lunarimagines · 1 month
also, y’all… what if I wrote the Irene cold soccer captain who’s failing a class and needs a tutor with a ****** *** fic
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lunarimagines · 1 month
also, y’all… what if I wrote the Irene cold soccer captain who’s failing a class and needs a tutor with a ****** *** fic
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lunarimagines · 1 month
also, y’all… what if I wrote the Irene cold soccer captain who’s failing a class and needs a tutor with a ****** *** fic
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lunarimagines · 1 month
also, y’all… what if I wrote the Irene cold soccer captain who’s failing a class and needs a tutor with a ****** *** fic
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lunarimagines · 1 month
had such a lovely experience writing a commissioned piece for an even lovier person!!
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lunarimagines · 6 months
if you want you could imagine brushing hongjoong's hair out of his eyes gently as he huffs out a breathy laugh before leaning in to kiss you, his teeth scraping your bottom lip gently and one of his hands coming up to wrap around the back of your neck. his rings definitely feel cool against your warm skin...
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lunarimagines · 6 months
hey! don't take this weird, but were you lunarbaechu? its just cause you have lunar in your name and I remember that account lol
That wasn't me but OMG I also remember that account now that you mention it. That username is seared into the recesses of my mind for some reason.
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lunarimagines · 9 months
Hii, can I please request an ateez reaction to his crush (who's also his best friend) being friends with benefits with another member? Thank uu
Thanks for the request!! You can find it [here]
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lunarimagines · 9 months
anon said: Hii, can I please request an ateez reaction to his crush (who's also his best friend) being friends with benefits with another member? Thank uu
warnings: sexual themes, language
A/N: you can now support me on Ko-fi! click [here]
Seonghwa: Seonghwa likes to pretend he's above playing truth or dare, but he's four shots in and sitting in the circle almost giddy as he watches the bottle spin to land on the next person. Wooyoung had just gone, daring San to drink a tablespoon of hot sauce and San was spinning the bottle.
"Y/N!" San yelled, words slurring together ever so slightly. The glazed look in his eyes was enough to know he was truly drunk. "Truth or dare?"
"Truth." Your last dare had been to dunk your sock in the toilet so you stood to loose a lot. Like your other sock.
"Okay, um. Have you ever... hooked up with Seonghwa. Be honest. You two are friends so..."
Seonghwa nearly choked on air. He coughed dryly, eyes going wide as he tried to signal San to shut the fuck up before he told everyone Seonghwa was one smile away from falling in love with you.
"No, we've never hooked up. But Hongjoong and I have when we were friends with benefits." Okay, maybe you were drunk, too.
Hongjoong giggled and Seonghwa felt like he was going to throw up, and the liquor couldn't even be blamed for it.
"But! I like someone else," you whispered, leaning closer to Seonghwa. The image of the two of you have sex, you riding him, replaced the horrific image of you having sex with Hongjoong in his head.
Needless to say your second time having sex with Seonghwa was when he was your boyfriend and you were both sober.
Hongjoong: Hongjoong like to pride himself as the perfect gentleman and someone who knew how to woo the person he liked. He bought little trinkets or treats he found on his way home from schedules in convenience stores or subways stations because he kept finding things that made him think of you. He remembered special events and days, always asking how things went after a presentation at school or a tough day at work. He would have done this simply because he was your best friend, but he also did it because he loved you as something more.
So when Yunho called him, frantic, at 2am one morning to tell him the two of you had hooked up and he maybe sort of probably liked you, Hongjoong felt first happy that you were getting some and then something like terrified and frustrated - terristrated? - that he wasn't the one to give you everything.
"Yunho, call down, my God. It's okay. Did Y/N say anything?"
"No, no. Called a taxi. Work tomorrow or something." Hongjoong knew. He had your schedule memorized after accidentally calling you during a work meeting once. "But I think Y/N likes someone else."
"Oh?" Hongjoong tried, and failed, to sound neutral. Yunho didn't offer more and Hongjoong simply told him to sleep it off and think about it tomorrow after he was rested.
