lulublack90 · 17 hours
Prompt 11 - Pirate
@wolfstarmicrofic June 11, word count 774
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"It wasn't until you were on top of me, inches from my face, and you'd dipped your head that I realised why I'd been a bit obsessed with you," Sirius said, before Remus had even fully sat down. "Like the second I saw you I just felt good, you know?" Remus nodded. 
"Yeah, same," He admitted. Then, for some unknown reason that only the impulsive part of his brain knew, he blurted out. "I thought you were beautiful," He froze, eyes bulging as he realised what he'd just said. He felt the heat rising in his cheeks. He tried to duck his head, but Sirius caught it with his hands.
"You're beautiful too," His words ghosted across Remus's lips and he shuddered. They didn’t talk much after that. 
That night Remus listened as Sirius padded across the cabin and slipped into James’s bed. He cracked an eye open and watched as they hid under James’s duvet, whispering and giggling as quietly as they could. 
At breakfast the next morning, after they'd made full use of their first dibs cards, Dumbledore announced that they would be creating rafts after lunch.
“So please make sure you are properly attired as we will be heading straight to the lake after you’ve eaten.” 
Remus looked down at the swimming trunks laid out on his bed. He thought about faking being sick to get out of it. All the adults there knew about his illness, so it wouldn’t take much. Sirius came in wearing black trunks with a skull and crossbones across the front and back in the style of a Jolly Rodger. He furrowed his brow at the still fully clothed Remus before his eyebrows shot up in understanding. He turned away and fished through James’s drawer, pulling out a t-shirt that would drown Remus but also had a skull right in the middle of it. It even had long sleeves. 
“Put this on and we can match.” He smiled confidently. “And if anyone says anything, just say you burn easy.” He grabbed up Remus’s trunks and started to prod him towards the bathroom to get changed. 
“But what about my legs?” Remus pleaded. The scars had faded some, but you could still see the silvery lines where the glass had torn them up. When he was five, he'd had his first episode, and he’d fallen on the glass coffee table at his grandparent's house and had a seizure on the shards. He’d been in shorts and a t-shirt. They’d been his first scars. Little did that young boy know that they’d soon have a collection of friends join them as the doctors tried to figure out what was wrong with him. 
“Your legs?” Sirius’s eyes went wide and vulnerable. He swallowed and held the leg of his trunks up. “Then we can match.” And there on Sirius’s soft thigh were dozens of scars, criss-crossing the skin. 
“Sirius, I,” He started, but Sirius waved his concerns aside. 
“If anyone says anything, James and I will sort them out,” He promised. Remus went into the bathroom and got changed. 
“Stunning,” Sirius proclaimed, smacking a kiss on his lips and pulling him towards the door. “Come on, let’s go build a raft.”
The raft-building tools included blue barrels, wooden planks and rope. They were expected to find the best way to get them together and paddle them across the lake. 
“We’ve done this before,” Peter whispered to Remus, conspiratorially making Remus grin. He was feeling good, no one had said anything about the scars on his legs or the long-sleeved t-shirt he was wearing. 
He and Peter brought the supplies to James and Sirius as they masterfully worked together, seeming to read each other’s minds to build a perfect raft. 
They clambered on one at a time to check the knots were secure. Sirius and James paddled out and the raft held. They did a few more tests and were happy with its sturdiness. By this point, the Slytherin team had finished theirs as well. 
Sirius jumped to his feet.   
 “I am a pirate king!” He cried boldly, jumping to his feet and making the raft bob violently. “Hurry men, I wish to board that ship and claim it as my own!” He pointed at the Slytherin raft, where the greasy-haired boy Snape and the ever charming Mulciber were arguing over how to attach the barrels better. Before Remus could say anything, James put an oar in his hands and they started forward. “Avast ye mangy curs, your boat be mine now!” Sirius called to them with a terrible glee in his eyes. Remus shook his head and kept rowing. 
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lulublack90 · 17 hours
Prompt 11 - Disagree
@jegulus-microfic June 11, Word count 563
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“So what are we doing today then?” James asked after they’d cleared away the breakfast things. 
“I don’t know, darling. You could take me dancing, I suppose, and then we could promenade,” Sirius snickered. James threw a tea towel at him. 
“I’ll rephrase. Regulus, love. What would you like to do today?” He asked Regulus directly. Regulus got that wicked glint in his eyes that James now knew meant trouble. 
“I don’t know, darling. You could take me dancing, I suppose, and then we could promenade.” James only just resisted rolling his eyes. Deciding to ignore the brothers, he turned to Remus. 
“Any other suggestions?” Remus looked at him thoughtfully. 
“The museum and then pizza?” 
“Sold,” James offered his arm to Remus and Remus happily linked it, as they headed towards the door. 
“Hey!” Regulus and Sirius yelled out together and scrambled to the door after them. 
They spent the rest of the morning and afternoon wandering around the exhibits, Sirius and Regulus pointing different pieces out and expanding on the information given. James came away with his head bursting with knowledge and a souvenir keyring. 
“Where do you want to eat?” He asked them, “Or should we get a takeaway?” 
“I quite liked the idea of pizza,” Regulus said. “But can we get the fancy ones from Antonio’s?” James was about to agree when Sirius butted in.
“What, you don’t want the greasy goodness of Marco’s?” Sirius teased.
“No, Marco’s is for when we’re drunk. Antonio’s is for when we’re actually having dinner,” Regulus argued. 
“Well, who said we weren’t drinking?” Sirius argued back.
“No, Antonio’s,” Regulus continued. 
“I disagree,” Sirius smirked and James guessed he was just trying to rile Regulus up. “We can order Marco’s, then while we wait, if we do a line of shots each, we’ll be ready for when it arrives.” 
James stopped listening to them argue and pulled out his phone. He found the only nearby pizza place called Antonio’s that had more gourmet-looking pizzas and started scrolling through the menu selecting what he wanted. He passed his phone to Remus, who did the same. He then handed it to Regulus, who, with a smug look on his face, selected his choice. 
