love--galore · 1 year
Summer Camp Counselor AU | gojo x reader
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: gojo satoru x reader
𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: You and Gojo are camp counselors. Everyone assumes the two of you are dating because of how much time you spend together, and on the last night, the two of you find yourselves together once again.
tags: gojo fluff, sfw, kissing, strong language, drinking, party, game, beer
“Are you two dating?” 
You blink slowly before quickly shaking your head. “What? No!”
Your fellow camp counselor, Itadori Yuji, chuckles and you swat his arm. “Why would you think that?” 
Yuji shrugs. “Everyone thinks so. Even the kids.”
You feel a blush burn at your cheeks and you shift your attention to Gojo Satoru, who chases the children as they play ships across the ocean. He wore circular sunglasses which he balanced skillfully on his face as the children chased him in circles. If he weren’t so tall, he would blend right in with the children who giggle and cry in excitement. 
Now, you would be lying if you said you weren’t a little attracted to the pale-haired boy who teased you endlessly ever since you joined the summer program as a camp counselor.  
He wasn’t your usual type which was usually calm and mature, but something about his carefree energy was infectious and you found yourself laughing the hardest around him. You didn’t want to let yourself dwell too much on your feelings for him, however. You were good friends, and that was enough.
“Excited for tonight, at least?” Yuji asks and you nod your head. It was the last night of summer camp, and as per tradition, you learned, the camp counselors got tipsy in the male camp counselor cabin to celebrate the success of the summer program. You didn’t drink often, but even you felt the need to relax and unravel after leading energy-filled children for a strenuous eight-weeks. 
“Yes, I hope the kids don’t start trouble, though.” You reply, and Yuji shakes his head.
“It rarely happens. We normally tire them out just to be sure.” 
You smile, but a small part of you feels sad the summer is over. As hard as it was at times, you made great friends throughout this experience and will miss spending time with them.
“Y/n!” You heard your name being called across the field. It was Gojo, who waves his arms in the air, gesturing you over as the kids bounce with excitement around him. Yuji shoots you a knowing look and you shake your head before you stand up and travel over to the kids.  
“Yes?” You say as you near the children who look up at you, teeming with energy. 
“The kids want to go to the lake.” The much taller boy smiles his signature grin, and you place your hands on your hips.
“Are you all even dressed to swim?” You ask, and the kids nod quickly.
“Yes!” The little voices yell in unison, and you relent, leading the group towards the lake which sits at the side of the campsite. You walk beside Gojo, who nudges your shoulder.
“Are you ready to swim?” He asks and you nod your head.
“Swimming is all they like to do so I’m always wearing my swimsuit underneath.” You laugh, and he chuckles. You don’t miss the way his blue eyes quickly glance over at your body. You turn your attention to the kids who race towards the water but feel a slight blush warm across your cheeks.
Almost everyday, the kids begged to go swimming. The pale-haired man was also in his swim trunks and you try to remain calm and collected now that you know there are eyes on the two of you. Yes, the two of you often flirted but it was just out of fun. It wasn’t like any of the counselors had time to themselves to mess around. Your priorities were the kids which were a big responsibility which rarely ever allowed you to relax. 
The group quickly arrives at the lake which gleams as the sun shines above it. The kids waste no time diving in and thrashing against the gentle waves. You step onto the sand and remove your sandals, pulling your t-shirt above your head. The camp counselor swimsuit was nothing special, a simple red and white high-neck halter top and red swim shorts. 
You quickly realized at the beginning of the summer how the thin shorts rode up your thighs and waist, but you didn’t have time to care about how you looked, scanning the water intently while the children played because as much as they loved swimming, it could become a dangerous activity if the counselors weren’t paying the right attention. 
“Hey, no going past the dock!” You shout as the children wander further into the water. You step into the lake until the water reaches the top of your thighs. The lake is cool against your bare legs and the children pout in response before swimming closer to the shore.
Suddenly, while observing the kids, you feel large hands brace against your shoulders and you don’t have time to react as you’re quickly shoved into the water. The blue lake engulfs your body and bubbles flood your vision. You quickly step off of the smooth sand floor and break the surface, gasping.
“What the hell?” You pant breathlessly, turning to the pale-haired boy who shrugs casually.
“Oops.” Gojo says unsympathetically and you glare while his icy eyes glint with mischief. You try to return the shove, pushing with all your might against him but he’s so strong and stands completely unfazed. You quickly give up on your feeble attempts and that’s when you notice he’s lost his shirt too, and you catch yourself staring at the wide expanse of his chest and the muscles coursing across his stomach. You realize your hands had just touched his bare skin and turn away to hide your blush.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get you back.” You huff, returning your attention to the children who continue swimming and splashing. 
“Tonight?” He asks playfully, and you can’t resist a small smile.
“You’ll see.”
The children were tucked away, and you walked across the stretch of cabins with a bright flashlight, double-checking the rooms for a stray child but each bed was occupied and they were fast asleep.
Thank goodness. You sigh in relief, locking the door to the final cabin before making your way towards the male counselor cabin. You had changed into a casual outfit, simple denim shorts and a cropped tank top which you paired with a flannel. The night air was cool and there was a slight breeze, but there had been colder nights.
You push through the wooden door and screen to a group of counselors relaxing in the main room. The boy’s cabin was slightly larger than the girl’s cabin, but the overall layout was the same. It was an open concept with one small living room, kitchen, and dining table and the counselors were spread throughout, pouring indiscriminate bottles of alcohol into red solo cups. 
“Perfect timing!” Your friend, Nobara, chirps, promptly handing you a cup of what you assumed was beer. 
“You waste no time, huh?” You joke, sipping the cold drink and wincing slightly. The taste was bitter and carbonated, not your favorite, but you knew you couldn’t get away tonight without drinking a little. 
“Nope!” She sings, wandering off to pass out more cups. 
You scan the room and find Yuji, Nanami, and Gojo sitting on the couches. You make your way over, finding the only open spot next to Gojo, who smiles as you sit down.
“Nobara found you?” He asks.
You laugh. “I didn’t even get to say hi before she handed me this.” 
He smirks, sipping on his own cup. You haven’t seen him in normal clothing, but he decided to wear dark jeans and a gray t-shirt which flatter his broad shoulders and cinches around his biceps. You watch as Adam's Apple bobs as he gulps down the entirety of his cup. 
“No thoughts of slowing down, huh.” You grumble before sipping your own cup. 
“The night just started.” He retorts, standing up and gesturing over to the kitchen. “Wanna play beer pong?”
You look over at the table which has been set up with red cups aligned in triangles on each side. You sigh, but nod your head. He wasn’t the type to take ‘no’ for an answer. Gojo leans over and grabs the shoulders of Yuji and Nobara. 
“Wanna lose at beer pong?” He grins, shaking their shoulders. Yuji sighs and follows the two of you over to the table.
“Do I have a choice?” 
“No.” Gojo smiles and Yuji playfully shoves his shoulder before standing beside Nobara at the opposite end of the table.
It seemed you and Gojo were partners. Nanami tosses two ping pong balls towards you, which Gojo catches skillfully. He tosses one at Yuji and he hands the other to you.
“Don’t let me down.” He winks and you take the ping pong ball.
“Don’t worry.” You say. To start off, you and Yuji stare eye-to-eye and throw the balls until one of you makes it in to start off the game. You feel nervous, almost regretting your confidence, until your ball sinks successfully into a corner cup.
You sigh in relief and Gojo cackles, “Come on, Yuji, I thought you were better than that!”
“Fuck off.” Yuji grumbles. “Is this for a shot?”
“Yes.” You and Gojo answer simultaneously. 
The game proceeds quickly, not by your abilities but by your partner’s, who tosses the fall into the cups successfully every single time.
“Damn, Gojo. You’re definitely cheating.” Nobara huffs, tossing her ball which hits the corner of a cup and bounces behind you. You manage to catch it before it bounces too far away. 
The pale-haired boy shrugs. “I’m just that good.” 
It’s your turn now, and before you’re able to throw, you feel warm hands gently cover your eyes. 
“Let’s do a trick shot and get two cups out the way, yeah?” Gojo’s deep voice is dangerously close to your ear, and you feel your heartbeat quicken.
While completing a trick shot was helpful as it took away an extra cup, that was assuming you could sink one in while throwing blindly. “But I don’t think I-”
“Trust me.” Gojo whispers and you feel a slight shiver along your spine. “Just imagine the two remaining cups in that triangle, aim for one, and I’ll get the last one to finish the game. Keep your arm motion the same as before.” 
“There’s no way.” Yuji intimidates, and you clench your jaw. You try to imagine the last two cups which remained in front of each other in a straight line. You’ve tried this before at a previous party but were slightly off because you doubted yourself. You try to retain the motion of your arm that made you successful before and promptly tossed the ball, lobbing it into a curve. Gojo releases his hands and you watch intensely as it splashes into the cup closest to you. 
“Hell yeah!” Gojo cheers, giving you an enthusiastic high five and you’re in awe at your ability. What pure luck.
“What the fuck?” Nobara groans slowly and slaps her forehead while Gojo laughs. Yuji makes the next ball, but they are much further behind than you and Gojo, and like he promised, Gojo sinks in the final ball with one smooth motion and the game ends.
“That was lame.” Yuji pouts, and you can’t help but laugh.
“You both know the drill.” Gojo says as he passes two plastic shot glasses to the two losers who pout as they take their shots. Your eyes widen as Gojo hands another shot over to you. It’s not nearly as full as theirs, but his eyes are sincere as he offers it.
“Celebratory half-shot?” He tilts his head, and you can’t say no, taking the small cup and tapping it against his own before downing the clear liquid.
You grab a can of pop from a box which sat off to the side and chase the fiery liquid, wiping your chin and coughing. “Nasty.” 
Gojo chuckles and pats your head gently. “Good job. I didn’t know you had it in you.”
“You don’t know a lot of things about me.” You remark instinctually and his eyebrow raises. 
“Let’s change that, then.” His words make your breath hitch. 
He tilts his head towards the door and leads you outside, but not before someone shouts, “Make it quick!”
You suppress laughter and Gojo smiles as he shuts the door. “Do you want to go to the lake?” 
“Sure.” A mixture of nervousness and excitement bubbles in your chest as you walk beside him in the dark. He pulls out a small flashlight from his pocket and shines the way towards the lake.
Your hand brushes against his accidentally and he promptly takes it into his own. His hands are much bigger than yours and despite the chilly breeze surrounding you, his hands are warm. The two of you reach the lake which glimmers beneath the moon. You pause once you reach the sandy shore and admire the calm waves. 
Gojo pulls out two blankets, which you didn’t realize he had brought along, and lays one on the sand. He sits down and pats the seat next to him. He then wraps the other blanket around both your shoulders and his own, and you bask in his warmth. You fiddle with your fingers, unsure of what to say, but luckily Gojo breaks the silence first.
“I like you, y/n… a lot, actually.” He blurts, and your eyes widen at the sudden confession. Was this real or were you dreaming? Or was this a prank?
“Are you drunk or something? It’s not funny, Toru.” You say, unable to believe the boy who teased you every day was suddenly being vulnerable and genuine. He quickly shakes his head.
“What? No, I’m serious.” You see the shadow of a pout on his rosy lips, and that’s when you realize he wasn’t pulling a terrible prank. “I have ever since we met…” He finishes slowly.
Ever since you met? You feel your chest swell, and you find his arm, curling yours with his. 
“I like you, too.” You reveal shyly, turning your gaze down at the sand, unable to meet his eyes because you never thought you’d admit your crush on the boy, but Gojo takes your chin in his hands and pulls you closer until your lips brush against each other. His lips are unbelievably soft and warm against yours.
His hand moves to brush against your cheek, and your hands brace against his shoulders as he leans into you, deepening the kiss. He tilts his head and his tongue gently prods against your lips, asking for entrance, which you allow. You’re hesitant, at first, but slowly melt into the kiss and your tongues finally meet. Even as your tongues brush against each other, the kiss is sweet and you wished it lasted forever. 
Gojo’s hand finds its way to the small of your back, and you’re breathless as he pulls his lips away slowly. Your lashes flutter and you watch as his blue eyes glisten even in the darkness that surrounds the two of you. The boy smiles and the image makes you bury your face into his chest in an attempt to hide your blush.
“You’re going shy on me, now? After we’ve spent the whole summer together?” He jokes, and the boy you got to know so well returns.
“I never expected to kiss you.” You mumble and look up at him as you jut out your lips in a pout. 
He chuckles and kisses you once again. “I did.” 
Gojo’s arms surround you, pulling you closer into a warm embrace. His warmth paired with the slight scent of his addicting cologne was the most comforting feeling you have ever experienced, and you look up at him once again, bringing your lips back onto his.
When you pull away, his hands are encircling your waist, and a glimmer twinkles in his icy eyes. “So, you’re my girlfriend, now, right?”
You laugh and tease, “But you didn’t ask.”  
“Okay, will you be my girlfriend, y/n?” His voice is gentle and so sincere even if you wanted to say no, you couldn’t, but luckily for him, you wanted to.
“Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend.” You don’t have time to react as Gojo pulls you into a tight hug that has you gasping for air.
“T-Toru, too tight!” You cry, and he releases you instantly.
“Sorry,” He gasps before laughing sheepishly. “I got excited.” 
You laugh, too. “Does this mean you’re going to be this sweet to me all the time from now on?” 
“Hmm…” He taps his chin before tilting his head. “Probably not, I like bullying you. It’s fun.”
You swat his arm, and he laughs which makes you smile. While you pretended you didn’t enjoy his daily silliness, you secretly loved the light and fun the pale-haired boy brought into your life, and your heart swelled as you couldn’t wait to begin your journey together as a couple.
His lips return to yours and the two of you remain at the shoreline for the next hour, reminiscing about your final day as camp counselors and planning dates, until your drunk friends find the two of you and you’re off tending to drunken teens who stumble about in the darkness and laugh loudly.
