localraccconn · 3 hours
may have found the funniest possible thing ever in this essay on medieval sex laws im reading hold on
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localraccconn · 8 hours
actually i think graduates of a university should have access to the library databases forever and ever amen
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localraccconn · 8 hours
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localraccconn · 16 hours
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boy who's never seen a large body of water before + insane force abilities = a very tired obi-wan
(donation doodles! // tip jar)
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localraccconn · 21 hours
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dick grayson but he has the cringe older brotherisms of son gohan as the great saiyaman send tweet
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i think they're kind of stupid (affectionate)
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localraccconn · 1 day
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localraccconn · 2 days
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Every now and again I think of this Sarah tweet and just stare into the middle distance.
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localraccconn · 2 days
Suzanne Collins really has the protocol down. On average twice a decade she writes a press release that's like "in one year there will be a new book and in two years there will be a movie based on said book. Here is the one philosopher I'll be referencing, and here is what upset me this time on the news enough to write another book. Enjoy!" and then she collects her millions, drops another banger, and doesn't go on twitter ever
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localraccconn · 2 days
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Robin!Steph suffered so many terrible traumas too, let's acknowledge it 🤼‍♂️
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localraccconn · 2 days
Arkham Knight AU were everything is the same except The Arkham Knight isn't Jason
It's Stephanie
Because unlike Jason Stephanie was actually left to die by Bruce
The line "How long did you wait before replacing me? A month? A week?! I trusted you! And you left me to die!" is so much more tragic coming from Steph because unlike Jason it's true
Bruce didn't want to replace Jason Tim just kinda forced himself into Bruce's life whereas he only made Steph Robin to piss off Tim and didn't even bother saving her from Black Mask and didn't even respect her enough to take off his mask as she died
Her being The Arkham Knight would fit so well
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localraccconn · 2 days
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stray!tim design plus a little timbern because
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localraccconn · 3 days
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Art inspired by one of my fav timkon fics "buy back the secrets" by @vinelark ✨
The fanart is not exactly accurate to the fic but i loved the concept and everything about it so much it made me wanna draw this😭💕
A silly little extra doodle too:
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localraccconn · 3 days
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They're twins your honor
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localraccconn · 3 days
I once read a fic but now can’t find it where Sasuke time traveled into his child self and seduced Itachi and they ended up having sex and Itachi felt so guilty he killed himself. The bad ending sucks let’s change that.
I could totally see Tim doing that with one of his brothers but please a happy ending!
ohmy god ohmygod that fic sounds incredible!!!! and also something seems so oddly fitting for an emotionally and mentally traumatized person like sasuke to do. and for tim? it fits perfectly.
tim suffers a lot of loss as a result of becoming robin and he never quite stops losing things. even when he gets back bruce. steph, kon, and bart. their relationships are never the same. tim can never fully bring himself to forgive steph and eventually she grows resentful of his lack of trust. bruce drifts further not just from tim but all of them. kon and him just never have a chance to bounce back and same with bart. it hurt to know they outgrow each other. tim takes more hits and more losses.
he feels desperatly alone.
the distance between him and dick is the worst. tim wasn't angry anymore, didn't hurt anymore over the things they both said and did after they thought bruce died. but he's still never able to bridge that gap with dick. dick who had always been there who had been the steady prescense and older brother that took his side when bruce would get on his ass about something.
the loss of dick hurts the worst. even when he tries dick never sheds the bit of awkwardness around tim like he doesn't know how to act with him.
tim has nothing. has no one. so when he's fighting some villain that booster gold and flash had given a strict warning about, maybe he's not being as careful as he could be.
but it doesn't matter. because what was tim trying so hard for anyway. it's not like anyone would be waiting for him when he awoke in the medbay.
only tim doesn't wake up in the medbay, there's no heart monitor beeping in his ear, no triple filtered air or the scent of sanitizer in the nose.
when tim wakes up he's disoriented, blinking brings a wave of vertigo and turning on his side in case he has to vomit makes it worse. tim clenches the sheets under him in a white knuckle grip as the room spins, powering through the dizziness for what feels like hours until it stops.