After the phone call from Hell, he texted you.
hongjoongie joong: yunho? woof
you: rude as hell
you: but no, not yunho anymore
hongjoongie joong: you don't have to tell me
you: damn and here i was going to confess to you in the most romantic moment after i fucked your best friend and band mate
hongjoongie joong: you have me blushing and giggling and kicking my feet fr
you: take me out on a date and i'll really have you giggling and blushing and kicking your feet
hongjoongie joong: seriously?
you: yes
you: unless you don't want to
you: but when I was thinking of you the whole time i was with Yunho it was a sign from the universe or whatever
you: i'm off at 5:30
hongjoongie joong: i know. i'll be there to pick you up for our date!
Your first date with Hongjoong was like every other time you went out with your best friend, but this time you could kiss him. He would still be your best friend first but now, he would be your boyfriend second. He also never stopped giving you shit for it taking having sex with Yunho to realize you liked him, forever destined to be "cliché loser" in his phone.
Yunho: Yunho had picked you up from your apartment for your monthly "terrible cooking show remake" where you would try and make the recipe as seen on a cooking show. No rewinding, no saving the recipe, no looking it up. The food was pretty hit or miss, but watching you frustrated, chewing on your lip with furrowed brows was worth eating even the worst recreations.
Currently he was trying to goad you into doing karaoke in the car with him. His favorite pastime was teasing you and trying to get you to roll your eyes at him. God, you were cute.
You were distracted, though, your phone buzzing incessantly in your lap. You had been ignoring it until now.
"Fuckboy is an outdated term now, isn't it?" you asked Yunho, locking your phone after turning off the ringer.
"Yeah it totally is, you old hag," he joked, reaching over to squeeze your arm to show he really was only joking. "Why?"
"I hook up with Wooyoung once, drunk, and he keeps trying to hook up again now that he knows I'm coming over today."
Yunho nearly crashed the damn car. His hand jerked involuntarily before he gripped the steering wheel with white knuckles. He lifted his arm from the center console where it had been resting to grab the wheel with both hands. You may be his best friend but he also desperately loved you.
"Didn't know you were that good at sex," he mumbled, going for joking and sounding much more hurt.
You furrowed your brows at his comment. "Why? You asking for a demonstration?" Part of you was joking but the other part seriously meant it. You may have hooked up with Wooyoung but it was purely sex. With Yunho you felt nervous that any move to show that you liked him as more than a friend would harm your friendship. But you swore that he was... jealous. Jealous that you'd slept with Wooyoung.
Yunho's grip had tightened impossibly more on the steering wheel after your comment. "Don't say things you don't mean."
"I meant it. Mean it."
Your monthly cooking was put off. You also found out just how well Yunho could fuck you. Best friend-turned boyfriend Yunho knew exactly which buttons to push to make you moan.
Yeosang: Yeosang was one step away from buying noise cancelling headphones, and if he had to listen to San's bed frame smack against the wall one more time he was going to use San's credit card to buy the headphones. He wasn't expecting the others to be celibate but he was asking for a little respect.
yeo yeo: guess who is fucking again!!!
you: not you based on the fact that you're texting me!!!
yeo yeo: i'm blocking u :)
you: do it :)
yeo yeo: he can't seriously be that good
you: he's okay
Yeosang shot upright in bed as he read your message. There was no way you, his best friend and the light of his life (and his crush but whatever), had had sex with his friend and bandmate AND HADN'T TOLD HIM.
yeo yeo: you're so fake
yeo yeo: when?
you: few months ago
you: we were fwb for a while but it was nothing to write home about so I didn't tell you
Yeosang called you, paying no mind to the slamming on the wall.
"He's got a good rhythm," was all you said when you picked up.
"Yeah it was for about and month and that was all it needed to be. I dunno... It was kinda weird because he's your friend and I didn't have any feelings for him. I'm not sure he and I are even friends so it wasn't truly "friends with benefits". And I learned I don't do casual hookups."