“Either you tell me what you want or I’m ordering you the cauliflower one.” He warned his brother. Sirius glowered at him.
“You wouldn’t dare,” He tried. 
“5-4-3-2-1,” Regulus counted, dropping a finger down with each number. 
“Wait, wait, wait!” Sirius cried, “I want the one with all the meat and stuffed crust. Please,” He added at the end, not wanting to risk his dinner. 
“Excellent,” James beamed as he clicked the order button. “That should be arriving just as we are,” They hopped on the bus and travelled back to Regulus and Sirius’s.
The pizza was delicious. It was James’s new favourite, and he demanded that they get it every time he came to visit. Regulus had agreed, but only after James had enclosed him in his arms and peppered him with kisses until he said yes. 
They’d just settled in to watch a film when James’s phone rang. 
“JAMES FLEAMONT POTTER!” Effie bellowed down the phone. “YOU HAD BETTER BE ALRIGHT!” There was a scuffle on the line and then Monty’s voice came through. 
“Son, I told you to message her,” James winced and took the phone call out into the hall. 
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lulublack90 · 2 days
Prompt 10 - Confined
@wolfstarmicrofic June 10, word count 489
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Remus’s heart was stuttering. He was inches away from Sirius’s face. His eyes were locked with Sirius’s stormy greys. Sirius’s mouth parted, and his chest heaved, but he didn’t push Remus away. 
Remus dipped his head slightly, giving Sirius a chance to move. Sirius didn’t, but neither did Remus. He’d started panicking. What if he kissed him and Sirius didn’t want him to? What if he kissed him and Sirius told McGonagall or Dumbledore what he’d done, and his dad had to come get him? 
Sirius must have noticed the sudden change in his demeanour because his hand came up off the bed. He brushed his fingers through Remus’s hair and brought his head down towards him, closing the gap between them.
Sirius’s lips were soft and gentle. Remus couldn’t believe what was happening. He’d never kissed anyone before and somehow Sirius was his first. They broke apart and Remus froze again, waiting for Sirius’s reaction. 
“Come here,” Sirius whispered. Remus lay down on the bed beside him. Sirius rolled his lips inside his mouth and bit down as he awkwardly wrapped his arm over Remus’s waist. Their eyes met again and they both laughed softly. 
Sirius’s fingers began to gently draw patterns along Remus’s side. “Well, that was different,” Sirius chuckled. “A good different.” He clarified when Remus tensed up. “I think I’d quite like to do it again.” Sirius smiled at him before he leaned forward and pressed his lips back against Remus’s.
Their second kiss was better than their first, now that the nervousness had gone. Remus relaxed and let Sirius take over. It was wonderful until Sirius’s hand dipped beneath Remus’s shirt and Remus leapt away. 
“Sorry,” He said, horrified at his reaction. “Erm, I’ve never had. What I mean is, no one's ever. Erm.” He screwed his eyes closed, trying to figure out what to say, when the cabin door burst open and a chattering James and Peter came in. They paused to take in the scene before them. 
“You two alright?” James asked them. Remus panicked again and ran into the bathroom, locking the door. 
“Guys, can you give us a minute?” He heard Sirius mutter to James and Peter through the door. The cabin door opened and closed again. Remus breathed out a sigh of relief. He’d be alright in a moment. 
Sirius knocked on the bathroom door. 
“Hey, Remus, you don’t have to be confined to the bathroom any more, James and Peter have gone.”
Remus unlocked the door and felt so embarrassed. Sirius was trying really hard to hold back his laughter. “Why on earth did you think the best course of action was to hide in there?” 
“I panicked,” Remus said, his face flushing hot and red. Sirius nodded. 
“Yeah, I guessed that.” He chuckled and gave Remus his best smile as he took his hand and led him back to the bed. “Come on, let's have a chat.” 
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lulublack90 · 2 days
Prompt 10 - Achieve
@jegulus-microfic June 10, Word count 499
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Regulus was trying to enjoy his breakfast. The bacon was a bit crispier than he would have liked, but he was blaming Marlene for that. He liked Marlene, he really did, but in small doses and preferably when Sirius wasn’t around, but as she was Sirius’s friend, that tended not to happen. 
“I still can’t get over that you all met on holiday. It’s just crazy.” Marlene said around a mouthful of scrambled eggs. Regulus tried not to gag at the sight. 
“I know right,” Sirius grinned with an equally full mouth of eggs. Honestly, if he hadn’t known his parents so well, he would have sworn Sirius and Marlene were twins. 
“I mean, I kinda get Reggie and Jamie but Dr Lupin? That one is wrinkling my brain.” Regulus looked at James, who seemed to be thoroughly enjoying himself. He turned to Remus. He was not. 
“You can call me Remus, Marlene. We’re not at the surgery,” Remus said stiffly. 
“Marlene?” Regulus asked. “Why are you even here?” He realised that she hadn’t actually said once they’d been wrapped up in the chaos. She paused, and her mouth dropped open. 
“OH MY GOD!!! How did I forget?” She let her knife and fork clatter onto her plate before she slammed her hands down on the table, rattling everything else. “You all know how I strive to achieve greatness?!” A collection of groans sounded around the table. “I shall take that as a yes.” She shook her head at them. “Well as of last night, I am an engaged woman!” She thrust out her left hand and showed off the sparkly engagement ring wrapped around her ring finger. 
“Holy crap!” Sirius jumped out of his chair and tackled her to the ground. “Marlene, that’s amazing! Regulus go get the champagne!” He exclaimed as he and Marlene rolled around on the floor in their bear hug. 
“Sirius, it’s 9 o’clock in the morning,” Regulus stated. 
“Well, mix it with orange juice and call it Bucks Fizz. Either way, we are opening a bottle,” Sirius ordered. Reluctantly, Regulus went down to the cellar and grabbed one of the bottles. James was getting glasses out of the cupboard and setting them on the counter for Regulus to fill when he returned to the kitchen. He carefully popped the cork out with a good pop and filled the glasses. 
