lovekei21 · 4 days
This is beyond cool
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Carmilla in my style
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lovekei21 · 19 days
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My take on this year’s Mermay, featuring Carmilla Carmine! 🤍🖤
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lovekei21 · 20 days
My two Blooming Gun/Guns N Roses fics ive finished
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lovekei21 · 24 days
Emma: Whenever Regina gets mad at me, I tighten all the lids on the jars so she has to ask me for help
[sounds of glass shattering in the background]
Emma: It hasn't worked yet but it will.
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lovekei21 · 24 days
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She’s the only character that matters
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lovekei21 · 24 days
This is literally the cutest thing ive ever seen.
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I enjoyed Fem!Alastor’s catalogue page so much, I just had to make one for Rosie next! A classy gal like her would have a frock for every occasion.
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lovekei21 · 25 days
This is literally the cutest thing ive ever seen.
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I enjoyed Fem!Alastor’s catalogue page so much, I just had to make one for Rosie next! A classy gal like her would have a frock for every occasion.
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lovekei21 · 25 days
And they wouldnt get along because theyre so alike. Fighting immediately
Hear me out, a slash fic with these two grumpy ass women would go SO UNBELIEVABLY HARD
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Literally one comment telling me to and I’ll draw them together 👀
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lovekei21 · 25 days
Finished drawing this absolute BEAUTIFUL WOMAN AS MARILYN!! <//333 AHGGHH HEAR ME OUT GUYS!! CMKN PLZ..
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And also.... A little sneak peak surprise for my sapphic lover pookiez on here MWAH
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Yeah we gettin a lil crazy down here tonight 🙏
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lovekei21 · 25 days
Carmilla has her factories running on their own power systems separate from the city’s so Vox can’t black them out every time he gets pissy.
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lovekei21 · 25 days
This shot...
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...Feels. Important, with the theory she's also a fallen angel-
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lovekei21 · 25 days
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First Meeting
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lovekei21 · 25 days
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Carmille Carmine dressed (against her will) by her doting wife, Rosie (shhh let me be delulu)
Please always give creds!
And im just getting back into art after like 10 years and am relearning and learning new things. Made an art profile if you wanna follow me on insta @Digikei21
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lovekei21 · 26 days
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Lineart before color.
Im so freaking happy with how this turned out. Shes so fucking pretty.
I havent seriously drawn since HS (im 26 now). Hazbin inspired me to get back into and im shook i managed to pull this out of ass with no tracing whatsoever. And i managed to draw most of Carmilla based on memory. Working on color now and will post later.
P.S. I always forget to watermart these since i dont consider myself an artist. Please dont claim the little i can do as your own. Appreciate
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lovekei21 · 2 months
Hi dear!!
omg thank you for being like so supportive of my velvette stuff and my account truly honoured to be your mutual!
okay so I was winding if you could like do like a short fic or whatever of are mommy mother Rosie (she’s so mommy it’s not funny) could it be where we like get jelly of the relationship that Rosie and Alastor have and we start huffing at her whenever Alastor is around and just having an attitude towards her in general (she seems like the woman to adore bratty attitude but also like proper pretty girl attitude too, could you also use the nickname sweetie or doll! Oh! And also like a thicker reader I’m a thick girl myself! Sorry for so many requests in one!)
( if your not taking requests just ignore little ol’ me! :3 )
have a good night/day darling!<3
getting on your nerves
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navigation // rules // masterlist
summary: rosie taking an interest in our jealous behaviour
warnings: gets suggestive at the end!
notes: GIRL i’m the one honoured to be your mutual like?? your works??? anyway, hope you like it!! (i know i’ve gotten to it LATE AF but my motivation is… funky) i’m not proud of this one but gonna post it anyway as i already wrote it- it turned out totally different than i wanted but meh wtv
requests: closed!!
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alastor came into the flower shop and softly walked over to the counter ringing the small bell on top of it waiting with a smile. it was surprisingly a slow day at the cannibal town. no one was wandering around the store and everything seemed so… peaceful.
well, until rosie came out of the back and greeted him with a wide smile.
“alastor!” she exclaimed and walked over to him giving him a tight hug. “oh how i’ve missed you” she said holding his hand and looking around for a place to sit down.
“i know, it’s been a while” alastor chuckled and looked down at the hand she was still holding not making any move in a way to shake her off. rosie smiled, being used to him letting her be affectionate as she finally picked out her favourite table and leaded both of them to it.