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love--galore · 1 year
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I love seeing your comments and reactions, too so if you have, thank you 🫶
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love--galore · 1 year
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・ Gojo .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・
Finding Paradise | part 1 | part 2 (18+, nsfw, island game show, partners)
Wanna Make Him Jealous? (sfw, gym! au, post-break up)
Bullet Train (sfw, bullet train movie inspiration, assassin, partners)
A Soul so Brave (nsfw, 18+, gojo x oc, curses, AU)
Summer Camp Counselor AU (sfw, camp counselors, fluff, party games, cute, AU)
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・Nanami .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・
Caught in the Act (18+, nsfw, college! au, crush, friends, drunk, party)  
A Fateful Encounter | part 1 (sfw, professor nanami! au, student-teacher relationship, bar)
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love--galore · 1 year
Finding Paradise pt. 2 | gojo x reader au smut (nsfw)
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part 1 / part 2
𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: gojo satoru x reader
𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: Y͏o͏u͏ a͏r͏e͏ a͏ j͏o͏u͏r͏n͏a͏l͏i͏s͏t͏, a͏n͏d͏ h͏a͏v͏e͏ b͏e͏e͏n͏ s͏a͏c͏r͏i͏f͏i͏c͏e͏d͏ b͏y͏ y͏o͏u͏r͏ m͏a͏g͏a͏z͏i͏n͏e͏ c͏o͏m͏p͏a͏n͏y͏ t͏o͏ a͏u͏d͏i͏t͏i͏o͏n͏ f͏o͏r͏ F͏i͏n͏d͏i͏n͏g͏ P͏a͏r͏a͏d͏i͏s͏e͏, t͏h͏e͏ h͏o͏t͏t͏e͏s͏t͏ r͏o͏m͏a͏n͏c͏e͏ g͏a͏m͏e͏ s͏h͏o͏w͏ t͏h͏a͏t͏ t͏a͏k͏e͏s͏ p͏l͏a͏c͏e͏ o͏n͏ a͏ t͏r͏o͏p͏i͏c͏a͏l͏ i͏s͏l͏a͏n͏d͏. T͏h͏e͏ s͏h͏o͏w͏ h͏a͏s͏ b͏e͏e͏n͏ y͏o͏u͏r͏ c͏o͏m͏p͏a͏n͏y͏’s͏ t͏o͏p͏ a͏r͏t͏i͏c͏l͏e͏, a͏n͏d͏ y͏o͏u͏ h͏a͏v͏e͏ t͏h͏e͏ p͏o͏t͏e͏n͏t͏i͏a͏l͏ t͏o͏ b͏e͏ g͏i͏v͏e͏n͏ $1͏0͏,0͏0͏0͏ f͏o͏r͏ a͏ l͏o͏n͏g͏ r͏u͏n͏t͏i͏m͏e͏. O͏n͏ t͏h͏e͏ o͏t͏h͏e͏r͏ h͏a͏n͏d͏, G͏o͏j͏o͏ i͏s͏ a͏ professional athlete, w͏h͏o͏ g͏o͏t͏ f͏a͏m͏o͏u͏s͏ f͏o͏r͏ h͏i͏s͏ g͏o͏o͏d͏ l͏o͏o͏k͏s͏. H͏e͏ i͏s͏ n͏o͏t͏ l͏o͏o͏k͏i͏n͏g͏ t͏o͏ f͏i͏n͏d͏ l͏o͏v͏e͏, a͏s͏ h͏e͏ i͏s͏ m͏o͏r͏e͏ f͏o͏c͏u͏s͏e͏d͏ o͏n͏ w͏i͏n͏n͏i͏n͏g͏, b͏u͏t͏ a͏f͏t͏e͏r͏ m͏e͏e͏t͏i͏n͏g͏ y͏o͏u͏ o͏n͏ t͏h͏e͏ s͏h͏o͏w͏, w͏i͏l͏l͏ h͏i͏s͏ m͏o͏t͏i͏v͏e͏s͏ c͏h͏a͏n͏g͏e͏?
𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩 3.3k
𝙒𝘼𝙍𝙉𝙄𝙉𝙂: blowjob, unprotected sex, praise kink, fingering, outdoor, jealousy, 18+
The next day came with a new game challenge. The two of you made your way down to the beach, and this time, each pairing was to paint a picture accurate to the photo displayed. However, one person would be blind folded and the other would see the photo and be talking the painter through how to depict the image.
Before you could open your mouth, you felt the soft fabric covering your vision.
“H-Hey, wait!” You gasped as the world before you fell into darkness.
“You'll do great, don’t worry.” His deep voice was low and scarily close to your ear. You heard Gojo shift behind you, and you waited as the host reiterated the rules.
“No touching, just talking. The bottom two teams with the worst paintings are up for elimination.”
Your lips parted in worry. Day two and people were already getting eliminated. The show was ruthless. 
“We got this.” His voice was just as close as before and you felt your cheeks burn as you nodded.
“Ready, set, go!” The host exclaimed.
“Okay, the paintbrush and canvas are an arms length in front of you. Be slow as you reach for it.” Gojo instructed. Huh, maybe he was right to be the one guiding you.
You reached out and felt a smooth board, likely the canvas, and slid your fingers down until you reached the bottom where a slim wooden stick sat. The paintbrush.
“Great, now dip the paintbrush into the third can. That’s the blue paint and we’re painting waves.” 
You hesitated, slowly reaching out but finding nothing. 
“The table with the paint is just to your right.” You shifted to your right and felt the wooden table. “Yes, good girl.”
Your body froze at the words which shot a hot feeling down your stomach. His deep voice was so close to your ear like he was right behind you, which for the game, he probably was, and you felt your heartbeat pulse out of your chest.
“Hurry, Y/N, we’re running out of time.” Gojo said and you shook off the shock, hovered your hands slightly above the line of glass jars. 
“No… yes! That’s the blue.” He said and you slowly dipped the end of the brush into the jar.
You pivoted and felt the expanse of the canvas with your free hand before making a long line of crescent shapes across the board as waves. 
“Perfect, you’re doing great. Now, clean the brush by dipping it into the water jar. It’s at the bottom left of the canvas.” 
You followed and swirled the brush in the jar as instructed. It was surprisingly easy with his guidance. 
“Now the sun. The yellow is the first jar.”
After more slow but steady instruction, the timer went off and you dropped the blindfold from your face, revealing a painting that looked like a five year old had painted it. It was definitely an island, ocean and a sun, but the proportions were sloppy and unconfident. 
You grimaced which earned a chuckle from the man behind you, but you observed other paintings and they were just as bad or even worse. After careful deliberation, the bottom two pairings were decided. You sighed a breath of relief as it wasn’t you and Gojo.
After a vote, one team was eliminated, the military-looking man and woman, and everyone went back to camp. 
“We make a good team.” The pale-haired man pointed out as he led the two of you back to camp.
“Yeah, I guess we do.” You smiled softly.
✭・.・✫ ☼
Later in the day, you all received news of a surprise: a new contestant entered the island, a male.
All of the other contestants, including you and Gojo, watched as the tall man with long black hair strolled down the staircase and to the woven couch.
“My name is Suguru Geto, nice to meet you all.” He smiled, his eyes creasing as he did and you saw the women’s eyes glitter in your peripheral vision. 
You shifted your attention to Gojo standing beside you, whose blue eyes hardened seemingly. The two of you were sitting on the end of the couch, and the pale-haired man’s arm was draped behind you lazily. However, after the introduction of the newest contestant, you felt a harsh flex of his arm muscles against your back.
With the newest member aboard the island, it called for a game challenge, according to the host. 
“The men are going to compete for a dinner date with any woman of their choice.” The host announced, and the men stepped forward.
You felt your palms sweat and your heart race. What if Gojo decided to take someone else on the date? It wasn’t like your partnership would be broken up, but a re-coupling day would happen in the following days and his mind could be curious to explore other potential partnerships. You clenched your fists slightly. This was all just a game show, though, so why were you getting jealous?
“The rules are simple. Every male contestant will stand in the sand arena, and the last man to leave the circle wins.” 
Your eyes widened. The production had made a decently large circular hole that looked to be a foot deep in the sand. Water splashed slightly inside of it, too. It was a wrestling game, but against five other people? You bit down on your fingernail.
You didn’t get a chance to talk to Gojo before the men entered the sandy circle. You watched as the pale-haired man bent his knees and observed the competitors around him.
After a whistle blew, the men shifted their weight slightly, seemingly weighing their options. It was Geto who moved first, wrapping his muscular arms around the waist of the smallest man, who anchored his heels to the ground. However, with the help of another contestant, Geto was able to push the man he wanted outside of the circle.
Now there were four. You watched with your breath hitched as Gojo grabbed the waist of another contestant and threw him out of the circle with ease. 
Then Geto and Gojo grabbed one end of the other contestant, tossing him out of the circle, leaving only the two men. They mirrored each other with bent knees and foreheads that shined with sweat. It was insane to you how they still had energy after driving the other four grown men out, especially in the hot weather, but they looked determined.
Everyone seemed to watch with baited breath until Gojo made the first move, stepping forward and wrapping his large arms around Geto’s waist. You gasped. The dark-haired man retaliated by sinking down, anchoring his body to the ground. They struggled for what felt like forever, the fight going one way and then the other. 
You silently cheered for your partner, but it wasn’t looking good as Geto suddenly got the upper hand with his arms hooking under Gojo’s arms from behind and lifting the man up. You covered your mouth as they tussled, and in one quick motion, both of the men rolled out of the circle simultaneously. 
Shocked faces shot across the rest of you, and the camera crew immediately began speaking amongst themselves. The two final men’s chests were heaving but got to their feet quickly and shook each other’s hand before lining up with the rest of the male contestants.
Everyone was silent as the camera crew likely reviewed the footage to find who left the circle last. It was a mess of limbs, so it would likely be a close call. 
After a few minutes, they announced the rankings from lowest to highest in terms of time spent inside the makeshift arena. After third place, everyone seemed to lean closer with baited breath to learn the second place contestant, and the host finally announced, “Satoru Gojo with 302 seconds.”
You gasped. Your partner had lost. His face was unreadable as the host announced his loss, and your chest squeezed as you knew this took a hit on his ego.
“Then, first place goes to our newcomer, Suguru Geto, with 303 seconds.”
Applause followed suit and you slowly clapped your hands, as well.
“How was your first game on the island?” The host asked as he brought the microphone up to Geto’s lips.
The dark-haired man smiled with his chest still heaving. “Everyone put up a good fight, but I was determined. Only planning on going up from here.”
The man smiled into the camera and the host laughed. “Well, now that you’ve won. You can make your choice out of any female contestant to go on a dinner date with. I am sure they are eager to get to know you and have a proper meal.”
You felt the other women buzz beside you in response and you shifted your gaze down to your feet. You were contemplating what to say and how to cheer Gojo up until you saw a large shadow appear before you. You lifted your eyes which were met with Geto’s dark gaze.
“I choose you.” He announced smoothly, and you stared up blankly at the man. 
The host seemed surprised as well, but recovered, turning to the cameras. “Well, well, well! It seems a love triangle between the top two men has started!”
You gulped slightly and shifted your eyes to Gojo whose eyes were stone-like but focused away from you. You felt your heart sink, but followed the dark-haired man and camera crew down the beach. 
The two of you reached a small pavilion where a table and seats were set with multiple dishes spread out. The camera men were hiding not too far away.
Your stomach growled upon seeing the food and you sat down across from Geto. He was a very attractive man, much like the other male contestants. The producers knew what they were doing when casting, but even as he sat across from you, you couldn’t stop worrying about your partner.
“So, how are you enjoying the island?” He asked, bringing a glass of water to his lips.
You did the same and after sipping the cold water, which felt amazing, you replied. “It’s been a new experience for me, but I enjoy it for the most part.”
His lips curled at the end. “I saw you fight for your item in the beginning. Your looks are pretty deceiving.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. You forgot that happened. “I’ve never been one who likes to share.” You joked.
“Me neither.” His dark eyes flickered with amusement and you felt your face warm. Gojo. You couldn’t betray your partner. 
For silent moments, the two of you ate the food from grilled salmon to a burger, all of which were heavenly for your taste buds. 
“What made you audition for the show?” Geto asked curiously, and you set your fork down.
You couldn’t reveal the real reason why you were there. It was work project confidentiality. You wiped your lips on your napkin before lying, “I want to find love.” 
Even you internally grimaced at your words. It was a lie that your company instructed you to say for dramatic value. Everyone was in it for the money, of course, but a love hungry female contestant who was seemingly there in search of true love? The producers must be teeming with excitement. 
Geto’s lips curled. “Have you found it yet?” 
You hesitated. Did you? No, it was your fake persona. You were here for money, not love, but he didn’t need to know that. 
“I’m not completely sure yet.” You answered and he seemed satisfied with your answer, rising to his feet and waiting for you to follow. The two of you returned to the beach where the producers instructed the two of you to commence. 
“Thanks for dinner.” You said politely, and he nodded.
“You’re welcome. And just so you know,” Before you could move, he leaned closer near your ear. “This won’t be the last time I steal you away.”
Your body stilled in response and you were at a loss for words. He shot a quick smirk before walking away, likely to his own campsite. You hurried back to your own, trying your best to avoid the cameramen who were probably zooming in on your expression.
Your face felt hot but you pushed into the humid forest until finally reaching your campsite. Gojo was hunched over as he sat on a rock next to the fire, tossing in logs.
“Hey,” You said softly, lowering to his side. You didn’t know what to say, so you sat on the sand next to him with your legs crossed. It was silent between the two of you and you glanced up at his blue eyes which were staring coldly into the fire. 
“You were amazing out there,” You offered. It was true, they were only off by one second. “I was rooting for you.”
His eyes finally met yours and your heart skipped a beat. 
“I wanted to win.” Was all he said. 
You bit the inside of your cheek. “I know you did.”
“Not only that,” He sighed. “I wanted to choose you so we could have a proper meal together.” 
Maybe it was the fire but your cheeks warmed instantly. “Y-You did?”
Part of you was relieved as you were worried he might choose another girl if he had won. You hated to admit it, but now that you were reassured, it felt really good.
“Yeah.” He confirmed, tossing another log into the fire. “How was your date?”
His disgusted emphasis on the word date brought a small smile to your lips and you faced the fire. “The food was great but… it would have been better with you instead.”
His body stilled before he turned to face you with an unreadable look in his eyes. 
You backtracked, “You know, since we’ve spent so much time finding our own food, it would’ve been nice to be given a meal together for once.” 
“Right.” He said simply. “Of course.”
The two of you enjoyed the warmth of the fire for a long time. The sun had set and it was dark, so the two of you decided to call it a night. Even the cameramen were turned in for the night.
Gojo got inside of the hammock first, and you braced yourself before hopping inside as well. However, the hammock swung in a way you hadn’t predicted and you fell ungracefully, face planting into his chest.
