leondickrider · 9 months
hey y'all i changed my username ♡ 😛 wyt?
anywhooo i'm reposting everything on my other blog which i changed to @4leon
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leondickrider · 9 months
LMFAO YEAH I FEEL U- tumblr.com luvsss their smut!! Wrote one Leon smut and only one and it has over 1.2k+ notes 😭😭 BUT TAG ME IF U POST UR NSFW ONE !!
OFC LUVV IT SHOULD BE OUT TODAY OR TMR !! and oh my thats a lot 💀
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leondickrider · 9 months
HIHII VIVIIII- HOW HAVE U BEEN!! Loved that recent Leon work u tagged me in, had me kicking my feet hard 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🤭
HII THENA IM OKAYYY JUST VERY TIRED 24/7 HBUUU LUV😭 ouuuu tysmmm, i'm working on the nsfw alphabet rn bc thr other one is kinda popping off compared to my other posts and ik how well smut does on this app LMFAO
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leondickrider · 9 months
fluff alphabet ౨ৎ leon s kennedy x gn!reader
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 || working on sm leon fanfics at once ! i made this in like 20 minutes so it prolly sucks but idc!! nsfw alphabet coming soon :3
𝐁𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 || fluff (obvi), not proofread or read by betas
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 || deinking mentioned, none
𝐗𝐎𝐗𝐎 || leon s kennedy mlist 🎀 @starzu
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Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
leon really loves just kicking back and relaxing with his s/o. after soo many life-threatening missions, he just wants to kick back on the sofa with his s/o in his arms and binge watch some tv. however, he also really loves taking they all the places they want to visit, whether it's a concert or a museum
Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
everything, literally finds every inch of his s/o perfect and beautiful. but, he really loves their hands, especially if they are soft and smaller because it's the opposite of his hands that are rough from so much fighting and training. also finds their eyes beautiful, will literally hold contact for hours if he could
Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
refer back to re4r how leon comforted ashley. he's really good at comforting you and will do anything to help cheer you up. 2 am emotional binge sesh? he's driving to the shoppe and buying you ice cream and frost and drizzle or syrup and sprinkles and brownie bits and cookies and and potato chips and and cheeseburgers and fries and tater tots and cheese and everything (i'm on a rlly strict diet so this is deadass just me listing foods i want rn) 5 pm cry sesh? he already has the tissues, blankets, stuffies and tear-jerking movies ready
Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
in 1998, leon would dream about having a totally normal relationship with you. big suburban house, a couple kids. but after the raccoon city, he kind of changed his dreams. he still craves the normal, domestic life, but now he kinda envisions it as just you and him. not that he doesn't want kids, he just doesn't want them to be in such a dangerous world
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
i think he'd be more dominant in relationships when it comes to most things. not dominant in a weird, controlling way. but he would want his s/o to come to him before making any big decisions simply bc he probably brings home the bacon with his government paycheck. but other than financially, he's pretty passive, he really doesn't care what you do as long as you don't do like porn or like cheat
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
depends honestly; most fights he will forgive you, but sometimes he really holds it against you and just shuts you out for a while before resuming as if nothing happened. however, when he snaps and lets words he doesn't mean to get out, he will apologize so much. even if you forgive him, he doesn't believe it and will buy you everything
Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
very grateful! in 1998-2013 and after vendetta specifically. he realizes that you help keep him happy pretty fast. if you're in raccoon city with him then he probably felt a lot better and more confident. (def not bc he wanted to show off in front of his partner!!) in 2004 he is soo grateful you were willing to stay with him even with the job he ended up with and with all the training he had to get. in vendetta i think that's when he might seem ungrateful cuz of his drinking.... but yeah after all that he's back to normal
Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
a lot of secrets :(
mainly about work though, cuz unless you're an agent he literally cannot legally get into the details with you. he keeps secrets abt his drinking too, like you know he drinks but you don't know how much he drinks.
Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
yes! he became more confident in himself because like being in a relationship makes him feel like somebody wants him, so he gains sm self confidence and actually wants to be stronger so he can return home from missions !
