luvmmarner · 8 months
Anxiously waiting for the next chapter of your Svechnikov fic.
It’s out right now go check it out! Chapter Two will be coming very soon! ALMOST just ALMOST done editing it. :)
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luvmmarner · 8 months
William Nylander just laughing constantly non stop is just so funny and adorable. Thank you for the Toronto Staff for sharing this video to everyone 😂
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luvmmarner · 8 months
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Written for @comphy-and-cozy sorry if it was a bitt late. My editing for chapters take awhile, especially if working on other stuff. I decided to cut this up, as it didn't make sense to put another scene I've written with this one. Thank you @jackhghes for helping me to semi edit this. I'm horrible at editing and it probably would take me a whole month to edit this. Also, very sorry about the delay. My ADHD just distracts me all the time, but when's not a good time to release this then now! Also for the part about reader not thinking much into it or acting on it. It's because I kinda wanted this to be a semi-slow burn, where reader is oblivious.
TW: the reader gets drugged (nobody knows, so we just say we drank a lot), drinking, reader is very depressed but is fine later on, sexual tension (briefly). Words marked with this font mean it's a flashback. People included in flashbacks will be a key part in later chapters :) Word Count: 4k? 3k? Idk.
CHAPTER 1 - Hatred
That’s one word you thought you would never use. Except, of course, for the times when you were younger when you would say it to your siblings when they were being annoying or making you angry, but you never meant it.
You didn’t know you were capable of hating someone so much until you met Andrei Svechnikov. 
As soon as you met the Russian, you were already certain that the two of you would have little chance of getting along. You hated his arrogant behaviour and his ‘I don't care’ attitude. You usually didn’t mind when people were arrogant and had big egos; growing up, you had to encounter that a lot between your siblings. You didn’t remember much growing up, only that you were raised in Finland before you decided to move. Although it's difficult for you to recall specific memories from your time in Finland, they frequently come back to you when your siblings bring them up. Your favourite memory that constantly comes back to you is when you and your brother both learned how to skate at the same time. You both instantly got the hang of it. You had always wished that your parents could have afforded hockey lessons for both of you, but unfortunately, they could only afford to pay for one of you at a time. You decided to let your brother play hockey and wait until they could afford the lessons for you. However, by the time they were able to pay for you, you had already lost interest in playing hockey. Your love for skating and hockey did not go away, but you figured that because it had been so long since you last played, you weren't very good at it anymore. As a result, you decided to stop playing and concentrate on your studies instead. When you reached maturity, you found that you enjoyed skating more than you had in your younger years, and as a result, you chose to enroll in figure skating classes. You didn't have to necessarily turn professional; even if you weren't the best, you could still find fulfillment in what you were doing.
The day your brother got drafted into the NHL was probably the best day of your guys life. You were very proud of your brother, but also upset that he would be leaving and you wouldn’t be able to hang out with him as much anymore. The day you got a green card and were finally permitted to live in the United States forever was the most exciting day of your life. Your brother made a quick offer to live with him, and you agreed instantly. You didn’t want to agree initially and said you’d find somewhere, but you made the decision a few days later to live with your brother after you couldn’t find a place. You moved in with him shortly after you got to the United States and got settled into your new home.
You were very glad that you were able to live with your brother. It wasn’t like you could live without your brother’s help, but both of you guys were so used to spending time together and being together that it only made sense that you guys would live together growing up. 
You didn’t mind living with your brother at the start, but when it turned into months, it was more annoying than ever. You didn’t think it was your brother that was specifically annoying; it was the friends he brought over. He always had you introduce yourself to his friends; you didn’t mind some of his friends, especially the ones that weren’t his teammates. It was his teammates that you were most annoyed about. You didn’t want to introduce yourself to them since you could never see yourself being friends with any of them.
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There’s always multiple parts that come with missing someone. One being is waiting, and the other is loneliness and quietness. You never expected you’d be waiting for your brother to return home from his trip with his friends in Sweden. You never expected the loneliness and quietness that came with him being gone. You were definitely used to it when he was on road-trips with his team, but he would always come home eventually. The days you wait eventually turn into a few months. You didn’t even know it was July until you got a text from your brother saying, “Happy 4th of July.” It wasn’t like you were just sitting at home all day; you did go outside from time to time, but you had no motivation to do anything else beyond that. 
You have never experienced this before. You knew it was bad for your general health and body, but you were just tired and exhausted all the time. It wasn’t like you were eating unhealthy as well. You just didn’t go outside much and slept for most of the day. It ended up with you getting fired because of it, but you didn’t care. You disliked your job anyway, and you knew it was only a matter of time before you got the call that you were fired and when you got it. You weren’t surprised at all, only replying with an ‘Okay’ before hanging up.
Today was no different from any other day. You decided to watch Netflix and just chill in bed all day. You were probably just going to order a pizza or something since you haven’t had it for awhile and you weren’t in the mood to really cook today. You were so wrapped up in your TV show that you didn’t pay any attention to the commotion downstairs. Even if you did pay attention to it, you were way to tired to go downstairs anyways. It was most likely your friends coming over to check up on you.
“Yeah, you could just put it in my room for the time being.” The voice echoed through the hallways. You heard the voices travel to the living room before dying out. You didn't find it particularly interesting to pay attention to it, so you chose to bring your focus back to the show. After hearing your brother's room open, you finally made up your mind to pay attention to the ruckus that was going on. You waited for a bit, just listening. It wasn’t until you heard footsteps coming from his room that you stood up straight away, and nothing else was going through your head except irritation. You made it very clear to your friends that they were not to enter your brother's room. You didn’t even go in there. It was His room, Nobody else’s. You were just about to go into his room, but a voice made you stop in your tracks. It sounded oddly familiar… too familiar. You heard that voice growing up. You muttered an inaudible ‘no way’ under your breath. There’s ‘no way’ you constantly repeat those words over and over. He wasn’t supposed to be back until August. It's all just in your head, right?
It was then that the door to your brother's room opened. It wasn’t your brother, though. It was the Russian you only met briefly; your brother called him Andrei; you never talked with him before; you only introduced yourself to each other before engaging in conversations with others. 
“Like something you see, milyy?” There was no mistaking the inquisitiveness behind that smirk of his as he spoke.
You never heard the word ‘milyy’ and even if you didn’t know the meaning. You decided then and there that you hated the word, regardless of the meaning it holds. “Don’t call me that, and thanks, but no, I don’t. I’ve seen better.” You smiled as you watched the smirk slowly disappear. "Sure, milyy whatever you say.” His voice was rolling to a whisper as he approached you, inches away from your face. “You definitely wouldn’t be saying that soon.” His smirk reappeared as he stepped away, watching you. You couldn’t help the redness on your face after he said that. Your throat going dry immediately. “I would rather die than ever date you.” You bit back the irritation in your voice, trying to be respectful and not let it show that the comment effected you like it did.
“Keep saying that. We both know it’s not true.” He said, walking away, before adding, “Your brother is looking for you.” 
If you weren’t shocked before, you’re definitely shocked now. When you first saw Andrei, a part of you kind of suspected that your brother was already at home, but the realization didn't fully hit you until now. You pay little attention to the previous sentences and are just focusing on the fact that your brother is at home. You nervously head downstairs, multiple voices seemingly bouncing off the walls until it just goes quiet. Your mind going blank, shutting out all the other voices. The only one you cared about hearing was your brother’s. “Hey sis.” Sebastian said, already pulling you into a hug. The warmth of the hug made you feel safe and happy. A feeling you haven’t felt since he’s been gone.
“I missed you, Seb.” You mumbled low enough that only he could hear. You didn’t need any of his teammates laughing, especially Andrei.
It seems like eternity, but when you both pull away, you’re smiling something that you’ve refused to do for awhile. 
“I missed you too, sis. Sorry for being gone for a while.” Seb says this before pulling away.  Andrei cuts in. “Sorry for ruining this reunion, but we really should be getting going. The boys wouldn’t be happy to wait any longer.”
“Wait what.” You ask, confusion hitting you. “Where are you going? You can’t just leave; you-” 
It was like your brother could instantly sense the sadness in your tone. Because he was quick to reassure you. “We are just going to the club. You are welcome to come with us if you'd like.” 
You give a nod. “Okay, I’ll come, I guess.”
“We ain’t going to babysit you all night. If you want to go home, we ain’t leaving to drive you.” Andrei said abruptly he didn’t even wait for a response before he left, probably to start up the car.
You decided at this very moment..
You hated Andrei Svechnikov. You usually don’t go out clubbing; the last time you did, it was with one of your friends. It was an experience that you never wanted to experience again. It wasn’t bad in any way, but it was the fact that your friends all left with somebody, and you were left all by yourself.
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“Come onnnn!” Kimberly said. She’s been trying to convince you for hours now to come with her and Lena to the club. “I don’t know.. I don’t have anything to wear.” 
Kimberly opened your closet like she already knew the answer. She sorted through your clothes before deciding on a few she liked. "Here, look! Here's some that’ll look good on you.” You glance at the clothes before turning away with disgust. “I’d rather stick to jeans or something.” Kimberly's smile turned into a frown. “Alright, then how about this?" She showed you a few more options before you decided on an outfit.
You made the decision to dress down for the occasion by donning some jeans and a tank top. You chose to wear something that would be comfy, even if it is not what the majority of people would wear out, because you weren't really in the mood to go to begin with. You weren't typically choosy about the clothes you wore, but there are certain items that you either don't want to wear in public or you just aren't really feeling in the mood to wear at the moment. - - -
You were unable to recall much of what happened after that. All you can think of is how badly you wanted to leave...
“Leave her alone.” A voice spoke from behind you as the laughter of the guys around you died down. You didn’t bother looking at who said that. You just got up, pushing through the crowded room, trying to look around for your friends, but to your luck,  they were nowhere in sight.
You felt your chest tighten, and it was harder to breathe by the minute. Your whole body felt dizzy. 
You didn’t remember anything after that, but somehow you made it back home safe.
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There wasn’t much conversation during the car ride. You just mainly focused on your phone, unless you asked if they could skip songs you didn’t like. Thankfully, they didn’t complain; you really didn’t want to argue with Andrei about something as dumb as music.
Once you made it inside, you quickly made an introduction to a few of your brother’s friends, who all rode in different cars together. You knew a few, but it wasn’t any of the friends you usually had conversations with and enjoyed talking to. You made your way to the bar, telling the bartender what you’d like to get - on the rare occasion when you do decide to leave the house.
You made the hasty decision to go to the bathroom, hoping that your drink would be ready by the time you arrived back. You thought that if the bartender saw you leaving, that he would hopefully put your drink to the side or at least look after it. If you weren’t back in time.
It was once again the worst decision you could’ve ever made.
When you immediately returned to your spot, you found your drink already there. You weren’t too long in the bathroom, so you just made a guess that it was just made. You took a few sips. 
“Is that what you usually order?” A random guy who happened to be in front of you asked. 
“Yeah. I don’t drink that much, so this is the only thing I’ve tried.” I laughed slightly.
He gave a chuckle back. “I’m the same. I only like a few drinks, most of which my friends actually offered me to try. I’m way picky with my choice of drinks, so I only stick with a few I like.” 
You nodded, smiling slightly. It was good to finally have a normal conversation with someone, and this guy seemed nice. You gave a quick look around. Your brother was nowhere to be found, but you did spot Andrei. He was already staring right at you, and he seemed pissed about something. You rolled your eyes. He’s always got to be mad about something; he can never be happy.
You moved your attention back to the guy in front of you. “What’s your name?” 
You extended your hand to shake it as you said your name as well. Out of nowhere, you felt your head start to pound. “It’s loud in here, ain’t it?” You say, once again chuckling. You brushed it off, stating it was merely because there was loud music playing. 
“Are you feeling okay?” Tyler asked, his fingers going out to softly touch your back. 
It was somewhat relaxing; you couldn’t lie. You would never allow any stranger to touch you at all, yet the kindness and the gentle touches made you feel somewhat better, and you liked it. “Uh yeah. Wanna go dance?” 
He had no chance to speak as you took his arm, lightly tugging on it as you led the way. 
After that, everything started to happen all at once. There was no apparent cause for the sudden sensation of lightheadedness and dizziness that came on suddenly. To prevent yourself from falling down, you had to maintain a firm hold on Tyler. When he inquired, "Are you okay?" you opened your mouth to respond, but no words materialized in your mind. 
The last thing you heard was Andrei’s voice.
Then it went black.
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You let out a low grunt. It felt as though a thousand bricks were being thrown at your back. You muttered to yourself that this would be the last time you ever drank. You opened your eyes, and although it took a moment for your vision to clear, you immediately realized that you were home, safe, and in bed. 
The headache that you had been experiencing prior to this was, of course, was still present. You were in a terrible mood. You had no idea how you got home. You didn’t feel like getting up at all… You just wanted to sleep, and hopefully the next time you wake up, it wouldn’t feel like this. 
The next time you woke up, you were in bed. You checked the time on your phone. The brightness of it makes your eyes fully open. It was 9:27am. You groaned. It was too early, and you didn’t feel like getting out of bed. You took a few minutes to try to fall back asleep, but all the attempts were unsuccessful, so you eventually decided to give up and get up. 
The headache that you previously had seemed to pass over during your sleep. Thank gosh. You really didn’t want to have to experience that throughout the day. You quickly shower and get changed into fresh clothes. You didn’t remember much about last night, only that you met this guy and that your brother disappeared for most of the night. You were definitely going to bother him about that later on. 
Right, now you were starving. You head towards the kitchen, quickly grabbing an apple before making your way towards the living room. You planned for this day to just be a relaxing day. However, as soon as you glared at the couch, you rolled your eyes.
Andrei was already awake; he was on his phone, listening to something on his headphones. As soon as he saw you, though, he took them off. "Are you okay, milyy?” He asked, sounding worried but not making any moves to get up.
You rolled your eyes. Why does everyone ask that? Of course you were okay. You would certainly know if you weren’t. You walked over silently, asking if you could sit here. He seemingly got the message and gave a nod of approval. “Uh. What happened to my brother? The last time I saw him, he was having drinks, and the next he was nowhere to be seen.” “Tony took him to his place. He had too much to drink. He said they were planning on hanging out later today, so he thought it would be easier to take him to his place.”
You couldn't help but laugh; that was so typical of your brother. It is impossible for him to control his drinking; after only a few sips, he becomes extremely inebriated. "Oh, well, that's not good at all. I should have known from the beginning that he was not a good drinker. 
Andrei grinned again. You already knew what this meant. He was probably going to say something stupid to embarrass you. “Last night, it looked like you didn’t handle it well either. Compared to him, you were actually much worse.”
What do you mean by that? " I only had one drink.” You were more confused than ever. There’s no way. You've had numerous drinks before, and it’s never been so bad that you couldn’t recall how you got home. You just assumed that you ordered yourself an Uber and went home, or that your brother drove you. 
“Milyy… I drove you home. Do you remember?” Andrei questioned. You shook your head in disbelief. “No? I just thought my brother drove me home or that I ordered an Uber.” 