“Are you okay?” The pale-haired man asked, a look of concern flashed over his expression. You tried to laugh it off until you realized you were fully laid on top of him. Your bodies were flushed together and your bare skin touched his exposed chest.
“Uhm… sorry.” You said quietly, bracing yourself against his torso to move to the side. You felt his muscles flex beneath your touch and your eyes widened upon discovering a hard feeling against your thigh. You looked down where your leg was positioned between his strong thighs, an awkward position after your fall, and your mouth went agape. He was hard.
“Fuck, sorry, this is embarrassing-” He moved up to leave but you pushed him back down. Your fingers traveled down until they hit the waistline of his swim shorts. It was dark but you swear you saw his blue eyes darken as your hand brushed over his hard on.
“I can help… if you want.” You offered shyly, and a mere second hung between the two of you before his lips crashed onto yours and your world shattered once again. He cupped your face and traced his tongue over the seam of your lips, which you opened for him. It was your first kiss with him but it felt so perfect like the two of you had practiced before. 
You snaked your arms around his neck and sighed softly as his lips placed butterfly kisses up your neck. 
“You planned for this to happen, didn’t you?” He accused you, his voice ragged as he bit the top of your ear.
Your breath hitched and you shook your head. “N-No, it was an accident-”
“Bullshit.” His hand traveled down to your clothed core and before you could prepare, his fingers moved the fabric and sunk between your wet folds, entering you quickly and setting your entire body on fire.
“Look how wet you are, already. Such a goddamn liar.” He clenched his jaw as he pumped his long digits inside of you. You cried out, but bathed in the ecstasy that surrounded you as he fingered you relentlessly.
As you neared your first orgasm, he pulled out. You opened your mouth to protest but he slid his shorts down, revealing a long thick cock that jutted straight out, so hard that it looked painful. Your mouth watered at the sight of the prettiest cock you had ever seen and it looked like it could easily wreck you.
He sat up higher on the hammock and gripped your hair. “Open your mouth.”
Desire pulsed through you like a drug, but you resisted. You met his blazing eyes with your own. “Make me.” 
Gojo’s eyes blazed hotter and his large hand gripped your throat and squeezed. Your mouth fell open as you gasped for air, but you only got one breath in before he shoved his length in.
Oh, fuck. You gagged and your throat strained from his girth. Gojo fisted your hair in his hand and his head fell back as he guided your mouth up and down. You drooled horribly, but you didn’t care as your hardened nipples and burning core screamed for attention. Each moan and grunt from him went straight to your pussy, craving for his long length to be inside you.
As if sensing you reaching your limit, he lifted your head and flipped you until you were underneath him. His eyes were clouded with lust and you couldn't have looked much different. 
“Next time, I want you to think before you try to seduce me.” Without another word, he lined himself up and slammed his cock inside of you. Stars sparked across your vision.
You covered your mouth as he continuously rammed inside of you. Gojo withdrew until the tip of his cock remained inside of you and thrusted in one hard stroke that had tears pricking your eyes.
Hard. Brutal. Unrelenting. 
All you could do was grip his arms and cry out from the pleasure. 
“Look at you. You’re so fucking soaked for me.” His voice was rough with lust and you had no way of replying as only cries and moans escaped your lips.
Gojo leaned down and pulled you into a tight embrace, still ramming his entire length inside of you, and whispered in your ear. “Why can’t I stop thinking about you, hmm? I came here for the game, so tell me, what the fuck did you do to me?”
“I-!” You were unable to respond, your words getting caught in your throat from the rhythm of his hips smacking into yours. Your mind was empty of any thoughts besides the feeling of Gojo as his cock pounded angry and unforgiving inside of you. 
Your eyes fluttered shut, but a strong hand clenched around your throat. “Open your eyes, Y/N. I want you to see exactly whose cock you’re taking.”
You opened your eyes and stared with awe at the beautiful man above you. Sweat bloomed across his forehead and his eyebrows were pulled together as he focused on fucking you senseless.
“You look so beautiful right now.” His gentle voice was completely different than the savage way he was fucking you. 
You felt the familiar twisting feeling in your stomach tighten and tighten and you cried out, “I-I’m coming!”
The feeling snapped like a rubber band breaking from too much tension and waves of pleasure washed over you. You watched as Gojo’s brow furrowed and his chest heaved as he forced his final thrusts into you. After a few short grunts, he pulled out and came onto your stomach. 
Your chest heaved as you caught your breath and watched as the thick white liquid coated your stomach. Gojo promptly left the hammock and brought the toilet paper roll, wiping your stomach gently until it was clean.
He cleaned himself before settling back into the hammock beside you. You looked up at him who smiled down at you and before you knew it, you fell asleep in his arms.
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love--galore · 1 year
Finding Paradise pt. 1 / a gojo x reader au smut (nsfw)
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part 1 / part 2
𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: gojo satoru x reader
𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: Y͏o͏u͏ a͏r͏e͏ a͏ j͏o͏u͏r͏n͏a͏l͏i͏s͏t͏, a͏n͏d͏ h͏a͏v͏e͏ b͏e͏e͏n͏ s͏a͏c͏r͏i͏f͏i͏c͏e͏d͏ b͏y͏ y͏o͏u͏r͏ m͏a͏g͏a͏z͏i͏n͏e͏ c͏o͏m͏p͏a͏n͏y͏ t͏o͏ a͏u͏d͏i͏t͏i͏o͏n͏ f͏o͏r͏ F͏i͏n͏d͏i͏n͏g͏ P͏a͏r͏a͏d͏i͏s͏e͏, t͏h͏e͏ h͏o͏t͏t͏e͏s͏t͏ r͏o͏m͏a͏n͏c͏e͏ g͏a͏m͏e͏ s͏h͏o͏w͏ t͏h͏a͏t͏ t͏a͏k͏e͏s͏ p͏l͏a͏c͏e͏ o͏n͏ a͏ t͏r͏o͏p͏i͏c͏a͏l͏ i͏s͏l͏a͏n͏d͏. T͏h͏e͏ s͏h͏o͏w͏ h͏a͏s͏ b͏e͏e͏n͏ y͏o͏u͏r͏ c͏o͏m͏p͏a͏n͏y͏’s͏ t͏o͏p͏ a͏r͏t͏i͏c͏l͏e͏, a͏n͏d͏ y͏o͏u͏ h͏a͏v͏e͏ t͏h͏e͏ p͏o͏t͏e͏n͏t͏i͏a͏l͏ t͏o͏ b͏e͏ g͏i͏v͏e͏n͏ $1͏0͏,0͏0͏0͏ f͏o͏r͏ a͏ l͏o͏n͏g͏ r͏u͏n͏t͏i͏m͏e͏. O͏n͏ t͏h͏e͏ o͏t͏h͏e͏r͏ h͏a͏n͏d͏, G͏o͏j͏o͏ i͏s͏ a͏ professional athlete, w͏h͏o͏ g͏o͏t͏ f͏a͏m͏o͏u͏s͏ f͏o͏r͏ h͏i͏s͏ g͏o͏o͏d͏ l͏o͏o͏k͏s͏. H͏e͏ i͏s͏ n͏o͏t͏ l͏o͏o͏k͏i͏n͏g͏ t͏o͏ f͏i͏n͏d͏ l͏o͏v͏e͏, a͏s͏ h͏e͏ i͏s͏ m͏o͏r͏e͏ f͏o͏c͏u͏s͏e͏d͏ o͏n͏ w͏i͏n͏n͏i͏n͏g͏, b͏u͏t͏ a͏f͏t͏e͏r͏ m͏e͏e͏t͏i͏n͏g͏ y͏o͏u͏ o͏n͏ t͏h͏e͏ s͏h͏o͏w͏, w͏i͏l͏l͏ h͏i͏s͏ m͏o͏t͏i͏v͏e͏s͏ c͏h͏a͏n͏g͏e͏?
𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩 3.8k
“I am most looking forward to testing myself against nature’s elements. I’ve always been competitive ever since I was a kid, so knocking everyone out will not be a problem… In terms of the romance aspect, they’ll come my way, but ultimately, my goal here is to win. After all, I’m the strongest.” — Satoru Gojo, Pre-Game Interview
✭・.・✫ ☼
You entered your hotel with your two suitcases and backpack in hand, finally allowing your body to relax for the first time since your 4am flight as you sprawled across the soft queen-sized bed. You unlocked your phone to check the time and as you did, you noticed the hundreds of notifications as new followers and comments flooded your social media. You never expected to have so many people follow you like you were some celebrity, but you figured that was the way these reality TV shows were.
Even as you auditioned for the new romance reality show, Finding Paradise, you never believed you would actually be dropped onto an island for two months and swarmed by a camera crew day and night. Damn your co-worker… She was the other lead journalist and was supposed to take on this project for your magazine’s special article on Finding Paradise, but she announced her pregnancy a month prior to auditions and you had no time to process your new role before it was inevitably passed onto you.
“Do I have to be on the show?” You recalled sighing as you faced your boss, who sat across from you behind her desk, nodding her head.
“Seeing that you are the only other young and single lady in the writing department, it only makes sense that you participate in the show so we can write the exclusive article.” 
You scrunch your nose. “What’s in it for me?”
“A bonus.” Your boss said casually, and your ears perked up. “You’ll receive one thousand immediately if you land a role in the new season’s cast, and the rest after completing a decent runtime on the show. We’re hoping for at least 3 episodes.”
Ten-thousand dollars? Shit, you could definitely use the extra money and vacation. Well, technically you would still be working while on the show, but two months on the island for a romance show sounded easier than your normal nine to five work routine. Or was it? You didn’t know. You had never seen the show.
“And if you win, there’s also the hundred-thousand dollar pot that you split with your partner.” Your boss added, and you shifted nervously in your seat. When you began working at the magazine publishing house, you heard how important covering the show was as it was one of the biggest articles that flooded money to your company’s pop culture magazine, but never in a hundred years did you think they would choose you to audition for it. However, as you boarded the private plane, relaxed in the hotel room paid for entirely by the show, and scrolled through the newly released articles about the new season’s cast, which included your name, there was simply no denying your new reality. 
You sighed, tossing your phone and moving to the bathroom. A shower would help calm your nerves. Filming started tomorrow, so you had a big day to look forward to. You glanced at the mirror in the short hallway as you made your way to the bathroom. You twisted your body and placed your hands on your hips, observing your figure with fresh eyes. 
A lot of the audition process had to do with scrutinizing your looks and body, which the producers seemed satisfied with, and after hearing you describe your personality and how you would act in certain situations, you were pushed to new rounds until you reached the final audition round and before you knew it, you were officially cast in Finding Paradise. 
You closed your eyes, rubbing your temples. The money. You were working for your ten grand check. Even if possibly thousands of people would be analyzing your actions as they watched the show, you didn’t care as you would be satisfied with the check waiting for you when you returned home. You told yourself this, at least, but your heart betrayed you, beating rapidly in your chest. 
You slowed your breathing and turned on the shower, stepping inside and taking in the warmth of the water. It helped you relax your nerves, and after you finished, you felt better. You checked the time again, nine thirty-five p.m., and decided to call it a night. But before you did, you checked your texts where the producer sent you a message.
“Reminder! Make your way to the lobby tomorrow morning with your belongings by 8 a.m. sharp! We will depart for the island shortly thereafter and immediately begin filming. Get a good night's rest. You will need it!”
You bit your tongue and rolled over on your bed, clutching the pillow beside you. Were you in over your head? You sighed heavily. At this point, there was no turning back and you made a promise to yourself that you were going to make the best out of your situation. Who knows? Maybe you could make new friends…or find a potential boyfriend? That was the purpose of the show, after all. You felt your cheeks burn as you considered the idea, and forced yourself to shut your eyes and fall asleep. 
✭・.・✫ ☼
The island was absolutely beautiful. You peered down through the helicopter window with wide eyes, utterly mesmerized by the clear blue waves that surrounded the lush green trees that inhabited the island. 
You felt your heart race against your chest as the helicopter neared the ground, but reminded yourself that everything would be okay. You were confident in your ability to adapt to new environments and also your charm to make a name for yourself while on the show. You passed the auditions for a reason, right?
The helicopter landed smoothly on the island where the crew were already waiting. You stepped off of the landing towards the group of crew members who greeted you and guided you towards a path. 
“You are the first cast member to arrive and appear in filming.” A man with a clipboard and earpiece pointed to the path. “You will enter through this path and down the steps towards the water where a seating area will be. Other cast members will follow suit upon their arrival, and instructions for your first mission will be reported after everyone has been introduced. Does that make sense?”
Your mind spun as you tried to keep up with his instructions, but you nodded your head. Follow the path down to the water, sit, and wait. 
“Got it.” You replied, and he nodded his head, gesturing the crew towards you. Crew members touched up your makeup and fixed your hair and outfit. You had decided on wearing a sage green midi dress over your black bikini. It had a sweetheart neckline that hugged your chest and a-line skirt that flowed out slightly past your knees. The material was flowy and breathable which was helpful in the hot weather that surrounded you. You adjusted your wedge sandals which had a slight heel, adding two inches to your height, and breathed out slowly.
“Remember, head down to the water but take your time. The cameras will be rolling once they spot you from the bottom of the steps.” The producer said, and you nodded your head. 
He pressed onto his earpiece and mumbled a few words before giving you a thumbs up and pointing to the pathway. You slowly made your way towards the direction he pointed and descended the wooden staircase that led to the calm blue water. It wasn’t a long way down, but it felt like forever. You noticed the cameramen scattered around the staircase and waiting at the bottom, but you made sure to keep your eyes looking natural and lips smiling as you focused on your destination. 
You finally reached the seating area, which was essentially a large woven couch with blankets, and sat down, adjusting your hair. You silently thanked the universe for not tripping on the staircase or on the sandy beach, and waited patiently for the next person. Would it be a female or male participant next? You felt your palms sweat slightly as you waited in anticipation, and squinted slightly as a figure began descending the steps. 
It was a male, and even from the bottom of the staircase, you could tell he was very tall and well built. His platinum white hair framed his face so chic and effortlessly, and his outfit consisted of white linen pants and a thin black collared shirt. He also wore dark circular sunglasses, which made him look like a celebrity. Maybe he was one, and you just didn’t know.
Your jaw almost dropped as you admired him from afar, but you quickly resisted the urge, remembering the various cameras that were likely filming your reaction. You kept your face neutral as you tried to remain calm and cool outwardly, but inside, you were practically screaming.