tim is small. his voice is squeaky, it hasn't even dropped. his hands are soft and his body is a little pudgy from his love of vending machine snacks. he's in his dorm room. his old dorm room from when his parents would still ship him off to boarding school, before he'd spent weeks begging them to let him attend the local public school in gotham so he could begin his training as robin.
tim's uniform is hanging over his desk chair. his desk is littered with candy and snack wrappers and half finished homework. textbooks are lazily spread around the room and tim's old posters of punk and edgy celeberties he desperatly wanted to be were being held up by thumbtacks.
tim is certain it's a hallucination. a very good one. but as his socked feet sink into the pukey colored carpet and he follows the sound of the other boys on his floor banging on doors and then running away laughing when it's pulled open, he becomes less sure.
tim is trained to spot false realities b4ought on by illusion, drugs, or magic. tim didn't want to brag but he was the best at it. he held the unofficial record among the bats as being the fastest to break out of the effects of fear toxin.
tim was just good at knowing his own mind. and tim knew...there was no way his mind conjured this up. the detail, the realism. things tim had completely forgotten about come rushing back as his eyes landed on them.
tim lets himself feel the horror, the devastation, the pain, and hopelessness of the situation he's found himself in for a minute. just a minute.
and then he gets to work.
tim was not like the other leaguers, the other heroes, the other people that had fucked around in time, blind to the consequences.
tim was different. he'd weighed the risks. he'd had a week where he'd been in a bad spot mentally and gone through...everything. it helped that he'd had use of an 'odds' calculator that weighed probability in a time line and had used it...just to see if what he suspected was true. it was. it hurt his feelings but it gave him the answers he'd needed to hear. tim hadn't kept that device around. he'd dismantled it and then dumped every piece in a different city around the country.
so tim knows what to do. even knowing what it will cost him he does it because...it was what was right. tim would never be able to forgive himself if he allowed his selfishness to get in the way of what was right.
bruce had never healed from losing jason. it had broken him in a way that he'd never healed from despite tim's best efforts and jason returning....angry and hateful had made it worse.
the charity sheila haywood worked for was easy to contact. tim used the computers in the lounge of his dormitory to gather the financial documents to submit an anonymous claim about her embezzling. prison would do her good. maybe she'd even clean up her act but tim doubted it.
odds that jason todd would never have died as robin had he not gone to ethiopia?? 78.9334%
tim wasn't sure how the math worked out but the fact that jason had been killed outside of gotham never sat right with him. jason had the home field advantage in gotham. no one knew that city like he did. there was no way the joker or anyone would have ever gotten the drop on him if he'd been in gotham.
and so tim saves jason's life and bruce's sanity with the click of a button.
the next thing tim does is submit crystal brown's resume to a number of nurse manager positions in new york. she's qualified and capable with the right experience as a trauma nurse. tim doesn't even have to lie or embellish anything but his years of working closely with the hiring managers at WE certainly help her stand out. crystal caught a lot of flack from stephanie. and tim understood why. her drug addiction, her determination to stick by arthur, stephanie's career criminal father, and the fact that she'd never really protected stephanie from the worst the world had to offer. stephanie had made no secret about her resentment toward sher father. but tim didn't think she even registered the bitterness she held toward her mother.
gotham was poison. and some people never built a resistance to it. gotham weighed crystal down. it made drugs too easy to get so she could never break the habit, it made every probation or release arthur got impossible to hide from because the gotham system tracked family down for convicts so they wouldn't be on the street or clogging up the shelters. the stress of her estranged husband's release stuck her in an ugly cycle of drug use. but she'd never stolen them from her job and that's why tim makes the right moves for her.
new york was unfamiliar but similar to gotham. she'd be cut off from her usual suppliers and out of state so the gotham correctional facility and arthur wouldn't be able to reach her. she'd get better, get sober, heal, do a better job of being a mother to her daughter. steph would never become spoiler. she'd probably never forgive him but if things went right they'd never cross paths.
