luvverslair · 2 months
I don't know if you write stuff like this but: Gaz coming home from deployment and reader is in bed because their depression has made it hard to stand up so they didn't cook or prepare anything and they feel super guilty and it's just comfort and fluff and Gaz is really sweet and reader comforts him too when he talks about the stuff that happened on deployment (the stuff he's allowed to say) and... something like that.
Totally cool if you don't want to/feel like it. Thank you!
hi !! sorry it took me so long to answer this ask, i think this is such a good idea and fits gaz sm !! thank you for requesting and i hope you enjoy !!
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Gaz's footsteps echoed through the hallway as he made his way into their shared home, dropping his bags and gear with a sense of relief. "Honey, I'm home!" he called out eagerly, expecting the usual rush of footsteps and warm embrace, but met with an unusual silence instead.
Confusion knitted his brows together as he ventured further into the house, his voice bouncing off the walls as he called out your name repeatedly. Each room seemed to hold its breath, until he finally reached the bedroom.
"Love, are you..." Gaz's words trailed off as he took in the sight before him. You were sprawled across the bed, looking worse for wear, makeup smudged, and his shirt draped over your frame. Concern flooded his features as he approached, gently brushing a stray strand of hair from your face.
"Hey there, lovie," he murmured softly, his fingers tracing circles on your back. "You alright?"
Startled, you shot up from your position, a flurry of apologies tumbling from your lips. Gaz reached out, steadying you with a reassuring touch. "Now, now, no need for all that," he said gently, his voice laced with understanding. "You don't need to worry about a thing."
Your eyes met his, gratitude shining through despite the fatigue etched into your features. "But I should've..."
Gaz shook his head, cutting off your protest with a tender smile. "Let's not dwell on that right now, love," he insisted. "How about we order some takeout and relax?"
A small smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you nodded in agreement, feeling the weight of his support easing your worries. "Thank you," you whispered softly, leaning into his embrace.
Gaz pressed a kiss to your forehead, his heart swelling with love. "Always," he murmured, holding you close.
As the night went on, Gaz told you stories from his deployment, sharing snippets of his experiences. And as sleep finally claimed you both, tangled in each other's arms.
The following day you and him both deep cleaned your home, and afterward spent the day catching each other up and recent events and gossip. The day ended with you both sitting on your back patio just enjoying each other.
You knew it was gonna be okay, you knew no matter what He would always stand by your side no matter what.
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luvverslair · 2 months
Task Force 141 x reader platonic friendship headcanons?
hi !! thank you so much for your request, i hope you enjoy !!
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Price: Price would one hundred percent be the “Dad” friend, he would make sure you took care of yourself, for example, if he knew you were just sitting home for days on end laying on your couch watching movies all day, he would come over and say something like “Get yr ass off of this fuckin couch and do something with your life.” while ripping your blanket off and pulling you off the couch, forcing you to get ready and drag you to the nearest pub or movie theater. He would also make sure you didn’t do dumb shit, whether that was you being an idiot and making horrible choices, or getting yourself into dangerous situations. All and all Price was a great friend who made sure you never got yourself into too much trouble.
Ghost: Ghost is an overprotective friend. Similar to Price, although he wouldn’t let you get to the state of sitting at home alone for days, he is the type of person to text and call you whenever he could, he is always making sure you're okay. He also makes sure nobody, and I mean nobody messes with you. If you find a partner you can bet he has already run a full background check on them. While Simon can be protective you can always count on him to be there for you.
Soap: Soap is the most chaotic friend you have, he is always up to do whatever you want wherever, you want to go get snacks at two in the morning he’s already in the car, you want to go egg your ex's house? he already bought four cartons. Soap is also the kind of friend to just chill with you, you’ve had a long week? he is already prepared to sit around doing nothing but playing video games and relaxing while hearing you vent about your life. You can always call Johnny if you ever need someone to boost your mood.
Gaz: Gaz is the the most caring friend you’ll ever have, he is always there for a shoulder for you to cry on, he is always there if you need someone to take care of you after a long day, and he is also there when you need some tough love. Do you need advice about someone you’re seeing? He already is writing down a pros and cons list. Gaz is the kind of friend to be there for you through thick and thin.
hi again, I hope you enjoyed this I know it’s pretty short but i hope you’ll like it anyway !! as always any and all feedback is appreciated.
luv, luvver
84 notes · View notes
luvverslair · 2 months
hi! i'm the anon that request the reverse fake dating and just wanted to thank you for writing it! all 3 scenarios were so cute and made me giggle! i really enjoyed them, so thank you! ❤
awee thank you so much !! i’m glad you enjoyed and if you have any other asks please send them in you have such good ideas !!
luv, luvver
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luvverslair · 2 months
So, tumblr did a thing! I saw your post that said your requests are open, and the very next post on my dash was a list of prompts and one really stood out to me!
"Instead of fake dating, everyone is convinced that you aren’t actually dating."