Andrei started to explain what happened, as you did your best to tell him what you already remembered so he could explain what transpired there. You were never this embarrassed until this moment. As he explained, you began to remember most of what happened. 
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“I got you, milyy.” Andrei said his arms were wrapped around you to hold you steady so you didn’t fall. “It’s okay, baby. Let’s get you outside, okay?” You nodded; you felt sick, and the heaviness in your head wasn’t stopping.
“Can you take me to your place?” “No, milyy. I’m taking you home.” The strictness in his tone had you squirming.
You pouted; this was so unfair. You didn’t want to go home. You wanted him to take you to his place. “Ok, but I want you to take me to your home. I want to be in your bed.”
Andrei ignored your comment as he led you outside in the cold air; it felt amazing against the hotness of your skin. You loved it. You closed your eyes. This was so relaxing. 
The next thing you remembered was being in Andrei’s car; he was quick to turn on the A/C due to your request. You mumbled thanks before staring out the window.
“Why don’t you like me?” 
The question that came from you was so out of nowhere. You knew it, but you didn’t care. 
“I do, milyy.” Andrei reassured you, his hand just slightly brushing against yours. “Then why wouldn’t you want to fuck me?” You already felt tears coming down. Were you not good enough for him? Did he not like you? You didn’t understand. The question made him immediately silent. He didn’t even give you an answer right away.  After a brief time of being silent, he replied “I’m not interested.”
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That’s at least what he told you. You shouldn’t care, really. It wasn’t like you guys were ever going to be a thing. You hated him, and he hated you. It was obvious, even if he said he didn’t.
“I’m sorry that I said that, but yeah. I’m not interested either. It was just the alcohol talking, not me.” You laugh, attempting to release the mood. 
It’s seemingly worked because Andrei laughed with you.
“Alright, well, I’m just going to head out. Seb asked me to see if you were alright in the morning.” Andrei said, not allowing you to respond before he was already gone.
You were left feeling confused. He lied. You knew exactly what he said. It was constantly repeating in your head. “You hate me, milyy. As much as I do. Trust me, if you weren’t out of it right now. I’d give you everything you want.”
You brushed it off, assuming he may have just had a few too many drinks as well.
You didn’t see Andrei for a month after that. You were very grateful, and you seemed to forget all about that night. You wish it could’ve stayed like this. You knew it wouldn’t last long until your brother was once again bringing his teammates over. You didn’t mind, and you even joined them when they started to play a few games.
You decided to drink once again, but only because you knew your brother wouldn’t leave again. Plus, it was in your own home. If you didn’t feel good, you could easily just go lay down. The night had been going well until Andrei had to ruin it.
“I’d be careful if I were you. You wouldn’t want to drink too much like last time, right, little one?” 
“Why? Don’t you want to hear me ask you to fuck me? Oh right, I forgot we both aren’t interested, so I know that wouldn’t happen.” You smiled; you weren’t drinking a lot this time only having small sips, so you knew exactly what you said. It was only to piss him off, and it worked perfectly. Because he shut right up after that.
You hummed in amusement before you made your way to where your brother was, joining him in whatever game they were playing. You felt Andrei's eyes staring at you every now and then, and you couldn’t help but smile every time you looked at him. He deserved it.
If Andrei expected you to just listen to whatever he had to say without saying anything back, he was very wrong. You hated him, and you were going to make that very clear.
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luvmmarner · 8 months
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70K notes · View notes
luvmmarner · 8 months
I’m a dumbass…. Don’t ask what I did, but just say… I had a full fic fricking done and I forgot to post it and like… yeh I’m a dumbass
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luvmmarner · 8 months
Mitch Marner - Happier
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This is one of the older works of mine, so my writing style is pretty different. It's a reupload since it was just gone for some reason. TW: not much but heartbreak. PART OF THE SOUR SERIES
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You and Mitch called it quits after being together for a little over a year, it was something that was going to happen at some point. But you didn’t think it was going to happen so soon, not even a day before you broke up he said he loved you. Your relationship wasn’t exactly ‘toxic’ but you both argued on almost everything. It was certainly unhealthy and you couldn’t deny that. 
Right after the breakup, you didn’t know what to do. You had friends from the other guys' girlfriends, but even then they weren’t the friends you could entirely trust. You had no clue that Mitch moved on until they told you. 
You didn’t believe it at first. How could he move on so quickly, after being together for well over a year. It was then you started to believe after clicking on stories of the team girlfriends that you did believe. Even though you were hurt and broken you hoped that this new girl brought out the better in him.
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You’ve been creeping their instagrams more specifically his new girl that you later found out was named ‘Lyla’. There was no doubt she was pretty, her instagrams were flunked with pictures of them. There were constant articles as well saying how she was so sweet and Mitch even agreed on an interview saying ‘how lucky he was’. 
It was like he forgot about you. You weren’t even mentioned in any of his interviews. The interviewers were all focused on her and so was Mitch. You couldn’t recall the amount of times you broke down after that. You couldn’t hold your tears anymore.
ᴏʜ, ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ
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It’s been 2 months since you and him broke up. Even if you did wish for him to be happy, you loved him. But you also wished that it was you instead of her. You knew that could never happen, you guys could never happen again. You didn’t want him to be unhappy like how he was when he was with you. 
He looked so much happier. But it was hard to still get over the fact that you two broke up. You knew it was selfish. You were being selfish. Even after so much time passed you still couldn’t let him go. You didn’t even make any attempts at letting go and moving on. You just couldn’t.
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The last straw that made you move on was a photo of his hands wrapped around her, both of them were smiling and looked so happy. Your body hoped that he would think about you whenever he touches her. But your mind was constantly thinking if he was happy, just not happier.
After a while you found yourself moving back to your home town montreal. You didn’t want to see the jerseys of the Toronto maple leafs, especially marner’s jersey. It always felt like a stab in the back. So you moved.
You also got a new dog named Fluffy, a brown chocolate lab. She comforted you every time you had a breakdown which was pretty rare ever since she laid beside you. As you laid in your bed, you decided you wanted to end things off in a good way. So you opened your phone and sent one last text. 
"I wish you all the best really"
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luvmmarner · 8 months
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This is one of the older works of mine, so my writing style is pretty different. It's a reupload since it was just gone for some reason. TW: cheating, heart break, no happy ending (sorry not really). PART OF THE SOUR SERIES
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Well, good for you, I guess you moved on really easily
You found a new girl, and it only took a couple weeks
Remember when you said that you wanted to give me the world? (World?)
Only 3 weeks it took Matthew to move on. You knew way before that he was cheating. The look of losing interest was plastered on his face every time he looked at you. He rarely even called you when he was away for a few days. But you denied it until you couldn’t. You always would brush it off and say to yourself. That Matthew would never do that to you. Even when the evidence was clearly in front of you.
During the start of the relationship Matthew always wanted what was best for you and would do anything you wanted. He wanted to give you everything the world included. That was however, when he was still in love with you. It didn’t seem like that now. 
Well, good for you, you look happy and healthy
Not me, if you ever cared to ask
Good for you, you're doing great out there without me, baby
God, I wish that I could do that
I've lost my mind, I've spent the night crying on the floor of my bathroom
After you and Matthew broke up it seemed like this new girlfriend of his just stepped right into your place. They both started to post on instagram and it was even on some headlines. All talk about their relationship. Heck, not even one person seemed to care. You didn’t really expect anyone too, because Matthew never posted or your relationship never was public. His pathetic excuse was ‘I don’t want you to get backlash or hate.’ You believed it was true until some point when he started to talk to his current girlfriend.
It seemed like his life was perfect and that he was clearly doing way better without you there. His new girlfriend was a full on replacement and was probably doing a way better job then you ever had. He moved on unlike you. Whenever you turned on your phone or tried to scroll through instagram, posts of him were everywhere. You couldn’t help break down which made your heart break even more and restart all over again.
Almost every night you would find yourself on the floor crying, wishing that you could go restart everything and find out. What you did wrong in the relationship. You tried your best and it hurt so badly.
Well, good for you, I guess you're getting everything you want (ah)
You bought a new car and your career's really taking off (ah)
It's like we never even happened
Baby, what the fuck is up with that? (Ha)
And good for you, it's like you never even met me
It’s only been a month since you and Matthew split and he seemed to be getting everything he ever wanted. He had an amazing girlfriend and they bought a house together. And his career was taking off ever since he moved to florida to play for them. He was the talk of hockey currently and you couldn’t go a day without hearing someone talk about him. It frustrated you; it was like you never existed to him. The fans didn't even know. Not even any of his new teammates or old teammates. You were just another stranger to all of them. It was like you and him never even met or knew each other. He didn’t even reach out, you were truly nothing to him.
Maybe I'm too emotional
But your apathy is like a wound in salt
Maybe I'm too emotional
Or maybe you never cared at all
After a while you started to ask yourself if you’re just too emotional. Clearly he didn’t feel how you felt. But you decided it was because of what he put you through. He never showed care or apathy like how you showed him. It was because he never truly cared. Why else would he leave you when you tried your absolute best for him. 
Whenever you tried to recall him caring about you or showing interest. You couldn’t remember you and matthew were together for 9 months and during the 6 month mark is when he started to slowly lose interest in you. It started with him not asking how your day was and it came to the point where he wouldn't even call you, or cognize you.  
Well, good for you, I guess you moved on really easily.
It was now time for you to move on, so that’s what you did. You packed up your stuff and said goodbye to everything you ever knew in your city and moved. You moved closer to some friends in New York. You bought yourself a small little apartment and set yourself up there. For a fresh start and new beginnings.
After a few weeks in your new city you began to feel comfortable and happy. There wasn’t really any mention of Matthew in New York, as there’s two New York teams and they were mainly the talk of the night & day. So you fully moved on partially yes you would sometimes have a good cry here and there. But it wasn’t frequent. You could finally go to NHL games without tearing up and you started to post on instagram again.
You were almost ready to start dating again until your phone lit up and a message appeared on your lock screen. You didn’t even need to look twice. You already knew who it was. "I’m sorry." You didn’t want to hear it. It’s been months and he messages you now. You couldn’t deal with it, you didn’t want to restart all of your progress you made over the months. So you just blocked the number and threw your phone across the room not even thinking twice to even send a response back. It felt good to finally get rid of the last fragment of your relationships existence. He moved on really easily so you can finally now as well.
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luvmmarner · 8 months
idk what happened to my old posts so I unfortunately have to reupload some old stuff and fricking rewrite some of it this shit sucks. :( I'll try my best to make some posts tonight for HATE HATE HATE. Just need to get these up.
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luvmmarner · 8 months
William Nylander - Drivers License
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WORD COUNT: 2765 (including lyrics) TW: cheating (kinda), betrayal. PART OF THE SOUR SERIES
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ɪ ɢᴏᴛ ᴍʏ ᴅʀɪᴠᴇʀ'ꜱ ʟɪᴄᴇɴꜱᴇ ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴡᴇᴇᴋ
ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴡᴇ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴛᴀʟᴋᴇᴅ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ
'ᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ꜱᴏ ᴇxᴄɪᴛᴇᴅ ꜰᴏʀ ᴍᴇ
ᴛᴏ ꜰɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ᴅʀɪᴠᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ
ʙᴜᴛ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ, ɪ ᴅʀᴏᴠᴇ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴜʙᴜʀʙꜱ
ᴄʀʏɪɴɢ 'ᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴇʀᴇɴ'ᴛ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ
You and Willy always talked about you getting your driver's license, but due to the fact that you were so busy studying for tests and finishing off school, you never managed to do so. He would often talk about how the major reason he wanted you to get it was so that you could drive to see him when he was bored or when he wanted to spend time with you. But you never got the chance to do any of that. When you finally got your driver's license, it was already too late; he had already left, and the only thing you could do now was drive through the suburbs of Calgary all the way up to Edmonton. ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴘʀᴏʙᴀʙʟʏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʙʟᴏɴᴅᴇ ɢɪʀʟ
ᴡʜᴏ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴍᴇ ᴅᴏᴜʙᴛ
ꜱʜᴇ'ꜱ ꜱᴏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴏʟᴅᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴍᴇ
ꜱʜᴇ'ꜱ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ɪ'ᴍ ɪɴꜱᴇᴄᴜʀᴇ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ
During the time that you were dating, you undoubtedly struggled with feelings of insecurity. You were extremely careful, but the only reason for this was that you didn't want to damage yourself again. You have a history of unsatisfactory relationships, the majority of which ended with the person you were dating cheating on you. You had many other insecurities as well, especially after seeing her with him. It was you who introduced her to him anyway. She was your friend and someone you trusted, but she betrayed you just like everyone else.
You can vividly recall the day when you first met Kat. In spite of the fact that there was just a three-year age gap between you two, she didn’t care at all how old you were. She was interesting, and she shared your hobbies. What more could you ask for? You two hung out every day and talked until you came to the conclusion that you should invite her over. It was the dumbest thing you’ve ever done. Willy and her connected right away, and without your knowledge, they gave each other their phone numbers and began texting one another every day. It's not like you had a problem with that; it was until they started lying to you and hanging out behind your back. You didn’t blame Willy at first, because Kat was persuasive and her fun demeanour could immediately convince anyone to hang out with her.
ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴡᴇ ᴡᴇʀᴇɴ'ᴛ ᴘᴇʀꜰᴇᴄᴛ, ʙᴜᴛ ɪ'ᴠᴇ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ꜰᴇʟᴛ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴡᴀʏ ꜰᴏʀ ɴᴏ ᴏɴᴇ
ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ꜱᴏ ᴏᴋᴀʏ ɴᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪ'ᴍ ɢᴏɴᴇ
ɢᴜᴇꜱꜱ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅɪᴅɴ'ᴛ ᴍᴇᴀɴ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀᴏᴛᴇ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴍᴇ
'ᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴀɪᴅ ꜰᴏʀᴇᴠᴇʀ, ɴᴏᴡ ɪ ᴅʀɪᴠᴇ ᴀʟᴏɴᴇ ᴘᴀꜱᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ꜱᴛʀᴇᴇᴛ You were aware that the two of you were not perfect. You both went through good times and bad times, and at times the two of you fought to the point where you broke up, but in the end, you always made up. You knew that he was the only person who could make you feel loved and protected for the first time, despite the fact that you occasionally detested him in heated moments such as arguments. You knew deep down that he was the first person you trusted to keep your heart safe in a relationship. You never thought he was interested in someone else, especially someone else who was your friend and whom you also trusted. You guys broke up on seemingly good terms, with him saying that he needed a break because he wanted to focus on his hockey career, and he hoped that he could go pro one day. You were very upset when you guys broke up, even though you kind of knew deep down that you guys would not be getting back together, but in your mind, you still clung onto a little bit of hope that things might change—that he might comeback. That never happened; multiple years passed by, and you tried your best to reach out to him and his family. Just to check up on him, but the number he once had that he used to always call you and text you on was out of service. It wasn't until one day that the thought occurred to you to check out his social media; you would just give a quick check just to see how he'd been, and then you'd never check it again. It was the worst mistake you could’ve ever made. His Instagram was filled with photos of Kat and him. One of the photos shows them smiling in a cafe. At the same cafe that you and Willy would always go to daily, you looked at the date on the photo, and as soon as you did, tears started falling onto the phone. It was the day after you two had ended the relationship. You didn’t know how he could be so okay after just one day. You guys were together for awhile, and you weren’t okay, especially on that day. You isolated yourself inside for weeks, and the only time you emerged into the sunlight was when you unlocked the door to get the food deliveries. Despite this, you weren't doing well even now, especially after learning this information. ᴀɴᴅ ᴀʟʟ ᴍʏ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴛɪʀᴇᴅ
ᴏꜰ ʜᴇᴀʀɪɴɢ ʜᴏᴡ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ɪ ᴍɪꜱꜱ ʏᴏᴜ, ʙᴜᴛ
ɪ ᴋɪɴᴅᴀ ꜰᴇᴇʟ ꜱᴏʀʀʏ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇᴍ
'ᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ᴛʜᴇʏ'ʟʟ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴀʏ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪ ᴅᴏ
ʏᴇᴀʜ, ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ, ɪ ᴅʀᴏᴠᴇ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴜʙᴜʀʙꜱ
ᴀɴᴅ ᴘɪᴄᴛᴜʀᴇᴅ ɪ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴅʀɪᴠɪɴɢ ʜᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ
You were well aware that your close friends were growing tired of hearing you continuously vent about your ended relationship, but they had no idea what you were going through. They've never been in a relationship that lasted more than a few years. You and Will started dating when you were just 14 and split up when you were 18, and here you are, 6 years later, still hurting. You are aware that you should have moved on by now, but you do not want to experience that pain once more, and you know that you will not be able to love in the same manner that you once did in the past. William was the one and only person you've ever loved with such profound intensity, and despite the fact that it may be difficult for you to admit it, you still love him to this day.
You were aware that none of your friends knew William as well as you did. You and he spent your childhoods together and continued to do so until you both reached adulthood together. Your friends never hang out with him outside of planned get-togethers for holidays, such as Christmas or Halloween. There were a few of your friends who spoke to William, but the conversation never went beyond the "just friends" threshold. You knew that even if some of your friends continued to be friends with him to this day, their relationship with him would never be as close as it was between the two of you. When your friends finally spoke about him, all you heard was that an NHL team had allegedly selected him in the draft. This was the only information you received about him. You felt a sense of pride toward him. It was something he never stopped talking about; it was his dream, and he never stopped telling you that he wanted to play in the NHL at some point in his life. You wished you could congratulate him, but you unfortunately couldn't, and you weren’t just going to ask your friends for his new number. You had to forget about him eventually, and you decided to start now.
You made the decision to take one more drive into the city that you had
grown to passionately love. Your mind was making the assumption that you were travelling to his house to see him. The one thing he has always wanted you to do You were going to move on; you just knew it would take a bit longer, especially since you’ve been grieving for a bit.
ʀᴇᴅ ʟɪɢʜᴛꜱ, ꜱᴛᴏᴘ ꜱɪɢɴꜱ
ɪ ꜱᴛɪʟʟ ꜱᴇᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ꜰᴀᴄᴇ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡʜɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴀʀꜱ, ꜰʀᴏɴᴛ ʏᴀʀᴅꜱ
ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ ᴅʀɪᴠᴇ ᴘᴀꜱᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇꜱ ᴡᴇ ᴜꜱᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ɢᴏ ᴛᴏ
'ᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ɪ ꜱᴛɪʟʟ ꜰᴜᴄᴋɪɴ' ʟᴏᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ, ʙᴀʙᴇ (ᴏᴏʜ, ᴏᴏʜ-ᴏᴏʜ, ᴏᴏʜ, ᴏᴏʜ-ᴏᴏʜ)
ꜱɪᴅᴇᴡᴀʟᴋꜱ ᴡᴇ ᴄʀᴏꜱꜱᴇᴅ
ɪ ꜱᴛɪʟʟ ʜᴇᴀʀ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʀᴀꜰꜰɪᴄ, ᴡᴇ'ʀᴇ ʟᴀᴜɢʜɪɴɢ
ᴏᴠᴇʀ ᴀʟʟ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴏɪꜱᴇ
ɢᴏᴅ, ɪ'ᴍ ꜱᴏ ʙʟᴜᴇ, ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴡᴇ'ʀᴇ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ
ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ꜱᴛɪʟʟ ꜰᴜᴄᴋɪɴ' ʟᴏᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ, ʙᴀʙᴇ (ᴏᴏʜ, ᴏᴏʜ-ᴏᴏʜ, ᴏᴏʜ, ᴏᴏʜ-ᴏᴏʜ)
You had another breakdown just a few days after your 25th birthday. You found out about William's recent engagement to Kat from the word of mouth of your other pals. It was the worst possible piece of information that could have come your way. You were unable to hold back your tears the entire day. You made the decision to go for a drive in an effort to put an end to your crying. You always experienced an unanticipated sense of peace whenever you were behind the wheel. You thought the drive could give you the same peace you always experienced, but wherever you looked, you would see and hear him. You hesitated to drive past places you'd been with him, but today was different. Every traffic light and every stop sign, even every sidewalk. You closed your eyes, imagining the good times you'd had with him and how much you wanted them back. You still loved him, and now you know it for sure.
ɪ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴡᴇ ᴡᴇʀᴇɴ'ᴛ ᴘᴇʀꜰᴇᴄᴛ, ʙᴜᴛ ɪ'ᴠᴇ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ꜰᴇʟᴛ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴡᴀʏ ꜰᴏʀ ɴᴏ ᴏɴᴇ
ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇ ʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ꜱᴏ ᴏᴋᴀʏ ɴᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪ'ᴍ ɢᴏɴᴇ
Nobody’s perfect. He wasn’t perfect, and neither were you. You had your bad moments, and so did he. It was what made you guys stronger, but no matter how much effort and time you put into the relationship, it was never bound to work. He was happy now, and so were you. You learned to grow over it, and now you’ll hopefully find someone who makes you as happy as Kat made him. You wished things could’ve been different. Just maybe he could've had some more empathy for your feelings and cared just a little more after the breakup, but you were kind of grateful he didn’t. Because it made you not care about it anymore.
ʏᴇᴀʜ, ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴀɪᴅ ꜰᴏʀᴇᴠᴇʀ, ɴᴏᴡ ɪ ᴅʀɪᴠᴇ ᴀʟᴏɴᴇ ᴘᴀꜱᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ꜱᴛʀᴇᴇᴛ
It was something you'd never expected to do. Your friends suggested you go with them to a hockey game. You hesitated at the thought of it. What if he’s there? But they constantly reassured you that he was not on either of the teams playing tonight. You finally agreed and honestly wished you hadn’t. The moment you arrived at the arena and took your seat, you regretted it. You were sitting on the side where Calgary shoots twice. That means the other team warmups would be on the side you sat, and unfortunately, the seat your friends picked way prior to the start of the season was at the glass. Another big unfortunate thing was that it was the Toronto Maple Leafs. At first, you didn’t know he was on that team. It was not until all the Leafs players came out onto the ice that you saw the number and the last name. 88. You wanted to get out of there, but you couldn’t be rude to your friends, who paid a lot of money to get these seats. You made the quick decision to stay. Since it has been some time, it was possible that he would not recognize you. You also got over him fully two years ago when it was announced that he was engaged, so really, it shouldn’t have been an issue.
The undying fact was that you truly didn’t get over him. That was verified, because you’ve never gotten with anyone since him. You were waiting, and you didn’t entirely know why.
You were retrenched from your thoughts when your friend turned to you to tell you the news that made you stop altogether.
“You know he’s single, right?” JJ, who is one of your best friends, said
“Who?” You asked your first question nothing but shaky. You had a hint as to who she was talking about, but you wished that it wasn’t true.
“Will… You know you guys could finally get back together. He’s been single for a year now, and it looks like Kat and him are fully done.” JJ stated before quickly adding to the conversation. “You should give him another chance.” You didn't even bother to listen to the very end of what she had to say. When you heard this, a portion of you was overjoyed, but on the other hand, you felt anger rising up inside of you. This was a setup, and you had no patience for it. You ought to have seen from the beginning that this was odd. JJ spent the entire day yesterday hooked on her phone. Now everything makes perfect sense. He wanted a second chance, but you were unsure how to deal with it. You wanted to hear his side of the story about why he left. You knew the reason wasn’t just because he wanted to focus on hockey; you knew it was something more than that. You were torn. You still loved him and cared, but did he deserve it?
“You set me up?” You asked, trying your best not to just get up and leave and instead listen to what she has to say.
“He was messaging me yesterday, saying he wanted to talk to you and apologize to you for what he’s done. He really misses and cares about you, and he even said he made a mistake. He really loved you, and he wants everything back. He just misses you.” JJ’s voice was rolling quietly at the last part.
You fell quiet; you had no response to that. You were happy. But you didn’t want to get hurt again. You shook your head in denial before looking at the ice. The number 88 caught your eye multiple times. He knew you were here the moment you made eye contact with him. You felt yourself falling again, this time not tears. Instead, you felt yourself falling in love again. The way he looked at you was nothing but filled with love. It was comforting. He skated around before pressing his back against the glass you were seated in front of. The words Nylander are constantly catching your eye. The last name you’ve always wanted, but now you could maybe have it someday. You turned to JJ, giving her a nod before saying, "Fine, give me his number.” She squealed in excitement, giving you a side hug. You didn’t know it was the best idea to do it, but it was too late now, as you finished typing the numbers into your contact and sent a simple hello. Before turning off your phone,
The rest of the game went by quickly, and unfortunately, Calgary lost 7-3, with Nylander and Matthews both scoring two goals. You weren’t that experienced with the Maple Leafs and only really watched hockey whenever you were bored, and when you did, it was only Calgary and Edmonton that you watched.
After the game ended, you went home. You were hoping to go to bed as it was almost 3 a.m., but a chime from your phone distracted you completely. The text was from Will, and it was only an address. You took a few moments to consider it before making the decision to hop in your car and drive to the place.
You finally arrived at the location. It was definitely a hotel; the multiple-level building was a clear indication of that. You replied to him with a quick message saying “number?” and he quickly shot back a reply with just "1003." You spoke silently to yourself before remembering what happened in the past. You promised yourself that you wouldn’t get hurt again. You knew this could just end in you getting hurt again, and you weren’t ready for it. You already got hurt, and if it happens again, especially by the same person, you will never forgive yourself. You typed a quick message saying, “Sorry, I can’t.” You gave one last look at the building before starting your car again and driving off.
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luvmmarner · 8 months
I got a new computer, so instead of writing on my phone and it suck so bad. I can finally get some editing done for HATE HATE HATE Chapters 1 & 2 & 3, as well as some other works that were left incomplete. There's definitely going to be a post or two today. I don't want to spoil much, but you'll be excited. For those who were wondering. The first official Chapter of HATE HATE HATE will be Thursday if not Thursday then Friday. I'm very excited to share it with you guys, as I spent literally, so long working on it and now I can even extend it more and fix all the errors, I made very easily now.
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luvmmarner · 9 months
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;; Happy Birthday A Road Wife Series One-shot
Table of Contents 
Summary: The team has figured out it’s your birthday, and while you intended to keep your social life and work separate, some of the boys aren’t willing to have to celebrate without them. Players of focus: Anthony Cirelli, Ross Colton, Pat Maroon. Featuring: WAG’s, Alex Killorn, Yanni Gourde, Mathieu Joseph, Original Characters.  Kinks & TW: sex work, infidelity (Pat Maroon), three-way (Anthony Cirelli x Wife x Ross Colton), stolen kisses, jealousy, lingering touches, dirty talk, finger sucking (CAKE!), intoxication, oral sex (male receiving, and female receiving), double (vaginal) penetration, unprotected sex Notes: This one-shot is written as an independent piece and has no influence on the main plot of the Road Wife series. AND HAS BEEN 1 YEAR IN THE MAKING. I can’t believe I’m finally posting this! The character Sydnee is based on the main character of Thankful For Us by @hagelpoint-3821​ . She has graciously let me highjack her for a cameo. Sydnee has the face claim of Daisy Edgar Jones. 3 other original characters also appear Miranda (FC: Nicola Peltz), Chantelle (FC:Barbie Ferrara) and Rebecca (FC: Abigail Cowen).  Also, I used Lily James as the FC for wifie, because if she was an OC that’s who I would use BUT the fic is still written as a reader insert with minimal character description to best keep the reader submersed in the story. The images used were created by me in photoshop.  THIS WORK WAS EDITED BY THE CONCUSSED WRITER. THERE WILL BE ERRORS. Word Count: 15k+
TAGLIST: @mp0625 , @equallyshaw , @charles11700 , @starshine-hockey-girl , @swissboyhisch , @wingedwheelprxncess , @luvmmarner , @fandomrejects , @misunderstoodwerewolf , @callsign-denmark , @puckmaidens , @xcicix
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The air in the taxicab was so thick it felt like you might suffocate as you sat squished between the car door and the slender body of one of your friends. You couldn’t quite remember who you sat beside. Not when the awkward angle you sat in to fit all four of you in the back of the cab had you facing out the window. It opened enough to let in the slightest of breezes when the car was in motion. Even then, the moment the car stopped at a red light, the Florida humidity consumed you and left you sweating. It pooled between your breasts and dripped down the angle of your arm as you tried to sit at such an angle that allowed you to answer your phone. An incoming call had sent it into an insistent buzz. 
Your thumb pressed against the screen before you tried to bring it up to your ear, but Chantelle’s body pressed into your side. You couldn’t bring the phone up to your ear, so you put it on speaker. 
“Where are you guys?” asked Sydnee, from the other side of the call. 
She had to work late and made the trip to the club alone afterwards while you and the rest of your friends had gotten ready together at your apartment. Sydnee had worried she would be late, but judging by the way she raised her voice when she spoke, and the music in the background, she had somehow arrived before you. 
“We’re almost there,” you assured her as you twisted just enough to get Chantelle’s elbow out of your side. Craning your neck towards the window, you looked up at the street signs as the driver blew through an amber light. “We’re a block out. We’ll see you soon.” 
The call ended and you let out a sharp exhale. Chantelle’s elbow dug further into your side and earned a narrow glance back over your shoulder. Someone in the cab had moved and sent a shockwave of grumbles in the backseat as they tried to get comfortable. “Actually,” you sighed, “stop the cab. We’ll walk the rest of the way.”
“What?” Miranda asked. Her brows had become furrowed, the rest of her face falling in disapproval. She'd chosen to wear too-tall heels to the club and hadn’t planned on walking any further than from a table to the bar. Which was something she had been bragging about all night while she was trying to coax her pin-straight blonde hair into a curl. 
“It’s right there,” you pointed a finger out the car window and to the club down the road, “less than a block away. Come on, I’ll help you out.”