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
i think he gets jealous pretty easily. he will get a bit jealous if a person look at you twice, or somebody flirts. but part of him thinks you deserve somebody better so he doesn't ever tell you about his jealousy, you gotta hring it up first
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
a very good kisser!! every single kiss is filled w sm love and affection and passion <3 mainly bc he doesn't really know when it will be the last kiss :(
first kiss was really special even though it was spontaneous. it was in the late hours of the night, the whole apartment dark except for the tv light. and you were slow dancing to some random song when suddenly the mood felt right and he kisses you MANSBSHH (this is based on my first kiss with my ex ....)
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
he doesn't really confess first, he drops subtle hints that he has feelings for you and just gopes you catch onto his words
Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
yes, going back to dream. he thinks about marriage all the time, he likes the idea of having a cute lil spouse to come home too after grueling missions
he proposes totally out of nowhere. he originally had a plan, he was going to take you on a romantic vacation before proposing to you while there. but he chickened out last second, so after several other attempts (that he backed out of last minute) he finally had enough. and then one morning he got down on one knee after buying you a ton of donuts
marriage is really good. he's such husband material. overprotective but not too overprotective. possessive but not too possessive. you know what i'm saying?
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
sticks to the classics most of the time: babe, baby, love, sweetheart, etc etc. lots of italian pet names
however when he's sweet he really branches out: sweet girl/boy, lovie, lovebug, cuddlebug, pretty
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
oh my gosh, this man is so lovey-dovey. literally heart eyes for you. but he forces himself to stay serious even thought other people easily know he's all your's. he doesn't talk much when it's just you and him, preferring to just sit silently across from you and listen to you. and that's what makes it obvious to others since normally he doesn't pay attention and always says his dad jokes or says something stupid
he expresses his feelings by like... yeah.... not being annoying i guess
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
hmm, he doesn't really like pda due to his job. he knows he has enemies who are after him, but most don't really know about you since they don't really look into that. however, when he's off work, he'll take you into cities and his hand in always on you, whether he's holding your hand, or his hand is planted on your hip/waist. just makes him feel better
he brags about you to all of his friends. chris hears about it nonstop while leon is drunk (and he sobs after bc the redfield bloodline.) "sure that looks nice on them but you know who would look better in it? my s/o." "oh, my s/o has that same necklace, i bought it for them in paris." (😭)
he doesn't really care after the missions. esp if he got close to death, he is all over you the second he sees you. he doesn't care who is watching or who sees, he is literally holding you as if you were dying
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
he knows whenever you are upset. doesn't even need to hear you speak. literally can just tell from your footsteps or your posture
also, he's really quiet so when you are having your moments he's able to sneak around withhout setting you off (please i get so annoyed when people are loud when i'm mad)
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
he will do everything to make his s/o happy
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
it really depends on your goals. if your goal is to become famous on onlyfans (aimed) then he probably wouldn't really help cuz well why would he?
he believes in you to an extent, he's brutally honest sometimes so... yeah... if you're dumb he will tell you that you're dumb (in a nice way) but he tries his best to support you 💀
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
there's no such thing as routine with this man other than his exercise routine 
Understanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
he knows you better than you do. this man literally buys whatever you're craving like a week before you even ask fo it. he knows exactly what album or movie or video game you're going to beg him to buy so he already got you it
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
literally his top pirority. it goes you, his friends, him. he always puts you ahead of himself in everything and values your life sm more than his own :(
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
everytime he returns from his missions, he always comes home with your favorite snack and an expensive bouquet of your favorite flowers (if you get the expensive bouquet reference jtm)
XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
yes, he is so touch starved and can cuddle all day if you let him. he kisses you a lot as well
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
he always carries a little polaroid of you snd him cuddles together on the sofa (taken before 1998 for draamtic effect) and just looks at it for a little bit
he also bought a small bottle of your fav purfume/fragrance and always takes it with him on missions, aweet boy :)
Zeal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
this man would literally take a bullet for you !! A BULLET !!