no spoiler meant no war games, black mask would never beat her to death, darla would never die, babs would never lose her clocktower, the civilians caught in the cross fire would never fall to gang violence.
odds of stephanie brown never becoming spoiler if she left gotham? 89.0005%
with his parents it was harder. if jason lived tim would never be robin...but that didn't mean tim would be able to stop himself from being something else. he was a vigilante through and through. but being one was what had made his father a target. it was his fault he had died.
odds of janet and jack drake dying if their son is a vigilante? 93.3333%
there was no way around it. being near him was a death sentence. and tim couldn't do that to them. but he couldn't just leave. people would ask questions. his parents would be pained if he disappeared and he'd already caused them enough hurt. it's not hard to track down the...thing that lives in the Andes mountains. the thing he and young justice had found a long time ago and left alone because it hadn't hurt anyone who hadn't asked for it. the thing tim had never made a report on because there some things he didn't trust bruce with and bruce had been...unstable back then.
tim has enough money squirreled away for the plane ticket. it's an easy process. the thing doesn't want money, has no use for it. all tim feels is a pinch as his life strands to his parents are severed. tim's baby photos in the family album, his first tooth, his basssinett growing mold in the attic, his parents memory of him being born. it fizzles to nothing like a tablet of alka seltzer dissolved in a glass of water. tim figures he had a few weeks before the school realized an extra student was in the dorms which was why tim had moved his things and an extra bedmat to a storage closet in the school attic before leaving.
when tim returns its only a few days before he finds out his parents have returned to gotham to file for divorce. he'd always figured they'd only stayed together because of him. once they started going through assets they'd probably find out about phil marrin stealing from the company while they're overseas.
while the other students are at class tim uses the computers to finish up his final act. he roughly knew damian's movements at this time due to past conversations. all it takes is some waiting and letting the league tech division believe they've successfully knocked out the cameras of a target's mansion. he zooms in on stills of damian's uncovered face alongside talia and other league members and leaves them in an 'automated' file for the police. he tips off a crooked cop who sells the images to big newspapers and the 'assasins caught breaking into ex-dictator's home!' catches like wildfire.
bruce will be intrigued about the league slipping up and will see the image of damian who looks so much like he did as a child.
odds of damian wayne being accepted by the wider hero community if he'd been taken out of the league earlier? 62.9855%
odds of damian wayne leading a normal life if he'd been taken from the league earlier? 78.5488%
odds of damian wayne being happy if he'd been taken away from the league earlier? 99.9999%
in the end tim does it for the right reasons. he'd like to believe that if his brothers were in his shoes they'd have done the same for him as well.
cassie, bart, and kon would still have each other. cass would find barbara again. helena would find a way to make it in gotham with or without the bats.
they'd be fine. they'd be fine without tim there.
but tim still needed to figure out what to do.
he essentially didn't exist. he had no family. no friends. he was alone.
it's on the announcement of bruce wayne having a child he didn't know about that tim finally breaks down.
he's won. but he's lost. he's lost. he's lost so much and nobody knew. he was a stranger. nobody. he was alone. alone. alone.
tim's not sure how but he ends up in bludhaven. his whole world is packed in a small backpack as he rides the bus to an address he's memorized several times over.
dick doesn't know him, won't recognize him, may even get angry at this child he doesn't know clinging to him.
tim doesn't care.
dick arrives home, after nearly a month away in space, to the realization that someone's been squatting in his apartment.
it could be any number of things that set off his finely tuned senses but the clues were a few specific things.
all of dick's shoes being lined up neatly by the entrance rather than a haphazard pile. one of the lined-up shoes includes a pair of light-up sketchers.
the fact that his dishes were washed and put away but a single mug was on the drying rack still dripping water.
the recently vacuumed carpet that still had lines from where the mouth of the vacuum had passed over it.
the extra toothbrush in a little cup by his sink along with the newly opened bar of soap sitting on the rim of his bathtub that had been scrubbed so well alfred would be proud.
but the thing that really drives it all home is the kid he finds sleeping on his bed.
