-Chelsea Zielinski
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Final Project: “Science Sells”
Jennifer Pevarnek 
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LF-5bhbCDw0)
Final Project, Video 3/3
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Please be nice to my video :-)
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOMTD0q8uC8)
Final project, video 2/3
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVjWmCbTQ18)
Final Project, video 1/3.
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Final Project - Jake Hitchcock
A Guide to HIV/AIDS Theater Entertainment-Education
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Final Project ~ Emma Talbot
Here’s the link to my project! Thanks! :) 
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Final Project-Leah Pilarski
here’s a link to my project:
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LB 492 Senior Project: Today we are Talking all about Education.
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Its Like That Sometimes 
Audio Playwright 
Narrative: Marley Bright 
Production: Marley Bright and Nick Martine 
Voice Acting: Marley Bright and Max Johnston 
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Katy McCarthy Website
Hi everyone, here’s a link to my website: http://scalar.usc.edu/works/adhd/index?t=1492995630971 
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Articles for 4/19/17
Or go on FB and see what people are saying the science march. 
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Journal 10 - Everything you need to know...
Journal 10 - Emma Talbot
The main goal of this article seems to be to help the reader and any interested parties in identifying and understanding sponsored content. At the end of the article, Pollitt is quoted saying “consider this post to be your definitive guide to sponsored content. What I found most interesting is where Pollitt gives examples of a previous study examining the human eye response to banner articles on a web page. The study was conducted by Nielsen Norman Groups in 2007 and tracked the eyes of people as they read through web pages. The results were very interesting. They showed that as people read the articles, their eyes followed the page and they spent the most time focusing on the text and little to no time spent was looking at the banner articles. Based on the results of this study, it is clear that the banner method of advertising simply wasn’t working. Brands needed to come up with a better way to get their products out there and make themselves more visible.
Another piece of this study that I found incredibly interesting and also quite helpful in interpreting the article is the John Oliver piece that the author has embedded. Oliver uses tools such as satire and comedic relief to make his point about native advertising which I found hilarious and helpful! My favorite example that he uses is the orange is the new black piece. It is a New York Times advertisement for the Netflix television series “Orange is the New Black.” The advertisement is included in such a way as to make it appear that it is just another news article when in reality it is Netflix advertising their television show. It is so brilliantly embedded with the title “Women Inmates: Why the Male Model Doesn’t Work,” that of course the unsuspecting browser would unknowingly click on it and be taken to a new site.  Oliver is absolutely right when he says that it is frequently impossible to tell the difference between native advertisements and actual authentic website content.
In light of this particular reading I will now be much more on the lookout for native advertising. I learned that advertising on the internet simply has no rules. The online advertising industry is simply a free for all desperately seeking after their viewers’ attention. I will now be much more aware of advertising ploys and I will likely feel slightly betrayed when I notice these advertising methods on some of my favorite websites.
1.      I wasn’t sure what he meant by “sponsored article pricing.” Did he mean how much to charge companies for sponsoring and article?
2.      So what are the next steps and how can we as consumers help disable native advertisements from consuming the internet?
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