“so” she started, letting go of his hand, sitting down and expecting alastor to do the same. “what brings your twisted being, here today?” she asked and turned her head, looking for her teapot.
alastor chuckled and sat down in the chair at the other side of the table, putting one of his legs over the other one and sighed deeply. “nothing much dear, just came over for our check up” he said and chuckled again also looking around for a teapot, as that’s what they’ve always drank while gossiping.
rosie smiled and all of her attention moved onto him. “well then? where have you been? what’s new? how’s the ‘v’ thing?” she asked all of those question at once which earned her a laugh from alastor, forming a grin on her face.
“oh my dear…” he started and shook his head trying to make the situation more dramatic. “there’s a lot to talk about from those three question you’ve asked” he smiled wider but his brows furrowed slightly. “didn’t we always to this while drinking tea?” he asked and rosie laughed at him, covering her mouth with one of her hands.
“we sure did!” she kept laughing and made herself more comfortable in her seat. “and that’s even more perfect occasion for you to meet someone” her smiled turned more lovely as alastor raised one of his eyebrows at her.
“who?” he asked, putting both of his hands on the table, waiting for her to elaborate wanting to hear all the gossip. rosie rolled her eyes playfully at him and called out for you. “y/n!” she called, turning her head to the side.
hearing your name you came out of the back and looked at her while tilting your head, questioning why has she called you. only after a moment you noticed another person sitting with her at the table and as you walked closer to both of them you noticed it was alastor. you smiled to him trying to make that smile as honest as possible but you knew he saw right through you as he rose one of his eyebrows at you.
“oh my doll, would you be so nice and make me and alastor some tea? if not that totally fine, darling” she asked you with the biggest smile on her face. and how could you say no to this woman?
“of course” you smiled to her dumbly and went to the back again, to prepare the tea and try to make yourself act normal around alastor.
rosie chuckled seeing your smile and as you walked away her eyes drifted back to alastor who had a bit of a questioning look on his face alongside his never resting smile.
“i see” he said and chuckled looking at her while still keeping his hands on the table. “the remarkable matchmaker finally found her match?” he asked and rosie chuckled at his words, covering her mouth as she rolled her eyes playfully, her cheeks slightly rosing.
“always such a charmer” she laughed and she did it loud enough that you could hear her at the back. you placed the teapot down with a thud rolling your eyes and trying to at least keep some face as you continued on making the tea. “but yes, i must say i did find my match” she said more softly and her eyes softened as alastor rolled his own at her and chuckled, shaking his head.
“i see you have a taste for a woman this time” he laughed and rosie moved her hand over the table to gently punch his shoulder. he laughed even more at her reaction.
“she’s not for eating” she said sternly but couldn’t hold the laugh escaping her throat. “well, not that eating” she chuckled as she went back to her sit again and roll her eyes playfully as alastor’s eyes squinted at her words and his dear ears flatten slightly. rosie took a notice of that and let out another laugh. “oh alastor, so easy to embarrass you” she continued laughing and he just rolled his eyes at her.
as they continued their conversation you gathered everything you needed and grabbed the tray with the teapot and two cups, walking out of the back and trying to keep up your smile. you came over to them and placed it on the table, smiling softly to rosie as she gave the smile back.
“here you go” you said more to her than them and she clapped her hands together with a chuckle.
“thank you sweetie” she said grabbing the teapot and pouring her and alastor a cup. you were just standing there not feeling like you should stay but also not entirely sure if you should leave. rosie smiled even more seeing you stay with them as she handed alastor his cup.
“alastor” she said taking a sip from her cup and looking at him again. “i want you to officially meet y/n-“ she said and turned her head to you with a wide smile, showing off her sharp teeth. “the ‘match’ to the matchmaker” she playfully rolled her eyes. “and the love of my life” she smiled and took another sip from her cup as you just stood there feeling your cheeks staring to blush.
alastor looked you up and down and despite this not being your first meeting with him, but first as rosie’s official girlfriend, you felt like he was studying you. i mean it was something he’s been doing every time so was it really that unpredictable? rosie smiled wider seeing your blushing cheeks.
“i’m so glad you stopped by today” said rosie and smiled to alastor wider. his smile widened too as he took a sip from his cup.
“always a pleasure” he chuckled taking another sip. you just stood there not knowing what to do with yourself exactly as you continued on watching their conversation.
“so tell me, have you met someone interesting lately? and you know i don’t mean it in a lovely way” rosie chuckled sipping her own tea as alastor eyes squinted slightly as his ears folded.
“well a few people yes, but they’re never quite like you” he said with a laugh in his tone and your eyes immediately went to his face.
“oh darling” rosie exclaimed and chuckled putting her tea down on the table. “you could never meet a second me” she chuckled once again and put her hand on his hand in a rather playful manner but it definitely didn’t seem playful to you.
