lgcjiuk · 4 months
A part of Jiuk feels as though they're moving too fast. After all, this is the first time the two of them have properly spoken to one another, and now, all of the sudden, they're locked in a position that's rather intimate, at least physically. However, at the same time, there's not a charged intent behind it. Instead, it feels comfortable. Here he is, Hanbin in his arms securely, buoying around the perimeter of the pool, and despite what his brain is trying to tell him, it feels normal. It's not awkward, or confusing, or loaded with desire. It's sweet.
Not wanting to his thoughts to dissuade him, Jiuk chooses to lock his focus completely on Hanbin. Clearly, his junior is more than willing to talk, which is something he finds endearing, and now that he knows he can make Hanbin "smile hard," he's allowing himself to get comfortable in knowing that this—or whatever this is, anyway—is going to be successful for him. He's no longer trying to impress Hanbin. Now, he wants to get to know him. Somehow, they've already landed on that phase.
"M'glad you appreciate that about me," he replies, shrugging one of his shoulders. "It's not something that always works out in my favor, but I dunno. I don't really understand the point of lying, like... about anything." Sure, he's able to rationalize that some people use lying as a means of self-protection, but he would rather express his opinions and talk things out; get a situation handled instead of allowing it to grow. His parents always joke that this trait of his is "so American" of him, despite him never spending a lot of time in the U.S.A.
Though, the more he learns about Hanbin, the more adorable he finds him. That, and it's good for him to know that swimming isn't their only shared interest. "We'll have to go on a hike or something sometime. I love being outside, too. Do you like skiing, or snowboarding, or anything like that?" He honestly doesn't remember the last time he's been on the mountain for winter sports, but he'd love the chance to head out there before winter's over.
"You mentioning that you're an artist makes me all the more curious to see what's in your heart, and your brain. I may get lost, but I promise I'll be able to find my way around eventually." He smirks, supporting Hanbin by resting his hands around his thighs. "I honestly think I'm pretty boring, all things considered. I train here. I go to school. I visit my parents whenever I can. Someday, I hope to sign with the agency so I can get my own place, and start booking more actual jobs."
Jiuk's a restless spirit. He's ready to get out there already. Constantly grinding to maybe someday entertain people on-stage doesn't fulfill him anymore, especially when he's not exactly a traditional performer either. "I'm sure you'll be able to inspire others with your art. You're in the right place for it, and somethin' tells me you're really talented." He sometimes wonders if he, himself, would actually be talented if he applied himself to the arts more.
"It helps that you're easy to love, too. I have a feeling that you'll have a big fanbase." Jiuk takes a deep breath; content. "I'll try to keep myself on your radar, though. Don't want you to forget about me or anything." He teases, squeezing onto Hanbin's thighs playfully. "Whenever it works out in out schedules, we should go out sometime. Sure, swimming's nice, but I think it'd be cool if we could actually plan a whole night out for ourselves. What do you say?"
Hanbin laughs softly at Jiuk's response, finding his brand charm intoxicating and endearing simultaneously. The banter between them created such a comfortable atmosphere, and this genuine exchange of compliments only fuels Hanbin to explore more, and more. And he might be wrong, but he swears he sees the man… Blushing? Hanbin's smile persists, "I have no doubt about that," Hanbin replies, his gaze holding a playful glint. "You've already got me smiling hard."
He basks in the sight of Jiuk's smile spreading across his face. Like the sun itself is shining down on Hanbin’s skin. Jiuk's smile is unlike any he has ever seen before - it's so bright and warm, full of bravado and candor, that it was impossible not to be drawn in by its radiance. A smile that he wants to see a lot more of. Hanbin gazes at Jiuk as he listens, his eyes wide with admiration taking in every detail of his countenance, pausing on his lips…
The mention of medals and trophies does pique Hanbin's curiosity a lot, he knows how hard the sport is, and he wants to ask more, but he'll leave the subject for a rainy day. He raises an eyebrow. "Gold and blue? Very impressive." Hanbin is smiling and laughing, but then suddenly sees the distance between close all the way, and feels the warmth of Jiuk's arm around his waist. “Oh…!”