“To Marlene and Dorcas!” Sirius toasted, raising his glass high in the air. 
“To Marlene and Dorcas!” They chorused back. 
“Where is Dorcas?” James asked.
“Crap!” Marlene gasped. She downed her glass and ran out of the room. “I left her in bed!” The door slammed shut, and the house was quiet. 
“Why was she so worried about leaving her fiancé in bed?” Remus questioned as he took a sip from his drink. Sirius and James both snorted and quickly tipped their glasses up. 
“Don’t ask,” Regulus warned as he refilled his glass and topped everyone else’s up. Remus wisely didn’t press the matter.  
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lulublack90 · 3 days
Prompt 9 - Forget
@wolfstarmicrofic June 9, word count 533
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He didn’t even know why he’d picked up the box from the sand as he walked away from Remus. He didn’t know why he kept holding Remus’s hand either. Or why his body had reacted the way it did when Remus had licked that damn chocolate off his fingers. 
The water had been cooling, refreshing. The second he plunged beneath the surface his mind had gone blank, and he hadn’t wanted to come back up.
When his lungs were screaming at him, he looked up at the shimmering water above and kicked up. The oxygen that poured into his burning lungs was literally a breath of fresh air. But when he caught sight of the yearning, open-mouthed look on Remus’s face, he nearly sunk down again. Thank the gods for Minnie McGonagall. Her piercing commands stopped all other thoughts as he followed her instructions. 
“Sorry, Minnie. Won’t happen again.” He’d given her his best smile. 
“Mr Black, you are skating on very thin ice,” He’d gulped as she walked away. He did not want to push her too far. Then James had basically called him a manatee. Rude! And now here he was walking across the campsite with a treasure box full of chocolate coins and no idea why. 
He was lying on his bed looking up at the ceiling, trying to forget what a crazy person he’d been, when there was a quiet knock at the door. 
“Yeah?” He called, not bothering to get up. Remus cautiously walked through the door. 
“Hi,” Remus said quietly, looking extremely nervous. “I just—I just wanted to apologise,” Remus said, looking at the floorboards. Sirius was confused. 
“You didn’t do anything. Remus, it’s all on me. I overreacted. Ask James, it’s a known issue with me. The phrase drama queen has been thrown around a lot in my life. And this isn’t about your scar, just so you know,” Sirius tried to explain why he’d thought the only thing he could do at that moment was sink to the bottom of a lake.
“Scars,” Remus murmured. 
“Sorry?” Sirius was confused. 
“Scars, plural. I er, I have a lot. Of scars,” Remus’s face was bright red. 
“Oh,” It was a highly inadequate response, but he had no idea what to say. ‘Oh, me too.’ No, maybe. 
He let his head drop back onto his pillow as he drowned in his inner turmoil. “I’ve got scars too,” He admitted to the ceiling. If Remus could do it, so could he. 
“Oh,” Remus said. Sirius raised his eyebrows at him and they both burst into laughter. 
“Get over here, weirdo.” Sirius moved over on his bed, making room. Remus only hesitated for a second before he gingerly perched on the edge of the bed. “Properly.” Sirius barked out a laugh as he reached up to pull Remus down. He caught him by surprise and Remus ended up falling on top of him. Remus's quick reactions were the only things that stopped Sirius from getting squashed by the taller boy. He landed with his hands on either side of Sirius’s head. Sirius felt his heart skip a beat. He swallowed loudly, unable to stop looking into Remus’s honey-coloured eyes. 
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lulublack90 · 3 days
Prompt 9 - Lipgloss
@jegulus-microfic June 9, Word count 379
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James carted the heavy wash basket down the stairs. They’d only just stepped off the bottom step when the front door burst open. 
“Hello, losers!” A girl with long dark-blonde hair yelled into the hallway. 
“Marlene?” James asked uncertainly. 
“Potter?” Marlene looked around, checking that she was in the right house. “What are you doing here?”
“I slept over. I met Regulus and Sirius on holiday.” There was obviously more to it, but that was a story for when he had a cup of tea in his hand. 
Hurried footsteps came from the kitchen. 
“Marlene!” Sirius yelled excitedly and rushed her, picking her up and spinning her around. When he put her down, he turned to Regulus and said, “Marlene’s here,” His face was covered in pink lipgloss kisses. 
“I can see that,” Regulus rolled his eyes. “Oh, you have something on your face.” He gave Marlene a half-hearted smile while Sirius scrubbed furiously at his face. “Hello, Marlene. How do you know my boyfriend?” 
“Reggie!” She grabbed him up into a hug, and he tensed every muscle in his body. “Wait, boyfriend?” She looked at James and mouthed ‘boyfriend?’ At him. He shrugged and nodded. ‘Wow,’ She mouthed, her eyebrows shooting into her fringe. 
“He tried to kill me and then wouldn’t leave me alone. He grew on me,” Regulus smirked at James once Marlene had unhanded him. 
“Guys, bacon's about to burn,” Remus called as he walked out of the kitchen. 
“Dr Lupin?!” Marlene cried in disbelief. “What is going on here? And do not say you met him on holiday!” She pointed an accusatory finger at the brothers. 
“We met him on holiday after James tried to kill Reggie,” Sirius tried to explain, but ended up snorting with laughter. 
“Nope, nope, nope, this is too weird.” Marlene threw her arms up in the air and turned to leave. “Is something burning?” She asked, sniffing the air. 
“Bacon!” Remus sprinted back into the kitchen. “It’s okay, just extra crispy.” 
“Let’s go eat, and then we can tell Marlene all about our holiday,” Sirius suggested. Nobody argued and after Regulus showed James where the washing machine was and how to use it, they settled down at the table to a full English breakfast courtesy of Sirius and Remus. 