The four of you spilled out of the car like a clown car. A humorous sight it must have been to see you stumble over the curb with one hand on the hem of your short dress to keep it from riding up to high. Rising a hand up, you pushed your hair out of your face before you turned around and offered that same hand to Chantelle. She struggled to get out of the car in her miniskirt without giving the patrons on the sidewalk a flash of her bright red panties. Sighing, you helped her the best you could, her heel-clad feet tripping on the curb before she could join you. If it had been anyone else, she would have yelled at you for letting her trip, but Chantelle laughed the entire time.
Rebecca came after her, leaving the cab so effortlessly it almost left you envious. She had been the only one to dress on the particle side. Her heels were more appropriate for the office than a nightclub and her dress, while body-hugging, was down to her knees.
Then came Miranda as she pushed through the back seat and to the open door. Any curl that she had coaxed into her blonde hair had already fallen straight again. But the 4-inch heels strapped around her ankles remained and exited the car first. She looked up at you with her narrowed green eyes and her full pout, completely unimpressed with your decision to walk further than necessary. 
“Suck it up, Princess,” you said, punctuating your sentence with a sigh. 
Suddenly your night felt a lot like working. Hell, you would almost prefer to be working. 
You could have kept your birthday under the radar. Pretend like it never happened, and fuck whoever was on your calendar for the night. Instead, you would drink in a crowded bar and dodge questions about the work you wouldn’t be able to answer. And ultimately, one of your friends would need a babysitter at the end of the night when they would find their face buried in a public toilet. 
You sighed as you draped your arm around Miranda, forcing a smile. Yes, that was exactly what you wanted to do for your birthday. 
Her steps were stuttering as the two of you walked down the street, Chantelle and Rebecca leading the way for you. Chantelle had no issue with crowds. She walked into them and the sea of people always parted for her. Her confidence and sultry - some would say bitchy - gaze left any man to think twice about challenging her as she pushed through the crowd. It was Abigail that followed with her too-kind apologies, her doe eyes looking back at you both to make sure you were keeping up. You could only give her a reassuring wave until you got to the front door and became free of the dead weight that was Miranda in her heels. 
The bouncer greeted you with the cold stamp of invisible ink on the top of your hand. The blare of the dance music met you next, and the force of an embrace knocked the air from your lungs. It was Sydnee. Thank fuck. 
You clung to her. Your best friend. Your lifeline. She alone would be the reason you got through the night. Smiling, you drew back, holding her still as she smiled, “Happy birthday!”
It earned a series of cheers from your friends and the surrounding crowd. Skin blazing hot from the sudden attention, you shrugged your shoulders up and made yourself small. The night had only just begun, and you already wanted to hide away. To recoil to the outskirts of the room and sip on a drink until the girls had decided their night was over. But it wouldn’t be that easy, not on your birthday. 
The night officially began with a series of shots, each one burning its way down your throat and leaving you wincing. You had taken one from each of your friends, some sweet and others enough to remind you of the hangovers of the past. But you didn’t reject them. You couldn’t. Not when your friends were so insistent. Not when you would need the buzz to get through the night. 
The buzz left you positively numb as if you floated through the busy club. You accepted each drink as your friends ordered them for you with a smile. And followed them wherever they ran off to and did your best to answer the questions they threw your way about work. Work. The oh-so-secretive thing that kept you out of their lives. They pressed, and they pried, hoping that the drink would loosen your tongue, but you had already paced yourself and it kept you sharp. You dodged each question with calculated words, hesitating only a few seconds before answering. And when the questions backed you into the corner, you offered them a sweet smile and cocked your head as you spoke. “I think I need another drink.”
You would disappear to the bar, taking a moment alone to ease the racing of your heart and the panic in your mind. You would ask the bartender for water, and chug it at the bar top before taking a virgin cocktail back to the table. But it didn’t play out perfectly every time. Sometimes someone would follow you, desperate for another drink themselves - but this time you stood alone and checked your phone. The notifications made your entire body stiffen.
Seven missed calls. All of them were from one number that wasn’t saved on your personal phone, but you recognized it instantly. Cirelli. 
Cursing, you arched over the bar, your stomach doing backflips as you considered listening to the seven messages he had left. But before you could, the phone was vibrating in your hand. He was calling again. 
You answered it. 
You pressed your phone firmly to your ear. It almost didn’t sound like it was ringing with the base of the music rumbling through your form. You pushed to the back near the washrooms where it was just quiet enough to hear what would be the last agonizing ring before voicemail. Then, you answered it and a choir of voices to met your ear. They spoke to one another, and you couldn’t quite hear what they were saying. Cirelli hushed the rushed and excited words on the other end of the call. 
“Tony?” you half shouted. Could he hear you? Or had the surrounding chaos had drowned you out? 
“It’s the birthday girl!” Tony called out to those in his company, earning a series of cheers through the phone. 
“Tony,” you groaned, “whatever you’re doing, please just don’t. I’m here with my friends I can’t-”
“The play’s already in motion,” he told you. You could hear the smile in his voice. 
“Well, I’m not telling you where I am,” you told him stubbornly, voice firm as you crossed an arm over your chest. 
“You don’t have to,” Cirelli chimed, “we will be there in five-”
The line went dead and pulled away from your phone with furrowed brows and pouted lips. Looking over your phone notifications, you sighed. Miranda had tagged you in an image on Instagram. Groaning, you clicked on the notification, a picture of you at the bar with your friends, and of course, Miranda had her location settings on. 
Tucking your phone into your clutch, you moved through the bar with quick strides. It was only the crowds of people that slowed you down as you met Miranda at the bar, your hand taking hold of her shoulder to turn her around. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” you sighed as her confusion met you, “you’re posting things? We agreed back at my place that we wouldn’t post anything until tomorrow?”
“That’s what you’re upset about?” she scoffed, bringing her drink to her lips for a long sip. “it’s just one picture. I think you need to have another drink and relax-”
“One picture with your location services turned on,” you pointed out, a hand raising to wave down the bartender - she had gotten one thing right, you needed another drink. 
“What’s the big deal? You’ve never gotten worked up like this before-”
You also never had 20 grown men as lovers before. Some were closer to you than others and were in your closer social circle - one of which was a local influencer - and it had only taken one of them seeing that post for an unknown number of them to flock to the bar. 
You took your drink from the bartender, sliding him some cash before bringing the cold glass to your lips and drinking until it was empty. Miranda watched with wide eyes, their head cocking to the side and a brow raising. She had never seen you like this before.
“Some of my-” you hesitated for a moment “coworkers,” yeah, that was the right word, “saw the post and they’re on their way here-” 
“That’s great! You never talk about work, and it’s been keeping you from us for so long. Only fair that we meet the people responsible for it,” she was wearing a smile as she stepped back from the bar, “I’ll go see if I can find us a table. How many of them are you expecting?”
“I have no idea,” you sighed, your head falling as you raised your hand up to order another drink. 
The bartender couldn’t reach you before a pair of muscular arms wrapped around you. You were breathless as you looked back, startled. You should have been relieved to see the familiar face of Alex Killorn, but it left your heart pounding. 
Just how many of the guys did Cirelli tell?
Alex picked you up with ease, your arms wrapping around him carefully, and he spun you around a single time as he spoke. “Found the birthday girl!”
He placed a kiss against the top of your head as he placed you back on the ground, only to be met with a hug from another. She was a petite blonde and unbelievably pretty. It was Tiffany Killorn’s girlfriend. You had only met her once or twice in passing, yet she wore excitement on her face as she hugged you tight. 
“Why didn’t you tell anyone it was your birthday?” she asked you as she drew back, her hands resting on your forearms endearingly. “We would have planned to do something special!”
“I-” you stuttered slightly, “I wasn’t really planning on doing anything, but my friends dragged me out.” Yeah, that sounded like a legitimate excuse. 
Tiffany pulled back as Killorn waved down the rest of the team that flooded in. It wasn’t the entire team, but there were more of them than you would have liked. 
“Don’t you guys have anything better to do?” You kept your words light-hearted as Mathieu came in for a one-armed hug, followed by birthday greetings from Yanni and Marie, and Pat and Francesca, who lingered near the back of the group and wore wide grins. Cirelli and Ross were at the back of the pack, but it didn’t stop them from pushing their way forward. Cirelli hugged you tightly, and you returned it, your fingers wrinkling the back of his black t-shirt. 
“I tried to get more of the guys to come out, but it was pretty last minute,” he apologized, her hand stroking over the length of your bare skin before coming to rest at the small of your back. 
“I told you not to come,” you muttered, with no intention of letting him go just yet. 
“I know,” he smiled as he drew back just enough to look down at you, “but did you really think we would miss it after we found out?”
“That’s why I was counting on no one finding out,” you said pointedly, holding his gaze, one that was warm and welcome and they were very close to making you change your mind about being upset with your friend about the team finding out. 
“Alright buddy,” Ross smirked, “gotta give the rest of us our turn.” He cut in, earning a chuckle from Cirelli, who stepped back to give Ross room. 
His bright eyes gave you a look from face to feet and back up again. “Absolutely stunning, sweetheart,” he grinned, as he stepped in and wrapped his arms around you. His hands were careless, resting shamelessly over the swell of your ass in the middle of the crowded nightclub before he pulled back and fell back into the crowd of his teammates that were ordering their drinks at the bar. 
Reaching back to the bar, you thanked the bartender who brought you your drink, sliding him cash, only for Killorn to come up beside you along the bar. “That’s not all you’re drinking, is it?” He raised a brow. 
You nodded slowly. You only had a few days off and you weren’t planning on ruining one of them with a hangover.
“I don’t think I can allow that,” Killorn smirked. He had his credit card in hand, sliding it over to one of the eager female bartenders that were eager to serve him. Leaning over the bar, he muttered in her ear. She nodded along with each of his words before pointing out and off into the bar. 
“What did you do?” You crossed both your arms over your chest, your head cocking to the side, unimpressed. 
“Ordered a few bottles. She’s going to have some girls bring them up to the table upstairs,” Killer explained, and you let out an annoyed sigh. This was exactly why you didn’t want them around. They were going to flaunt their money around, spend it when you didn’t need their charity - that and it was going to be very difficult to remain professional with the alcohol already flooding through your veins. 
“You shouldn’t have done that,” you signed. You grasped your glass a little tighter, “you didn’t have to…”
“I know,” Killer sighed, an arm wrapping around your shoulder, “but you are family now, get used to it. So, go find your friends and bring them upstairs-”
His arm slipped from you like a feather boa, and you hesitated. Your feet felt like they were stuck in cement that held you in place. You contemplated running off to your friends and hiding, but knew that someone would persist and find you. Then there was option two: hailing a cab and going home alone because your two worlds were colliding and you didn’t know how to balance the person you used to be with the person you have become - but you were going to have to learn fast. 
Pushing through the bar with a drink in hand, you find your friends near the back of the bar, the only table they could find in the back by the bathrooms, with only two vacant seats to spare. You reached out for Sydnee’s arm, grasping it and her attention with a gentle touch. One that also drew the attention of the rest of your friends. “I ran into my friends from work. They got us a table upstairs-”
“Upstairs?” Sydnee called out over the loud music, but even then it was a struggle to hear her, “in the VIP lounge? You must have some fancy friends-”
“You could say that,” you sighed, “come on, let’s head up and I’ll introduce you.”
Taking hold of Sydnee’s hand, you lead the way through the bar and towards the winding staircase. You hadn’t even thought of trying to get access to the lounge earlier, and it left your stomach full of butterflies with each careful stride. When you reached the top, a bouncer who wore a face of hardened intimidation met you. But his stern look faded when Pat came to meet you at the landing. Pat’s hand met the bouncer’s back, patting it casually as if they were long-time friends - it must have been a perk of being a local celebrity known for their many championships. 
“They’re with us,” Pat assured, a hand reaching out for your free hand to guide you towards the table - but the tug of Sydnee left your fingers slipping from his like silk ribbon and back into the small cluster of bodies that were your awestruck friends. 
“You didn’t tell us your work friend was Pat-fucking-Maroon,” Miranda hissed in your ear, and it sent your stomach sinking. There it was, another reason this was a horrible idea. If they couldn’t handle the teddy bear of a man that was Pat, they couldn’t handle sitting down at a table with the rest of the team that had shown up. But it was her follow-up question that was enough to leave you feeling sick: “Is Brayden Point here?”
Your eyes fluttered with annoyance. Of course, she would ask for Brayden. 
“No, he’s not,” you bit out, “and for the record, he’s married.” Oh, how toxic and hypocritical those words felt on your own tongue. Most of the team was married, and you had slept with them all. “Now, be cool, okay? I work with these guys-”
“Sorry, sorry, we’re cool,” Sydnee assured, “it’s just that when you said friends from work, we assumed you meant like the people you worked with in the office, not, well, you know, the players.” She was wearing an excited grin now as she tried to peer around you to the booth where they waited. 
“Your job must be so fucking cool,” Rebecca said under her breath as you moved for the table. 
Your lips curled into a half smile as the players, and their wives, came into view. “Yeah, my job can be pretty cool,” you smiled as you came to the table. “Guys, these are my friends, Sydnee, Miranda, Rebecca, and Chantelle.” You kept the introductions simple, a desperate attempt to keep your personal life separate from your work life as much as possible. You turned to your friends and offered a smile. “I’m sure you guys recognize everyone. So I won’t waste my breath.”
Bodies shifted in the booth, wives nearly sitting in the laps of their husbands to make room for you and your friends. Placing your glass on the table, you moved to sit down beside Sydnee, when you felt a pair of large hands grasp at your hips. The hold casually drew you back to the other side of the table. It was Pat guiding you back to sit alongside him and Francesca in the booth - where Francesca was already pouring you a glass of champagne. 
“No, no,” Alex cut in, sliding a large bottle across the table, “she doesn’t need a glass. This one is all hers.”
“Alex!” you gasped, a hand reaching out to take hold of the neck of the bottle. It was possibly the most expensive liquor you had ever held in your hands. “You’re joking?”
“You’re not allowed to go home until it’s empty,” he told you with a grin. Killorn wasn’t like any of the other guys. Sure, the two of you had shared your moments, but tonight he felt like the older sibling you had never had but always wanted - one that was going to spoil you but make sure you were just the right amount of irresponsible on your special day. 
“I won’t be going home, I’ll be leaving in an ambulance,” you laughed as you lowered the bottle back down onto the table. 
You looked through the darkness for something to open the bottle with, but you wouldn’t need it, not with Pat around. His large hand rested against your thigh, positioning you so that your legs hung out over the edge of the booth’s seat. He turned with you, his legs on each side of yours as his arms came around each side of your body. You could feel his warmth on almost every part of you, even as he reached for the large bottle and held it out in front of you. 
“Alright, both hands,” Pat spoke, his voice gruff in your ear. 
You were beaming as you wrapped your hands around the bottle’s neck, feeling the wet condensation against your palms. 
“Ready, Sugar?” you nodded slowly, leaning back into her chest as her hands came to rest over yours. Carefully he guided your hands to the cork, his thumb pressing with yours against it until it came free with a pop, sending champagne bubbles down the bottle’s neck and onto your hands. 