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reblogs appreciated always ♡
i'm making a ghost ver of this as well since i love him sm !! :))
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leondickrider · 9 months
my crush wants me so bad i stg... he was bent over and talking to his friend and he looked at me, eye contact and all, and smiled. like hello? ask me out? lets make out? want to see my bra? want my virginity?
i cant blame him tho bc i'm really pretty so ofc the hot football player is going to go for the basic pretty white girl 😭
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leondickrider · 9 months
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leondickrider · 9 months
meeeeee 🎀🐇
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it's no longer a mystery what i look like except the photo is blurry ���
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leondickrider · 9 months
plently leon and ghost fanfics based on old school love story typa tropes in my drafts... why can't i be the female lead of a 1960s-1990s romance movie ???
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leondickrider · 9 months
I’m so sorry ur feeling a bit unmotivated vivi due to the lack of reblogs but i gotchu, Will reblog twice on both of my accs cause ur writing is gorgeous and deserves more 🫶🏾🌷
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awww ml ur so sweet and dww cuz likeee now im motivated to write more bc the weekend is over and weekends are just the worst so i get really unmotivated haha 😭
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leondickrider · 9 months
its starting to get really unmotivating now 😭
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leondickrider · 9 months
You are a child, please stay out of adult spaces. You are going to get yourself hurt and put others at risk, this isn’t safe for anyone involved.
i'm going to get hurt by typing letters on a keyboard how scary im literally frozen with fear like actually
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leondickrider · 9 months
anniversary ౨ৎ leon s kennedy x f!reader
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 || repost from my old account 🐇 updated a lot bc last one was a mess, i also added another round to the smut !
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 || you surprise your husband on your anniversary after he returns from a mission || wc. 2.5k
𝐁𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 || smut, pwp, read by betas, not proofread, maybe ooc but idrc, established marriage ♡
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 || unprotected sex, it's really vanilla, cunilingus, fingering, lots of pet names, teasing, leon being a good husband in bed 😊
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it was around eleven p.m. when your husband, leon finally got home from his latest mission. "[name]... sono a casa amore mio..." he muttered; his voice embedded with exhaustion. you smiled as you heard him removing his boots and jacket and quickly made your way to the door.
"hello baby... welcome back!" you smiled and hugged him tightly. he rubbed your waist with his rough hand, leaning his head to your shoulder and inhaling the sweet scent of your shampoo. "strawberry?" he chuckled, continuing his tight grip on your waist. he looked down, eyeing up your body and the cute pink nightgown you had on, that barely covered your ass from the short length.
you nodded and pulled away, kissing his lips softly. "happy anniversary..." you quietly whisper as you take his hand. his rugged hand, covered in callous and scars, fit so perfectly with your soft, smaller hands. "it's already been a year?" he exhaled and cupped your face, a small grin present.
"yeah, can you believe it? i’ve been mrs. kennedy for a year already." you giggle, and he radiates pride. you cover his eyes with your hands and whisper, "i got you a surprise."
you began leading him into the bedroom, however he seemed to go straight into the wall. "ow." he said, monotone. "sorry." you giggled at the man. you continued leading him through the house. after making your man stub his toe a couple times and run into a couple walls, you reached the bedroom. “remind me to never allow you to lead me places when i can't see." he teased. you rolled your [color] eyes. and smacked his shoulder playfully.
"keep your eyes closed." you said as you removed your hands. he heard you moving around the room and noticed the lights dimming. he heard the mattress yet kept his eyes closed. "you can open them now..." you mumble. he slowly opened his blue eyes and smiled from the domestic sight.
you posed in a sexy way on the comfortable bed, wearing a white see-thru baby doll. it had off-white lace around the cups. the matching panties had cute lace bows of the same off-white color. you even slipped on some matching stocking and a garter. there was a couple rose petals spread around the bed and you lit a couple of candles
"hmm..." leon took a mental photograph of the sight. and took notice of your shyness. "i know you're probably tired from your mission... so i understand if you-" you paused when you felt the bed dip under his weight. he kissed your cheek and silently admired you.