he's a tiny thing, curled around one of dick's pillows and wearing one of his police academy t-shirts as pajamas. one of the kid's socks has been kicked off in his sleep and he's drooling when dick drops his bag and clear his throat.
turns out the kid had been living in dick's apartment for a little over a week after he left.
the whole thing makes dick feel like the rug has been pulled out from under him. normally dick would be nicer, kinder, gentler about the whole situation because a kid squatting in a stranger's apartment didn't exactly spell good things about his home life.
but dick was tired and stressed and pissed the fuck off because bruce apparently had another kid this one bloodrelated and he hadn't even bothered to tell dick about it. just like with jason he was treating dick like he was some sort of leper.
so maybe dick raises his voice a little.
but the kid doesn't flinch.
he wants to negotiate, he's willing to pay if dick lets him stay. he's already proven he can clean, he can cook too, will dick let him stay? tim can sleep on the couch, do the laundry, buy groceries, he can be useful. just will dick please let him stay?
it makes dick feel bad. the way this kid is borderline begging not to be thrown on the streets.
he can't keep the kid. in no world is that the right move. because dick wasn't equipped to take care of a kid and his life was already enough of a wreck as it was.
so dick lies. tells the kid he agrees to let him stay.
in the morning dick will call a social worker about the whole thing.
dick wakes up to the scent of pancakes and scrambled eggs prepared by little hands. dick has a moment of panic over the whole 'unsupervised kid + stove' before remembering the kid had been cooking in dick's apartment for over a month without burning it down.
dick tries getting some answers out of the kid but getting him to open up is like pulling teeth.
all dick manages to learn is his name.
tim, no last name.
and his age.
10. though dick is pretty sure he's lying about it given the slight twitch of his finger as he says it. impressively the kid has no other tells which means he's either used to people taking his words at face value or he lies A LOT.
dick tries six times to call a social worker but keeps getting interrupted by one thing or another.
somehow rather than calling about the child in his apartment he ends up at a grocery store with tim picking up a new gallon of milk to replace the expired one in his fridge.
tim walks with an odd sort of confidence he isn't used to seeing in children. he holds coupons clipped from dick's newspaper in one hand and sternly holds up loaves of bread, observing them for dents or imperfections, in the other.
his voice is soft and babyish but he speaks with a 'you should take me seriously' tone. it's odd to see coupled with his cherubic face that's wearing a red l.l bean jacket and light-up superman sketchers.
dick carries the small basket of groceries for tim and wonders how he ended up in this situation. he resolves to leave a message to the office of social work in the morning.
he does not.
days pass with dick trying but his attempts keep getting cut off, if he didn't know any better he'd think tim was sabotaging him by running interference.
after awhile dick starts getting used to his tiny roommate.
it's hard to think of tim as a kid, sometimes dick completely forgets he is. if he didn't keep bumping into tim because he forgets to look down to see him it would completely slip his mind.
but tim's company is...nice. he's easy to get along with. he's not put off by dick's bouts of anger which always manages to make him feel ashamed afterward because tim not flinching at someone throwing things and yelling does not say good things about what he's experienced in his short life.
tim is quiet and collected but with a surprising wit that manages to catch dick off guard when they watch some reality TV shows that dick pretends to his friends and family that he doesn't love.
when dick gets ready to go out as nightwing he always checks on tim who is curled asleep on the couch, breathing soft and even.
things are normal, easy.
until dick gets clipped by a gun and stumbles into his bedroom bleeding. he barely manages to reach the bed before the pain knocks him out. he comes in and out of consciousness, eyes blinking at the haze as he feels soft hands strip him and gently feel around his wound.
in the morning dick wakes up on the couch. his side is wrapped tightly and packed with bandages. there's an emptied syringe of lidocaine and an emptied bottle of sterile woundwash. dick's forehead is sweaty but not with fever. his suit is gone and he's in a fresh pair of cotton boxers. he spots tim out of the corner of his eye staring at him. his hands are covered in comically big yellow cleaning gloves and his hair is tied back with one of dick's bandanas. the gray mop bucket holding red stained rags are visible inside the soapy water.
tim's eyes are too big for his face and filled with an almost childlike look that disappears everytime dick blinks.
