macamillequeddeng · 2 days
Emerging Technologies - Week 4
It's end of week 4. Wow! It's been almost a month since we started Spring Term.
This week, we tackled the Four Essential Decision Styles, Analytical, Conceptual, Directive, and Behavioral. These decision styles enable managers and leaders to tackle problems and make decisions that align with their individual preferences and the particular context of the situation. Recognizing these styles can improve the effectiveness and adaptability of decision-making in diverse scenarios.
It's also important to learn how to make the Best Choice. and for that, we have some guides how to do it. We also have the Evaluation Tool to measure the capacity of various emerging technologies to close a business gap.
During our Thursday class in person, we discussed what we have learned for the past weeks in this subject. It was a fun day! we get to discuss the plans for our assignments as well. I already know how to finish my first assignment. I hope to finish it before the deadline. :)
Emerging Technologies - Week 1
It's the first week of class for the Spring Term, and this will be my 3rd semester. This week I learned about Gap Analysis, it is the process that companies use to evaluate the current state while also looking if they're meeting the expected outcome. If not, then the company will now identify what are the gaps or in-between issues, and what will be the best solution. More of auditing the current state to set up a good direction in the future.
Also, I have learned about the different tools, processes, templates, and reports of Gap Analysis. For the template, you have to identify what are Items being analyzed, the Current State, the Desired State, and what are the Existing Gaps. After you identify from the given template, you will now apply the six-step process for Gap Analysis. You have to be very detailed in working on these steps.
There are also six tools to use in Gap Analysis. And you can use one of each tools depending on the current situation of the business or the company.
First, we have the SWOT analysis, one of the most popular tools that is being used. This stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. The second is PERT, you can use this tool if the project is complex and heavily time-dependent. Another is the Nadler-Tushman congruence model, unlike the SWOT that looks at schedules and timing, this tool focuses more on how different elements of an organization. Fishbone Diagram, this tool literally looks like a fish skeleton if you'll gonna look at the chart. Mckinsey 7-S model,it has 7 S's, structure, strategy, systems, skills, style, staff, and shared values. and Burke-Litwin Change Model, this model tackles the issue of change management identifying the 12 elements that influence an organization.
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macamillequeddeng · 9 days
Emerging Technologies - Week 3
This week's topic, we review more about the SWOT analysis. we have learned that SWOT analysis can be performed both quantitative and qualitative. When we say quantitative, data is measurable, it involves numerical data to evaluate different components of SWOT. On the other hand, Qualitative captures the context behind the data, like understanding the company's nature, and its history.
We also discussed the Cynefin Network, which has 5 domains, and they are Simple, (sense-categorize-respond ) Complicated (Probe-Sense-Respond), Complex(Probe-Sense-Respond), Chaotic(Act-Sense-Respond), and Disorder, this is the domain where one doesn't know which of the other domains to apply.
We also tackled System Integrity, my professor asked, what is 'Integrity', and I answered, it is the right thing to do, even if no one is looking. And I realized we're talking about system integrity, not about life in general. lol. System Integrity means the system is accurate, consistent, and reliable.
Emerging Technologies - Week 1
It's the first week of class for the Spring Term, and this will be my 3rd semester. This week I learned about Gap Analysis, it is the process that companies use to evaluate the current state while also looking if they're meeting the expected outcome. If not, then the company will now identify what are the gaps or in-between issues, and what will be the best solution. More of auditing the current state to set up a good direction in the future.
Also, I have learned about the different tools, processes, templates, and reports of Gap Analysis. For the template, you have to identify what are Items being analyzed, the Current State, the Desired State, and what are the Existing Gaps. After you identify from the given template, you will now apply the six-step process for Gap Analysis. You have to be very detailed in working on these steps.
There are also six tools to use in Gap Analysis. And you can use one of each tools depending on the current situation of the business or the company.
