macalcord · 3 years
Final Wishes.
Elliott Green Esq. Stood at the entrance of the apartment building looking down at the address his secretary had written in her terrible handwriting. Twisting and flipping the paper around as he tried to decipher her cryptic scribbles. Never hire another twenty year old, they're so used to texting everything they don't know how to do basic things like using a pen. He says under his breath, he opens the door and walks in thinking that he's figured out the chicken scratch as best he could.
Stepping onto the elevator and pressing the right button he stood silently as the elevator moved up a few floors then stops. Stepping out and walking the long well lit and rather fancy hallway thinking to himself. This is Harlem? It's nothing like what the media says it is. Even the neighborhood around the building was more like the kind of neighborhood he lives in and he lives in Lower Manhattan.
Stopping at the door he checks the apartment number against the paper in his hand then knocks. Taking the time to adjust his dark blue silk tie when the door opens. Elliot finds his eyes have to travel up quite a bit since his 5.5" frame barely meets the massive man's chest.
Can I help you? The man says with a bit of impatience in his voice, his mustard yellow tee shirt which seems to be painted on his huge frame was covered with a thick substance that he was trying to wipe off with a wet towel, a wailing baby in the background comes pouring out into the hallway.
Ummm well. The words fumbled out of his mouth as he tried to recover from the shock of the size of the man in the door, he wasn't just big and tall he was almost pure muscle. Elliott isn't usually into the muscle heads but the man didn't look like the horse steroids body builder type, he was ripped but he looked natural. Elliott had to compose himself for a second then holding out his business card to the man.
Yes, my name is Elliott Green, my firm represents..represented Dorothy Walker. I'm looking for Ms. Jessica Jones.
The man looked Elliott over before opening the door wide enough to allow him in. Wait in the living room, just have a seat and I'll get her. And its Mrs. now. The man held out his huge hand to shake. I'm Luke Cage her husband and she's in a bit of a crisis dealing with our daughter who just spit up on me and her favorite leather jacket.
Her husband, that's disappointing Elliott thinks to himself as Luke dissapeared down a hallway and into a room.
Luke steps in the room next to Jessica and looks down at Danielle who was just starting to stop crying. Hey there is a lawyer in the living room who says he represented your mother. Let me take over here I'll clean her up and change shirts then join you.
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macalcord · 3 years
Fathers and Sons
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With the emergence of Luke as Harlem's Hero, James Lucas moved to New York in order to arrange a reunion with his son. He reached out to his son but was rebuffed. Luke had no intention on reuniting with the abusive religious zealot of a man that not only refused to support his son who was wrongfully convicted and sent to prison. He didn't even take the time to tell his son his mother passed away while he was in prison.
But that's who James Lucas was, cold and hard. A piece of granite was more emotionally accessible and supportive than James.
There was also his fanatical attitude about races, James was velmetly against mixing of races. Luke can recall bringing home his girl friend who was mixed, her mother being Puerto Rican and her father Haitian. To James this was an offense to God, despite never being able to show Luke one passage or verse that proved his point. But that didn't stop him from threatening to kick a 14 year out for dating her.
In his apartment he moved into so he could have a place to lay his head while he looked for Luke. James walked around his living practicing what he'll say to Luke when he sees him.. It's the same thing he does every Sunday before he gives one of his sermons. Practice till it's as easy as saying your name.
James taking a break to sit at a desk, the open laptop's bright screen hurting his old eyes making him pull his glasses out, it's not much relief but enough to allow his eyes to focus one what's on the screen. Multiple pages and pictures on his son. There is a sense of peace and pride when he looks at pictures with only Luke in them. Old articles of how Luke saved Harlem. But that feeling quickly falls to the side as his eyes scan over pictures of Luke with Danny and Trish, laughing and smiling at dinner either at their apartment or Danny and Trish's Penthouse. Its obvious James hired a PI to spy on his son, the pictures probably taken with the same kind of camera Jessica uses to take long distance but clear pictures of people she's investigating.