The water surrounding them added a deep layer of intimacy, and he finds himself enjoying the closeness. So much so, Hanbin's hands instinctively grip tightly onto the muscles of Jiuk's back, while his legs wrap around Jiuk's waist, seeking support and drawing him closer, too. Face to face, their bodies intertwine sends shivers of electricity through his skin. He meets Jiuk's gaze and time slows down. "Mhm cool with me, yeah." He feels Jiuk's eyes all over him, and he likes the feeling, made his heart keep fluttering like a butterfly. "I have to say... Your honesty is so refreshing, and I appreciate you checking if it's alright."
He continues, "You’re allowed,” he whispers, but doesn’t know why. Jiuk’s sentiment simply made him shy, “Being close to you feels right, and I want you inside my thoughts, my heart, yeah... Just promise me you won't get lost in there," he adds with a wink. 'He's unreal,' he thinks, viewing his company through gold lenses.
The conversation shifts to passions, and Hanbin hums, thinking. "I love writing," he begins, his eyes lighting up, and body perking up, bouncing a little on Jiuk. "I love the outdoors, it's my escape. It lets me capture moments in life in full focus, you know? But, I'd say, my biggest passion is be an artist." He tells him truthfully, deciding not to hide this big part of him of his make-up. “I want to inspire others, have fun, and make feel-good music.” He wrinkles his nose, "Wishful thinking, right?"
The air between them hums with possibility in this simple act of them floating together in blue waters, and him hanging onto Jiuk, that deepens their connection with each passing minute. "What about you? What does Jiuk get up to when he's not swimming?" His head tilts, while idle hands play with the hair on the back of Jiuk’s head.
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lgcjiuk · 4 months
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SUNGCHAN Talk Saxy (2023)
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lgcjiuk · 4 months
When Hanbin confirms that he is, in fact, flirting, Jiuk allows a grin to overtake him; his smile wide enough to reach his eyes. He hates that he can feel a blush burn at the contours of his face, but he hopes it's hard to see how red he's turning in this lighting. It's not often that a man is able to make him blush. Typically, it's the other way around. Seems like he's met his match, somehow, and what's even more impressive to him is how quickly Hanbin's managed to disarm him.
Sure, they've been in one another's periphery for the last couple of weeks, but actually speaking to him is a completely different story; one that he wants to continue reading. "Well, I'm glad you are," he finally responds, beaming. "You really know how to make a guy feel good. I hope I can do the same for you."
Charm is something he possesses, he's well aware of that, but the thing with charm is that it's subjective. What he thinks is charming may not be the same as what Hanbin thinks is charming, but the longer their conversation goes on, his confidence in his pursuit strengthens. He's managing to evoke such sweet reactions out of his junior, and he won't lie, he's gobbling them up as if they're spoonfuls of ice cream. "Let's just say that I've got lots of medals and trophies on display in my room at home. Lots of gold and blue."
Hopefully that answers his question.
"Though, what's way more interesting to me is the fact that I'm gonna be chillin' with you for the rest of the night." With that, he decides to make contact. Wrapping an arm around Hanbin's waist, he pulls him in close; their bodies coming together beneath the water, his long legs keeping him afloat. "This cool?" He asks, not wanting to assume that grabbing hold of him like this is alright if it isn't. He'll happily back up if that's the case, but somehow, Jiuk has a sneaking suspicion that it isn't.
Getting a view of Hanbin from this close is a fantastic experience. He's able to see just how adorable he is; his face donning a certain mischievousness to it that he finds infectious. That, and the fact that he has dimples whenever he smiles makes him even cuter. "I think I wanna keep you close to me, keep talkin' to you... get in your head a little..." he admits, continuing, "your heart, too, if I'm allowed."
Jiuk wonders if that was a cheesy thing to say, but he said it, and there's nothing he can do about it now. All he can hope are that his advances are welcomed with open arms. His worst nightmare would be coming across like a douchebag.
"What do you love to do other than swim? What are your passions?"