May I request that with Soap/Ghost/Gaz (tho let's be real, it's perfectly believable that Gaz can pull anyone!)
Thank you! 😊
hi !! thank you for your request, i love this idea so much and i hope you enjoy!!
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Ghost: When you and Ghost first started dating, you kept it to yourselves wanting to savor your relationship just for the two of you. However after a while, Ghost decided to tell his teammates about you, He started by talking about you to them saying things like “Yeah the missus dragged me out to this restaurant the other day.” and things like that, his fellow teammates would look at him like he was crazy, but would still indulge his conversation thinking he might just be lonely or trying to prove he can have a relationship. Ghost then started sharing pictures of you, whether it be pictures he took of you on dates or just funny ones around the house. This made the team even more confused about the whole situation as they like to call it, they wondered how he found so many pictures of someone online and why was he showing them off like you were actually with him, had he finally gone mad? One day Soap finally spoke up when he was again showing off pictures you had sent him while he was deployed, “L.T, we all know you’re not dating them. Who is that?” before Ghost had time to respond Gaz chimed in saying “Yeah Ghost, you started to freak us out.”Ghost let out a low chuckle before saying “I promise you they are actually with me, I’ll be the first to admit it’s shocking they out of all people chose me but they did.” Soap and Gaz brushed him off still not believing a word he said, that was until one day you came to the base because Ghost had left something he needed at your shared home. You walked into the room seeing Soap and Gaz shooting them a smile before saying “Hi, Have you guys seen Simon anywhere? Or I guess Ghost to you sorry.” They both stood there eyes wide and mouths agape, they pointed you in the direction of Ghost to which you thanked them and went to go find him, from that day forward they never said anything when Ghost would share things about you.
Soap: From the moment you both started dating, Soap immediately started telling everyone he knew about you, he loved showing you off. The only problem was you were gorgeous and seemed like a well-rounded person which didn’t seem like anyone Soap could pull, So when he started telling his teammates about you, they congratulated him and didn’t mind having conversations about you, and then he started showing pictures of you. That’s when the suspension started, nobody would ever believe someone like you would be with someone like him. One day Gaz had enough of listening to him ramble on about some random person that Soap claimed he was in a “relationship” with, “Jeez Soap stop rambling about your imaginary partner, everyone knows you lying about it.” Soap was stunned before saying “Imaginary? What in the bloody hell do you mean imaginary I’ve been with them for months for Christ's sake” He looked towards Ghost before adding “C'mon L.T. you don’t think I’m lying do ya?” Soap fully expected Ghost to call Gaz crazy and say Soap one hundred percent wasn’t lying but boy was he wrong “I do think it’s a little suspicious Johnny, from what you’ve shown me and told me, It’s hard to believe” Gaz smirked at Soap while he was in utter shock, “Just wait ya pricks, I’ll let you met them one day and when I do, it’ll shut you up real fucking fast.” Ghost and Gaz snickered while just saying “Whatever you say, Johnny”. About a month later, Johnny had the opportunity to bring you to the pub as your schedule was free. When you walked in heading over to Soap kissing him before sitting down, You introduced yourself to his fellow teammates shaking their hands while saying “Hi, I’m Y/n, I’m Johnny’s Partner nice to meet you all.” They all stood there in shock.
Gaz: Gaz and you had started dating a while back, he never really thought to mention you to his team, until one day Price was asking him about going out to the Pub on the incoming Friday with him and the rest of the squadron, Gaz quickly declined to say “Sorry Cap, I’ve got a date with the Missus that day.” Soap quickly laughed before saying “Yeah right more like you’ve got a date with your right hand, mate.” Everyone around him let out a laugh before Gaz interrupted them “Fuck off, For your information I do have a partner ya twats.” they all kept making fun of him and calling him a liar he sighed walking out of the room shaking his head, oh would he show them. The following week he had brought you to a restaurant for a date, it just so happened that his teammates were dining at the same place. You both walked in sitting down as he pulled out your chair for you, his task force immediately saw the both of you a couple of tables away, they were in utter shock, to say the least. After the both of you had finished your dinner and you were walking out, Gaz felt their eyes on the two of you so as he had his hand around your back he used his other to flip them off as you both left, before walking the both of you to his car, His teammates didn’t expect that, any of that.
well I hoped you enjoyed this !! it was a lot of fun to write and thank you again for your request and as always any feedback is appreciated !!
luv, luvver
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luvverslair · 2 months
if anyone has any requests for call of duty or any other fandoms please send them in requests are open thank you !!
also thank you all for the love on my recent posts it means a lot to me !!
luv, luvver
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luvverslair · 2 months
awee thank you !! this is definitely one of my favorite stories !!
Fem!Reader learning that their boyfriend Graves is bisexual, but HE doesn't realize it.
He just assumes every guy checks out other men occasionally. He's totally straight. Some men just have really nice arms.