James continued to click pictures and videos of the investigator gave him and then he had his most disgusted and angry reaction when he watched the video of Jessica and Trish outside Rand Enterprises, the night they went jumping around rooftops and got confronted by reporters, most of the frenzy of questions flew right pass him, they meant nothing to him. Until a reporter as Jessica. "Are you pregnant?"
Did his son not only shack up then marry this white woman but now got her pregnant? This in his mind is abomination in his eyes and he will straighten his son out and put him back on the righteous path.
After doing his research he figured out where to be to make sure he and Luke run into each other but first he wants to speak with this woman that is misleading his son.
Waiting outside the building for Luke to go on his morning run. Before making his way up to the apartment and waits after ringing the doorbell.
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macalcord · 3 years
Boy's Night
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Luke awkwardly exchanged smiles with at least 60 plus year old receptionist that was giving him a strong wanting to climb him vibes but that's not the only reason things felt awkward. See he was sitting outside the boardroom at Rand Enterprises, waiting for Danny Rand to finish addressing the board of directors and from the sound of things they are not happy with what he has to say.
YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR MIND IF YOU THINK WE WILL STAND BY AND LET YOU RUIN THIS COMPANY! Gabriel Vasquez shouted at Danny who was standing side by side with his childhood friends Ward and Joy Meachum. Joy clears her throat before she spoke. This decision has been made you can either get on board or accept the buyout of your...MEAGER Shares! Ward cuts off his sister. We do not need your permission to do anything if you count Danny's 49 percent and the 20 percent belonging to Joy and myself we have more than enough power to do this! Danny much more calming presence speaks up. This is my company and this is my decision. The past decades you all have built up enough generational wealth that even if you lived 500 years you would barely make a dent in your money. It's obscene! Rand Enterprises is built on blood money, weapons of war was the first thing I decided we will no longer produce. I moved us to using tech to help wounded soldiers with our cybernetic parts but after Kevin Kilgrave attacked city and it was Rand Enterprises that developed the cure for his powers effect on the people. And instead of being happy with what we did. Joy informed me that this board is trying to profit on that cure by selling it to foreign nations who want to change that platform to track its citizens by dumping our tech into the water supply.
Danny clinches his fist but prevents it from glowing. You have sold our tech to despots and tyrants who will use it to dominate descending voices..No more! Joy steps in again. Before you are what are generous offers rather you stay with Rand Enterprises in the future or decide to leave. If you cannot find the will to move forward I suggest you leave now. This will not stand! Gabriel protest again. We'll sue you into the ground! Looking around the room for support from the other members but finding none. Are you seriously gonna let him just show up after decades and do this? Well I refuse to yield and take this pathetic payout! Shoving himself from the table and walking to stand in from of Danny, Gabriel grits his teeth and seethe with anger as he got right in Danny's face. If you think you can force me out try it! I'll make sure you live to regret it..but don't worry..It will only be for a moment or two! Ward shoves Gabriel back forcing him to fall backward. Old man you forget your place! WARD! Danny grabs him as Ward stood over Gabriel. It's fine this is over and there is nothing he can do about. Ladies and gentlemen next week Ward, Joy and myself will file the paperwork and by years end Rand Enterprises will be a nonprofit charity that will reach out worldwide with our aid. Looking down at his watch Danny turns to Joy and Ward and smiles. You two got this right? Of course go ahead enjoy your night. Thanks I'll call you later. Giving Joy a hug and patting Ward on the shoulder Danny walks out the door to a waiting Luke who looks up at him with a smirk.
Well that sounded like it went well. Shut up and let's get out of here before I punch an old man in the face. Fine by me let's head to my soon to be no longer my club. Not really in the mood for a smokey club tonight. Danny shaking his head no. Don't sweat it, the place is closed tonight the roof is has been leaking so I shut down. We'll have the place to ourselves. Danny grins as he and Luke walk to the elevator a few feet from the boardroom and step on.