Hanbin's face lit up as he listens to Jiuk. He made him laugh at the dig at his coach, airy and light. How much of a straightforward person Jiuk is like a breath of fresh air. Standing up to his coach was something that Hanbin had always wanted to do but never had the courage to do so. Even in private, whenever Hanbin voiced his concerns to his teammates and friends, they would mend his wounds but, tell him to trust the coach's judgment, ‘Coach knows best. You should be mindful of what he says, and not complain of your circumstances.’ And here Jiuk is, maybe a few years late, but it feels nice. He responds briefly, saying something along the lines of, 'I wish he had, too, I loved being part of a team' but he's in awe, and it's written all over him.
Jiuk didn't shy away from pointing out his attempts at flirting or coming dangerously closer. So, he makes his intentions clear with his following words, "Well," He playfully (and softly) nudges the taller guy on the shoulder with his hand. "Yeah, I am." Jiuk summons a courage Hanbin lacked in the past, there's no sense to play games or hide behind his teasing. And when Jiuk calls him cute, it's music to his ears. The number one way to hold and keep his affection. "And you're very good-looking, and… I like the way you smile."
He really wants to say, 'You look like a Greek god.'
Hanbin likes to think you can tell a lot about someone through their eyes, the window to the soul, and Jiuk’s speak truth, strength, and protection, he feels. His sweet words seem sincere and resonate with him. So, for a change, he speaks earnestly and ditches decorum for a chance to fall for a guy and maybe, just maybe, get the chance of him falling for Hanbin. "Oh, c'mon, you won't sound like a tool. I want to know." Hanbin could feel himself heating up the more he got close, but he maintains eye contact, open & inviting.
Wading through the water, he's fully engrossed in their conversation. Despite his focus, he can't help but steal glances at how little distance there is between them. Jiuk keeps swimming inches closer, and so does he, until suddenly, Hanbin's hand settles on his abs. It's not a forceful touch, but rather gentle in nature, as if Hanbin is hesitant to stop him or doesn't want to. The sensation he experiences is nothing short of electrifying and rewires his very thoughts. A rush of heat flood his body and he can only hope this touch was okay.
"The luckiest," his lips curl up at the edges. He wants to stay in this moment, lost in their newfound connection. He wonders if Jiuk might feel the same way.
"I wanna' chill of you, yeah, sounds way more fun." His night-time skincare routine would need to be delayed for however long Jiuk wants Hanbin to stay by his side. Everything suddenly opens up to focus and adds an exciting twist to an otherwise mundane evening. "Maybe we could have a race, or I can sit on your shoulders," he laughs, "I'm totally kidding, but I'm willing to swim around, I'm down for anything; I mean, you still should get your exercise for the night. Right?" His words hint further at how willing he is to please and tend to Jiuk's wants and needs.
Throughout his life, he has yearned for that exhilarating feeling of being caught off guard, of surrendering himself entirely to someone's energy and being led down a rabbit hole. He has always sought that element of surprise that takes him on a thrilling adventure, leaving him in awe of the experience. This happy coincidence seems like his shot. "What do you say?" A warmth in his chest spreads the more they talk.
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lgcjiuk · 4 months
In retrospect, Jiuk's wondering if it was rude to cut Hanbin off and dive into the water. Could he have gone about things more gracefully? Sure, but he's never been the type that thinks about something thoroughly being acting upon it. Instead, he charges into situations headfirst, and if necessary, asks for forgiveness later. To him, that's a much simpler and straightforward approach to life. He feels like it's cumbersome to stew over tedious thoughts for long periods of time. That, and frankly, he doesn't have the attention span to hone in on one thing for days, or even hours sometimes.
Despite his worries, Hanbin joins him in the pool, and Jiuk watches intently as he smoothly leaps in. There was barely a splash left after impact, and he can't help but be impressed at his precision. Then, with complete ease, the younger of them picks up the conversation where it was left off, which is also impressive in its own way.
His antics rouse a smile from Jiuk, and in order to conceal any dopiness coming from him, he shakes the excess moisture out of his hair. Once still, his sights angle toward his new friend, and he drinks in the sight of him drenched in cool aqua. It's a good look on him, that's for sure.
"After seeing you dive, I definitely believe that." It's been awhile since he's spoken to someone who speaks his same language, and he won't lie, it's extremely refreshing. He hasn't felt like this since high school. There's a sense of freedom, and perhaps giddiness, that wraps him up and swallows him whole, and he completely gives into the feeling; letting it overtake him. "Your coach is a moron for telling you that, though. Sure, maybe you're a little small for lap-swim of any kind, but you'd be a dope diver. He could've focused you there instead."