“excuse me” you said with a fake smile as you walked to the back again and let out a deep breath out of frustration. rosie eyes followed you immediately same as alastor’s did and his smile widened just a bit.
“so rosie!” he started and the woman’s attention was brought up to him immediately. “is she really the one? i mean does she know you that well?” he asked wanting to irritate you even more as he knew you were still listening to the conversation. your hands turned into fists as you heard his words.
rosie only chuckled at his question and rolled her eyes. “yes, i am. i love her” she said and alastor rolled his eyes again.
“you loved franklin as well” he said shrugging and sipping his tea as rosie’s gaze turned into a bit colder one.
“the past is the past, darling” she shrugged and took her cup again sipping at it as she avoided his gaze, alastor taking pride in making her anxious so easily.
you couldn’t literally hold in it more as you heard their conversation. wasn’t it enough for him that you were already jealous? had he do this all?
you shook your head and walked deeper into the back, into the greenhouse in which rosie kept all of her flowers. you inhaled the smell of all of them and sat on the ground feeling your eyes tear up from pure anger and jealousy. why… why was he like that?
you didn’t know that but rosie took notice of your absence at the back and her brows furrowed. you weren’t acting like that normally when she had friends over. something was definitely wrong.
“alastor!” she said and the deer-man’s ears peaked up on her voice. “it was really a pleasure having you today but i have a lot of work…” she lied and alastor just laughed at her attempt to lie to him, yet let her get away with it.
“i understand” he said getting up and dusting off his coat. he smiled to her and grabbed his staff. “ill be on my way then, see you next time” he said and rosie smiled at him as much as she could waving her hand until he left the building.
she immediately rushed to the back and when she noticed you actually weren’t there her blood turned cold. she tried to keep her mind calm as she decided to check the greenhouse, after all you were hanging out there a lot.
as she walked in she spotted you on the ground and with a soft click of her tongue she walked over to you putting a hand on your shoulder. you immediately shook off her hand and rolled you eyes.
rosie burrowed her eyebrows looking at you. “sweetie, are you okay?” she asked as she sat down next to you.
“i don’t know, ask alastor” you scoffed and she rolled her eyes at your tone knowing exactly where this conversation was going.
“and why would i?” she asked tilting her head trying to play dumb. you knew her better than that.
“cause he’s like the most amazing person ever isn’t he?” you huffed and threw your hands up. “he’s oh so charming and oh so marvellous” you said and rosie let out a deep sigh at your attitude.
“doll, can you stop?” she asked and you looked at her with squinted eyes. “just drop the act already i know you’re jealous, always were when he was around so what’s the point?” she asked huffing herself as she was getting annoyed at this point.
“i’m jealous because i know he could take you away from me!” you said tears almost coming to your eyes. rosie laughed at your words not expecting something like that to come out of your mouth. you looked at her in disbelief that she dared to laugh at you.
“doll-“ she started but you interrupted her with your own words.
“no, you’re not going to doll me here” you said scoffing and shaking your head as you get up from the floor, standing up and looking down at her. “i am jealous of him because i feel threatened”
rosie blinked at your words and didn’t laugh this time as she stood up as well and just looked at you with pure worry in her eyes. she reached out for you hand slowly and you didn’t brush her off this time. “alastor couldn’t… and wouldn’t take me away from you in a sense of love” she explained and you just rolled your eyes at her.
“yeah sure” you huffed looking away from her. rosie took both of your hands into hers and pulled you closer to her, uncontrollably making you look up at her.
“he wouldn’t.” she said in a stern voice while rising an eyebrow. “he doesn’t do ‘love’” she said and your eyes widened at her words as it somehow made sense in your head now. he was just… getting on your nerves then. “but i must say the jealousy in your eyes looks hot” she chuckled and you felt your cheeks blush.
“oh yeah?” you asked and moved one of your hands onto her cheek cupping it. “maybe i should be more jealous then” you chuckled.
rosie rolled her eyes at you and then let go of your hands grabbing the one that was holding her cheek at your wrist taking it away from her face and grabbing the other one to hold them both by your wrists. you looked at her a bit surprised but also unconsciously bit your lip. rosie chuckled at your reaction and sighed.
“oh love, you have no idea what you’re getting yourself into” she said and leaned down to your nose so it was touching hers. “i don’t mind putting a pretty lady like you in her place from time to time” she whispered and laughed as you felt the shiver run all over you body.
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lovekei21 · 2 months
I wanna say I love your art so much it's so fun and nice to look at gndjsks
Would love to see genuinely any of the Hazbin characters in sorta dark Victorian style, like corpse bride or nmbc(is nightmare Victorian? Probably not but I love the style of the movie '^^)!!
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lovekei21 · 3 months
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Something random x)
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