Your friends shrieked from the other side of the table and Pat’s laugh was loud in your ear as he unwrapped his body from around yours, and returned his arm to its rightful place around his wife’s shoulders - and when he noticed a certain look in her eye, he leaned in and placed a gentle kiss to her temple. 
Your stomach knotted. You shouldn’t have let Pat do that. While you flooded with guilt, you remained seated beside them - there would be nothing more suspicious than making someone move for you to sit elsewhere. Simmering in your anxieties, you brought the glass bottle to your lips and took a drink. You sipped the bottle of Moët & Chandon, taking no time to enjoy the intense fruity flavours on your tongue. No - this wasn’t a drink you needed to enjoy, not if you were going to get through the night. You needed to be drunk, and the buzz from the shots was already gone - and the drinks that you had gotten from the bar had been nowhere enough - that’s what you got for being responsible and eating dinner before you left. 
The conversation was a mess around you. You had to lean across the table to talk with your friends, and even then you were shouting. Cirelli, Colton, and Joseph were at the back of the booth, everybody in your way kept you from exchanging more than a look of longing - and you fell in a fit of jealousy as you watched each of your friends take their shot at the players.
Rebecca had leaned in close to Cirelli, her hands resting on the tabletop, fidgeting with one another as she spoke in a hushed tone. You took a drink, knowing all too well that she was waiting for just the right moment to slip her hand beneath the cover of the table to touch his thigh the moment he shared any interest in her. 
Miranda, she had eyes for Ross, and you couldn’t blame her. He had won you over with nothing more than a smile, and it wouldn’t take much more than a glance to take Miranda home for the night. 
Then there was Chantelle, who found a seat next to Mathieu. His arm rested casually around her shoulders, his nose pressed against her cheek as whispered in her ear. There was no doubt in your mind that she would go home with him before the end of the night. 
Sydnee was the only one of your friends who hadn’t turned into a complete vulture in the presence of the players. She sat directly across from you, and spoke with the players and their wives, her sweet smile meeting you once in a while. Her eyes were bright, flooded with excitement. She was star-struck and enjoying every minute of it, and so you left her.
Marie, Francesca, and Tiffany became your primary source of entertainment, and while their conversation was welcoming, it left you feeling disjointed. These women were not your friends. They may have greeted you with kindness, but they had sought you out for the position of Road Wife and bound you to their contract. They were above all else your employers and you feared that by having them there with their husbands and boyfriends, their faith in your ability to keep things professional would waiver. 
Anxiety bubbled in your stomach like the sweet bubbles of your champagne that was already half empty. Your mind was slipping into the airy daze of drunkenness again when you felt a careful hand caress the skin of your back. You perked up in your seat, looking up for a moment to meet Francesca’s. She was trying to make her way out of the booth. 
“I’m sorry,” you muttered, a single hand supporting you against the table as you moved to get out of her way - you could still stand. You weren’t as drunk as you craved to be just yet. 
Her hand didn’t leave your back as she move past you, a sweet smile on her lips as she spoke, “We were going to dance, you and your friends should join us.” 
Sydnee was quick to accept the offer, jumping out of her seat and ready to lead the way. She loved to dance more than anyone you knew, and you were ready to watch her go, but she had seen your hesitation. “Come on Birthday Girl!” she said, her words encouraging as she reached out her hand. 
You knew better than you decline it. 
Gripping her hand, you followed her out onto the dancefloor and did your best to coax a smile onto your lips. Together, you and Sydnee lead your party out onto the dancefloor and lost yourselves in the crowd and in the music. 
The lights blurred into one on the dancefloor, leaving you aglow in a brilliant shade of violet. Then blue and pink before turning to purple again in tandem with the beat of the loud music that thundered in your ears. You could feel every vibration of the base through your body, and when it mixed with the buzz of the alcohol that consumed you, it left you feeling numb. Your body moved in time with the music, the room moving almost in slow motion as your arms raised up, your fingers tangling into your hair. The wives of girlfriends danced around you and Sydnee, your bodies bumping and grazing against your own with each movement, but you could barely feel it. Not as you lost yourself in your own mind, and not as you looked back at the table where Rebecca and Miranda had remained. 
They had rejected the invitation to dance - unlike Chantelle, who was grinding up against Mathieu without a care of who lay eyes on her. They remained in the booth with drinks and their hands and their attention fully devoted to the players that shied away from the dance floor. Acid crept up your throat as you watched Rebecca’s hand drop below the table. You were sure her nimble fingers were encroaching on the thick expanse of Tony’s thigh. And you bit your lip, ready to tear your eyes away from the sight, when Miranda leaned into Ross. He wore that smile he often wore for you and was laughing, but you couldn’t hear it, and it only made his smile grow as  Cirelli put his arm around Ross’ shoulders.
Your heart ached in your chest, and your eyes burned. You had no right to feel that way. Not when they had no claim on you, and you on them. They could entertain themselves, and sleep with whoever they pleased - and that included your friends - and you had the freedom to sleep with anyone on the roster, as long as you played by the rules. You had accepted that.
The beat dropped, and you stumbled your way into a Kygo song, and into someone’s arms. They were thick, warm, and familiar. You clung to that familiarity desperately, your hands finding brawny forearms before you looked up to find your source of comfort: Maroon. 
Pat had been dancing with Francesca when he had noticed your distant gaze. He held you carefully, the bodies on the dancefloor dancing around you two as you stood still in its center. He smiled down at you gently, leaning in to speak into your ear; “looks like you need a distraction.”
He couldn’t be more right. You nodded slowly, blinking back the tears that had threatened to spill, and your mind found a moment of peace. You could always count on Pat being there for you. 
His large hand travelled down the length of your arm to take your hand. He raised it slowly, spinning you around so that your back was to him. Pat then took hold of your hips, holding you close to his body as you both lost yourselves in the music. 
You didn’t notice Francesca’s disapproving eyes as she danced with Tiffany nearby, nor did you see the event unfold at the table. 
Hell, you tried not to think about the table at all. But back in the booth, Cirelli’s hand wrapped firmly around his glass. His grip was so tight that his knuckles paled. He had never been much of a dancer without a partner, so he hadn’t rushed to the floor - but he was quickly regretting it. It had left him with the unwanted attention of your friends - but at least he had Ross. He was his lifeline as Rebecca continued her advances, her hand moving over his jeans and squeezing his leg just above his knee. Cirelli had been taking a sip of his drink when that had happened, and he had near choked on it - earning a laugh from Ross who needed it as Miranda was vying so desperately for his attention. 
They were both caught between two desperate women when they had wanted nothing more than to enjoy the view. Cirelli shifted in his seat, a little closer to Ross than he thought he would be comfortable with, to put greater distance between himself and Rebecca. Then he nodded out towards the dance floor. Ross’ eyes were quick to follow his direction. You were dancing with Pat, a smile splayed out on your lips and a contagious laugh leaving Pat as the two of you moved over the dance floor. The two of you were having far too much fun for his liking, and judging by the look on Francesca’s face, she was less than approving. 
“Should we go cut in?” Cirelli muttered to Ross before taking a long sip of his drink. 
“Well, we can’t fight him,” Ross sighed. If it had been anyone else, Ross would have decked the guy for grinding up against you like that. 
With no excuses, Ross and Cirelli stood up from the table and pushed past those who stood in their way until they could reach you out on the dance floor. 
Your eyes shot open at the touch other another’s body against your own, your lips parting as you let out a startled breath, “Tony?”
“Let’s go get you another drink, Big Rig,” Ross took Pat by the arm, leading him back towards the table, leaving you and Tony on the crowded dance floor. 
“Are my friends not satisfactory company for you?” You quirked a brow up at him and let his hands move over your curves as his body moved with yours and the music. 
“Were you keeping an eye on me?” Cirelli muttered against your hair, his long fingers wrinkling your dress over your thighs. 
“Why would I be?” your voice almost broke. 
He didn’t answer that, his gaze shifting off for a moment before returning to you. “You know, you’ve been putting on quite a show for everyone out here-”
“Have I?”
“Yeah, you and Pat-”
“Fuck-” you cussed, your eyes quickly trying to find Francesca who you found had abandoned Tiffany to join Ross and Pat back at the booth. “I wasn’t- I- I’m so stupid. How bad was it?” You hung your head on your shoulders and shut your eyes tight. 
“Hey,” Tony’s words were a hot breath against your cheek, “don’t say that. It wasn’t bad, really. Pat was just enjoying himself way too much.” He took your chin between his thumb and forefinger, tipping your head back up so that you would look at him. “Really, you did us all a favour dancing with him like that.”
“So you came out here to stop me from making a fool of myself, that’s it?”
“I came out here to stop Pat from doing something that would hurt his marriage,” Cirelli shook his head slowly, “and it’s finally given me a moment alone with you.”
The crowd has swallowed you both, the view of the table gone and all your friends and his teammates lost in the crowd now. Since he had arrived that night, you were stuck pretending to be the woman your friends thought you were. All the while, the team and their wives knew you were someone a little more complicated than that. Hell; you hadn’t yourself a moment to enjoy yourself but now, in Cirelli’s hold, it felt like you were the only two people in the room and it put you at ease.
His fingers traced up the angle of your jaw slowly, and up to rest his palm over your cheek. “I’ve been wanting to do this all night,” he told you as his forehead met yours. His warm, brown eyes looked into yours before they fell to stare at your lips. “Happy Birthday,” he muttered your own name against your lips before he met yours in a firm kiss. You could taste the alcohol on his tongue, and his fingers threatening to tangle in your tresses before he pulled back, breathless. 
Your hands grasped at his shirt, your lips slightly parted as you craved to taste more of him, but he did not grant you such satisfaction. Not with the room roaring around you. Your face flushed with colour as you looked over the dance floor, his sweet birthday kiss seeming to have gone unseen. 
“Tony-” You bit at your bottom lip, you wanted him, “maybe we could-”
Tony didn’t give you the opportunity to finish your sentence. Instead, he cut in with his quick words, “Let’s head back to the table. I have a surprise for you.”
Standing still in the middle of the dancefloor, your face fell. “Tony, I don’t want it,” you sighed. 
“You don’t even know what it is,” he said, countering you as his hand found your back. 
His touch sent your heart racing, forcing you to take a sharp inhale to calm it. But there was no stopping how your body ached for him, and the alcohol only intensified your longing. You had half the mind just to clasp into his arm, to anchor him in place on the dancefloor and whisper all the things you wanted him to do to you in his ear. Maybe then he would forget this surprise he had for you. Yet, you were fluid. His touch so effortlessly guided you back towards the table and you moved with him, flowing with no resistance. You let Tony usher you back into the booth, waiting for you to shift into your place before disappearing. And with him went Ross, leaving you with your friends as they settled back into the table. 
The drinking and the dancing were taking their toll on them. Their makeup running, as you are sure your own was as well, their feet sore and complaints falling from their lips. But Miranda didn’t complain that her feet were too sore, and Chantelle wasn’t complaining that her skirt didn’t cover her ass when she sat down. No, they were attention-starved. Chantelle couldn’t wait until the night was over, desperate to go home with Mathieu, whose hands hadn’t once left her body since they had first sat in the booth together. And on the opposite side of it all were Miranda and Rebecca, who sat across from you, defeated. 
“Hey,” Rebecca called across the table to you, her voice raised only just enough for you to hear, “is Anthony not single?”
You wanted to throw up at the question, bile burning in the back of your throat. There was no right answer to the question. Not when you spent so many nights on the road in his room. In his bed. When he spent those nights between your legs. 
You groaned, your cheeks red hot as you reached for your bottle of champagne. The sip flooded your mouth with bubbles, your mind focusing on their burning fizz. And before you could answer Becca, Miranda had questions of her own. 
“And what about Ross?” Miranda asked, her hand raising to toy with her hair. She twirled the platinum strands as she craned her neck, her gaze searching for him in the crowd. 
“They won’t even flirt with us,” Becca pouted, and a part of you felt bad for her. She was a sweet girl with long auburn hair and freckled cheeks. Any man would be lucky to have her, but Ross and Tony? They were yours. 
“Maybe they’re gay,” Miranda thought out loud, earning a laugh from Mathieu who sat in earshot. 
His laugh drew Miranda’s attention, the stare of her eyes like two narrow daggers being thrown at him. “What’s so funny?” She scoffed, as if the pair of them being homosexual had to be the only reason they wouldn’t be interested in her. 
Mathieu held up both of his hands, a silent surrender. “The boys, they are spoken for,” Mathieu told them, his eyes falling on you for a fraction of a second. Lingering just long enough to give you some reassurance, but not enough to direct Miranda’s attention to you. 
And while Miranda’s eyes failed to find you, Sydnee’s eyes had. You offered her a shrug and zero explanation, your mouth coming down to kiss the champagne bottle again. You took two long and desperate sips that left you teetering on the edge of your buzz and blacking out. And when your lips fell free, you had no time to talk because the table was falling into a familiar tune. 
Happy Birthday filled the air, your heart fluttering with embarrassment as you twisted around and came to face Tony and Ross, who carried an oversized cake in. How they had convinced the bar staff to put it aside for you, you didn’t know. And you almost wished they had shut them down because the singing and the candles were too much. It drew in too much attention from your friends who were already skeptical, and even more attention from strangers who sung along. 
It was a struggle to move through the crowd and to get the cake settled on the cluttered table. But with time, it met the table in front of you, sending you a glow in the candlelight. And Ross and Tony settled in beside you, one on each side to trap you between their frames. 
Holding your hair back, you leaned in and blew out the candles that were scattered over the top of the cake. It earned a cheer from those in your company, spreading a smile over your features. You couldn’t remember the last time you had a birthday like this, with friends all around you, cheering, drunk and happy. A hand raised up, hiding your smile as you looked over the table. There were no plates, no utensils. The boys had thought to bring the cake, but had nothing to eat it with. You laughed to yourself. How typical. 
You looked to your friends across the table, shrugging your shoulders as you sat there humoured and clueless. The call of your name from beside you drew you from the atmosphere of the club and the table to Ross as he reached out for the cake with his bare hand to grab a reasonable chunk of cake. Your eyes went wide, your lips parting in shock at the prospect of him feeding you in front of everyone. You leaned back, laughing as you protested him. Your back met Cirelli’s chest, and you could feel his hands on your waist just below the plains of the tabletop. You could feel the heat of his words on the back of your neck before you heard them, the music reducing them to a mere whisper of encouragement. 
“You don’t have to be shy about it,” he said. “Enjoy yourself. Eat the damn cake.”
Glancing back through your lashes, you could see the half smile on Cirelli’s face. It was a smile that grew as you sat up straight. You let out a shy laugh, your cheeks flooding with colour as you leaned in to welcome the large piece of cake that Ross held in his hands. 
“Happy Birthday, sweetheart,” Ross said as he wore that all too familiar grin of his as he leaned in close. 
He was going to enjoy this. 
