Spike from Buffy the vampire slayer, plz.
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girlfriends <3
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the most frustrating thing about the whole spike situation is that the scoobies act stupid as fucking hell about it. like goddamn you've got a god on dawn's ass that spike has proven he will stand up against and you're complaining that buffy treats him like her second in command?!? literally who else is even remotely strong enough to stand up against this enemy. its like all of buffy's human friends are in denial about how useful they are to her compared to spike. spike is in that position because he can actually hold his own in it - and like a real general that knows her odds, buffy won't allow anybody else there but him. fighting evil isn't a fucking field trip. spike is practically her only real fucking soldier in this situation. god forbid she actually use him and try to win.
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BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER S4E9: Something Blue | S5E6: Family requested by @chasingfictions
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BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER (1997-2003) 6.08, “Tabula Rasa”
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I will forever wish for a scene of Buffy & Spike dancing together. I can only presume the writers/producers/whatevers (read: ugh, JW) didn't give us such a scene because SMG & JM's chemistry would've been just too much for prime time, non-HBO television.
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spuffy + textposts (3/?)
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spuffy + textposts (2/?)
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spike without his memories just absolutely convinced he has a soul is so fucking funny. lamest vampire in existence
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the way he renovated his crypt for her 🫶🏼
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Rewatching buffy right now and I'm at Spike's intro and honestly? It still works so well, no wonder the fans made them keep him around.
It's that appealing mix of him being Really Really cool (the coat,the accent, the demeanour, the soundtrack) while also being the Biggest Fucking Simp,just an absolute "please and thank you your majesty" for the woman in his life (him going soft in an instant when Drusilla walks in, ready to do anything for her)
It's not just a bad boy,that you think you Can Fix - it's a bad boy that you know *can* be fixed
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The only person she trusts 💞
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i'm sorry justified was the wrong word to use!! i don't mean to pressure you i'm just curious about what you think about the scene and how it fits into both buffy and spike's stories, but you also obv don't have to answer if you'd rather not. either way thank you for your time :)
it’s not something easy to speak at length about in replies like this (even tho they let you type a lot, it’s just kinda off the cuff), but i appreciate that you’re coming from a genuine place so i’ll try.
basically i think it does mostly make sense as is BUT that it would make way more narrative sense for the story they had set up by that point for him to have a different catalyst to get his soul, or at least to want it. ultimately i think spike taking full accountability for his actions and wanting to change while soulless is the most important part of his story.
that said i wish buffy’s side was centered much more. we somehow get very little of spike’s actual pov all through s6, then this huge thing happens to buffy and we see almost none of how it affects her. at the same time it’s perfectly in character that she forgives him. forgiveness is such a central part of who she is going back to s3 with everything about angel and with giles after the cruciamentum (and even earlier than that but those two are major). that remains consistent. she’s forgiving at times to a fault, and she loves extremely hard. and yes she absolutely loves spike and that’s why she does it.
SR is devastating in many ways (and not something i look at too closely through a real world lens because of the supernatural element of soullessness) but season seven is about two people growing and healing both as separate individuals and as companions who strive to provide each other with strength and partnership. that’s why spuffy wasn’t only not ruined for me, but is an inspiring and enduring love story.
(eta please forgive any typos i am DYSLEXIC and proofreading only goes so far)
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Buffy vs. Dracula
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genuine question (and as a person who loves spuffy and believes they're endgame) how do u justify the attempted rape? how does it fit into the narrative in your opinion? I have my own ideas abt it but I'd love to hear yours
i don’t justify it. understanding why something happened and being able to move past it because of what came next is not justifying that it happened in the first place. what’s important is that the story didn’t end at seeing red.
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dawn summers, at 14, learned she wasnt originally human and that all of her memories were fake, lost her mother, was hunted and kidnapped and nearly killed by a psychotic hell-god, lost her sister, and at 15 lost what was basically her surrogate mother, had her only father figure leave the country, after already having her actual father leave years earlier, and probably a lot more shit im forgetting right now. all this and yall still wanna say shes annoying and winey and u hate her bc she acts up and cries and creates problems for others............id like to see how youd act in her shoes....dont piss me off...
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Buffy deserved more naps
with spike.
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