As he's in school to someday become a professional sports coach himself, it pisses him off whenever people have coaches who are completely incompetent and dismissive; who don't work hard enough to nurture someone's potential. Not wanting to become too distracted, when he's asked if he loves to swim, he's about to answer before he's cut off by another comment; one that possesses a rather complimentary undertone. Grinning, he chooses not to answer his question for now. Rather, he asks one of his own.
"Are you flirting with me?" He inquires, treading closer to Hanbin; wondering if he'll get flustered or not. "If you are, it's cute." Jiuk's tone of voice is playful; cheeky. "You're cute, in general, though, so..." Countering with some taunting of his own, he decides to let it go for awhile and finally answer Hanbin's query. "I swim, too. I don't want to get into my titles and stuff, though. I don't wanna sound like a tool."
Could he explain that he often came out on top during tournaments? Yes. Would it be impressive? Probably. However, being considered a braggart isn't a trait he wishes to possess. His dad's always taught him to be humble when it comes to his accomplishments. "I'm glad that I run into you so often, especially since it's by coincidence. I'm a lucky guy, I guess."
Noticing Hanbin blush again, Jiuk smiles; pleased. "Somethin' tells me I'm not gonna be swimmin' many laps tonight..." He muses, treading even closer. "It's cool with me, though. Chillin' with you sounds like a lot more fun." He has no idea what he'll get up to, but he's ready for whatever it is; eager, even. "Is that cool with you? Chillin' with me, I mean."
Hanbin's pleased to see his smile for what feels like the first time, so infectious, and the rich sound of his laughter got him smiling. "You have to admit, it's pretty cute, right?" 'he teases. 'That rhymes,' his mind plays rewind, it's a thing he does, Hanbin hangs onto every word for some reason. He tends to be the type to get a little ahead of himself, but he finds it useful in small ways. "I promise it's merely a coincidence; I've been skipping more days than I should, so, I suppose you're catching me just at the right nights." With Jiuk, however, he has yet to determine what type of guy he is, but for first impressions so far, he's intrigued to get to know a new face.
"It's nice to meet you, Jiuk. I'm really glad, too," he says, nodding in agreement. Before he can respond further, Jiuk pauses their conversation abruptly, holding his attention. He stands there, fixated on Jiuk's movements diving into the pool, taking note of his form. He's clearly athletic but, Hanbin likes to think he can spot a swimmer from a mile away.
A mix of wonder and confusion floods his mind, he tries to decide what to do next. Would he ask to be alone? But Jiuk seems to be one step ahead and asks Hanbin to join him. "Your offer is very tempting..." His eyes dart around playfully, and he's pushing himself to trust those fluttering butterflies in his stomach and follow the man's trail.
With his heart pounding in his chest, he hesitates again, glancing down then over at Jiuk, then dives, slicing cleanly through the surface of the pool. He swims closer to Jiuk, his dimples deepen and a faint laugh escapes him. The cool water envelops him quickly, its gentle undulations soothing any lingering nerves and allowing him to savor this rush he's not familiar with.
He does try to maintain a safe distance, recognizing that he is still his junior, and watches Jiuk with a subtle respect. "And to answer you, yes, I love to swim. In the past, I used to actively participate in tournaments and pulled great scores for my academy's team. I had the best second-best racing time, if you can believe it." He knew back then his smaller stature could have easily held him back, but he was so driven to succeed in something he purely enjoyed for the fun of it.
"I eventually decided to pursue other paths, which led me here and I'm grateful, but I knew my novice career would be short-lived. I didn't meet 'the standard', my coach said." He shrugs, rolling his eye playfully. While his teammates continued to grow tall like oak trees, he harnessed his relatively diminutive frame to his advantage, slicing through the water with the speed of a little bullet. "How about you?"
Hanbin finds himself gazing up into Jiuk's eyes and is taken aback by how much he has opened up to him in short minutes. He doesn't want to presume, but Jiuk did remind him of his teammates. Or, Hanbin wonders if he was from the states, and used to play football. All musings floating around in his head, but then he's thinking out loud, "You certainly look the part." He runs fingers through strands of wet hair and turns away, grinning, finding it hard to glance for too long without flushing. He's pretty easy to read; there's very little he could do to hide his interest in the older man.