"Oh, so not a waste, then," Yeosang teased. He felt mildly ill at the thought of you having sex with San, his stomach clenching uncomfortably. He tried to push the feeling down knowing he had no right to be upset.
"But," oh, God, why was he still talking, "I could do better."
Your heart jumped to your throat. "I'm not sure why you're not at my place right now."
Yeosang was totally better than San ever was. No offense to San...
Mingi: Mingi had watched for a whole year as you pined after Yeosang. It was hard, especially when Mingi was pretty sure he was in love with you. But he was your best friend, and you were his, so he listened to you whine and complain that Yeosang didn't like you back even when Mingi assured you he did. He had also had the duty of getting the two of you together for a first date.
You and Yeosang had gone on a grand total of three dates before the dates stopped and you and Yeosang just hung out at the dorm or with the others. The pining and crushing had seemed to end, but you never told Mingi why. You just said that it hadn't worked out but that you found you liked Yeosang as a friend. Not a best friend, of course. Nobody could replace Mingi.
Mingi never pried, but he wondered. He wondered when he saw Yeosang and you together, as the two of you laughed, and he wondered when he was overly tired and lacking a filter. Which is probably why he finally asked Yeosang.
"We didn't really have romantic feelings. And we weren't sexually compatible."
Sexually compatible... Mingi probably should have left it at that but he'd texted you instead, despite it being three in the morning. It woke you up.
light of my life: you and yeosang hooked up?
you: it's not hooking up if you were dating at the time right?
light of my life: but it didn't work?
you: obviously not
you: why?
light of my life: why didn't it work?
you: idk mingi probably because your name in my phone is light of my life and i thought about you the entire time
you: goodnight
Not even thirty minutes later the doorbell to your apartment rang incessantly. You pulled yourself out of bed and opened the door to find Mingi, eyes slightly drooping with sleep but otherwise alert.
"You're mad at me?"
"It's not how I wanted to confess, Mingi. Yeosang was helping me plan how to confess to you."
"He knew?" Mingi sounded slightly pained at the idea.
"Yes, Mingi. We went on a few dates but the romance wasn't there. We had sex but were on completely different rhythms. He called it before I did. We're lucky he's our friend, Mingi. He deserves so much."
"We'll send him a thank you card, then."
And then he was kissing you, warm lips pressed against yours and tongue swiping at your lips.
"Can I come in?"
San: San knew what made his friends tick. He knew what foods everyone liked, their favorite colors, he had birthdays written down, and he knew their fears. He knew their partners and he knew their crushes. Except yours, he didn't know who exactly you liked but he took you telling him as a good sign for his own chances with you. He may be your best friend but he also hoped to be your boyfriend eventually.
What he didn't know was that you and Jongho had hooked up once. Jongho wasn't planning on telling anyone but when the boys were teasing him about being a virgin (they knew he wasn't) and San joined in (to be a little shit) Jongho couldn't help but tease San back.
"Ask Y/N. Y/N knows for sure I'm not a virgin."
San stopped immediately as the other boys "ooh"-ed and giggled like prepubescent boys. No way. No fucking way. Did you have a crush on Jongho and that's why you didn't tell him.
The thought stuck in the back of his head, but he couldn't figure out when to bring it up. It's hard to casually say "Hey, Y/N is the reason you haven't told me who you like is because you like Jongho and you're afraid I'll tell him and it's not that you secretly like me and want me to be your boyfriend, right?" Best friend or not, it's a little off-putting to say all of that, bordering on deranged.
But it did come up when the two of you were tipsy and watching reality TV. And it wasn't classy at all.
"Why didn't you tell me you hooked up with Jongho," San practically whined as he draped himself across your lap.
You laughed and carded a hand through his hair. "It didn't mean anything."
"It's because you know I like you."
Your hand nearly stilled, your nails scratching his scalp distractedly as you took in what your best friend and the one you loved most said. You hadn't known he liked you before, instead harboring your own romantic feelings for him to yourself.