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lulublack90 · 4 days
Prompt 8 - Bubbles
@wolfstarmicrofic June 8, word count 514
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“There is another prize beneath the coins, Mr Lupin, if you’d be so kind,” McGonagall told him after he’d unwrapped his third chocolate coin. 
“Oh, sorry” Remus blushed as he licked chocolate from his lips and fingertips. Sirius let out a little whine, but when Remus looked up at him, Sirius had turned around to look out at the lake. 
Remus dug through the coins and pulled out four cards that gave them first dibs at mealtimes. 
“Sweet!” Peter grinned as he took a card out of Remus’s hand and grabbed a handful of the chocolate coins. “I can tell these aren’t going to last long in your hands, Remus,” He quipped as he opened one. Remus nodded, he couldn’t deny he was a chocolate fiend. His mum had to hide any sweets she bought or else he ate them all at once. He’d learnt to pick locks when she bought a lock box after he got too good at sniffing the treats out. 
He passed another card to James and some of the coins. Then he approached Sirius. He walked around to stand in front of him. 
“Here,” He held out the card for Sirius to take. Sirius didn’t move. Remus juggled the treasure chest, so he had a free hand. “Hey?” He reached out and squeezed Sirius’s hand. Sirius’s eyes met his, then flicked down to their hands. “Your card,” He waved it with his other hand. 
“I think I might go for a swim,” Sirius blurted out and waded out into the lake, pulling his shirt off again and throwing it at James’s head. Remus watched him dive between the surface and watched as the surface stilled. He waited for the telltale bubbles that would show Sirius coming up for air. But there was nothing. He dropped the box and walked towards the shore. He was debating diving in and trying to find him when Sirius erupted from beneath the water like something out of a Jane Austen novel. Remus knew his mouth was hanging open, but he couldn’t help it. 
“Mr Black! Out of the water now! We do not have a lifeguard on duty!” McGonagall shouted across the water. Sirius swam to the dock and hauled himself out. He shook his long hair like a dog, water droplets going everywhere before he trotted back towards them.
“Sorry, Minnie. Won’t happen again.” He shot her a very toothy smile. 
“Mr Black, you are skating on very thin ice,” She warned him before she walked back towards her office. 
“Twat,” James sighed and threw Sirius his shirt back. “Why on earth did you feel the need to manatee away?” Sirius opened his mouth in outrage. 
“What! What! MANATEE! Excuse me, there is not an ounce of blubber on my body, and I am far more graceful! Manatee indeed! Bah!” Sirius yanked his shirt back on over his head and stomped over to where Remus was standing. He reached out and took the card, then bent down and took the treasure chest. “Mine now, Remus,” He grinned and wandered towards their cabin.  
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lulublack90 · 4 days
Prompt 8 - Ration
@jegulus-microfic June 8, Word count 414
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Regulus woke up sprawled over James. He was disoriented for a moment, expecting the hotel room and not his own. James was so warm that he had to fight the pull of sleep. He trailed his fingers up the side of James’s chest. James twitched, nearly dislodging Regulus. 
“Tickles,” He grumbled sleepily as he wrapped his arms tightly around Regulus and pulled him in close. “Mmmm, you smell good,” James hummed happily as he nuzzled his nose into Regulus’s neck, making him squirm. 
“Get off me, you big lug!” Regulus squealed as James got him back for tickling him. “Oh my god!” Regulus panted as he wiggled his way out of James’s arms and fell off the bed with a soft thump. “Ouch!” He complained as he rubbed his rump. 
“Aww poor Reggie, want me to kiss it better?” James teased. Regulus glared up at him from the floor. 
“You’re spending too much time with my brother. You’re starting to sound like him.” Regulus got to his feet and yanked his wardrobe open. He pulled out clean clothes and stomped into the bathroom across the landing. 
He hopped in the shower and washed the grime away. When he emerged, James was riffling through his suitcase. 
“How long am I staying, love?” He asked without looking up from his case. 
“As long as you want,” Regulus shrugged. He liked having James around. He’d gotten so used to him being around. “Why?” He had to ask, as he’d just assumed James would stay until he wanted to go home. 
“Because I need to wash my clothes or else I’m going to have to ration my underwear.” 
“James, we have a washing machine. You can wash your clothes.” He shook his head in disbelief. 
“Wakey, wakey, you two!” Sirius banged loudly on the bedroom door. “Breakfast in ten!” 
“Get your clothes together, and we’ll bung them in the wash,” He held out his wash basket for James to fill. James dumped most of his suitcase into it. 
“Thanks, love,” James grinned, smacking a huge wet kiss onto Regulus’s cheek. 
“Eww, James!” He dropped the basket and leapt at James, wiping his slobbery face on James’s clean shirt. James kissed him again, with a bit less drool. 
“Come on, love. Let’s get some food.” James picked up the wash basket and headed towards the stairs. Regulus closed his eyes and sent up a silent prayer to whatever might be listening that this perfect man wouldn’t drive him insane.
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lulublack90 · 5 days
Prompt 7 - Imaginary
@wolfstarmicrofic June 7, word count 999
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Remus dusted himself off and handed the envelope to James to read. He kept his head low, not wanting to see the look on Sirius’s face. James opened the envelope and pulled the first clue out.
“I’m majestic, but I tumble. I crash to the ground in a forceful cascade. I bounce from rocks and make a beautiful sound. Behind my wall clue number two calls.” James screwed up his face. “What the hell does that mean?” 
Remus replayed the words in his head again a few times. Cascade was the word that triggered his memory. 
“It’s a waterfall. Is there a waterfall nearby?” He looked at James and Peter, ignoring Sirius. 
“Yes!” Peter cried excitedly. They started walking further into the forest. He stuck to Peters's side as they made their way to wherever the waterfall was. He doubted his dad would come to pick him up, especially after only one day. Perhaps there was room in one of the other cabins? 
“Here we are,” James bounded forward, pushing a low-hanging branch out of the way and revealing a small pool with a little waterfall flowing into it. “Who wants to get it?” 