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lgcjiuk · 4 months
There's just something about the water that Jiuk's always loved. Whenever he steeps himself into pools, or even the sea, there's a sense of tranquility that overtakes him; one that he's become rather addicted to, frankly. He remembers his first-ever swim coach telling him that swimming will be the best thing that's ever happened to him, and at the time, he was a little too young to understand the depth of the statement, but now that he's older, he comprehends it perfectly.
It not only works wonders for the body, but also for the mind and soul. Nothing soothes his central nervous system more than plunging into the deep end, then swimming lap after lap; each stroke mastered, but only because of the years he's spent practicing.
Swimming means so much to him that, even though his schedule is overloaded with college classes and training, he still makes time to reacquaint himself with the water. Ideally, he visits once a day, but his schedule sometimes pulls him elsewhere; forcing him to shift his priorities, much to his chagrin. However, today, there's a perfect pocket of time where he's able to squeeze in some laps right before bed, and he races toward the opportunity with no hesitation; eager.
After a quick rinse off in the shower, he makes his way toward the pool and is quick to notice a familiar mop of hear buoying at the surface of the water. A fond smile tugs at one corner of his mouth, and in that same moment, memories from over the past few weeks infiltrate his thoughts. He doesn't think he's ever formally introduced himself to the guy that's slowly becoming a constant during his swim-time, but he's definitely admired him from afar.
What can he say? When he notices a cute dude, he can't help but gaze a little bit. It's human nature.
However, what he wasn't expecting was to be greeted by him tonight, and when the other enters his space, Jiuk looks down at him. It's not in a manner of superiority either, it's honestly the circumstance; their height difference apparent. Though, he won't lie, he's grateful for the aerial view, as it allows him to notice every single expression this person makes, and it also allows him the opportunity to drink in the sight of him from a closer distance.
He's honestly really cute, Jiuk won't lie to himself, but he tries not to let that distract him from listening to all he says, even if the manner in which his new friend is speaking seems rather flirtatious in nature. If the way that his teeth sink into his bottom lip means anything, that is. Jiuk doesn't want to be too presumptuous, but he's typically aware when people express interest in him.
"Min Hanbin..." He replies, low and warm, "...that rhymes." Allowing himself to laugh, he turns toward his junior; grinning. "You're right about that, though. I feel like I see you every time I come here lately." Somehow, Hanbin steps even closer to him, but Jiuk's not exactly complaining about that. Instead, he leans into it; wanting to see if he can fluster him further. "I'm Lee Jiuk, fourth year. It's weird that we're only getting the chance to talk now, but I'm glad we are."
Licking over his lips, he gestures toward the pool. "I, uh... take it you're like me and love to swim?" He asks, then ambles toward the edge of it; staring into the crystal clear aqua for a spell, feeling as though he's in a trance. "One sec," he interjects, then dives in—not wanting to waste anymore time. After a little while, he bobs back up to the surface, keeping himself afloat. "Sorry, I couldn't wait any longer. You should hop in, too. We can continue our conversation in here."
𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒅 —
written for 𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐣𝐢𝐮𝐤 ( @lgcjiuk ) ♡
Hanbin has been noticing Jiuk for quite some time now. He's tall and had this mysterious aura around him that always seemed to loom over Hanbin whenever they crossed paths. Their schedules for the indoor pool aligned for the last few weeks, too, and now, Hanbin has this growing expectation to meet Jiuk there. They usually ran into each other past in the late hours, when the pool was empty except for a few other individuals trickling in and out. The only sound that could be heard is the soft echo of their footsteps and splashes as they walked in and out of the pool.
How could he not be drawn to Jiuk in these quiet moments?
And Hanbin genuinely loves swimming. He keeps his body toned by stroking a few laps every other day, and it lifts his general mood and style outside of the pool. A learned routine/exercise brought from his days on his high school swimming team. Sometimes, he's used to diving to the deepest part of the pool, and let himself sink to the bottom like a pebble. There he’d sit, looking up from the bottom, at peace. Today, he’d swim back up and find Jiuk walking in.