"nono, you put in all this effort for me lovie... i don’t deserve it but you still did this for me, no way ’m leaving you hanging. " leon whispered in your ear, caressing your body. he kissed along your neck, to your jaw and to your plump lips. he pulled away, "bellissima..." your face was flushed, turning a light shade of rose.
your polished fingers found their way to the hem of his shirt, and you began lifting it up. he chuckled, "bisognoso" he muttered. you made quick work of removing his tight shirt and threw it somewhere on the floor behind you. "you're so hot..." you mumbled timidly, tracing over the lines of his abs.
he stared at your adorable expression, enjoying how shy you got in this intimate situation. "I love you leon," you whispered, unbuttoning his pants. he suddenly grabbed your hands and flipped you onto your back, pinning you down beneath him. "lee..."
he made quick work of removing the baby doll top, throwing it off to the side and smiling at the sight of your chest. he released one of your hands, which quickly found purchase on his broad shoulders. he gently squeezed your breast, playing with your perky nipple.
you gasped from the feeling and your free hand immediately went to cover your mouth. “lee…” you repeated, which made him smile. his head ducked down, and you felt his mouth wrap around one of the sensitive buds as he continued tweaking the other one with his fingers. you whined from the pleasure and your hand landed on his scalp, tangling in his golden locks.
he removed his hand as he continued sucking on your sensitive parts, slipping it down your body and finding its way to the sexy thong you wore. he pulled away from your chest and rasped, “cuore mio…” your thighs spread slightly as he gently tugged your panties off, leaving you with stocking and a garter. he also let go of your other hand, freeing the other hand up.
“it’s not fair that you still get pants on while i’m naked.” you whined, hiding your chest from his hungry vision. he smirked and removed his pants, keeping his boxers on. “we’ll take these off in a moment, i just can’t wait anymore.” he purred, positing himself to eat you out. you look down at his face timidly, biting your fingernail.
he flicked his tongue against your sensitive bundle of nerves, keeping his eye trained on your face. you shut your eyes from the bliss and mewled. he pressed a few kisses to your inner thighs, getting painfully close to where you wanted him badly. “leon…” you pathetically pleaded for him to kiss you. he quickly checked your face again. “fuck… barely even done anything an’ you’re already makin’ that cute lil’ face for me? you flatter me.”
you had no idea where this teasing dominance came from, usually leon was less into teasing and was eager to start eating you out. so why is he suddenly wanting to tease you? whatever, you could care less. whatever this was, it was sexy, and it got you riled up.
he placed a soft kiss on your inner thigh again and situated your thighs on his biceps and reached over them to hold you still (i can’t explain it so just cope) before licking a long stripe up your core. you gasped from the feeling, your breath getting caught in your throat. you could feel the smirk against your private areas as he continued licking your lips. his tongue teased your entrance as he released one of your thighs to rub circles on your clit. you moaned quietly, your hands tangling in his blonde hair once again. you gently rubbed his scalp as he lapped up your juices, savoring all of it.
he pressed a chaste kiss to your clit, teasing your soddened hole with his fingers before slowly sliding a finger inside. you cried out, your thighs clamped around his head. his pretty eyes met your glassy eyes and held contact as you began squirming. he tightened his grin and pulled away, spitting on your pussy before going back in. you felt your orgasm building up and your moans slowly got louder and louder when he started thrusting his finger.
your head felt fuzzy as he continued licking your cunt. your climax was rapidly approaching, and he knew this. your heavy breathing and the way your velvety walls clamped around his finger. you jerked your hips towards his face. “leon.” you whined loudly as he slipped another finger in. he repositioned himself to hold your hips down. and drew his face away to adore the blissful look on your face.
“baby?” he called out, and suddenly your orgasm washed over you from the sound of his deep voice. you cried out loudly, wrapping your legs around his neck, breathing heavily. you laid back for a moment, recollecting your senses and catching your breath. “missed me that much?” he joked, catching your attention. you sat up and hid your face when you noticed the mess you made.
his jaw was covered in your juices, and the sheets were totally soaked. “it’s fine princess, we have other sheets…” he climbed back over your and leaned down to kiss you, his tongue making it’s way into your mouth and easily taking dominance. your nimble fingers met the hem of his boxers and slipped them down. he laid on his back and kicked them off the rest of the way.
he was painfully hard, and quickly spit on his hands, stroking his length a couple times to get it semi-lubricated. “you wanna ride?” he asked, chuckling. you giggled shyly before replying, “i don’t know… if you do all the work for me then yes.” you were very straightforward. he sighed and accepted his fate, throwing the pillows on the floor and moved to sit with his back against the headboard.
you crawled over his lap and hovered above his dick as he lined himself up with your entrance. “think you need lube?” he asks, noticing your slight hesitation. you shook your head frantically, “nono it’s not that… just… well maybe i’ll need it, it’s been a little while, but i want you to feel good but what if i get tired?” he breathed out a laugh.