“I’ll go,” Sirius volunteered. Remus flicked his eyes at him as he spoke and wished he hadn’t. Sirius was pulling off his t-shirt. Remus had to bite his tongue to stop the moan that wanted to escape at the sight of the muscled porcelain torso Sirius revealed. He accidentally met Sirius’s eyes and felt the hot flush spreading across his face and immediately dropped his head, so he was staring at the scuffed toes of his boots. 
Sirius waded across the shallow pool and plunged his hand behind the waterfall. He pulled it back, grasping an envelope in a plastic bag. 
Remus couldn’t help himself. He peeked again and Sirius was waiting for him. He had a soft smile on his face and he winked at him. Remus swallowed and looked away again. 
“Here,” Sirius passed the clue to James while he retrieved his t-shirt. He came to stand beside Remus as he pulled it over his head. He took Remus’s hand but ignored the way he tensed. 
Remus’s mind was spinning at a hundred miles an hour. But he had to block out all his thoughts as James read the second clue. 
“I grow from decay. I don’t need the sun. Fairies use me to make shapes in the grass. I am also popular in arts and crafts. Under my cap is clue number three. At the end, you'll soon be.”
“Gods who wrote these clues, they're terrible.” Sirius rolled his eyes. "It’s clearly a mushroom,” James’s eyes brightened as he figured out where they needed to go. 
“They have those wooden mushrooms over by the bug houses.” He grinned wildly and strode back to the path. 
“Come on then,” Sirius said, “We can talk later, okay?” His soft smile was back and Remus didn’t trust himself to talk, so he nodded and let Sirius lead him away. 
“They did this on purpose. Giving us all the grim places to find clues.” Peter grimaced at the towers of compost, filled with worms, the bee houses and little bug dens. Remus wasn’t a fan of bugs, and it appeared that neither were the others. 
“Sorry, Pete,” Sirius said solemnly.
“For what?” Peter asked, confused.
“This,” Sirius said with a sigh. He dropped Remus’s hand and pushed Peter into the bug-infested area.
“You absolute git!” Peter groused as he stomped over the mushrooms and ripped the envelope from beneath the middle one. “Here,” He thrust the envelope into James’s chest. “You owe me,” He glared at Sirius as he flicked imaginary centipedes from his trousers. 
“Anything you want, Pete,” Sirius agreed, slipping his hand into Remus’s again. 
“I’m grainy and gritty and just a little bit bitty. You use me to make castles. I am walked upon by many camels. You may track time with me, but I do not tick. To win you need to figure this out quick!” James read the final clue. 
“Castles and time?” Sirius was absentmindedly stroking Remus’s wrist again, as they all thought. It wasn’t helping Remus figure out the clue though. 
“Oh, Oh, Oh, I know what it is!” Peter yelped gleefully as he jumped up and down. “It’s sand! As in by the lake!” They took off at a run. 
They were the first ones there. 
“Split up, we can cover more ground that way,” James ordered. Sirius pulled a face and reluctantly released Remus’s hand. They ran along the sand looking for any signs of something that shouldn’t be there. 
Luckily, there wasn’t much accessible sand for them to search. 
“AHHHH!” Peter yelled. They all spun to look in his direction. Peter was sprawled face down in the sand. 
“Peter! What happened?!” James shouted as he rushed across the beach towards his fallen friend. 
“I tripped over something.” Peter groaned as he rolled over and sat up. James brushed the sand aside where Peter had tripped. He looked up grinning. 
“Peter, your clumsiness just won us the treasure hunt.” James brushed more sand away and revealed a small treasure chest. James pulled it from the sand as three other teams came pushing and shoving onto the sand at the edge of the lake. 
“Damn it, Gryffindor won.” One of the boys from the cabin with a snake on it huffed. “Typical,” 
“Congratulations Gryffindor cabin,” McGonagall congratulated, appearing from nowhere. “Please open the chest to claim your reward.” 
James passed the chest to Remus. 
“Go on, it’s your first time here.” Remus gingerly took the chest from James. He looked at Sirius and Peter for their consent. They both nodded at him. 
“Go on,” Sirius said gently to him. He opened it. It was filled with gold coins. He lifted a few and let them drop back into the box. 
“They’re chocolate!” He laughed loudly, picking one up he peeled off the gold-coloured foil and took a bite.
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lulublack90 · 5 days
Prompt 7 - Welcome
@jegulus-microfic June 7, Word count 497
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Dinner was fun. Sirius was a good cook. The plates were all but licked clean. James stood up and cleared the table, to much protesting, but he argued that Sirius and Remus had made the dinner so he, being the guest, would do the washing up. 
“You do know I’m a guest as well, right?” Remus chuckled as he collected what James couldn’t carry and took it to the sink. 
“Guys, what are you doing?” Sirius questioned them as James snapped on the yellow marigolds and Remus started filling the sink with hot soapy water. 
“What does it look like?” James answered, confused. Regulus slipped past them and pulled a cupboard door down. 
“James, as damn sexy as you look right now, we have a dishwasher,” Regulus smirked. Sirius snickered as he helped them put the dirty dishes in the machine. 
“Whose for strawberry tarts?” Sirius asked, opening another cupboard that turned out to be the fridge. James hated inbuilt kitchens. How was he supposed to know where things were?
“Me,” Remus’s eyes were wide with want as Sirius pulled the beautiful puddings from the fridge.
Regulus grabbed four small plates and a fork each and reset the table. 
The tarts were so good James felt like he’d died and gone to heaven. 
“Sirius, that was the best thing I’ve ever put in my mouth. Will you please marry me, so I can have these every day for the rest of my life?” He received a rather painful punch in the arm from Regulus for that remark. 
“Erm no,” Sirius snorted loudly. “But you can marry my brother, and then I’ll be obliged to make them for you,” James opened his mouth to respond, but before he could get a word out, Regulus had put his hand over James’s mouth. 