"Tell me you like me in the morning and we'll go from there," you replied, turning your attention back to the TV.
Exchanging confessions sober was much more exhilarating. So was the sex that came after.
Wooyoung: Wooyoung often cooks while you prep veggies or sit and watch him and catch him up on all the gossip from your workplace. He never has any idea who any of these people are but he's always enthusiastically listening as you describe the ridiculous email someone sent you or the time your boss let everyone go home early because he was hungover and wanted to go home.
It's a weekly tradition. You've only missed it once when you had a date, which he tried not to feel jealous about. He liked you, as more than a friend, and he always felt the cooking nights were dates in their own right. Your date the one time must not have gone well because you never went on a second or, now that he thinks about it, any other date ever.
The thought occurs to him as you recount the horrifying first date details your coworker had shared with you - including a terrible drunk-induced serenade on the sidewalk - when he blurts it out.
"What happened to that guy you went on a date with that one time? What was his name?"
You clicked your tongue and sighed. "Seonghwa."
"Seonghwa. As in the Seonghwa I know and live with?"
"Do you know another Seonghwa?"
Wooyoung shook his head and put aside the spoon he was stirring the broth with. He lowered the temperature on the stovetop and stared at you, wiggling his eyebrows. "Details please."
"You want me to give you details about... sex with Seonghwa?"
"No way he put out on the first date!" Wooyoung shouted as you shushed him laughing.
"He did! I'm just that hot! It was good sex, but it wasn't what either of us wanted."
Wooyoung tried to catch on to your words but he was trying not to imagine you having sex period because then he would think about he and you having sex and then he would probably pop a boner and damn that would border on embarrassing probably.
"Oh my, God," you totally clocked him, "you're thinking about me having sex right now aren't you!"
Wooyoung didn't blush, but maybe he turned a little pink. "What, my best friend's hot..."
"You've already wined and dined me... just ask me out," you said lowly, not at all teasing.
Wooyoung saw it in your eyes, the way they turned soft and slightly hooded.
"Y/N, will you go out with me? As in a romantic date?"
You and Wooyounng were much more compatible.
Jongho: Twenty questions was for losers according to Jongho. Thank god you and Jongho were losers.
It had started out with you jokingly asking him to play, rattling off three questions before Jongho finally jumped in to make you stop asking him what his credit card number was, what the expiration date on his card was, and if he could tell you the CVV on the back. He made sure to tell you you were a loser for playing, but he asked questions back, too. He would do anything for you as your best friend. Oh, and also because he was in love with you.
"What's your date of birth?" he asked, sighing over the phone loudly.
"You going to ask for my social security number next?" you joked. "Come on! Ask good questions. Ask juicy ones."
You could practically hear Jongho rolling his eyes over the phone. "Who was the last person you kissed?"
"You're avoiding the question."
"What! When?" Jongho yelled.
"It's my turn. Who is the last person you kissed?"
"My mother on the cheek. When?"
"When we may or may not have hooked up last month."
"Oh my, God. You told me you were helping film Mingi's dance practice before you came to see me!" Jongho pushed down the jealousy in his chest. "Are you telling me not to touch the couch in the dance practice room now?"
"Yes and also it's my turn. Are you mad?"
"No." The answer was immediate.
"You sound upset."
"I'm not upset."
"You sound it," you replied softly.
"I'm just a little hurt you didn't tell me. You don't have to tell me everything but you're my best friend and he's also my friend."
"That's the only reason?"
Jongho stayed silent for a whole minute. "No. I like you Y/N. You know that."
"I didn't know. I just hoped you did."
"You can't say that over the phone. I'm taking you on a date tomorrow."
Mingi, when he found out you and Jongho were dating, begged Jongho to get him a gift for getting the two of you together. Jongho offered only a foot up his ass.
Respectfully, of course.