He crossed the sandy beach in long strides towards the seating area where you sat, and took a seat next to you.
“Hey, I’m y/n l/n.” You greeted him politely. 
He lifted his sunglasses, resting them atop his head, and smiled down at you. “I’m Satoru Gojo, but call me Gojo. It’s nice to meet you.” 
You were mesmerized by his vivid blue eyes that seemed to shine the ocean behind the two of you, but gathered yourself enough to reply normally. “Nice to meet you, too.” 
The other contestants floated down the staircase like royalty, showing off camera-ready smiles and expensive looking outfits. You smiled politely at each of them and counted in your head the male to female ratio. Including you, it was six and six, an even split. 
While this was a game show, the contestants seemed to range in occupation. There was Yuji Itadori, who was a soccer player, and Nobara Kugisaki, who was an Instagram model. The others looked just as high-profile. You wondered where Gojo fell on the spectrum. Based on his tall and lean build, he must be an athlete of some sort. You didn’t pay attention to sports well, so he could be a top athlete and you wouldn’t know it. You felt your confidence waver. 
“Hello, everyone! Welcome to Finding Paradise, the show where you compete on an island for a cash prize and may find love on the way.” The game show host announced as he walked across the sand over to the group. You felt your body buzz with a mixture of nervousness and excitement. “Today we will jump into the challenges with our famous Snatching Game.”
You cursed internally. You made sure to study the first season, and the Snatching Game was a grueling opener, forcing each contestant to race across the sand and swim 30 meters to floating waterproof bags with high-value items. It could be a knife, hammock, or even food. 
After the host explained the rules of the game, the twelve of you were led to an area of the island where anchored red bags floated in a line. You stood on a line in the middle of two women, and they removed their clothing. You followed suit, lifting your dress and revealing your swimsuit. 
You opted for a sporty two-piece while some of the women had more revealing bikinis. They looked stunning like models but you silently prayed for them that they wouldn’t lose their tops during the race.
You peered to the left of the group of women where the men were preparing to race. The men were all topless, revealing more six packs and muscular veiny arms than you had ever seen before. Gojo stood at the end of the line and you couldn’t help but quickly admire the expanse of muscles coursing around his torso and arms. While he had much fairer skin, he was still tanned evenly as if he was outside often. Definitely an athlete. You wondered what sport he played.
“The first person to grab one of the floating bags wins a separate prize, as well.” The host reminded everyone, and you zeroed in on the red bags floating over the waves. There was one less bag than the amount of people competing, meaning there was one person who wouldn’t get an item. While there was a very slim chance you’d win the first place prize, you were dead set on not being last. 
The host counted down on his loudspeaker and after shouting “Go!”, everyone simultaneously  began sprinting across the sand. You controlled your breathing as you ran, eyeing the people around you as you kicked up sand. There were four men and two women ahead of you with the rest behind. For now, you were in seventh place, but that was before everyone hit the water. 
Normally, you would hesitate before entering cold salty water, but the adrenaline rushing inside of you forced your body to dive into the blue waves. You didn’t know fancy swimming moves, but kicking your legs and propelling your arms was enough to win you a red bag which you grabbed ungracefully. It had a long black strap that you draped across your body, but before you could make your way back to shore, you felt a tug at the bag. 
You shifted your attention to your left where another contestant, a woman with a blonde ponytail, was holding the end of the corner of your red bag. You tried to swim away, but she was persistent, yanking the bag towards herself. You tried floating in place, but with her dragging the bag, you were losing energy.
Her free hand pushed at your face, digging into your cheek. Fuck, it resorted to fighting, huh? Rage subsequently flared over your body, and you kicked at the other contestant, pushing your heel into her stomach and after more struggling, you were finally able to yank the bag out of her grip. Without hesitating, you swam back to shore. 
The salty water stung your eyes, but you continued propelling yourself forward until the water was shallow enough to stand. You then ran onto the beach where everyone else was standing with their bags in hand. You hunched over, pressing your hands into your knees as you caught your breath. You heard movement behind you and observed as the woman angrily stormed out of the water and past you empty handed.
“Wow!” The host exclaimed. “First game, and we are already seeing some amazing action.”
You rolled your eyes, rising up and gripping the strap to your bag. It was light as a feather, almost as if there was nothing in it. You opened the bag and raised an eyebrow at the waterproof cloth rolled up inside. You grabbed the item and sighed in relief. It was a hammock. It would definitely be useful. 
“Our first place winner is none other than Satoru Gojo.” The host announced, and everyone turned to Gojo who stood proudly next to him. “How does the first game feel?”
“I was excited before coming here, but the first game really solidified that feeling. It was fun.” He replied coolly, flashing a smile at the cameraman who zoomed the recording device in on his face.
Fun? You almost scoffed. You almost drowned fighting off the woman, meanwhile Mr. First Place was likely kicking his feet back watching the tussle from the shore. You eyed the woman whose arms were crossed.
The host walked over to her side and brought his microphone up to her face which was pinched into a scowl. “Can you tell me what happened back there, Mimiko?”
She sighed. “Well, you can’t do much in the water when people steal your item from you. I got unlucky.”
Your eyes widened incredulously, and you resisted laughing. Please, you were on your way back to shore when she tried to snag the bag, likely because she was last and didn’t have a choice but to steal from the person closest to her. 
Suddenly, the microphone was shoved into your face. “Y/N, what do you have to say in response?”
You shifted your gaze to the camera lens, and shrugged. “It’s a competition, and I don’t plan on losing anytime soon.”
With that, the host announced the next part of the Snatching Game where partners are decided. The coin was flipped between which gender would be choosing, and it ended up being tails, which meant the men were deciding their partners. It was in order of who got to shore first, so Gojo was the first to pick. 
You scanned down the line of women, all of whom were bright eyed and smiling as he touched his chin, pondering silently. Two of the women looked to be athletes or from the military with their thick thighs and muscular arms, so they would likely be the smartest choice for athletic challenges. On the other hand, the woman who fought for your bag looked to be a model with her small bikini and slim figure, so someone like her could play into the romance aspect of the show. However, the pale-haired man was taking his sweet time.
You watched his eyes scan the line of women until landing on you. You felt your heart skip slightly, and it started to beat out of your chest upon seeing his slim finger pointing at you. “I’m choosing Y/N. She’s got a little fighter in her.”
You saw jaws visibly drop in your peripheral, and you refrained from doing so yourself. Gojo sauntered to your side and placed his hands behind his back. He eyed you from his distance above and you held his gaze. You would have never predicted this event to occur, but finally, things were interesting.
✭・.・✫ ☼
After pairing up, you all were instructed to explore the island and find your designated campsites. Gojo led the way through the dense and humid forest, swinging an ax at the branches blocking the way. 
“Was that your prize for first place?” You asked, and he nodded, flashing a smile back at you.
“Aren’t you a lucky girl?”
“Hmm.” You replied, turning and watching as the beach grew smaller and smaller behind you. “Are we almost there?”
“I think I see a small clearing.” He pointed his ax forward where a small clearing of sand and grass sat. The two of you reached the campsite and he placed his hands on his hips. “Home, sweet home.”
You dropped the bag from your shoulder and revealed the hammock which was tightly rolled into another bag. “I’ll start setting up our bed.”
“You got a hammock?” He asked, closing the distance between the two of you and touching the waterproof fabric. 
You instinctively stepped back, your cheeks heating from the proximity, but forced your head to nod. “What item did you get?” 
He lifted his bag and it looked a lot heavier than yours. He reached his hand in and revealed a large can. 
Your eyes widened. “Peanut butter?”
His eyes crinkled at the sides as he smiled. “Yeah, not bad, huh?”
You crossed your arms. “I guess it’s not the worst.”
Your stomach growled in response, and you blushed. It had been four hours on the island and you were already feeling the ache for a meal, but those no longer existed on the island. 
“How about we have dinner before setting up?” He suggested, unscrewing the lid with ease. 
“Shouldn’t we portion it out so it lasts longer?”
“We will, don’t worry.” He replied. You looked around you for a makeshift spoon, but all there was around you were dirty branches. 
“Stick your finger in.” He stated simply, like it was the most obvious answer. You reeled back slightly, but ultimately walked up to the man and after sucking your finger slightly to clean it, you dipped your finger inside the jar. 
“Whoa, that’s way too much.” Gojo pointed out, and you winced. 
“Sorry, here you can take some off-” You extended your finger, waiting for him to take it from his own, but instead, the man brought your finger up to his lips and before you could comprehend what was happening, he licked half of the brown paste from your pointer finger. Your world shattered into a million pieces as his warm tongue lapped the spread from your finger. He sucked the end slightly, and you stared slack jawed as the man licked his lips lazily.
“Mmm.” He hummed, the side of his lips tipping up as if he was satisfied with himself. “Oh, sorry. I should’ve asked.”
Your finger shook slightly from the shock, but forced yourself to speak. “It’s…fine.” 
You looked away, taking the peanut butter into your own lips. You couldn’t even revel in the savory taste since he decided to pull that stunt, so you silently grabbed your hammock and began hanging it up between two trees. He started chopping wood, likely for a fire. You tried to focus on hanging the hammock, but the image and feeling of him sucking your finger would not stop replaying in your memory.
You couldn’t help but feel a warm feeling bubbling in your stomach, reaching down to your core. You wanted to think you were just hungry, but you couldn’t deny the way your body reacted to such a sultry act from the most attractive man you’ve ever met. You sighed, and almost jumped upon Gojo materializing at your side.
“You should hang it higher because our weight will make it sink.” He reached up and wrapped the straps much higher than you were able to reach. You felt your face warm again. Our weight. Like the peanut butter, the two of you would be sharing the hammock, which would provide little comfort and little space between the two of you. 
“Should we call it a night?” He asked, and you nodded. “Okay, we can try to start a fire tomorrow, since it’s already late.”
With that, you climbed into the hammock and held your breath as he climbed in as well. 
“I’m going to face the other way.” You said quietly, and he nodded his head, doing the same. The two of you had your backs to each other in the cramped hammock, but it was more comfortable than sleeping on the sand with bugs and other crawling creatures. 
For the next hour, you couldn’t sleep, but even above the chirping crickets and sway of the leaves, you heard the faint and steady breathing of the man with his back to you. At least someone was able to rest. You sighed heavily, still in awe that this island survival show was your current reality.
If you could survive this, you could survive anything.
✭・.・✫ ☼
part 2
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love--galore · 1 year
A Soul So Brave | a satoru gojo fanfiction
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Cover Art by @3-aem
"𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐞𝐢𝐥 𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤, 𝐬𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐮𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐭, 𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭. 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝. 𝐈𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞, 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬."
a/n: hello! i am back with a long-form fanfic that i have been working on for a while. i am publishing it on wattpad, but wanted to preview it here! it is still in the drafting phase, and if you have comments, please let me know your thoughts on wattpad! <3
themes: gojo x oc fanfic, romance, sorcery, spirits, curses, smut
【 Link to Wattpad story HERE 】
Chapter 1: Arden
Nothing good ever came after 2 am. 
I should’ve known better, yet there I was, dancing with my friends at Mystic, the hottest club in New York City, and consuming expensive liquor that I knew I would regret purchasing in the morning.
Everyone has a bad habit, and mine was going out with my friends when I should be catching up on the hours of sleep I deprived myself of during the school week. It was my form of coping, and while I swore to drop this dangerous habit of partying and borderline alcoholism eventually, tonight was not that night. 
Spring semester of my third year in college finally commenced, so for three months, I was free from the mundane routine of bi-weekly exams and never ending lectures. While the beginning of summer was supposed to be the exciting start of outdoor activities and sleeping in, it also served as the annual reminder that I would not be returning home like the rest of my peers. 
It had been three years since I had last seen my parents, and I intended on keeping the trend going, but leaving my younger sister alone with them weighed heavily on me, especially on special days like her eleventh birthday which happened to be tomorrow. I had sent my Mia a gift in the mail, and she texted that she received it today. It was decent timing, but her following text message made the relief in my chest dissolve.
“So you’re not coming to my party tomorrow? :(”
It was only Mia and I, so the logical part of me prods me to drop all of my bearings against our parents in order to be the big sister she deserved, it was her fucking birthday, but I was always weaker than I thought, never able to face them and the disappointment I represented. I felt my eyes slightly damp at the thought and returned my mind to the bar, sipping the rest of my Sex on the Beach and setting the empty plastic cup on the counter.
I shifted my gaze to my three friends who were still on the dance floor not too far away. It sucked at times being the only single one in a friend group, but my friends made it less sucky. They always joined me on the days I wanted to go out to the bar and even the days I wanted to stay in to watch romcoms until I cried. In return, I kept a firm eye on the surrounding men who wandered closer and closer to them throughout the night. 
As if on cue, a trio of men approached them. I scrunch my nose. At the beginning of the night, the men were only slightly disgusting, gazing with lust-filled eyes and snickering amongst themselves, but by this late in the night, all subtlety was lost. It was time to leave. As I pushed off of the bar counter to regroup, I heard a deep voice that stopped me in my tracks. 
“Excuse me, can I buy you a drink?” 
I sighed. This line rarely worked, so I turned my head, opening my mouth to instinctively decline the offer from the likely young freshman in college or creepy absent father, but my breath hitched upon facing a strikingly attractive man. 
He had prominent brows and angular cheekbones that carved their way down towards a strong jaw. His smooth snowy white hair was thick and flowed out, framing his face and his hooded blue eyes that seemed to brighten as he smiled down at me. He towered over me, but he didn’t look that much older than I was. Still, he looked like he should be filming a movie in Hollywood, not sitting at the bar-side of a night club in New York. 
I resisted dropping my jaw and forced my expression to remain neutral. “Sure.”
The handsome stranger waved to the bartender, who nodded his head as he approached. He tilted his head at the plastic cup sitting on the counter. 
“Another one of those?” His voice was a deep baritone that sent slight shivers across my arms. 
“That works.” I returned his casual smile, but inside, I was screaming. If I knew I would be approached by the most attractive man I had ever seen, I would have worn a better outfit besides ripped jeans and a cropped top.
He nodded, gesturing to my cup. “I’ll have another one of those and a whiskey on the rocks, please.” 
While the bartender made our drinks, I glanced over at my friends, all of whom had seemed to have noticed and stared wide-eyed at the handsome stranger accompanying me. The drinks were promptly made and placed in front of us. I swirled the pink and orange drink with the thin straw and watched as he rolled up the sleeves of his white long-sleeve, showcasing what looked to be an unfinished inked sleeve across his right arm. The art wasn’t of a wolf or some other scary animal, or looked dark and overdone in order to stand out. Instead, it looked to be Japanese characters of some sort and though I couldn’t see it clearly, the inked illustrations surrounding them seemed to have some meaning in tandem with the characters. 