"your mattress is ruined"
that's all tim says about the situation. despite the fact that he most likely stripped dick of his nightwing suit and patched him up, pretty well by dick's standards, and there again came that throbbing ache at tim's unknown upbringing.
tim knows he's nightwing and somehow it doesn't change anything at all.
if bruce knew a random civilian knew his identity he'd be lecturing dick's ear off. which is why he doesn't tell him about tim.
tim is steadily becoming a permanent addition to dick's side. once he knows about nightwing dick starts talking more about that part of himself. his friends, allies, the stress, the burden, the loneliness. and tim looks at him like he understands and...it feels...it feels like he's a kindred spirit.
dick is talking to tim like he's an equal, another lost and dumb as fuck twenty-year-old and that's a mistake.
the winter hits bludhaven and it's a brutal one. the cold seeps in through the windows and floorboards. dick finds tim shivering on the couch and all but drags him to his bed where he's plugged in the heated camping blanket roy had gotten him for christmas one year.
dick returns to his apartment exhausted and cold and curling up beside a nice warm timmy that's like a hot water bottle brings a sigh of relief to his mouth. the comfort and weight of another person beside him soothes some desperatly lonely part of him screaming for attention.
in the morning tim helps him fix his gear. a manual in one hand that he seems to breezing through while muttering about everything wrong with his gear and wouldn't it be be better if it did this instead of this. dick just pats his soft head and slides him his mug of orange juice while sipping at a warm cup of coffee tim had put out for him
dick grows comfortable with tim, lots his guard down in ways he never does with other people. tim understands him. tim gets him.
tim is 10 years old and dick has to remind himself of that when his eyes linger on the soft expanse of tim's thighs peeking out from dick's shirt.
the realization that his eyes had been lingering slam dick with a discomfort so thick he almost wants to throw up.
tim is a kid. a kid, no matter how much he might act older, no matter how much dick feels like he understands him.
he and tim have been living together for a few months. there's a routine to them. and so dick knows that something has changed.
tim's hands reach for him more, they linger, he presses closer to dick in bed and when they stand next to each other in the kitchen. he sits pressed up beside him on the couch when they watch TV, watch him with big eyes when he comes out of the shower in just a towel.
dick knows a crush when he sees one. he knows he should be putting space between them, not letting tim press his soft mouth to the side of his throat when they sleep. he knows he shouldn't let tim do those things. but he doesn't stop them.
he likes the attention, the affection. he needs it, is so starved for it and tim is the only one willing to give it to him.
dick knows it's wrong, knows he shouldn't.
but dick is so lonely. and he and tim whisper together in his bed at night sometimes. and one night they're pressed close, eye to eye, mouth to mouth and dick tells tim that he's happy he's here with dick. and tim inches forward closing that one millimeter distance between them and presses their lips together. and dick doesn't stop him.
tim's little palm cups his cheek, small fingers stroking the skin as dick starts kissing back. tim's hand works between them, warm and small and drifting into dick's pants. it doesn't take much for dick to get aroused and hard as tim pumps his cock like he's done it before. tim is only in dick's shirt and some underwear.
they slide deeper under the warm covers. tim's shirt dress comes off and so does dick's. his pants are pressed down enough to expose his cock as tim wiggles out of little cotton panties.
dick is guiding their actions, experience making him take the lead as he gently presses a finger into tim's little cunt.
tim makes soft noises, whines, little moans as dick grunts and presses the fat head of his cock in, littering tim's chin and neck with reassuring kisses.
dick slides in with some resistance. the cunt around him twitches, hips under his palms writhe, tim whines in his ear.
dick is gentle, careful fucking tim. he works more and more of his cock in until he can slide all the way into tim in a single thrust.
he and tim fuck under the covers for what feel like hours. tim cums a few times around him. voice weakly gasping out his name while his cunt clenches around him. riding out his orgasm. dick cums too after awhile, the build up slow and satisfying as he lets out an 'mmn mnn' sound against tim's little tits.