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lunarimagines · 1 year
if anyone has the full kpwt2023 wtf show I am begging to please be sent it fr
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lunarimagines · 1 year
SPN’s “make destiel canon then immediately send cas to super hell” walked so Teen Wolf’s “make sterek vaguely canon then immediately kill Derek off the same way his whole family was killed” could run
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lunarimagines · 1 year
For the drabble game may I ask Choi San and spring?
Hope you are doing well, drink and eat plenty and thank you so much! ~☆
Ateez’s Choi San + Spring 🌸
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He was grinning at you, his eyes crinkled, as you tugged on your shoes. You could only sigh and roll your eyes. San had called you late last night, excited, and asked you to see the spring blossoms with him. It was still early spring and the blossoms were in full bloom. That’s how San ended up at your place early in the morning, camera in one hand and his other hand free to hold your hand. He  was wearing a tight black t-shirt and pants that.... didn’t matter. He was handsome, as usual, but he was going to be cold in the early spring weather wearing just the t-shirt. 
“You're going to get cold if you don’t bring a jacket....” you tried, but he just giggled. Honest to everything he GIGGLED. You bit your cheek to stop the smile threatening to spill across your lips at your boyfriend’s endearing habits. Instead, you gestured for him to lead the way out of your place. 
If you had a dollar for every single time you were right and your boyfriend was wrong you would probably have at least seven dollars. Halfway through your walk through the blossoming trees by the river he was complaining of the cold.
“Y/NNNNNN,” he whined, swinging your clasped hands wildly just to annoy you. “I’m cold.”
You turned to him, eyebrows raised. “Yeah? If only someone had warned you that you’d be cold before we left...” 
He smiled sheepishly, dropping his head slightly. Looking up at you through his eyelashes he said, “I know one way I could warm up...”
You pushed his forehead away lightly and he laughed. Gripping you tighter, he pulled you into him, your fronts pressed to together, and veered off the path to find a patch of grass before sitting down and pulling you with him. He wriggled his arms into your jacket, his cold hands grazing your arms and making you yelp lightly. 
“If I brought a jacket I couldn’t do this,” he whispered, placing a kiss against your cheek. He had planned every second of your day, right down to having an excuse to hold you.
If you had a dollar for every single time Choi San conned his way deeper into your heart you would be rich. 
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lunarimagines · 2 years
hello hello let’s do a drabble game!
send me a member of bts, ateez, stray kids, or enhypen + a season!!
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lunarimagines · 2 years
。• blog recommendations pt 2 。• <3
pt 2 !
song recommendation : booster - stray kids
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lunarimagines · 2 years
vegas sitting down by the edge of the pool and putting his feet in WITHOUT rolling up his pants????? unhinged
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lunarimagines · 2 years
kinnporsche is the next level of “i’m being sold to One Direction” 
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lunarimagines · 2 years
Seonghwa: He was spread across the couch, his jeans still on and hugging the curves of his thighs. He’d collapsed on the couch the second he had gotten home, barely even bothering to put his shoes by the front door. Obviously he was tired, but, God, his thighs just looked so good in his jeans. Walking over, you stood in front of him, bumping his knee with your own. He peeked on eye open to look up before immediately moving to wrap his arms around your waist. Chin on your stomach, he waited for you to say something. 
Instead, you only pointed to his lap and asked, “Is this seat taken?” 
A slow smile spread across his face and he threw his head back slightly to laugh. He quickly placed a kiss on your abdomen before moving back to lean against the couch, his arms open to you. 
“This seat is always open for you, baby.”
And he was pulling you down onto his lap. Oh, and his thighs felt as amazing as they looked...
Hongjoong: Usually you could find Hongjoong in the studio, his hat backwards and his headphones clamped firmly on his head to work on a new song. Today was no different. He was so focused on his screen he didn’t even hear you come in, jumping in his seat slightly as you touched his shoulder to signal your arrival. 
“I’m sorry, I have a few more things to do...” 