He becomes defensive when reader points out he even seems to have a type.
hi !! thank you for requesting this just screams graves lol !! i hope you enjoy and i always love any feedback !! (first time writing for graves so cut me a little slack)
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You had been with your boyfriend, Graves for a while now. You thought you knew everything about him until you noticed something about him, whenever the two of you would go out together he seemed to always check out other people, Now it wasn't like he was checking out another woman. No, he was checking out men?
You and he had decided to go out for a late lunch, you went to one of your regular places that hadn't changed in all the time you'd been going there. Yet this time something was different, a new waiter was working there, He came over and greeted you asking for your drink orders, Graves let you go first, and after you ordered you studied your boyfriend across from you. There was a light pinkish coloring across his face as he was talking to the waiter, he started mixing up his words and seemed distracted by the man. After he had finished ordering a smirk came upon your face until he spoke to you “What’s got you smirking?” you let out a giggle before answering “Oh nothing, just that you were eye banging our waiter…” a confused and angry reaction spread across his face “What are you on about Y/n?! I was not eye-banging our waiter.” you, still smirking responded “Yes, you were. I don't mind he's a nice-looking guy…” he, even more angered spat out “Y/n I am a straight man why in the hell would I be checking out a man?” you laughed at his answer before answering “You sure?” he answered back “What in the hell do you mean “Am I sure” I'm very much sure why would I be in a relationship with a woman if I liked men?” you empathetically responded “You can like men and woman you know, its a spectrum” he scoffed out “Just because I can appreciate a good looking guy doesn't mean I like them.” You sighed saying “Graves, it's not just you them appreciating a good-looking guy, it's more than that and that's okay.” his face softened as he thought through your answer, you could tell he was debating what he would say next, he seemed equality terrified and confused at the same time. After a few more moments He finally sighed and spoke out “So let’s say I did find guys somewhat attractive what would that make me?” you smiled grabbing his hand and saying “Whatever you want it to make you.”
well i hope you enjoyed this !! sorry it’s a bit short but i hope you’ll like it anyway !!
luv, luvver
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luvverslair · 2 months
Headcanons on what romance tropes you think COD (plus Alex Keller, Graves, Rudy, and Alejandro) characters and their significant other would fall under/be?
hi !! thank you for requesting this !! i have so many ideas for this !!
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Price: friends to lovers, I think when Y/n first met Price they became good friends. After a while, they both started to come to the realization there was something more there, something much more. After a few awkward weeks, they both finally acted on it.
Ghost: frenemies to lovers. just hear me out when you and Ghost first met whenever you did something to put yourself in danger whether it was something small like forgetting to charge your phone or something bigger like going out alone and walking home in the dark he would scold you. however, after a while, he began to realize why he cared so much because he couldn’t bear the thought of something happening to you.
Soap: Best friends to lovers, simalr to Price i know but it was as simple as you two being inspratable since the moment you met and being the closest of friends and then one day Something clicked, something that showed your relationship was much more then best friends. Whether it both clicked for you at the same time Is up for debate But at some point in time it became clear to the both of you and releionship hasn't been the same since.
Gaz: Soulmates. Not overly exaggerating at all,You and Gaz met one day and from then on you both knew it was meant to be. You were both equally infatuated with each other and there was no changing that. While it’s not always the best decision to run into relationships within the first week of you guys talking you were in a relationship and it’s been that way ever since.
Alex: Coworkers to Lovers, I recently wrote about Alex falling in love with someone he worked with and honestly, I think it fits perfectly. When you both met each other it was decently clear there was something There, but as you Both spent more time together at work you then started spending time together outside of work which really open both of your eyes to your true feelings for each other.
Alejandro: Secrect relationship, you and Alejandro had been seeing each other for quite some time, the only problem was you liked to keep that fact to yourselves. You both had insanely chaotic lives and you liked coming home to eachother and letting all your worries wash away, you like how that time you spent together for only for you two and you two only.
Rudy: Love at first sight, when you both laid eyes on each other it was immediately crystal clear your love for each other, you both found one another the most precious thing in your lives. You almost instantly hit it off with one another and from then on it was adamant you’d be together forever.
Graves: Oppisties Attract, You and Graves were opposites. From your view of the world down to what television shows you liked there was almost nothing you could agree on, almost nothing. The one thing you could both one hundred percent agree on was your love for one another, while you might disagree on things you’ll never disagree when it comes to how much you care for one another.
ahh i had so much fun writing this, thank you again for requesting And as always id love any feedback anyone has !! thanks for reading.
luv, luvver
253 notes · View notes
luvverslair · 2 months
Alex Keller x quiet fem! reader who is a CIA intelligence officer. Alex is such a golden retriever. I feel like since the reader would be a strategist who is genuinely hard to crack, but Alex will be first to do so because of his kindred personality.
hi!! This is such a cute idea And thank you for requesting!! This is my first time ever writing for Alex but i'm going to try my best!!