“Do not answer that!” He growled, giving his brother a murderous stare. “Let’s go upstairs, away from him,”  
James stood up to follow Regulus out of the kitchen. 
“Thank you for the wonderful meal and for picking me up from the airport.” He beamed at Sirius. His mother would disown him if he didn’t thank his host. 
“You are very welcome, James. Now please go and keep my brother occupied while Remus and I get reacquainted.” Sirius wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. 
“Oh my god, Sirius,” Remus moaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“Not now, Remus. You can moan that later.” James turned around and left them to it, chortling all the way up the stairs to Regulus’s room as Remus and Sirius bickered. 
“Sweetheart, I think we might need to put the TV on. Loud.” He managed to choke out before he made himself comfortable on Regulus’s bed and settled in for the evening. Regulus rolled his eyes but obliged. 
"What are we watching tonight then?" Regulus asked, flicking through the list of films available.
"Footloose, the music will drown out your brother." Regulus clicked on the thumbnail and turned the TV up. Loud. 
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lulublack90 · 6 days
Prompt 6 - Explore
@wolfstarmicrofic June 6, word count 960
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Sirius had woken Remus up in the middle of the night when he’d padded across the cabin and got into James’s bed. He’d watched through his eyelashes as James threw an arm around Sirius, tucked him in close and fell back to sleep. Remus couldn’t help the pang of jealousy that ripped through him. ‘Quit it.’ He told himself. ‘Just because he kept grabbing your hand today means nothing. Clearly, he’s just a touchy-feely guy.’ Remus rolled over so he couldn’t see them and forced himself back to sleep. 
When he awoke again, the sun was shining in through the thin curtains and Sirius’s face was hovering right above him. He jumped, startled at the unexpected vision. 
“Rise and shine, Lupin. It’s treasure hunt day!” Sirius exclaimed louder than should be allowed that early in the morning. He groaned and pulled the covers over his head. He felt the bed dip as Sirius got on it. He let out a groan. Sirius didn’t take the hint and wiggled under the sheets beside him. “What’s up?” He asked with a quizzical look in his eyes. Remus tried to escape, but Sirius flung out an arm, stopping him. “Remus, are you alright?” Sirius asked again.
“Yeah. I’m just not a morning person.” He went to move again and this time Sirius let him. 
He had to wait for James to finish up in the bathroom before he could use it. 
“Stop being stupid,” He growled at himself as he furiously brushed his teeth. He sighed as he looked at the weekly medication box on the counter beside him. 
He opened it and swallowed the seven pills he needed for his body to continue to function normally. He was glad the doctors finally found the mix of medications that worked, but he hated swallowing pills. 
He’d asked why seven and the doctor had cheerily said it was the magic number for him. He hadn’t liked that doctor. 
He changed into his clothes for the day, covering up the myriad of scars that covered his chest, abdomen and back from all the useless operations he’d had over the years. 
He emerged from the bathroom with a smile plastered on his face and followed the others over to the main hall for breakfast. 
“I love the treasure hunts. It’s all about smarts, and I am overflowing with the smarts.” Sirius gloated as he munched on a fried egg toast sandwich. 
“What exactly is the treasure hunt?” Remus asked. No one had actually told him yet.
“We go out into the forest and explore the area for clues. We have to figure out the puzzle on the clue cards and follow them until we find the treasure at the end.” James explained.
“Alright, campers. We have split you up into your cabin teams. You will all be setting off for separate points in the forest to start your search. First to figure out the final clue and reach the treasure wins.” Dumbledore announced, waving his arms around as he did. Remus thought the old man was a bit nutty, but you’d have to be to want to spend two solid weeks with a bunch of rowdy teens. 
“Once you have finished your breakfast, we will meet outside. Please remember to put on sunscreen and bring your water bottles.” McGonagall took over. “Do not wander away from each other and do not attempt to cheat. You will get lost, and I do not want to have to try and find you in the dark. If you follow your clues, you won’t have any reason to get lost. 
They hurriedly ate the remainder of their food, eager to get started. 
“Gryffindor, you will be starting by marker 6. Here is your first clue. Do not open it until you are at your marker. When you hear my whistle, it is time to start.” McGonagall handed Remus the white envelope and gave him a pointed look. Do not give them this envelope before it is time, the look said. He nodded and they set off. 
There was a big red marker with a lion on it at the point they were meant to start. It wasn’t that far from the camp so they relaxed on the cluster of rocks near the path and waited for the whistle. 
“Hey Remus, let’s have a look at the clue,” Sirius held out his hand for the envelope. Remus shook his head and tucked it under his t-shirt into his waistband.
“Nope, McGonagall said to wait and, anyway, I thought you were overflowing with the smarts. You shouldn’t need to peek before it’s time,” Remus said sarkily. James and Peter snorted at the dumbfounded look on Sirius’s face. 
“Don’t think I won’t get it just because you put it in your jeans, Remus,” Sirius said with a sly look on his face, right before he launched himself at Remus. 
They tumbled to the floor, rolling around in the dirt. Sirius was laughing madly as he tried to dodge Remus’s hands and get under his t-shirt. Remus was defending himself as well as he could. 
“Get off him, Sirius.” James groaned, standing up and coming over to them.
“Come on, Sirius, leave him alone.” Peter threw his shoe at them but only succeeded in losing it in the bracken. “Damn it!” He said as he hopped over to retrieve it. 
Sirius’s hand darted past Remus’s arm and slid under his t-shirt. He stilled when he came into contact with the thick twisted scar that was just beside the envelope. 
Remus stared into Sirius’s shocked face, knowing he didn't stand a chance now.
Sirius was dragged backwards and James held out his hand to help Remus up just as McGonagall’s whistle blew in the distance. 