After signing the receipt, he shifted towards me, leaning his side on the counter. “I’m Satoru, by the way. But everyone calls me Gojo, my last name.” 
“Arden,” He repeated, almost like he was testing my name on his tongue. “What brought you here tonight?”
“I’m just here with my girlfriends,” I answered, and he nodded his head slowly before sipping his drink. “What about you?”
“Well, frankly, Arden, I came here to find you.” He said casually. 
My brows furrowed as I watched him finish his drink. Did I hear that correctly? “Sorry, what did you say?” 
Gojo leaned closer, close enough for me to be surrounded by the smell of his musky cologne and to feel his warm breath inches from my ear. He asked a question that shattered my world into a million pieces. “You see them too, right?”
Them? Was he talking about… I leaned back and blinked slowly up at the mysterious man, searching his face whose previously playful expression had grown scarily stonelike. He couldn’t mean what I thought he meant… The silence between us became deafening, and I felt my heartbeat quicken, slamming against my chest. Suddenly, it became hard to breathe. 
“Excuse me.” Without another word, I left the bar and slipped onto the crowd on the dance floor in search of my friends. 
I heard him call my name, but I didn’t stop. Instead, my eyes darted through the crowd. Where were they? I felt panic grow in my chest. I couldn’t think straight, but I knew that I had to leave now. I continued to wander on the dance floor until finally finding my friends as they exited the women’s restroom. 
Aeri’s blue eyes widened upon spotting me. “Arden! Who was that hottie talking to you?” 
“Yeah, did you get his number?” Jasmine asked excitedly. I tried to speak, but there seemed to be a lump that had formed in my throat. 
Carla stepped forward and rubbed my shoulder. “Arden, what’s wrong? Did something happen?” 
“I have to go.” I managed to choke out, and without another question, we all were leaving the club. I kept my gaze at the ground as they led us out, horrified at the possibility of running into the strange man. Was he talking about what I think he was talking about? How did he know about them? What’s even worse was he said he came here to find me… Was he stalking me?
I gripped Carla’s hand tighter as we pushed past the doors. The night air quickly greeted me, wafting around my bare arms like a cold hug. I shivered. The girls were talking, but I couldn’t hear them. My brain was numb, my ears were ringing, and all I could think about was what Gojo said. He saw them, too. The spirits.
They appeared before me ever since I was a child. It was the reason I wasn’t speaking with my parents. Every time I would bring up the “monsters” I saw, they would shut me up and threaten to send me to a hospital. One time, shortly after my tenth birthday, the spirits became more abundant, following me everywhere I went, and I could not stop crying about it for weeks. They haunted me throughout the day, but especially at night. 
One day, I overheard my parents talking about my condition and my father sighed heavily, “There’s nothing we can do. She’s a cursed child.”
That was shortly before they sent me to an institution for psychiatric treatment. The only way I got out was by lying and saying that I didn’t see them anymore. After that, my parents became so distant that I feel like I didn’t have any. It didn’t help that my younger sister was born. Mia has been all they dedicated their attention to, which her beautiful self deserved, but part of my younger self craved the same adoration.
I still see the spirits today, as I call them, but throughout the years, I have learned to cope with their existence. They appeared like humanoid zombies or deformed animals rotting from within and were wandering the world invisibly like ghosts. Sometimes they would interact with me, poking me curiously or even following me throughout my day, but ignoring them usually worked at keeping them at bay. 
They were everywhere and anywhere. I even saw a few large bird-like spirits at the club on my way in, observing the club from above like vultures, but seeing spirits was something about my life that I had never revealed to anyone besides my parents or the institution. I learned to cope silently since asking for help didn’t get me very far when I was younger… So, how did Gojo know? Was he even talking about the spirits or was I making that entire thing up? I didn’t let him elaborate, but, in the silence after his crazy question, I swear his hardened eyes confirmed my suspicion. 
“Arden!” Carla shook my shoulders, and I snapped back into my current reality where she was guiding me into a cab. “I’m taking you home, alright?”
“Oh, t-thanks.” I replied quietly, following her into the back of the cab. Carla and I lived on the same side of town, and we often rode home together on nights like this. Unlike the other times where we would banter and recap the night, it was completely silent save for the quiet hum of the radio. I couldn’t bring myself to speak. I felt insane, like my mind was on the verge of breaking. 
I kept my eyes down at my heeled feet, fiddling with the rings on my right hand when suddenly, the vehicle came to a sharp stop. I turned to Carla, whose brown eyes were suddenly wide with fear as she looked ahead like she was watching a horror movie. What was going on? 
I shifted my attention to the cab driver sitting in front of her and my lips parted in shock as what looked like multiple arms began protruding from his body like tentacles. Before I could react, one of his arms reeled back and punched the seat between us, smashing into the cloth as if it were butter. We screamed as another arm swung back, hitting the back windshield of the car and shattering glass over us.
The cab driver’s head was slumped forward like he was asleep, all whilst his various arms seemingly moved with a mind of their own. Was he a spirit all along? No, it wasn’t possible. Spirits weren’t able to interact with the physical world, let alone drive a car. Was I dreaming?
My thoughts were interrupted as the car began moving again, quickly picking up speed until we were speeding through the city streets as if on a highway. I screamed as I watched cars careen out of the way.
“Arden!” Carla shouted, and I gasped as one of the flailing arms connected with Carla’s chest, and she cried out in pain. I ripped off my seat belt and pulled her closer in a tight embrace, shielding her with my back. The monster-like creature screeched and roared as it attacked the two of us. Tears pricked my eyes as its fists slammed into my back repeatedly. The sharp pain stung on my body and I could feel the bruises forming. 
Whatever the hell was happening, I had a feeling it was my fault. Somehow, I must have drawn the spirits to me, and Carla was roped in and getting hurt because of it. This had never happened before, but it was like my worst nightmare was coming true right before my eyes. I squeezed my eyes shut and cried as I apologized to Carla, who was unresponsive beneath me. 
The monster roared louder like a wild bear and I instinctively gripped her body tighter, preparing to shield her once again until the vehicle came to sharp stop. I cried as our bodies lurched forward as a result, and I grabbed the front headrest with my free hand to steady us. Fuck, did we crash into something? After catching my breath, I slowly peered above the seat and through the windshield. I gasped upon seeing a pair of black dress shoes standing on the hood of the car. Who the hell was that? It looked like a normal person standing on the front of the vehicle, but the metal hood was subsequently crushed in as if the person weighed a hundred tons. 
The monster seemed shocked, as well, frozen in the driver’s seat, but it quickly recovered, slamming its fists through the glass windshield towards the person. The stranger was quick to dodge, however, seemingly disappearing into thin air. I spun my head around in search of them and reeled back as the sharp sound of metal ripping pierced my ears. I watched in awe as the top of the car was suddenly ripped off in one smooth motion, revealing an oddly familiar face. 
“Sorry I’m late.” He apologized politely as if he was tardy to a meeting instead of saving us by crushing a moving car with his body. I had no words, and it didn’t seem like he was waiting for a response, shifting his attention back to the monster. He moved with inhuman speed to attack the monster who aimed all of its various fists at his face. However, Gojo did not hesitate or seem phased. Instead, he reeled his arm back and threw out his own closed fist. Upon impact, the monster’s fists were crushed in like paper and dark liquid burst from its wounded hands. 
The screeching sound was high-pitched like an injured mule. I winced, clutching Carla who was still unresponsive. Gojo then revealed what looked to be a long sword hung across his back. My eyes widened as he went in for the kill without hesitation, slashing the silver blade across the monster’s neck in one swift motion. The head of the monster flew off, landing outside on the sidewalk. 
I stared with my lips parted at the beheaded monster who was formerly our cab driver. Was this really happening? My last memory was turning around and seeing Gojo’s face as he stood behind the now missing car door, his expression solemn and almost sad, then everything went black.
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love--galore · 1 year
组. chapter one : nanami kento
▷ next chapter ▷ masterlist
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花 ‧₊˚ warnings/includes: mythology! au, mixed and inaccurate information about mythology, god! nanami, nymph! reader, pregnancy, fluff, angst, smut, fingering, piv sex, angst with a happy ending, mentions of death // wc: 4.8k
花 ‧₊˚ synopsis: it's unusual for a nymph to be fond of books and the quietness mostly because your kind is always associated with festivities and merriment. without meaning to, your oddity and wits attract a certain golden haired god who shares the same sentiments with you and whose heart lies within the pages of his books.
花 ‧₊˚ additional info:
⸙. The flower behind Kento is a lotus flower which symbolizes wisdom.
⸙. Yaketsuku, Kento's father in the series, is the equivalent of Zeus.
⸙. Naoya is a distant family of his, a deity that works closely to the realm of death, but he's mostly known as the god of misery, misfortune and grief.
⸙. Zoi, according to google, translates to the word life.
⸙. Kento is given the title Great Sage as the god of wisdom.
⸙. The pink highlighted dialogue is originally from The Lord of the Rings. (I love love love this series so much!)
⸙. We have multiple easter eggs here for the next chapters, by the way. 👀
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Kento, despite his stoic front and uncaring facade, is fond of many things. He never thinks of anything or anyone to be less important than others unlike his fellow gods and goddesses who like to divide things: the great and the less. Where you lie between the two has never been a point of discussion. All they know and all he knows is that you have a special place in his heart that no one else can ever replace.
Sure, for others you were the odd one: the only nymph who showed so much interest in the words carved out in his books— but that's what made you exceptional in his eyes. Maybe for others you stick out like a sore thumb but for him, you were special. His special one.
Day and night he would seek you out, longing for the sweet caress of your voice as you read to him— only then he could lay his weary body for a good night's rest. It has become a routine that after you are finished with your day's labor, you would come to his temple either to entertain him with your newly acquired knowledge or simply to chat. He loves it when you talk, when you get lost in your own world and tell him about your day: of how you tended to the blooming flowers or how you whispered to the chilly air to be forgiving to humans and provide them warmth in the cold. You feel like home. 
Of course, the other deities are not blind to the treatment you get from the god of wisdom compared to other nymphs. Words got around and Kento's father, the chief of the gods, wanted to see what it is about you that is so bewitching that you manage to thaw the seemingly frozen heart of his third born. Kento, after all, has been around for thousands of years but never seemed to show any interest with anyone.
"My father has called for a family gathering," Kento mentions to you in passing as he browses through his book while you efficiently put back the ones you've read back on to the shelves, "Whatever that means."
"Is that so, my lord? I'm hoping it's nothing to be perturbed about." He smiles at the sound of your voice, so melodious it's almost like a soft breeze of wind whipping past his ear pleasantly.
"He did not mention what it's for and I have not responded. I won't be going." He says, finally closing the book to look at you. His eyes are bright, golden and illuminated by the sun as he takes you inㅡ moving so light as if you were a feather as you walk around his study. You may not notice it but he has long abandoned his book to admire you.
"You say that but you always end up going anyway," you giggle, finally putting away the last of the books before turning on your heels to smile at him, "You must go, my lord. I'm sure it will be a very important gathering if your father has requested only for his immediate descendants to attend."
At this, the god grunts under his breath before crossing the space between you. Within a minute, he has you wrapped in his arms, body almost sagging at the comfort of your warmth and the welcoming heat of your body. "I only go because my brother would not get off my back once I leave him to deal with familial affairs. I once failed to attend and Satoru still brings it up in any opportunity he gets, and it's been a hundred years since."
You chuckle at his lament, rubbing his back in comfort as you hug him closer to you. The erratic beats of your heart banging against your chest is so wild, your head is almost spinning at his homely scent: faint smell of book pages, laden with a hint of cinnamon and fresh summer breeze. He's intoxicating.
You're quickly rid of your hazy thoughts as a loud knock erupts from the barely closed door of the study. Mop of white locks and a pair of azure eyes peeks a little as a teasing grin plays on the lips of the intruder. "Getting quite comfortable there, I see."
"What are you doing here?" Kento detaches himself from you but not before pressing a light kiss on your forehead, a little flustered that his older brother found him in such an intimate moment.
"I'm here to get you so we can go together." Satoru, god of the sun: bringer of light, eldest son and heir to the throne. "I don't really want to deal with all the nagging from father and the rest alone so…"
You and Kento share a quick goodbye as he is whisked away by his brother, arm in arm (much to his annoyance). You hear Satoru's voice from the end of the hall addressing you by saying: "Apologies, pretty! I'll return him within two to three business days!"
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As someone who prefers peace and quiet, Kento never liked assemblies, whether its attendees were his family or not. It doesn't help that there are twelve of them: three are his siblings all born from different wombs, their father, and the rest, he never bothered to know due to their complicated family treeㅡ with each of them having different views. Of course, he doesn't mind that they all differ from how they see things but he dreads the unwarranted opinions about his life. Most times, they talk over each other, intimidation edging their voices as they shout to be heard and justified as if their inputs has any significance to himㅡ like it's their business when it's not. If anything, it only gives him an insurmountable amount of headache to last for eternity. No matter, it's not like he bothers to consider their prying to start with. Much like his eldest brother, Satoru, he learned to listen with one ear and out with the other.
This time though, the very subject of said assembly bothered him.
Sooner or later, he knew that your relationship with each other would be questioned by the others but he didn't expect it to be right there in front of his closest kin— the subject at hand brought to the table by his own father. Yaketsuku is not one to meddle with his children's affairs that often so for him to bring it up is something significant to the entire court. Although Kento still wonders as to how it would even concern the rest.
It's been a day and the Great Sage's ire still grows at the reminder of what went down during the gathering. He could remember the indignant tone of his father as he was lectured about nymphs and how they would all perish one day as if he didn't know that already. Naoya even had the nerve to shame him for seeing you because to him, you are nothing but a lower divinityㅡ not that it ever mattered to your lover anyway.
"What's the reason behind all this stiffness, my lord?" Your playful voice sounds like pleasant ringing bells to his ears. The lithe touch of your hands on his shoulders immediately relaxes the tensioned muscles in his body.
With a growing smile to his lips, he looks at you over his shoulder. Although his face looks dimmer than it usually is, the bright freckles in his eyes shine the more he gazes at you. "It's nothing."