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Y/n had been working for the CIA as an intelligence officer for as long as they could remember, collecting data and finding strategies was what she was good at.
Although they kept their head down, always keeping to themselves never really making conversation with colleagues or people they worked on cases with, that all changed when she met Alex Keller, more like when Alex Keller met them. He immediately took interest in you when he met you on a case, you had collected excellent data and created a flawless plan, and you had been instructed to give the said plan to Alex Keller and his squadron so, you did.
That’s how he met you, he tried making small talk with you, didn’t work.
You would give him simple responses and seemed shy to any type of conversation, He then started complimenting your work expressing how fool-proof of a plan it was and that the research you had done had left him with no questions as you had left nothing out, but that didn’t mean he didn’t ask you more about it to show that your work had piqued his interest or more that you had peaked his interest, but that was besides the point. You slowly but surely started opening up, talking freely to him, and became less reserved, he was thrilled that you had become this way.
He felt like it was a grace from god that out of all people you had picked him out of the countless people who tried spiking your interest, but in reality it was his kindness. He was one of the most kind-hearted people you’d ever interacted with, if not the most.
Over time your relationship with him blossomed, every day when he would wake up next to you in your shared bed he think just how lucky he was that he was able to finally crack your code.
this fic was so fun to write !! i hope you enjoyed it as much as i do !! as always any feedback is highly appreciated and i hope i brought your idea to light !! thank you again for requesting.
luv, luvver
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luvverslair · 2 months
Ok but what’d you think about Alejandro and Rudy who are dating a reader with a tongue ring? Or lots of tattoos
hi !! thank you for requesting I think this fits Alejandro and Rudy so much, I don’t know if you meant separately or together but I went with separately but feel free to lmk if you would like me to add them together!!
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Alejandro: Alejandro would think you're the coolest person that he knows, when he first met you, you only had a few small tattoos but as your relationship grew so did your tattoo collection. He would sit with you and just trace the outline of your tattoos, he would count them, and while he would never admit this to anyone he has a Pinterest board full of tattoos for the next time you want to get a new one. Now when it comes to your piercings he loves them, when he saw you had your tongue pierced he adored you even more when you kiss him he focuses on your tongue piercing circling it with his tongue, he would suggest you get more piercings as well, only if you wanted of course but if you did he would be head over heels. All and all he loves your piercings and tattoos, he thinks they make him you and of course, he loves you.
Rudy: He found your tattoos so, interesting to say the least. He would ask you about the pain and what inspired you to get certain ones. He would stare at them for hours examining every last detail, He would also suggest tattoos for you also would one hundred percent get matching tattoos with you, Something that was an inside joke so it was special just for you and him to share. Now when it comes to your piercings, especially your tongue he would ask about the pain of it or if it hurt when you made out with people, if you answered no to that second question you could count on the fact he would make out with you focusing on it and seeing how you reacted when he did certain things when it was cold outside and your metal tongue piercing would get cold he adored the way it felt against his warm tongue. He also definitely suggested you get more eyebrow piercings or nose piercings and would buy you custom-made jewelry for all of them, he loved showing you off to people because he just thought of you as the most priceless piece of jewelry in the world. Rudy loves you and he also loves your piercings and tattoos.
kept these pretty short i apologize about that but i hope you enjoy! i loved writing this and thought it fit these two so well, thank you again for your request!!
luv, luvver
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luvverslair · 2 months
lol this is so trueee his girlfriend would 100% do this, thank you for reblogging btw !
Fem!Reader learning that their boyfriend Graves is bisexual, but HE doesn't realize it.
He just assumes every guy checks out other men occasionally. He's totally straight. Some men just have really nice arms.
He becomes defensive when reader points out he even seems to have a type.
hi !! thank you for requesting this just screams graves lol !! i hope you enjoy and i always love any feedback !! (first time writing for graves so cut me a little slack)
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You had been with your boyfriend, Graves for a while now. You thought you knew everything about him until you noticed something about him, whenever the two of you would go out together he seemed to always check out other people, Now it wasn't like he was checking out another woman. No, he was checking out men?
You and he had decided to go out for a late lunch, you went to one of your regular places that hadn't changed in all the time you'd been going there. Yet this time something was different, a new waiter was working there, He came over and greeted you asking for your drink orders, Graves let you go first, and after you ordered you studied your boyfriend across from you. There was a light pinkish coloring across his face as he was talking to the waiter, he started mixing up his words and seemed distracted by the man. After he had finished ordering a smirk came upon your face until he spoke to you “What’s got you smirking?” you let out a giggle before answering “Oh nothing, just that you were eye banging our waiter…” a confused and angry reaction spread across his face “What are you on about Y/n?! I was not eye-banging our waiter.” you, still smirking responded “Yes, you were. I don't mind he's a nice-looking guy…” he, even more angered spat out “Y/n I am a straight man why in the hell would I be checking out a man?” you laughed at his answer before answering “You sure?” he answered back “What in the hell do you mean “Am I sure” I'm very much sure why would I be in a relationship with a woman if I liked men?” you empathetically responded “You can like men and woman you know, its a spectrum” he scoffed out “Just because I can appreciate a good looking guy doesn't mean I like them.” You sighed saying “Graves, it's not just you them appreciating a good-looking guy, it's more than that and that's okay.” his face softened as he thought through your answer, you could tell he was debating what he would say next, he seemed equality terrified and confused at the same time. After a few more moments He finally sighed and spoke out “So let’s say I did find guys somewhat attractive what would that make me?” you smiled grabbing his hand and saying “Whatever you want it to make you.”