“baby, i am here. if you get tired let me know amore mio, ‘m not gonna get mad at you for getting tired.” leon breathed, cupping your chin and smiling. you sighed and nodded, you sunk down on his cock and inhaled sharply. He tenderly rubbed your hips, taking in your face of pure bliss. after a couple seconds, you exhaled and started to lazily bounce on his length. your moans got louder and louder, filling leon with a sense of pride.
“leon, feels so good…” you keened, your left hand resting on his shoulder as your opposite hand stroked his hair. he smirked and moved one of his hands to rub your clit with his middle and ring finger. “my sweet girl, always so sensitive.” he leaned his head down, nipping at your shoulders.
at some point, you started grinding rather than bouncing. he could tell you were running out of steam, but he felt like teasing a little bit. he wanted you to beg him for his help. “lee… ‘m tired… can you help?” you begged him quietly. he licked his lips as he pulled his head up, removing his hand from your hip. “beg for my help.” he said, grinning cheekily.
“lee… please help me…” you whimpered, looking at him with a pitiful frown. “lee…” you frowned and whined from the feeling of him pulling out, he continued stroking his cock. “come on, you have more in you than that.” he teased, pushing you onto your back and kneeling between your thighs.
you frowned and hid your face, “please…” he scoffed and pinned your wrists above you with one of his hands. you take a deep breath and glare at him. “please fuck me leon, i want your cock so bad leon.” you beg, he clicked his tongue in approval and lined up with your slit, pushing himself inside.
he roughly thrusted in and out, picking up on speed with each thrust. “fuck, [name] you’re so perfect. so tight.” leon breathes, hooking your legs over his shoulder. you moaned loudly, barely able to form sentences. “lee… so good…” you cried out.
you whimpered as he continued his assault on your cunt. he released your hands, which immediately returned to his shoulders. his hand slid back down, thumb rubbing over your bundle of nerves. his free hand supported him as he continued the rough pace. “baby, ‘m close…” he whimpered, making your eyes roll back. something about his whimpers just melted your brain.
his thrusts got sloppier as he continued rutting into your hole, occasionally you heard him whimper. “lee, baby… ‘m so close honey…” you sobbed, a tear escaping your eye from the pleasure. he dipped his head down into a kiss, biting your bottom lip softly. his slightly chapped lips locked with yours as your tongues danced together as be swallowed all your moans. he pulled away, a long string of saliva connecting between your lips.
“i know princess, i know… fuck, you take me so well.” he pants into your ear. your mind went blank as you reached your peak, screaming leon’s name so loudly the whole neighborhood probably heard. you were seeing stars. he sat back up, looking down at the white ring around the base of his cock. “i love you so much [name]…” he trusted a few more times before stilling, his dick twitched inside of you as he released inside of you.
you knew he still wanted more as he pulled out, his cock still semi-hard and clearly getting hard again. “again?” you said mischievously, a smirk on your face. you smiled as he flipped you onto your stomach and grabbed your hips, lifting your ass up. he hummed in response to your question as he lined himself up with your soaked entrance once again.
he easily pushed himself inside of your throbbing hole, the remnants of your past releases and your natural lubricant (???) assisting him. “i love you s’fucking much.” he growled as he began thrusting in and out of your harshly. you cried out his name repeatedly as tears began flowing down your face from overstimulation. “you’re so good for me… such a good girl.” he muttered as he leaned down to your ear and nibbled on your earlobe. you felt his abs tensing against your back as he thrusted. You felt his tip repeatedly hit your sweet spot “lee-! sososo good!” your dumbly whimpered, your brain going fuzzy from the pleasure.