So just a quiet night right? Nothing crazy, drama free? Danny asked as the doors closed. What kind of drama can we get into by ourselves in a closed nightclub? Luke answers with a grin.
Back in the boardroom Gabriel back in his seat stares at the offer before him, pushing it to the floor he takes out his phone and sends a text. Eliminate him! Is all he sends. Across town in a Auto Repair garage Yannick Bisson a general in the Helena Cartel one of the few surviving gangs not wiped out by Frank Castle. HEY GET EVERYONE! We got a job!
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macalcord · 3 years
Watch "Al Green - Love and Happiness" on YouTube
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macalcord · 4 years
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macalcord · 4 years
The Forgotten Ones
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They move in silent purpose, weaving within the shadows, they are ARE shadows they are...Just what the hell are you doing? I'm narrating our first epic mission. Get your head out your ass noobie. My name is Issac, not noobie! Can the chatter you two we're approaching Rand Enterprises from the the east.
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Yes sir, I'll be in overwatch in 20 seconds. Good..Cat watch out for the noobie don't let anyone interfere with securing the exit. Gotcha Wendell nobody will get near him, setting up now.
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I'm making my entry now, you two be careful and if possible try not to kill anyone.
Wendell silent enters the building one floor above the lab. How are you doing with our exit Issac? I'm setting up the trip wires and marking them so only your Hud will see them just like we planned, then I'll move to clear anyone in your path, if Cat sees anyone. That floor is clear as far as I can see but there is plenty of activity 2 floors below and the lobby oh a large good of mass in a single hallway above you boss, they look like they're trying to get into that lab behind that door. That must be our good doctor, he must have locked himself in there. Well that door looks like it's about to give, boss I don't think you can wait on Master to get here in time.
Wendell knows Cat is right, by the time the master gets there they'll get into that lab and get the doctor and the cure. I'm going, we're out of time! Wendell leaves his spot in the shadows and heads to the staircase and takes it up to the floor with the lab. I count 13 or 14 but most are wearing lab coats only 4 are actual security which means only 4 have training and firearms, they need to go to sleep first. Reaching to his side and draws 2 bamboo sticks instead of the sword on his back or the many other blades he carries. He remembers his master's words..No hesitation. He moves with blinding speed his eyes locked on his 4 biggest threat weaving and spinning through the crowd that reaches out to grab or strike him, none can touch him and as he reaches his first 2 targets, he strikes, crack crack! His bamboo sticks strike under the ribs of both men, making them double over, 2 more crack crack across the back of the head putting them down. But before he can be sure his body jerks to his right out of pure survival instincts a bullet flies just under his arm missing him but striking a young female doctor instead. Wendell has no time to react to the woman being shot because 2 more shots ring out but this time Wendell positioned his sticks in time to catch them but in the process destroyed his sticks but he doesn't stop moving forward. He flings what's left of his stick at the man's gun knocking it out of his hand, giving him plenty of time to close the distance and landing a knock out with a kick under the chin.
As prepared as Wendell thought he was he's getting frustrated with how long this was taking. Enough of this! He pulls a throwing knife and sends it flying into the hand of the last guard then leaps out the crowd but not before dropping a bunch of small balls on the floor that explode and fill the hall with gas. Slowly and one by one the group began falling to the floor.
That took to long the master would have been done in seconds! The Master has Supernatural power of a dragon, we are just ordinary people. Cat trying to reassure her leader as she watches through her scope. Wendell steps over the fallen bodies to the doors key pad. Issac are you sure your skeleton key will work. If they didn't destroy the keypad my stuff will work! Typing in the code Issac gave him the doors open up, huddled in a corner shielding a black case with Rand Enterprises across was a man shaking. Dr. Burstein, my name is Wendell. Pulling off his hood to show his face. Danny Rand sent us to protect you. You're not going to kill me? And fail my first mission? I don't think so, now we have to move there is more enemies here than we expected, you're not safe here. Did you two hear me, Issac get back to base. Cat you two but set a flare off so master will know where to go. Roger..Roger..both say before following orders. Your exit is north side, I've cleared your path. Good job see you at home. Wendell reaches out his hand to pull the doctor to his feet. Stay close, path should be clear but just in case.