well i hope you enjoyed this !! sorry it’s a bit short but i hope you’ll like it anyway !!
luv, luvver
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luvverslair · 2 months
One more Graves one.
Graves with a tomboy reader. His momma told him to find a nice housewife.
And then he meets a wild woman who loves skateboarding, hoodies, and paintball.
omg this is so Graves too !! this is such a good idea and i hope you enjoy!!
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Graves had grown up in a household that taught him many things, one of them being that he would grow up and marry someone who would take care of him, make him dinner, clean the house, raise his kids and among other things be a typical suburban housewife. But boy didn’t follow that path when he met you. He met you at some coffee shop, you walked in skateboard in hand, in some hoodie and baggy jeans with headphones blasting music in your ears. He was infatuated with you when he went up to grab his coffee your arms bumped into each other, he looked at you, you pulled your sunglasses up onto the top of your head and took your headphones out, you stared at him for a moment before muttering “Sorry, I should’ve watch what was happening…” he quickly answered back “Don’t apologize it’s my fault, Hun” you smiled at him as you both moved to the side so people could get by, you talked for awhile before exchanging numbers. And that’s how he got here, watching you put new stickers on the bottom of your board in your shared living room, while you might not cook and clean, you take care of everything he would ever need.
this is so short I apologize, but I hope you enjoy it and i had a lot of fun writing it and thank you for requesting !! I love your ideas so feel free to keep them coming, also feel free to leave any and all feedback !!
luv, luvver
83 notes · View notes
luvverslair · 2 months
loll yes we ALL know ty for reposting !!
Fem!Reader learning that their boyfriend Graves is bisexual, but HE doesn't realize it.
He just assumes every guy checks out other men occasionally. He's totally straight. Some men just have really nice arms.
He becomes defensive when reader points out he even seems to have a type.
hi !! thank you for requesting this just screams graves lol !! i hope you enjoy and i always love any feedback !! (first time writing for graves so cut me a little slack)
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You had been with your boyfriend, Graves for a while now. You thought you knew everything about him until you noticed something about him, whenever the two of you would go out together he seemed to always check out other people, Now it wasn't like he was checking out another woman. No, he was checking out men?
You and he had decided to go out for a late lunch, you went to one of your regular places that hadn't changed in all the time you'd been going there. Yet this time something was different, a new waiter was working there, He came over and greeted you asking for your drink orders, Graves let you go first, and after you ordered you studied your boyfriend across from you. There was a light pinkish coloring across his face as he was talking to the waiter, he started mixing up his words and seemed distracted by the man. After he had finished ordering a smirk came upon your face until he spoke to you “What’s got you smirking?” you let out a giggle before answering “Oh nothing, just that you were eye banging our waiter…” a confused and angry reaction spread across his face “What are you on about Y/n?! I was not eye-banging our waiter.” you, still smirking responded “Yes, you were. I don't mind he's a nice-looking guy…” he, even more angered spat out “Y/n I am a straight man why in the hell would I be checking out a man?” you laughed at his answer before answering “You sure?” he answered back “What in the hell do you mean “Am I sure” I'm very much sure why would I be in a relationship with a woman if I liked men?” you empathetically responded “You can like men and woman you know, its a spectrum” he scoffed out “Just because I can appreciate a good looking guy doesn't mean I like them.” You sighed saying “Graves, it's not just you them appreciating a good-looking guy, it's more than that and that's okay.” his face softened as he thought through your answer, you could tell he was debating what he would say next, he seemed equality terrified and confused at the same time. After a few more moments He finally sighed and spoke out “So let’s say I did find guys somewhat attractive what would that make me?” you smiled grabbing his hand and saying “Whatever you want it to make you.”
well i hope you enjoyed this !! sorry it’s a bit short but i hope you’ll like it anyway !!
luv, luvver
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luvverslair · 2 months
i saw that your requests were open so i was wondering if you could write about tf141 + the los vaqueros relationship with a medevac/medic reader. the reader would be independent and head strong but very empathetic and caring when it comes to their teammates (especially when they’re injured or reckless). thank you 🩷
hi !! thank you so much for your request, this is so cute i’d also to to apologize as i’ve never written for Rodolfo but I tried my best !! either way i hope you enjoy this was so fun to write !!