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lulublack90 · 6 days
Prompt 6 - Stay
@jegulus-microfic June 6, Word count 377
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Regulus pushed the handle down and heard the click as the door opened. Had he really just dragged James up to his bedroom? He should have shown him the rest of the house first! He’d been so overwhelmed when he saw James at the airport and then when he followed Remus in and saw James standing there in his hallway. He'd gone to his safe space and dragged James with him. 
James must have sensed how nervous he’d suddenly turned. His large hand squeezed Regulus’s smaller one.
“You don’t have to show me, love. We can go back downstairs if you want.” James said gently. Regulus thought about it for a moment but shook his head.
“No, I want you to stay. Besides,” He looked up with a wicked grin. “You’ll be in here later anyway,” Regulus flicked the light on and pulled James through the door. 
He relaxed as soon as he was in his familiar surroundings. The cool blue walls and the dark grey sheets of his bed calmed him. He turned to face James. “This is it. My room.” James closed the gap between them. 
“I love it. It’s very you.” James's arms wrapped around him and began to slowly sway them back and forth. 
“Oi, you two! Don’t be getting up to anything, dinner’s nearly ready.” Sirius bellowed up the stairs at them. 
“Cockblock,” Regulus muttered under his breath. James threw his head back with laughter. He freed one of his arms and left the other around Regulus’s waist. Regulus grinned as James swooped down and planted a kiss on his lips. 
“Come on, love, I’m hungry,” Regulus swallowed loudly at the way James made those innocent words sound, as though it wasn’t food he was hungry for. James could be wicked too, apparently.  
Regulus led James downstairs to the kitchen where Sirius and Remus were dancing around each other, setting the table and putting out bowls of pasta and garlic bread. Regulus paused as he watched his brother and a thought passed through his head. He was probably going to have a brother-in-law in the very near future if Sirius got his way, and looking at the way, Remus couldn't keep hs eyes off him. Sirius was bound to get his way. 
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lulublack90 · 7 days
Prompt 5 - Gold
@wolfstarmicrofic June 5, word count 638
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They stood beside the lake and watched the firefighters putting the fire out. They all squirmed when McGonagall came to stand in front of them and glared. 
“I am almost certain that one of you, if not all of you, had something to do with this.” Her eyes were on Sirius. 
Remus started fiddling with the red and gold friendship bracelet on his wrist. Sirius's hand reached over and covered his own, stilling the nervous fingers. Sirius turned his charm on Minerva, keeping his hand on Remus as though it was normal. 
“Minnie, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that it wasn’t me.”  Sirius’s thumb brushed the soft underside of Remus’s wrist. Remus felt a shiver go down his spine and he had to try hard to keep his pounding heartbeat from giving him away.
“Alright everybody, the fire is out. Please return to your cabins, and we’ll see you bright and early for a treasure hunt.” Albus spoke to all the congregated campers and leaders. 
“I will figure out who is responsible,” Minerva narrowed her eyes again at the four from Gryffindor cabin. However, her eyes did soften at Remus. He hadn’t been there that long for her to think he’d had anything to do with it. She strode away from them to talk with Albus and the firefighters.
“Come on,” Sirius started towards their cabin, dragging Remus along with him. 
They piled onto Sirius’s bed this time. Sirius pulled Remus onto the bed beside him. 
“Stop looking so worried Pete. We didn’t leave anything for them to think it was us.” James tried to reassure the nervous boy. 
“Yeah, Petey. The only thing we left behind was the tin box and that was just a cheap thing we found in the supply cupboard.” Sirius joined in. “Besides, all the evidence will have burned up.” Remus couldn’t help it, he snorted, which set off the others. Soon they were all giggling. 
Sirius reached over to the little bedside table and opened the cupboard. He sat back up with a packet of Mars bars in his hand and started handing them out. Remus bit into the gooey treat and smiled happily. He wiggled his foot as the chocolate, caramel and nougat melted onto his tongue. He saw Sirius cock his head at the movement out of the corner of his eye. Remus stilled the movement and looked down, trying to ignore Sirius’s gaze.
Sirius laid back onto his pillow and stretched his legs out into Remus’s lap. He began slowly wiggling his feet back and forth like Remus had been a moment before. Remus blinked down at his lap, frozen. 
“So treasure hunt tomorrow, what do we think that entails?” Sirius asked the group. Peter had calmed down now that he had chocolate. 
“Last year they hid the clues around the lake, it’ll probably be in the forest,” Peter said around a mouthful of chocolate. 
“Yeah, but that’s what they did the year before,” James said thoughtfully. “Plus you burnt down half the forest Pete,” James added, chuckling. 
“James,” Peter whined. 
“I’m only teasing Pete. There’s still plenty of trees out there,” James guffawed as Peter grumbled under his breath and went to sit on his own bed, pulling a magazine out from under his pillow and hiding behind it. James moved back to his own bed as well, putting his earphones in and turning on some music. Remus waited for Sirius to move his feet so he could get up as well, but he didn’t. 
He turned to look at Sirius, but Sirius had put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. Remus put his hand gently on Sirius’s leg, getting ready to move them out of the way, when Sirius’s eyes snapped open and stared straight into Remus’s. Remus froze again. 
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lulublack90 · 7 days
Prompt 5 - More
@jegulus-microfic June 5, Word count 552
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There was an argument between Regulus and Sirius the second they got to the car over who would be driving. Sirius argued that because he drove there, Regulus should drive back and Regulus argued that he couldn’t possibly drive because his ankle was still sore. 
“Remus, he’s fine isn’t he?” Sirius said, grabbing hold of Remus’s arm and pulling him close. 
“Remus said gentle exercise. Constant pressure from driving is not gentle exercise, is it Remus?” Regulus countered. Poor Remus didn’t know what to do. 
“I-I-I—Erm—Er,” Remus stammered, looking between the two brothers. 
“I’ll drive,” James said cheerily after he’d finished putting the forgotten suitcases in the car. He plucked the keys from Sirius’s hand and jumped into the driver’s seat. To his surprise, Remus slipped into the passenger seat. 
