent as her pleasure grew. 
He kept eye contact with her as he moved inside her, his hands gripping her hips tightly as his body moved in sync with hers. She felt her body trembling with pleasure as his thrusts grew more intense, her breathing becoming heavier as she felt her orgasm approaching.  
She cried out in pleasure as he moved faster, her body trembling as she felt her climax approach. She felt a wave of pleasure wash over her as she reached her peak, her body quivering with pleasure as she felt Zoro's body tense beside her. 
He let out a cry of pleasure as he reached his own climax, his hands gripping her hips tightly as he shuddered with pleasure. He collapsed beside her; their bodies still intertwined as they lay in a state of bliss. 
Zoro looked deep into her eyes as he moved his hands around her waist, pulling her closer to him. "I'm so glad it's my birthday," he whispered, his breath hot against her skin. "It's the perfect excuse to make you mine."
He smiled as he moved his hands up to her neck, his delicate touch sending shivers down her spine.
She leaned in closer, her lips barely grazing his as she whispered, "Tonight is all about you." Zoro moved closer, their lips finally meeting in a passionate kiss.
She moaned softly as his tongue explored her mouth, her body trembling with pleasure as his hands moved lower. . . .
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latanyalove · 7 months
When He's Sick
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Sanji woke up with a pounding headache and blurry vision. He struggled to open his eyes, but he managed to sit up. Despite the discomfort, he knew that he had to make breakfast for his crewmates. Stumbling out of bed, Sanji made his way to the door, grasping for the handle.
Just as he was about to open it, he heard a startled yelp from the other side. Zaza jumped at the door the moment it opened.
"Oh Zaza love, what are you doing here?" Sanji said as happy as possible, even though he felt sick.
"I'm here to check on you! You didn't look too good when I saw you last night, so I wanted to make sure you were okay today," Zaza said, a hint of concern in her voice.
Startled, Sanji reflexively lied, saying, "Yeah, I'm okay. I have to go make breakfast-" However, Zaza was having none of it.
"No, Sanji. I already made breakfast."
Sanji's eyes widened in surprise.
Sanji felt a warmth spreading in his chest - a feeling of happiness, relief, and something he never felt for anyone else - love.
He had never felt such a strong emotion for Nami or Robin, two of his closest crewmates. Even though he was always protective of them, this feeling he felt for Zaza was different.
It was a feeling that he had never felt before.
"Now it's off to bed for you," Zaza said, pushing him inside the room and the door closed behind them.
Sanji was exhausted but he couldn't help but smile. He had never felt such a strong connection with anyone before.
As he sat on the edge of his bed, Zara was about to leave when Sanji grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer.
Sanji's heart raced as he felt Zaza's body collapse onto his lap. He felt a sudden thrill, along with the fear of what Zaza would think of this sudden gesture.
He felt a strange mix of emotions, but the one thing he knew for sure was that he wanted to stay with her in that moment.
She gasped as she sat on his lap, her heart racing as she felt his strong arms naturally wrap around her. She had never felt this way before, and it both scared and excited her. She looked up at Sanji, her eyes wide with surprise and uncertainty.
She could feel her heart racing as she looked into his deep blue eyes, and for a moment she felt like she was lost in his gaze. She was about to say something, but the words caught in her throat.
She could feel her cheeks flush as she looked away, embarrassed and confused. "I'm sorry, I must have tripped," She said, her voice barely above a whisper.
Sanji didn't respond to her, but his eyes spoke volumes, filled with a desire that was unlike anything he had ever felt for anyone else. His gaze seemed to be asking her a question - a question that she couldn't answer, but one that she wanted to say yes to.
She felt drawn to him in a way she had never experienced before, and she felt herself leaning in closer to him.
Sanji then effortlessly slid his hands to cup her cheeks, gently caressing them as she looked up at him. His touch was gentle and warm, sending a thrill through her body.
She felt her body instinctively drawn to him, wanting to stay in his embrace forever. She savored the warmth of his embrace, feeling safe and secure in the moment.
Her heart pounded in her chest as she felt her body yearning to stay in his embrace. She felt like she was in a dream, and she never wanted it to end.
Sanji looked down at her, his eyes searching hers for an answer. He slowly brought his face closer to hers, and whispered, "Can I kiss you?"
Please say yes, he repeated in his head.
He wanted nothing more than to feel her lips against his, to experience the kind of passion and love that seemed to come so easily to other couples.