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Price: Price would adore you, he was the kind of person who loved getting taken care of, when Laswell had insisted they get a medic. When Price first met you, he had gotten banged up on the field, as he walked into you clinic you introduced yourself as Y/n. You immediately got to patching him up, he asked if you needed any help but you strongly answered “No” which he liked, he liked that you were kind and would ask him what happened to him listeningto him ventbut never dumbed your self down for him or anyone do that matter. he definitely started not dreading getting injured as much with the promise he would see you.
Ghost: Ghost had always been the one to say he was “Fine” or his injuries weren't “That bad” when in truth they were, so he hadn't yet met you until he had to. He got severely injured while on a mission and was dragged by Price to your clinic, when he stepped inside you helped him by strongly commanding Price on where to sit him down and what to do while you grabbed supplies, Ghost found this interesting, who knew the medic would be bossing the captain around? But none when you started working on him you began asking him What happened and you began to losen up and even said “Im sorry that happened…” to which he responded “It’s okay love not you fault, thanks for patching me up” and after that day he came to visit you more frequently, while he would still keep small injures to himself he began to become more open with you.
Soap: Johnny knew you were coming in as the new medic the second he overheard Laswell talking about it, he had gone to your clinic on your first day to greet you not expecting you to be so, gorgeous? he immediately started playfully flirting with you as he introduced himself you introduced yourself then shut his attics down by saying “Well thanks for…this but if there’s nothing wrong with you I have stuff to do.” He sighed leaving your clinic, he would greet you everytime you passed each other to which you would respond but never indulged in his corny pick up lines. That was until one day he came in with a pretty bad wound, as you saw him walk into your clinic you sighed saying “Soap im deep in paper work right now I don’t have time for…” as you looked his direction examining him once again you realized his injury, you helped him on the table, once you started patching him up you sighed before saying “Sorry for being rude earlier I had no idea you were hurt” he smiled at you before saying “Oh do you only like me when i’m bleeding out do ya?” you gave him a glare before he said “I’m just kiddin around lass, it’s quite alright” you smiled at him mentally deciding maybe you would give him a chance.
Gaz: When you first met Gaz, you didn’t really pay any mind to him, he would come in and out of the clinic for stuff. Up until now it was all minor injuries things like scratches, cuts nothing major, he would also thank you and be in his mary way, you would hear his fellow teammates joking with him outside and from what you could gather he had somewhat of a “crush” on you. You found he sweet but payed it no mind as you were to busy to deal with things like that. That was up until today when he had came to you very sick, he had a very fever and could barley keep his head up, you began grabbing medicine as you asked him sternly “Why didn’t you come in earlier? this could be serious Gaz.” to which he mutter out “M sorry I didn’t wanna bother you…” your face soften as you walked up to him handing him the medicine and a glass of water while holding a cool rag to his head, after a few moments you finally spoke out “Your never a bother, Gaz, Just promise me next tell you come in when you start to feel sick?” he looked up at you before smiling back “Promise.”
Alejandro: You had met Alejandro when a helicopter had taken you over to a battlefield, he had been fighting along side Price and the others and had been severely wounded, when you got over to him you began working on him, he was making sly flirtatious  conversation with you to which you shushed him as so you could focus. After you fixed him up enough to make it back to a hospital he was taken by helicopter to one. You didn’t see him for a few days after until he stopped by your office knocking to caught your attention, You looked up at him saying “Hey, how are you feeling you healing up ok?” to which he smirked back at you replying “Oh yeah i’ll be fine, just wanted to come by to thank you for helping me out there probably would’ve died if it wasn’t for you” you scoffed back saying “I’m sure you would’ve been alright, but no problem try and stay safer next time hm?” he turned around and while he was walking out he said “Will do, doc”
Rodolfo: Rudy had been dragged into you clinic by Alejandro after he suffered a nasty stab wound, you began inspecting the wound before turning to Alejandro and saying “Could ya give me some space i can feel you breaking down my neck, I promise i’ll take care of him.” Alejandro put his hands in the air in a sign of defeat as he left the clinic, Rudy laughed while saying “You know how to tell someone off I see eh?” you scoffed back replying “I guess you could say that…how’s your wound feeling? I’m almost done patching you up and I gave you a shot for the pain but if you need anything just say.” He looked at you inspecting you for a moment before saying “ll be fine, thank you for helping me out.” you responded back “No problem just get some rest will ya” he smirked back at you saying “Will do, Doc”
ahh this was so fun to write !! I don’t know if I did your request justice and I feel like i could’ve done better but I hope you enjoy !! thank you again for requesting and feel free to leave any and all feedback.
luv, luvver
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luvverslair · 2 months
Fem!Reader learning that their boyfriend Graves is bisexual, but HE doesn't realize it.
He just assumes every guy checks out other men occasionally. He's totally straight. Some men just have really nice arms.