He brings you to stand in front of him before bringing your hands up to his lips, pressing kisses to each pad of your fingers. "I've missed you today."
You don't have to wait for another prompt to return his kiss, this time you're the one blessing him with such tender love, placed on his lips, next to his cheeks, then down to the exposed part of his neck— light, playful and yearning.
He brings his hands to your waist, pulling you closer to his body as he walks the both of you towards his bed. In each step, you can feel his desire growing to be one with you, to feel every inch of your skin until he's engraved in your soul. He's gentle when he sits you down on the bed with him kneeling between your parted legs, his wandering hands warm against the expanse of your thighs. "Let me show how much I've longed for you."
「 NSFW 」 「 NSFW 」 「 NSFW 」 「 NSFW 」
You giggle at his words despite the heat on your cheeks. "We've only been away from each other for a day, Kento."
He ignores your quip but with a chuckle as he gracefully rids you off of your gown, meticulous in the way he undresses you before him. "If only you could see how mesmerizing you are," He whispers, admiring your ample bosom before diving in and taking one of your pert nipples in his mouth, never breaking eye-contact with you.
The warmth of his mouth makes you moan, throwing your head back in pleasure as he tugs on your nub with his teeth and then soothing it right after with his skillful tongue. "Oh… my lord!"
He smiles against your skin, proud to have you like you are now. His hands get busy when he pulls your thighs apart wider, gliding in between and towards your heated core. One single flick of his finger on your clit is enough to have you squirming, and he continues to rub on it in tight little circles.
"Please, more. Ken— Kento, more!" He's a great lover, especially when he gives in to your demand by sinking one long finger inside you, curling upwards before getting followed by another. He's not gentle with how he's maneuvering his hand all the while lapping up at your nipples alternately (he knows you don't mind) because he's determined to make you feel good.
White hot pleasure surges within you until you peak, gasping and writhing in his grasp as you bask in the feeling. Kento helps you come back down, pressing reassuring kisses to your collarbones and leaving marks in his wake.
"Beautiful." He whispers next to your ear, loving the way you caress his wide shoulders. He can feel your desperation when you tug his golden robes out of your way, wanting to feel more of him. He doesn't disappoint when he steps out of his own clothes, blessing you with the sight of his sculpted chest and toned stomach— fitting for a god such as himself.
"Let me love on you." He says all the while fitting himself between your legs, the smile on his lips ever present as he admires your flushed countenance. He doesn't have to wait long when you give him the affirmation— a simple nod of your head is enough to let him know.
The sound you let out is lusty and strident, when you feel Kento sliding into your warm cunt, inch by inch, and every vein on his manhood deliciously rubbing all up against your walls. You wrap your legs around his hips, easing him to bottom out until you're completely one.
"By the gods, you feel amazing…" He groans, a stutter to his words as you clench along his girth. One single move and the both of you are keening into each other's mouth, moaning the other's name.
With a shaky hand, you rub along the expanse of his back. Your words breathy and teetering on the edge of a whine. "Please… darling, move."
Ever the gracious lover, he doesn't hesitate to pull his hips back before thrusting back into your warmth, building a pace to reach both of your orgasms. Looking at him through your hazy gaze, there's nothing more majestic than he is— passionate and giving as he drives into you without fail. 
He slots his lips against your own, kissing you with feral intent and dominating your mouth though the sounds of your lovemaking doesn't falter because if anything, it only gets louder. His thighs meeting the back of your own and the squelches your connected parts make is distinct in the air.
"Love you, oh I love you so." Kento claims once he's had enough of your lips before attacking your neck and the skin of your chest with kisses, nipping and leaving marks as he pleases. He's relentless in his work, his cock still easing in and out of your wet heat and hitting the very same spot that makes your toes clench and your moans to raise a pitch higher.
Despite the high within your pleasure, you flash the god a shaky smile before uttering the words that make him grow more hard and stiff inside you. "Fill me with… with your warmth. I need to—" Although you don't get to finish your words, he understood you loud and clear.
For a moment, he stills so he can maneuver one of your legs and put it on his shoulder, that way he can go deeper and feel more of you. His other hand not supporting your thigh leads to your clit, rubbing it in perfect rhythm to his thrusts.
"I'm close, Kento! Please, please, please—!" Your voice falters the same with his moving hips when the blinding apex of your climax reaches the both of you. Kento's got a tight grip on your thighs, moaning breathily in the air with his head thrown back as he finishes inside you like you asked.
You shake under him: your back arched and knuckles almost turning white with how much you're gripping the silk sheets of his bed.
「 END 」 「 END 」 「 END 」 「 END 」
It's slow when you come back down, a little lightheaded and lost as you lay in the comfort of your lover's bed. "You alright, love?" His words bring you comfort, like a hand reaching out to you in the blank slate of elevation.
You blink your eyes, adjusting to the emanating light through him before you feel the gentle hand caressing the side of your face. "Hey, look at me." The words are soft as he talks to you and then he's peppering your entire face with kisses. The cold of his nose feels like a sudden zap against your skin and with a hoarse throat, you try out a weak mumble of his name.
"There you are." Kento is filled with relief when he hears you, a smooth laugh filling your ears and stimulating your senses.
Despite the tiredness, you pull him closer by the neck when he flips you both casually so you end up laying on his chest. There's a contented smile splayed along your lips while he traces your exposed back in soothing lines.
"Rest, darling." At his words, you allow yourself to ease up in his arms, your body loosening on top of him to doze off without any worry. With a final, tender kiss pressed on your temple, your lover joins you to sleep.
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The next few weeks are a blur, Kento dealing with his realm and godly affairs while you tend to your own labors. You, seeing each other barely has never been a problem in both parties but lately, you've been missing him a lot more— the urge to be near him is so great, it's starting to affect your mood.
"You've been sighing since earlier. Did something happen?" One of your older sister nymphs mentions, worried etched in her tone but you dismiss her with a hand and a gentle smile.
"I think I just really want to see these dewberries blooming already." You grin at her to which she giggles at.
"You still have at least fourteen moons left before they grow." A smooth voice adds from behind you and you quickly lower your head when you see the goddess of life striding in towards your direction with grace, accompanied by her husband's cousin, Naoya. 
"My lady." You address, finally looking up to greet the goddess. She nods at you and your sister before the older nymph excuses herself with a final curtsy.
Toji and his wife have decided to visit Kento's temple after meeting up with Yaketsuku. Liking the calm and the lack of absurdity from the others are a thing your lover and the god of the underworld both appreciate which made them get along quite well. The life goddess, Zoi (Yaketsuku's endearing epithet to his second oldest), is a dear friend to you as well. Long before she was married to Toji, she frequented Kento's temple and befriended you. Naoya, on the other hand, has become a second shadow to his older cousin, always following Toji and Zoi around.
"Are you not going to address me, nymph?" The latter haughtily asks with a brow raised, head tilted upwards as if to intimidate you.
You clear your throat before bowing your head in his direction despite the urge to step on his foot. "My lord." You never really liked him and his arrogant attitude.
Beside him, Zoi sighs before taking your hand in hers, leading you away— steps ahead from Naoya but of course, the younger follows behind like a tail. "Ignore him. Tell me how you've been, we haven't seen each other in a while." She smiles, her arms looped around yours.
"I have been well, my lady. Kento is treating me with so much care." Your response earns a scoff from the male behind but just like what your friend said, you ignored him.
Zoi nods in approval, pausing when she sees the figures of her husband and her brother under the pavilion near the lake with a gleeful expression. "Well, as Kento should. Especially now that you're with child."
Her words seem to have buffered your mind as you stand still beside her, your entire figure going rigid as you repeat her last sentence over and over again until you're snapped out of your daze by Naoya's heavy hand on your shoulder, manhandling you to face him.
"This lowly woodland sprite is carrying the Sage's heir?" Naoya asks, not you directly but to Zoi although his burning eyes remain scrutinizing you.
"Naoya, do not speak of her in that way." Zoi narrows her own eyes towards her husband's cousin, her usually bright eyes darkening as a disapproving frown marrs her face.
"How are you so accepting of this—!" The younger deity doesn't get to finish his insult when the thunderous voice of Zoi interrupts him unapologetically. "You will not shame my friend and the mother of Kento's heir any longer. Are you forgetting that my mother was a nymph too?"
Their argument seems to fall into the background as you take in the words you've been trying to understand, the realization hits you so hard you almost fall to your knees in astonishment. You are pregnant. You are pregnant with Kento's child. 
You don't notice but your lover senses your quiet distress as he looks at you over the field. He gestures to his friend to follow him in your direction, his pace quickening the more he sees you stare into nothing while the other two bickers beside you.
"No, my lady but—" Naoya is once again disrupted by a deeper voice. Kento and Toji step into the scene, your lover hiding you behind his large frame and glaring at your perpetrator.
"What seems to be the matter?" The ravenette god inquires, eyeing his wife's defensive demeanor and his cousin who looks both infuriated and guilty at the same time.
Naoya sighs, promptly glaring at you which causes Kento to tense up, his arms curling behind him to keep you close to his warmth. "Naoya, I don't appreciate you causing mayhem in my domain." The golden haired god scolds.
"I don't mean any disrespect but how do you expect me to accept this… this absurdity!" Naoya exclaims, pointing in your direction. "A lowly nymph, pregnant with the Sage's child!"
Kento freezes in his place before slowly trailing his eyes towards your smaller form, protectively hidden away from the furious slander of Naoya. This is great news— a gift to him! In other circumstances, he would've showered you with kisses and a hearty laugh but due to the commotion, it took away the surprise and the supposed memorable moment from you and him.
"If you would please excuse us." His voice is shaky, ignoring the others around you as he fully faces you, both of his hands placed on your shoulders before leading you away towards his chambers. Before fully disappearing out of sight, he looks over his shoulder, piercing eyes targeting the youngest god. "We are not done, Naoya. I will deal with you soon."
None of you sees the way the latter cower slightly before getting hit in the head by Toji. "We will talk about this as soon as we get back to the Nether."
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You're silent as you sit on the foot of the bed, Kento kneeling in front of you while caressing your knee lovingly. "I apologize for how Naoya acted." He sighs, this time, placing a chaste kiss on your thigh. "Are you alright, love?"
At the reminder, your lips quiver but you bite back the urge to spill your tears. You have more important things to discuss. "I'm alright, my lord… but we have something else to talk about. Don't we?"
At that, he nods and a gentle smile finally grazes his lips. "Yes, we do. Did you know you're carrying?"
You quickly shake your head in shame, eyes trailing downwards to your feet. "Only now that my lady Zoi has mentioned it."
Kento hurriedly sits beside you and pulls your body into his arms, consoling you from being upset. "Hey, there's no way you could've known this early. Zoi's the goddess of life, it's only normal for her to sense our child's presence before anyone else could."
Your heart stutters not only just because of the way he's treating you so kindly and affectionately, but when he claims your unborn child without any hesitance— you could feel the love in his tone.
"So do not fret anymore, hm?" This time, he leans back to take your chin in his hand to make you look at him. "I'm taking care of you and our baby until the end of time."
With the promise of forever, you pull his head down to kiss his lips in passion.
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"Father, I need to speak with you." Kento unabashedly enters the enormous atrium in his father's temple, looking around to spot the king in the midst of deities gathered in the place.
"My son!" Yaketsuku greets with a laugh, appearing behind his own sculpture, followed by his entourage.
Kento rolls his eyes but a fond smile passes along the downturned quirks of his lips. He doesn't shy away from stating the reason for his sudden appearance as soon as his father stands face-to-face with him. "My love is with child, I wish no further discussion about her kind for I do not care that she's a deity of a lower divinity. No one is allowed to shame her or my child, anyone who would dare to would be punished accordingly."
Yaketsuku is taken aback by his son's tenacity, a fine brow raised in amusement. He knows his son has always been firm but he's never seen his third born be this determined in his resolve— especially not in his presence. "Anything else?"
Kento takes quite a while to answer, not believing that his father is letting him speak without so much as a regard to his title as king of the heavens. "Well… there is one last thing." He clears his throat, trying to word out his thoughts properly. "Naoya has verbally made his distaste known towards my darling on multiple occasions. Yesterday, he confronted her with such malice, all the while knowing she is pregnant with my child. I wish for him to be dealt with— on my own terms." 
This time, it is Yaketsuku who takes longer to respond. In the middle of his musing, he gestures for his son to follow him, leaving the entourage behind as he leads the Sage to the large window overlooking the entirety of Ether Domain. "Thousands of years in peace, we've established that with our rules. Didn't we?"
Kento furrows his brows, assuming that his father would lecture him again about the edicts, most especially the law about the war between gods being prohibited. "Father, I do not seek war with Naoya. I only wish to—"
"Let me finish," Yaketsuku starts, "I know that he's wronged your lover, his ideals are valid but he used his sharp tongue in getting his point across. That is why I am letting you punish him on your own terms but you must know the limitations, son."
The Great Sage sighs, tilting his head back in frustration. "Are you still against her, father? I don't understand why."
"It is not that I am against her— she is lovely and wonderful, I can see that in your eyes everytime you talk about her. All that I have been trying to say is… what happens then if she passes on? Here, you will dwell bound to your grief under the fading trees until all the world is changed and the long years of your life are utterly spent." Yaketsuku doesn't look at his son but the sadness in his tone is palpable. Unconsciously, the king traces the silver bangle decorating his wrist in a lonesome manner.
The younger god freezes, his heart aching at the thought of losing you, but he quickly erases the negative idea out of his head. If has to slay a million gorgons just to be with you forever, he will do it. He will find a way. "I will never part with her, father. She will remain by my side."
The king nods with a reminiscent smile to his lips before patting his son's shoulder. He doesn't want to snuff the fire out of his son's determination any longer. Changing the subject of the conversation, he asks, "Have you thought of a punishment for Naoya?"
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"Is this really necessary?" Naoya grumbles under his breath, impatiently waiting at the steps of Kento's temple with Toji by his side.
"Quit your whining, kid. You're not even halfway through your penance."
"Penance? I didn't even do anything wrong!" The younger rolls his eyes though he doesn't get to complain more as the sight of you and Kento emerging from the entrance hall greets him. Half-heartedly, he smiles your way with a bow.
"What is it that you have to disturb us?" Kento asks, annoyance in his tone evident as he addresses Naoya.
The latter grins sheepishly. "I… I would like to apologize to you, my lady." He turns to you and as soon as his eyes land on your form, you protectively hug your slightly protruding belly away from his sight.