“Seems fairer if neither of them gets to sit next to us.” Remus shrugged when James gave him a quizzical look. He laughed loudly as the Black brothers got into the back of the car, both of them sulking. 
James slowly reversed the car out of his parking spot and joined the queue to leave the car park. It wasn’t until he got to the first roundabout that he realised he had no idea where he was going. 
“First exit then second right,” Regulus leaned forward to say over his shoulder. “Remus, could you put my phone in the holder please?” Regulus handed Remus his phone, already with the Sat Nav set up. Remus clipped it to the holder and James knew where he was going. 
The houses slowly got bigger and grander the closer they got to their destination. James had to peer at the number on the door to make sure he’d stopped outside the right house. He had. 
It was more than what he’d expected. 
“Has this been separated into flats or do you own the whole thing?” James asked as he started to unload the car. 
“Whole thing,” Sirius told him as he helped James get the cases. “It’s been in the family since it was built. Regulus and I inherited it when our parents died.” He said matter-of-factly. 
“Oh, shit, sorry, I didn’t know.” James felt terrible, Regulus hadn’t mentioned it.
“No, it’s fine, they were pretty shitty. Er,” Sirius looked at Regulus, who was deep in conversation with Remus, pointing at the house. Remus looked thoroughly interested in whatever Regulus was saying. “Maybe don’t bring them up. I realised how awful they were, but Reggie, I don’t think he quite got to the same conclusion. Let him bring them up if he wants.” James nodded seriously. 
“Okay. Thank you for telling me,” 
“No problem,” Sirius grinned, clapping a hand on James’s back. “Come on, it’s freezing, and I need a cup of tea and a whisky,”
They dragged the suitcases up the steps and through the grand front door into a high-ceilinged hallway. Regulus grabbed him by the arm before he could take any more in and whisked him upstairs past rows of angry paintings glaring at him with Regulus’s eyes. They stopped outside a door on the second floor.
"This is my room," Regulus told him in a quiet voice. 
"Okay," James said carefully. Not wanting to push him. Regulus seemed to brace himself and opened the door, pulling James in behind him.    
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lulublack90 · 7 days
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lulublack90 · 8 days
Prompt 4 - Wildfire
@wolfstarmicrofic June 4, word count 373
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“James, set an alarm on your watch, will you, so we don’t miss dinner,” Sirius said to James as his fingers rolled a perfect spliff. James’s watch beeped as he set it. Sirius flicked the lighter and lit the end of his spliff, placing it between his lips and breathing in the smoke. Remus nearly combusted, Sirius looked amazing with his mouth slightly puckered and his pale fingers delicately holding the spliff. He quickly picked up one of his books and opened it to the first page. 
“Remus, do you want some?” Sirius asked, nudging him with his elbow. 
“I-I-I’ve never— I don’t know how.” He felt embarrassed. He’d never even been around smokers because of his health when he was younger, so he had no idea what he was meant to do, or if he even wanted to do it. 
“You don’t have to, Remus,” Sirius reassured him as he passed it to James instead. Remus nodded and flashed him a quick smile before he returned to his book. It smelt terrible anyway. 
Soon James’s watch started beeping. He passed the end of the spliff to Peter and turned the alarm off.
“Right gents, food,” Sirius said, rubbing his hands together with glee. He picked Remus’s books up and started walking back to their cabin to drop off the books and then to the main hall for dinner. 
Remus didn’t know if it was just being around people his own age who actually seemed to like him, being passively high or a combination of the both. But he couldn’t remember ever being happier. He tucked into his bangers and mash with the widest grin he’d ever had on his face while James and Sirius messed about and Peter dodged mashed potato and peas. 
The sticky toffee pudding had just been served when the double doors banged open.  
“WILDFIRE!!! EVERYONE TO THE FIRE POINT!!!” McGonagall yelled over the din of teenage voices. 
They ran outside and looked towards the raging fire. It was licking at the tree line, right where the den was. 
“Pete, you did put the spliff out properly, didn’t you?” James looked at Peter out of the corner of his eye. Peters, wince, told them all they needed to know.  
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lulublack90 · 8 days
Prompt 4 - Safe
@jegulus-microfic June 4, Word count 379
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“I don’t see why I had to come,” Regulus grumbled as Sirius dragged him into the arrivals area. “Wouldn’t you rather be on your own to pick Remus up?”
“Oh, hush,” Sirius scolded. “I needed you to look out for empty parking spaces,” Sirius danced out of the way of Regulus’s fist's as the first trickle of passengers emerged from inside the airport. 
Regulus wasn’t watching closely, as Remus was pretty easy to spot and Sirius had his eyes trained on the door anyway. Sirius inhaled sharply and started bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet, looking like an excited puppy. 
Regulus watched as his brother latched onto Remus’s face. He pulled a face of disgust and just as he was about to turn away, big strong hands wound around his waist. He didn’t have to see who was standing behind him to know whose hands they were. 
“James,” He breathed, and spun around to stare up into James’s familiar hazel eyes. James looked down warmly at him and he felt completely safe. “I didn’t know you were on the same flight as Remus!” His voice was a bit squeaky, but for once he didn’t care. 
“I didn’t either until Remus told me what flight he was on, then I wanted it to be a surprise. So surprise,” He beamed. Regulus stood on his tip toes and let his lips press against James’s. It was sweet, searing and as though they’d been doing it for years instead of just last night.
“Right, you two drop each other and let’s go home.” Sirius teased them as he carefully dropped his feet back to the floor. 
“Twat,” Regulus stuck his tongue out at his brother. “Are—are you coming too?” He asked James. Sirius had made it seem like James was coming with them. 
“I am, if that’s alright with you?” James said. He was giving Regulus a choice, and he loved that about James. Barty never gave him choices, just told him what to do.
“Yes. Yes, I’d love that.” He took one of James’s hands and dragged him through the glass doors and towards the car park. Sirius and Remus followed behind, snickering at them. But once again Regulus couldn’t find it in him to care. 
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