His hand came up to your mouth carefully and guided the cake inside. It wasn’t without a mess. The piece of cake was far too much for your mouth. It left your lips with a thin layer of frosting, and crumbs tumbled down onto your chest. Ross was playful and guided in each mouthful of cake until only icing remained on his fingers. But that didn’t mean he was about to stop. He held your gaze, with that sparkle in his eyes that always meant trouble, as he brought his two fingers to your mouth. He slipped them between your lips and did not stop until his fingers were knuckle-deep. You were to suck his fingers clean. 
Your cheeks were red hot as you obliged, your hand coming up to hold his hand and slowly guide it back out of your mouth. The team and their wives cat-called and cheered, urging the two of you on - you could even hear Cirelli behind you, his hands still on your waist and giving you a reassuring squeeze - and you almost choked, a heat flooding your body straight through to your core, as you swore you could hear Tony mutter, “you take his fingers so well,” in your ear. 
You laughed when your hand finished guiding Ross’ fingers free and reached a hand up to wipe the frosting from your lips, only for Ross to push it out of the way effortlessly. “What-” You couldn’t finish a single word before his hand was on your cheek, drawing you in for a messy, open-mouthed kiss that was sugary sweet. 
You had thought the team had been loud before. They were thunderous now. Yanni threw both his arms up in the air, spilling half of his beer as he did so. Killorn watched with a grin and wide eyes - he hadn’t expected that to happen. Their wives let out excited cheers of their own. With so many eyes watching you, you hadn’t intended to return the kiss fully, but Cirelli’s encouraging hand stroking your lower back had you leaning in, your hands reaching up to run over Ross’ chest slowly to draw him in further. Ross kissed you playfully, his hand reaching around to the breadth of your back to draw you in nearer - grazing against Cirelli's hand as he did so. You were nearly in his lap when he drew back from you, his troublemaking gaze flickering over your features before you both fell into laughter. 
Looking across the table, there was a mix of emotions. The team and their wives were urging you both on. It was no secret that the two of you enjoyed more than other’s company from time to time. Of the team, Pat was the only exception. He wore no look of excitement, hell; he wore no expression at all, but there was no hiding the pain in his eyes as he averted his gaze from you and Ross. Your brows nearly furrowed at his response, but became distracted by your friends. Chantelle, Rebecca and Miranda were not wearing the same excitement as Sydnee and the rest of those in your company. No, they looked disgusted. 
Miranda’s eyes met yours. Those daggers once directed to Mathieu were stabbing into you. Her chest rose and fell in shallow breaths, her green eyes heavy with envy as her fingers coiled around her glass so tightly you thought it might shatter. And then her voice hit you, her tone sharp and bitter. “I need to freshen up.”
Fuck. You thought and slipped out from the touch of Cirelli’s hands that just started their exploration of the expanse of your thigh. Then, you excused yourself past Ross, who had no issue with your rear brushing up against him as you slipped past. You offered soft words to them both as you came to the edge of the booth. “I’m going to go with her.” 
You could still feel the frosting and crumbs on your chest threatening to spill down onto your dress - and you surely couldn’t spend the rest of your night covered in cake. You left the table alone, your smile wavering as you chased after Miranda as she moved to the bathroom at the back of the club. 
Her steps were careful and clumsy like a baby deer, making it easy to reach her as you called out her name. But she didn’t stop until she was almost at the bathroom door. The amber glow of the bathroom lights lit up Miranda’s features, which were twisted into a scowl. 
“What was that?” she bit out as she came to stand near toe-to-toe with you. 
Your smile began to waiver, you didn’t like the tone she was using with you. It was harsh and judgmental. “What was what?”
She scoffed at you, her eyes rolling. “Don’t play dumb. You know exactly what I’m talking about. The cake.”
“We’re just having a good time-” you tried to defend, but she was quick to cut in. 
“You just let that guy put his fingers in your mouth!”
Ross had practically shoved his tongue down your throat and this was what she was concerned about? You raised a hand to your forehead and pinched the bridge of your nose as you let out a heavy sigh. It was typical of Miranda to act this way. You loved her to bits, but when she didn’t get what she wanted - tonight she had chosen Ross - and you did, she made sure you would suffer for it. You just wish she had enough respect not to do it on your own fucking birthday. 
“Well,” you thought for a moment, a chuckle almost slipping from your lips - if she had only known what else he had done to you, “he had cake on-”
Miranda cut in again. “Guys from work don’t just shove their fingers into your mouth,” she said, and you could have sworn she stomped her foot like a toddler throwing a fit. “Guys from work don’t kiss you in the middle of the dance floor, and they sure as hell don’t show up to a club uninvited and buy the whole table bottle service.” She nearly grimaced as she looked back at the table. 
“Just how many of them are you sleeping with?” 
All of them. 
You had to fight back a knowing smile that threatened to creep up onto your features. Instead, you forced a look of disgust. “I don’t like what you’re suggesting,” you said. “Those men back there, they love their wives and their families. For you to think I sleep with any of them because they came out here to celebrate with me on my fucking birthday is disgusting.” 
You leaned in close, “Jealousy doesn’t look good on you, Randa. Did you think I wouldn’t notice you throwing yourself at Ross all night? He’s a good-looking guy, so I can’t blame you. But for you to come at me like this because of what happened back at the table,” you scoffed, “I thought you were my friend.” Your chest ached, and you wanted hers to feel the same, “but you couldn’t have made it more clear what you think of me, so I will tell you one thing - he is amazing in bed.”
Miranda’s eyes went wide and you could only fully appreciate them as you pulled back with a smirk on your lips. You watched as her lips parted. She was struggling to find the words to say until she blurted out, “When did you turn into such a slut?”
Slut. That word stung a lot less when Cirelli whispered it into your ear before he fucked you. 
You hid your hurt with a laugh, your head shaking from side to side slowly as you spoke. “You may think I’m a slut for what I did there, but you’ve always been a bitch. Now, go home, Miranda, because I can assure you not a single one of those players wants to fuck you and I’m done letting you ruin my goddamn birthday.”
Leaving Miranda in the bathroom, you returned to the table. Those who had the stomach for it ate the cake, and then the crowd began to thin. Pat and Francesca had said their goodbyes and left before you could return. Yanni and Marie followed suit - but unlike Francesca, Marie had insisted they stay just long enough to say goodbye. Mathieu and Chantelle had disappeared, too. Back to her place or his, you didn't know, but you were sure you were going to hear about it the next morning. Hell, she may even thank you for it, but you wouldn’t receive shut gratitude from Miranda or Rebecca. Not with the glare Miranda gave you as she came back to the table just long enough to grab her clutch and Becca before the two of them called it a night without saying a word. 
It wasn’t long until it was just you, Sydnee, Ross, Tony, Killer and Tiffany that remained. The calm that came with the smaller group was welcome, but it didn’t rid you of the heavy feeling in your stomach. The night had been long, and its events were completely unexpected. You wanted nothing but to go home, to forget the drama that consumed your night, but first, you needed to finish your champagne. 
Any sense of sobriety you may have had was gone by the time you stumbled out of the club and onto the city sidewalk. The cool night air was a welcome feeling on your face, easing the heat on your skin that came with your intoxication. The world seemed to spin around you, the ground feeling uneven beneath your feet. Each step you took along the sidewalk was cautious and careful, your arms outstretched to keep yourself steady, but it didn’t stop the heel of your shoe from catching the sidewalk. You were tripping before you could realize it, the daze of drink heavily on your mind and numbed your body. You may not have been able to feel the ground as you hit it, either. That was if a pair of hands hadn’t been quick to save you. 
“Careful,” Tony said as his hands gripped each of his shoulders to keep you upright. 
“I’m okay,” you promised, but his hands didn’t leave you. 
His touch travelled down the length of your arms, a burning tingle left in its wake before his hand splayed over the small of your back to guide you to the curb. The two of you stood there, waiting as the last-call crowd left the bar and flooded the street. Pressing up onto your toes, you teetered in place and looked over the crowd. You waved to Killorn when you spotted him, your smile splayed when he returned it. You had half the mind to run to him. To give him and Tiffany both a hug, but Tony’s touch kept you in place. He was your gravity. 
Not even spotting Sydnee in the crowd could draw you from him. Especially when she was wearing that look. Her face twisted, frustrated, her brows furrowed and her lips pressed firm together as she tried to navigate through the crowds to get to you. And when she did, she was far from impressed. Her tone was sharp as she said your name, and she punctuated it with a heavy sigh. “For fuck’s sake, I thought I lost you in there.”
You shook your head slowly, a stupid smile splaying over your own lips as you leaned into Tony. Your arms wrapped around him, your face was so close to his neck you were challenged by the temptation of leaning in to kiss his pulse point that thundered with every beat of his heart. It was taking everything bit of the little self-control you had left not to indulge yourself in him. Fuck, you wanted him. You had wanted him all night-
“There you guys are!” Ross’ words broke your train of thought, drawing your gaze from Tony’s pulse point and to him as he joined the three of you on the curb. 
You licked your lips slowly, and you swore you could still taste cake on them, though he had kissed them clean. You wanted him too. 
But you wouldn’t have them. Not with Sydnee’s insistence. 
“I need to get you home,” she said, her words a breathy sigh. It was late, later than you know she had intended to stay out. Sydnee had worked late and worked early again in the morning. You were sure the last thing she wanted to do was have to take care of you. So you fisted Tony’s shirt in your hand when she tried to pull you away from him with the careful touch of her hand. 
At first, it had earned nothing more than her sighing your name, but then she was flagging down a cab, coaxing you toward the back seat. “Com’on, get in the back seat.”
You didn’t move. Your eyes looked from Tony and to Ross before looking to Sydnee. “No, you go on home,” you said, your words slurred, earning a laugh from her lips. 
“I’m not playing games tonight,” she said. “I’ve got work in the morning-”
“I know,” you told her, taking a breath to find your composure, “but Tony doesn’t have anywhere to be tomorrow.”
Sydnee looked from you and to Tony with her brow arched up high as if to silently ask him to confirm or deny your statement. 
“She’s right,” Tony confirmed, his hand running up and down the length of your spine so slowly it almost made you shiver, “we don’t have practice in the morning.”
You watched as her brows furrowed, her dark stare moving from Tony to Ross and her lip quivered. She didn’t like the idea of you going home with the two of them. It was written all over her face. Sydnee didn’t trust them. Why would she? She didn’t know them as you did. She didn’t know just how close the three of you had become or how close you had been with the entire team. And Sydnee may never know the truth, so it didn’t matter. All she could see was you, her best friend, drunk and vulnerable, with 2 professional hockey players ready to take you home. 
“Is that what you want?” she asked, ignoring the pleas from the cab driver to hurry up before he picked up another passenger to take to their destination. 
“Yes,” you said. Then you bit your lip. It had rushed from your lips so fast it left your cheeks hot with embarrassment. 
“And you’re going to assume responsibility for her?” Sydnee challenged Tony and only Tony. 
It must have been something about him that made him more approachable. More trustworthy. Maybe he was a little closer to sobriety, or that he didn’t look like a frat boy that looked like he was about to fuck anything that moved. But Sydnee, she chose to trust Tony to take care of you. 
“Yeah,” Tony said, “I’ll take care of her.”
His words were firm, promising, but you wouldn’t help but let your mind falter at the possibility of innuendo. “Tony and Ross, always take very good care of me,” you added, winking at Sydnee, but she doesn’t catch your implications. She just sighed. 
“Good,” she sighed, her hand knitting in her hair for a moment as she teetered on the edge of the decision of leaving you with the boys or taking you with her. Then, she took a step back towards the cab and pointed her finger out at Tony, then at Ross. “If you fuck this up, your careers are over. She is my best friend. My sister. No amount of money will buy me off. Got that?”
“Understood,” Ross confirmed, stepping forward to help her into the cab, the two of them exchanging words that you couldn’t hear. But knowing Sydnee, the words were not pleasantries, but threats. 
“What did she say?” you asked him slowly on his approach. 
“Nothing unexpected,” Ross said, his hand reaching up to run over the back of his neck as a smile spread wide over his features. “Just a few words of caution.”
“She didn’t scare you away for the night, did she?” You asked. 
“No, no,” he assured, laughing, “something tells me you’re going to be a handful tonight, and Tony’s going to need all the help he can get.”
A single hand dropped away from Tony, reaching out for Ross casually to draw him in close so you stood sandwiched between both of their impressive bodies. It was exactly where you wanted to be on your birthday. 
Pressing up onto your toes, you tilted your chin up and placed a slow kiss on Ross’ lips. It was a simple graze over his lips, opening just enough to show your intent before you drew back and turned your head to look at Tony. Your hand left Ross’s hand and reached up to take Tony's cheek. You drew him in, his soft expression leaving your heart fluttering as you kissed him too. The sweet taste of him left you humming in his mouth. The corner of your lips curled up into a grin as you welcomed the stroke of his tongue into your mouth before you pulled back and let him speak; “Ross, hail us all a cab.”
Ross didn’t need to be told twice. With one hand knitted in his hair, his lips letting out a heavy breath of what you were sure was disbelief, he hailed the cab with the other. You couldn’t help but admire how his shirt raised up. It bared just the slightest of glances at his toned abs, only for it to be hidden again as he let his arm fall back down to the side. Then, he was bending over, leaning up against the cab window to talk to the driver and giving you a view of just how tight his pants were around his ass. 
Biting your lip to keep yourself from audibly groaning, you leaned back into Tony. His strength welcomed you, his arm still snug and secure around your waist even as he led you to the cab. Each stride you took left you laughing, your joints feeling like a bowl of jello and left you feeling like you could tumble to the ground at any moment. But Tony kept you upright and helped you crawl into the back of the taxi in such a way as to keep you modest as the skirt of your dress threatened to rise. 
You muttered a soft thank you to him as you sat between him and Ross in the back of the cab. Their thighs pressed on each side of your own, the fabric of their pants chafing against your smooth skin with every bump and every pothole on the route. The friction against their bodies and against the seat left you restless. Your body craved the attention you sought from them. The desperate ache between your thighs was almost enough to leave you whining as you leaned your head against Tony’s shoulder. Meanwhile, your hand reached out to run over the breath of Ross’ thigh. Your will was weak, so weak you would have let them take you in the back of the cab. And Ross would have been the first to crumble and indulge you, but Tony had a level head and kept you both at bay. 
“Be a good girl,” Tony told you, leaning in to mutter into your ear, “and we’ll take care of you when we get home.” 
Eyes flickered up to his eyes, taking in his warm stare as his hot breath washed over the angles of your nose and cheeks. You wanted so desperately to be bad. To lean in and kiss him. To taste him as you would grind your cunt against the cheap pleather seat cover. Yet, you behaved. 
You kept your hands to yourself and watched as the city streets seemed to blur around you. One apartment complex faded into the next until the city was gone in a blink and instead all you saw were with beach houses. Excitement boiled in the depths of your belly. You had never been to Tony’s place before. It was in so many ways against the rules that came with being the team’s Road Wife, but it was so easy to break them with Ross and Tony. Especially when most of the rules didn’t apply to them. But this - this still felt risky in all the best ways. 