He wanted to know what it felt like to be truly in love.
Zaza felt her heart pounding in her chest as she looked into Sanji's eyes. She felt like she was in a trance, and his touch made her feel alive in ways she had never experienced before. She couldn't deny the feelings that were bubbling up inside her, and as she looked into his eyes, she knew that there was no other answer she could give except, "Yes."
As soon as that word left her lips, Sanji didn't hesitate any longer. He leaned in and pressed his lips against hers, feeling a wave of emotions that he had never felt before. He could feel her warmth and softness, and the kiss felt as if it was going to last forever.
Zaza felt like her heart was going to burst out of her chest as Sanji's lips met hers. She had never felt this kind of passion before, and it felt like nothing else mattered in that moment.
Her arms wrapped around his neck, and Sanji felt his heart skip a beat from her touch. He responded by wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her closer and deepening the kiss. She felt his warmth and strength envelop her, and as their lips moved in perfect harmony, she felt herself getting lost in the moment.
Sanji felt her body mold against his and he felt a wave of emotions pass through him. This was the kind of love he had been yearning for, and he never wanted it to end.
When they finally parted, they were both left breathless, their heartbeats pounding in their chests. They stared into each other's eyes, both of them filled with a sense of wonder and amazement. They had just experienced something that was truly beautiful and life-changing, and they both knew that this moment was something they would never forget.
Sanji muttered, pressing his forehead against hers. "You won't regret this, I promise."
"I don't think I could ever regret us being together." Zaza replied.
A dreamy smile spread across Sanji's face. "I'm so glad to hear that. You make my heart skip a beat."
Zaza said to him. "You make mine too, my love."
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latanyalove · 7 months
Happy Birthday Zoro
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Roronoa Zoro is known to be a dedicated and focused swordsman. His commitment to training is unwavering, and as a result, he has never celebrated his birthday before. In fact, he has always been too occupied with his rigorous training regimen to even consider such festivities.
However, this year was different. It marked Zoro's first year with the crew, and his fellow Straw Hat Pirates were determined to make it a memorable one.
The crew recognized Zoro's dedication and admired his strength. They understood that he rarely took time off from his training, and they wanted to show him how much they valued his presence. So, they secretly planned a surprise birthday party for him on the ship.
It took a great deal of effort to keep the preparations hidden from Zoro. Luffy, the captain of the crew, and Chopper made sure to distract Zoro with various training exercises and missions. Meanwhile, Usopp and Franky worked tirelessly to decorate the ship with colorful streamers and balloons.
Nami and Robin gathered ingredients to bake a special birthday cake, while Sanji took charge of preparing a delicious feast.
As the day of Zoro's birthday approached, the entire crew grew more excited. They couldn't wait to see the look of surprise on Zoro's face when he discovered what they had planned.
Finally, the day arrived, and the crew gathered on the ship, eagerly awaiting Zoro's return from his endless 'walk'.
When Zoro stepped onto the ship, he was greeted with shouts of "Happy Birthday!" and a chorus of laughter. He was taken aback, not expecting such a grand gesture from his crewmates. Zoro's eyes widened as he took in the decorations and the smiling faces of his friends. It was a moment of pure joy and warmth.
As the festivities continued, Zoro couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the love and care shown by his crew. He realized how lucky he was to have found such a supportive and close-knit group of friends. They had taken the time and effort to celebrate his birthday, something he had never experienced before.
Towards the end of the celebration, Luffy approached Zoro with a mischievous grin. "Zoro," he said, "we have one last surprise for you." Zoro looked puzzled as Luffy gestured towards a large box that had been placed at the center of the deck.
With a curious expression, Zoro approached the box and hesitantly opened it.
Inside the box was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. His girlfriend was standing there wearing a long, flowing dress, her hair tied in a bow. She smiled at him and his heart raced.
It had been two months since Zoro had seen his girlfriend. She had been forced to stay in her hometown and protect it from danger, leaving Zoro feeling helpless and heartbroken. He had resigned himself to the fact that he wouldn't be able to see her for a long time, if ever.
He was filled with an immense wave of happiness that he had never felt before.
"Hello Zoro," You said with a hint of a seductive tone, "I'm hoping that I'm worthy of being the world's future greatest swordsman's present."
"A swordsman like me always deserves nothing but the best," Zoro smirked and replied, "You are worthy of me."
