lichanicksstuff · 5 hours
I just wanted to show my Voltaire cup that I got for my birthday.
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It's a funny story because about a year ago I wrote like 5k words short story where Voltaire becomes a vampire and befriends polish poets of the late nineteenth century.
I gave him a bow:
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lichanicksstuff · 6 days
random teenager, posting an unhinged shitpost ab sandman/good omens/etc at 3 am
neil gaiman, reblogging at 4 am
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lichanicksstuff · 6 days
They can start a band
stop putting Mobius in the same bracket as Aziraphale and Stede Bonnet he needs to be here:
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I’m not entirely sure what this type is called so I’ve decided to go with:
human turned immortal and head over heels in love with the non-human being that fell out of the universe and changed their life forever
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lichanicksstuff · 6 days
Hob is like "would you still love me if I was a worm" as a joke and it backfires because Dream immediately turns himself into a worm right there and then and he's like "do you still love me hob gadling. do you."
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lichanicksstuff · 10 days
I made this meme to cope with the ending of volume 7, I WAS NOT EXPECTING ASMI AND NEIL GAIMAN HIMSELF-
Volume 1 Dream, you will always be famous.
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lichanicksstuff · 14 days
This made me think more than I expected! Such a good question! Personally, I absolutely love Calliope and I was so sad when I found out there aren't so much fics out there with her and Morpheus (they have such a perfect opportunity for pure angsts, I love it). I came up with a few anwsers, I can be wrong though:
(under the cut)
1. People like hurt/comfort more than angst - in the end of episodes where they (Hob/Calliope) show up, Calliope and Morpheus leave each other once again. They go separate ways. Hob on the other hand, meets Morpheus in his episode. They sit and talk in a cafe and it looks like a date. People eat this up.
2. Story - in episode 6 we see a summarized romance novel story between Hob and Dream. How they met, what's the history, how is it going, etc. For people who haven't read the comic, it's just clearer. Dream and Calliope on the other hand have a long history of not talking to each other. A history that is unknown to the viewer, and to be understood it has to be delve into. (That's why I think after the second season Calliope x Dream part of the fandom can get a little bigger because we find out more about them later in the story).
3. Communication - When Hob and Dream meet after a fighter they had, sit and talk about... God knows what. And that's the point. They talk about something. It's not complicated to understand and a viewer might start wondering what they are talking about. In Calliope's story there is no place for wondering other than "what the hell... OH GOD IT'S THE TIKTOK SOUND! IT'S THE TIKTOK SOUND!". Like I said, Calliope and Dream have their own story (which is sad, very sad) but most of it stays unclear in the 1st season.
That's all I've got. I hope that after 1st season drops we'll get more of Calliope x Dream fanfictions, because I just love reading about divorced couples and how one of them is so sad (It's Dream. This loverboy of a guy. He's pathetic, we love him tho).
Why is Hob more popular than Calliope?
This is a ship question. I'm genuinely curious. They both have about the same amount of screen time. They're both pretty fantastic characters in different ways. However, there seems to be a lot more love in fandom for Dream/Hob than there is for Dream/Calliope.
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I'm a multi shipper and I can see both ships, but I just wonder why there is so much less between Dream and Calliope, considering their history and how much can be played with for their relationship before canon events.
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Neither seems more or less attractive than the other. Both have good chemistry with Dream. Both have good personalities that we can see in the amount of time we see them.
So why isn't there more of Calliope out there?
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lichanicksstuff · 14 days
I've read that Dream's eyes look like a lake surrounded by night, the stars reflecting on its surface. I thought that what if all of Dream's loved ones think about him whenever they see a lake at night.
I've never been the same since.
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lichanicksstuff · 17 days
i sincerely apologize for the person i will become on this website when i see that family dinner on my TV
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lichanicksstuff · 18 days
I'm currently watching Dirk Gently's holistic detective agency and the second season is basically:
✨️Living the dream!✨️ (gone wrong)
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lichanicksstuff · 20 days
Volume 1 Dream, you will always be famous.
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lichanicksstuff · 21 days
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The Cat King: I am SUCH a romantic lsnswks☺️
Charles: Hold my beer
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lichanicksstuff · 22 days
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lichanicksstuff · 26 days
Death just loves little silly immortal romantic comedies and I'm here for it.
She gave a random guy immortality just so her brother can have a date once every hundred years. Now she lets two teen ghost run all over London and a small city in America so they can experience the beauty of falling in love.
Death and Destiny probably eat popcorn and drink the cheapest cola while watching both of these chick flicks in Destiny's domain.
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lichanicksstuff · 30 days
"I really don't know what I love you means. I think it means don't leave me here alone." ~ Neil Gaiman.
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lichanicksstuff · 1 month
I love how they portrayed Death's workplace in dead boy detectives.
I haven't seen people talking about it but the difference between the Dreaming and Death's office is so funny for me. Death personally is very kind, funny and a little chaotic but she works in an organised, clean office. Dream, on the other hand, is a scary tall emo guy but he works in a quirky castle in a fantasy world.
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lichanicksstuff · 1 month
I can't stop thinking about how the scene where Dream comes to Hob when Hob's sleeping and tells him he might miss their next appointment will be changed.
This scene was really short, like 3 pages, but I'm curious how it will look like in the show. Dream did miss their last meeting and now he's telling Hob he probably will miss another one? You want me to believe Hob will be like "okay, sure, no prob mate, go ahead"? I understand his reaction in the comic because there was no "sorry I'm late, I was stuck in the aquarium for a little longer than originally". However, in the show there is.
So I wonder how will they change this scene.
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lichanicksstuff · 1 month
never in my dreams I could've imagined that kenjaku would be sukuna's sister in law 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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