You open your mouth to reply but nothing comes out, still pretty intimidated by the younger divinity so you opted to nod your head. A meek "I forgive you" rolling past your lips.
"You don't have to forgive him now, you know. He has all the time in the world to grovel and beg." Toji smirks at the way his cousin glares at him before smiling at you kindly. "It's best we get going. My wife is waiting for me." He bids you and Kento farewell before conjuring a portal to travel back to his domain with Naoya on his trail, as usual. Though this time, his tailing now has a purpose. He is to stay in the Nether until your child comes of age and receives their epitaph. He's also prohibited from indulging in his desires— whether it be excess meals or to lay with anyone, so long as the binding of the punishment remains. The curse upon him will lift if your heart has fully forgiven him, a hex conditioned by the goddess of sorcery and witchcraft, Nobara. At first, you thought it was quite cruel but with enough persuasion by Kento, Zoi, and even Toji, you agreed. Once it's just the both of you, your lover hugs you by your side, placing a butterfly kiss on the top of your head with his arm securing your space beside him. His large hand is splayed on your stomach, comforting and warm. His unyielding resolve to many things, especially when it comes to both you and your child brings you so much joy. You feel so safe with him, like there's nothing wrong that could happen. Then again, he is the god of wisdom. He is both wise, calculative and smart, but most of all, he is loving, astute and kind to those he loves.
"Let's go back inside, my love." Your murmur as you pull Kento to walk alongside you. You're sure, you'll live a joyful life with him— long or short so you will make the most of your days with them. No matter what happens, your love will remain immortalized by the life growing inside you.
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note: here it is, finally! so sorry for the long wait, lovelies. took me an entire year to write this one, but hey, i did it! oh, and the taglist is open! ♥♥♥
🌸. taglist: @hello0i @theravengoddess @fingersnapples @itsonyxpected @satanisevolving @cookiesncreme @yourlocalchaoticmess @taeyang-ai @ultsdoffy @q-the-rockaholic @crackhead1-800 @therealbisexualjesus @ella-simps @lxpical @adequate-superstar @giverosespls
@emissaire 2023 all rights reserved - plagiarism is a crime
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love--galore · 1 year
pink bikini / sugar
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♡ how kind of the hot dilf next door coming to see you! how hot of you to show him your pink bikini!
♡ unprotected sex, pwp, kinda?dilf mdni kitchen counter fucking. daddy kink, cum eating, age gap (reader is mid twenties, toji is late 30’s) female reader. swearing
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It was eleven in the morning when you got the knock on the door. It was sunny outside so you made sure to put on a bikini for the day — the outside pool more than begging to be touched — you went with bright pink.
Somebody was waiting outside the door when you tied a jumper around your waist, happy smile on your face as you opened the door. The smile nearly wiped itself off your face when you saw your hot neighbour. He moved in a month ago and you were more than willing to go for a man who’s older this time.
He had a smirk on his face when he saw you, body in a bikini, that jumper around your waist doing near to nothing. “Have you got any sugar?” His voice was deep, core throbbingly deep. You nodded your head, “of course, come through.”
He shuts the door behind him as he followed behind you, you ditched the jumper, throwing it on the couch as you walked by. Your bikini covered ass made his head spin. Hot pink looked good on you, he made sure to remember that.
His crotch tightened when you bent over to get a spare tuba-ware box from the cupboard. The lid was right at the back and shit his breath hitched when your back arched. You finally got it out, you were about to put sugar in for him to take so he wouldn’t run out. His chest hit your back. You gasped as you felt his erection, “Toji—“ back arching as his hands fell on your hips.
His breath hot against your ear, “Yes?” His left hand played with the ribbon on the side of your bikini bottoms, he was tugging at it, pausing he asked “Do you want this?” You breath hitched, nearly moaning at how close he was. “Yes. Please. Yes.”
He pulled the string on your bikini bottoms, they fell, he pulled down his trousers. His erection hard in his grey boxers as he pulled them down too. He softly arched your back against the counter. “Toji— oh.” He easily slid into your puffy cunt. Slick coating his cock easily, he was long enough to hit those sensitive spots.
You couldn’t hold in your moans as his hand fell onto your back. Your cunt tightening around him, “Oh shit daddy,” it slipped from your mouth, the man nearly choked on his breath before he started hammering into you.
“Yeah? You gonna cum for daddy?” You nodded, unable to find words as he thrusted into your soaking cunt. Hands slapping and grabbing your ass. “Please— Oh.” With a few more hard thrusts you came.
He didn’t, pulling out with a low hiss as your cunt tightened, trying to pull him back in. He dropped to his knees, lifting one leg over the back of his shoulder, he ate like a man starved. You were oversensitive and you tried pushing him away before another moan left your mouth.
“Shit.” Your voice low, hand going to hold his head, his tongue swirled around your hole. You came again when he added two fingers, they curled perfectly, they were much longer and thicker than your own.
He stood up, giving you back your bikini bottoms. He pulled up his boxers and trousers, he had a smirk on his face, sweat dampening his forehead. He kissed your cheek when you turned around, face flushed. “T-thank you.”
He nodded his head, eyes still racking over your figure. “Thanks for the sugar.” His voice cool as he went to the door. You stood in your kitchen, cunt sticky, mouth open, face flushed. The tuba-ware laid on the counter.
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love--galore · 1 year
all mine. — jjk men ☆
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synopsis. it’s always the men being jealous… now it’s our turn. jealous headcanons w/ my favorite jjk men. spoiler: we end up getting absolutely fucke—
pairings. fem!reader. suguru getou. gojo satoru. nanami kento. toji fushiguro.
content warnings. jealous!reader. sub/dom dynamics. sub!reader. oral (fem & male receiving). unprotected sex. nanami’s part has weird body anatomy to it, don’t read too much into it. spit play (very sloppy!!), shoe fucking(?), exhibitionism, cervix kissing, bulge kink, size kink if you squint.
note. i don’t usually write for nanami so if his part is bad, take it up with your therapist <3. I HOPE YOU ENJOY!! (toji’s part had me barking around my house ://)
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suguru getou
at first, suguru would 100% be confused. like… what’s your problem? jealous?? no one even looks at him like that or in that way… (meanwhile bro is majestical)
i’m convinced he doesn’t realize how attractive he is. like yeah he pulled a 10… but is HE a 10???? he doesn’t really care, either. cause he only has eyes for you. you want him, that’s all that really matter to him.
that’s why poor guy is mad confused why you’re giving him such an attitude? talking to other people and not him? glaring & cutting your eyes at him? yeah, you gotta cut that shit out. pronto!
“make me a nice ponytail, baby.”
not only did suguru ignore the “off limits” sign on this persons bedroom, he’s currently got you laid back on the forbidden bed, legs strapped over his shoulders like a bookbag.
following his orders, you ran your fingers through his soft, raven—hair, scooping it up into a perfect ponytail. with his hair now out of the way, it made the scene even more lewd. your cheeks and ears began to burn hot.
suguru’s got your thighs trapping his head, slurping and spitting at your pretty pussy. he’s in heaven right now, your wet painting over his lips and chin. he’s lapping you up, kissing your clit, fucking your hole with his tongue. he’s an animal.
if you didn’t have to be quiet, you’d be crying out to whatever god was before you— granting you such a space to be played with... even if you weren’t suppose to be in it.
“‘guru,,,” you whine, back arching off the bed. you kept a good grip on his hair, knowing he’d complain about his ‘hair being in his food’.
he swears he’s the funniest person on the planet.
without removing his face from between your legs, he spreads your legs out on the bed, using his two free hands to reach up your body and grab at your breasts, pads of his thumbs rubbing against your perky nipples.
the sight alone, watching you struggle to keep his hair out of the way and swallow back the nasty noises you wanted to make— all while having your pussy devoured… it was a sight that could make suguru bust in his pants.
“mm,” he pulls away, sliding a hand down to rest over your tummy. “don’t start pushin’ me away when you’re about to cum, got it?”
“want you to cum all over my tongue.”
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satoru gojo
let’s keep it real. gojo satoru knows he’s dangerously attractive. attractive face, demeanor, voice… he’s got it all. therefore, it’s not uncommon for someone to flirt with your boyfriend. the situation isn’t rare.
what IS rare, is your boyfriend being oblivious to it. he’s heard it all… fell from heaven, is he tennessee (which he finds very offensive… out of all states you pick that one???? …) if his drapes match his carpet… he’s heard them all!
poor guy thinks this girl is actually interested in how this beer game works. he’s spending his precious time explaining the rules (cause there’s just so many!!) and he doesn’t notice how she’s staring right at him.
the next time you yank gojo satoru into a bathroom and accuse him of flirting with anyone other than you… make sure to ask what was happening instead :(
“not loud enough.” another crack to the fat of your ass bounced off the four walls of this bathroom, followed by another cry leaving your lips.
“..s…satoru!!” you were convinced if you were any louder, someone would think you were being annihilated. i mean… technically…
he grins, partially satisfied. he’s got you bent over the sink, one of your dainty hands sprawled against the window— sure to leave a reminder for the owner of the house to close their upstairs restrooms.
the shiny, black glasses he wore the entire night are now settled somewhere behind the faucet. he’s too busy holding your dress above your hips, the other hand keeping your hair in his hands, forcing you to watch the pornographic scene in front of you.
“‘s this enough?” he’s giving you everything he has to offer, balls slapping against your clit, the small addition of pleasure making it so much more enjoyable. “maybe i should invite her in, make you introduce yourself while you’re getting ripped apart. hm? how’s that sound?”
you wish you could understand what he was saying clearly, your mind was just too clouded; therefore you just nodded, answering with weak “mhm’s”. the various moans and grunts he was spilling, mixing with yours, feeling his hips stutter against your ass. it was all too much— way too much for you to handle at once.
“..i’m.. fuck, satoru— gonna…”
“give it t’me.” gojo was right behind you, releasing your dress and leaning forward to place his hands right above yours, fucking himself right into that sweet, spongey spot you just loved.
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nanami kento
another pour soul who doesn’t realizes that he’s absolutely killer and doesn’t think anyone else would want him other than you. like NANAMI BE SO FUCKING FR.
he’s like… did i do something wrong? yeah you unbuttoned two of your buttons cause the ac broke and now everyone in the office is looking at you like they wanna suck your dick :((
chuckles cause he thinks you’re joking but once he sees you pouting?? o.O
a large, pale hand taps your cheek. “better start suckin’ before someone else does.”
you simply roll your eyes, beginning to bob your head with your cheeks hallow, your eyes up at your boyfriend. he’d been teasing you all day, laughing at the fact that you were jealous. in actuality… he found it cute. no one’s ever been jealous of him before.
now that he’s got this power over you, and the tip of his shoe under your puffy pussy— stiff cock resting against your tongue, he’s using it to his advantage.
the scene to nanami was so nasty— his angel, usually reserved and gentle, was now fucking his shoe and sucking his cock like she had something to prove. he thought it was just the cutest thing considering he’d never seen this side to you. maybe he should keep a few buttons loose on his tops.
maybe even keep his sleeves rolled up too. you’d hate that.
“slippin’ and sliding on my shoe, huh? must be pretty fucking wet,” nanami watches you grip onto his leg, soft moans vibrating against him. he uses two fingers to tap your chin, motioning up from his cock.
“lemme see.”
strings of saliva connecting you and boyfriends dick, taking this moment to refresh your lungs with some air. your fingers couldn’t even wrap around his full width— though that didn’t stop you from using your spit to continue pumping him.
he replaces your hand, slapping the his pretty, pink mushroom tip against your lips. you pressed your lips together, blowing bubbles with the access spit in your mouth along with his actions.
nanami was sure he could paint your face from just the sight alone.
the blonde grabs your cheeks, squishing then together. “want my cum?” he questions with a sly smirk pulling at his lips— knowing the answer.
“then work for it.”
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toji fushiguro
[family fued] “name someone who would never cheat on their s/o but would definitely push their limits by teasing them.” “uh, idk steve, toji fushiguro?” “toji fushiguro?” FLIPS TO THE NUMBER FUCKING 1 ANSWER
god i can go on about how toji’s a tease. in a sexual and non sexual way. AND ITS CANON. DO YOU EVEN JJK BRO?????
in seriousness, toji wouldn’t cheat on you. he’s never had someone love him the way you do, that’s rare to come by for him, he wouldn’t dare try to lose that. but that doesn’t mean he’s not gonna push your fucking buttons let me tell you
moving into a new house, meeting your neighbors and having everyone over for a housewarming. but there’s this one neighbor… she’s a little too keen with toji. laughs a little too hard at his jokes. compliments his arms and waist, and even invites him to “cut her wood”
??????? and toji’s just looking you watch from behind her, trying to stifle his laugh at her horrible invitations and your face turning into a strawberry
you: 😠🍓😡 toji: 🤨🤭😏
maybe threatening to go over that neighbors house and offering to make her husband some of your fresh, hand—squeezed lemon tea in that pretty sundress toji just can’t seem to leave you alone in… was a bad idea.
your breasts were covered by two, very large hands— both being pressed against your wide and open window. the cool glass helped ease your body temperature— being fucked by toji fushiguro will surely work up a sweat… or a heatstroke.
anyone that looked over to your shared bedroom window would be in for a treat. one large, buff man fucking his wife against the window like a slut— allowing everyone to see just how good he treated her.
lewd, fucked—out face on display, but only toji could hear your pretty moans and cries that it felt so good, and how his dick was all yours.
“think i’m gonna…” toji takes a sharp inhale, “give this perfect pussy up, hm?” he asks, absolutely expecting an answer. he knew it’d probably take you a few seconds to answer… considering he was fucking the air out of your lungs.
gasping once more, you began to shake your head rapidly. “mm mm!” hands overtop of your husband, feeling his thick, sticky tip kiss at your cervix. the more it hurt, the quicker you were to squirting all over toji’s cock.
“s’ what i thought.” he raises his leg, propping it up on an object next to you, fucking himself deeper. he’s got a hand on your stomach now, feeling his bulge marking itself in your stomach. your pussy fit him like a glove— he was just a few good pumps from spewing.
“wouldn’t trade this slutty, sloppy pussy for anything in the world.”
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©️ RYUJNN: 01/02/2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. do not translate, plagiarize or remake any of my work! reposting my work is allowed — likes, reblogs & comments are appreciated.
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love--galore · 1 year
it’s like a reward
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I discovered light mode on procreate.