Hanbin turns away, with his eyes barely visible above the surface, and floats there for a minute or three, trying to decide if he should strike up a conversation. Hanbin will admit, he did start to like the passing gazes, the smirks sent his way, though he tries to tell himself otherwise. He was coming there strictly to swim... Though, as he climbs out of the pool, he ends up acting coy, trying to get attention by body language alone. He ruffles his damp hair with a quick shake, running his fingers through it to push it back. He stretches his body, his broad shoulders tapering down to a narrow waist, all while his skin glistens with water droplets. A slight turn to the side to show those little dimples on his lower back.
He lets out a content sigh.
He attempts to sneak a quick glance to the side, unable to resist the urge, he notices that Jiuk is standing just a few steps away from him. "Oh!" A wave of surprise sweeps through him. His cheeks flush with a pink hue, and he quickly bows his head shyly, trying to mask his emotions. Only a hint of his 'boy-next-door' smile crept onto his lips, betraying him. "I didn't see you... We keep running into each other, I suppose I should introduce myself." He wasn't shy from staring at the man’s lean, muscular form and up close, he was-... he bit down on his bottom lip to keep a few words to himself. He could already see the man being a beautiful problem to enter in his life, yet he strokes the fires. Dares to step closer as his doe eyes gazed up at him, blushing pink. "I'm Min Hanbin, second year."
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lgcjiuk · 4 months
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Ayo! I'm Gabi (h/th), and from this point onward, I'll be writing Lee Jiuk (h/h, 2002 liner)! He's that one annoying jock that, no matter how much you tried to hate him in high school, you just couldn't. He makes you think of the simpler days of pep rallies and playing H.O.R.S.E. with your friends, especially when he smiles, and though he's competitive, he practices good sportsmanship; making him an asset to any team he's on. Sure, he can be a little crass, brutally honest, and insensitive, but he genuinely has no malicious intent. A lovable head-ass, if I do say so myself. Get to know him more below and "like" this post to plot. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
Lee Jiuk had a relatively simple upbringing. His parents, though stoic, loved him very much and were proud of his athletic accomplishments. His dad jokes that he ran before he walked, and that he dove headfirst into the water much younger than any of his peers, bravely teaching himself to swim. They knew he'd do great things, and while he didn't get the best grades, they were good enough to keep him on his teams. He's dabbled in volleyball, track and field, basketball, football, and swimming; the latter three being the first loves of his life. LGC Entertainment scouted him for his visuals one month prior to his high school graduation, and he's been focusing on succeeding there for the time being, all while attending classes at Korea National Sport University.
Not to be obnoxious, but Jiuk is really fucking cool. I even get annoyed by how likable he is. Does he have his faults? Of course. For example, he's not someone who deeply considers someone's feelings before speaking, and as he's a brutally honest individual, some of his opinions or thrown-in two cents can come across as hurtful to those who are more sensitive, but he's never mean. He's frank, not callous. Maybe this makes him somewhat careless, too, but he personally sees it as him standing by his word.
He's also an adventurous person, someone who never says "no" to trying new things. He's the type who'll one day decide he wants to go sky diving or bungee jumping just because, and he'll drag you out with him even if you have a fear of heights. He doesn't care if you're scared. He'll say that he'll protect you; that this will be a fun once-in-a-lifetime experience and you'll be dumb if you passed on it; that he wants to spend time with you and make this memory with you. His charm works, which is the irritating part.
Can he be a a bit of a tool sometimes? I mean, yeah. Like all men, he can be a dog. He may be a golden retriever boyfriend, but that doesn't mean he's not weak when it comes to his own desires. This also makes him vain. He wants to look good, knows it only makes life easier to be striking; handsome. He works out, still plays sports in his downtime, and adores being active. He's confident enough to understand why he was scouted by LGC Entertainment. This said, he's somewhat superficial, too. He appreciates beauty in others, especially the men pique his interest.
Get to know him. I promise he's a good time.
I'm a brainstormer. I'm not a big fan of pre-made plots. Let's talk!
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lgcjiuk · 4 months
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lgcjiuk · 5 months
REPLIES 01. 02. 03. STARTERS 01. 02. 03.
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lgcjiuk · 5 months
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