Wendell pokes his head out the door, the people he knocked out spayed across the hallway, the gas should keep them down for the rest of the night, he waves the doctor to follow him and leads him through the planned route out, occasionally coming across an unconscious person Issac must have dealt with. Happily they make it to the stairs that lead them to the roof. A rope and harness waiting for them again Issac set up for them before he escaped himself.
Ok sir we have to go over the side down to the street, I'm gonna hook you end and you're be perfectly safe. Wendell helps the doctor into the harness and then over the side the tether between them allows them to repel together with Wendell controlling them till they hit the ground.
Danny traveling by leaping from rooftops is only a couple of blocks away when he first hears the pop and then sees a blue flare flying in the air, smoothly shifts his body in midair and turns direction and moves towards the street level, he stops just long enough to text Trish. Meet me at this address when you get Luke.
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macalcord · 4 years
Doctor Noah Burstein M.D. was a medical doctor and scientist based at Seagate Prison where he performed enhancement experiments on inmates. The experiment was performed on Luke Cage, who gained enhanced physical abilities. Years later Luke is experiencings surges in his powers, his physical strenght growing isn’t what concerns him it’s the lack of control, he’s afraid that one day he’ll lose control and hurt someone..hurt Jessica or their baby. Luke needs help to know what’s going on with his powers and Dr. Burstein is probably the only person on the planet with answers. 
Luke had to use some of Danny’s vast resources to find the good doctor, seem after the events of Seagate Burstein went to ground and has been hiding from the authorities who blame him for the destruction and the dozens of prisoners that escaped in the chaos. 
Branson Missouri is not exactly known for World Class Genetic Scientist to retire to but a great place for one to disappear. There are woods that a deep and vast that someone that really wanted to could easily disappear into them. Which made finding him a complete pain in the ass once Luke and Jessica drove as far as the road would allow them. 
Well I guess we walk from here. Luke says sighing. They walked along a faded trail that eventually opened into a dirt road. Ok this is weird why is there suddenly a road here? They contiinue on for a few more miles and start to come across keep away signs, no trespassing the usual warning that people put up to scare folks off, Luke looks at Jessica and smirks. Seriously what can they do to us? Shoot us...land mines. He grins but then suddenly stops when he hears a distinct click from below his foot. Umm baby you may want to step back, I think the universe has a pretty twisted sense of humor and I just stepped on a land mine. 
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macalcord · 4 years
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macalcord · 4 years
Danny’s Moves
Agent Perry’s career has stalled, he’s been stuck doing boring office task for a few years now, mostly helping the recently Unsnapped People back into their daily routines..Yup they show you pictures of the world seen from the deck of a Helicarrier and elite agents running into battle with Cap and Ironman and once you sign the dotted line..Office manager in a field office, sure its in Manhattan but Agent Perry was Ranger, before joining S.H.I.E.L.D he went on raids and hunted insurgents around the world and now he files paperwork and relocation request for people who have been missing since the battle for Earth.
It was a surprise when the switchboard fowarded a call from Danny Rand. Danny’s company has been one of the big 4 weapon manufactures that had contracts with S.H.I.E.L.D. But when Danny took over just like Stark he stopped his company from making weapons anymore and unlike Stark who still supplied tech and stuff like Quinn Jets and stuff Rand moved competely into BioMedical and Nanobot applications for helping victims of war. So if Agent Perry could convince Danny to start making weapons again it would boost his stalled career. 
Mr. Rand I’m Agent Oliver Perry, Field Manager of Manhattan office what can I do for you today? He asked. Agent Perry we have a bit of a situation. Danny says I assume you’re aware of the Dorothy Walker death? Yes, I’m aware of it but it wasn’t deemed something S.H.I.E.L.D should investigate. Agent Perry responded it was an accidental fire according to local reports. I’m afraid those reports were wrong. Danny retorts. She was murdered by a person with the abliity to cause people and things to spontaneously combust and by the way she was just the latest of victims, I’m fimilar with at least 3 others. 