First, we have the SWOT analysis, one of the most popular tools that is being used. This stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. The second is PERT, you can use this tool if the project is complex and heavily time-dependent. Another is the Nadler-Tushman congruence model, unlike the SWOT that looks at schedules and timing, this tool focuses more on how different elements of an organization. Fishbone Diagram, this tool literally looks like a fish skeleton if you'll gonna look at the chart. Mckinsey 7-S model,it has 7 S's, structure, strategy, systems, skills, style, staff, and shared values. and Burke-Litwin Change Model, this model tackles the issue of change management identifying the 12 elements that influence an organization.
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macamillequeddeng · 16 days
Emerging Technologies - Week 2
Week 2 of our discussions in Emerging Technologies.
This week, we have dived in to more broad concept of SWOT analysis. We have tackled different tools to use, the benefits, and some examples of SWOT analysis.
The benefits of using the SWOT analysis are to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, it will also recognize opportunities and threats, therefore, the organization or company will be informed and can make decisions strategically that will also enhance the overall process to a more competitive outcome.
It is also my first time hearing about the "unknown unknowns", and I thought, Is it unexpecting the unexpected? but technically, this is an unforeseen or unexpected issue that can have a big impact on the organization's current process. And there are indeed things that you "know", and there are things that "you don't know", so you always have to think outside the box and be proactive in identifying and addressing potential unknown unknowns to help the organizations better guide the uncertainty and minimize the impact of unexpected events.
Emerging Technologies - Week 1
It's the first week of class for the Spring Term, and this will be my 3rd semester. This week I learned about Gap Analysis, it is the process that companies use to evaluate the current state while also looking if they're meeting the expected outcome. If not, then the company will now identify what are the gaps or in-between issues, and what will be the best solution. More of auditing the current state to set up a good direction in the future.
Also, I have learned about the different tools, processes, templates, and reports of Gap Analysis. For the template, you have to identify what are Items being analyzed, the Current State, the Desired State, and what are the Existing Gaps. After you identify from the given template, you will now apply the six-step process for Gap Analysis. You have to be very detailed in working on these steps.
There are also six tools to use in Gap Analysis. And you can use one of each tools depending on the current situation of the business or the company.
First, we have the SWOT analysis, one of the most popular tools that is being used. This stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. The second is PERT, you can use this tool if the project is complex and heavily time-dependent. Another is the Nadler-Tushman congruence model, unlike the SWOT that looks at schedules and timing, this tool focuses more on how different elements of an organization. Fishbone Diagram, this tool literally looks like a fish skeleton if you'll gonna look at the chart. Mckinsey 7-S model,it has 7 S's, structure, strategy, systems, skills, style, staff, and shared values. and Burke-Litwin Change Model, this model tackles the issue of change management identifying the 12 elements that influence an organization.
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macamillequeddeng · 24 days
Emerging Technologies - Week 1
It's the first week of class for the Spring Term, and this will be my 3rd semester. This week I learned about Gap Analysis, it is the process that companies use to evaluate the current state while also looking if they're meeting the expected outcome. If not, then the company will now identify what are the gaps or in-between issues, and what will be the best solution. More of auditing the current state to set up a good direction in the future.
Also, I have learned about the different tools, processes, templates, and reports of Gap Analysis. For the template, you have to identify what are Items being analyzed, the Current State, the Desired State, and what are the Existing Gaps. After you identify from the given template, you will now apply the six-step process for Gap Analysis. You have to be very detailed in working on these steps.
There are also six tools to use in Gap Analysis. And you can use one of each tools depending on the current situation of the business or the company.
First, we have the SWOT analysis, one of the most popular tools that is being used. This stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. The second is PERT, you can use this tool if the project is complex and heavily time-dependent. Another is the Nadler-Tushman congruence model, unlike the SWOT that looks at schedules and timing, this tool focuses more on how different elements of an organization. Fishbone Diagram, this tool literally looks like a fish skeleton if you'll gonna look at the chart. Mckinsey 7-S model,it has 7 S's, structure, strategy, systems, skills, style, staff, and shared values. and Burke-Litwin Change Model, this model tackles the issue of change management identifying the 12 elements that influence an organization.
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