When the cab came to a stop, you could get out of the backseat fast enough. You crawled from it and into Ross’ arms as he helped you to your feet. But he wasn’t looking at you, he was looking past you and at Tony. They were worried about you. It was clear, written across each of their faces as they helped you through the front door that you didn’t get to admire. The two of them had made a play, and it was already in motion. You were just along for the ride. 
“I’m going to run to the kitchen, I’ll be right back,” Tony assured you in the foyer, but Ross was already whisking you away up the steps to the second story. 
Your brows furrowed as you followed him, your face softened by the confusion that hit your brain so hard you could barely think. How did he know his way around Tony’s place so well? Ross hadn’t even needed to ask where to take you, and yet he knew exactly where Tony would want you. The guest room. Or rather, it was what you assumed was the guest room with its neutral colouring and lack of personality, but there was one thing out of place. With the bed unmade and the closet door left open just enough to see the luggage unpacked inside, someone had been staying in the room. 
“Have you been living here?” you asked. You could feel his soft chuckle rumble through his body in response as she eased you down to sit at the foot of the bed. Then he lowered down to his knees and let his fingers work on the delicate buckle of your heels around your ankle. 
The touch of his fingers against your flesh was enough to have you melting. Every subtle graze of his fingers was the strike of a match and ignited the fire that burned through your body. Every breath that you could feel against your knees and the heat of his words as he spoke to you fueled your desires. 
“It beats the hotel,” he finally answered. Ross’ gaze travelled up the length of your legs as he dropped your heels to the ground. 
Biting your lip, you watched him, waiting. On the verge of begging him to lean in to kiss his way up your legs and bury his face between your thighs. But you don’t. You can see him contemplating it all on his own in how his eyes flicker to the shadow cast between your legs by your short dress. The temptation was there, but he’s cautious, unwilling to give in to you. So you tempted him further. 
Hands dropping to your thighs, you gripped at the hem of your tight dress and inched it up your thighs. It rid him of the mystery of just panties you were wearing. And it showed him just how badly you wanted him to touch you, your arousal having puddled between your thighs and clearly seen as it dampened the fabric. It left him swallowing hard on his knees in front of you on the floor, and you knew you almost had him. 
That was until Tony cleared his voice in the doorway, making his presence known. Your neck snapped up, your teeth biting your tongue at the sight of him. He had come up from the kitchen with a plate of food and a glass of water. The sight alone made your stomach drop. This was not what you had in mind when he told you they were going to take care of you. 
“Tony,” you protested, but he was quick to counter you with your own name. 
“I don’t want to hear it,” his words were firm, yet tender, “when was the last time you ate something that wasn’t cake?”
You could only shrug. You couldn’t remember. 
“That’s what I thought,” he sighed as he sat down beside you on the bed, “it’s not a lot, but it’ll do the job. Finish this up, and then we’re going to get you into bed.”
Your face fell, and your heart went with it. With your bottom lip quivering, your eyes became brimmed with tears. “You tricked me.”
But you tricked me. It was better than what could be the alternative. 
“Sweetheart,” Ross sighed as he stood up from his place on his knees in front of you, “you’ve been drinking all night. We’re not going to take advantage of you like that.” 
You pouted further, taking an unsteady sip of the water after he placed the cool glass in your hand. Sipping it, you sighed to fight back the threat of a hiccup in the back of your throat. They were right; you were drunk, but it didn’t change the fact that your body ached for them. Both of them. 
“But,” you started, but the two of them gave you no room for arguments. They weren’t touching you until you were sober, that was if you still wanted them to. It left you pouting as you drank your water and nearly whining as you ate the place of crackers, cheese and vegetables Tony had brought for you. It would be enough to combat the alcohol that still lingered in your stomach, and it would send you to bed full and angry instead of angry on an empty stomach. 
It was once your plate was empty that you got ready for bed. You disappeared into the guest bath and used what was at your disposal. A slick bar of soap paired with a face cloth removed your makeup, and a spare toothbrush beneath the sink helped rid your tongue of the lingering taste of alcohol. It wasn’t your usual routine, but it was close enough. 
Leaving the bathroom, you were as close as you could be to being ready for bed. Your steps had become steadier, the highs of your intoxication beginning to fade and the need for sleep beginning to weigh down on you. Eyes took long blinks, and your body was heavy as you moved for the bed, ready to crawl in, all the while still wearing your little party dress. 
“Here, let me,” Ross told you gently, stepping forward from where you left him. He stood at your back, his fingers taking hold of the fragile zipper and dragging it down the length of your back. Your breath hitched in your throat at the feeling of his knuckles dragging over the sensitive flesh. His touch was almost enough to reignite the desire their logic had snuffed out. It was almost enough to leave you cursing as he dragged the fabric down to pool around your ankles as Tony swooped in with a large t-shirt. It draped over you, covering your exposed skin before you crawled up into bed without being told to. 
You welcomed the embrace of the blankets and the darkness of the room as the lights were shut off. You settled in the centre of the bed, pulling the blanket in close and marvelling at the scent that lingered on the sheet. It alone was almost enough to have you dozing off, but Tony and Ross still moved throughout the room. You didn’t open your eyes to indulge your curiosities and let them do whatever needed to be done around you. That was until you heard Tony speak. 
“Are you two going to be alright in here?” 
Your eyes had shot open in an instant, your body shooting up into a sitting position with it. No, he didn’t get to take this away from you, too. “You’re not leaving,” you told him, not giving him the opportunity to think that it was an option. 
Tony looked at you from the doorway, and you looked back at him, your eyes narrowed. Not even when the bed shifted beside you from Ross crawling in did you look away. You wanted both of them, and you would have them. Even if that just meant having Ross on one side of you and Tony on the other as you slept. 
Reaching out, you pat the empty spot on the bed beside you. It would be a tight fit, but with one quick glance towards Ross to silently ask his permission to join you both, Tony was leaving the door frame. He lost his pants on the floor on the way, leaving him in his t-shirt and boxer briefs as he crawled into the bed at your side. 
“Thanks, Tony,” you sighed as you rolled onto your side to face him. 
You gazed up at him through your lashes that were still thick with the mascara you hadn’t tried all that hard to wash off. And he smiled back at you in return. The simple tilt of his head had him kissing your forehead, his hot breath washing over your skin as he spoke, “Happy Birthday.” Then he whispered your name like a prayer, “Now get some rest, okay?”
You nodded slowly in response. His shoulder became your pillow, a single leg bent up and over his body just to feel him beneath you. And behind you, Ross lay, his body a perfect form against yours. His chest rested against your back, his arm draped over your body and his legs tangling with the one of yours that remained. It was only then, with one of them on each side of you, feeling their every breath and the touch of their skin against your own, that you let sleep take you. 
Come morning, you woke up exactly where you had fallen asleep with your face buried into Tony’s neck and Ross’ cheek pressed into your back. It took you a minute to remember just how you had ended up there instead of back home in your own bed. It didn’t come back to you all at once. Your memory had its lapses until you remembered one thing that would domino into the next until you were sure you had the full picture. The recollections left your cheeks hot with embarrassment, and yet, you were happy. Happy to be safe and in bed with them instead of at home alone. Happy to have both Ross and Tony care so deeply for you.  That they took care of you when they could have taken what you wanted from them and ran with it. They didn’t want you to wake up in the morning with regret. And you didn’t. You regretted nothing. 
Not the shameless dancing with Pat on the dancefloor. Not the kiss you shared with Tony in the crowded room, or the kiss with Ross at the table. You didn’t regret going home with them, nor waking up with them. The sobriety that came after a long night’s rest brought you clarity and calm, but it didn’t change your mind. You still wanted both of them. 
With sleep still heavy on your eyes, you leaned in to Tony further. Your lips dragged over his shoulder slowly in a soft kiss as your hand reached up to stroke through his curls. Behind you, you could feel Ross shift into the void you had left in the bed. His hands reached out to you, gripping at your hips to draw them back into his morning wood, as he had done many times before. Ross wouldn’t take much convincing, but Tony, he didn’t like to share you. 
“Tony,” his name was a hymn. One that had your lips splitting into a smile as your hand traced circles on his chest. “Tony, get up,” you said, your words soft and dreamy, “you promised you’d take care of me, remember?”
A groggy groan left his slightly parted lips, his eyes still shut as he didn’t want sleep to lose the little grasp it still had on him. 
“Don’t make Ross and I get started without you,” you hummed, your teeth grazing over his soft flesh. 
It earned a soft groan from his lips, his dark eyes finding you as he rolled over to pull you into his arms. He pulled you close, his face burying in your hair to breathe you in. Tony held you there, against him, good and firm as he let himself wake up fully consumed by you. It was only when he found his wits that he whispered into your hair, “Are you sure?” 
You pulled back just enough to look at him, your features were soft, as were his. Tony cared about you. He may have always had, but he knew that Ross had feelings for you, too. Your unique position with the team had your heart torn into twenty-plus different pieces, but you reserved the biggest parts of your heart for them. And he wasn’t going to force you to choose. Not now, hopefully not ever. For now, if only because it was Ross, Tony could share you. 
“I’m sure,” you said, nodding slowly. 
Tony looked past you, and to Ross, whose heat you could still feel in the bed beside you. This went beyond just needing your consent. The two of them needed to agree to it as well. Sitting up slowly, you looked between Ross and Tony, who were sharing a look of their own. Dark eyes met bright, their expression void of anything that could give you a thought of what they were thinking. It wouldn’t be a simple choice to cross that line with anyone, never mind their teammate. Sharing you would be something they would carry with them on and off the ice, and long after careers had ended. It would skew the lines of heteronormativity and masculinity for them, but they were willing to do it for you. That was as long as certain lines went uncrossed. What they were, you wouldn’t know. They were made in the silence of their stare and agreed upon with Cirelli’s kiss to your lips as Ross leaned in to kiss down the angle of your back. 
Your body was one they had navigated alone many times. The two of them knew it better than anyone else, but navigating it together brought its own struggles. Ross kissed his way up your back, only to ease back as she kissed your shoulder. He was so close, his heated breath mixed with yours as Tony’s tongue slid past your lips and into your mouth. It was too close to Tony, and while he retreated down the length of your back, he didn’t concede. 
Ross found alternative places to kiss you. To suck on. Leaving his mark in places you wouldn’t have thought you would need to hide, as Tony’s kisses left you breathless and gasping. Feeling them, both of them, was utterly overwhelming. Hands touched you in places that left you wondering just who it was that was touching you as you were sandwiched between the two of them on the bed. It sent your head spinning, the pleasure dizzying as one of their hands dragged down to your panties and dragged them down. The dampness between your legs travelled down with the slick fabric, leavening glistening trails over your supple flesh until you were left bare. Naked between them, your body was already on the verge of trembling. 
“Take your clothes off,” were your words as you drew back from Tony’s lips. You punctuated them with a series of heavy, uneven breaths. Ross’s lips were making their way back up your back again, finding your neck as Tony peeled himself away from you. Watching him, your eyes threatened to flutter shut with the gentle pleasure that was Ross kissing your neck. Yet, you marvelled at the sight of Tony peeling off his black Givenchy t-shirt. His muscles tensed and rippled at the simple action, leaving him in his boxer briefs, but then his hands dropped and he shoved them to the ground. Then Tony just stood there, his breathing a little jagged and his shoulders rolling in an attempt to relax. 
There was a tension that consumed him. One that left him stiff as he looked down onto the bed. At the mess you were, as Ross nipped at your shoulder. It wasn’t a standoff, nor was it intimidation. The boys surely had seen each other naked before. They shared shower rooms in the arena, after all. Both Ross and Tony both knew exactly what the other had to offer. No, this wasn’t Tony giving Ross the opportunity to size him up and decide he wasn’t interested. This was a moment of, alright, I’m naked, now you. 
You could feel Ross’ smirk against your shoulder before he rolled away, leaving the cold conditioned air of the bedroom to consume you. The bed shifted as it was free of his weight, Ross standing on the opposite side of the bed as Tony as he too dropped his boxers to the floor. The two of them stared across the bed, over you and at each other. Their faces sharing the same crooked smirk. Both impressed and respected - and the trust they shared left you holding your breath as they crawled back onto the bed. 
Your body was the dividing line, the only neutral grounds for their lips, their hands and their cocks. It leads to fumbled touches, the boys not knowing just where they could touch without running into one another and their hesitancy left you whining. It left you needing to take control. 
“Tony,” you hummed, “lay down.”
Your hand met his chest, easing him back against the bed. Ross backed up off you, his brow raised up as he watched you. You settled between Tony’s legs, your tongue sliding over your lower lip as you moistening your moth and took hold of Tony’s cock in your hands. You worked him slowly, your hand stroking up and down his rigid cock before you leaned in and took him in your mouth. He became slick with your saliva, your mouth bobbing up and down the length of his cock and coaxing a low groan that you could feel rumble through his body. Cirelli wasn’t always all the loud in bed, but when you heard the pleasure you brought him, you couldn’t help but smile around his cock. But it was a smile that wavered at the moans that threatened to overtake your mouth - Ross had found where he was needed. 
His hands found your thighs and gripped at their soft felt to move them just right. Ross spread them slowly, his hands giving you such tender care as he moved you just where he wanted you, all the while making sure he didn’t pull you away from Tony. The bed shifted beneath your knees under the weight of the three bodies so close to the same place on the mattress, and then you felt him. The careful, stroking touch of his fingers on your clit and his hot breath on the inside of your thighs as his mouth made its approach. 
His tongue caressed your body, stroking down over your clit and along your sweet entrance, and it left your moaning around Tony’s cock. It took all your strength, and all of your will, not to let your legs give in. To not lower yourself down onto his mouth, trap his head between your thighs and ride his tongue. And while your mind spiraled with pleasure, you did your best to maintain your composure. Your mouth continued to bob up and down the length of Tony’s cock, earning the gentle caress of his hand through your hair and over your cheek. But you crumbled when Ross pulled back from devouring your cunt and slipped two fingers into your needy cunt. 
There was no stopping the gasp that left your lips, or how you drew back from Tony’s cock when the shock of the pleasure coursed through you. The slow, teasing plunge of his fingers left your legs on the verge of shaking and your face softened. You knew you should have been trying harder. To focus on Tony, but there was not a single thought left in your mind at the feeling of Ross fucking you with his fingers, and Tony laying there, watching you. 
Lust filled eyes looked up at him, his head propped up on the pillow so you knew he had a good view of you. And he was smiling. A small, crooked grin that made your cunt flex around Ross’s fingers just at the sight of. And when he spoke those same words from the night before, you melted. “You take his fingers so well.”
It would have been enough to leave you choking if you had his cock in your mouth still. But it had fallen to your hand, your uneven strokes keeping him hard as you tried to fight off how your body was to give up and writhe. 
They wouldn’t give you such an opportunity. 
“She’s nice and wet for you, Tony,” Came Ross’ voice as he eased his fingers from your core and leaving you void. 