You got the hint, sitting down on the couch and reclining back to watch him work. But with the way his jaw was clenched and he was so focused on his work, his fingers drumming his desk idly, you found your mind wandering. When he leaned back in his chair to listen to his work, you took the opportunity to stand and move in-between him and the screen. He quirked an eyebrow at you, sucking in his lower lip. 
“Is this seat taken?” you gestured vaguely to his lap. 
He simply spread his legs and you moved to straddle him, ignoring the way the your legs were pinched against the arms of the chair. Immediately, his arms came to wrap around you and his lips were quick to find yours. 
“Hmmm, this can be your seat always from now on.”
Yeosang: Movie night with the boys meant being snuggled against your boyfriend and the hard arm of the couch. As much as you loved the boys, you were tired of being acquainted with the harsh end of the couch, so you’d purposefully taken longer than usual to get snacks as all of the others settled into their respective spots. Yeosang has the displeasure of sitting against the armrest, and although you felt a twinge of guilt you couldn’t help but thank God that that wasn’t you. One problem: there was no spot left for you to actually sit in. The cushions on the floor were claimed, the chairs were claimed, and the couch was claimed. 
Walking toward the group you placed the snacks down. You noticed Mingi trying to move to make space for you, but all he got was a smack on the leg from Yunho who was pushed against the other arm of the couch. 
Looking at your boyfriend, you pointed at his lap. “Is this seat taken? I think it’s the only free one.” 
San “ooohed” just to be annoying, but Yeosang only quirked an eyebrow at you and cocked his head to the side. 
“No, actually it’s reserved for Wooyoung. Better luck next time.”
So, you simply turned to Mingi, pointed to his lap, and before you could even get the works out you were pulled down onto Yeosang’s lap forcefully. He caged his arms around you and placed a hot kiss on the back of your neck, his breath tickling your ear as he whispered, “I know you wouldn’t dare, baby.” 
Needless to say, you had no idea what the movie was about....
Yunho: Something about the way Yunho looked when he danced was so enticing. Sure, his body looked amazing and his movements always seemed os perfect, but there was something else. Maybe it was the way he was focused on himself in the mirror, his eyes flitting from one movement to the next. Or the way he pushed his sweaty hair off of his forehead. Or the way he rolled his sleeves up during breaks. Whatever it was, it had you falling more and more in love with him... not that you’d tell him that. 
He was sitting against the mirror and talking softly with Wooyoung, their heads bent together as they watched over the choreography video. Deciding you had had enough waiting, you walked over to the boys, standing in the space between Yunho’s spread legs. He looked up and hummed, his eyes tracing your figure. 
“Is this seat taken?” You pointed vaguely to his lap, your eyes focusing on the way his sweatpants outlined the tops of his thighs. 
He wiggled his eyebrows at you, spreading his legs further apart. “I think it’s about to be taken by your nice, perfect, amazing a-”
Wooyoung fake gagged as you sat down, resting your back against his chest. He placed a kiss on the top of your head, his hands running up and down your arms softly. As much of a tease as he was, he was also soft. At least, he was unless you wiggled in his lap too much...
Mingi: The things that made Mingi shy never seemed to be consistent. One day kissing his cheek would make him blush a deep red, and the next day you could kiss his cheek and he’d somehow manage to turn it into a full-on make-out session. It just made it a fun game to see what made Mingi embarrassed and shy and what didn’t. Each day, you tried something new. One day you had tried running your up his abs lightly as you’d hugged him from behind; you’d gotten a deep blush from that. The next day you ran your hands through his hair as he laid on your lap, earning a deep sigh and a heavily sleeping boy for the next hour and a half, but not a single ounce of red blush. 
Today, you were sitting next to him on his bed, scrolling aimlessly through your phone as he did the same beside you. Turning to him, you had your next idea. 
“Is this seat taken?” you asked, wiggling your eyebrows and pointing at his lap. 
The blush that spread across his cheeks was amazing, a small victory. 
“Come here,” he said gruffly, pulling you onto his lap quickly. His lips were on yours, before he buried his head into your neck, sighing deeply. “I think you’re going to kill me by being so cute.”