Agent Perry starts scanning through files and already discovered similar cases, since they were not really near each other with the exception of two here in New York nobody bothered to connect them. Sloppy Investigating on the part of local law enforcement. Agent Perry says out lound looking through the files. I see what you mean Mr. Rand this is a problem but hardly anything local authories can’t handle on their own.  NO! ABOSOLUTLEY NOT! Danny shouts into his phone. There will be dead cops everywhere burnt to a crisp they are not equiped to handle someone that can set them on fire with a look. This is something you guys do right, I mean the whole multiple alien invasions and all. Danny reminds him. Mr. Rand I’m gonna be blunt, you want us to help you with this favor than we will need a favor from you. Agent Perry say. Let me cut you off right there Agent Perry, I will not make weapons for S.H.I.E.L.D or anyone else! Danny states clearly so that there are no misunderstandings. However Rand Industries has made a break through on a new Nanoweave that has showned extreme resistance to projectiles and blunt force..I can produce the material and what you do with it is entirely up to you, I’m sure if you were to use it into some body armor that is far far superior to your current would please your superiors greatly.
Agent Perry ponders this..Sure it’s not some super weapon but this could work, its the start of bringing Rand and his company back in and who knows where this could lead. Ok Mr. Rand tell me what you want us to do?
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macalcord · 4 years
An Awkward Favor
It's been about a week since Jessica told Luke that she was pregnant and they were going to be parents. It was news that Luke was excited to hear even tho it scares the hell out of both him and Jessica they were still quite happy. However his wife's unrelenting hatred of doctors is a REAL PAIN IN THE ASS!
It came down to either she bit the bullet and see a doctor or Luke did something that was completely uncomfortable for all involved. It took a day or two for him to get up the nerve to make the call, funny the man can let a grenade explode in his face but calling her made him hesitant.
After finally making the call a meeting time was set..a neutral spot in a Manhattan coffee shop. Luke debated taking Jessica with him, I mean this was basically walking off a cliff for him because who knows what his firecracker of a wife will do but this is for the sake of their baby so he really didn't have a choice.
They arrived about 20 minutes early and found a table towards the back. It wasn't long until a woman walked up to them and sat down, she wore a short jacket to cover up her dark blue scrubs, the meeting time apparently coincided with her next shift. Luke stood up, pulling out a chair for her, smiling at the woman to cover up the awkward feelings he had seeing her again.
"Hey Claire, thanks for coming." Claire eyes him for a second before smiling and addresses Jessica holding out her hand. "You're Jessica Jones? Hi I'm Claire it's nice to meet you." Luke thrown a little when she ignores him but not so much that he doesn't notice the wedding ring on her finger.
"You're married..Congratulations I'm happy for you."
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macalcord · 4 years
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macalcord · 4 years
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macalcord · 4 years
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macalcord · 4 years
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macalcord · 4 years
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macalcord · 4 years
Dinner with Dorothy
Sometime has passed in the lives of Luke,Jessica, Danny and Trish. Plenty of changes have happened to all of them. They’ve become couples, each couple moved in together, they defeated some serious evil and they’ve started a company together. Trish had mentioned to Danny a few times how her mother has asked..demanded to meet Danny..Luke for some reason hasn’t had the same request to meet. 
Danny wanting to take the pressure off Trish agrees to the meet but on the condition that they do it at Jessica and Luke’s place. “So how did we get dragged into this situation? I mean the woman clearly has no interest in meeting me soooo this is more of a you two problem, not a us two problem.”
“Hey sooner or later she was gonna come for you sooooo I figured strong front from the four of us and who knows this might just be a fun night.” Luke shrugs his shoulders. “You’re delusional brother, it’s a good thing I just restocked the bar..I’m betting Jessica wont be the only one needing a drink or several tonight.”
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macalcord · 4 years
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