“Alright, Birthday Girl,” Tony half groaned, his strong arms reaching out to you to take you under the arms. He held you tight, lifting your body and pulling you up the length of the bed so that you straddled his hips. 
You were far too tired to ride him, your legs already left to feel weak, but he eased you up anyway and slid you down onto the stiffness of his cock. The pressure of his cock spreading you wide that Ross’ finger had left you biting your lower lip to fight back a moan. A moan that would take you anyway as Tony held your hips, dug his heals into the bed and thrust up into your cunt. It was the first of many that sent your head lulling back on your shoulders and your arousal dripping down his cock. 
It would have been enough to send you to the verge of your climax. To leave you panting, quivering, completely consumed by pleasure. But Tony, he didn’t want Ross to be done with you just yet. 
His hand reached up, his palm stroking over your cheek as he pushed your hair from your face. “You trust me?” 
You nodded, unable to form a single word without it being choked by a moan. 
“And you trust Ross?” 
You nodded again. 
Then, he was looking past you. To Ross who had settled at the end of the bed out of your line of sight. 
“You want to try something?” Tony asked him, and your heart thundered hard in your chest. 
“What you thinking?” Ross countered and you could feel him shifting up the bed towards you again. 
“I don’t know how well it’s going to work,” Tony started. His breathing was heavy as he eased his thrusts until he was still with nothing more but the head of his cock teasing your entrance. “Slide your cock in with mine-”
Your eyes shot open wide and any breath you held left your body. Had you heard that right? You were sure you handn’t, your brain fuzzy from the pleasure. It was something you had only ever seen in pornography. Something that seemed far from practical - but maybe that was just because the opportunity had never presented itself. 
“You think you can handle that, sweetheart?” Ross hummed slowly, his body warm as he made his way up the bed to kneel behind you. 
He peppered your shoulder with kisses, sending your eyes fluttering at the prospect of feeling both of them inside you. 
“Fuck,” you cursed out, “yes. Please, yes. I want to. I want to feel you. Both of you.” Your words flowing into the rest as if they were one. 
“We’ll be gentle,” Tony promised, as Ross eased your forward. 
Your knees remained straddled on each side of Tony’s thighs, and your elbows came down to rest on each side of his head. They had you bent over. With Tony between your legs, and Ross between his. It wasn’t pretty, but it would work. 
Reaching down between your bodies, Tony held his cock in his hand, keeping the mere tip of his cock pressed into your cunt. And then you felt it. The pressure of Ross’ cock against your already tested core. He eased in and the sting it brought was its own pleasure that didn’t stop until he and Tony were half sheathed inside you. 
Then, they were still for some time. Waiting for your body to be ready for them. Maybe even waiting to get used to the feeling of the other inside you. But it didn’t take long before Tony’s heels dug back down into the mattress for leverage, or for Ross’s hands to anchor on your hips to begin his plunge. They moved slowly, easing you into the pleasure that was taking both of them. One, then the other, they thrust in an off-kilter rhythm but never fully pulled from you. Together, they tested the walls of your core. The pressure of them met the friction that came with gliding along the thick vein of another man’s cock and the pleasure of it all left you and them sweating. 
The air became a symphony of curses, pants, and moans. Wet kisses, the smack of skin against skin and moans that left your throat raw. It was unlike anything else you had felt and sent your body into a tremble as your core began to flex and beg for their release with your own orgasm. It coaxed a curse up Ross’ throat, his climax taking him as his arms wound around your middle and his face buried in the back of your neck. And Tony muffled his own moans in a kiss against your lips, his cum flooding your core with Ross’, leaving your cunt an absolute mess of them. Of both of them. And in that moment, you truly were both of theirs. 
The high of it all left you tingling from head to toe as they each eased out of you and guided your body down to the soft comfort of the bed. The sheets embraced you, and you welcomed the blanket as it draped over your naked body. Covered in every mark of them, from the hickies on your neck to their cum deep inside you, there would be no ridding your body of them for days. It left your heart giddy as they took turns leaning in and peppering your cheeks with kisses and soft; Happy Birthdays, though it was the morning after now. 
And all you could manage was a soft thank you as you let your eyes flutter shut. The air went calm, and the bed shifted as the two hockey players that had stolen your heart climbed out. You could hear their words, even as they whispered to not disturb you. They came to an agreement slowly, but with little protest. One would prepare the shower, help you get cleaned up before taking you down to the kitchen where they would be preparing breakfast. Because after what they had just done, both of them were convinced you wouldn’t be walking. 
You thought that, too. But before they left you alone for a moment of calm while they prepared for you, you heard something hit the bed and Ross’ soft words. “Text your friend. She's probably worried about you.”
A small smile played on your lips as you found the strength to roll over and take the phone in your hands. You let your thumbs move over the screen slowly, your stupid grin not once leaving your features as you messaged Sydnee. 
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luvmmarner · 9 months
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here we are! finally with the masterlist! all the thanks in the world to the 39 people who signed up for the exchange and the lovely D who came in as my saviour and wrote a pinch hitter fic without even being signed up
please read all the fics below, so much love and care was put into them and they all deserve your attention. a reblog if you can would also be incredible.
please respect all warnings at the beginning of fics. if a fic has been marked as smut or 18+ and you are younger than, do the right thing and do not read it.
keep your eye out for the winter fic exchange 2k24 sign up post. if you want me to let you know when it's happening you can click here.
the summer fic exchange 2k24 masterlist
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Buffalo Sabres
Jeff Skinner
gotta trust how you feel inside by @laurenairay for @ nhl-stories
Tyson Jost
i should've fought harder by @butgilinsky for @ typical-simplelove
a Devon Levi fic was written by @waysicouldhave for @ jackhues but they have since deactivated.
Carolina Hurricanes
Andrei Svechnikov
Every Summer Has a Story by @comphy-and-cozy for @teokka
HATE HATE HATE by @luvmmarner for @ comphy-and-cozy this is a multi-chaptered fic, so keep an eye on it!
How Long? by @lifeofpriya for @ luvmmarner
Colorado Avalanche
Cale Makar
all's well that end's well to end up with you by @fallinallincurls for @ ya-pucking-nerd
i've found love (and all that goes with it) by @huttons for @ fallinallincurls
Mikko Rantanen
Do That by @selfindulgentpoorlywritten for @ kurlyteuvo
Nathan MacKinnon
It Starts With a Cookie by @luvsherleafs for @ princessphilly
Dallas Stars
Jake Oettinger
taking on the world together by @laurenairay for @ jarmorie
Los Angeles Kings
Pierre-Luc Dubois
as the seasons change by @gravestrain for @ bqstqnbruin
Minnesota Wild
Marc-André Fleury
Genève by @teokka for @ callsign-denmark
Montreal Canadiens
Juraj Slafkovsky
If I Say It, Will You Respond? by @puckmaidens for @ 2manytabsopen
Nashville Predators
Tyson Barrie
simple by @jxmieoleksiaks for @ laurenairay
New Jersey Devils
Dougie Hamilton
hydrangeas where your face should be by @nhl-stories for @ huttons
Jack Hughes
make it weird by @wyattjohnston for @ torontoflames
something in the way she moves by @miracleonice87 for @ wyattjohnston
Nico Hischier
See You Again by @bqstqnbruin for @ selfindulgentpoorlywritten
Underneath the Stars by @buttercupjosh for @ ilyasorokinn
Timo Meier
Sweet Like Cinnamon by @wildrangers for @ matthewtkachuk
New York Islanders
Ilya Sorokin
Polaroid Dreams by @kurlyteuvo for @ lifeofpriya
Mat Barzal
Alone With You by @cellythefloshie for @ miracleonice87
Disney Magic by @lam-ila for @ tinyhockey
tell me why by @torontoflames for @ luvsherleafs
where you lead i will follow by @ilyasorokinn for @prettytoxicrevolver
Pittsburgh Penguins
Sidney Crosby
Triple Axle Celly by @callsign-denmark for @ starshine-hockey-girl
Ryan Graves
a lake house story by @ya-pucking-nerd for @ thomasschabot
Seattle Kraken
Jamie Oleksiak
to the ends of the earth by @jarmorie for @ laurenairay
Tampa Bay Lightning
Brayden Point
one day all my love will come back to me by @matthewtkachuk for @ senditcolton
Toronto Maple Leafs
Matthew Knies
being a good man by @pcttymcrlecu for @ gravestrain
Vancouver Canucks
Anthony Beauvillier
Alone With You by @cellythefloshie for @ miracleonice87
Quinn Hughes
i can still see it all by @ghostyjosty (jostystyles) for @ wildrangers
mango dragon refresher by @jackhues for @ lam-ila
saw you in a dream by @thomasschabot for @ puckmaidens
Surprise Party by @prettytoxicrevolver for @ ghostyjosty
Vegas Golden Knights
Nolan Patrick
Soothing Swedish Summers by @2manytabsopen for @ waysicouldhave
Winnipeg Jets
Adam Lowry
breakable heaven by @senditcolton for @ cellythefloshie
there is still one more fic to post. i'm writing it, hence why this is coming out before it's up :)
i am slowly making my own way through reading all the fics--if i haven't read yours and you want to make sure i don't forget, please send it to me.
if the person you wrote for hasn't read and reblogged your fic, please tell me.
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luvmmarner · 10 months
No posts this week I’ve been extremely busy and my mental health just hit a huge bump recently
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luvmmarner · 10 months
The first official chapter of HATE HATE HATE will be out sometime next week!
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luvmmarner · 10 months
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This was written for @comphy-and-cozy apart of the summer fic exchange! I know it’s really short the next few chapters will have over 7000 words. I was rushing to get everything mapped out and I changed and rechanged so much shit! I restarted 5 times and I restarted like a week ago because nothing made sense, but now I have a whole plot mapped out and everything! There will be 10 chapters so no need to worry! This is more like a prologue! I promise! I decided to make it a readers pov however I’ll post many other povs in the behind the scenes readers name and stuff like that. Hopefully that makes sense! (It’s 1AM help me deal lord)
A big thank you for @wyattjohnston for letting me be apart of this and I’m so so sorry for delaying this for so much days. Holy crap! I promise I’ll get all the chapters out as soon as possible.
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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Word count: 1K
TW: reader gets drugged (that’s it nothing bad)
It was immediately obvious that you detested him after you had your first encounter with him. You felt frustrated by his arrogant and excessively confident demeanour. You were unable to comprehend how your brother Sebastian Aho initially connected with him. Both of them were interested in different things, with the exception of the fact that they were both on the Carolina Hurricanes and loved to play hockey.
You hated him or did you?
enemies to lovers + brothers best friend
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If it wasn’t the sunlight waking you up it was your brother and his loud obnoxious friends over. Today was the same as every other day since their shouts were so loud that they resonated throughout the walls, and the buzzing of your alarm clock didn't help matters either.
“Wake up and come downstairs sleeping beauty” you heard your brother Sebastian call from all the way downstairs. All you could do was groan at the request. You didn't want to get out of bed, nor did you feel like getting out of it. Even if you didn't have to work today, all you intended to do was relax and take it easy.
You decided to listen to the voices downstairs and suddenly recognized a voice that you had never heard before. The voice had an accent that was anything but typical of someone from North America. It was abundantly evident that whoever it was, they were from Europe.
When you had been considering whether or not you should go downstairs, you heard some movement coming up the stairs.You believed it was your brother at first, but when a hand caressed your back, you were taken aback.
The voice asked, "What are you doing in the middle of the hallway, young one," as his touch was still lingering before it finally moved away from you.
"First of all, I'm not young, and second of all, who are you?" You shot back your response using the most condescending tone you were capable of producing.
"My name is Andrei. And yours? Actually you don’t need to say I already know it and regardless I’m just going to call you young one." When he had finally turned around to face you, he inquired.
There was no denying the fact that he had a stunning appearance. It was obvious that he was much taller than you, and his perfume smelled like a combination of apple cider and pumpkins. His accent did not help matters either; it just added to the hotness of him.
“Don’t call me that ever again." You responded back, clearly irritated by the way he called you young one. You weren’t young by any means and just because you lived with your brother doesn’t mean you were.
“Cool well I could careless what you have to say by the way your brother asked for you to come downstairs. I'll see you down there once you decide to stop staring at me.” Andrei said in a cocky voice which just made you even more irritated and mad. Who does he think he is calling you out like that.
“I wasn’t staring” You told him as he chuckled and turn away down the stairs. You heard him say “Sure sure sure.” Before his voice disappeared alongside many other voices in the house.
Your brother yelled at you as you made your way downstairs, telling you to come sit down and introduce yourself to the others.
“Come here and introduce yourself, these are my friends I train with.” It was said by your brother Sebastian.
You responded to the request by rolling your eyes.
You sat down on the sofa immediately crossing your legs and staring at the guy in front of you. The guy I you just had an interaction with the guy who called you “young one”
She shouldn't be sitting with us, she can't be more than 5 or something," Andrei said. Inquiring while casting a sideways glance at your brother, Sebastian then joined the others in what appeared to be a simultaneous fit of laughter.
You had no choice but to hurry back to your room because there was nothing else you could do. You weren’t going to sit there as he kept making fun of you/ if one thing wasn’t obvious is that you had a strong dislike for him.
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It was unlike any other typical day that had come before. You happened to be invited to join the girls as they headed out to the club to celebrate Brianna's engagement.
You and your friends came to the conclusion that the best way to celebrate would be to first go to a pub and then go home.
You had a difficult time choosing between the dresses, but in the end, you went with the glittering silver dress that was covered with beads all over it and was only slightly shorter than the others.
You didn't give a second thought to whether or not it would be a good idea to wear it, particularly given the fact that you were a female in the company of a large number of other females; nonetheless, since you didn't even give it a second thought, you simply slipped it on and joined the girls in the car.
As soon as you arrived at the club and were able to enter, you made your way straight to the bar and placed an order with the bartender for several alcoholic beverages. You acknowledged their kindness and then turned to look for your friends, but on the way, you were unlucky enough to run into someone.
Their hands grasped your waist to prevent you from falling to the ground. Once you made it to your feet their hand didn’t leave yours.
“Woah watch where you're going young one.” The voice said. You didn’t even need to think twice who it was. You knew it was Andrei. The cocky European voice was a clear indicator.
“Are you following me or something? Are you obsessed?” You said as irritation ran through your veins. You detested his arrogant grin as well as how he spoke with utmost cockiness you’ve ever heard before.
He paid you no mind, instead emitting nothing more than a muffled murmur as he drank from his glass. You made the decision that you weren't going to let that dampen your spirits, and instead you were going to have the best night it was even possible for you to have. You set your drink down and proceeded straight to the dance floor after doing so.
You danced for a few minutes, then went back to your drink to have a few more sips of it before joining your friends for some more dancing.
You were immediately overcome with feelings of lightheadedness and dizziness upon dancing for quite some time, it was to the point where you found it difficult to stand. Your vision suddenly went black and you were sure that someone had caught you before it became completely dark.
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luvmmarner · 10 months
Post tonight!
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luvmmarner · 10 months
Sorry for not posting. Hopefully by today or tomorrow I’ll get some things posted.
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