He becomes defensive when reader points out he even seems to have a type.
hi !! thank you for requesting this just screams graves lol !! i hope you enjoy and i always love any feedback !! (first time writing for graves so cut me a little slack)
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You had been with your boyfriend, Graves for a while now. You thought you knew everything about him until you noticed something about him, whenever the two of you would go out together he seemed to always check out other people, Now it wasn't like he was checking out another woman. No, he was checking out men?
You and he had decided to go out for a late lunch, you went to one of your regular places that hadn't changed in all the time you'd been going there. Yet this time something was different, a new waiter was working there, He came over and greeted you asking for your drink orders, Graves let you go first, and after you ordered you studied your boyfriend across from you. There was a light pinkish coloring across his face as he was talking to the waiter, he started mixing up his words and seemed distracted by the man. After he had finished ordering a smirk came upon your face until he spoke to you “What’s got you smirking?” you let out a giggle before answering “Oh nothing, just that you were eye banging our waiter…” a confused and angry reaction spread across his face “What are you on about Y/n?! I was not eye-banging our waiter.” you, still smirking responded “Yes, you were. I don't mind he's a nice-looking guy…” he, even more angered spat out “Y/n I am a straight man why in the hell would I be checking out a man?” you laughed at his answer before answering “You sure?” he answered back “What in the hell do you mean “Am I sure” I'm very much sure why would I be in a relationship with a woman if I liked men?” you empathetically responded “You can like men and woman you know, its a spectrum” he scoffed out “Just because I can appreciate a good looking guy doesn't mean I like them.” You sighed saying “Graves, it's not just you them appreciating a good-looking guy, it's more than that and that's okay.” his face softened as he thought through your answer, you could tell he was debating what he would say next, he seemed equality terrified and confused at the same time. After a few more moments He finally sighed and spoke out “So let’s say I did find guys somewhat attractive what would that make me?” you smiled grabbing his hand and saying “Whatever you want it to make you.”
well i hope you enjoyed this !! sorry it’s a bit short but i hope you’ll like it anyway !!
luv, luvver
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luvverslair · 2 months
hey !! if anyone has any requests/ prompts for soap, price, ghost, gaz, könig, graves or alejandro my inbox is open! thanks
luv, luvver
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luvverslair · 2 months
ahh i'm so glad you liked it!! Also I try to be pretty quick with asks and I loved the prompt !!
I saw that your inbox is open, and I'd like to know about your take on Price/Gaz if they have a crush on someone who's good at reading people, but not if it's about herself. Ex: she (the reader) could tell if someone is interested in him judging by their glance, but she'd be oblivious to his advances, like, he's literally giving her flowers but she thought it's just a nice gesture
hi !! thank you so much for requesting, this is such a cute idea and i’ll try my best to write it as you described hope you enjoy !! (also i’m doing gaz and price both separatly if you mean them together lmk and I can add that aswell!)
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prompt- Gaz and Price with a Reader who is oblivious to there advances
Y/n was always good at reading people, she was able to tell the second a guy liked one of her friends, but for some reason when someone was interested in her she was completely oblivious…
Gaz- Gaz had been trying for months on end to make you realize his feelings for you. He first tried making small talk saying things like “How was your day?” and “What are your favorite movies?” things like that, but none of it seemed to work.
He then tried playfully flirting, making risque jokes. He thought it started to work when you'd flirt back but he quickly realized that you meant it all in a joking manner. He decided to start buying you gifts, he would pay attention to the things you’d mention like what books you’d been wanting to read, jewelry you’d shown him pictures of but nonetheless you’d thank him endlessly and hug him but he could tell you weren’t getting it.
Finally, one day Gaz knocked on your door, you answered inviting him in saying “Hey Gaz, what’s up?” to which he replied “Y/n I need your advice on something, it's about a girl.” you got all giddy and excited answering back “Oo Gaz, of course, I’d love to help you out, so who’s the lucky lady?” he let out a soft laugh before saying “Well, I’ve been giving her I fancy her for months but she just doesn't get it.” you replied “Well have you tried talking to her? Getting her gifts, flirting with her?” he then said with a smirk “Believe me I have, I just don’t know what else I can do to show her…” you sighed before saying “She sounds pretty stupid Gaz, I mean who doesn't get blunt signs like that?” he started laughing at your answer which left you puzzled asking him what was so funny, he then stated still with the same smirk on his face “Look around Y/n, The flowers in that vase I got you, The necklace I got you around your neck.” A look of realization washed across your face before you muttered out a low “You like Me?” he moved closer to you before answering “Of course I like you, I thought i’d made it pretty clear.”
You then engulfed him in a hug apologizing profusely and rambling about how much of an idiot you were,
He pulled you out of the hug still holding you close which had put a stop to your endless rambling before saying “Well at least you’re my idiot.” before softly kissing your lips.