dick cums deep inside, cum flooding into a little womb as his entire body clenches and tenses up.
the arousal and brain melting feeling lasts about two minutes before realizes what he's done to the small bodied child underneath him.
dick barely makes it to the bathroom before throwing up.
he's crying- sobbing actually, into the toilet when a soft hand touches his shoulder and dick half leaps out of his own skin.
he tries telling tim to get away from him for his own good but the words come out slurred and rough.
tim doesn't listen and comes closer, gentle hands touching dick's limbs and saying it was okay, that tim wanted it, that he liked it, he wasn't afraid of dick.
tim helps dick brush his teeth and guides him back to bed and dick, aching for someone to comfort him and tim doing just that follows him.
in the morning dick is miserable, self hating, and sick.
he fucked a kid. god he fucked tim.
the kid who'd been living with him, who trusted him, who had a misguided crush on him and dick had taken advantage of that.
he was a monster. he was worse than the people out on the streets who tugged kids into alleyways, at least they didn't mess with a kids mind and think they wanted it like he did tim.
tim who thought he needed to earn his place at dick's apartment. god what if the sex had been tim's idea of thanking dick for housing him?
dick could recall how tim had worked his hips back against dick, fucking down on the cock that pressed into him- that kind of move only happened with experience.
god. the thought that he hadn't been the first person to do this to tim made him sick. he'd found tim squatting in his apartment afterall, how many times had tim done that before meeting dick and how many times had people made him paying that way.
dick feels the bile climbing up his throat again as tim comes to sit beside him.
dick doesn't know what to say, what to do. he knows tim can't stay with him any longer. not after what he's done.
tim protests.
"do you think people not there won't do worse to me? I want to stay with you, i trust you."
"i raped you." dick replies quietly, weakly.
tim purses his lips.
"i wanted it."
suddenly dick feels anger and grief in equal measure come racing forward.
"you're ten years old! you can't want this! i'm the grown creep that took advantage of you! i didn't push you away even though I knew what you were doing!"
tim stares at him.
"you're still a good person dick."
a cry bursts out of dick.
"good people don't fuck children."
and there's no way around that. no changing or justifying it. that's what dick did.
"i haven't been a kid in a long time. i'm different, im...something else. but i'm not a kid."
and the thing is that dick believes him. nothing about tim screams child. he's just...tim.
tim is staring at him with those bug blue eyes. his pretty pink mouth parted. dick's shirt is hanging off his shoulder.
he's staring at tim like his eyes have the answers to the universe as he asks, "do you want me?".
the 'yes' in dick's mind is certain. he wants tim, he wants tim with him, sleeping beside him, he wants to bump into tim in the halls and wakeup to his cooking, come home from the police academy to his dinner.
but dick's body, his mind is telling him no. he can't have tim, not like this. it's wrong. it's not right. it's disgusting. he's disgusting-
but tim's palm is warm and reassuring. and tim looks so certain and sure it's like he can't see anything wrong with dick giving in.
tim always knows what he's doing. what to say. it's like he's so perfectly at peace and knows he can change anything unfavorable at the drop of a hat.
it makes dick feel...safe. safe in the way that dick used to feel when he saw batman as an untouchable man that the world couldn't reach.
so when tim asks dick to let him take care of everything, that it will be okay, that no one but them has to know about this.
tim's hands are as soft as his voice and dick leans in closer for comfort. and with his head pressed to a child's chest and little palms stroking his hair- dick agrees.
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localraccconn · 3 days
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did a silly little challenge on twitter so have a dick grayson art
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localraccconn · 4 days
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surprise! I’m alive!
in these trying times I had the opportunity to finish a very enjoyable sladewing commission for @sparkletaffy , thank you!
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localraccconn · 4 days
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It’s valentine’s day so I’m posting this little doodle page inspired by Ana’s royal au focusing on Dick in pretty clothes (yeah, that was just an excuse to draw more fantasy ksksk)
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