"Stop! Get a room!" Nami and Usopp said together, laughing.
With a smirk, Zoro swept her up into his arms and bridal carried her away, much to the amusement of the rest of the crew. "We'll do just that," Zoro remarked as he carried her away, a lighthearted smile on his face.
As they made their way to Zoro's room, the crew erupted in cheers and applause, wishing them both a happy birthday once again.
Zoro looked into her eyes and said, "You are the most beautiful present I could have ever asked for." She blushed and replied, "I'm glad that I'm able to make you happy." He leaned in closer and said, "You make me happier than I could ever imagine."
"Well, that's a relief," she said playfully, "If I'm the present, then that means you have to keep me forever."
Zoro smiled and said, "Forever sounds like a great idea to me."
She leaned in and their lips met, sending a spark of electricity through his body. His heart raced as he felt the warmth of her kiss and the softness of her lips. He held her close, wanting the moment to last forever. She ran her hands through his hair, deepening the kiss and sending a wave of desire through his body.
Oh how much he missed her.
He felt like he was soaring, floating in the air. He felt a love that he had never felt before, a love that was so strong that it could never be broken. They broke apart, both breathless and full of love.
He looked into her eyes and saw a reflection of the passion that he felt. They smiled at each other and he knew that he never wanted to let her go.
"Does that mean you'll be coming back?" He asked with hesitation.
She smiled softly and said, "I'll be wherever you are, for as long as you want me."
"You don't have to worry about that," Zoro replied with a smirk, "I want you with me always."
"Still as cocky as always Roanoro?" She asked with a smirk.
"Let me show you," Zoro replied with a mischievous glint in his eye.
The next morning, Zoro awoke to find that his beloved was unable to move from the bed, too exhausted from the night's activities to even stand. He smiled as he looked down on her, knowing that she was his forever.
He leaned in and said in a low, husky voice, "You know, it's dangerous to be this beautiful. I'm not sure I can keep myself away from you."
She smiled and replied, "I'm not sure I want you to."
He brushed a strand of hair away from her face and said, "I'm glad I can make you happy." She tilted her head and looked into his eyes, her own eyes full of love and longing.
She whispered, "You make me more than happy. You make me feel alive. I love you, Roronoa."
Zoro looked at her with a twinkle in his eye and said, "I love you too, my love. Now that you're officially mine, I'm never letting you go."
He leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss, making her cheeks flush with pleasure.
He then said with a smirk, "But I don't mind if you want to stay here a little longer."
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The Scene is Posted now!
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latanyalove · 7 months
Monkey D Luffy - When he realises he loves you
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When Monkey D Luffy realises he loves you, he will be incredibly loyal and devoted to you. He will do anything to protect you and make sure you are safe and happy. He will also be incredibly passionate when it comes to anything you do together, whether it be a task or an adventure.
He will always have your back and be there to support you no matter what. He will be willing to do whatever it takes to make you happy and will always be there for you when you need him. He will also be full of love, affection, and joy when he is around you.
It did take him a lot of hints from you and a long talk from Nami for him to know you liked him, but it was worth it. Once Luffy realised his feelings for you, he was completely devoted and passionate about the relationship. He put your safety and happiness first, and was always willing to go the extra mile for you.
His love, affection, and joy when he was around you was undeniable, and he made sure to show it in everything he did. It was worth it for both of you to wait for Luffy to realise his feelings, as it resulted in a beautiful and meaningful relationship.
Luffy: I think I finally realised it...I love you.
You: Really? I was starting to think you'd never figure it out!
Luffy: I'm so happy I finally figured it out! So will you stop ignoring me now?
You: I wasn't ignoring you! I was just... busy.
Luffy: That's what Nami said.
You silently curse Nami under your breath but also thank her for making Luffy realise his feelings.
Luffy: She also said to kiss you on the lips
You blush and feel embarrassed by the sudden suggestion, but you can't help but smile at the same time.
You: Um, I don't know about that...but I'm really happy that you realised your feelings.
Luffy nervously leans in and hesitantly kisses you on the lips, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. You feel the warmth of his lips and the butterflies in your stomach, and you know right then and there that this was the start of something special. The kiss lingers before Luffy pulls away, a huge smile on his face. He looks into your eyes and you can see the love and affection he has for you.
Luffy: I like kissing. Let's do it again!
You: Wha-
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