Price- Price had fancied you since the moment he met you, but he was a gentleman. He started by buying you flowers, taking you to nice dinners, and making sure he walked you to your door after he drove you home, but you didn’t ever pursue anything more.
He first started to doubt if you liked his company or not but when you’d message him throughout his days and make plans to go out with him it left him utterly confused. He started getting you more extravagant gifts taking you to more places and talking to you whenever he had free time. Every time you seem thrilled by his advances but again you never move forward in your “relationship” with him. You however were completely clueless and had no idea he fancied you and just saw him as one of your good friends. That was until one night he called you inviting you over to his house, when you arrived rose petals were leading up to his dining room. You saw him standing there with a beautiful meal in front of you which he hadn’t prepared himself but that didn’t matter. especially not when he handed you a beautiful pair of earrings and a huge bouquet of your favorite flowers, you finally spoke out saying “Thank you so much, Price but what’s the occasion?” He answered you while pulling out your chair for you, “No occasion love, but I do need to ask you something.”
You were confused but stared into his eyes awaiting his question, he spoke out softly “Over the time I’ve known you, I’ve tried to make it obvious I fancy you, I don’t know if you don’t feel the same way or…” You interrupted him before he could finish blurting out “What..? You’re saying you like me?” he looked quite surprised answering “I thought I’d made it quite obvious love?”
A wave of emotions washed over you, and you softly answered “I’m so sorry, I had no idea, god I’m so blind” he let out a low chuckle before responding “Well that’s quite alright, I do hope you feel the same way though, if you don’t that’s alright of course.” He seemed quite scared looking at your face trying to read it, before his mind could jump to conclusions you stood up kissing him, which caught him by surprise but he quickly eased into it. After a moment you broke the kiss before replying “I feel the same, Price.” With a grin on your face.
well, I hope you enjoyed it!! This was my first request so I hope I did okay. Thank you for requesting I loved writing this and feel free to leave any and all feedback and leave more requests in the future!!
luv, luvver
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luvverslair · 2 months
Hear me out: price who has mom! Reader next door who's dealing with all these handyman tasks herself and eventually he goes over and asks her if she wants help, cue a cute conversation as they fit her house up together and her kid(s) loving him and oh my goshhhj
hi!! Thank you for requesting this I love this with price, I tried my hardest to write this and hope you enjoy!! (also I decided to do a both son and daughter so there could be a bit of both hope that's okay!!)
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prompt- Price with next door neighbor Mom!reader needing some help with work around the house.
You had recently moved into your new home with your kids, it was a bit run down but being a single mom in today's economy was not easy. On your first day there you met your neighbor, He induced himself as John but said everyone called him Price. He was kind enough to help you move some of your boxes in while your kids were running around in the backyard. Once you had finished moving everything inside you offered him some tea which he immediately accepted, you both sat down on the front porch as he began telling you about local places to go to “Yeah, there's a place right down the road that has probably the best food around here, the grocery store is also just a couple blocks away” you smiled at him replying “Thank you, for the advice and also helping me with all the boxes, your too kind” he smirked before saying “Its really no problem, love” a light pink started to make its way across your cheeks as you both sat in silence staring at the sky, that was until your kids decided to run into the front yard playing some form of tag, you let out a soft sigh before yelling out “Kids! Come say thank you to the nice neighbor that helped us.” your kids ran over before looking Price up and down and saying in unison “Thank you Mr. Neighbor sir”, Price let out a small laugh Before saying “No problem kids, your mom made it worth the work” you kids then both started ooing before running off.
in the following weeks, Price had joined your family for countless dinners, that was until Your water heater broke, You had tried fixing it when your son said “I'm going to play outside” before grabbing his younger sister and running out the front door you followed with a yell saying “Be careful! Don't go in the road” before slamming the tool you had in your hand down and putting your head in your knees. You had zero clue about fixing a lot of things, especially an old water heater the past tenants never replaced.
Little did you know your two kids had run over to your next-door neighbor's house knocking on the door when price answered your kids immediately started rambling about how you needed help fixing something. Price went to go get his tool bag before following the kids into your basement when they reached you, you had made zero progress and had probably made it worse than before. Price spoke out saying “Looks like you need some help there love, why don't you kids go play for a while I'll stay and help your mom out.” The kids nodded their heads and thanked him before running off, You sighed saying “I'm sorry I had no clue they went to go bother you…” he replied, “Nonsense, they never a bother neither are you.” Before working on the water heater, After a shirt twenty minutes he had your water heater up again to which you profusely thanked him. After a while You had dinner ready and of course invited Price to stay for “payment” knowing you would've had him either way, You called your kids inside and instructed them to wash their hands, as they did your daughter stated “You got the hot water working already?!” running up and hugging price thanking him for helping her mom, he smiled and hugged back. You could get used to having him help You.
I loved writing this, it’s pretty short, I apologize but I hope you like it anyway! thank you again for requesting and I’d love to get more from you in the future!
luv, luvver
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