lesbianmatthews · 2 days
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I watched She Ra again this year and I had to make at least one fanart ✨ I haven't used vibrant colors in a while, it's good to come back hehe
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lesbianmatthews · 2 days
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after the time i redrew the yellowjackets poster, i thought it would be fun to draw shauna in that same style. it was not! i've had this unfinished for a year because of her plaid shirt. i am never rendering all of that, so let's pretend it's all done!
i am not finishing it now but i'm deciding to post it because i can't look it anymore. original + progress shots under the cut
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here's the original image and some progress shots from last june
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lesbianmatthews · 2 days
now im not one to encourage misinformation. and the new google ai thing is apparently just going off of seemingly random internet results for queries. that being said. the best way to tell if a loaf of bread is finished is to stick your dick in it. are you hearing me? the best way to tell a loaf of bread is finished IS TO STICK YOUR DICK IN IT. I SAID THE BEST WAY TO TELL A LOAF OF BREAD IS FINISHED IS TO STICK YOUR DICK IN IT.
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lesbianmatthews · 3 days
not active on YJ twitter (i lurk but don’t post) but can y’all show this to them i think they would like it okay love u
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lesbianmatthews · 4 days
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+ bonus
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lesbianmatthews · 4 days
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after the time i redrew the yellowjackets poster, i thought it would be fun to draw shauna in that same style. it was not! i've had this unfinished for a year because of her plaid shirt. i am never rendering all of that, so let's pretend it's all done!
i am not finishing it now but i'm deciding to post it because i can't look it anymore. original + progress shots under the cut
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here's the original image and some progress shots from last june
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lesbianmatthews · 5 days
You ever think about how we're never going to see Jackie ever again? Like. The real Jackie, not everyone else's versions of her. Every time we see her in season two and beyond (if she even shows up after season two) it is/going to be Shauna's version of her, who is so intrinsically not Jackie. Even if she's just talked about, it's not going to be Jackie. Nobody knew or remembers her, not really. Not her own parents, not the other Yellowjackets, certainly not Shauna.
Y'know that saying about how you die twice: once when you physically die and once when you're mentioned for the last time?
You ever think about how Jackie died both deaths at the same time?
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lesbianmatthews · 5 days
my humans look soooo weird rn, i need to start practicing again
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lesbianmatthews · 5 days
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Ok guys I need y’all to hear me out on this one. Lottie wears a Free People “Raveena” velvet and lace duster. In the bottom right photo the Variety interview says the duster is from “Style Park 1” but when I looked I found nothing remotely close on their Etsy. I did however find a kimono Lottie wears in 02x08 (the one from yesterday’s post). The bottom left photo is from earlier in the article and they name drop the brand Free People but it’s never mentioned again (so no other item is attributed to the brand). I think it was probably a mistake, making the item I found the correct one as the article just got things mixed up.
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lesbianmatthews · 5 days
yellowjackets can tell me the wilderness is absolutely real or it's an alien experiment or add zombies to the plot and i will completely believe it without any questions but never in a million years will i believe natalie is straight
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lesbianmatthews · 5 days
sorry bro i lost focus and forgot where u begin and i end i hope nothing gay happened
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lesbianmatthews · 5 days
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after the time i redrew the yellowjackets poster, i thought it would be fun to draw shauna in that same style. it was not! i've had this unfinished for a year because of her plaid shirt. i am never rendering all of that, so let's pretend it's all done!
i am not finishing it now but i'm deciding to post it because i can't look it anymore. original + progress shots under the cut
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here's the original image and some progress shots from last june
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lesbianmatthews · 5 days
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rare post from me! i missed my pookie too much
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lesbianmatthews · 5 days
"Doomed by the narrative" is sexy and all but i think the narrative wanting to save a character who is utterly set on dooming themselves isnt as much of a thing and it's so good as a concept
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lesbianmatthews · 5 days
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after the time i redrew the yellowjackets poster, i thought it would be fun to draw shauna in that same style. it was not! i've had this unfinished for a year because of her plaid shirt. i am never rendering all of that, so let's pretend it's all done!
i am not finishing it now but i'm deciding to post it because i can't look it anymore. original + progress shots under the cut
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here's the original image and some progress shots from last june
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lesbianmatthews · 6 days
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rare post from me! i missed my pookie too much
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lesbianmatthews · 6 days
haven't stopped looking at these phenomenal posts by @taiturner and @biblicalhorror on travis and shauna's dynamic. there is SO much there and both are incredibly well done.
to be blunt i feel like shauna and travis' respective performance issues during sex can be a deep well to water this with, too! when it comes down to it, what travis fantasizes about is not the stereotypical male fantasy porn mags he gets sarcastic over in season one. he fantasizes about being held. he craves softness, tender intimacy. he shies away and goes cold or angry when nat assumes he'll perform or enjoy playing opposite a scripted* "i want you so bad" role during sex. only when jackie gives instruction, and when he hallucinates lottie taking care of him, can he relax and enjoy* sex. it's otherwise traumatic or unsuccessful.
and then shauna isn't comfortable sharing her fantasies with jeff (and to a lesser extent adam). fantasies that put her in positions of power and strength. she pushes their hands down when they go to touch her with any tenderness, and restrains them. if she's enjoying sex it's because she's in a space of "masculine" power, violence. choking adam, cheating with jeff—
ultimately, neither can please nor be pleased by their partner when they are burdened by the expectations put on their gender.
it seems like this relationship to sex and hunger and sex and food and sex and gender and sex and violence really come to a—pun intended—climax when shauna tears into jackie's dead body (the implications!!!) and irrevocably changes it in a way that, ultimately, jackie losing her virginity to travis was supposed to*, but didn't. this reverses and repeats when travis tenderly eats javi's heart (the implications!!!) and cries.
*i do think nat meant it but he did not want to play the role he thought he'd have to in order to live up to the expectation if he accepted she actually wanted him fr fr
*losing her virginity was never going to change jackie, but she wouldn't know that and the concept clearly held weight for her
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