lirulua · 2 days
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There is only the desire the cry.
It's an old drawing I wanted to give more texture to and it worked :D
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lirulua · 2 days
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I realised I never posted this here so :3
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Inspired by this adorable cup my sister bought me
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lirulua · 2 days
Nouur97 is a fashion blogger from Gaza. In this video, shared May 28, she reflects on what the genocide has taken from her.
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Before the October, she co-owned a boutique with her brother. She shared outfits and accessories on her Instagram.
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Nour is on Instagram @ Nouur97. She has a Go Fund Me for herself and her family. On her Go Fund Me she wrote: "Right now, I will not ask you to help me get out of Gaza. Now I ask for your help to survive here in Gaza and help us try to build our new life because there is no other option right now until we can get out of here …"
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Available Go Fund Me campaigns for people whose stories have been shared on watermelllonarchive can be found in the resources post.
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lirulua · 2 days
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lirulua · 2 days
So, you’re like the most popular transmasc guy i’ve seen, and I was wondering if you could help answer a question I had. I have a friend who is currently presenting in a feminine way, but they have expressed a latent urge to transition. However, they constantly make self deprecating jokes about it, and it makes me sad that, because I think they do care quite a bit about the idea. Am I overthinking this, taking a step too far? And if not, is there anything I can do to at least help them become more comfortable with their desires/self-esteem? Sorry if this isn’t the type of ask you usually get, I just needed some advice!
i love this energy but i am not transmasc LMAO im just a lil guy with a big heart.
you might have to talk to them and ask them more about it, it might be they're just nervous and self-deprecating jokes is how they deal with it and its not a great way
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lirulua · 2 days
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lirulua · 2 days
"Would you peel an orange for me?"
I would peel a pomegranate for you.
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lirulua · 2 days
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lirulua · 2 days
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lirulua · 2 days
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He's a ✨️ material girl ✨️
Animated 4k wallpaper available on my Patreon
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lirulua · 2 days
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Seen today on walk peace and love on planet earth
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lirulua · 2 days
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"What is to come"
(image id is both in the alt text and below the read more- I put it under one because it's incredibly long)
And so there we have it, the 200+ followers artpiece that I have been working on for several days, if I had to guess I'd say it took 25 or so hours over eleven days. Honestly it's so surreal to me that I'm here with over 200 followers (260 as of typing this- yes, I procrastinated on this), especially when I only hit 100 followers in February. It's genuinely really nice to know that people are actually interested in my art (before anyone brings up spam bots- I know there are a few of them amongst my followers but I've checked most of them and I am 100% confident that over 200 of them are real). I don't really have much else to say really- I'm just grateful to have the support. Thanks y'all :).
[Image id: a large, lineless digital drawing of several dinosaurs. It is nighttime. At the bottom of the piece, a lone Eoraptor lunensis is walking across the floodplains- both the ground and the Eoraptor are just silhouettes, the early dinosaur has been given protofeathers. The full moon is shining, it's size is exaggerated for artistic affect. Behind the moon, the heads of sixteen different dinosaurs can be seen (listed left to right, bottom to top) Row 1- Thecodontosaurus antiquus (small sauropodomorph with light brown protofeathers, near-white undersides, straight stripes that are moderately darker than the base colour and vibrant green eyes), Coelophysis bauri (small early theropod with a long and narrow skull, its protofeathers are golden and black. A soft orange stripe runs across the back of its head, it has warm brown eyes. Row 2- Plateosaurus trossingensis (long-necked sauropodomorph, it has reddish-brown scales, light undersides, triangular stripes running down it's spine that get bigger the further down they get and pale yellow eyes), Heterodontosaurus tuckii (small ornithopod with a hooked grey beak. It has spiky green feathers, a lighter chest and a darker stripe running along its head and back, there are three small spots on its face, two behind the eye and one infront of it, it's eyes are bright yellow). Row 3- Megalosaurus bucklandii (medium-sized theropod with warm brown feathers, lighter undersides, dark spots and bright yellow eyes, there are several scars on its face), Brachiosaurus altithorax (greenish-grey true sauropod with lighter undersides, a dark pink patch on its throat, dark desaturated brown eyes and a few small scars on its neck), Archaeopteryx (early toothed bird with a black head, white neck and bright yellow eyes). Row 4- Hylaeosaurus armatus (pale brown ankylosaur with lighter undersides and vibrant green eyes), Velociraptor mongoliensis (dromaeosaur with light brown feathers, a lighter chest, a black stripe near its eye and light green eyes), Sinosauropteryx prima (small compsognathid theropod with ginger protofeathers, an off white mask and undersides and pale yellow eyes), Iguanodon bernissartensis (large greenish-grey ornithopod with a slightly darker back, pale undersides, a grey beak, and yellow eyes). Row 5- Matuku otagoense (heron with medium grey feathers and a small crest. A red stripe runs from just behind its nostrils to about a third of the way down its neck. Its undersides are white, its beak is grey and its eyes are brown), Triceratops prorsus (three-horned ceratopsian with grey-brown scales, lighter undersides, two triangular stripes between it's brow and nasal horns, reddish-orange diamond-like stripes on its frill, a hooked grey beak and golden eyes. Its brow horns curve forward at the base. Row 6- North Island brown kiwi (plump brown bird with a long pale beak, whiskers and black eyes, its nostrils are at the tip of its bill, and unlike the other dinosaurs in the sky part of its body below the neck is visible), male house sparrow (small redish-brown and grey bird with a black bib below it's bill), it has brown eyes and a dark grey bill. Row 7- rock dove (grey bird with iridescent green feathers scattered across its neck, a dark grey beak, and warm brown eyes). end id]
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lirulua · 2 days
I hate money <3
So we're just in a perpetually tight spot, apparently and my mental health is shit and this is making this worse. And no we cannot get financial help from the government because my dads boss is a cunt and puts his tips as part of his pay check rather than tips so we make "too much" for assistance.
Anyway, we need help covering rent, getting food, my dad needs new glasses cause his broke and we need gas in the car. And I need some shorts for summer since I need to start walking for the sake of my health but we genuinely cannot stand the heat, it makes our depression worse we can't move, hell our bladder doesn't even work right when we get too hot. (We cannot afford to thrift right now either, but that is what we will be doing if this post actually works)
I'm trying to get some booths for craft fairs but they're either $300-$1,000 (I'm not exaggerating) or expect you to sign your soul over to them and almost all require you to have insurance which I also can't afford.
Our Ko-Fi is open for commissions. Currently, we have
Mushroom Boys - $20
Mushroom pops - $12
Mini Octopi - $5
Gummy Bear Plush - $10
Giant Heart Pillow - $200
Mystery Boxes - $25 $50 $100 $200 $500
Please if you can help, just please. If not Please spread it around. More stuff will be added once a week, next up are mini whales.
I don't know what to do man. This shit isn't worth it but my girlfriend is moving in in july which is the only thing keeping me going at this point.
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lirulua · 2 days
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He's a ✨️ material girl ✨️
Animated 4k wallpaper available on my Patreon
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lirulua · 2 days
Emergency Commissions
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One of my checks was a couple of days late last week, and the more lucrative of my 2 proper jobs has given me only one day of work this week (seems to be system issue?? I'm waiting for a reply from my higher up, there seems to be a queue of sorts) I have no idea when I'm going to get my check this week, either. Although it's supposed to come in on Tuesdays, I have heard from coworkers it is likely to be delayed again. On top of all of this, I have had wifi issues for a week, and I work from home.
I was already going to have to do some commissions to make rent this month before the reduced work hours and wifi issues. I have to pay rent on Saturday, and I do not get a grace period. I cannot emphasize how screwed me, and both of my disabled roommates are if my check doesn't come in on time, which is apparently not likely to happen.
I am setting this goal for $600 which is how much I am going to need for rent if my check does not go through in time. I will update this post accordingly, and turn off rbs if I get my check before rent is due, but tbh if i thought that was happening I wouldn't be making this post.
Anyone who help with this can contact me at my art blog @theartistrans for art like you see above. There may be a bit of a wait because I have 2 jobs and this, but I will mail you the piece if you pay the shipping also.
Dm me for proof or more details. More details are also in my tags.
$C V PP Kofi
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lirulua · 3 days
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shawl of fur, sea glass, and stars
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lirulua · 3 days
help a trans man and his mother and pets stay housed
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our eviction date is officially set for the 4th June, but the landlord is giving us another couple extra weeks after due to the length of our tenancy.
we still have not found a place to live, and it is getting fucking terrifying. my mother had a heart attack on the 13th of may, I'm still recovering from top surgery, and we have eight pets we cannot handle losing on top of everything else.
I've created a POOL for fundraising for expenses related to our impending homelessness
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