San: San had been the first one to ask you “is this seat taken” when pointing at your lap. He’d done it one day as you were sitting on the couch, waiting for the food he had ordered to arrive. When you hadn’t answered, he’d collapsed onto your lap anyway, dramatically wrapping himself around you. 
Now you were waiting for the perfect moment to get him back. It wasn’t to be mean, but you did love to tease your boyfriend a bit. Whenever you got him to smile and show off his dimples it was a job well done. And you were in luck, because today seemed to be the perfect day to pop the question. You were carrying bags inside the waiting room - food for the staff, some snacks, and a bag of important clothes San had left at your place - when you saw him sitting on the couch half asleep. Walking over to him, you asked as sweetly as you could muster, “Is this seat taken?” When he opened one eye briefly, you gestured to his lap. 
He cocked an eyebrow and closed his eye, leaning back further to give you access to his lap. “For you? Always.”
You dropped your bags directly into his lap, causing him to let out an “oof” and jolt upwards. He stared, dumbfounded and mouth slightly open, between you and the bags you had dumped on his lap. Then, he smiled, closing his eyes tightly like he did whenever he was amused, before fixing you with a mock-serious glare.
“Lap privileges revoked.”
That lasted all of one day before he was pulling you down onto his lap to snuggle as the two of you watched a movie together.
Wooyoung: Sitting on Wooyoung’s lap was a dangerous game to play. Half the time it would be just for simple cuddles, but then he’d start blowing into your ear and tickling you and the moment would be ruined. Other times he would grind up against you and pretend he wasn’t doing it, leaving you so frustrated you would have to beg him to fuck you. Sometimes, on the off-chance he was tired, he would simply hold you tightly on his lap, his arms wrapped around your waist and his head snuggled into your shoulder. 
This time you had a goal in mind. Wooyoung was sitting on the couch, slumped agains the cushions with his legs open. Gesturing innocently to Wooyoung’s lap, you asked, “Is this seat taken?”
His head shot up, and he nodded, putting his phone down to give you his attention. You straddled his legs comfortably, grinding down slightly as you got situated on his lap. His hands came up to grip your hips tightly, helping you grind down. You leaned in to peck his lips, purposefully grinding down harder agains this crotch. You were rewarded with a low moan. 
Running your hands through his hair and tugging, you kissed him deeply, allowing him to maneuver your hips however he pleased. When you finally had to break for air, you simply slid off of his lap quickly, amused by his flushed cheeks, red lips, and obvious bulge.
“Deal with it yourself. That’s what you get for giving me a wet willy!”
Lots of groveling on his part was done that evening and you eventually ended up spending the night at his place.
Jongho: He still liked to look cool in front of the other members. That meant minimum PDA with them and, please, for his sake, no suggestive jokes around them. The two of you had gotten caught making out once and he’d almost died, so he wasn’t sure he could survive much more. 
The problem? He was practically irresistible. From his hair that was so soft to the touch and tempting you to run your hands through it, to his mouth which was so sweet when he smiled and made you want to kiss him, to his hands which always traced patterns against your skin absentmindedly and held you tightly... If he wasn’t so perfect your life would be a lot easier. 
You were sure the two of you were alone when you went to join him on the couch and asked, jokingly, if the seat on his lap was taken. He laughed, closing his eyes tightly and smiling widely before he beckoned you to come sit, poking fun at how irresistible he must be.
“Oooooh get a room!” Yeosang joked, walking through the room to the kitchen. 
You were suddenly toppling forward, Jongho grabbing you slightly as he stood up in embarrassment. Too late he realized the only way to catch you was to... grab your boob. Straight on. Yeosang turned back and wrinkled his nose.
“Now you seriously need to get a room,” he said, gesturing to the way Jongho was groping you.
From that moment on Jongho let you touch him however you wanted because he said, and you quote, it couldn’t be worse than having Yeosang see him “honk your boob”. 
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