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love--galore · 1 year
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another start to the week
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love--galore · 1 year
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Nanami does not appreciate foes making him work overtime.
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love--galore · 1 year
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love--galore · 1 year
some of y'all really be like "nanami thinks work comes first*. brooo that mf wants to go home so bad. can't you see the wrinkles and eye bags forming at the age of 32. this poor man is dying and praying for retirement like its the last thing he can do. please.
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love--galore · 1 year
bullet train // gojo satoru x fem!reader AU!
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˗ˏˋ PAIRING  ˎˊ˗  gojo satoru x fem!reader
˗ˏˋ SUMMARY  ˎˊ˗ gojo is an assassin who boards a bullet train to complete a mission. little does he know you were also called to the train for the same mission. (inspired heavily by netflix’s new movie, “bullet train”)
˗ˏˋNOTE ˎˊ˗ : word count: 2.9k. y'all go watch the "bullet train" movie on netflix right now if you can! it's so good and funny! idk what made me write gojo into it lmao but hopefully y'all like the short story au. sorry for being MIA and sorry this is not edited so forgive me! !
Gojo did not usually take cases on trains, let alone the fastest bullet train.
The motion of the high-speed train paired with the lack of mobility of being squeezed into a tight metal vehicle provided little room for error and escape, but this mission was an exception.
According to his mission leader, this mission was an open and shut case. Acquire a briefcase with ten million dollars, and get off at the next station. He was pretty good at treasure hunting, anyway, so there he was, flipping through a magazine as he sat in the cramped seating area of the economy cart. 
Today was a holiday, so not many people were boarding the train, which also made his job easier. Less people to be caught in the crossfire and witness the bloody requirements of being an assassin. 
However, a young woman sat in the seats across from his own. You wore a neutral coat and a cream white scarf that was tucked neatly into the collar and were slowly flipping the pages of a thick hardcover novel, deeply engaged in whatever it was you were reading.
It was a shame you might have to witness the likely traumatic events that were to come in the near future, but if fate put you on this train today, then that was that. 
Gojo sipped on his ice water, waiting for the train to depart from the station so that he could ensure the amount of people on the train. According to his current count, it was 22.
“The train will depart in one minute.” The automated voice crackled overhead, and Gojo set his magazine down to check his phone. His mission leader had texted.
“The briefcase is silver with a train sticker on the handle. Be cautious of the other professionals who are also seeking the money.”
Gojo chuckled to himself. As if he needed the reminder. It was unknown who was also searching for the briefcase, but any assassin hired to acquire the money would be extremely alert for the potential of someone stealing their ten million dollars away.
Gojo was confident, however. Besides his natural talent for his unusual occupation, he was rather lucky, he would say. 
The train departed shortly after the announcement, and Gojo slowly rose to his feet to stretch. As he stretched, he observed the amount of people in the cart. Besides him and you, there were four other occupants sitting by the automatic sliding doors approximately twenty feet from where the both of you sat. 
He moved to the aisle just as you stood up and met him in the middle. 
“Oh, my apologies.” You said, your voice a soft and sweet sound. He tilted his gaze down and met your innocent eyes. 
“No, it’s my fault. You can go ahead.” He replied, and you bowed your head swiftly, shifting to the right, but suddenly, you tripped, seemingly over your own two feet, and fell straight into his chest. The two of you fell ungracefully back onto his side of the aisle.
“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!” You exclaimed, reeling back.
Gojo chuckled. “No, really. It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.” 
Your eyes widened and you turned away, a pink blush flushing your cheeks. You slowly and shyly took the seat next to him and tucked your hair behind your ears, offering your hand.
“I-I’m Y/N, by the way.”
Gojo raised his eyebrow at the sudden introduction, but took your hand anyway, shaking it gently. Your hands were soft and warm compared to his calloused fingers.
“Nanami Kento.” He lied. His partner would literally kill him if he knew he was using his name as his own during solo missions. Too bad he was hung up with stomach problems to attend.
“Nice to meet you, Nanami-san. Where are you headed off to?” Your interest in him made him automatically suspicious, but he already observed the bags beside you which were a mere hand purse and a plastic shopping bag. You were not a threat. Maybe just a girl intrigued. He had that effect on women. 
“I’m late to visit family for the holiday,” He replied. “And you?”
“Me too. I’m a student at the local university and had to finish my exams first, sadly.” Your voice was so sincere and innocent. If he wasn’t on a mission, he would gladly entertain your curiosity. 
“Oh, is that so? What are you studying?” He didn't want to draw out the conversation, but he had time to spare. 
“Political Science. I’m trying to become a lawyer.” Your smile was shy and a faint blush remained on your cheeks. He wished he didn’t have a gun in his jacket. 
“That’s cool... but I do have to go to the restroom if you would excuse me for a moment.” 
You stood up quickly and you bowed your head. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude-” 
“No worries, love. I'm glad we bumped into each other.” He smiled. You smiled, too, then promptly moved back to your seat.
He then made his way to the restroom which was located behind your seat, and checked his phone after sliding the door closed.
His mission leader texted again. 
“Intel reported that the other assassin has likely boarded. Be on the lookout.”
He rolled his eyes. Of course he would know that. Who did they think he was? Some amateur?
Gojo washed his hands and returned to his seat. He glanced over to you and your eyes remained on your phone, scrolling through social media. He wondered what he would do if he wasn’t taking on assassination missions for a living. He considered becoming a police officer when he was younger, ironically, but that idea was long gone with his lengthy critical history. 
A woman strolled down the aisle pushing a beverage cart. She turned to you, who asked for champagne. Classy, but alcohol on a train? He didn’t ask where you were going, but maybe you had a longer journey ahead. Hopefully you left before the carnage began.
Gojo declined a drink and moved to wander the train. He had to find the briefcase sooner than the other assassin. Not that he couldn’t take on whoever was also looking for the money. It would just make his job simpler.
As he passed through the various carts, he counted the heads of the occupants and glanced at each person’s profile. He passed an elderly woman, a young couple, and a handful of lone men. He scanned the men, the bags they had and jackets they wore. Some of whom were not wearing one, so he wrote them off on his list of suspects. But one, in particular, wore a heavy dark coat. 
The balding man looked to be middle-aged with a newspaper across his lap and a hand resting on a plastic water bottle. This man sat in the cart in front of his own and glanced up at Gojo as he walked by. 
Gojo asked a worker for the dining area as a cover for wandering the train, and followed their direction to the cart ahead. He checked his phone again, but no text.
As he reached the dining area, the train stopped and people slowly filtered out. At this point in the evening, there weren't many people boarding. Now was his time.
He waited until the aisles were clear before checking the luggage shelves in between each cart. There were large suitcases and bags, but no briefcase. He did find one, but it was black and did not have a train sticker on the handle. 
He sighed in disappointment and returned to his seat. He could not afford to be greedy and risk blowing his cover. He would try to find the briefcase again at the next stop. 
As he made his way to his seat, he found the suspicious balding man who had left his original cart and was looming over you. Your eyes were wide with fear, and without a second thought, Gojo grabbed the man's shoulders and threw him across the aisle. He apologized internally for letting you witness the sudden violence before promptly slamming the man’s forehead onto the window. The man slumped down quickly, falling limply onto the seat.
“Sorry about that, love. I can explain-” Gojo laughed, preparing to lie through his teeth once again, but as he turned around, he was met with the metal barrel of a pistol.
You were on your feet now, pointing the gun between his nose and smirking as you met his shocked gaze. Your sly expression made you almost unrecognizable, and Gojo realized that he had been deceived, and so cleverly. It was always the innocent ones.
“Thanks for taking care of him. Makes my job easier.” You said, and Gojo raised his arms in surrender.
“I shouldn’t have underestimated you.” He chuckled, but your slim finger shifted, clicking the gun.
“Yeah, you shouldn’t have.” Your voice is harder and deeper than before. If he wasn’t staring at a gun, he would have taken notes from your clever deception strategy. But before vocalizing his respect, he swung his arm up and grabbed the side of the gun, pushing the barrel down.
A stray shot rung in the air and hit the floor, but you were quick to counter, pivoting until your back was to his chest, and slammed your elbow backwards into his ribs.
The pain was surprisingly harsh given your much smaller stature. Gojo resisted a smile. While unexpected, this turn of events was rather interesting. Dare he say- fun?
The two of you struggled to gain control of the weapon. Your back was still to him as you continued shoving your free arm back into his groin, but Gojo grabbed your shoulder and shoved you forward. 
You were stubborn, however, never letting your grip up on the gun. Gojo closed the distance between you again, using his free hand to push the gun to the floor. It dropped beneath a seat, and you turned around, throwing a meticulous punch aimed at his throat. He dodged swiftly and jumped back, mimicking your stance with your fists raised and knees bent. 
He tried to withhold his laughter, but he proved unable and your eyes narrowed as if he was your deepest enemy.
“I’ve never put my hands on a girl before. Guess today’s the day.” He teased, and you clicked your tongue. 
“Surprising coming from you, Satoru. You seem like a violent kind of partner.” 
“Ouch.” Did he really? He considered himself a gentleman. “And we’re on a first name basis, now?”
“Cut the shit.” You cursed, and Gojo could not help but smile as he reached for his own gun from his jacket.
You were swift as you charged him, aiming your fist for his jaw with practiced precision. He finally slipped his gun from his jacket, but you revealed another weapon, a dagger, and with a reverse grip, you swiped at his bicep. The metal left a long cut on his skin and he hissed, shoving his shoulder into yours until you stumbled backwards. 
You did not know how to stop, however, reaching for your hardcover book and flinging the novel at his face. The spine flew towards him, but he caught the book with his left hand, throwing it to the side. In those moments, you closed the distance and shot your heeled foot into his stomach.
Gojo winced from the impact, but grabbed your heel before you recoiled and yanked your body towards him. You stumbled forward and he caught your neck with his free arm, spinning behind you and lifting your chin up in a tight chokehold. He pressed his gun to your temple as you clawed his arm with your hands.
“Won’t hit a girl, but shooting is fair game?” You questioned as you gasped for air, and Gojo laughed, leaning closer to your ear as he stood behind you.
“Of course not, sweetheart. I just want to know who sent you, that’s all.”
You kept your grip firm on his arm that was tight around your neck, but loose enough for you to speak. “I was c-contracted to obtain the briefcase, but I don’t know who sent me.”
“Interesting.” Gojo tapped his chin with the barrel of his gun. “A tad suspicious, don’t you think?”
“Desperate times.” You replied dryly, still attempting to pull his arm down.
“How about this…” Gojo pressed the barrel back onto your temple. “You agree to forget this mission, I let you walk free at the next stop, and this can all be over.” 
He smiled as you huffed for air. “W-Why would you do that?”
Gojo shrugged. “I don’t know. I just can’t find a reason for killing a pretty girl. It’s against my morals.”
The bald man groaned and shifted in the seat, and Gojo did not hesitate to click the gun and shoot the man. You strained your neck to look at the man who now laid dead in Gojo’s seat. Your forehead drenched with sweat. Even as you faced away, you could see the sly grin sitting on the pale-haired man’s face.
But before you could reply, you heard low voices and saw the outline of multiple shadows approaching the sliding door. Gojo ducked and shoved your body back to your seat, and you gasped for air as multiple shots rang in the air. Your hand quickly settled on your stray gun. 
Gojo clenched his jaw as he peered above the seat, firing at the group of three men who were charging towards the two of you, hitting two of them in the shoulder and one in the chest. They tumbled down onto the aisle, and without thinking, Gojo grabbed your arm and yanked you up to your feet, dragging you out of the cart and into the neighboring one. 
“What the hell are you doing?” You jerked violently but his grip was firm. 
“I’m guessing the person who sent you wants you dead.” He replied, continuing to pull you further down the train. 
You glanced behind you at the group of the men lying lifeless in the previous cart’s aisle. 
Gojo dropped your arm and began shoving stray luggage items in front of the door, barricading the area. 
“Y-You’re insane.” You breathed, watching as he peered through the window of the door.
“I know.” He quipped, still barricading the door. “But I just saved your life, so you kind of owe me now.”
“I…” You began, but you were at a loss for words. Just a minute ago, you were pointing guns at each other, and now you were confidants? You pointed your gun back onto the pale-haired man, and he raised his arms up.
“Hey, I know the person who put up the ransom.” Gojo revealed. You raised your eyebrow and he met your confused stare. His piercing blue eyes were no longer playful, and an unreadable emotion took the previous expression’s place. 
“Who is it?” You demanded, and he dusted off his jacket, his eyes turned towards the ground.
“He’s a drug and gang lord named Sukuna. The Red Curse.” 
Your mind spun as you recalled the name. You completed a mission taking out a person from his gang, an advisor. 
“Fuck.” You breathed. 
“Yeah, he’s not someone you want to mess with.” He shrugged. “Well, I guess we’re already too late.”
“When’s the next stop?” You glanced towards the window as the city flew by, maintaining your gun that was pointed at his head. 
“Considering we’ve been lured here, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve taken control of the train by now.”
You glared at him as if he was the reason you were sent onto the train. “So we’re stuck?” 
“Yes, most likely. Until we take out him and his little followers, that is.” Gojo replied. 
You sighed, closing your eyes and touching your temple. 
“Don’t worry, darling. I’ve got this all under control.” He grinned.
“You knew about this?” You accused, clicking your gun.
“No, but I’m the best there is, so it would be in your best interest not to kill me.” He replied casually as if there wasn’t likely an entire gang chasing you as you spoke.
“That’s not very reassuring.” You said dryly. “And why are you even trusting me?” 
Gojo laughed, a deep baritone sound. “I don’t know…But I feel like I'd rather have you than no one. Helps that you're pretty, too."
His words made you utterly speechless. From what you knew, Gojo Satoru was one of the best assassins out there. But here he was, calling you pretty?
“Aww, you’re blushing.” He pointed out. 
“I am not!” You aimed the gun mere inches from his face as a warning. The bullet hit the wall behind him, and Gojo let out a slow whistle. “And we could be killed if you keep this annoying act up.”
“I won’t let that happen.” He said casually. Part of you wanted to believe him, that you could get off the train with your life and leave this mission behind, but the two of you have found yourselves in an impossible situation. His confidence, however, while very vain, was slightly reassuring. 
You return to your current reality and quickly shed your coat, unraveling your scarf. As you revealed another dagger tucked into your coat sleeve and the bulletproof fabric across your chest, you did not miss the intense stare from the man beside you, your new partner.
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