“that’s right baby, tell me how good i make you feel.” he demanded, smiling as his arm made its way beneath you to cup your breast. you moaned loudly as his fingers pinched your nipple. “you make me feel so good leon i- fuck… you’re the only person who could ever make me feel this good!” he breathed at a laugh at your words and kissed your cheek gently as his thrusts became sloppy once again. he felt your walls clenching around him and knew you were about to cum again without needing words. “that’s right princess, cum around my cock.”
with a few rough thrusts, he spilled out inside of you once again, his tip kissing your cervix as you shivered. you chanted his name repeatedly as he thrusted a couple times, fucking you through your own orgasm. “I love you so much [name].” leon whispered in your ear, kissing your shoulder before pulling away from your back.
he took a deep breath, pulling out and flopping next to you on the bed. you breathed heavily, trying to catch your breath. “you okay my love?” leon asked you as he turned onto his side to admire you. he rubbed your waist as you turned to face him, basking in the afterglow. “i’m okay sweetheart… could use a bath, maybe some hot chocolate, maybe you'll get in the bath with me.” you say quietly, smiling.
he smiled and kissed your forehead, “happy anniversary my angel…” leon said, climbing out of bed to draw you both a bath.
he’s a keeper.
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this was the first smut i ever wrote so like, so please no judgement thanks 🎀🍓꒰ ๑ơ ₃ ơ꒱ @luvrfaries
leon s. kennedy masterlist ౨ৎ | if you enjoyed please reblog and if you actually do reblog then i love you and you deserve nothing but happiness and good fortune in life 😭🙏🩷
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leondickrider · 9 months
i need more leon s kennedy w a skinny gf cuz literally nobody writes for the skinny girls with like no body fat that have no boobies or booties anymore. like i may have this big fat ass but i'm still classified as underweight and i physically cannot get through a another fanfic where it randomly mentions that y/n is chubby bc it brings me back to when i was called fat in dance class when i was like 4 and then i sob for a few minutes before putting my fork down like actually but in the nicest way possible no offense 💀
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leondickrider · 9 months
happy 46th birthday leon kennedy 🎀🍓
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leondickrider · 9 months
YAYAY- I’m so excited !! Actually have 2 Leon drafts, one nsfw and the other mainly sfw, so I’m excited to hopefully post next week 🙏 but I’m glad 2 hear ur doing good bae 🌷🫶🏾
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YAYY U BETTER TAG ME BC I WILL SPREAD THE WORDS 🤭🩷 i'll even reblog in on my old account that actually has followers 💀
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leondickrider · 9 months
Hihi vivi my cutie 🫶🏾🌷 how have u been, any new sips 🤭
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hiii ml i've been vv good nd yasss i have a fewww and two are nsfw 🤭 and the others are all very cute fluffy ones :)) !! 🎀
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leondickrider · 9 months
make a mess (fem!reader)
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“Cmon pretty girl, don’t get shy now” you hear his taunting whispers in your ears as he continued to increase the pace of his fingers that was pleasing the walls of your insides. You were trying to keep a hand on your mouth to prevent the loudness of your moans but while one hand was busy pleasing and adoring the squeezing from your cunt, the other was occupied with keeping your hands above your head.
“S-Someone is going to see us” you whimpered a bit loudly, flushing immediately. You watched him smirk as he entered another digit and this time your mewl was louder than before as he started kissing at your neck. Your thighs closing in on his hand as you were trembling.
“If thats so, why are you so soaked?” He teased and you didn’t bother to deny it. Something about someone witnessing your boyfriend giving you the fingering of his life turned you on. You just wanted to take his cock right here and now. But lust wasn’t fogging up your mind too much.
You began to not care if someone heard as you just so badly wanted to reach your climax. Begging and whimpering for him to go faster and help you finish. “O-Oh fuck! Please, a little faster” you moaned, wanting to tug on his hair but his hand holding yours together wasn’t budging.
“Of course Princess” he whispered after leaving another hickey on your neck. And he did increase his pace, feeling his fingers be squeezed tightly by the walls of your cunt.
“I’m going to come, fuck! I’m going to come” you moaned looking at him in the eyes before he pressed a short kiss onto your lips.
“Come for me dear, make a mess.”
And you did exactly as you were told.
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— eren, levi, neuvillette, diluc, kaeya, toji, nanami, gojo, dan heng, blade, welt yang, leon kennedy
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